Friday, September 29, 2017

Weekend Discussion 9/29/17: Toxic Sisters

I've often said that series villains are far more effective when they are related to the protagonists and between members of the same generation there is nothing like sisters of similar age, whether the issue is over the hero or an inheritance. If women had been on the stage in Shakespeare's time he would have created toxic ones too, because the emotional stakes would have still been higher than those he was able to express between brothers. 

Here is a list of evil sisters for your consideration:

Aimée Altamira (Anna Colchero) / Corazón Salvaje (1993)

This one wasn't satisfied by the comparatively privileged upbringing she had; she had to lure one brother away from her sister while fooling around with the other.... who was the better choice and whom her sister finally got. She attempted a posthumous revenge – from her deathbed – by trying to make Monica promise not to reunite with Juan. At least Monica's passion and good sense prevailed in the end.

Carlota Espinoza de los Monteros (Leticia Calderón) / En Nombre del Amor (2008)

Serious control freak and narcissist who competed with her sister for the love of a man who later became a priest. Determined to keep her sister and her niece as miserable as herself she did whatever she could to control their lives from tampering with Macarena's medications to murdering Iñaki, Paloma's first love. Four more murders later – including that of Macarena – she finally fell off a church roof and ended in prison in a wheelchair for the rest of her life among women she despised. Someone should have told her that Karma is a bitch with PMS.

Maripaz Lomeli Curiel (Laisha Wilkins) / La Fuerza del Destino (2011)

She was some Merry Piece, wasn't she? She was guilty of a number of things to merit a jail sentence by her biggest sins were the seduction of her sister's lover, adultery, theft of family valuables, and failing to be a mother to her son.

Cinthia Montero Báez (Susanna Gonzales) / La Que No Podia Amar (2011)

Unlike most of the others in this list her unfortunate sibling was a brother rather than a sister. She was lazy, disrespectful, and supremely selfish. She was responsible for the death of her sister-in-law's unborn child and the possibility that she could never become pregnant again. It was her fate to have her own child raised by her brother and his wife after she ended up insane, disfigured and in prison.

Rebeca Murillo de Gaxiola (Claudia Ramirez and Michelle Renaud) / El Color de la Pasion (2014)

Boinked her sister Magdalena's fiance just to break up the wedding, then later killed her sister Adriana to seduce her husband into marriage. She raised her own daughter to hate Lucia (Adriana's daughter) and later took her hatred out on Lucia whose (2nd) fiance she also tried to seduce. She had no conscience whatsoever.

Nora Gaxiola Murillo (Ximena Rojo) / El Color de la Pasion (2014)

Repeated her mother's sin of seducing her sister's fiance with the goal of having him jilt her at the altar.  She later attempted to steal her sister's new love. Long track record of histrionics just to get attention, including two faked suicide attempts. She blew off attempts at therapy and manipulated her psychiatrist. Her eventual suicide was shocking but no surprise.

Nuria Murat (Laura Carmine) / A Que No Me Dejas (2015)

Her hatred of her sister Paulina knew no limits. She failed to protect her from an attack by Julieta, she tried to sully Paulina's name to their parents, and tried to kill her several times. All because she was never praised as Paulina had been and because she wanted every centavo of the inheritance that would have been more than enough for both of them. This hatred extended to Paulina's daughter Valentina. She was a sadistic bitch who deserved every element of her Karmageddon, including her father's unwillingness to help her die. She would live for whatever the rest of her natural lifetime with disfigured face and hands and the inability to talk. In prison for life.

Julieta Olmedo (Alejandra Barros) / A Que No Me Dejas (2015)

Her possessive nature led her to murder attempts, faked suicide attempts, and other crimes. Her brother was no more than a possession to her and her smothering of him would have gone on the rest of his life had she not finally met her end. Nothing was beneath her in her pursuit of isolating him from women he dated and later loved. The ultimate irony in all this was that she ended up killing him along with the love of his life. She got far less punishment than she deserved in the end.

Daniela Montenegro (Irina Baeva) / Pasión y Poder (2015)

This spoiled favorite child of a narcissistic mother had a track record even before the opening episode of chasing her bookish (but pretty) older sister's boyfriends. Had she not skipped out on her appointments with a shrink she might have realized why she failed to be her father's favorite child and that she was monumentally selfish to expect all the limelight in the family.  Having said that, her Karmageddon was excessive and a major missed opportunity for the writers.

Ana Leticia (Angelique Boyer) / Tres Veces Ana (2016)

Life may not be all fun and games for identicals but Ana Leticia is the ultimate bad seed in the pod. From the story's prologue where we saw her viciously snatch Ana Laura's doll before grabbing the wheel of the car and later display complete indifference to Ana Lucia falling out of the crashed car to the last episodes where she tried to kill both sisters she was toxic her entire life. Her many attempts at seducing every man in sight – including her own uncle – were as cringeworthy as her ongoing nastiness to Ana Laura. At least her Karmageddon ended her ability to impersonate either of her sisters.

