Tuesday, May 30, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #17 5.30.17: Empty Perfume Bottles & (Not So) Empty Threats

• Paloma wakes up, crawls out of bed, and sees that Rosario and Laustela are not in the room with her. She goes off to find her.
• In the meantime, Rosario is in the laundry room, oblivious to Paloma’s escape.
• Ryan is in the kitchen, contemplating taking a drink but decides to pour it down the sink. Morgana comes and asks for a drink; he obliges and she tells him that nothing better than a stiff drink to wash over life’s troubles.
• Paloma goes to Mercy’s room, sees the lamp shaped perfume bottle and decides to pretend to be “Mercy.” She demands the perfume bottle from Rita and then proceeds to stray some on neck. Accidently, she sprays some into her mouth and begins to cough and sneeze uncontrollably.
• Laustela is in Ryan’s room, thinking, when there’s a knock on the door. It’s Danilo, with guitar in hand. He has come to show her his new song and asks him to sing it, so she can feel better. Danilo begins to sing as Laustela smiles.
• Ryan asks if things are bad with Danilo and Morgana confesses that she feels he doesn’t pay attention to her anymore. Ryan reminds her that he’s busy with the new album but Morgana extends her fingertips to Ryan and explains that she and Danilo haven’t been together in a while. Ryan suggests she talk to Danilo but Morgana reminds him that she’s a young, beautiful woman that still has a lot to give a man. She gets close to Ryan and asks if she is beautiful. Ryan nods but tells her that he needs to go and does as Morgana smiles.

