Ignacio and his daughter Nayeli come out of the police
station and she’s in tears trying to explain herself and apologize. She says
that the drugs were just for fun and entertainment, she really isn’t a drug
addict. “I just don’t know who you are anymore”, says Ignacio. How long have
you been into this? What kind of entertainment is this anyway?” “Oh Daddy, I’m
so scared!” Iggy says, “Help me out here because I no longer know what to do
with you.” He hugs her.
At the political event, Larreta is introducing Alonso,
but Regina isn’t there yet. She is on her way, but is keeping everyone in
suspense. Obviously, she doesn’t really want to be there. Shortly after Alonso
takes the podium, Emiliano motions to his father that his mother is there. He escorts
her in as Alonso announces her to the audience and she presents herself as the
first lady to be. Gerardo is watching on TV and is very upset and throws down
his remote. His secretary leaves the room after offering to do something to
help. He storms out as well. Alonso goes on at the event thanking his family
and talking about how he plans to fight corruption and violence in Mexico. (Yeah buddy, you are
part of the problem!) The audience applauds…
Hernán and Cecelia are in the back talking. Hernán say, “Well,
looks like a victory.” Cecelia asks, “To what are you referring?” He tells her,
“Well that perfect picture of our Governor with his family there. You did a
good job, you did well. Hey, when you look into the Senator’s eyes, do you ever
feel the least bit guilty?” Cecelia replies, “What are you trying to accomplish
here because you are just bothering me.” Hernán tells her, “I want you to open
your eyes and have some sensibility about you because that’s never going to be
you up there. You’ll never be the queen of this situation.” He walks away and
Cecelia is just standing there, speechless, while Mauro looks on.
Ignacio and Nayeli finally arrive home. She is still in
tears and asks if he is angry with her. (Well of course!) Iggy finally says, “Do you have
any idea what you have done? Do you know what kind of danger you put yourself
in and how you have risked your life? All this for some pills! Just answer me
one question: Are you at least repentant about this?” She walks away and goes
to her room. But guess who comes to visit, the Queen of narcissism herself,
Teresa! He tries to explain that there is a problem with his daughter, as she
nearly got herself shot today, but it doesn’t matter to Teresa. She throws a
fit and runs off.
Daniela finds Gerardo on the steps to the Senate building
leaving. Of course he looks pissed off as can be and Daniela tries to explain
how Regina was pressured by her son, her parents, her in-laws, etc. Gerardo
says, “She has made her decision. That is the only thing that is true right
Alonso continues with his political speech talking about everyone’s
dreams and how he going to help everyone achieve their dreams. “Viva México!”
Let the party begin! Omar goes to grab Natalia and she is none too happy. “Let
go of me!” says Natalia. He just tells her to smile and they walk on. Behind
her Noemi tries to help, but Mario says to leave them alone because he wouldn’t
dare do anything to her here.
The reporters begin trying to interview Alonso. They
start asking about Regina’s plans and career, but Alonso assures them that
Regina is behind him all the way on this and they are in this together forever.
As Alonso, Regina, and Cecelia walk away with reporters, Omar looks at Emiliano
and says, “Do we have another future politician in the family?” Emiliano just
shrugs it off and says to Natalia, “So Grandmother, how did you enjoy the
event?” Natalia says, “Oh yes, everything went well and I am very happy. It’s a
great day for everyone.”
Gerardo arrives home and Ximena thanks him for the
birthday flowers and gifts. “But remember, you promised to take me to dinner
and I just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to forget.” Gerardo says he is
just very tired right now. She asks if he is really just tired or if he is sad.
Gerardo assures her he is just very tired. She goes on and tells him what happened
with Nayeli, about her skirmish with the narcos and that she came out of it
alive, but it is a miracle nothing worse happened. Alarmed, Gerardo grabs his
phone to call Iggy so he can find out what happened.
At the political event, Noemi is drinking too much and
Regina tries to put a stop to it. She says in a drunken voice how well
everything has turned out. Alonso comes by and says, “Thank you!” He looks at
Regina and says, “Really, thank you. For a while there, I thought you…” Regina
finishes the sentence by saying, “That I wasn’t going to show up.” Alonso walks
up to her closer as Noemi walks away with a thumbs up gesture. Regina goes on, “I
did consider not coming but you sent so many people to pressure me about coming,
I felt I didn’t have any other choice.” Then Cecelia comes up to tell Alonso
that some reporters want to ask him some questions. As Alonso leaves, Cecelia
turns her attention to Regina and calls her as Regina starts walking away. “Senator,
if you don’t want to be part of that interview, I can take care of things.”
