Friday, October 27, 2017

Caer en Tentación #9, 10/26/17: 2 Dead and Buried; 1 Resuscitated; What’s Next?

Epoca Actual - Santi is distraught,  having identified the body as Carolina and having had to watch them take her away in an ambulance. Antonio tells Santi to go home and tell his children. Laura observes from a short distance away as Nando is told to make sure Santi gets home unmolested by the press.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, there is chaos as Miriam tries to revive her son by screaming and carrying on. Luckily for her, they manage to bring Dam back to life and stabilize him. Andrés arrives and comforts Miriam.
At Raquel’s house, the four kids are waiting for any news from Santi. Raq gets a phone call, but it’s not Santi. Instead she learns of Dam’s cardiac arrest. She must go to the hospital so she arranges for Lola and Nico to take a cab home and someone will drop Benji off at daycare. Mia gives Fede the evil eye and asks if now he’s content. He responds in kind and Raq interrupts before the argument can escalate.
The medical examiner unzips the bag with Carolina’s remain while simultaneously Raq, Mia and Fede arrive at the hospital in a very agitated state. Lola and Nico are now home and wondering what might have happened to their father, to their mother. Nico thinks the worst. Lola tells him to stop, he’s only making her feel more guilty, but won’t say why.

The doc comes out to tell the Beckers what Dam’s state is. The prognosis will have to wait until more tests are done. Raq wants to consult further with the doctor and Miriam takes the opportunity to hurl one of her cutting remarks, “Your husband is in very serious condition and you want to discuss the exact date for his death?” Raq calmly repeats her request of the doc and steps aside with him, leaving Mia in her grandmother’s arms and Fede looking through the glass partition into the ICU where his father lies.
Nico continues to try to reach his father when Santi enters the house. The kids want to know how their mother is, hurt, ok, not wanting to come home, what? The anguish on Santi’s face says everything. He tells them she’s dead and steps forward to embrace his older children. It’s painfully emotional and tears flow. He hangs on to them so as not to lose them, too.
Andrés takes leave of the family at the hospital to return to work. Raq then turns to Miriam, who is giving her the most nasty acidic look, and tells Mir never to say anything like that again to her, much less in front of her children. Mir spits venom in return as she hisses at Raq, “Have you forgotten you have a husband you abandoned in his worst moment?” Raq replies, “You are mistaken, I haven’t forgotten I have a husband and he’s the one who forgot he has a wife while he was sleeping with Carolina, or do I have to remind you of that.”
Tres Años Antes - Nico and Fede are running away from their “altercation” with Joaquín. He got a walloping. Fede is out of breath and needs his inhaler. He stops long enough to send Mia a message.
Carolina is at the super picking out some fresh fruits and veggies when she becomes conscious of Damian approaching her. She moves toward him. He assumes the role of a passionate man in love: he can’t work, can’t sleep, can only think of her. He feels they should talk. She finally takes his hand and agrees, as long as it’s not in public.
Mia gets the text message from Fede and thanks each, one at a time. She looks up from the bed with what passes for a smile, barely.
Andrés calls in his buddy in their perverted diversions and tells him to set up a meeting with some other men and that woman (Carolina) and humiliate her, thoroughly. In return for this favor, Buddy wants him to leave Lola alone—it’s dangerous as both those girls are minors. Andrés says he’s not passing up an opportunity like this when she is the daughter of that “cook,” who’s having an affair with his cousin. Lola is his ace in the hole to get that woman out of the way. Buddy tries to dissuade him, but Andrés claims he has to stay on the right side of his aunt. So, Andrés says to Buddy, “You know what you have to do.”
Santi and his workers are on the job at the Beckers. The guys leave for the day. Mia appears. Santi is a bit cautious about being alone with her, based on her earlier empty accusation. She asks what Lola said about her—about what happened in Acapulco. Santi says Lola said nothing; she keeps her own counsel. He wonders why she is asking. She says everybody thinks she’s crazy. Santi says he doesn’t, nor do his workers. She asks for pardon and then leaves. Raq has overheard everything and she’s so pleased. Asking forgiveness is a big step forward for Mia. She hugs Santi and they have a very warm embrace as she thanks him, each smiling over the other’s shoulder.