• Danilo asks Laustela if she likes his song and she nods, though she can’t think about it right now. She asks that he give her a couple of days to think it through and she’ll get back to him. Danilo agrees and leaves her be for the time being.
• Moments later, Laustela goes to her room and finds Paloma and Rosario gone. She looks everywhere to no avail and runs throughout the house to look for them.
• In bed, Danilo thinks about Laustela doing a striptease just for him as he drums his guitar. Morgana comes and tells him that Ryan won’t be easy to seduce though she may catch him off guard and willing later on. Danilo grabs Morgana, throws her on the bed and begins to kiss her, passionately.
• Laustela chides Rosario, who only stepped out of the room for a minute to go get the clean laundry, for leaving Paloma alone. They continue to look around the room.
• Mercy steps out of the shower and finds Paloma, fainted on the floor by the perfume bottle. She screams for Rosario and Laustela, who immediately come running and demand to know what happened. Ryan comes and calls an ambulance as Mercy explains that she doesn’t know what happened.
• Sometime later, the doctor explains that Paloma suffered an allergic reaction and they are helping her breathe for the time being. He also doesn’t know what ingredient in the perfume caused the reaction though he is running tests. He tells them that they will need to bring Paloma new clothes, because her old ones are full of perfume, and explains that they will keep her in the hospital for two days while they make sure she’s okay. He goes and Mercy chides Rosario for leaving Paloma alone. Rosario thanks Mercy for coming with them, because Paloma is not her responsibility, but Mercy reminds that the incident happened at her house before Ryan asks her to be quiet. Mercy nods and asks them to leave but Laustela will stay the night with Rosario. She then goes to see Paloma, after thanking Mercy and Ryan for their help.
• Later, Laustela goes to Paloma’s room and cries over Paloma. She caresses the girl’s face and thanks her lucky stars that she’s alive.
• The next day, Genesis tells Calao that Danilo hasn’t arrived but he can help her by filing away some pending documents. He obliges as Ryan comes and asks her about any pressing business as he has to run back to the hospital because Paloma had a little accident but she’s better. Genesis assumes Estela won’t be at Furia for a few days but Ryan doesn’t think she’ll ever return. Ryan asks her for a coffee as he leaves and doesn’t notice Calao listening to the whole conversation close by.
• Leticia cleans Chavalin’s office and sees a news report about the minimum wage in CA being $10/hr; the report suggests employees demand payment for services, even if they are not within the normal business hours, and 15/hr for every hour of overtime. Leticia writes all this information down.
• Outside Furia, Calao calls Asdrubal and tells him that Ryan thinks Laustela won’t be back. Asdrubal thinks that Calao didn’t do his job right because Laustela doesn’t seem too scared to leave Furia. Calao affirms that she did sound scared when he talked to her but Asdrubal hangs up. Asdrubal then orders Talisman to make sure that Laustela knows how dangerous it would be to leave Furia. Talisman nods.
• Danilo has sex with Morgana again and she celebrates his virility. She assumes no one heard them, because of the scandal last night, but Danilo reminds her that they still have plenty to worry about. El Dorado wants her at Furia, though he doesn’t know why, but Morgana suggests she ask him directly. Danilo explains that the restaurant is always full and Asdrubal doesn’t let him get close; Morgana teases him for not being the man he always says he is and suggests he find a way to talk to El Dorado. Danilo nods.
• Laustela finds Rosario in the waiting room and tells her that Paloma is still sleeping. Paloma smiles and Laustela doesn’t think what she would do without either Paloma or her. Rosario suggests they go grab a coffee as Mercy comes with two coffees, though she forgets that Rosario is diabetic. Laustela suggests they grab a tea for Rosario and then have her go home to get some rest. As Mercy offers to take Rosario home, they don’t notice Talisman go into Paloma’s room, dressed as a nurse, with a laundry bin. He looks at the little girl, mischievously.
• Rosario leaves to get the tea and Laustela confesses that she’s surprised to see Mercy so worried for Paloma. Mercy is there for Ryan because he loves Paloma, but can’t be with her 24/7, even though she knows that he isn’t her father. Laustela is floored and Mercy confesses that Ryan spilled the beans about Paloma’s true paternity. They don’t notice Talisman exit Paloma’s room with the laundry bin.
• In El Dorado’s restaurant, Danilo types away as his phone as an employee tries to take away his place. Danilo stops him and then asks if he’s seen Lucio Galvan today; the employee reiterates that the boss arrives whenever he wants. Danilo chooses to wait for him and the employee calls someone and nods. He then tells Danilo that El Dorado will attend him for a minute and leads the way.
• Paloma’s heart monitor is beating steady but suddenly drops dangerously low. In the hallway, Mercy tells Laustela that she only wanted to see how long she kept up the charade but Laustela thinks Ryan should’ve let her share the news with Mercy. Just then, nurses burst into Paloma’s room and Laustela runs after them and demands they do something ASAP.
• Danilo meets El Dorado in the kitchen, mixing something in a big bowl. He asks if Danilo liked his tacos and Danilo nods. El Dorado thinks every boss should personally take care of their business and Danilo agrees before telling El Dorado that he hoped to talk him, privately, since they couldn’t last time. El Dorado asks if it has to do with his new album but Danilo tells him that is going great, though he wonders what special interest he has in Laustela. EL Dorado is quiet.
• The doctor explains that Paloma stopped receiving oxygen for a few minutes because someone, strangely, closed the valve. Laustela wonders how it happened, since she’s been there all day, but the doctor assumes it was an accident or faulty machinery. Either way, he wonders who would want to hurt a 3-year-old and Laustela remembers Calao’s text message threats. She tells the doctor that she has no idea and the doctor vows to take every precaution possible and leaves. Laustela then goes to Paloma’s room and kisses her; she asks for forgiveness for making Paloma’s life harder when she always wanted it to be easier. She then hugs Paloma and sings to her, softly.
• El Dorado explains that he gives the orders and Danilo promptly follows them. If not, El Dorado will have to take care of it himself. He will forgive Danilo’s questions, just this once, because he’s fight for a place in his organization. Danilo thanks him and El Dorado reiterates that most things with him will be this way: he orders and Danilo executes, without question. Danilo thanks him again and tells him that he is so much easier to deal with than Asdrubal or Talisman. El Dorado understands and suggests Danilo talk to him, without any middlemen, from now on. Danilo nods and smiles.
• Leticia shows Chavalin her invoice of hours worked but Chavalin explains that she is demanding a lot more than he personally earns, regardless of what she heard on the news. She explains that she can even learn how to bake the beard, on top of cooking, but Chavalin reminds her that he already has a baker and won’t fire him. Leticia nods but ultimately understands that she will have to look for a new job because she has to think of her children. Chavalin suggests they negotiate her new rate/hr and, after some debate, they agree on 8/hr.
• Laustela watches over Paloma as Ryan comes and tells her that Rosario told him what happened. She apologizes for thinking he sent the threats because she didn’t remember that those threats included Paloma. She wonders how she can be a good mother when she can’t protect Paloma but Ryan reminds her that she’s an excellent mother as Mercy comes in, ecstatic about their reconciliation. She then asks about Paloma and Laustela explains that she’s better and needs to rest. Mercy smiles and reiterates that children should not pay for the sins of their parents before leaving. Laustela asks why Ryan didn’t tell Mercy what happened but he suggests they discuss it further before telling her anything.
• Later, Ryan explains that they have to keep up appearances, for the sake of Paloma, or they will have to officially involve the police. Laustela understands and accepts that Ryan’s house is the safest place for them. Ryan does want to know why Laustela has to remain at Furia, per the threats, and suggests they investigate further. Laustela agrees as Pedro’s people already proved what they are capable of but Ryan has one doubt: how did Pedro’s people even find out she was thinking of leaving again. Laustela doesn’t know but she will continue to be Estela and remain at Furia, for now.
• Ryan calls into a Univision music news radio and tells her that Furia is producing a new album for Danilo’s bad with songs written by his fiancée, Estela Carrillo, who is currently working at Furia and has his full support. The reporter thanks him for the exclusive and congratulates Ryan on his engagement. Ryan hangs up and Laustela nods.
• Asdrubal, who is listening to the news station, hears the news and tells Talisman that their plan worked. Talisman nods but confesses that he wonders why El Dorado has Laustela on such a short leash. Asdrubal is not too happy to hear his question.
• Ryan hopes that news report was sufficient proof for Pedro’s people but Laustela doesn’t think so; she assumes Estela knew something about them that has them scared. She asks if Ryan can think of anything but he shakes his head. Just then, Paloma wakes up, and they ask her how she feels. Rosario comes and smiles, happy to see her so well. She goes to find the doctor, who should check Paloma, out as Paloma smiles when she sees Laustela and Ryan together.
• Asdrubal reiterates that El Dorado makes the orders and they follow without question. Talisman asks if he knows the real reason for his interest in Laustela and Asdrubal nods and explains that El Dorado trusts him because he’s not a gossip. Asdrubal then suggests Talisman stop asking questions, like Danilo, lest he get in trouble. Talisman nods and Asdrubal smile though Talisman doesn’t.
• Laustela and Rosario tell Ryan that they spoke with the doctor, who suggested Paloma remain on bed rest, for now. Laustela then asks Ryan, who takes her to a corner, if he’s okay but he confesses that he hasn’t stopped thinking about what she said earlier regarding Estela knowing something about Pedro’s men. She asks if he remembered something and Ryan reveals that Estela stayed in an apartment she owned in Santa Monica, whenever she came to CA, but he hasn’t been there since she disappeared because it brought back too many painful memories. He thinks they should go and see if they can find any clues there as Estela always carried a suitcase with her and it might be there. He further explains that Estela would say her life depended on whatever was inside the suitcase but he never knew if she was joking or not. Laustela thinks they should go and Ryan nods; if they are lucky, the key Estela kept on top of the door frame may still be there. Laustela explains that it will have to be later, as she can’t leave Paloma, but Ryan reminds her that they are going to put security at the door and Santa Monica isn’t too far from where they are. Laustela is unsure so Ryan reminds her that Rosario will be there and she should eat something though they should hurry lest Pedro’s people think she has escaped. Rosario nods as Laustela decides.
• At Furia, Danilo and Calao speak to the accountant, Mr. Soto, who tells them that he can’t alter Furia’s accounting because that would be money laundering. Danilo explains that it’s all of matter of adding some numbers where he asks him too but Soto is unsure, as it’s something that has never been done before. Danilo tells them that Mercy and Ryan already know everything, and agree, but Soto wonders if they know they can go to jail. Danilo explains that they are desperate upstairs to be number one again, no matter what it takes. Soto reiterates that he has never done something like this, and won’t, but Calao reminds him that he may lose everything if he doesn’t. Soto asks him what they are going to do to him.
• Mercy paces around Paloma’s room and asks Rosario when Laustela and Ryan will be back because Paloma is alone. Rosario reminds her that she’s there as Paloma wakes up and asks for water. Mercy hands her some, grabs her hand ad remembers grabbing the hand of her mysterious baby. She then promises Paloma that she will be better, soon, and when she does, they will go buy all the toys she wants. Mercy then notices Rosario looking at her, goes back to being her old self and demands to know when the doctor will come and see Paloma.
• Danilo reminds Soto that Laustela, Ryan’s girlfriend, has very dangerous connections. Soto asks if he’s in danger but Danilo and Calao shake their heads though Calao shows Soto the gun he keeps on his person, for good measure. Danilo explains that since he now knows what’s going on, he should report directly to him or Calao and smiles.
• Fausto waits outside Ryan’s house and stops Augustin, asking for employment in the house. Augustin tells him that there isn’t and the owners aren’t home so there is no one he can ask right now. Fausto nods but promises to return later and leaves as Augustin looks on.
• Laustela and Ryan arrive at Estela’s apartment and Ryan finds the key in the doorframe. They go inside and find the place empty, though filled with boxes. Laustela wonders why no one ever claimed the apartment and Ryan confesses that he watched the place for a few months after Estela’s disappearance though she never came back. Laustela asks if Pedro did but Ryan thinks he didn’t even know about it. Laustela finds a picture of Estela and Ryan and Ryan explains that it’s the only picture he ahs of them together as Estela hated taking pictures. Laustela asks if it hurts to think about it but Ryan admits that it hurts like when you remember a bad scrape when you were younger and see the scars. Laustela smiles then asks if he’s sure she’s dead but Ryan reveals that he never saw body though he assumes she may be because Pedro had a lot of enemies. Laustela reminds her that he still does.
• Joe laments what happened with Paloma and Mercy admits that it brought up painful memories though it was normal kid’s stuff. Joe asks her why she refuses to love Paloma but Mercy refuses to, especially with Laustela’s flaky behavior. Joe admits that he was prepared to hate Laustela, because of all that happened, but he has found to be a good person. Mercy tells him that it’s all a charade but Joe asks her to not get mad and goes to give her a massage. Mercy asks him to hug her and he obliges as a picture of Joe’s family sits in a picture frame nearby.
• Later, Danilo shows Morgan his new song and she tells him that it’s pretty good. He wants to use it as the promotional song at the album launch, though it’s not as good as he wants it to be. Morgana suggests they finish the album first, and chose the best song as the promotional but Danilo reminds her that they have to move quickly because they need someone to take them on tour ASAP. Morgana smiles and reiterates that their band is going to be a hit before realizing that it’s all a lie and Danilo just cares about his business with El Dorado. Danilo nods and she asks about his plans with El Dorado but he tells her that it’s “need to know” only. All she needs to worry about is pretending to sing because they are going to sell a bunch of albums and “charge” a lot of money for their shows. He winks but she knocks off his hat and calls him an idiot. He shakes his head, slaps her ass and tell her to go take care of business with Ryan. Morgan walks away without another word.
• Ryan searches to various boxes but finds nothing. Laustela then notices something below the couch and asks for Ryan’s help to lift it. Under the couch, they find a blue suitcase and Ryan confirms it was the one Estela already had with her. They open it up and find a gun inside…


