Friday, September 01, 2017

La Candidata, Thursday 8/31/17 Chapter 56: Regina Learns She Has a Sister and Who She Is

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In his office, Alonso learns from Magda of Omar’s accident. She promises to call the hospital for an update. Marcia runs in, breathless, to tell Al she knows exactly what happened to Don Omar. Magda leaves them. Mario arrives at the government offices and also wants to see Alonso, but Mauro stops him since he is busy with one of Mario’s “girls.” Mario is startled that Mauro knows about his prostitution ring. They start a game of one-upmanship daring each to reveal the other’s secrets to Alonso—especially the one about Cecelia being Mario’s daughter and the other about Mauro’s sexual preference. Mario backs down as Mauro urges them to go tell Alonso right then and there.
At the prison hospital, a hand passes money to a guard and some prisoner passes in to stand by a sleeping Gerardo. It’s El Cuervo, the dirty policeman who shot Pacheco (who later died).
Noemi is ready to tell Regina the truth about her father’s other family, one he’s had for a long time. Regina chalks it up to her being soused.
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Alonso’s Office – Marcia declares that Natalia pushed Omar down the stairs. Alonso doesn’t buy her story. He says right to her face that just because they had a couple of rolls in the hay she’s to be believed? How could she be that stupid, she’s nothing but trash. He tells her to disappear. She claims she was only trying to help Omar through the betrayal by Alonso’s mother. Al’s ire rises at the mention of his mother and would probably have strangled Marcia if Cecelia hadn’t interrupted. Al tells Cece to get her out of there and maybe get her a job at their mother’s cabaret. Marcia screams in defiance, but Cece drags her out.

