Friday, December 29, 2017

Caer en Tentacion #49, 12/28/17: Could This be the End of the Beginning for Santi and Raq?

Epoca Actual
Santi is on the phone with Raquel. He suggests angrily that she is capable of taking Benji away from him and he's not going to let that happen. Raquel is astonished by his attitude. How could he think something like that of her. Santi claims that Damian ruined his life and he wouldn't put it past that family to try. Raq insists she's not like Dam's family and reminds him that Carolina had a major part in this game of betrayal. If Raq and Santi couldn't stop them it was because they were cowards and were blind and deaf to what was going on while those two mocked them. So yes, she's guilty, guilty of trusting someone who didn't deserve it. They hang up on each other, knowing they've said some very hurtful things to each other.

Fede observes his mother while SinCin tries to give Santi a break--having just learned about Benji's parentage. She avers, though, that once Miriam finds out, she will be sure to take advantage. Now, Raq realizes that, too.

Nico calls Alina to tell her about Benji's paternity results. Still stressed over her confrontation with ex-Sammie, she lets the call go to v-mail. Then she calls Rueda and leaves him a message, berating him regarding her near fatal confrontation with his son (now we know who he is for sure). Either control him, she says, or she'll send him to jail.

Nico calls Fede next and begs him not to say anything about Benji's paternity results, even though sooner or later, everyone will know.

Raquel and Fede comfort each other. Their world has just flipped. He has a brother. Meanwhile, Nico and Lola commiserate learning they have a half-brother with Mia and Fede. Nico wonders what kind of family they are now while Lola wonders how her mother could have done that to their father.

Raq calls Miriam and asks to talk to Mia. Mimi very coldly tells her to call back in the morning. Raq briefly considers calling Santi. Santi is sitting on the edge of his bed, probably wondering how this all came about. Cute little Benji distracts him momentarily. Father and son share a hug.

El Pasado
Vicente, in a drunken stupor, has come calling on Caro to see his new nephew. Right away he tries to provoke Caro by inquiring as to whether she wants him to know or not, who is the child's father. She answers in a carefully regulated monotone that the father is Santiago. Vicente pushes his way in and begins his oft-heard "poor me" speech, in which he blames all his woes on Caro. However, this time he reveals to a waiting Caray Crowd what the big secret is they share. He saved her from beatings and molestation by their father. The last time, in a rage to get him to stop, he killed him and later dumped his body in the river. Vicente doesn't understand why Caro is so disgusted by him. He's her brother and he cared for his little sister. Caro watches this in horror, as though hearing the confession for the first time. He points out she was successful at burying it deep inside her, but he hasn't been able to, not for a single day. He became an murderer for her.

Raq is in Dam's office quizzing him on his odd attitude towards the Alvarados--not wanting to see the new baby. His answer is that after all they did for that family, they just alienated themselves. He feels used. Raq does not hold that opinion. She reminds him that it was they who separated themselves from the Alvarados on advice for Mia's sake. If the Alvarados had pretended friendship purely for money, they wouldn't have been the ones to separate and certainly Caro would not have left the catering business. Dam agrees, reluctantly, to go see the new baby.

Vicente and Caro continue their very painful conversation. Caro doesn't accept any blame for what he did. Vic disagrees. They are both to blame. He collapses onto the floor and Caro extends a shred of tenderness toward him. They hug.

Raq is called to the Foundation and on her way out, is blocked by Andres who comes up to her. He teases a bit about Caro's baby being born and shouldn't she feel good? She does, she says, trying to figure out where this conversation is going. She'll see, he answers mysteriously. Dam sees the exchange and calls Andres into his office. Andres swears he said nothing to Raq about Dam's little secret. He needles Dam about the baby being his. Dam shuts him up.

Nico catches up with Mia and Fede on campus. Mia states unequivocally she is not interested in seeing the new baby. Fede says he will stop by later.

Dam arrives with flowers at Caro's. Even knowing Vic is in the house, Caro stupidly lets him in. Dam says he doesn't want Vic anywhere near her or their son. Caro reminds him she can't be sure it's his baby. He brings up the incidence of twins in his family. He knows this is his child and that changes everything between them. He wants his son to have all the same privileges and benefits his other children have. She begs him to leave. Vic listens, hidden, from beyond the doorway.

Nacho is on the job at the catering business office kitchen. They need some additional pipes to fix some leak. While Santi has gone to get them from the truck, Nacho takes the opportunity to tell Raquel how badly Santi needs an investment to make the next project successful.

Vicente has recovered sufficiently to approach Dam, who is holding the baby lovingly. Dam tells Vic to leave him alone. They have a deal. Vic says it ain't happening that way since Dam has a great deal more to lose. He's doing Dam a favor by not talking. So, he wants to up the ante. Dam says no way. Caro returns and takes the baby. She asks Vic to leave. He looks at both of them. They aren't in a position to dictate terms. He alleges that Dam doesn't know what happens to guys like him--just ask Caro. Oh, he realizes, he doesn't know? He tells Dam to ask her what he did for her.

Fede is forced to listen to Mia's conjectures--the Alvarados only want their money, or to live off them. She reels off the facts as she sees them--they put Lola to work in her dad's office; Carolina stuck herself into her mother's catering business; her dad gave Nico a guitar as a gift, and Santiago is doing repair work at the factory offices. Fede stops her and refutes all her claims. He thinks she's crazy and tells her to stop thinking stupid things. Crazy or not, Mia says, she doesn't want the Alvarados in her life and she's going to make sure her father and mother know it.