Dam has taken Caro to an overlook. He’s still using his persuasive charm to hook her into continuing whatever it is they’ve just started. She demurs but finally confesses to how she feels. So, she’s taken the bait and swallowed it. Dam only has to reel her in. He lifts her onto the hood of his car and does her right there. Risky behavior, but isn’t that where the thrill is? In any event, we see no more of them as their theme song and their passion ends with the camera turning on Lola, back at the house.
Lola is furious to find the house occupied by her brother (finishing up a shower—gratuitous pec shots) and Fede when she wanted to be alone. To add to her pissiness, Patricia shows up. She’s come to “release” Lola from her indenture to her with those men and shoves some money in her hand so she can go on that trip (the one Lola told Caro she didn’t want to go on). Nico sees them and hassles her about what Pat gave her. Lola walks away from them. Fede tells Nico that Mia sent her thanks.
Caro and Dam are returning from their tryst at twilight in a light rain. They must have had time to do a couple of rounds. Caro recognizes how late it is and wonders what she’ll tell Santi. Dam offers to come with her and help her with an excuse, but she thinks the less they are seen together, the fewer suspicions they’ll raise. He asks, assuming an affirmative answer, does that mean they’re going to continue seeing each other? Caro isn’t sure. He wants to know when he can see her again. She doesn’t know, she’s not sure. In fact, since she met him, she’s not sure of anything.
A little later, Raq and Dam are in bed. He’s  lying stiffly on his back, eyes open. Raquel is looking at him lying on her side. There is a great deal of adoration in her gaze. She finally speaks, “It’s incredible how each time you look better, more handsome.” He reaches to touch her cheek and tells her she’s beautiful. She doesn’t believe him because he doesn’t say so any more. He excuses himself by telling her he has a lot on his mind. She comes back with—everywhere else but here (in bed). Raq wants to know what he’s thinking…or of whom he’s thinking.
We leave them there to see what’s going on at the Alvarado household. Dinner is over and the kids scatter. Santi, righteously, but rightfully wants to know where Caro has been and why she was so late. Caro stammers that she had to stop at the super to pick up a few things she forgot. He muses that normally she does that early in the day in order to be home and pick up the house. They begin to argue, but Caro quickly realizes she can’t or won’t be able to wriggle out of this one, so she quickly apologizes for sounding so rude. Santi replies, only half joking, that he’ll forgive her if she gives him a kiss. She avoids his advances and that gets his dander up again. He wants to know why she’s rejecting him. Again she realizes her mistake and claims she’s not rejecting him, quickly gives him a little peck on the lips and continues to clear the table. She starts to hand him some dishes only to realize Santi has walked away.
Mia is ready for bed—phone in hand, when Fede comes in and they go over the Nico-Fede-Joaquín rumble.
Looking in on Dam and Raq, they’re still talking. She tries to talk him into a little weekend getaway for two. Dam claims he and Andrés have to meet with some people interested in starting a franchise. Raq doesn’t think that is an acceptable reason. Weekends have always been for themselves and she doesn’t want him changing things around now. He says he’ll talk to Andrés as Raq becomes more and more amorous. He responds to her stimulation and they make love very energetically.
As Raq and Dam turn over, it is Caro and Santi that come into view, making love just as energetically. Then it’s back to Raq and Dam and then…DAMN, it’s a Halloween Mira Quien Baila commercial crap interjecting itself. When the interruption is over, Caro and Santi have finished and she rolls off of him and her face fades into her death mask.
Epoca Actual - The medical examiner has finished and is recording his findings. The 38-year-old woman died instantly from one bullet from a 9mm. gun, shot in the heart and in the lungs. Instant death. She also had contusions on her extremities and her head and was approximately 8 weeks pregnant. Antonio has the results and must now tell Santi. Nando says now that it’s a homicide, they’ll have to find the perp. Tonio avers that Dam is now both a victim and a suspect. Nando wonders what his motive might be. Tonio thinks Dam might have found out about the pregnancy and wanted to get rid of it. Regardless, they’ll have to follow every lead. Everyone connected to Caro is now suspect.
Andrés brings Mir a cup of coffee in the hospital. Rueda arrives to tell her that Caro was murdered with a gun and Dam was the last to see her alive, so it complicated things for Dam. Miriam thinks it might be the husband who found out she was cheating, while Andrés thinks the same of Raquel.
