Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Vino el Amor #102; Tuesday, March 28, 2017: Vino la trampa (trap)

After breakfast in the Robles house, Marta comes in and asks Bobby if he is ready for school. Lilian says Marta is late. Bobby says he had a nightmare but Tiá woke him and took care of him. He says he is liking his Tía a lot more now. “So where is Fernanda?” asks Marta. “Oh she just got through with her therapy with Anderson and will spend some time studying because the exams are tomorrow.” Marta asks, “And who is going to take her to school?” “I’m taking her to school today”, says Lil. Bobby kisses his Tía and Grandma goodbye and Marta and Bobby leave. Lil then says,“We are going to have to put Marta in her place because she is only an employee here. It’s not right that the children love her so much.” Grace responds, “It’s just a matter of time and I’ll get Bobby’s love. I have a plan but I’m going to need your help.” Lil says, “Of course you do.”

Miguel and David continue in the SB office and seem to finish working out the irrigation plans. David tells Mig that he is glad that Mig is with Erica and that he deserves to be happy. But Mig responds, “I’m just very sorry that Luciana is suffering right now.”

Anderson and Fer finish up the “therapy”. She tells him things are seeming like they are normal again and feeling like a normal family with Tía Grace around, like before her mother died and we were all so happy. Then she asks, “What’s so wrong about wanting my dad to fall in love with my aunt?”  “Dr.” Anderson’s reply is that “Oh this is very normal.”

Luciana arrives at the SB office while Mig is working on the plans. She hands him a binder that belongs to him. He shares how his relationship with David has changed with David no longer his boss. Now he has a different situation and he was going to have his own land to work on and now there are different circumstances. Lu says he shouldn’t compare himself to David and that he needs to figure out his own path in life. “Look, I just want to achieve my own dreams. What, are you telling me I can’t do it? That I’ll never have own a big vineyard like Bodega de Los Angeles?” They banter on for a little bit and he tells her that Dave told him that even though she and Dave are not together right now, Dave still loves her. David comes in and says he’s done with Erica and Adolfo and needs to head back. So he and Lu thank Mig and take off.

Sonia at the employees’ house tells León she’s really tired. “Well that’s what happens when you are up late writing”, says León. Sonia tells him it’s because DisGrace had her up cooking breakfast at 5:00 a.m. León wants to know what Sonia has been writing. “It’s the story of your mother!” says Sonia. León is not too pleased with this at all and says he’s not in agreement with any of this. “So where do you think that novels are made? They come from real life”, says Sonia.  León still is not pleased, says he has to go back to work and walks out looking ticked off.

At Juan’s place, Perla dutifully serves Juan his coffee. He grills her for more information about what she knows about Carito but she says she knows nothing. He says he needs to find her so that he can protect them from Mark. Plus he doesn’t want Carito shifting the blame and snitching on them. Anyway, he has to go to City Hall and either she can go with him or go shopping. She says, “Oh Juan, sometimes you are so super angry, but then you can be really sweet. “Well I have to be harsh so that you understand, Perla. Remember, absolutely everything I do, I do it for you.” (Hmmmm….I think there is a song by Bryan Adams by that name.)

Lu comes into Susan’s office and tells her about Miguel’s attitude of having to compete with David. She thinks maybe she is over reacting because she is feeling so alone right now. “But you’re not alone”, Susan says. “Remember you still have me.” Susan gives her a big hug. “Lu then says, “Right now I don’t have my best friend and neither do I have the man I love.” Susan says, “You just gotta have some faith dear!” (I think there is a song by George Michael with that name.) Sue goes on, “Everything will soon work out. Look, just like Miguel has found happiness, you will too soon.” 

Cesar comes to take Susan to dinner and they invite Lu but she declines. After Lu leaves, Susan tries to get Cesar to talk to Dave about what is going on. He says that he’s tried but Dave has made his decisions. He can’t interfere. He can advise, but can’t convince him. Susan gets upset and says she’s no longer hungry and walks out.

Dave is inside helping Fer with her math problems. “And this is how you solve the problem for these derivatives”, says Dave. Fer says, “Dad, how can you remember all this stuff?” (DisGrace is in the room looking rather bored and resentful). “Well at the university, I was right on point with this. DisGrace says, “I’m so glad you came to help because I’m pretty lost with math myself.” Dave says, “Well art and math are worlds apart.” He looks at Fer and says, “You know your mother was really good at math too.” “Yes that was true”, says Grace. She leaves to go find Bobby. Dave asks her about her therapy with Anderson. She says she feels better, but she wants her Tía to stay till after her exams.

