Thursday, April 27, 2017

Vino el Amor #134 (Univision 123); Wednesday, April 26, 2017: Cooperating Together

We begin where we left off yesterday with Juan’s phone call to Lilian and Lilian telling Juan that she will do everything in her power to destroy him. He warns her by reminding her that she was once in cahoots with him embezzling from David. She says, “Oh well that was a long time ago.” Juan says it still matters because he kept records of all the transactions they did together. He says something like, “Why, did you think I was some idiot?” Before he hangs up he tells Lilian that she had better stay quiet if she does not want to ruin herself and her daughter, she’d better not mess with him!

David is at the police station discussing what is going on with Juan to an officer there.  The officer claims that they are doing everything possible to solve this crime. David asks if they had traced the cell phones for evidence, but the officer is sure that Juan is using some other line. (Would that be the phone in the box?) The officer says too, that they are looking at all of the bank transactions as well. Anyway, Dave says he will not rest until they have Juan. The officer says that finding Juan is their priority. Dave gets up to leave and says that whatever they need from him he will help with.

Ramón comes to Susan’s office with an order for something, but Susan is going out of her mind with a million things to do. Neither of them understand how Luciana did all the things she was doing. Both say that they have been overworked, but somehow they are going to get though it and deal with it.

Marta and Luciana are in the SB Vineyard office when Adolfo returns from the police station. He gave his statements and wants Juan to be apprehended for his crimes. He mentions that while there, he ran into David, who also wants to help the police find Juan. He talked to David for a few minutes and it seemed to Adolfo that David seemed somewhat nostalgic or sentimental. He asked for both Marta and Luciana and wanted to know how they were doing. Adolf shares that he told David that he welcomed them both with all the affection in the world and is taking good care of them. Marta says it’s true and thanks Adolfo. He also says that David told him that he misses them very much. Luciana’s reaction? “Well it’s too late for him now to change anything that he has done.”

David returns to the office which used to be Juan’s and starts going through the cabinets for files. Susan comes in and asks what he is doing and Dave tells her that he is looking for more evidence against Juan. Susan says, “You can’t just ignore this vineyard, please listen to me. We need you here at the vineyard because there are way too many things going on. We are short-handed without Luciana. But first you were at your house, then you were at the police station.” David replies, ‘I’m doing everything I can.” But Susan is frustrated and tells him, “So tell me what to do, because I can’t do it all right now! If you can’t be here to work with us, you’d better come up with a plan for us here.”

Dave apologizes and tells Susan she is right. But he really wants to make sure that Juan is caught. She advises David to relax and let the police do their jobs. Dave agrees but is still very angry. Then he stops and tells her that she can bring him all the unsettled business items and he will go over them with her.

Carito then comes in to tell David something she wanted to tell him earlier, but did not. She prefaces by saying that after hearing this that if he wants to fire her, then that is his right. David tells her that it was a huge mistake for her to get involved with what Perla and Juan were doing. Carito says, “They told me it was about helping immigrants, but when I found out the reality of what they were actually doing, it was too late.” David tells her it was very brave of her to go to the authorities and report what was going on. Carito goes on, “I swear, I am very repentant for the entire thing. Perla was pressuring me and I know she was being manipulated by Juan. And if you want me to leave, I can leave.” But David asks her to stay, he knows she’s a good person and that right now, he needs all the help he can get. She thanks him and starts to leave, but David stops her to warn her that if she hears from Juan or Perla to let him and the police know.

Marta brings Luciana some lunch and some coffee in the SB office. She closes Lu’s laptop and tells her that she noticed that since Adolfo told her that news about David, that she has been looking sad ever since. Lu says, “I just really don’t understand David. I think thought that what he told Adolfo was sincere. If he misses us, and cares about us, then we must be something special in his life.” She rehashes how she doesn’t understand why he is going to marry DisGrace. But Marta reminds her, “He’s doing this for his children.” Lu says, “Well I sure don’t understand how he can sacrifice true love and instead seeks to make his children happy.” Marta then says, “The day that you become a mother, you will understand the sacrifices that parents make for their children.” Then Lu says, “Yes, but what if that never happens for me?” Marta comforts her and says that she is too young to be thinking that way. Lu asks her if she thinks that maybe someday that she and Dave can fix their relationship. But Marta says, “That, only time will tell and no one knows.”

They converse some more and Marta asks if David were to come back to her right now and ask to come back to her, would she take him back? Luciana admits that she would. However, this now is pretty much that is a moot point now, because neither of them is really welcome anymore at David’s vineyard.

Bobby comes to Fer and tells her how happy he is that his Tía took him to see Marta. And Fer is just so happy about the wedding. She is sure everything is going to turn out so well because they are so happy.