Nando and Laura are at home going over the case, but it gets a little too up close and personal, with motives, lovers, cheaters, pregnancies. She wants to know if Nando got his lover pregnant. Nando wants to get her off their personal topic—for one night at least. She wants to know why he is sharing all the reports with her. For fear? No, he wants to help her. She wants to know everything—that someone else knew they were lovers and decided to kill them, for vengeance, extortion, juarever. She needs a headline for her news report, ah: Double Homicide; she gets pregnant on purpose to unify their love and unite the two families forever. She only needs to learn the why of their betrayals. Nando thinks maybe they were merely in love. Laura looks at him, irritated by his simplistic explanation. Laura wants to know if Nando cheated on her because he was in love. Nando hangs his head without answering.
Antonio has shown Santi the autopsy report. He is stunned to learn Caro was pregnant. He immediately asks for a DNA test to be performed. He needs to know if the child was his or not. Tonio makes the call and tells Santi he’ll have the results in 24 hours. Tonio can’t promise the news will stay out of the press. They have their contacts. He thinks Santi’s children should learn it from him and to tell them everything.
Raquel and Fede have come to Santi’s house to comfort Lola and Nico. Mia arrives and heads straight for Nico to embrace him. Fede joins the two of them while Raq continues to hold a sobbing Lola. There is a funeral and an interment for Caro and her unborn child. Laura and a cameraman cover the service. Juan shows up, but keeps his distance. There is a shot of Vicente, but it’s not clear if he was in attendance. After the service, Santi tells an unbelieving Raquel about Caro being shot to death and her pregnancy, especially when he emphatically declares the baby might be Damián’s. Santi assumes they were having sex, a lot of it. He starts to get agitated over the betrayal and walks away. Mia and Fede are told about the murder and the pregnancy. Mia has a look of sadness mixed with anger.
Nando shows up at the company with a warrant to search Dam’s office. Andrés keeps asking what they are looking for. Nando answers several times he’ll tell him when they find it.
Santi apparently didn’t tell Lola and Nico anything. They see it on the news and confront him. He acknowledges that it’s all true. Lola stalks off reacting with fury while Nico sinks down on the floor disillusioned with his mother.
Nando learns from Andrés that he has reason to suspect someone in Caro’s family to be responsible for the murder and tragedy. He’s positive Caro was robbing Dam blind; first with the catering business, then with the remodeling jobs and then putting her daughter Lola to work in the company. Only a fool for a husband wouldn’t know his wife was cheating on him. Oh, states Nando, “So, according to you, Becker’s wife knew all about this.” “So say you, officer.”
Raquel is in her bedroom with her sister Cintia, trying to rest. Santi has come to see her and she indicates he can come up. Cindy isn’t horrified, but doesn’t think it prudent. Raq feels it’s ok between friends. Cindy leaves to go get Santi and tells her she notes that change in her demeanor when it comes to Santi.
In her anger at her mother, Lola is clearing out her mother’s clothes and getting ready to trash them. Nico enters and wants her to stop. She says it’s for their father who will suffer every time he opens the closet doors to be reminded of their cheating mother. Nico tries to defend his mother, but can’t. Instead he changes the subject and asks if she saw Juan at the graveside. Is she going to forgive him? [ed. note—I’m a bit confused here. I didn’t think Juan had done anything to her to require forgiveness, other than declare, inappropriately he was in love with her. Wasn’t it Joaquín? It might have been a slip of the tongue and Nico meant to say Joaquín, but I’m pretty sure it was Juan at the graveside. If I’m wrong, please correct this impression.]
Nando has come to the end of his search, it seems. He shows Andrés the last company audit that Dam ordered. It shows withdrawals appearing with Andrés’ name on it. Nando wants to know what was his relationship with Dam like.
Santi has come to ask Raq to help him find out what happened. He needs to know whose child it was. He’d like Raquel to authorize a DNA test to be done on Dam, so he can be sure if it is or isn’t Dam’s. Raq resists at first. Of course, we on the Patio know that when Miriam showed up at the house, claiming she can do what she pretty well chooses to do in the company house—which she plans to empty of the two sisters soon—she’s going to find Raq and Santi in a compromising position. And so she does. Yep, they are sitting on the bed holding hands and yep, Mir jumps to the conclusion she wants—collusion (the word of the day).