Regina asks, “What is it that you are understanding or not understanding?”
Cecelia answers, “It seems like this is your husband’s event and you don’t want
to give this your full attention. Am I wrong?” Regina says, “You are very
correct. That’s why he has you by his side, right?”
As Regina leaves, Larreta goes to her and tell her that
she is still his candidate. “But you
went with Alonso. Just forget about me, please.” In the background a drunken
Noemi is getting out of control as she is with Hernán. Cecelia comes and tries
to help out so Noemi doesn’t cause a scene, but Cecelia’s presence just makes
things worse. Noemi starts calling Cecelia a slut and accuses her of being
Mario’s mistress. Regina takes her mother over to her father and asks him to
take her home. Regina and Ceclia face off again with Regina apologizing to
Cecelia. Cecelia says, “I don’t know what happened. I was simply trying to get
her away from this reporter so she didn’t say too much or something not
appropriate.” Regina says, “You don’t need to explain…” But then Hernán comes
up to Cecelia and puts his arm around her and makes it look like the two of
them are “together”. Cecelia wants to introduce him to Regina, but Regina says,
“I already know him. He’s the most popular reporter at the government
He kisses Cecelia and Regina walks away. “What was all
that about?” Hernán tells her, “Hey, I’m just trying to protect you. Don’t you
think she suspects you are sleeping with her husband? So if she thinks that I’m
your boyfriend, as least that buys you some time.” “Why are you always trying
to protect me”, says Cece. Hernán answers, “Because one day, I am hoping you
fall in love with me.”
Gerardo arrives at Iggy’s house. “If you are looking for
Teresa, she’s not here”, says Iggy. “I'm not here about that”, says Gerardo. “I’m
here because of what happened to your daughter.” Iggy tells him he does not
know how this happened and how this just slipped by him without him knowing
anything. “That’s why I’m here, because I’m your friend and I want to help you,”
says Gerardo.
Regina brings Natalia over to Alonso’s office because she
left her purse there. Then they run into Magda. Magda looks at Natalia and
says, “So how are you?” Natalia says, “Thank you Magda, for everything.” Magda
says, “Oh you don’t have to thank me.” “Yes, I do”, says Natalia. “If it weren’t
for you, I don’t know what would have happened. What I don’t know is how you
were able to put up with him all these years.” Magda says, “I don’t understand.”
Nat looks at Magda and says, “Come on. I already knew about you. The only reason
I didn’t leave him was because we had a son together. Who knows why, maybe just
because of traditions, status, or something else. Tell me Magda, did Omar ever try to beat you?”
Magda says, “No he never beat me. I don’t know what is happening to Omar. He is
not the person…” But Nat finishes her sentence, “He is not the man you fell in
love with.” Magda says, “I’m just so sorry, Ma’am.” Nat shakes her head and
says, “No, it’s alright. You don’t need to apologize, least of all to me, because
I am in no position to judge you. But simply, I feel sorry for you and I’m
sorry for me too. We were both stupid, Magda.”
Later, Gerardo meets Rodrigo for coffee and Rodrigo wants
to know if Ignacio advised him on what was going on with the Cabaret and the
house of prostitution. He introduces him to a reporter named Alberto Diaz, who
is ready to publish an article on all this news. Gerardo is a little reticent
to do this right now, but Rodrigo is insistent on this. He says, “Look the
chief press secretary for the Governor is involved in this situation. We
already talked to Alma who was working for the place.” Gerardo says, “Well,
first I want to talk with this woman. I need proof. I do not want an article
coming out that carries no evidence.”
Mario brings the drunken Noemi home. She again wants to
talk about Cecelia and accuses him of having an affair with her. He assures her
that she is just the daughter of a friend of his who died, that’s all. “Besides,
she is too young, she is young enough to be my daughter!” Noemi says, “You
know, that’s why I hate her too, because she could be your daughter.”
At the close of the political event, Alonso thanks
Cecelia and Mauro for their help in everything. Emiliano comes over and tells
his dad that his mom went home with his Grandmother. Alonso invites them all
out to celebrate.