DisGrace comes to her mother’s room and Lil says she talked to Juan. “But why?” Grace asks. Lil says it was to complain to him how he is responsible for Gutierrez’s death. DisGrace wants to know why, because Gutierrez is dead and gone, why bother? Lil says, “Well he wouldn’t be dead if he hadn’t been saving Marta’s life.” DisGrace assures her that Marta is away from the vineyard now and never has to see her again. But it’s not enough for Lilian because she says she loved Gutierrez. DisGrace tries to tell her that she needs to look forward to the time when she is married and they finally have everything they wanted. The past will be a distant memory. Then Lil asks her, “And where have you been all this time? DisGrace says, “Oh I took Bobby to see Marta.” Lil says, “You did WHAT???” DisGrace says, “Yes, I finally got the chance to get in Luciana’s face with my happiness about marrying David.”

Carito finishes with David and comes to the kitchen to tell Sonia how it went. She tells Sonia how fair, intelligent, and handsome David is. But Sonia doesn’t want Carito getting any ideas…..she is loyal to her “lion cub”. Anyway, Sonia tells Carito that right now, David needs people he can trust.

Fernanda comes in and asks for cookies and Sonia brings some out. But what she wants are the chocolate chip that Marta used to make. Fernanda misses her nana. Everyone misses Marta.

Miguel comes to the MPR Luciana tells him what a terrible day it’s been and about how DisGrace brought Bobby to visit. But Miguel has good news for her and hands her a big check. She doesn’t want to accept it, but she finally does. She is afraid that he is doing too many things for her, given their past. But Miguel says this is a commission and she worked hard for it.

Adolfo visits Lilian give her his sympathies regarding Gutierrez, and he shares with her that he’s been to the police to give his statement regarding Juan, the plague, and his daughter’s death. Lilian says, “But Juan is not responsible for Brian’s death. Marta is. He died defending Marta.” Adolfo says she must be interpreting things all wrong. But Lil says, “No, I am right about this.” She turns this into a Marta bashing session and then asks Adolfo to send Marta away from his vineyard. Adolfo is shocked she would say such a thing.

He tells her he can’t do that because she’s been a good employee and he likes her. Lil says, “But she has robbed me of my whole life.” Adolfo tells her he does not see things her way. “I’m sorry, but you can’t count on me for these things. Marta is not the way you say. If you can’t stop with this obsession with Marta, you will destroy your own life.” Lil then tells him to get out. She wants nothing more to do with him. He leaves and tells her that one day she will realize how wrong she is and that one day she will end up very alone. Sonia tries to come and comfort her but Lil does not want it and tells her to leave.

Susan comes back to David’s office and hands him a file regarding an open order that is pending. She also mentions about the invoice they need to send to Mr. Harrison from the Sunset Restaurant in SF. David thanks her and says he will take care of it all.

Phone rings! It’s Juan on the phone. Juan says, “You haven’t won yet, David. If I were you, I’d keep an eye on my children.” Dave is angry! He says, “Leave my children out of it!” Juan then threatens, “Well if you want, I’ll send you another infestation (plague)” Dave says, “You are a damn coward!” He goes for the throat and says further, “I’m going to take your land. I’m going to court and will sue you for all your property because of the trouble you have caused me. When I’m done with you, you will prefer to be dead!” Juan warns him and says that things will go as he wants. Then Juan disconnects. Dave calls the police.

Tano and León are moving boxes in the distillery and Tano asks how things are going with him and Sonia. He asks if León if he and Sonia are going to live together, but León says, “No, I want to get married. Why do you ask?” Tano says, “With church and everything?” León says, “Yes, and what?” Tano goes on, “It’s just that people nowadays just don’t get married anymore.” [Really Tano? Really???] León says that he does plan to get married but is getting things ready for marriage.

While Marta is cleaning the MPR, Luciana comes in and tells Marta about her commission check from Miguel. She wants to give it to her mom for her retirement so she doesn’t have worry about working for the rest of her life. She is giving it as a thank you because her mother supported her while going to school.

After David gets off the phone with the police, he slams the phone down. Susan walks in and wants to know what happened and David tells her that Juan just called to taunt him, make threats regarding his children, so he called the police. Susan reassures him that the children will be fine, there are lots of people here watching out for them.

Then DisGrace barges in, pushing Susan out of the way with stuff about the wedding. David tells her this is the worst time for this and says there is way too much work going on and he doesn’t have time for this. He says, “I miss Luciana more than ever right now.” DisGrace is NOT happy to hear that one! Of course DisGrace gets angry and starts arguing about how their wedding should be the happiest day of their lives and he brings up missing Luciana. Susan awkwardly leaves, saying she’s going to her office. Somehow, DisGrace turns on the sicky-sweet false charm of her and puts David under her control again and they kiss and make up. She takes her wedding stuff and leaves.