Graciela Palacios (Kimberley Dos Ramos) / Vino el Amor (2016)

This selfish succubus tried stealing her sister's husband right under her nose. Having murdered her sister at the end of Episode 4 she went on to gaslighting her sister's children. She got off far too easily by dying from a fall down the Staircase of Doom.

Cecelia Aguilar (Susanna Gonzales) / La Candidata (2016)

Her irrational hatred of her sister led her down a path of adultery (with her brother-in-law) and incest (with her own nephew). She was not stupid so her intelligence should have saved her from her mother's brainwashing in all this. Her Karmageddon was appropriate to her crimes.

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This was long overdue and I'm sure there will be another installment. There were a few others I wanted to include but I couldn't remember enough details, so here's hoping someone else can do the next one.

It's taking a while for me to catch up to Mi Marido so please be patient. Gracias.

UA: I remember the Becista from "ECDLP".

Her ultimate karma was watching Nora commit suicide. Plus, offing herself in front of Lucia.


Thank you, Urban, for all of your hard work. What fun! I am sort of limited because I have only seen TVA and LC. Out of those two, I think Ana Leticia who was a bad seed from the very beginning as a child takes the crazy prize.

Thanks for this list! I thought of Ana Leticia right away, but had forgotten about Graciela (I've tried to suppress the memory of Vino entirely).

I remember a toxic sister in STuD but am blanking on her name. And if I'm not mistaken, the actress who played her was maybe poisoned (not fatally) by her own sister?

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Alfredo: Ivana was Valentina's cousin in "Soy Tu Duena".

Urban, thank you so much for this! I too am limited since I've only seen 3 of the TNs you listed...and I just started (re)watching TNs about a year ago. I do have to say, though, ECDLP came to my mind right away...with TWO toxic sisters!!

Thanks, Alfredo. They were cousins? Aw.

I originally had a second one for LQNPA but Vanessa wasn't in Cinthia's league.

Ana Leticia is an egregious example of what past superstitions about identicals said.

Thanks Urban!!! Some of the shows were before my time on the patio. No one can hurt a girl more than her own sister.

Carvivlie: Adriana getting whacked by the Becista in "ECDLP" was the icing of the chaos, which kick-started it all.

UA: Graciela was a complete NUTJOB in "Vino El Amor" of how she whacked Lisa & managed to manipulate FerBrat & Bobby among other illegal acts. I agree with everyone in how she got off scot-free by falling down the stairs to her death by her own Mommy AKA Pete Wilson 2.0.


Wow, thanks so much Urban! This was very entertaining reading and sure brings back some memories.

I'm in the minority who loved Vino El Amor, so I just loved your photo of Graciela Palacios and her choice of murder weapon. I agree, she got off far too easily. All of this to steal her sister's husband, David. (Still trying to figure out why he was such a prize.)

Then of course Rebecca Murillo de Gaxiola in ECDLP murdering her sister Adriana to steal Alonso away. Bad girl! Bad girl!

Ana Leticia was the perfect psycho in Tres Veces Ana. Angelique Boyer did a fabulous job. I still remember the broken mirror she was looking at one night as she was talking to herself and the sound of her voice reminded me of Gollum/Smeagol from Lord of the Rings.

The worst for me was Cecelia Aguilar in La Candidata, not only sleeping with her brother in law, but committing incest with her nephew. That was just gross! But at least she didn't murder her sister, although being compliant in her father's murdering of innocent women. She should have been a lot smarter than that. She wasn't a mentally deranged psycho, but she should have known much better than that.

Cynthia: But Karma got the Becista's EXPLETIVE in the end on "ECDLP". She was the ultimate BAD GIRL & was flaunting. Let's not forget that she whacked Alonso too by withholding his medication when he had a fatal heart attack.

It's very odd that the Gaxiola Mansion was cursed: Adriana's murder, Alonso's murder, Nora & the Becista committing suicide respectively.

Especially the Becista offing herself right in front of Lucia (whom she insulted before she whacked herself).

On Cecilia Aguilar of "La Candidata": she was disgusting & was complicit in how many murders ?


OMG, I just remembered... if you want toxic sisters, try the one in Doble Vida, who seduced her own brother.

How could we forget that DV one, Julie? Evil to the bone!

What a fantastic list Urban!

Evil just oozes off this page...

I saw all but 3 of the TNs mentioned.

Susana Gonzales is my favorite actor. Did not see LC but thought she was marvelous in Amar. As much as I love her, I think there were a few performances that might eclipse hers in this particular category.

El Color was amazing. I hadn't intended to watch this but got hooked early on. Claudia, Michele and Ximena were amazing. This was the first time I saw Claudia and Ximena. Together, the chemistry was explosive.

Angelique's performance was a tour de force. Thanks for reminding us of the mirror scene Cynthia...

Kimberley in Vino was a revelation.