DisGrace goes to the kitchen and asks Marta for 3 glasses of lemonade and a sandwich for Bobby too. Dave, Fer, and herself where all together helping Fer with her studies and she’s helping Bobby too! But Marta says, “I want to know what you are up to. I already heard your mother say that she wants to send Bobby away to boarding school. What is going on?” DisGrace then turns on her sociopathic charms to try to get Marta to feel sorry for her, saying how her egotistical mom always liked Lisa best, yada, yada, yada. She goes on and says “I wish my dad would have really paired up with you and maybe, just maybe he’d be alive today.” Marta kind of looks like she is falling for this song and dance when she finally says, “But I clearly heard your mother say she is going to send Bobby to boarding school.” DisGrace explains that her mother was probably saying that to annoy her. Then DisGrace starts in on saying that the situation about Luciana and David is the same as Marta and Fernando. Marta says it’s not the same. But DisGrace goes on and on about how she loves David herself and wants what is best for the children. Marta then says, “I want what is best for them and I will see to it that no one hurts them.”

Erica and Adolfo chew the same bone regarding how she is fighting for Miguel and marking her territory…..
Juan calls Mark and Mark is not too pleased. He says he needs more money and if Juan doesn’t do what he wants, he will pay with his life.

Susan sees Perla shopping and tried to talk to her, but Perla doesn’t want to talk. She asks about Mark and says she knows that Juan is more involved with Mark more than he admits. Susan also tells Perla she appears to be an abused woman just like she was. She tries to get Perla to come with her to see Gutierrez but Perla denies everything and storms off.

Marta tells Lu about her talk with DisGrace but Luciana does not believe anything that DisGrace says. Lu believes that DisGrace is only acting sweet to the children to look good in front of David and to manipulate things. That’s the last thing that Lu wants to see!

Lu walks past Lil in the patio and Lil shouts out, “You haven’t given up your custom of entering the house without knocking. Why are you here?” “To see David, Lu says. “He’s busy”, says Lil. “I’m not going to allow you to interrupt them. And it was your fault that my granddaughter nearly died.” Lu tells her that David loves her and she is not going anywhere. They get into an argument and throw insults at one another. “You know what?” says Luciana. “I am not going to rest until David and the children are out from underneath your clutches.” “You’re just the same as your mother”, says Lil. “Leave my mom out of this or you’ll regret it!” says Lu. “Regrets? How am I going to have regrets?” says Lil. Lu says, “Hey, life itself will bring you burdens and regrets and put you exactly where you belong.” Lil says, “And where is your place? Your place is with your mother, far away from here and you don’t know how much I will enjoy that finally.” Lu gets upset and says to her, “Oh you will find out what you are and how miserable your life will be. You are worthless and bitter! You have spent years trying to get revenge against my mother over something that you yourself are to blame for! You will be alone and bitter and all you try to do is steal a little bit of happiness (concerning Gutierrez) from my mother. But I think he will drop you like a hot potato soon. And you will get what is coming to you. You will alone, by yourself!” At this point, Lil slaps Luciana across the face. (She should have slapped back).

“You had no right to slap me”, says Luciana. “I had every right” says Lil. “I had to make you show me some respect.” “Well”, says Luciana, “Hopefully David will catch on to all the hurtful stuff you are causing to them. Stay away from me and my mother.” Sonia comes in and says, “Mrs. Lilian, are you are ok?” “No I’m not, bring me some wine! And that Luciana is going to pay for what she did.”

David is working with Fernanda some more, timing her and she does fine. She’s nervous and tells her he is going to take her and wait for her while she takes the exam. Dave goes to check on Bobby and Fer pulls out her journal and writes: “At times I feel responsible letting my father go to his own happiness. But my Aunt Gracie is right.”

DisGrace and Bobby going through some photographs and look like they are having a good time together. They talk about giving some things to the immigrants. He’s having such a good time with Tía that he says he doesn’t want her to go.

Adolfo is on the phone with Lilian and he’s trying to reason with her about something, but she hangs up on him. So he then sends Miguel with the plans to David’s vineyard. Before he leaves, he says to Adolfo, “Could I give you some advice? Couldn’t you find another women who is more agreeable? Oh never mind...” He walks out the door. Adolfo looks puzzled.

Perla returns from her shopping venture and Juan asks if she got what she wanted. Perla says, “Yes, I did.” But Juan says, “But why don’t you look happy?” Perla says, “It’s because I couldn’t get a hold of Carito.” They go back and forth and Perla finally says, “Look I really don’t like your secrets.” He calls Mark and tells Mark he can’t find Carito and may need his help. Mark is not all that happy about this and wants to know when he can come back. Juan says, “I’ll let you know. I went to City Hall today and found out that David and Adolfo are building without a permit.”

[Now you tell me how two successful businessmen who are vineyard owners don’t know to take out permits for their irrigation projects. If they have engineers working on the project, the contractor and engineers would KNOW about this.]