In the SF motel room, Juan sits on the bed with his hands over his face as Perla comes back with some food she bought at the gas station market. She asks Juan what is wrong and he tells her he spoke with David and that David told him he was going to take his land. Perla is shaken and says, “This is a lot worse than what I thought. Let’s go to the police and explain ourselves.” Juan says no, he does not want to go to prison. “Do you want to go to prison, Perla?” says Juan? She shakes her head in disbelief. He ends by saying if it’s the last thing he ever does, he is going to bring down David.

At the SB Vineyard, Marta comes and brings Adolfo his coffee and newspaper. He shares with her about his conversation regarding what happened with Lilian. He says that Lilian asked that he let her go from his vineyard. But before Marta can get up, he says, “No to worry, I’m not doing anything like that. I’m not going to do anything that I think is just absurd.”

DisGrace finds Fer and says that the wedding will happen before she goes off to the university.

Juan comes into their motel room and finds Perla looking pretty sad. He asks what is wrong and Perla says, “I just don’t want to be here anymore. Is this the way we are going to live our lives, shut in like this? I just never expected this to happen.” She pleads with him that they leave and he says not till he’s done with David. Perla says, “Please, stop with your stupid revenge. Think about what you have Juan. You have me and I have supported you with everything for all my life. I would follow you to the ends of the earth. Please, stop this so we can leave.” But Juan refuses and says she must wait longer.

Nightfall has arrived and Luciana is still working. Miguel tells her to stop for the night. She says he’s a good friend and a good boss. She laughs and suggest they go help her mom with dinner.

David meets with his employees, Susan, Ramón, León, and Tano. He has a new schedule for doing the work with new assignments. Also now that Tano is in school, he now has the responsibility for the contracts with the clients. Also, when it is time to work the soil, they will all do the work. David tells everyone that they will all be together and not to throw in the towel. They are a team and they will come out ahead with all this!


Cynthia, thank for another excellent recap. I was only able to catch the last ten minutes, so I especially appreciate it.

Later gators. Yawn.

Thank you Cynthia, there was a lot in this though it didn't seem it while I watched.

A Marta trashing opportunity but no mention of the affair that started it all.

A chocolate chip tragedy.

A company reorganization instead of filling a position.

Its nearly impossible to get anything done without your own work cubical.

There would be no Graciela and David without the help of Luciana and Marta.

I really miss Juan's maniacal laugh


Great job, Cynthia.

Lillian sounded pathetically out of her mind when she tried bashing Marta to Adolfo and I'm pleased that he is becoming another Voice of Reason in this story. She will not end up with him after this and his prediction will come true. Whether she goes to prison or not for her conspiracy with Juan she will no longer be welcome at the BLA.

DisGrace truly proved herself queen of all narcissists in this story by trying to distract David from necessary work for her stupid wedding stuff. No man I know would marry anyone that shallow or selfish. He's trying to get things straightened out to provide this vitch with everything she is marrying him for! I wonder whether she was this needy as a child.

We didn't hear David talk about the danger to Fer and Bobby, but if he told DisGrace and her parental unit about Juan's threat wouldn't that be their perfect excuse to ship them out?

More later.

Cynthia: FerBrat's dream world will come crashing down! I'm going to enjoy watching this :)

UA: Lillian Sanders Fast Forward!

Tofie: Juan keeping the documents & transactions isn't surprising because he's holding them as his trump-card.

Cynthia, thank for your clever recap.

Is the "I miss my Marta." simmering and about ready to come to a boil?

Adolfo and Miggster need to ban Lil and Satania form the vineyard and call the PoPo if they show up.

W T F is wrong with DudVeed? He Needs to Marry DisGrace to have someone to tell him when to eat, go potty, take a bath, what to wear, etc.. Because he is just too dam dumb to do it on his own.

He is going to solve the severe manpower shortage by managerial decree? The comment yesterday about bosses who pontificate and in reallity do nothing was right on the money. David may be still signing the checks drawn from a diminishing till, but he does NOTHING else. Once when I was working 80 hours a week I had one of those bosses tell me he wanted me to "Work smarter, not harder." I interpreted that to mean start my own competing company and took his advise.

So NoJuan is certifiable CrayCray now? Perla sees it but is powerless to escape. It would be hard to see somejuan you have idolized/crushed on since childhood turn into the revenge crazed NoJuan we are seeing now. For him it is no longer even about survival, it is a Kamakazii mission to destroy DudVid and himself also if that is what he must do. If he would just cool his jets a minute, David is on the mission with him, just give him time.

Diana, shot yesterday. The Mockingbird has enlisted the assistance of a crow now. They were ganging up on the poor Eagle, but still ineffective against the king of the air.

advice maybe?

Steve how long before NoJuan comes back to his palatial room at Motel 6 and finds Perly gone?
We'll leave the light on for ya. Huh.?

A date has been set for the wedding and Graciela reaffirmed no matter how hectic David's day job is he can find respite at night in her arms.

It was clear to me what David missed in Luciana wasn't as a romantic partner but a valuable, committed, poorly paid employee that gave him time to date and play video games with Bobby. He doesn't require Graciela to do anything more than keep the kids happy and stroke him.

