often in our modern lives where appearances are everything one often
loses sight of one's true feelings. Most shrinks will tell you that
this is why they get rich.
Twenty-Two: Regina Gives In
tried to tell Regina that he was the man who loved her and supported
her, but she told him that for some time their relationship has not
the trouble, all the pain has been your fault,” he said.
that isn't true.”
this divorce about me or for Gerardo Martínez? That imbecile is all
over us, near my house, in my face at all hours. He's responsible
for you forgetting your values, your principles,” he said, shaking
his index finger like a scolding parent.
not at all. This is about you... or do you think this marriage is
working? I am fed up with your manipulations and the shadowing.
It's for you, about you, and I'm fed up with you.”
for your law. Because that's important to you.”
did that to get me out of the way. You did it to secure your
nomination from the party.”
I did it for you... but it's obvious that nothing was enough. That's
clear. But this business is only a stupid pretext. You're hiding
your real intentions.”
are my real intentions?” she asked, then turned around at
the sound of a message on her cell phone. She looked at it.
go answer it. If it's Gerardo Martínez he doesn't have to wait,
your mother.”
at the house and wants me to get in touch with her. It's urgent.”
father almost killed her.”
hit her very severely. Multiple times.”
father must be arrested, Alonso.”
won't happen. It wouldn't work.”
look at yourself. This is what you think of such things. He throws
her into the garbage after putting her under the carpet. That's how
you deal with this. It's unbelievable.”
I understand. This is what you think. You come into my office
asking for a divorce because what you really want is the power.
Absolute power. That's why you're negotiating the candidacy behind
mt back, isn't it?”
would never admit it, but he was projecting his own desires onto her.
It wasn't so much that he needed to assign his own faults to her; it
was that he could not understand other people having different
motives from his own.
was at Cecelia's apartment with a bottle of Merlot that he proclaimed
was the best. She looked about as bored as she might have been with
any past client. She took off her shoes reached behind her neck to
unzip her dress. Mauro's mood changed.
are you doing?” he asked. He appeared to be genuinely confused.
you prefer to be in the bedroom?”
that's not what this is about.”
Then why did you come here?”
to see you. To see what you're capable of.”
is this? Is this a joke in poor taste? You said you wanted to have
sex with me.”
didn't say that. Never. Forgive me, but you imagined that.” He
touched her face. “Cecelia, I never wanted to get into your bed;
there have been too many others there.”
pushed his hand back.
wanted to humiliate me.”
the contrary, I wanted to demonstrate that you have many weapons at
your disposal. Sex is not your only one. I know you've had a
difficult life.” He maneuvered her into sitting down. “If you
want to be the governor's mistress, you have to do it well.”
do you want to say?”
on this point on, you belong exclusively to Alonso.”
you trying to teach a morality class?” She was moderately amused.
this is a class in politics.”
took his seat and went on about the exercise of power and how sex
should be the last card she plays. She didn't quite get it.
got a call from her mother regarding Emiliano. She told her she
would be home right away and told Alonso that they needed to deal
with this immediately. He attempted to play a maternal guilt card
about how Emiliano would react upon news of any pending divorce. He
even implied that this would hurt their parents as well. Regina had
no patience for this, heading for the door to get home.
told her bartender the bad news that they would need to close the
club. It would not be permanent, but would need to be for a while.
It was because of her own error.
went home after failing to find Teresa at the casino, the one place
he expected her to be. According to Ximena she had not returned.
Gerardo called Ignacio who suggested that Gerardo check Teresa's
apartment. In fact, she was in a cheap establishment playing dice
with a couple of working-class men. Mario walked in with Almiro to
break up the game. Teresa recognized him. It was almost impossible
to know whether she was drunk or pretending to be when she said
“You're the father of the slut who is chasing my husband.”
drunk quite enough. We came here for you.”
busy,” she said, picking up the dice.
go,” Mario said.
threw the dice before looking at him again.
is this about? I've no home; I'm alone. I'm playing.”
had no desire to draw this out any longer. He deftly picked up her
left arm and led her out. Almiro had his back, drawing his pistol to
move it to the other side, deliberately in view of the three men at
the makeshift gaming table, before backing out the door after his
continued his brainwashing of Cecelia by sullying Regina to her. She
seemed willing to believe every stinking lie he wanted to lay on her.