Prison hospital – Gerardo thinks El Cuervo is there to kill him, but Cuervo says he comes “in peace.” He knows Gerry is in prison on account of Alonso and the enemy of his enemy is his friend. Cuervo wants to wreak vengeance on Alonso and Mario Barcenas. He’s in prison because of them. He has a lot of information on Mario to divulge. Gerry wants to know why he should help him. Cuervo says that in addition to retaliating against Alonso, Cuervo will offer him protection as long as he’s in prison. Cuervo is told time is up by the guard. Gerry agrees and Cuervo throws him a cell phone and tells him he’ll take payment later.
Storeroom in Governor’s Office – Cecelia won’t listen to any more of Marcia’s whiny begging for help. Cece tells her she’s now out of the game. She is relieved to hear Marcia didn’t say anything to Alonso about Marcia’s connection to Mario. Marcia tries again to get help to get out of what she got (herself) into. Cece tells her she’s a big girl and sarcastically asks if Mario held a gun to her head. No, right? She tells Marcia to stay put and trust her while she figures out what to do next. Marcia panics because she’s sure they’re going to kill her. Cece calms her down and tells her that if she wants to live, she has to disappear. Marcia hears the word disappear and loses it. Cece smacks her then tells her to control herself as she takes her into a firm embrace. She’ll help her, but Marcia has to stay put.
Mauro’s Office – Mauro repeats to Mario—Cecelia is his daughter. Mario is not denying nor affirming, but wants to know how he found out. Mauro says it’s his job to investigate thoroughly anyone who comes close to Alonso. It was tough because her background was well hidden. He goes on that Mario shouldn’t worry because Al doesn’t suspect a thing. Mario realizes he’s not going to come out of this situation with clean hands, so he asks Mauro what he wants. Mauro says he wants Mario on his side when all this explodes (estallar). First order of business, though, is to get rid of Marcia before Al finds out it was Mario’s little scheme to put her in Omar’s household.
Mario starts to tell Mauro he can’t give him orders when Alonso walks in on them. They cover up the real subject of their conversation and Mario says he came by looking for Alonso. Then Magda pokes her head in to tell Al his father has been hospitalized and undergoing tests. Furthermore, Natalia wants him to come right away. Al acts as if it were nothing, just a little fall down the stairs and he’ll go later on. Mario urges him to go now and Al leaves.
Noemi’s Home – Regina doesn’t think Noemi is serious about her allegation regarding Mario. Noemi assures her she’s in earnest. It’s time for her to learn the truth. Meanwhile, Emi has been listening, unseen, to the conversation. Regina doesn’t believe her story of another family. Noemi can’t convince her. She warns Regina how evil Mario is and they must guard themselves against him and protect all their assets or he will leave them with nothing. Regina refuses to believe her. Noemi wants a drink to fortify herself to continue, which proves to Reggie Noemi is affected by her alcoholic fog. Noemi reiterates her declarations and begs Reggie not to say a word to anyone or Mario will kill her. Still not believing her mother, Regina takes her mother in her arms and holds her tight.
General Hospital – Alonso arrives followed by Magda. Natalia gives him an update. Al wants to know what she was doing in the house. [ed. note: Maybe he forgot he told her she should go back to the house and take care of Omar a few episodes ago.] Anyway, Natalia says when she learned Omar was deranged and nonsensical (desvariar), she came by to see how he was. When she arrived, she caught that girl, Marcia trying to suffocate Omar and she threw the girl out. Omar thought she was Magda and came out to see what was going on. Alonso stops her there and wants to know what she had to do with his fall. Natalia takes offense that he would think she’d do anything like that.
Alonso’s Office – Mario demands Cecelia tell him where Marcia is. Cece stiffens her backbone and tells him she’s in charge now. She’s not going to let anything happen to Marcia. She tells him to get lost. Mario explains all the danger they are in since Mauro knows about him, Cecelia and Marcia. Cece says she’ll still take charge and will make sure Marcia is no longer a problem. Mario can’t believe she is defying (desafiar) him and insists on taking care of Marcia his way. Cece tells him again to leave. She doesn’t want to confront him, but if she has to, she will. [ed. note: Poor Cece, she found her courage too late.]
Prison Phone Call – Gerardo uses up precious minutes and battery power on his illicit cell phone to call Regina, who is still at home. He’s worried about Ximena. She isn’t picking up his call. He asks Regina to check on her. She agrees and they trade Te Amos. Regina goes back to her mother’s side. She wants to focus on what they were talking about—her father, but Noemi asks to be left in peace and passes out, leaving Regina in limbo.
General Hospital – Alonso, Natalia and Magda get the test results from the doctor. The diagnosis is not dementia, it is a malignant tumor of the central nervous system which as metastasized to his brain. The doc does not recommend chemo or radiation at his age and surgery is not an option. Omar doesn’t have much time left. The three are dumbfounded. Natalia leans into Alonso and Magda breaks down.