Luciana acknowledged the elephant in the room and the first step to she and Miguel getting back together.

Cynthia - great recap and screencaps!

I commend Susan for trying to get through to David. She must be hating life at the vineyard these days. I hope she's updating her resume and Linked In profile. Like I said yesterday in my recap, David really does remind me of those dysfunctional bosses you have to manage up because they are blowhards and utterly out of touch and useless. My preferred ending for this show would be to have David's vineyard go out of business as Bodega del Competency hires the good employees away.

So I hope Luciana doesn't go back to Grumpy David and I don't even like her, but she's way too young and has too much spunk to be with an old out-of-touch grump.

I finally get why Fer was a brat after that scene with Bobby. She really just wants her family to be calm and happy like a stable family. She may not be backing the right horse for this, but I don't judge her as harshly as others do.

I laughed so hard at Carito's face when Sonia raptured on about "Mister David." That was a little nice touch of comedic acting there.


Tofie, for all Luci's failings of youth, she is a pretty good catch. Especially if you are in the vineyard business.

David has done nothing to deserve her, and abrasive and obnoxious as he was, Miguel has. It appears some strange did him good, RIP Erika.

DY you are so right about the blowhard bosses. I had one once upon a time, who would actually schedule a meeting to set a time for the REAL meeting. (An Engineer, Go Figure)

In the real world David's desk would have been piled high with resignation letters after his 'Tony Robbins" speech. "We are snowed under and can not do all this work, so I will reshuffle it so we are learning how to do different things, and it will go away."

"And each of you will be working MORE than now, and you are already overloaded to the breaking point."

Nobody has the guts to ask how he managed to drive Luci away?
No one mentions that he has two useless freeloaders lollygaging around doing nothing?
Nobody mentions that maybe he should hire more people YESTERDAY?
Those kind of people never worked for me.!
That little pep rally would have ended with David verbally tarred and feathered in many organizations.
What is this? Medieval England, and these are indentured servants? Except LuLu?


Cynthia, your screen shots were the perfect icing on your decadent recapping cake.

I felt little actually transpired when I watched the episode, but after reading your excellent summary, realized there was indeed forward movement.

I have to start by saying that like you UA, I was delighted Adolfo took Lili in hand and explained she is going to be bitter and alone. And at this point, she deserves that very bleak outcome.

I also enjoyed Carito's expression as Sonia waxed on about "Mr. David" dy. A very well played scene. Sonia sparkled.

When I saw Perla starting at the non-functioning TV, for the first time, my heart went out to her. She has made Juan the center of her universe and sadly, the planets are about to collide.

I will be out tonight at a retirement party I helped plan for a colleague here so won't see tonight's episode. Looks like things may heat up (if the preview I saw is correct). Sigh. Figures I will likely miss the most action that's happened in months.

Kirby, another magnificent bird. Thank you.

Cynthia, thank you!


David is giving the remaining employees a raise with the money he saves with Marta and Luciana gone. He really doesn't need Marta anymore anyway with Fernanda gone, Bobby in soccer, Graciela a soccer mom driving him around and Carito willing to bake cookies. While Luciana worked 100 hr weeks for an occasional fake promise from David she is not irreplaceable.

Sadly, many American workplaces of all types are like this and it's very difficult to stand up to a boss even with important home truths, but let's not go there. I really don't like when this blog goes off-topic.

David is being the way he is because of DisGrace's brainwashing. Had he not fallen for her stupid (from our viewpoint) blaming of Luciana for his family problems there would have been no domino effect on everything around him. She created this problem by demonizing Luciana to the children. Her timing was lucky for her because of the crises that Luciana and David had to pay attention to. Since neither DisGrace nor Lillian have a work ethic they are equally oblivious to what this could mean for them as well as the children. Fernanda knows what it takes to get somewhere after having gone through studying and tests and Bobby is old enough and smart enough to learn this lesson.

DisGrace also does this because she fears that any attention not paid to her will clue David in on the truth.

Haven't read this yet. I have to leave for an appointment in 10 minutes. But what really blew my mind last night was David asking Carito, the most vulnerable member of his staff, to watch Bobby, the most vulnerable member of his family. For all he knows, Carito may still have a bullseye target on her forehead. This is the ultimate in stupid. Carito won't be able to help Bobby if something happens.

Maybe I misunderstood what he wanted her to do. Maybe he just wanted her to "supervise" Bobby like Marta used to do... but he has Grace for that. I took this to mean that he figured nothing would happen to Bobby if he had an extra adult "watching" him (get shot).

David should probably be calling for armed guards.

No Tofie, she is NOT irreplaceable, just plain replaceable, which is what Dumbass should have done the minute she sauntered away with her 'Bindle'.

It was great acting out of Ms. Kim last night when DudVid was telling her maybe something is more important than 'HER' wedding and she was ready to explode.