However, she also studied him as he told her, “You have a decision
to make. Are you my ally or my enemy?”
think you're Alonso's boss, don't you?”
am the boss! I have always been. We're together to insure his
candidacy and nobody is going to get in the way. I'll ask you again,
are you with me or against me?”
with Alonso.”
you are with me.” He stood up. “Therefore, tomorrow you need to
be clean. You have to clean up your past. Keep your father in the
background and get rid of Isela and those prostitutes.”
else do you know about me?”
All. My last word of advice – ” He pinched her nose slightly
and sniffed his fingers. “Clean up your nose. Never have anything in your face. Until
he left she touched her nose and sniffed her fingers. She was a
little annoyed, but whether that was because of her addiction or that
it was detected she did not know.
arrived home to find two brands of chaos waiting for her. After her
initial shock at seeing Natalia with her arm in a sling she tried to
get Noemi to talk about Emiliano, whose bodyguard, Hector, came in
to fill Regina in on the sordid details of which he was aware. He
had tried to get Emiliano to take a shower, but the boy went into his
room and did not admit him. Regina marched in and announced that
they were going to talk.
won't talk to you. You break your word and you are a liar!” he
are you talking about?”
nervous, I need to take a bath, I need to be alone. I need to wash
myself of all of this.” He tried to get away from her but she
followed him.
just told me that you took a shower,” she said.
have to shower again! You don't get that I have to get rid of it
all.” He scratched his arms frantically, looking as though he were
going through withdrawal. He began stripping off his clothes, which
sent Regina to the door calling for Hector.
arrived to find Israel pointing a pistol at his temple. He started
backing away from her, talking about being a failure and how the only
person who cared about him was his granddaughter. Magda reached for
the pistol, but that only caused him to point it at her. She begged
him to hand it to her, but all he could say was that his son was dead
and he had nothing to live for. She begged him to come home with her
or let her move in with him, saying that she loved him. She finally
embraced him. Some women have quite a fascination with broken men.
arrived at Cecelia's apartment, knowing that Mauro had just been
there. She was a little apprehensive at what he must have been
thinking but he laughed before telling her that he trusted her,
saying he knew she couldn't do the deed with Mauro. She let him
inside and told him he didn't have to buy her a penthouse; she would
return its keys.
do you want, then?” he asked.
proceeded to prove this.
the following morning Teresa got back to Gerardo's apartment more
than three sheets to the wind. She found him asleep on the sofa,
still in the clothes he had worn the previous day. She approached
him silently then attempted to kiss his lips. He woke with a start
and immediately withdrew from her. She told him she had been walking
all night as she collapsed onto his lap talking about looking for him
in all the wrong places and how she was walking dead from not having
him. He knew she was pulling her Poor Little Me act for the nth time
since their marriage and was immune to it. In fact, he had been
immune to it for a long time except as far as how it affected Ximena.
talked with Hector about the drugs Emiliano had indulged in the night
before. She charged him with investigating their origin and who had
made them available to her son. While that was happening Alonso woke
in in Cecelia's bed. She brought him something to eat and they
talked about how he was going to handle any issue about him not
having been home all night. They finally agreed that he would say he
had been working all night (which probably had been an excuse he had
made many times before). He talked about changing his image and
Cecelia could not wait to start that. They behaved almost as a
honeymoon couple.
drove Emiliano to school. He apologized to her for his behavior the
night before. She tried to get him to understand that she loved him.
She assured him that everyone makes mistakes, including herself.
She hugged him. He told her he needed her... and Alonso did, too.
and Ignacio were walking toward the senate house and discussing
Teresa. Ignacio told him not to worry; nothing had happened. Then
he dropped the bomb that the opposition had chosen Alonso as their
candidate. Gerardo pointed out that Alonso would be a weaker
candidate without Regina. Ignacio countered that Regina was popular
and likable and that they would make a strong team; in fact he was
taunting Gerardo.
sat in the café reading his newspaper. Nina, Mario's latest
protegée, flirted him into having a hot chocolate because it
provoked smiles. The old coot seemed to be falling for it. He even
kissed her hand when he paid the bill and overtipped her. Naturally,
Mario had never warned Nina that Omar had a long track record of
abusing women.
told Regina that they had been receiving condolence messages upon
hearing that the party was promoting Alonso as its candidate.