Cecelia’s Place – Cecelia brings Marcia to her place for the night. Marcia wants to know why she’s helping her. Cece says that when her life draws to a close, she’d like to have had someone help her. She tells Marcia she will have to leave Mexico or they will find her and kill her.
The Cabaret – Mario has gone to complain to Isela about Marcia and why on earth Cece is helping her. Isela says Cece has had enough of him and the type of man he is. He tells her to “take care” of Marcia and for once in her life, be useful. Isela bristles at his misogynistic directive.
Noemi’s Home – Regina finishes a business phone call as Emi comes in and lets her know he overheard his grandmother talking about his grandfather having another family. Regina is still in denial and attributes her ramblings to her drunken state. Emi tends to believe Noemi. Reggie tells him she can’t deal with it right then. She has to go check on Ximena. Emi doesn’t want to go with her. He found out from Mario that Xi was only with him to get information. He broke up with her.
General Hospital – Natalia and Alonso talk quietly with each other. Al knows Omar wasn’t a good father, nor a good husband, but he needs to know if she’s going to stay with him until the end. Yes, but it’s not for love, it’s for pity (piedad). Then Al brings up getting Omar’s papers in order so as to get power of attorney since he’ll be managing his father’s financial affairs. Natalia says not so fast, son. She’ll do all the managing. She’s quite capable. He’s surprised she’s at all preoccupied with money. Natalia gives him a long piercing look and replies she was never worried—until just then. She shakes her head and adds they are a family of vultures.
The Demon’s Den – Teresa is in her element, screaming at Ximena and throwing things. Xi is hiding in the bathroom. Xi comes out, afraid her mother will destroy the house when Tere attacks her physically. She manages to open the front door and Regina steps in while Tere continues her assault. Regina tells her to stop and Tere turns at the sound of her voice. Tere grabs a pointed letter opener and continues her tirade, now turning it on Regina. Reggie starts to back away saying they all need to calm down, get some air; maybe Ximena needs some air. Tere feels threatened by Regina wanting to take Xi away. She jabs the point of the letter opener in Xi’s chest and asks if she wants to leave. They get into a three-way tussle but Reggie manages to grab Xi and flee as Tere yells at her that she’s a traitor. Tere is left standing alone, completely deflated.
Noemi’s Home – Emi is reaching for a slug of alcohol when Mario walks in on him. Emi says it’s to get the courage to ask him something. Mario is all ears. Emi wants to know if it’s true he has another family. Mario wants to know who told him and what was said. Emi uses his smarts and only says his grandmother told him—he doesn’t want to give Mario an opportunity to invent anything. Mario tells him not to believe anything an alcoholic would say. Mario does admit to having had another woman and another family, but won’t tell him anything more. He’s off to bed, leaving Emi standing there agape.
Cecelia’s Place – Isela barges in at a very late hour, upsetting Cecelia. Isela wants to know why she is now defying her father over a nobody. Cece says she’s tired of how Mario handles things and she won’t let another woman die at his hands. Isela tells her to wake Marcia up. They have to leave right away as Mario’s goon squad is about to arrive to kill Marcia. Marcia is now up and wonders what’s going on. Isela will help her get out of the country, but she’ll have to leave immediately.
General Hospital – Magda and Natalia begin to have a heart to heart talk about Omar. Natalia tells her they have gotten too old to be enemies any longer. She feels for Omar and what Alonso has become.
Prison Hospital – Gerardo calls Ignacio to have him withdraw 50,000 in pesos from his personal account (Nieves has the access information), to “pay” for his cell phone. Ignacio asks no questions but promises to get it done. Gerry asks about Ximena and Iggy says she’s ok, Regina is caring for her. After Gerry hangs up, he turns to Cuervo and asks him to do his part and give him the dirt on Mario Barcenas.
Alonso’s Patio – Al is talking to his lawyer. He wants the power of attorney over his father’s affairs that very day, before his mother gets ahead of him, wink, wink. The attorney is dubious but will get on it right away.
Noemi’s Home – Mario comes up behind Noemi in their bathroom and does everything short of bashing her head in for opening her mouth to Regina about his other family. He swears he will kill her if she says anything more to Regina.
Meanwhile, Regina is having breakfast by herself when Emi passes by on his way to school. He learns Ximena is in the house and she needs their help. Emi tells his mother they are the ones that need help. Emi stammers over what Mario told him last night, just as Mario comes in—without a hair out of place or bruised knuckles—and says he’ll talk to Regina.