Then you could just see the gears turning and her saying to herself, "Stay on Target Girl." and she turned back around with that OMG fake sickly sugar sweet 'Oooh Baby' and did damage control. I'm sure she then headed for the nearest bathroom and destroyed a roll of TP or something.

Is Adolfo the stealth Galan in this show?

Aside from his initial interest in Lil, he is pretty solid.

Can a TN Galan be a Galan without being in an intimate romantic relationship?

Adolfo is a prince, and smart too, if I remember what smart looks like this far along.

An added bonus we may have overlooked last night is NoJuan telling Lil he has every record. THAT means if they apprehend him he may have those records with him, as he is just nutty enough to carry them with him in his 'travels'.

Or, they are in a safe deposit box, which will easily come to ther light of day on his demise.

A win<-->win either way.

So many good comments.

Kirby..your photos are spectacular.

I am smiling at the boss comments. I had one who used to fall asleep in meetings. He always noticed my clothing and jewelry , but he never came to observe me in class while telling me that he had no idea what I did. Hubba had one who suggested "stand up" meetings. He had several who had no concept of money and accounting which made his job doubly hard. is fascinating the way she can turn off that crazy switch and start stroking Dave's...ego. Amazing what a little petting can do to calm your pet down.

Diana...yummy..I always appreciate good cake reference.

Thanks, Cynthia. Great job.

When Luciana said she couldn't help loving David, they should've shown some flashbacks of their love story because I could barely remember them. Let's see: him carrying her out of the water when he thought she was drowning, first kiss, drape opening, first and only night together. That's all I recall.

Boohoo! no chocolate chips for Fer. She seems to have a lot of time to just hang out. David should put her on the vineyard work crew.

...and..Doritos in a bowl outside the assistant principal office:-D

Niecie..yes, isn't it interesting that Dave has never suggested that Fer take off her designer clothes and help pick some grapes or help TAno package bottles of wine. Even Booboo could help with sone tasks. Kids who grow up on farms are usually expected to help with the chores , and I would expect the same if you are growing up in a vineyard.

Also, I thought that the conversation about marriage between Cubby and TAno was interesting. "Nobody gets married anymore. " Is this the common thought in Mexico today among young people? How old are these writers? Are they male and female?

Niecie indirectly touched on something we probably take for granted in the vast majority of novelas, which this fakakta show really doesn't do--and it should: flashbacks. Or rather something it did, since IIRC there were some scattered flashbacks early on for David and Luciana (and a couple for Marta WRT Magic Brian, I think)...but then they just stopped doing them entirely, apart from that one a month ago with Dead Lisa, and there went a valuable resource for reaffirming that David and Luciana (or, for that matter, Erika and Miguel; Sonia and Leon, amazingly, have done perfectly well without them--but they're also the happiest couple in California) are N LUV and can't get each other out of their minds. Or just shoring up the emotional impacts of various things for various people.

David being kinda sane and forgiving Carito was fine. At the time, his rally-the-troops bit came off okay (although, yes, having someone--probably Ramon--openly question things might have been a welcome addition a la Susan going "Boss, c'mon, we need some guidance here, we're drowning")...but in hindsight it would have been a little more graceful if he had paid more overt lip service to Luciana's absence. Especially since the show has been pimping her as Grape Supergirl almost as hard as it was pimping Marta as BEST EVER (Fer pining for her chocolate chip cookies rated about three eyerolls).

OTOH, Perla straight up sitting in the dark staring at TV static was unintentionally hilarious. Even over Juan's insistence on taunting David via phone (and David, to his credit, actually gave as good as he got--apparently the madder he gets, the saner he gets?), and over Susan's audience-stand-in expressions behind Graciela after she swanned in, but way behind Carito's WTF face when Sonia was going on about Mr. David.

As for Lilian's last-ditch attempt to sway Adolfo about that devil in a red dress Marta and his comment that if she keeps going the way she is she'll end up completely alone...oh, man, the foreshadowing could be cut with a knife...

Perla following the Juan cult I accept but David totally helpless to Graciela, naw. He's a grown man that neglected his business that was lucky enough to have a pretty young thing show at his door that was more interested in working the vineyard than he was at the moment and it inspired him. Romantically, Luciana was nothing more than a transition girl until his ideal wife and mother arrived. All Graciela did was provide what David required.

The whole premise of this show asks us to be as stupid as the stupidest character. If a man's wife is dead in the local CREEK, and she (we expect) knows how to swim, etc. does not the husband want to know how in the fork that happened?

It is not like she was swept downstream and bashed on rocks. Didn't Dave has some idle curiosity as how exactly she managed to be dead? She was in shallow water where she would have to lie down to drown. HUH?

I feel NO, I'll say it again, NO pity for David. As Tofie said, he is a grown-assed man with what appears to be life handed to him on a silver platter. And starting with Lisa's murder and pretty much everything henceforth he has done nothing positive. Have a happy (succubus) life big guy.