That said, there is no doubt who the "winner" of this is (IMHO). Leticia Calderon. ENDA was among the first few TNs I'd ever watched and it left an indelible impression. Allisson Lozz, Arturo Peniche and Victoria Ruffo (as Carlota's sister) were the noteworthy principals. Carlota was the ultimate cruel, master manipulator. And she did it seamlessly. Murder and mayhem were her specialties. This had a terrible twist (several actually) and if anyone has the opportunity to watch this in its entirety, I urge you to do so.

And Julie, Estela could easily be added to the list! (Great to see your post).

Thanks so much Urban.


I didn't watch DV, so if anyone wants to start a new list of these, please do.

I'm inclined to agree that the Purple Queen, Carlota, is the most evil. She had no conscience about anything she did and she got the appropriate Karmageddon for her crimes. Ceceila of LC was perhaps the most perverse because of the incest but Rebeca was a repeat offender in that. Her envy of her sisters and later her niece was about as sick as it gets and could be where Cecelia would have ended up someday.

We were definitely robbed of some of the consequences in LC due to the series having been shortened by 20 episodes but the Karmageddon of Rebeca and Nora co-existing in hell was appropriate.

Thanks Alfredo

The Purple Queen, Carlota still reigns supreme in my eyes as she wasn't only an evil sister but an evil aunt! Out of pure obsession and desire of control she pushed her own sister down the Window of Doom! She was also involved in isolating Paloma from everyone, cutting her means of communication, poisoning her fiancee etc etc. Oh and her favorite tea was Belladona! I remember laughing at just how wicked she could get. The way she went out was pretty hilarious.

Watching Julieta in AQMD was freaking hilarious as well!

I don't like sister villains though. They're pretty much the same with minor differences and share the same craziness. But at-least they're great for the comedic factor!


Hi Urban,this was interesting to read.
And entertaining.And so these twisted
Sisters got what they deserved. Some
Deserved more.On pasion & poder danni
She Had a chance to turn over for the
Better but like you said the writers
Missed an opportunity.

In the vineyard, David's sister-in law
Didn't suffer enough for me.She gotoff
Waaaaaay to easy.And so did her momma.
But one family psycho at a time. Now
That would be a good discussion also,
"Craziass mommas of the telenovas".
Now That's a whole new family dynamic right there.

Juliet, I did not like her ending. She
Should have gotten one worthy of her
Crimes. Walkin into the ocean? Really?
We are to assume that jaws got her.
First I hate that her father offed his
Self in front of her. Now He wasn't to brite. It was traumatic.But somewhere
Down the line big sis stopped being
Traumatized and started doin it her way. And played little bro and anybody who'd pay attention. She knew what she
Was doin. When she killed bro and his
Lady love that pretty much ruined the
Story for me. Then they brought back
Paulina's kid lookin just like her,and here we go again. Some of these ladies I'm not familiar with. Rebecca Satan's
Spawn, she didn't suffer enough either
She offed herself hoping to ruin stuff
For her sister's(who she hated)child.
And then her and her spawn gets too haunt around the house in the end.Wow.

Thank you Urban. A look back is good, but they all seem to do the same thing
Go after their sister's love interest.
With a little extra twisteded sister added every now and then.

On Maripaz: Did she ever get her Karma in "La Forza del Destino" ?

I do remember one evil sister in "Sortilegro", who ignored her little sister, who had cancer.

Maripaz died on the operating table during a transplant. She was supposed to be donating a kidney to her cray-cray mother. Considering Maripaz' level of boozing I thought that rather bizarre. In a post-finale interview Rosa Maria Bianchi said she would never want any child of hers to donate an organ to her.

UA: Maripaz dying was sweet Karma!

I don't remember seeing Mp as a villian, more like a tragic character. She was more like a crazy sister like Daniela from Pyp. She also didnt kill anyone, neither did Lucrecia. The only real villians to me were Juan Ferrara's character and later his son, Saul. In fact I don't remember of any body count from FDD.

There were only three deaths:

Zapeda's mother played by Leticia Calderon( dies from illness)
Maripaz( donated organs to her mother)
Saul( offed himself with a gun in jail after it's discovered he raped the main heroine)

There was also a stabbing in self defense early on by Antolin(Marcelo Cordoba) that resulted in death. It was also the turning point which forced DZ to leave his town behind.

His foster-dad Anthony lost his wife and only son.

But still only a body count of 6. That's nothing compared to the carnage that was Rosy's latest work, La Doble Vida lol

Saul hanged himself in prison. And Maripaz was a person whom nobody could be peaceful around; she demanded custody of little Alex just to vex Ivan and chased him again once she knew he was interested in Lucia. She also stole her grandmother's jewels.

Wow! Interesting..i'm looking forward to "Toxic Brothers" ������

I kind of have my own idea for the next topic: "The tricksters". Those are characters who you can never be too sure of. They're not evil by nature but they have either done shitty things that advanced the plot or to protect the main character from danger. Also they make you RAGE. I would say the best example would be Isela from YNCH. You just couldn't EVER trust that girl. Or Ari from the same show. Lo Imperdonable had Emi, Claudia. La Candidata also had similar characters like Hernan.

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