Wow, the mystery intensifies. Now that Caro was murdered the investigation thickens. They also have a murderer in the house which means more danger for everyone.

I think those lines are appropriate from the song Wait by M83 for the funeral scene:

Send your dreams
Where nobody hides
Give your tears
To the tide
No time
No time
There's no end
There is no goodbye
With the night
No time
No time
No time
No time
No time


Good work, Anita.

If I had been Raquel I would have considered Miriam's nasty comment to be Fighting Words and slapped her flat. Raquel has had to take too much merde over the years from this suegra from hell.

Raquel should definitely authorize a DNA test, but I can see how she is feeling now. Her sense of betrayal has to be the most intense of everyone's. What if Carolina had been boinking someone else as well? Both she and Santiago would need to know that. However, I can't see Lola or Mia being able to handle any of this.

Raquel should also throw her sister out. She is nothing but trouble.

Vicente may not have been invited to the funeral, but he had to be there to gloat. And that was Juan there, which creeped me out big time.

Anita, your astute powers of observation and incredible insight were obvious throughout your stellar recap.

"He assumes the role of a passionate man in love" and "She looks up from the bed with what passes for a smile, barely" were memorable.

Seeing Caro's ghastly, ghostly face was sobering and saddening. While the affair was unquestionably wrong, she has paid a grizzly price. To have her be pregnant was too, too much. I don't care who the father is/was. Another life has been lost.

I see Damian as the aggressor and feel everything began with him. I see Caro simply as a woman who fell under his spell, who lost her focus. She drowned long before she died.

Something is holding me back in having an overabundance of sympathy for Raq and Santiago. It is an uneasy distrust as these totally different individuals had an immediate bonding. Perhaps it was Santi's immediate acceptance of Raq who is rather free spirited and who manages to say exactly what she wants, how she wants. A far cry from "he muses that normally she does that early in the day in order to be home and pick up the house" to Carolina. To him, Carolina was a mother, a wife and a lover. He never supported her dreams although well aware of them.

The children have already endured more than any grownup should have. Their own stories seem so sordid, in and of themselves.

Thank you Anita. You have given much food for thought.


Yeah it seems this wasn't Damian's first rodeo with cheating otherwise he would be as disgusted as Caro initially was. He didnt't seem to feel guilty for his children.

Andres seems to be the likely suspect as he was sick of covering his cousins back but he seems to be a red herring in this. I think it could have been the guy paid by Santiago to watch over/stalk his wife. The dude could have been intercepted by Andres so instead of stalking Carolina he killed her instead.


Fabulous recount, Anita! Thanks for filling in the blanks for me.

WOW! Shot not once, but twice in the heart! And preggars too!! So, was it Andres or his buddy, Mike, or brother Vicente? Was it mobsters, perhaps?

Laura and Sintia are a trip and a half. Godoy has my vote, no matter what. Sintia is just plain crazy. Whatever she was using must have left lots of big holes in her brain.

Miriam must have a lot to hide, herself. I wonder what her backstory might be.....

Thanks so much Anita!! I'm going to try to watch the episode tonight.

Diana, you are too nice to Caro. Dam was the aggressor but it didn't take much to corral Caro. And I still can't get over that couch scene with Raq's head on his lap. EWW

3 years later, has the gym teacher been around all this time still? hmm

Someone must have been following the car, saw her get out and murdered her. I can't help but think she was the main target otherwise the person would have put a bullet in Dam to make sure he was dead too.


Can I say I can't believe we are only in episode 9!

Carvivlie, that's how this producer operates. YNCELH and LC were also like this: Lots of action and so many deceptions you have to keep track of them. I am going to start the Karmageddon page today so the list will be accurate when the post is needed.

YNCELH was 121 episodes while LC was only 62, so no prediction for this one yet. Mysteries have to be very tightly written so I don't see room for extension on this one unless the network is willing to risk audience wrath.

Santiago doesn't need Dam's DNA to see if the baby was Santiago's or not. He would need it to prove it was Dam's. And it would rock Santiago's world if the baby turned out not to be Dam's or Santi's.