I have to get going to work, but I just started thinking about Gracie being able to pivot so swiftly during her hissy fit over the wedddddding plans and turn on her charms to
calm DAve. Then, those guys who rub the tummies of alligators to put them to sleep \zzzzzzzzzzzz popped into my head. Look into my eyes DAve.))))))))zzzzzzz

Kirby, I think the assumption at the time was that she tripped, fell, and hit her head. The writers failed to do their homework and didn't know (or ignored this) that autopsies are typically done in these situations, in which case someone like Melinda Warner of Law & Order SVU would have concluded that Lisa was a victim of foul play.

Something else occurred to me, which was that while the cell phone may not have had much juice in it when DisGrace killed Lisa it's possible that Lisa recorded something earlier that could bite someone else on the arse.

Yeah Sue, we have a lot of those Gator charmers here in Flor-I-Duh.


Urban, thanks. I missed about the first four or five episodes, now that makes sense.

A rock with red nail polish on it right?

Lord bless this nice trout I am feeding to my chicks.


"When Luciana said she couldn't help loving David, they should've shown some flashbacks of their love story because I could barely remember them".

Neither can I Niecie. And is our memory at fault? Nopis. One night together hardly constitutes a love story.

And yes Kirby Adolfo is the "stealth galan". :)


I've never seen better shots of birds than yours Kirby.


Thanks Glad you enjoy them. If you want hi res copies let me know. I give them away.

Mom, What part of I'm forkin hungry did not compute?

They (the writers) are really stretching it with how much work Luciana did to the point of ridiculousness. David, Ramon, Susana, Tano, Leon, and the occasional extra here and there are all running around for hours upon hours like chickens with their heads cut off trying to do EVERYTHING that Luciana did (and failing)...and yet, Super Lucy did it all PLUS solving all the vineyard's problems (water problem, plague, etc) and creating new wines (the contest) while working half a day and THEN going to Adolfo's vineyard and doing EVERYTHING over there and STILL having time to stroll through the grapes and frolic with poor little friendless Booby!!! Yeah, right ... very believable. Too stupid, even for a telenovela, IMO

Yeah, Lu is what you call an overachiever. She probably goes around singing that tune " Yeah, I'm a womannn, w-o-m-a-n, I'll say it again...." Which goes on to list all the things a woman can do. I guess Lu is a multitasker.

Thanks everyone for your great comments! I did forget to say at the end that David seemed to be giving them a raise in their salary for all the extra work they were doing. But I just don't understand why they don't hire some temporary help for the office to take care of invoicing and billing? David needs a good Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable specialists to keep track of the books.

Luciana must be Superwoman! She must work in fast forward and she has time for all the girl talk with Susan.

I'm looking at Juan and they seem to be headed for the skids? I found it humorous that Perla went to buy food at the gas station grocery. I see ultimate desperation coming their way. Perla better walk out on him or she will end up with nothing and worse yet, prison. Her best bet is to dump Juan and run, not walk to the nearest exit and get her butt over to the police. Maybe she do a plea deal?

DisGrace makes me angry the way she feels so ENTITLED to break up a work meeting and interrupt the workflow for David. As a narcissist/psychopath, she thinks the world revolves around her. You could just see her seething anger and her "recalculation" efforts as she went from vitch to sweetness in the snap of her fingers.

Julie, I agree David should be hiring some armed guards around the vineyard. He needs a high tech security system too.

Oh and I'm am truly liking and respecting Adolfo very much now. He's my hero! :)

Thank you, Cynthia!

Great comments, all! I had to actually work today! The noive!

This really resonated with me from Julie:

But what really blew my mind last night was David asking Carito, the most vulnerable member of his staff, to watch Bobby, the most vulnerable member of his family. For all he knows, Carito may still have a bullseye target on her forehead. This is the ultimate in stupid. Carito won't be able to help Bobby if something happens.

Really good points on Dumbass from tofie, Kirby. . .yah, grown-assed, willingly-hypnotized man. Lordy! It will be over soon.

And Urban, yes, several weeks back with had an extended discussion on how THE CELL PHONE could have picked up some of the argument/chaos when Lisa heard Grace accuse Lil and Juan of robbing Dud and just before she ran away to call David. More damning would be bits of the argument between Grace and Lisa and an accidental selfie of Lisa's lilly white, perfectly manicured hand slamming a rock against Lisa's tender forehead.

Wishful thinking! Just one day and one week to go!

It's too bad Dud can't see all the high-strung, perfectly calculated machinations DG is running. It will be so clear to him after the story of Lisa's murder at Grace's hands comes to light. Will they let him find out before or after the wedding?

Lila..yes, I am wondering the same thing. Does old Damaged Dave get the stunning news bulletin before or after the big wedding? He has already bunnyhopped with the stonecold killer, but are the writers actually going to wait until after the knot is tied before the big secret is revealed?