Alfredo, you're awesome! Thank you for another impressive and speedy recap.

Just a quick comment before hitting the sack..

No more HotBun for me...he is now Asscumball. Anyone who has any part in hurting a child is unforgivable.

More tomorrow, good night.


WOW ! Alfredo ,A thank you the size of Texas.

A. It was cool the way Ryan knew what MorGrope was up to and blew her off as gentlemanly as is possible.
B. We are seeing a new tender Motherly side of MercyMee. It suits the bitch.
C. FOR ONCE in a TN while everyone is running in circles and shrieking, Ryan calmly gets an ambulance called STAT.
D. LetMeGiveMyselfaRaise sees something on the tube and forms a one-nitwit labor union and hits Chava up.

Morgana 'can't remember how long it has been since she had some.' Ryan: That does not mean it has been that long, she is just too dam dumb to remember what happened three hours ago.

IsRyan & IsNotStela now call themselves the Hardy Boys and go lookin fer clues..

Did you see that fancy gun? NOT a cop gun. Frilly gangsta gun I'm tellin ya.

Sue did you enjoy the new more manly ToughBun? DaniLow is on verrr thin ice, I'd say. But he's also too dam dumb to know it.


Haven't read the recap yet Alfredo but I know it's going to be good, but I just wanted to throw this in,try this on for size. When notStella asked Ryan "are you sure that estela is dead?" that gave me an idea, what if she is the baby that MercyMe had and she left said baby with mr. Carrillo and then she found out that MercyMe was her momma then she killed her daddy? Cuz she was pist cuz she fell in love with her bro, they had sex(yuck),she had that plot necklace dropped it in dead daddy's hand after she killed him with that fancy gun, and ran as far as her incestuous feet could take her and
Planted a false announcement that she's dead. We been what iffin all over the place, this is fun! Lol.