Everyone knew that she would be the better candidate. However, she
was not to openly support the opposition's candidate. Regina was
expected to take a back seat.
poured champagne for himself, Mauro, and Magda to celebrate his
pending nomination, thanking them for their work toward this.
However, they were only in the early stages. Alonso talked about
doing a door-to-door campaign to talk to the people, from housewives
to day workers, to show that he was a man of the people. Neither
Magda nor Mauro looked like they believed this. He asked Alonso
where he got this idea and Alonso said that it was from Cecelia.
does your wife know about this?”
revealed to Gerardo that Cecelia was the daughter of Isela, who was
known for her cabaret and its brothel. He had photos taken to prove
this. Before he could go into more detail Nieves entered to tell
Gerardo that the party was holding a convocation regarding the
support for the new law. Ignacio said they would not attend. He
told Gerardo that now was not the time to support this law because it
would play into Alonso's hands.
reluctantly closed the cabaret and – per Mario's orders –
communicated to her bartender that the girls were to be told that
talking could get them their permanent resting place.
was parked at a street corner where he watched Nayeli scoring drugs
from a young dealer. He took photos, then reported this over the
entered Regina's office to deliver some documents from Magda and the
news that the opposition didn't have a quorum to make a decision on
the law. Regina felt betrayed “We had an agreement!” She didn't
want to talk to Gerardo about this. She and Daniela had a minor
disagreement on what she should say from there.
met with Cecelia, Mauro, and Magda to discuss allowing the press
access to his personalized campaign. Mario arrived and after Alonso
thanked him for introducing him to Cecelia they spoke alone. Alonso
told him that he had disagreed with Regina the previous evening
although he did not go into detail. Mario, however, was there to
tell him about Teresa. He said he had it all on a silver platter.
went to Omar's mansion to see Natalia only to learn that she was not
there and that Omar would also not be attending the event he was
setting up.
went to see Ignacio at his office to inform him that the cabaret had
closed. He then introduced him to Alma, who had worked there. She
was willing to talk. Ignacio gloated to himself like a comic villain
before standing up and flirting with her before inviting her to sit
down. He took his proper seat behind his desk and looked her in the
me, why did the cabaret close? What do you know about that?”
told us it would be remodeled, but they put us out in the street.
But after everything that happened with the dead reporter and El
Cuervo nobody was coming around.”
did the boss of this place tell you?”
I didn't get along badly with her. She's been there a long time; I
don't know anything else.”
what kind of relationship did Isela have with El Cuervo?”
paid him protection money.”
took a photo of Pacheco out of a file and showed it to her.
you recognize this subject?”
There was a party one night. Isela set it up. A friend and I were
with him and it was recorded.” She began laughing. Ignacio
laughed as well.
more question today. Do you know Isela's daughter?”
reported his findings to Regina, saying that Nayeli had purchased the
drugs and was possibly dealing with dangerous people. He offered to
call the police because he had friends on the force but Regina told
him she would handle this. She asked Daniela to get Ignacio into her
office. She had to tell him about this but wasn't sure what to say.
Daniela suggested she talk to Gerardo, but Regina didn't like this
advice, especially when Gerardo suddenly arrived at that moment.
and Magda became concerned over the issues between Alonso's parents.
thanked Alma for her information. After she left he congratulated
Rodrigo on a job well done. This was prime information and he was
handing over a check for it.
had just given Alonso the dirt on Teresa, for which Alonso was
grateful. Mario was supporting his candidacy despite any issues he
was having with Regina over it. He intended to deal with that. As
he left Alonso's office Magda came in to tell him she had to go to
see his father to try to get him to see a specialist. Alonso became
impatient with this but it only got worse when she also told him she
had been unable to communicate with Regina that day. His candidacy
was not yet official and he complained “I'm more alone than a dog.”
explained his position to Regina. He didn't want Alonso's candidacy
to benefit from his party's support. She initially reacted that one
had nothing to do with the other, then admitted that he was right.
asked him for a divorce.”
he said in a whisper. He then clasped her hands, but she withdrew
them and stood up.
look at me. I won't touch you. If you don't want me to, I won't do
it. I want to kiss you. I'm going to.”
did, and it was all he expected it to be.
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