Since they're on a first name basis in real time, I'm going to assume something went down between Lola and Juan in the past 3 years.

Dam was the initial aggressor but Caro was no lamb in the woods, lost and stumbling. She made the choice to disrespect her husband & marriage. Damian didn't force her to do that. When people decide to step outside of their relationship to have a secret relationship with another person, consequences will be paid at some point. Unfortunately, innocent people also have to pay a price. Caro had to pay the price for lying, cheating & betrayal with her life. Unfortunately her child had to pay the price, too.

Santi & Caro were probably teen lovers, she got knocked up & he married her, putting aside his own dreams. Santiago probably deep down saw Carolina as having destroyed HIS dreams and vice versa. He has no reason to not feel encouraged by his dreams with Raquel.

For all we know, Laura could be Carolina's killer, the way she's so invested in this case. Carolina might be the stand-in for whoever Nando cheated on Laura with. Laura gets to punish the Other Woman and have a big story for herself, all in one. LOL

The only extension I want at the moment is for Mujeres De Negro since its ending was so unclear. It's as if it got butchered. I demand a Season 3!

Speaking of LC I will never forgive Televisa for caving into public and political pressure that got LC butchered.

Thanks Anita!

So much has happened already but I like that it's so fast paced because to me that means it's good and worth watching. I hate slow TNs where nothing exciting happens. I didn't watch LC even though I would've have liked to had UniMas not changed its time slot. So I haven't enjoyed watching any TN since ECDLP.

I'm so glad Raq told Miriam off. Dam cheated. Plain and simple. A part of Raq wishes he was alive and another part probably wishes he was dead. It would be wise of Raq to agree to have the DNA test done on Damian. I don't think their suspicions will be wrong. The test will most likely prove Damian is the father.

A part of me wants to say Caro is a victim of Damian even if the murderer is Andres or someone else. Damian seduced her and she fell for it. He definitely proved to be charming and she was naive. The way he speaks about his feelings for her and to her makes me think it's all just a show. If it is he's doing a pretty good job acting like a love sick puppy stalking her. (I just read your thoughts on this, Diana. Seems like we share the same opinion)

So who is Juan? I don't remember him lol


Did Damian seduce Carolina or did Carolina seduce Damian? I see mutual seduction going on. Carolina was no victim of Damian's seduction.

Juan is the gym teacher who confessed his attraction to Lola.

Thank you Anita for your fabulous recap. I missed the second half but after reading this, I feel entirely caught up.

I missed several beginning episodes so I need something clarified:

Is Fernando, Nando, and Godoy the same person? He is one of the policemen, correct? and Antonio is the other policeman? Which of the two is the older man?

Thanks in advance!

Fernando/Nando/Godoy is the same person, he is the police office. Antonio is also on the force and is his superior. Antonio is older than FerDoy.

Considering Antonio is friends with Santiago, he probably shouldn't be on the Carolina/Damian case either.

Thanks Anon207. And Nando is married to the crazy Laura then. I like the supposition in an earlier comment that Laura killed Caro to get a story, haha.

I still haven't found anyone to like other than innocent Benji.


Good afternoon Patio denizens. I see this episode engendered quite a few comments. I guess we're in for a bumpy ride, but it's more like a roller-coaster.

LoriLoo, you got it. His name is Fernando Godoy. Antonio calls him Godoy, but early on WE (but not me) named him Nando. I happily went along because every time I heard "Godoy" it was like revisiting "Waiting for Godot" and Fernando was just too long to type. Nando is the younger detective. Antonio is the older, lead detective. He has some non-familial relationship with Santiago, through their fathers. I think they were cops together.

Thanks Anon207. I had a feeling Juan was the teacher. I didn't catch his name when we were first introduced to him. It seems like he's in stalker mode with Lola. Looks like we'll see more of their relationship as things progress.

My theory is that Caro was Godoy's other woman. Who knows...

I don't think Godoy's affair partner was Carolina. It was probably some woman who LOOKED like Carolina, though, and that (and pure ambition) is what's fueling Laura.

Anita: Was Carolina buried or cremated ?


I think it's interesting that we are all trying to find someone we like--to pin our attachment to.