Mmmmm...NiNa ....that's a pretty good whatif. There are clues RAINING about MercyMe's mystery bebe. We saw that medallion/necklace again last night when MercyMe was having another flashback at Paloma's bedside.
Was that gun the only thing in that little bag? For fun we are going to ignore the place being undisturbed for years. Did RealStela disappear and get a fake ID? She can call herself Laura Oviedo, I hear that one is available.
The realization that she is shagging her half Brother was enough for her to off the responsible party and disappear, as the relationship could not be. Since Ryan is not the killer of Pedro, that position is still available. Even if RealStela returns, but is the Sis, there is no way she wants Ryan back as boyfriend. She may still love him, but with the passing of time it could have morphed into a healthy brother-sister love. But she may have a long overdue sermon for MercyMe.

And I am with RioChik, no more forking around with a little kid or there is gonna be some hate mail landing at LooneyVision.

Alfredo, so grateful for your consistently awesome and detailed recaps. I learned quite a bit - all thanks to you.

“Laustela doing a striptease just for him”. What struck me and what I really liked in this scene was that if she ever did really do it, it would be just the way she performed it. Not like Morgana, but just like herself, sexy and sweet.

RgvChick and Kirby, I was also horrified that the former honeybun would hurt Paloma. He is dead to me.

"Mercy smiles and reiterates that children should not pay for the sins of their parents before leaving". I see cracks in her cold hard persona. Why she even shed her leopard and leather for a white suit and a blue hat! Far more of a ladies who lunch outfit than we've seen.

"Ryan reveals that he never saw body". In TN speak, doesn't that usually mean she is alive?

"Mercy asks him to hug her and he obliges as a picture of Joe’s family sits in a picture frame nearby". Looks like a sweet wife and children to me. I'm anxious to hear what his marriage is or isn't.

“LetMeGiveMyselfaRaise sees something on the tube and forms a one-nitwit labor union and hits Chava up”. I was cheering her on Kirby. Good for her. I hope this signifies her shedding her useless ex, getting independent and getting on with it.

Nina, I have no idea who Mercy’s baby is but I’m thinking it may either be Morgana or someone we haven’t met. I think having it be the “real” Estela might be too incestuous of a theme, but who knows??

Calao seems to be developing a bit of a personality for a stone cold killer. Talisman? Not so much. I also think he didn't flinch at Asdrubal's admonishment. He is not afraid of the ex-honeybun and I could see him going rogue at any time.

Alfredo, your recaps are a pleasure to read. Thank you for your dedication!


Did I just see the slimeball attacking an innocent kid ?

Diana,. true, good for LetMeGiveMyself.. but Chava has been far more than kind to her when there was nothing in it for him. I thought it pretty darn bold to write up a bill and hit him with it when he has been pretty charitable. He could have paid her and kicked her out with no place to live and no job. He owes her nuttin. Steve yes you did and there is a group here ready to send hate mail to this show. Grrrrrr. Tail NOT wagging.

Yes Steve, the slimball did. He turned
Off the breathing machine. He's a real lowlfe to do that to a child,or adult anyone. You're right Kirby. I was very
Surprised to see her do that to chav.
She's not very grateful.She don't have a pot to pee in snd still wouldnt if laura and chav hadn't helped her needy
But. Some people!!

Alfredo, thank you once again for a detailed recap. I missed most of this episode because I go a phone call.

Well, Hothonbun is dead to me , too. Now, I must think of him as Hatebun. I really hate when tns show someone trying to hurt a child. Repulsive. I also do not understand the reason ED wanted to hurt Paloma. Did they want to kill her or just scare Lestela? And is Hatebun just a henchman with Talisman and Cal under him as the strong arms? He seems to have a lot of power. In the meantime, El Dorado is cooking ? Why is so interested in Lestela.

So, Realestela is alive and hiding , and she was carrying around a gun for protection because she knew something and her father's people were after her? ???? Is that right? Are Pedro's people connected to El Dorado?

Have to get stuff done. Later.


Alfredo, another thank you coming your way. Too bad we didn't have more chatter for this episode.

So, ED must have a deeper reason for his interest in Laustela than just to keep La Furia clean and off the popo's radar. I love the theory that he's not the head of the organization, but they mystery woman is and that woman could either be the Real Estela or the baby that MercyMe gave up. Anyway, it is interesting that we never got a look at her, although Danilo got a glimpse AND now it is interesting that we never got to see the picture of Realstela that Fauxstela picked up in her apartment with Ryan. Hmmmmm. There's a REASON!


Joe is really cute, but he is not faithful to his wife . #NogoforJoe. #somanylosershere

Susanlynn--it appears that we were being teased with the idea that Realstela was dead. It seems Ryan "considered" her dead because she disappeared from his life without a trace and hasn't been in touch with anyone nor has been seen or heard from.

We should probably conclude she's alive and hiding BUT...From Whom? Why didn't she trust Ryan to protect her back then? Does she know her father is dead? Was Pedro Carrillo her father? Who was her mother? Wouldn't Ryan know something about her other than her relationship with a mob boss?

Gaaack, too many weeds growing in the swamps we will have to get through before this is over.

Thanks, Alfredo.

Morgana's come-on to Ryan -- the tackiest. Danilo at least shows finesse trying to get close to Laustela.

Even though they were only trying to scare Laustela, not kill Paloma, it's chilling that Asdrubal didn't blink at putting a little girl in jeopardy. Susanlynn, I vote #SkunkBun.

On the Mercy mystery baby sweepstakes, by TN law (and Viewerville's stomachs) it's someone Ryan hasn't slept with or tongue kissed. That leaves out Laustela, Estela, and all those chicks in his boozing partying days but leaves in Morgana.

So is El Dorado pleased with Danilo's chumminess or will their little talk come back to bite Danilo on the butt?

Cutest scene: Paloma saying she had "my mother and my Ryan."

More blind theories - Laustela's mother abandoned her never to be seen again and let the grandmother raise her. Maybe Laustela's mother is behind the "protection" El Dorado seems to be giving Laustela.