In the cava, David is trying out the new wine when Lu walks in. He tells he how much he needs her. She tries it out and loves it. David tells her he was tasting it again because he wanted to see if he could come up with anything else to say about it for the presentation. He says, “This wine reminds me of you.” She smiles and says, “I just want to win this competition.” Dave says that tomorrow he is taking Fer to her exam and will wait for her. Lu offers to watch Bobby, but he explains that Grace already offered and that Bobby was ok with it. “Seriously?” says Luciana. She couldn’t believe it. She adds, “I just hope that Grace is doing this from her heart.” Dave also mentions that Dr. Anderson said that it would be good for Fernanda if Grace would stay till after the exams are over. Oh, have you had any more problems with her?” Before she can answer, Sonia comes in with Bobby. He has a list of toys and things that belonged to his mom that he wants to donate. And Tía Gracie helped him with his list!

Luciana looks a little sad and after Bobby and Sonia leave, he says to Lu, “You know that Bobby adores you, don’t you?” She then asks why he told Erika that they were no longer together. Dave then says, “Why does it matter? Do are you worried about what Miguel thinks?”

Tano is in the distillery and Mig walks in with the plans for David. Susan mentions that she and Cesar are an item now and Tano tells her he is happy for her. He also tells her that things are going well with Fer and himself.

Ramón is out and about in town shopping. Gutierrez is nearby and tells one of his officers something. He walks up to Ramón and asks for his papers. Ramón says, “What’s this all about? I’ve lived here for many years. I work at the Bodega de Los Angeles.” The officer says, “You still need to show me your papers or I’ll have to take you in.” Ramón doesn’t even have is ID or green card with him so the officer cuffs him and takes him away.

[Note: Police officers never just harass someone who is just walking in town and shopping to ask them for their “papers.” Plus, every immigrant knows that they are to carry their green cards with them 24/7. They do not leave home without their identification.]


Thank you Cynthia..

Recap: Zip ! Pow! Bang! Good One !

Show: ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

I will be happy when Dave finally gives in to DisGrace. I want to see them waking up together.
Because she will not want to have babies, and someone as stupid as David should not have any more children.

I hope it happens soon, so we can have the last part of the show of the aftermath of that pairing. Everyone loves a slo-mo trainwreck.

So Ramon does not have a driver's license?
Am I in danger of being arrested if caught talking in Spanish to the cute cashier at Home Depot? I don't have a green card, and i don't carry my birth certificate around.

Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam.

Cynthia, you spun the silly straw from last night into pure silk.

"sociopathic charms" and "Erica and Adolfo chew the same bone" were among many favorites.

I was ambivalent about Brian. But now? I loathe him. Picking on Ramon??? I had thought Brian might be trying to make amends, albeit in a haphazard manner. What does he want? Marta to come crawling to him to release Ramon?

These recent plot developments were obviously written by inexperienced children. As you pointed out, Ramon would have his papers with him. And, engineers working without permits is incomprehensible. None of this is believable in the least. Ack.

So, Fernanda does want David to fall in love with her aunt. Not someone “like” Graciela. Graciela herself. I wasn’t sure on this point, but am crystal clear now.

A few of you have commented that Bobby may be playing Graciela. I am glad you mentioned his wink to Luci of the other day as I'd be really worried she is truly winning him over.

So Perla isn't telling Mark she knows where Carito is. But if Carito does what she wants and shows up to testify, how will she explain it?

I smiled at Susan being annoyed with Cesar as he wasn't able to talk any sense into David. She being miffed without any real cause is typical, they are clearly a couple now. :)

To say Mark is a loose cannon is an understatement. I'm still fearful about how he is going to strike. It likely won't be Juan but another innocent party.

I hope Sonia's book is available soon :)

Cynthia, thank you for another fantastic summary!


Thank you, Cynthia, for another excellent review of the episode. At least something actually happened in this one...Bobby made a list, Auntie Disgrace helped him, Lilian slapped the sass out of LU (WOW , I could feel the frustration in that smack), and Ramon got arrested.

PSA..Girls go for the STEM subjects! Lisa liked math. Math rocks. Disgrace cannot do the math, the math!

Hmmm. Dave tells Lu that the wine reminds him of her . Why? Does it make him feel dizzy and confused?

Obedient geisha Perla serves Juan his coffee. Hey, no subservient bow?

OKAY, I am officially done, done, done with Gut. Poor Ramon is arrested just because Gut sees him as his competition for Marta. Lame,Gut.Very lame. Please, writers, if Ramon wants Marta, let him have her.

I just hope Ramon did not buy ice cream and those Birdseye frozen veggies cause I bet Gut will not put them in the freezer for him.

Osprey pair

"David tells Lu that the wine reminds him of her . Why? Does it make him feel dizzy and confused?"

OK Susanlynn. Obviously you wake up witty without the need for any caffeine. I wish I could say the same.

Awesome avatar(s) Kirby.


Cynthia: I laughed at your George Michael reference with Susan (Luciana's ONLY friend) telling our complicated Protagonista to have faith.