It is also interesting that the two big boys are such bland characters. Their sisters have some real psychological problems, but Nico and Fede are just there, no visible deformities, no gangs, no school drop-outs, no girlfriends--actually, no friends except by circumstance of the two families seeing each other so frequently.

Giselle may yet surprise us with the boys and many other fronts. I do love that she has kept us guessing. I lost track of the fact that Juan hung around for 3 years when I saw him at the cemetery.

One of those big surprises would be that, indeed, the unborn baby isn't either of the of the putative fathers. I did think it was odd that Santi wanted a DNA done on Dam. Then I settled back and decided he wanted to hang on to his anger towards Damian for cheating on HIM, whom he considered a friend. We still need to know how or why Benji was conceived. 16 years between siblings is a long time. About ages--the ME stated that Caro was 38. If you subtract 18 (and (I'm assuming Nico is older than Lola, otherwise that would put him around 14 and that, he is not) then Carolina would have had him/gotten married at age 20. Young these days, but not then.

I agree that a pregnancy would have made both Caro and Santi drop out of school and start their family. So, yes, both of their careers were thwarted. Caro, though, found satisfaction for a good long while being a successful homemaker and cook. Now she had the opportunity to put those skills on the market and Santi tried to block her--jealousy, maybe? Santi runs a good, but very small construction business--just the three of them. He obviously had some good ideas and could follow through, but never worked to enlarge his business. He seems to operate out of his dining room table. Maybe he was afraid, not of failure, but of success?

Caro is being drawn as the vulnerable, indecisive woman, longing for a spark of excitement and romance in exchange for a humdrum life with her longtime, rather bland husband. It was her misfortune to meet Damian, a strong personality, used to getting what he wants. I believe that if she hadn't responded and had rejected his advances, he would either has started stalking her in person, by phone and however else it's done these days.

I'm not saying she is the innocent victim here, she walked into this relationship with eyes wide open, however reluctantly and hesitantly she seemed to be, not for a moment thinking about her family, other than wanting to keep the affair hidden. We have yet to find out how the house "they" bought in Vicente's neighborhood came to be--did she not think there were a lot of people who still remembered her/knew her? That shows she's beginning to take some risks herself. Her twilight return from their first tryst is the beginning of her slippery slope.

Diana--Your quote, "She drowned long before she died," put it all in perspective, and you didn't need to use as many words.

Gaah, sorry for being so long-winded. Doing a recap makes you think about everybody and everything that's going on, especially where there's a murder-mystery.

Steve--Did you watch the episode? If so, you would have seen the casket in the ground, the priest intoning and then being covered with dirt. I'm fairly sure she was not cremated. Why did you ask?

Thanks Anita, completely spectacular recap.

I agree that Gisselle has hit another one out of the park. This TN has it all, an although I agree that Benji is probably the only innocent character here, there are many characters with a lot of substance. For one I do like the Mia/Nico dynamic, in the past Nico has a crush on Mia but Mia has no time for him. In the present there is something going on with Nico and Mia, where they are blaming each other for the situation they are in. The interaction between them at the beginning of the episode left me wondering, what are they accusing each other of? and Nico just has this look of guilt, what is it about?

Laura although she is quite annoying, I can't stop wondering what happened to her, what caused her accident? who did Nando cheat on her with?

Many in the patio don't like Cynthia, I can't help but feel sorry for her. She seems like a rabid wounded puppy. And she is very perceptive. The fact that she told Raquel and Santi to get their vengeance by getting together shows that she is not stupid. She also said that Raquel's face changes when she knows Santi is there. She is on to something. But why rabid wounded puppy? she is so helpless with all the pent-up anger that she for now inspires pity.

I don't think Carolina is indecisive at all. She's quite decisive. Any hesitation she's been shown to have up to this point hasn't been "What will this do to my family? or "I don't want to hurt Santiago" It's been more along the lines of "Let's stop this because I don't want to get busted."

She was quite decisive when she showed up at Raquel's house with the sex shoes and showed no hesitation when she let Damian put his hands down her pants while his wife slept on his lap.

Both Damian & Carolina are seducing and pursuing the other. Neither one of them are victims of the other.

"I think it's interesting that we are all trying to find someone we like--to pin our attachment to".

Very true Anita.