Anita...yes, so many mysteries. Hatebun seems to have a lot of power while El D stirs the soup? Stew? Sauce? QTH.

And that mystery woman under the canopy at the party ..is she important? Reastela? Mercyme's long lost daughter?

#Badbun...He is bad to the bun... bone. Sending that tune out to all the patio peeps.

Niecie...I used to know someone who always referred to her daughter as "my Vera Lee." One day, I asked her, " Do you ever just call her VeraLee?" She gave me a confused look and finally said, "Well, she is MY Vera Lee." Also, this lady's favorite expression was , "Bless your heart." It was cute when sweet Paloma called him "mi Ryan!"

"My Ryan"he should adopt her no matter what.They are so sweet together. they're in such a messy Garden too.
I need to read this recap. I know it's good.I've just been commenting but I'm going to read the recap after work. I know it's good. Thank you Alfredo.

Paloma even sleeps cute.

On the off chance that BadBun is actually a good guy undercover, there might be a chance he had his Come to Jesus chat with Talisman which we saw, then told Tali to fix things with respect to NotStela, and Tali came up with the 'Plan from Hell' without BadBun's knowledge.

Ba Ba Bad to the Bun George Thorogood, Sue?

Crap ! I'm glad it's not my day to answer questions. The patio has more questions than a room full of 4 year olds.

Hey, All. I'm being forced to lurk :( busy morning and a thunder storm passes through and messes up the power. Great comments.

I'll be back when the power returns.

Rgv (Powerless) Chick

Is Leticia staying at Chavalin's place? They could factor that into her hourly compensation. They can say 40 hours @ $10/hr and then charge $80/week rent (adjusting for taxes). Then Chavalin doesn't have to be a scofflaw.

Wasn't it TallyMan, not BunMan, who went into Paloma's room and turned off her oxygen? (I don't remember, didn't see, but going by the recap it was Talisman.) Perhaps BunMan's instructions were too vague.

We have speculated that BunMan might be a fed or something, but there's another possibility: maybe he works for a rival gangster, Mr Blake, Santa Claus, etc.

Interesting souvenir in Realstela's little suitcase. I had a cap gun that looked like that when I was a kid.

Kirby..yes, it's George. So good.

Now, I am confused. Did Badbun (formerly known as hothoneybun) TELL the henchman to hurt sweet Paloma or was that Talisman's idea ?

Who is really large and in charge? So many bad guys. I need a scorecard.

Well, back to hulling fresh picked strawberries from the neighbor's berry farm for our dinner..if I do not eat them all.

Ah! Manners... thank you again, Alfredo.

I'm curious about the perfume incident. Is Paloma allergic to a legitimate ingredient in the perfume? Or did someone put something bad in it... and if so, does that mean Mercy was the target?

I agree that it was kind of nervy for Letmehavesome$$$ to ask Chav for minimum wage when he took her in and gave her a place to stay. #gratefulmuch?

Julie...I saw Talisman go into the hospital room, but did ?Bun tell him to do that? I also do not know what purpose it served to hurt Paloma. Did El D tell ?Bun to tell Talisman to do that ? Is it trickle down command style with El D at the top? Why is the big boss working in the kitchen?

I think that Paloma is just allergic to something in the perfume. I have to be very careful with perfume. Some scents make me feel tight. I used to wear White Shoulders, and when I decided I needed a change, I tested several at the department store before I chose a new scent, and some of them made me feel sick, and I had to wash them off quickly. It must be some ingredient in certain perfumes. As a kid, I once tasted my mother's perfume because it smelled good , so I thought it would taste good....it didn't . #lessonlearned

Now the patio has planted some seeds of doubt in my mind...

My initial thought is that there had to have been something rather drastic done to make Laustela realize her place is at Furia. If Laustela didn't come to the realization her daughter's life is in danger, there would be no real reason not to get up and go if the notion suited her.

Julie, maybe Talisman took things way too far on his own. Hmmm. I would like to think that but we've not seen one kind word or deed from bun, have we? Grim, methodical and hawt. He is still an enigma.


I thought Leticia was thoughtful and tried to be persuasive when asking Chavalin for a raise, but not unreasonable and demanding.

I think she is grateful he has given her a place to stay but am happy they ended up bartering. I don't know how she would survive on the $8 amount especially with her children coming, but OK. I don't think he minded the bargaining either! :)


Yes, I do not understand who is actually the boss trying to control Furia and the interest in keeping Lestela there. Are these baddies actually Pedro's peeps? If so , they would know that Lestesla is not Realstela.

Now I DO like BadBun working for Santa Claus. His dental and vision coverage is better than the CIA and the Cartel.

Yeah she is simply allergic to the perfume. And she was taking a shower in it too, not just a squirt or two.

AssDribble works for Putin....maybe.

LetMeGetARaise and ?LetMeGetThisStraight? (Chava) both are wonderful people who anyone would be lucky to have as a friend. Neither of them are good at labor relations, but they muddled through it better than the I initially expected.

On Mercy's baby, do we even know if it's a girl or a boy? She's said "hijos" which could be a boy and a girl or boys.

"LetMeGetARaise and ?LetMeGetThisStraight? (Chava) both are wonderful people who anyone would be lucky to have as a friend. Neither of them are good at labor relations, but they muddled through it better than the I initially expected" made me laugh out loud Kirby. So true!!

Alfredo, no we know virtually nothing about Asdrubal. That is what is frustrating and intriguing.

In fact, we only know a small part of the story for Laustrela, Ryan, Mercy, Joe, etc., etc. The list goes on an on.


Niecie...the way Mercyme reacted to Paloma asleep in that hospital bed makes me think that the baby is a girl.

I never thought the perfume might have been tampered with Julie. You might be onto something there.

Susanlynn, I am highly allergic and cannot wear any perfume at all. I avoid going in any department store entrance where fragrances are liberally and quickly sprayed in every and any direction trying to lure customers. Ack.