Kirby: Marta being put in her place was disgusting!

Susanlynn: Sheriff Gutierrez cracking down & flexing his Border Security muscles by going after Ramon. You know Tano is not going to be happy about that.

Diana: Leon needs to calm down when it comes to Sonia's book.

Thank you Cynthia.

You are right, if David and Adolfo stupid enough not to know they need the appropriate permits for construction they deserve to lose their business.

Marta is so shallow. All Graciela did was stroke her ego and now she's a fan.

If you want to waste half an episode all you have to do is put David and Luciana in the cellar and have someone interrupt them and round we go.

I check out when they drag out, with confusion and faux commitment, the reunion of the galan and protag. Looks like Irina checked out already and doesn't put much effort in selling the Dave diversion. The only mystery left before the childhood lovers reunite is how many different blouses she'll need.

Head scratcher for me is why GS took the David role? Earlier in the show I thought a cardboard cutout would do and still do.

Come on Brian, Ramon, the beta orbiter, is not real competition. Painful to watch but not competition for a woman like Marta.


Thanks, Cynthia! What a trooper recapping this recycled swill and twice per week. You are so appreciated.

If one didn't have calendar nearby, one would think this is, like, episode 10 or something.

One question. Didn't Juan say the plan was to blame Mark and Carito for the whole illegals thing and Perla weakly said, "I won't let you do that to Carito!" but then Juan deftly deflected her ire with the promise of restaurant food and more pretty dresses?

Tofie, I don't remember seeing GS in anything else and I didn't see the famed YNCELH but if he was as stellar in it as I gather from the comments, this is a paycheck role. My man is tired and just trying to get paid. IB is more alive in her interactions with other females. She's biding her time for when she won't have to endure hairy kisses from an aging hunk.

If the hall monitors do not boot me for them,. I hope my Avatars add some interest to an uninteresting show.

Thank The Lord for our recappers and a 'Ready for Prime Time' patio.


GS was in a few episodes of 'Rather Dead than Leticia' or something like that. They had him swimming with her sans shirt. Though I am sure he did, I do not recall him speaking, but I was not very attentive.

Lila, I did see YNCELH and the show was stellar and all the actors, even the chorus players with one line brought it. GS was incredible as Max and I thought the best representation of a galan I've seen in forever so my expectations were high.

Sadly, he's horrible here and the David character, I don't get why Luciana slept with him. The only thing going for David is I like Miguel less.

Thanks, Tofie. I don't know much about direction but maybe it's a jive story, poor direction, fatigue, and. . .it pays the mortgage. :/

Praise be, Cynthia. You're doing the Lord's work. :)

- Ramon forgot his green card/ID while out shopping, while
- Magic Brian forgot he was a kinda good guy and has his So Obviously Gringo officers roust Ramon. And while all that's going on,
- David, Luciana, Miguel, Erika, and Adolfo all forgot that they needed a permit for the dig at least, if not for the dig and the new planned irrigation pipeline between Bodega de Los Angeles and Vinedo del Competencia.

This is/was some straight El Talisman plot-mandated crap, except that only part of it even makes any damn sense (I can kind of, sort of, handwave that David's desperation and the announced timeframe explains the accelerated timeframe for the dig...but it's still so forking obvious that Juan gets to screw with David some more). Why in the world is Brian hassling Ramon? That doesn't score him any points with anybody, let alone Marta. Unless he's backsliding massively, and that needs an explanation in itself, it makes negative sense.

Sonia writing a book based on Marta's romantic woes actually makes sense, apart from her not telling Leon about it beforehand. But it's so Sonia to do that, so points for consistency.

And since at this point David and Luciana's currently-non-relationship is now screwing with Cesar and Susan and we're not getting anything out of it apart from Mar Contreras's Mad Max vest thing (between that and Lilian's carpet-remnant jacket, on top of the usual #clogsfromtheseventhcircleofhell, the wardrobe people for this show must have been on downers half the time), I'm just that much more over it. And I don't want to be. How are you forking up Gabriel bloody Soto as a galan, show?


I really like Gabe. He also shone in Querida Enigma and La Verdad Occulta.

Things might be very different if there was any palpable romantic connection between David and Luci. It's beyond lacking chemistry. The actress simply doesn't seem to want to engage in any romantic scenes with her acting partner. But as you noted Lila (along with others over the course of this), Irina has a bright smile, but David's just never the recipient.

I can't fault Gabe/David here. Maybe this looked better in theory than reality when he signed on.

I wanted to hope for the best, but unless someone lights a fire, this romance is dead in the water. Maybe you are right tofie, and the fireworks might come later if she reunites with Miguel.


"Lilian's carpet-remnant jacket, on top of the usual #clogsfromtheseventhcircleofhell, the wardrobe people for this show must have been on downers half the time)".