I've made no secret that mine is Caro. Not innocent nor unaware. For the past two days, I keep imagining her after the crash, being stalked like prey, stumbling to get away, only to be brutalized and mercilessly shot and killed. Whatever her transgressions (and there appear to be many), no one deserves to die in such a deeply disturbing manner.

I would never call that justice. Or deserved.


I find this show very depressing. It shows how people can throw a good life away with both hands. If you are not Happy with your spouse , be honest. Then, if things cannot be repaired, get a divorce. Otherwise, you are hurting a person you supposedly loved and made vows to and your children. Watching all the unhappiness and angst and selfishness unfold on screen is awful. Not one ray of light and hope except Ben.

I love SN in this novela! Her Raquel from the past and Raquel in the future seem like different characters all together kind of like the Anas in TVA. Raquel Uno is timid, adventurous, generous and most importantly trusting. Raquel Dos becomes fiercer, bossy,less trusty , depressive, explosive. Raquel Uno was a good person, a humanitarian. About Raquel Dos you can't remain sure anymore. It's impressive how fast SN can switch two characters that only seem do differ by hair-style.


switch between*

Susanlynn, what I find interesting is that Dam seems happy in his marriage and happy when Raq is around. Maybe that's why it has taken 3 years for him to pull the plug and run away for a weekend. What I can't understand is why they were leaving for only 2 days? If you are going to blow up your marriages at least give yourself a week before coming back to face the fallout.

Well, after you find out your partner has betrayed you, you tend to become a different person. You don't know what's real & what's fake anymore. You cannot trust your partner anymore. You cannot trust yourself anymore. Your partner was lying to you, but were you lying to yourself? Did you see the signs & ignore them? Or did you truly just not know? Did they cheat on you because you weren't enough? Or maybe you were too much? Does any of it really matter? The only thing you know for sure is that YOU didn't matter to them. Or maybe they didn't matter to you and found somebody they mattered to. Or maybe they're a psycho. You don't know them at all. Maybe they never really betrayed you at all ...maybe YOU betrayed yourself.

These are the emotions and questions Raquel & Santiago will be dealing with, and the emotions and questions Laura is dealing with. All 3 of them will be different people after the dust settles...some for the better, others not so much.

Thanks Anita.

I was taken sudden switch in the scene from the children unable to accept their mother's death and next we hear the monotonous tone of the priest chanting the funeral rites at the cemetery. Everyone one is in black and earth is being thrown on the casket. Caro paid a heavy price for her actions.

Miriam caught Santiago and Raquel holding hands in her bedroom. I wonder it this will drive Raquel to allow Santi to do an DNA on Damian to show that he was the father. Miriam is too soon to blame Raquel instead of her son.

Lynette--Miriam has been trying to bring down Raquel since the beginning of her marriage to Dam, so this is nothing new, just another arrow for her quiver.

We're just now getting to see the blackness of her heart. OR, does she have reason to feel that way? In her impassioned speech to Damian, currently comatose, is that she TOLD him Raq was not the right woman for him. Of course, the right woman for him was none other than herself. Too bad she can't trust and love Andres. He'd be the perfect lap dog for her--oh, that's right, he already is. What he does behind her back, she doesn't yet know, but he's been working on bilking the company for some time. Now he has a chance to throw the blame on someone else--Carolina. (Go Nando, "Follow the Money.")

I'm not surprised he doesn't have a trophy wife or long-term girlfriend--not that that means anything in real life, but here in the tn it's noticeable. His only goal in life seems to be forcing himself on underage girls and trying to screw Damian.

Anita..THat is a pretty accurate description of awful Andres. He would fit right in with all of today's headlines, no?

Well, what we have learned is that sex often causes people to make all sorts of bad decisions which lead to various troubles for other folks and themselves. It can be a real Pandora's box and cause all kinds of chain reactions that affect many people in many different ways. What's that saying, "Be careful what you wish for!"

I can't feel sorry for Cinthia. Having been the older sibling of a person with drug addiction I can say that it completely screws the entire family. You never get over this.

Cinthia's manner is also that of a sociopath. She not only doesn't care about Raquel she would happily sell her down the river. Without knowing more about the rest of their family of origin I can't say much more, but it looks like she didn't get enough psychiatric help.

UA: Looks like the entire cast are suspects.

Time for Perry Mason to solve this!

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