The reason that I think that MysteryBun will have a bigger role than we see now is because he is a pretty well-known actor. However, to quote mi Amiga Diana ..I am usually wrong! Grin

Diana...yes, you have to avoid getting sample sprayed...and getting into an elevator with someone wearing a lot of scent is never good.

Paloma sneezed once when Mercy first gave her a whiff from the Genie bottle, so I think it is only an allergic reaction and not tampering. When she sneezed that first time, I was surprised Mercy didn't complain about nasty kid germs but Mercy got turned off only when the little girl brought up butterflies.

" mi Amiga Diana ..I am usually wrong!"..............Hmmmm fooled me girls. :-)

I don't usually have any trouble with perfume (other than being disgusted by any scent that is more than "subtle"), but one time I tested Christian Dior Desert Poison (which I don't think exists any more) and ended up with a rash on my arm that was a perfect replica of the spray pattern. Tiny pink dots arranged in concentric circles. Very pretty, but never again.

Yeah, Paloma got a lot more than just a whiff. It looked like she was spraying it right into her mouth. I don't think she'll make that mistake again.

Re Talisman in Palomita's room, BunMan told him to make sure Laustela was good and scared, but I don't think he told him specifically how to do that.

But if BunMan were a good guy, I think he would have told Talisman how to scare Laura, rather than let Talisman figure it out. That way BunMan could have taken precautions to make sure no one actually got hurt. So I think maybe BunMan isn't a good guy. He might end up being more on Laura's side than on El Dorito's side, but ultimately he appears to be on someone else's side.

So MercyMe wears perfume made with DDT and Roundup and hates butterflies. I wonder how Ryan turned out so well. And from what we have seen, he is a bonehead, but down inside is a good guy. I actually believe him when he says he has fallen for NotStela, and the icing on the cake is Paloma's 'Mi Ryan'.

With NotStela, I just don't know, and I am afraid she doesn't either. The chemistry is there, you can feel the electricity whenever those two are within twenty feet of each other, but she has not convinced me yet. Ryan needs something to convince her, something to remove any doubts she might have. How far is San Francisco?

Kirby..Notstela and mi Ry have already gone to San Fran and back , and the trip did not leave her hopelessly devoted to mi Ry. What can I say?

Julie, I was looking at yesterday's comments, and I wanted to tell you that Felipe in ALborada" was Don Luis's (Fernando Colunga) attorney\confidente\father figure. He was so great in that one.

Does Mercy's aversion to flutterbies indicate that she knows Mr. Blake?

Oops ...must have not made much of an impression on me either. :-)

Actually I do remember now that you mention it.

Alfredo , I forgot to tell you that I like the title. You always have clever titles for your recaps !

Hmmm...new theory....thevbutterfly theme....Blake and Paloma are fans but Mercyme is not. Maybe Blake is Mercy's awful father or the father of her baby daddy , and her lost baby was raised by him and she asked Laura to keep her baby (Paloma)away from her grandfather .

Not only have Fauxstela and Ryan "been to San Francisco," they've been to Santa Monica. (For a moment when they showed the bike path I thought I would see Jack Tripper fall off his bike.) Perhaps they need to go out of state. Oooh, they could go to Vegas and get married!

Maybe Luisa is Mercy's daughter.

Power is back on..YAY! Pardon the lengthy commentary...but as they say in DV: "Hay te va"--

It’s amazing how we are all thinking so much alike.

Kirby: “FOR ONCE in a TN while everyone is running in circles and shrieking, Ryan calmly gets an ambulance called STAT.” I thought the very same thing when I saw that—no fumbling with a phone book, no long and drawn out pleas to “hang on because I really do luuurve you”

Nina: I don’t think you read some of my last comments yesterday, but our theories are very similar! Wow! I think your idea that Realstela killed her father also has much merit. She has always been one of my “persons of interest” in Pedro’s murder.

Diana: "Mercy smiles and reiterates that children should not pay for the sins of their parents before leaving". I see cracks in her cold hard persona.” It is nice to see a sincere, nurturing side of Mercy. If she had to give up the baby or the baby was taken from her, it would explain why she has become such a hard, bitter woman, and why she is so hesitant in getting close to Paloma—especially if the baby was indeed a girl.

Kirby: “Chava has been far more than kind to her when there was nothing in it for him. I thought it pretty darn bold to write up a bill and hit him with it when he has been pretty charitable. He could have paid her and kicked her out with no place to live and no job.” ITA with you and everyone else. I was really feeling good about LetMeBeUngrateful thinking that she was going to go OUT and look for a job…I never thought she would hit up Chava. She had already been living there for (at least) a few days; she should have figured out that asking him for a raise would not be feasible.

Anita: “it appears that we were being teased with the idea that Realstela was dead. . It seems Ryan "considered" her dead because she disappeared from his life without a trace and hasn't been in touch with anyone nor has been seen or heard from.” It appears we’re being teased (or misled) about a lot of things. I need to go back and watch the episode where Chava initially gives Laustela…I think I remember him telling her the ID was that of a dead woman..but then he could have been misled just like we were.

SusanLynn:” In the meantime, El Dorado is cooking ? Why is (he) so interested in Lestela.” When I first saw ED, I had my suspicions about who he really was…now even more so. This guy maybe the owner of the restaurant, but I think they are using him as a sub for the real El Dorado. And we are not the only ones questioning ED’s interest in Estela, even the characters are questioning it. That tells me that there is definitely more interest in her than just keeping La Furia clean and out from under the legal microscope. Supposing that ED is Realstela, she may be “using” Laustela to somehow take control over Furia??? If ED is not RealStela, he/she surely doesn’t know what RealStela looks like, but may have been close to Pedro C. and had been conspiring with him to have “RealStela” so that she can have more control over Ryan’s decisions at Furia or even take over Furia (which was the company Pedro C thought he should have been owner/co-owner of).