Ahhh, Bill. This was a gem.


Gracias, Cynthia.

I do hope that Bobby is playing DisGrace and her maternal unit. I would be extremely disappointed if he were to fall into their trap.

When the hell will Marta put her hair up? You don't do housework with hair hanging down like that.

Perla is as stupid as ever.

DisGrace is probably hoping that Fernanda will fail her exams if David decrees that she has to leave afterward. Or will she bribe or blackmail someone to insure that Fernanda's grades are substandard?

Do the writers know nothing about building permits and how they happen in the US?

Brian having Ramon hauled in is pure jealousy at this point unless it's a game Juan is playing to get him out of the way to make David's life miserable.

More later.

If DisGrace is true to form, she will create a crisis which will cause Fer to be awake half the night before her tests, or otherwise cause her to completely miss her test. Remember this is the little bitch who would push Bobby in front of a speeding train if that would get her what she wants.

Given we have not actually seen David'dsSmush-O-Matic in operation, I have been dreaming up a fitting anvil for DisGrace. Since she cares only about herself, it will surely have to be a terminal illness or permanent debilitating disfigurement. Going crazy when she is caught is sort of redundant. Don't ya think? She needs her mind as it is now, so she can appreciate that (for instance) she is disfigured beyond recognition and can no longer speak.

If Bobby is not playing DisGrace, I give up.

Thanks, Cynthia! I too was disappointed that Luciana didn't slap back. And surprised. Actually, her reaction was uncharacteristically calm and rational and laudable... not like Luciana at all.

Interesting that Lil was calling out so desperately for more wine after her altercation with Luci. I wonder if we are about to witness the inception of a drinking problem.

What is Bobby up to?? I certainly hope he hasn't been drinking Disgrace's Kool-Aid - that'd be a serious slip on the writers' part. Even David looked suspicious when Bo-by was singing Grace's praises!

And Disgrace was serving all kinds of Kool-Aid last night. She was so persuasive with Marta, I almost believed her myself.

Susan tried to help Perla, and Perla turned up her nose. I don't know how many strikes you get in this game, but I really doubt Perla is going to get any more chances.

"Now you tell me how two successful businessmen who are vineyard owners don’t know to take out permits for their irrigation projects." I'm hoping that these successful businessmen know something that Juan doesn't.

What kind of "toys" did Lisa have that they're donating? Okay, I have some legos and some puppets, but as far as I can tell, I'm atypical.

And Gutierrez is dead to me. I hope he's stuck with Lilian for the rest of his life.

Lila: "IB is more alive in her interactions with other females." I've noticed that. That may affect the kinds of roles she gets in the future.

At this point Bobby's indeed drunk Graciela's Kool-Aid (surreptitiously prepared by Sonia). He was the last person other than Luciana who was openly opposed to her, so it was probably inevitable that he'd soften towards her somewhat before the big swerve--whenever that is--occurs and everybody truly begins to turn on her. And it doesn't mean he won't be instrumental in outing his sweet Tia Tightpants as the sociopath that she is.

As for said tia...karmically, since everything she does is and has been for the single goal of acquiring David like the brass ring she missed at the circus twenty years ago (which probably isn't too far off as far as analogies go), it'd be rather poetic for her to somehow see David and Luciana inevitably getting married and riding off into the sunset. Whether it's from a rubber room or a jail cell is the question, as is whether her pretty face is still intact at that point (I think I might actually respect this show if it pulled a Rubi with her, but...nah).

This comment has been removed by the author.

I agree, Kirby, he doesn't look like he's playing to me. And although Dave looked at Grace suspiciously, he didn't fully express his suspicisons to Luci who KNOWS Gracie is still gunning for Dave. If Dave caves and ends up in Gracie's bed, then the foolishness of it all fits with him letting Grace and Lil pick the shrink, not standing up to a pissy 18 year old and not having enough sense to have a permit for the irrigation work. IDIOT!

Julie. I keep meaning to go back and see how IB was in P Y P. m Her mouth says she loves David but I don't see it. . .and they don't have to boogie between the sheets for her to show it.

Grace. What a tenacious piece of work. Did you see how quickly she flipped the script on big mouth Marta? Marta needs to tell that stuff to David and Luci together! Useless heffa!

Thanks everyone. I have a lot of work to do today at my job, so I don’t have much time to comment and read all your comments. But thank you for your compliments and your input.

I agree, DisGrace must have put something in that limonada that Sonia made and Grace served to everyone. Sociopaths have this way of manipulating people, like spiders inviting their prey into their webs. They are experts at manipulation and they have practiced over and over again how to get others to feel sorry for them and to give them their wishes. They know how to butter people up and turn on the charm so that their prey do not see what is going on or what is really happening to them. They make you feel guilty about not giving into their wicked desires and constantly turn the tables on you to make you think that YOU are the bad one if you don’t do exactly as they ask! Most cult leaders are sociopaths. They have this very nice and sweet way about them, but then when they have you where they want you, then they move in for the kill. This is exactly the way DisGrace operates.