I love the first screencap. I keep thinking of Dave's old habit of holding LU's head like a basketball . Turn about is fair play, Dave. How do you like it now when Gracie does that to you? I am beginning to think that it is a control\power thing. "Haha..okat...I've got your head in my are mine are under my control...I am your master...I own your soul."


Let's say it all together. "Dave, I see you. Wouldn't want to be you. Sucks to be you, Dave."

Cynthia, yes, in the last, we have had our share of lengthy discussions about narcicissts around here. Gracie could be queen of the narcicissts.(I always have trouble spelling that word .)

Thanks Cynthia, good recappin.It seems
That Ms Marta is in high demand. Don't
Nobody in that kitchen know how to bake chocolate cookies? As many years
As carito been around marta,she should
Have some idea. Of course everybody can't Bake choco chip cookies. If fer
Is plannin on marrying tano she really
Should think about learning how to cook. Im talkin about the spoiled lil
Princess she'll probably expect Marta
To move in. Marta should put her foot down and say"you're a grown ass woman witha husband do your own damn cookin"
She won't. She'll move in.

Perla-"I will follow you to the ends of the earth", looks like she's gonna follow him to prison. Or hell, take a pick. Can't she think for heself? Why
Do some woman choose badboys? O perla
That guy is gonna be the death of you.

Lillian needs counciling. The "I hate
Marta and I want everybody else to hate her too club" is getting tired.
Let it go dear. Fernando stepped out
With marta, brian loved marta. Let it go. She Got other things to worry about. All her nasty little secrets R
About to come tumbling out by way of
Mr juanderful. And the knowledge that
Daughter #2 murdered daughter #1, is
Going to be a big blow.Those are gonna
Be her anvils. And they are heavey.

It would be great if david's love life Was as organized as his business life.
See how together he is about putting
Together a work plan for them.That was good. But with his love life like most
Guys, he ain't thinkin with his brain.
Now I'll leave that right there. Cuz
Everybody has a weakness. And at the end of this crazy ride, he'll get it together.Besides it's a love story for
Pete's sake. There will be a happy ending, well an ending. Happiness, eh.

Thank you Cynthia darling ;)

You know I thought about that cell phone she had when she found out that juan was skimming off of the money and she pulled out that cell phone and I think she may have talked to the voice mail recording that was on David's side, and that might be on there. I thought about that when y'all were talking about that cell phone the other night.If thats what juan has he
Got bomb to drop.Ooooo lil,your in the
Deep Manure pot.

Thank you so much, Cynthia. I'm sorry to be chiming in too late, but I'm glad I at least had a chance to read this before the next episode. Thanks for refreshing my memory of all the lunacy in progress.

Marta: "The day that you become a mother, you will understand the sacrifices that parents make for their children" Care to share, Marta? I'd love to know what sacrifices you made for your children. Was staying in California a sacrifice that you made for your children? In what way was it a sacrifice? In what way did it benefit your children?

Tano: “It’s just that people nowadays just don’t get married anymore.” Is this official Televisa policy?

Funny how quickly DG backpedaled when David reacted poorly to her anti-Luciana snit. Does he realize that he has the upper hand in this so-called relationship? Oh right, he's doing it for the kiddos.

Juan is such a damned baby, getting all upset because David said he'd take his land away. Juan had just threatened David's children. David could have threatened a lot worse.

I'm not sure Adolfo (who, yes, is our stealth galan) should have told Marta about his talk with Lilian. It will just make Marta smug, and it wouldn't surprise me if she went back to BLA to gloat at Lil, who would then be obligated to kill her. And why indeed did Lil neglect to mention Marta's affair? Was she afraid that it would somehow make Marta more attractive to Adolfo, or herself less attractive? I only ask because for a while there, she was telling that story to everyone she saw.

David's motivational speech reminded me of something I saw on Sesame Street when I was 4. Cookie Monster and Ernie had four cookies on a plate. Rearrange them however you like, and it's still four cookies. Not three (unless Cookie eats one) and definitely not five. I have observed that this is true for workloads, too.

But it was a nice try, David.

Amen, Julie, on Marta's "sacrifice" and your other observations on the Lil/Adolfo conversation.


You speak truth, Julie. Cookies don't lie.

Julie: I think at the beginning Marcos would tell Luciana that if it weren't for her mother sending money to them, she wouldn't have been able to go to her university there. Apparently Marta was sending a lot of money to them in Mexico. So in that way, I guess she sacrificed. If she had gone back to live in Mexico, maybe Marta would not have had a well paying job.

Yeah, I'm not sure how many noticed that Tano said no one gets married anymore. These writers really must be anti-marriage or something.

I am looking forward to tonight. Last night seems to be leading up to something a lot bigger.

I agree that Adolfo is a king . Still waters, you know. He is the strong,silent hero. Kind and fair and calm.