I agree that ScumBun didn’t tell Talisman exactly how to scare Laustela back into Furia, but he is still their “boss” and knows that they will take any measure to get things done. Moreover, when he heard the news report that Estela was back, that smirk said it all…IMO.

But as everyone one agrees, the possibilities are endless. These writers must have really devious, twisted minds to come up with these storylines that are keeping us so mystified.

Julie, I read your comment yesterday about Alejandro Tommasi (Blake). I’ve been watching Destilando Amor, and you are right, he was Aaron’s father. I cannot believe it is the same man…he looks totally different!



And so ..Bunyon will continue to be a mystery , but I have given up my hopeos that he is an undercover cop\good guy? I need good guys. Ry , Chav, Steve...good guys. Joe seems okay except for not being a faithful hub which puts he out of the good guy category for me.

I think that in another tn, we established that bordellos are legal in some countries, including Mexico, so I guess the bordello that we saw young Laura in was legal.

Hopeos are similar to hopes but more intense.

Thanks for bringing Blake up RgvChick! He was so kind and gentle in DA, I could hardly reconcile he is the same actor. I knew only because I recognized the name. Julie, I don't think there is anything you miss :)

And also RgvChick, ED was kind of a let down to me. Guess I wanted someone more overtly evil or with a distinct, dramatic flair. I like your idea he may be fronting for someone else. It would make sense as to why he hesitated when he was asked why Lestela was so important to him. He might simply have had no idea.

There are a lot of gaps to be filled in. It's fun to speculate until we know for certain.


Typos corrected:

I need to go back and watch the episode where Chava initially gives Laustela (her new ID)...

If ED is not RealStela, he/she surely doesn’t know what RealStela looks like, but may have been close to Pedro C. and had been conspiring with him to have “RealStela” have more control...


" Hopeos"LOL SusanLynn...much easier to understand than "convfefe" LOL


RC...Yes I hopeos !!

Susanlynn, thank you for teaching me this new word, "hopeos." I thought it was some sort of aspirational breakfast cereal.

ED was not a disappointment to me. Appearances can be very deceptive. The big gangster bosses in Yago seemed very sweet and mild too until it was time to whack someone. That's not to say that he can't be a front for Realstela or someone else, but if you were a gangster boss, would you put up a creampuff as your frontman? Whoever that guy is, I'll bet he can put a scare into someone (DANILO) when he needs to.

Right now the only issue I have with ED is his name. I know it's El Dorado, but I have to say El Dorito. It's totally involuntary. :-)

As for all the speculation - it is so much more fun when we're speculating about something that we're reasonably sure will make sense in the end, and aren't trying to guess our way around questionable writing/acting/directing.

Julie..Hopeos ...the breakfast of champions! Snap..crackle...POP. They are also good with a glass of vino in the evening as you relax with your favorite telenovela, and they make a nice change from Doritos. Coming soon to a Piggly Wiggly near you.

OT....Julie...I watched the second episode of "Downward Dog" last night. It was worse than the first. I don't need to watch a depressed , neurotic dog. ...I have telenovela characters abounding to harsh my mellow.

P.s. regarding your last paragraph...besides those points, I must say that the multitude of furniture, houses, apartments, studios, restaurants, bordellos, hospitals in this telenovela is absolutely dazzling me.

Given that RealStela never went anywhere without her little blue bag (with the fancy gun), I am assuming that Pedro C was into some heavy stuff...do we know what illegal activity(ies) Pedro C was into? If it was money laundering, he may have been ED's partner...OR maybe he was the "original' ED!


A depressed, neurotic dog? What is the wisdom behind this? That depression and neuroses are funnier when they're afflicting a dog?? I think the Hollywood people have spent too much time in Hollywood.

RgvChick, we've not been informed as to what Pedro C was into. Hell, we don't really know what El Dor... El D is into. What mischief is he up to that he needs his money laundered? Prostitution looks likely, but it could also be (and/or) drugs, weapons, gambling, human trafficking, stolen debit card numbers, pirated Disney videos, who knows what. We haven't seen the business end, so to speak, of the business at all.

El Dorito
Snap, Crackle, Poop
Are there still Piggly Wigglys?
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

There sure are a lot of theories and unanswered questions, too.
And every one of them beats "Is He(she) stoopid or what? or Is his vest too tight?

Kirby..I don't know if there are Piggly Wigglys anymore. We have never had them around here. I just love the name. How about Publix? I think my cousin used to work for them.

Julie...Since prostitution is legal in Mexico , as it is in some other countries including the Netherlands and Australia (which I just found out from someone on another site) would crime be involved in it?

Susanlynn, adding some nice cold milk to her bowl of Hopeos

OMG, I just went to the Looneyvision site and they have a whole article/clip on Danilo Carrera. It says he is an irresistible villian in this TN and that he is captivating the public with his charm and flirtation. It also says that he has the talent to interpret any character...pfft, pfft cough, cough.

What a difference from the reviews in Mexico. I wonder how much he paid for that article.


It also says that he has the charisma to captivate men and women equally. Is that true, Kirby?

I don't know about you all, but I do not like the man, well, I suppose I should say the the character...I find him obnoxious and dim-witted...


I have to admit I'm a fan of Danilo, the real person.

I've seen him interviewed and he has a lovely smile, genuine laugh and seemed very charming. Now mind you, I hardly understood anything he said, but he just seemed, well like a nice guy!

The character has a fantastic lopsided smile but he has little heart and has intelligence in very short supply. Laustela seems to genuinely like him.

RgvChick, if the publicity stated "he is captivating the public with his charm", perhaps they should have changed the storyline that had him shooting his friend (damn, what was his name and where is he??). At that point, his boyish charm vanished for me. Cruel AND stupid is a sordid combination.



His magic isn't working on me. The only man crush he would see is if I could get my hands on him.

Diana, Reuben? Just remember Ham N' Cheese, and Reuben will pop into your mind.