This thing with Gutierrez instructing his officer to arrest Ramón is too much for me. This does not happen in California! Heck, it doesn’t even happen in Arizona where they have SB 1070. In fact that law says that law enforcement has the right to ask someone for their immigration status IF and only IF they are being arrested for a crime. They do not randomly go up to people in the streets asking for their immigration documents. It seems in this TN, that the writers’ intent is to make it look like all they do here is hunt down immigrants.

More later. Gotta get back to work!


Cynthia, thank you so much for covering for me last night. Great recap!

My pleasure DY77!

I'm still scratching my head over what Gut thought he was accomplishing by having Ramon arrested. Even if Ramon is deported, it's not going to get Gut into Marta's pants, is it?

Maybe Gut had Ramon picked up at the request of his new BFF NoJuan to further hinder David, as Ramiton is David's vineyard manager now.

"Marta's pants, is it?"
Sheezo why? He has already been there and it must have been simply to prove that it actually can be done.

Julie..legos and puppets.. I do not have them , but I do have my favorite stuffed puppy and dolls, so Lisa might have kept a childhood teddy bear.

After teaching grammar today, I have to mention that whoever writes the English dialogue here still has some grammar issues. I have heard Juan say "The police IS" three times. Someone missed the day that irregular plural nouns were taught.

For those of you who did not see PyP, Irina did a great job playing the selfish, spoiled, rich playgirl who was so jealous of her sister. She had quite a few love scenes with a couple different guys and seemed to have no problem wiggling all over them and kissing them. Perhaps, she should have played Disgrace , and Kim should have played Luci sans the platinum blonde hair.

That sorta makes sense, except I got the impression that Gut wasn't willing to bend the law for Juan's convenience. And I didn't think he was the type.

On the other hand, Gut was ready to deport Luci's entire family just because Lil said so. "Custom deportations" in my yello pages ad I meant to say "deportations on demand."

What was I thinking? Marta doesn't even wear pants!

Susanlynn, was Irina's character supposed to be in love with any of those guys? We know she can kiss (wasn't a problem with Miguel), but even outside the love scenes she seems kind of detached. Like I notice that her face doesn't light up when she sees David. Mine does, and I'm not even getting paid. will not believe this. I just wrote exactly that fact to you, but I deleted it because I thought I was being too cheeky. 👗

Hey: Bodycount Boudreaux are you out there? Who is going to be our next casualty?

In this order maybe?
SiezeHer PyP, the character wanted her sister's novio , but I can't say that she loved anyone but herself. Her face mostly lit up when she was harassing her sister . She was Fern ...but worse. As to Dave, he does not light up my face because he is handsome but not my type. I like dark hair. Also, I didn't much notice the age difference between GS and Irina until I watched the show in HD on our big TV..yikes. Irina has flawless skin and looks like a teen. GS does indeed look like Uncle Dave.

Julie to clarify..I wrote you the statement about Marta not wearing pants.

"The police IS" ...hee hehehh hee...Gosh, Susanlynn, that does kinda make the ears bleed. . . .Um, wait, maybe our posts have the same effect. . .er, affect? ;)

I notice that her face doesn't light up when she sees David. Mine does, and I'm not even getting paid.

Now that's just damned funny, Julie! Dave is bringing it for me physique like and Captain Wet White Pants converted me to blond but Dave doesn't look so badly on my 60 inch HD. . .well, I do have cataracts. :/

Thank you, Cynthia--I've been grinding my teeth all night with the Ramon "cliff-hanger." Glad to have the straight stuff on Stop and Frisk. Since Gut was standing there telling the two patrol to go get that man, I'm done with him. He can go and put in an application to the Sonoma Swinging Sheriff Company (Tasteful Exotic Dancing for All Occasions - (555) KL5-CUTY).

Wineries take up a lot of land. We know these folks use their Telenovela Magical Transport system to get back and forth instantly, but this one makes my beanie itch. Ramon didn't just walk to town. Did he just carry some cash in his pants pocket to pay for all those groceries? Everybody carries cell phones these days and wallets, for heaven's sakes.

Who drives from a distant winery to a the "small" town of Sonoma without at least a driver's license. It's all too stooopid to believe. We all know that Dear Dumb Dave "took care" of all his workers after Marcos and Luci were deported.

Por Favor....You all said it for me. Rant over.

So long for now. Au Revoir, a bien tot.

Susanlynn, I don't think there is such a thing as "too cheeky" here. But we should try. :-)

David is technically a little young for me, but he actually looks older than most galans (even those of comparable age). I can see that even on a fairly small TV and without my glasses on. He's certainly no fossil, but he probably should have worn a lot more sunscreen when he was younger.