Escalante’s Office – Fernando is briefing the judge on how things are. Bizco is dead and the whole ball of wax is being run by El Chulo. The judge is advised that El Chulo has a message for him, that everything will continue as is, but first they need a favor. Senator Martinez is to be released from jail. He’s leaving it up to the judge to figure out how to do it and it has to be that very day.
The Cabaret – El Chulo & Co. have arrived to pick up a little present from Isela. He and Isela greet each other, making it clear they are on very familiar terms with each other. The “present” is Marcia, who is flopped out on a bed, out cold. Isela names her price, a bargain, since they are friends—a kilo of “stuff.” Chulo looks her over and agrees. She’ll fetch a good price up at the border. He calls in his guys to pick her up and take her out. [ed. note: This was a disgusting and disturbing scene to have to write.]
Cecelia’s Office – Cecelia is on the phone with her mother asking about Marcia. Isela assures her she’ll be fine up north and she should concentrate on her own job. Mauro comes in looking for Magda and Alonso. Cece learns about Omar’s short life expectancy.
Noemi’s Home – Mario “tells” Regina about this other family. Regina notes that Noemi is just finding out about this family or no. Mario says she’s always been suspicious of him. Regina wants to know who this woman is, if he is still seeing her and if he has children with her. He insists it was an error and it means nothing. It’s mostly in Noemi’s imagination. Reggie has had enough. She gets up and as she walks away she tells him her mother is suffering over this. He should be by her side, be the one who takes her to the doctor. Ximena comes in and she and Reggie go off together.
Alonso’s Office – Cecelia and Mauro are discussing Larreta and how he’s thinking of talking about the dirty dealings in the Dept. of Health. They need to keep his mouth shut. Al doesn’t think it’ll be a problem now that his pal Martinez isn’t there to back him up. Mauro gives Al the “bad” news that the judge has changed his mind and is going to release Gerardo on his own recognizance. Al’s narco pals arranged it. Cece is very upset that Gerry is getting out; it upsets their plans.  Al feels betrayed. Mauro suggests Al go talk to El Chulo in person.
General Hospital – Natalia comes into Omar’s room to see him and he orders her out. A nurse enters and he tells her to get that woman out of his room; she pushed him down the stairs and tried to kill him. Magda arrived just in time to hear him say that. Magda heard what Omar said and tells Natalia she would have been justified in pushing him down after the way he treated her. Natalia denies doing it. Magda says she’s not accusing her, but maybe it’s better if she takes over caring for Omar. As she walks away, Natalia calls after her—Magda talked to Alonso, didn’t she. They’re plotting to strip (despojar) her of everything and accuse her of trying to kill her. (Magda looks as if it might be a good idea to try.)
Regina’s Office – Ximena is there with Regina when Daniela comes in to tell them Gerardo is to be freed. Ignacio follows her in and announces it’s thanks to Regina, who is surprised by that. Iggy quickly adds it was Escalante as he gives Xi a big bear hug.
Noemi, dressed, coiffed and sober is on her way to the doctor’s. She has stopped by to finish their conversation. Daniela excuses herself.
The Demon’s Den – Ximena has decided to go back to her house and is calling out for her mother. She thinks she’s alone when the Red Demon comes out of nowhere and snatches a pregnancy test out of Xi’s hands. She wants to know who she’s been sleeping around with. Xi just looks at her.
Mauro’s Office – Cecelia has followed Mauro in and is incredulous that he and Alonso are doing business with narcos. Mauro answers that Alonso is the boss. How else does she think campaigns are financed? Cece has figured out that El Chulo had something to do with releasing Gerardo. Obviously he’s backing whoever doesn’t want Al to win and Mauro is fairly certain that person is working with Regina. Ah, muses Cece, The Immaculate One. Cece’s solution is to eliminate her. Mauro doesn’t think Al will listen to that proposal. Oh, and another thing, Mauro mentions to her, he thinks Al is getting tired of Cece. She’s behaving as though she is going to take her sister’s place, but Alonso won’t have a woman who is inferior. Cece says she’s not inferior. Mauro looks straight at her and tells her of course, she is. Accept it.
Somewhere on an Empty Street – El Chulo and Alonso confront each other, backed up by black SUVs, goons and guns. Al feels betrayed and wants to know what is El Chulo’s relationship to Gerardo Martinez. El Chulo says none. Al tells him not to lie. The judge let him go and did it for El Chulo. Chulo doesn’t know what he’s talking about. [ed. note: It’s remotely possible that Chulo doesn’t know anything—Escalante told the judge he had a message from El Chulo, but that might have been a lie to make the judge do what Escalante wanted.] The two counter-accuse each other of betrayals and they end up in a stand-off.
Regina’s Office – Noemi continues her tale. That relationship between her father and the other woman went on for a long time. Regina has a sister and yes, Reggie knows her. It’s Cecelia Aguilar. Cara de impactada de Regina.