Or maybe Sauerkraut,

"Laustela seems to genuinely like him." well, look at it, he's not trying to kill her..............yet.

Do you remember him killing his side piece in P&P? I mean, she was certainly killable, but he was about to marry Gaby.

The Piggly Wiggly stores were hugely popular down South. We shopped there when I was a kid. I think people liked them cause they could say the name.

And Pubix is the store here in FloriDuh. The headquarters is not far from here in a litle country town.
Pubix bought up most of the competing WinDickme stores, but there are a few still around.

RC..Dan,'s goony, arrogant grin reminds me of too many young males that I have had to monitor in detention Hall. Not charming in any way me.

Kirby...my cousin lives in Lakeland. I think that she works for a different company now .

Very good detailed recap Alfredo.Mercy
Is arather sneaky devil.And she's nasty with it too.She knew good n well that Chayo is a diabetic, "it's got tons of sugar in it", nasty heffa.

Ryan and Laura can be so sweet to each
Other when they're not fighting and biting Each other. That gun looked all
Bling blinged up. How did carrillo die
Was he shot,stabbed,poisoned? Could that be a plot gun murder weapon? And
Why is it all belinged up?More answers
Tonight. Maybe.Glad Palomar is ok. She
Was spraying the smelly parfum allover
Her face,no wonder she passed out that stuff Is full of alcohol. I get a headache if I sniff it to much. The alcohol alone will take you out.

Glad skanky #morgetout didn't smelly up Ryan.Loved the way he walked away
From her skanky butt. Shes willin to give it to anybody. Not very motherly behavior.
Thank you Alferdo.I just got around to
Reading it. Just like I thought, good

I wonder if Dan will ever be cast as the galan. I am surprised that Marcos Mendez (Bunny) has never been the galan. Will it happen when he is a completely silver fox?

Very good detailed recap Alfredo.Mercy
Is arather sneaky devil.And she's nasty with it too.She knew good n well that Chayo is a diabetic, "it's got tons of sugar in it", nasty heffa.

Ryan and Laura can be so sweet to each
Other when they're not fighting and biting Each other. That gun looked all
Bling blinged up. How did carrillo die
Was he shot,stabbed,poisoned? Could that be a plot gun murder weapon? And
Why is it all belinged up?More answers
Tonight. Maybe.Glad Palomar is ok. She
Was spraying the smelly parfum allover
Her face,no wonder she passed out that stuff Is full of alcohol. I get a headache if I sniff it to much. The alcohol alone will take you out.

Glad skanky #morgetout didn't smelly up Ryan.Loved the way he walked away
From her skanky butt. Shes willin to give it to anybody. Not very motherly behavior.
Thank you Alferdo.I just got around to
Reading it. Just like I thought, good

Yeah I worked in Lakeland for a while, that is the Publix world headquarters.

Yeah NiNa, MorGiveItUp's looks are NOT deceiving.

Alfredo, thanks for that information. I wonder if some of these young actors are going to replace the kings of tns Fernando Colunga , Big Ed Yanez, Gab Soto, William Levy. Marcelo Cordoba should be in galan roles. Is Sebastian Rulli working on a new tn?

Well, Susanlynn, prostitution is not legal in California either... so that's where the money laundering would come in handy.

Prostitution is not completely illegal everywhere in the US, though.

I do find Danilo charming and captivating. The actor has a lot of charisma. But I still look forward to the character getting smushed.

I remember seeing a Piggly Wiggly in Ocoee around 1989 or so, but it was closed/gone a few years later. On the other hand, I have a cousin who's worked at Publix for 30 years or so, and I still have my very large Publix jug for drinking water at work. Is Food Lion still around? That was a horrible place.

Julie..I guess that the only place in the U.s. where prostitution is legal is Nevada. I forgot that these bad guys are in California not Mexico.

Alfredo, I love Adela Noriego and miss her. I only started watching tns about ten years ago or so. They have changed so much in that time. I miss the historical fiction ones that I first started watching. ..Alborada and Amor Real.

So-called indoor prostitution was legal in RI until a couple of years ago, so I figured it might still be legal in a few other places.

The only thing I ever saw Adela Noriega in was FELS, which I realize was a poor introduction. I have Amor Real on DVD... have had it for years... but haven't gotten around to watching it yet.

I have loved Lucero in everything I've seen her in, and was hoping to see her in more villain roles. Maybe she'll come back to Televisa eventually as a next-generation Diana Bracho type.

Pasion! Yes, I loved Pasion. Adored it. Liked it even better than Alborada. Unfortunately, it did not get good ratings in the US or in Mexico, and they took the scissors to it. Too bad. It would seem that awesomeness does not pay.

Alfredo, I liked Passion very much. It is my third fav tn. What a great cast and an exciting story. I loved Captain Rick.!!

Julie.. So "indoor prostitution was legal at one time in RI ..but not outdoor! Curious.

Julie...I loved Amor Real, but the galan Manuel (FC) was not always very galanish. His bff was Sixto (Erica,'s father in Vino). Many good actors andv actresses . Chantal Andrere was so Hateable. Watch it !!!!!

Alfredo, wasn't Mariana Carr wonderful in Alborada as Don Luis's sweet tia ?

"Indoor prostitution" meaning discreet and by appointment. No soliciting on the street or in a bar (which is technically indoors, admittedly). People were advertising their services on Craigslist and a couple of women were murdered, and I guess that's when RI closed the loophole. (The killer was robbing his victims to pay off a gambling debt!)

Alfredo, I didn't see LQLVMR! I'm sure I'll like Amor when I get around to seeing it - I guess I'm waiting till I catch the flu or something so I can binge-watch it without guilt.

Susanlynn, I specifically remember you saying before that you weren't happy with the galan's behavior in Amor Real. I do like Chantal Andere, though, and haven't seen her since Destilando. (If I recall correctly, she's a screecher.)

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