Lila. Effect= noun affect = verb Do not get me started on how many times I tried to explain the difference between lie, lay, lain and lay, laid, laid to Carlos.

That Julie has a way with the words, aye?

I like dark hair, but my favorite crush is 6' 4" and has long, red hair. I did fall for William Levy of the wet, white pants in La Tempestad and on Dancing with the Stars.

Thanks, Cynthia.

I surfed in and out last night, so I missed Ramón getting arrested. That's a shock. So much for Gut being reformed. A shudder to think of all the scenery chewing Marta will do when she finds out.

Julie..well, you know that double standard. The guys can continue to be galans as they age. They just become fine wine with some wrinkles and gray hair at their temples.. They pair them with women who are twenty years younger. C'est la vie.

One more thought (in an endless stream of thoughts). Wouldn't it be in Sonoma County's best interests to expedite whatever it is these two big vineyards need. It would be a big loss of revenue for the grapes to turn into raisins on the vine.

Besides, I think these two major landowners would have known better. Another stoooopid plot twist that has U.S. residents scratching their heads.

Oh, yeah, and why is the capataz of the Bodega Los Angeles doing buying groceries? He's the one that should be handling the waterworks, not Luci. She should be concentrating on getting "Romance" ready for the contest.

Anita, I think David should be grateful that his employees are doing any work at all - even if they are doing each others' jobs.

Funny what you said about the county expediting the permits. I was thinking perhaps that Juan might (somehow) not be aware of some kind of fast-pass permit that David and Adolfo could get for an emergency like this. So Juan finds out that David didn't get a standard permit and thinks he can halt the construction - but then David's like "well, I just got this express permit, so bwahahaha!!"

Fastpass..easypass...vinopass. Everyone wants to move fast.

Noun verb or adjective?

Where can I buy a vinopass?
Can I use it at work?

Speaking of jobs, and who should have which job... it doesn't make any sense that Lilian is in charge of the household. It doesn't even make sense that Sonia is the supervisor. Martha's been around long enough to be the manager of the household. She shouldn't still be mopping floors.

Psychopass - I think it's a noun. It sounds like when DG is greeting David topless, or pawing at him, she's making a psychopass.

Julie...good one. Right on the money.

I wonder how many "TN Days" for FerBrat to finish her test. And get back her grade.

Kirby: It could be either Carito or maybe Susan considering collateral damage is heading our way soon.

But I really like to see Karma hit Gutierrez HARD!

And yes, can use the vinopass at work. Tell the boss that I said so.They are available at your local state store. #you'rewelcome

Julie: Who wants to bet that Ramon gets deported next ?

Today confirms my thought that reading the recaps and comments are waaaay more interesting than watching the show! Characters and their motivations are cleared up perfectly here- yes they are almost all stooopid.

It's been mentioned we don't know if Irina's hold-back style of acting is done on purpose, or is there a directing issue. Remember in PyP when she was stuck in a hotel room after a drug bender with a dead guy? I thought her despair was played perfectly. Lucy? Just don't know.

The wishing for slaps is pretty fun. But, the disfiguring karma ideas are always worthy of a laugh!

Lurking Linda

Psychopass: A gerund without the ing. OK makes sense. Thanks Sue


Cynthia, interesting recap. There should have been a double slap, but
Instead Lucy talked lil into an apology? Really? Well according to lil
And shes spittin nails mad, shes gonna
Make her pay.Now thats the translation
On my TV.

Now Ramon has been in this country long enough to know to carry your papers with you.So This is for effect. Brian's getting down and dirty again. This will not Indear Marta to him at all.This would make Lil happy.
Writers please have David take off the
Blinders. And that "no permits" for the Pipeline building, come on,no self
Respecting engineers is gonna touch that without some. Like I said all this craziness for effect.And its Good
Entertainment. Poor ramon, what if he
Really don't have papers & green card?

It's gettin ready to blowup. Cuz all the nasty folk are Havin to much fun. When that Happens somethings Bout to blow.

Thank you Ms Cynthia.


Tick tick tick tick tick

Nina: Don't worry about Gutierrez because Karma is coming for his expletive sooner or later!

The Bad Guys are having WAAAAY too much fun. How many slaps have been on this TN ?


Kirby: New Hashtag: #DIEGUTIERREZDIE


I don’t particularly want Gutierrez to die. I would rather see him humiliated and have to resign his Sheriff position in shame. I don’t think that his corruption is worthy of death. The one I want to see die is Mark. We don’t really “need” his sorry character around anymore.