Daniela meets her friend Andrés for drinks. He tells her
that his colleagues all think he’s a traitor and that his future career in the
police force may be just being a transit cop. All this because of “El Cuervo”
because “El Cuervo” had a lot of friends on the force. He shows her a not that
says, “Traitor, you are a dirty (actually stinky) rat. You will get what you
deserve.” Daniela folds up the note and says, “You know what, I think I’ll have
that beer.” After a beer or two, Daniela apologizes for getting him involved
with this situation and will talk with Regina about it. They declare their love
for one another and kiss. (Andrés is such a nice guy, I hope he isn’t going to get
whacked next.)
Mauro comes to see Mario. As Mario walks down the
hallway, he says, “If that heart attack doesn’t kill me, that woman sure will!”
Mauro says he took care of Ignacio but with El Cuervo in jail, things are more
difficult. Mario says that they have to take care of Sra. Galindo and make sure
that she doesn’t talk again.
Regina arrives home tired and kicks off her high heels.
Natalia sees her and tells her, “Life sure is funny. If I had met Magda 20
years ago, I would have pulled her hair out for cheating with Omar. But now I
just feel pain for her. And for him, I feel frightened. And you? What are you
going to do with your life?” Regina says, “What do you mean?” “Well what are
you going to do with your political life?” Regina laughs and says, “Have you
ever thought of becoming a reporter?” “So you are not going to answer?” Regina
says, “To tell you the truth, I really don’t know. I swear, Natalia, I really
don’t know what I am going to do.”
Gerardo is at home just moping around and then Teresa
barges in. He asks where she has been. She tells him that he is obsessed with
Regina and he tells her that she is the obsessed one. Then she starts coming on
to him. He pushes her away and says, “No we are divorced.” She continues
pushing herself on him and unbuttons his pants and looks like she going down…and
then they go right to it there in the living room. Of course all this is on
camera and the guys watching it say, “Now we get a porn movie.” Ximena starts
to open the door and sees her parents going at it, so she quietly closes the
door and leaves.
Alonso returns home to a sleeping Regina. He asks if she
is awake, but she does not respond. He tells her that he is doing all this for
her, their son, and the family. He says, “I just want to know that you care
just little bit.”
Later Ximena returns home and she brings a cake. Gerardo
is a bit embarrassed and apologized for not taking her for dinner. Ximena
happily says that he already gave her a very special gift. Gerardo tries to
explain, but Ximena says, “No don’t I’m happy just to see things this way”.
Teresa comes out in her robe and snuggles up with Gerardo.
Next morning, the alarm rings at Cecelia’s place and
Hernán is in her bed. He wants to know why she was with him and she tells him
that this was her way of thanking him for what he did for her with Senator
Regina. He wants more, but she says this is just too complicated.
There are chilaquiles and huevos for breakfast at the
Casa Martinez. They are celebrating. Gerardo says, “Celebrating what?” Teresa
slithers around him and motions for him to sit down. “We are celebrating that
we have gotten back together.” Looks like Gerardo is not going to fight this
right now.
Mauro is up to his dirty tricks and separates Sra.
Galindo from her son and something bad is going down. We hear the little boy
screaming for his mother in the background.
Alonso take Emiliano to buy him a new car! Wow, for a kid
who was just taking bad drugs, what a reward!
As Gerardo leaves his home, Iggy comes running up and
tells him that the article that came out is signing his death warrant.
Mario gets a phone call from Isela and Isela says she is
at Cecelia’s apartment and Cecelia is nowhere to be found. She asks if “they”
came for Cecelia and promises him that is something happens to Cecelia or to
her, that she’s bringing him down too.
At Casa SanRoman/Barcenas, Daniela arrives and tells
Regina that Andrés is being threatened and that she needs to step in and help
him. Regina also mentions that her father told her that Susana has left the
country. (Well,
that’s one way of putting it!) Daniela just looks at her and says, “Well,
what a coincidence.” Then Daniela shows her the news article that came out this
morning regarding Cecelia’s mother running a house of prostitution. “No it can’t
be possible”, says Regina. “Ding dong!” Who is at the door, but none other than
Cecelia! Time for Regina to confront Cecelia on this one. She brings the tablet
over to Cecelia to read and asks her to explain the article (with her picture
no less!) with the headline, “Governor San Roman supports prostitution”
Labels: candidata
Permalink posted by Cynthia Hampton
@ 2:26 AM

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