I know Luciana is a sweet humble like
Young lady, but kinda stupid.She works
Her butt off for both vineyards and only One appreciates her enough to pay her,And she wants to turn it down.
she does know she is an employee? And
Employees get paid. I would not have had a second thought. She really is a hard worker when she works. I didn't
See davdounce Offer her a paycheck,or
Is it done another way? Im glad she took the check.She wants her mom to have a retirement fund, but what about herself? I don't know how that works, but I suppose david took Out for taxes and SSI & MEDICADE and such.O whatever they'll be gone soon.

Yes, I noticed Tano's comment about nobody getting married anymore. Maybe things are changing in Mexico as they are here. Maybe nobody is happily married..or even unhappily married in this telenovela because that is society's new reality. I wonder if Fern knows that he feels that way! I am curious about the ages and gender of these writers.

Watch yourself Sue, Even I like Adolfo.

Julie Nice to see that headless thing has passed. Did the Doctor notice anything unusual, or had it grown back by the time she saw you? And you're right, who ever won an argument with cookies?

I thought Tano's take on matrimony was just to show how young and 'kool' he is.

DisGrace is like the original terminator when we would look through his eyes and see things in his machine vision with range and target information. Then he would switch into 'Target Acquired' mode. Julie I was half watching for her head to spin all the way around when she had that mood change.

6 episodes?

Even if things are changing in Mexico and a lot of people live together without marriage, you can't really say "no one gets married anymore." Otherwise all the bridal shops and everyone affiliated in the wedding business would be going bankrupt.

Over here where I live in Los Angeles, if you go over to the more Mexican parts of town like East L.A., Huntington Park, and even Montebello, you will find a LOT of bridal shops. You can find someone to make wedding gowns, bridesmaid gowns, and also for quincianeras. Weddings seem like big business in the Hispanic community as far as I can tell.

Perhaps Gracie will explode or suddenly burst into flames from all that pentup frustration and anger. Being sweet and submissive to Dave for such a long time must be taking its toll on her inner mechanisms.

Absolutely Luci should be getting a commission on sales... she is the one who created their sales strategy!!

My head did grow back, and the only thing the doctor commented on was that I had no tonsils. Which is pretty funny because I've been seeing this doctor for 4 years and my tonsils were removed 17 years ago. But maybe she was saying it for my information, LOL.

As for Grace, every time she speaks I half-expect her to get struck by lightning. Even indoors. (Does she ever wear pants? Like pants-on-fire liar?)

Susanlynn, every time I see someone like DG or Ana Leticia I wonder how, even with suspension of belief, I can accept that anyone could keep up such a facade for so long. You'd think they would just collapse or snap from the stress. I don't think I could do it for more than ten minutes, and even that would probably give me hives. It makes for a good story, but it would be more believable if the mask would slip a little more often.

I do remember one time on 3VA when Maribel was making faces behind AnaLu's back, and someone noticed and asked her about it. Such a thing is so rare in a TN that when it does happen, I remember it!

I to seem to remember Marta sending them money. Well both these lady are hot and cold,one colder than the other
And it's almost over so I don't care much. Who you gonna side with? They're both Screwed up :~\

Iam curious about the ages also sue.

Yes, Marta did send them money. But that still seems a very strange choice to me. I think Luci would have been happier to have her mother with her, even if it limited her educational opportunities. (Though from what we've seen of Luci, she has super powers and could probably have gotten a scholarship.)

To put it another way, and maybe this is too judgy of me, I just cannot imagine staying behind if half my family was getting legally deported. Not for a sacrifice, not for anything. It just seems wrong.

Julie, regarding how long someone can mask their true selves, in my own personal experience it was seven years before the person dropped the mask.

Regarding tonsils, I have one. I hemorrhaged when I had a tonsillectomy when I was just the one is still with me .

Kirby I just saw your photos you took of the eagles the owls the cute squirrels in your pocket and I think
That was a seagull.And The eagles in flight They're beautiful in flight. Great photos kirby.

SEVEN YEARS?? Wow. Just wow. ex son in law. Big surprise when we found out who he really was.

NiNa Thank You. Enjoy.

Ha ha... the sign outside the cafe in Sonoma always says "Pretzel Day". More like Pretzel Year.

Another thought... Tano should try that "nobody gets married any more" line on David and Fernanda.

Hey, the Philly station that I listen to said that Pretzel Day was yesterday. I missed it. Maybe next year.

Shots fired shots fired

That means they serve pretzels all day. I wonder if they serve jumbo shrimp with them. That should be delicious with some kind of dipping sauce, honey mustard, bar-B-Q sauce ranch.yummo!!

Are you ok kirby? Send something back
So we'll know you're OK

I didn't like what I saw, but avances can be misleading.

Nina, I think Kirb was referring to something he saw on TV :-)
And I would like a garlic butter dipping sauce for my pretzels and shrimp.

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