Cynthia..I am with you. Gut is just a jerk. I do not want anything terrible to happen to him , but if he is going after the baddies, we know that something bad might happen. He has been so wishywashy going back and forth between Lilian and Marta. It is like watching a tennis game with three bad players.Let me tell you something, buddy, that is not the way you act when you truly love someone. someONE..ONE..get it?
That's why it is called your one true love...not your two true loves or the two women who can do things for you or have caught your fancy fancy. I need heroes who understand what true love is .Gut is not doing it for me.:-(

Steve we have 39 episodes left. (141 Total) so that is 7 weeks and change. The anvils need to start their engines and get warmed up.

Cynthia, you are right, We do not really know if Gut was behind the Ramiton caper, although it is safe to say he most likely is, for reasons unknown to all mankind. But he is a minor bad one compared to Mark, Juan, Lillian and DisGrace. He had me convinced until last night that he had turned over a new leaf and was walking the straight and almost narrow. It is looking pretty doubtful now though.

Disgusting as he is, SkidMark has only killed El Coyote, and depending on who you talk to that is either a crime or community service. To me, NoJuan is just as guilty and deserves the same size anvil. Med Large to large.

Lillian is nasty and mean. Did I mention selfish too? I rank her higher in Anvildom than Skid and NoJuan.

DisGrace deserves a whole new class of anvil..possibly something outside our current sizing system. Colossal Extra Super Jumbo doesn't quite fill the bill. Maybe TWO ! Did we ever give someJuan 2 anvils.?

Perhaps Ramon's arrest is just a ruse to bring him to a restaurant where a surprise party is being given in his honor.

I'm kidding, of course... I'd just like there to be a reasonable explanation for this, because I thought Gut was better than that. I mean, not great... but not this much of a jerk.

Two anvils... well in Pasion there was this bad guy who lost an eye and then a leg and then he was beheaded. That's three anvils. (And yes, he was a pirate with an eye patch and a peg leg. It wasn't even a comedy.)

I'm trying to remember now, was it an eyepatch, a hook hand, or both? He definitely had a peg leg.

Well, let's look at some past anvils. One baddie was eaten by coyotes. I remember Edith Gonzales jumping from a building to her death Lucero ended up in prison and was burned and disfigured. One of the best anvils was a pimp who was killed by his ladies with their CFM spike heels👠. Some go mad and are institutionalized.

Perhaps, Juan and Mark will eliminate each other. Can you imagine Disgrace in a woman's prison with her arrogant personality and without her hair dye, makeup💄, and expensive clothes 👗and jewelry...and no Dave?

Julie..ah, good times Passion was one wild voyage. Bouffant just kept loses parts. However, do you remember what happened to Captain Rick's blind cousin who was obsessed with him? Yikes. I wish that they would show it again.

Julie..I think that Bouffy got the eye patch after losing the eye.

Julie..I like your optimism ! The glass is half full for you. A surprise party for Ramon.

Oh yeah, I know an eyepatch is for a missing eye... I just couldn't remember if he had actually lost an eye, or if he had a hook hand instead. I knew it was some fine pirate stereotype but wasn't sure which one.

Julie..I don't think that Bouffant of the missing pieces was a pirate. He was a town guy who hated Rick ...and everyone else... and desired Rick's blind cousin. He was so nasty to his poor daughter. I liked Sebastian Rulli , the hunky blacksmith in Pasion. So many hunks in Passion..Colunga, Rulli, Levy, and my favorite telenovio Marcelo Cordoba. A plethora of hunks.

In a women's prison would DisGrace not just "Take Over"? You know how there are the prison gangs and always a sadistic ruthless leader who lives like (In Prison) royalty? That would be DisGrace.

I know Marta is not in Mensa, but did you see DisGrace turn a crucifixion into a wedding reception with Dumbass Marta? Marta was reading her the riot act and in two minutes I was fully expecting those two to do some floor sitting and crying.

I always liked MacGyver because he could make a car bomb out of a ham sandwich and a bag of Doritos, and that is what DisGrace reminded me of when she morphed Marta's rage into Sisterhood.

Do you think that Marta was stupid enough to actually believe Disgracie's crapola , or was Marta playing her? I think that we are going to be seeing some more slaps in the future. I don't know how they are going to s t r e t c h this story out. I hope that we will not have to endure Disgrace creeping into Dave's bed.


Stooopid enough and some to spare, because DisGrace played on her FerNando which appears to be T H E most imortant thing in her miserable life.

Now this works on the view web version
But not just typing on the regular phone sight of caray caray. I aS just tryin something. I now know. Ok done.

And another thing. Dave aint the first dude been in trouble for Layin a little pipe without permission.

Susanlynn - he was a highwayman - a land pirate!

If being able to fast-talk people were a valuable skill in prison, Gracie would do just fine. But I think the real question will be how well she can take a punch.

My suspicion is that her punch receiving experience leaves her far from expert.

But...If they put her in San Quentin 'Breakin Rocks'....just sayin.... :-) :-)

The first thing her Sisters in the Big House will want is for her to not be so damn pretty, so they will fix that right away.

Oh YIKES seven minutes. Bye

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