Please note the following:
Due to the subject matter of this novela there will be strict moderation of the comments. Anything about current or past real-world political situations will be removed. Discussion will be limited to the story, the production values, and the actors' performances. Also, episode discussions will be closed once the next episode's recap is posted.


Excellent recap, Anita! Thank you!

The last scene in the alley said it all. It was a meeting of peers. Alonso with his gang facing off with El Chulo and his. I have to give it to Alonso. He was just at home in that alley as at the government building with guns drawn and all.

It was good seeing El Cuervo again.

Mouse-like (really rat-like) Magda and her senseless loyalty is getting on my last nerve.

It looks like Marcia might have worse days ahead. She should have left after her first check cash.

I have said it before and I will say it again: I love the new emboldened Mauro,


Good stuff, Anita.

We're in the countdown to the finale with only 5 episodes to go and the dominoes should start falling along with the Barcenas' house of cards. Monday's episode willy be a real dilly.

Regina is now about to face the ugliest reality in her life... along with the possibility of becoming a grandmother. That is, if Teresa doesn't murder Ximena on Monday night. At the moment I'm wondering whether Gerardo will arrive just in time. If so I hope Ig will be with him because he's in no condition to fight the kind of demon strength that crazy people have when they go into such rages as Teresa is infamous for.

Why the hell did Ximena even go back to that apartment?

I hope when Regina adds this all up she doesn't tell Noemi about Emiliano's dangerous liason with Cecelia. That would destroy her. I do anticipate a major confrontation between Regina and Cecelia. The real fun will be when Alonso finds out.

Marcia has some bloody nerve accusing Natalia of attempted murder. Sure, Natalia had every motive in the world but she is a better person than that. In fact, too good, but here's hoping she gets her reward at the end.


Anita: Marcia is all but dead! Another victim on the Body Count.

Jarifa: The Drug-Lords running Mexico as always.

UA: Regina being tainted by Escalante if she does NOT figure out he was the one, who ordered the assassination attempt.

Excellent recap, Anita, especially since I missed yesterday's episode. And dang! I seem to have missed one of the most important capítulos! I didn't recognize El Cuervo. Thanks for reminding me who he is. But I'm very glad he wasn't there to kill Gerardo. Still, I wonder what the payment will be, longterm. Marcia should have run the first moment Alonso told her to get out. Now she's caught up in international sex trafficking. Unless Olivia Benson is out there for her somewhere she's doomed. I thought it was nice that Cecilia has a few decent instincts, though. My goodness! What a shock about Omar's cancer. And Natalia is turning out to be one of this tn's more decent character.

Agree this was a pivotal episode, too near the end for me. I want this tn to go on and on and on. I can't believe I'll be away for the last three episodes.

Thanks, folks for stopping by. We all want feedback and comments on the action.

I'm going to think about all the loose ends that need to be tied up. If it's any good, I'll turn it into a comment over the weekend.

Please do go to Urban's Karmageddon page for La Candidata and peruse it again. We have some new or newly revealed bad characters. Well, Bizco didn't last very long and El Chulo will probably die in a firefight or go to jail, where Cuervo may have the upper hand.

BTW--I've heard from Stevey and he has a BRAND NEW essay on upcoming telenovelas. We all need something to look forward to. I'll be posting it under the heading: News About Upcoming Telenovelas (Proximas). When it gets posted, please stop by and thank him for his devotion and freely-given time to do this for the Caray community.

Thank you, Anita, for posting Stevey's contribution. It is always exciting to see what is coming up and he has such interesting insights.

As for something right now, you might want to take a look at "Mi marido tiene familia" which is much lighter than "Candidata" . We are only nine episodes in. I swore off Osorio after "Sueño de amor" but I am happy I gave this one a look. It has been very enjoyable so far.

Thanks Anita as I missed last night's episode. Natalia is indeed turning out to be a resourceful lady - much better than Noemi who takes to alcohol. I cannot wait to see Regina's reaction to the revelation that Cecelia is her half-sister. The actor playing Alonso is superb.

Steve, Escalante was a brilliant strategist about that. Nobody would suspect him and the only person who knows for certain is Lorena. Here's hoping that her ultimate purpose in the story is to rat him out. The question is how it can be proven since he's too cold-blooded to confess.

Teresa is far too vain and infinitely too selfish to welcome the idea of becoming an abuela so I expect that she will do something to Ximena in the hopes of causing a miscarriage if Ximena turns out to be pregnant. I doubt that Ximena said anything about this to Regina when she got her out of there.

The new "bad guys" aren't being added to the Karmageddon post because they're too short-term to get a higher status than the generic goons commanded by Mario and Omar. They will either fall at the end or find new paymasters.

Anita, great job! I totally agree that the part where Isela is selling Marcia to "El Chulo" was very disturbing. Human trafficking is a horrible problem and it is a very ugly truth about our time. It was very diffiult to watch Isela trading Marcia for a kilo and Chulo saying that they can get good money for her at the border.

I was surprised that Omar has a cancerous tumor that is inoperable. He won't last long. But he does deserve it.

The scene with El Chulo's gang and Alonso's gang was almost funny...almost. My first thought was a rumble between the Sharks and the Jets. But they definitely weren't dancing.

I don't understand why Ximena returned home when her monster mother was there. She was barely able to escape with Regina and then she comes back the next day with a pregnancy test? They girl just does not use common sense! I sure would not have returned home if my mother would have been so violent with me. She does not know how to use good judgement. If Ximena turns up with a positive pregnancy test, is Teresa going to kill her?

I am now wondering what Regina "owes" Escalante. This will not come without a price.

Urban--I don't want the new "bad guys" on the Karmageddon post. I don't want you to think I did. I was just mentioning it in case someone wanted to say something in the comment section.

Lynette--Me neither. A lot of the animosity Cecelia has shown Regina will now make sense to her. It was all about the Have-Not wanting what the Have has, including Alonso. But at this juncture, Regina probably doesn't care who Alonso sleeps with. She knows he's a pig. I'm interested in how she deals with Mario, too. Such an affront to put Cecelia right under her nose and he's probably been congratulating himself on his finesse.

I wish they hadn't introduced the possible pregnancy for Ximena this late. She's a fragile, vulnerable girl-child and definitely not in an emotional condition to become a mother. She needs some therapy first to cleanse her of her mother's influence. I don't think Gerardo will let anything happen to her if she is, though. Emi is certainly not mature enough to take on fatherhood either, if he's the one. Oh, well, I can only think that if this tn had gone the 80+ episodes, there would have been time to examine this situation further.

PSA--don't these technically savvy kids know ANYTHING about birth control and safe sex?

I come from an era where my parent's generation only had condoms or abstinence (or douching--not very reliable) available to avoid unwanted pregnancies. My generation had diaphragms, then IUDs and the pill as well as condoms, greatly reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies. Maybe it's only in telenovelas it happens so easily and so often.

Cynthia--you were posting while I was typing. Great comment. You last sentence is a key. Mauro was telling Cecelia she had no idea how campaigns were financed. A candidate needs a lot of money and a wealthy benefactor is a must. Regina was a bit naïve to accept Escalante on faith. She should have had Andres or Ignacio do a little digging first. OTOH, Escalante has made sure his public face is squeaky clean, so I wouldn't blame them if they came up with nothing dirty.

Oh, they probably picked a tumor because a patient with senile dementia can live for many years as a healthy person. I don't think the writers were ready to put him in a controlled nursing home for dementia patients and just leave him there. They want him to be gone, not just disabled, IMHO.

I was just thinking, in Mexico you can get birth control pills over the counter and do not have to go to a doctor. So why aren't women in these novelas on birth control since it's so easy to get? Abortions are, however, illegal as far as I know.

Of course an unexpected pregnancy always complicates things and that's what they want in our TNs.

It's outdated, though, unless there is nearly as much guilt attached to sex as here.

What bothered me the most about PyP's old cliches was that Daniela's substance abuse became her death sentence. Why couldn't they have shown her in rehab so that people could understand what that is and how it works? Death was too heavy a sentence for her crimes and her mother's.

Teresa will make the next Toxic Mothers list, guaranteed.

UA: I'm worried Teresa will push Ximena down the stairs in causing a miscarriage.

Urban--As far as toxic mothers go, she is among the worst I've seen on Caray. She's not only used her toxic skills psychologically, leaving Ximena a bundle of guilty nerves, but she assaults her physically. Ximena never knows whether she's going to get a blast from her mouth or from her fists.

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