Back with the three connivers, Vic won't leave until Caro tells Dam what he did for her. Lola comes home from her trip and defuses the tension in the room. But Lola picks up the vibes. Caro brushes it off and says she's tired. Vic leaves with a smug smile on his face and polite goodbyes all around. Dam tries to make small talk with Lola, but she leaves to unpack. Alone with Caro, Dam reiterates that he wants to be with her and Benjamin and they are not going to lack for anything. He gives her a quick kiss and leaves.

Raq and Nacho are still talking about investing in Santi's next project. Raq says of course they will give him a hand and promises to get the information out of him without letting on Nacho told her. Santi comes back and Raq whisks him off for a cup of coffee.

Lola admires the baby in Caro's arms and asks innocently who the baby takes after, Caro or Santi. She's saved answering by Nico's arrival--in a grumpy mood. Lola is sure it's because he's been with Mia arguing. The girl is crazy, she explains. She hates everybody, especially Caro, or people like Caro, in other words, people without money. Mia keeps telling Nico to forget her. It's because he has no money. Lola explains to Caro that guys like Damian want someone like Raquel for a serious relationship, while they seek out women like them to just have a fling and enjoy themselves. Of course, she is thinking of Andres and Miguel while Caro has images of Damian dancing in her head. Caro doesn't agree with Lola.

Epoca Actual
Santi is off to see Alina before breakfast. Before he leaves, ex-Sammie calls Nico and tells him about what he did to Alina. Santi and Nico take off for her place.

Fede is curled up with his head on Raq's lap. He wonders what they are going to do. She doesn't know. She doesn't know how Santi could think she would take Benji away from him. Fede points out that Santi is not the father. Raq starts to ruminate. Fede stops her. Enough about them. The lies have come to light. It's over. It's time to think about their own family, which now includes a brother and he wants to be able to see him. Raq assures him that he will, but she wants to keep it from his grandmother and Mia at least until she sees what Santiago needs. At the sound of Santiago's name, Fede rebels. He accuses her of always thinking of Santi first. It's time to think of her family first. He storms off.

At the police station, Fernando is asking Tonio how it went with Santi learning the results of the DNA test. Not well is the answer he gets. Nando thinks it's one more motive for revenge but Tonio says Santi couldn't have known ahead of time. Nando wonders if it could have been Raquel. Tonio is sure that Nacho is the only suspect. They have to go with the facts they have. Nando contradicts him. The fingerprints on the shovel are not enough to implicate Nacho with both crimes. They need to find the gun. Nando indicates that if Nacho indeed is the person who carried out the crimes, does that clear up everything--as he points to the board behind him. There might be someone else who gave the orders. He points out that though Nacho is closer to Santi than anyone else, he was also around Raquel, working at her house and her husband's business. Either one could have given Nacho orders.

Nico and Santi are at Alina's front gate. Nico bangs on it until she finally answers. Nico is all over her, physically and verbally, understandably upset. She assures them both she is ok and that kid is just crazy. Santi explains why they are there--for help with Benji. She asks for a minute and leaves the room. Nico looks on lovelorn and lovelost. Santi wants an explanation later. He leaves.

Fede has arrived at Lola's to see Benji. He gets down and starts to play with him while Lola texts Nico about the visit. She says he has a right to know.

Laura arrives at the police station very agitated. She's desperate for new information on the case. Nando approaches and taunts her. So, she's lost her inside informant and now wants another? What she really wants to know is if she's lost him forever. She makes a scene in front of officers and waiting patrons. Nando grabs her and steers her away saying this is not the place to discuss this.

Alina is furious with Nico for how he made her look in front of his father. Now he knows about her and ex-Sammie. Nico says he was desperate. They argue and she tells him it's OVER. (Nico, you don't know how lucky you are.)

Miriam is shocked, shocked, I tell you, that that child is Damian's. Rueda says DNA doesn't lie. All her illusions of the faithful son are blown away. How could Dam have been so stupid as to get involved with a low-class person like her. Andres pipes up and says they can use this information to sink Santiago--as has been her wish all along.

Santi has come to Raquel's house to beg forgiveness for all the brutal things he said to her. He was stupid. Raq also asks forgiveness, but there is more. She explains that he accused her of wanting to take his son away from him. Santi defends himself. It was said in the heat of the moment, getting the news. He reacted badly. He knows she wouldn't, but her family....Raq asks if he thinks she's like Miriam? No, of course he doesn't and again asks her to forgive him. Raq says the problem is they are beginning to hurt each other and it's very hard for her to forgive when he's lost confidence in her. Not only that, it was right after he told her he loved her. They stand apart and stare at each other with the hurt showing on both their faces, mixed with that love they both thought they had found in each other.


Gracias, Anita/

Vicente protected Carolina from their father? That's a surprise. What got me from that confrontation was his accusations of prostitution against her. Did she take money from their father for sex? Did she become a hooker later after the father "disappeared"? If Vicente killed him and disposed of the body it doesn't sound like the law ever became aware of this.

There has to be more to this. Much more.

Based on the ending scene it will not be long before Mia becomes aware that Benjamin is her brother (or might be; I'm still not sure the DNA test wasn't tampered with). She will be dangerous to this baby and should never be left alone with him. The combination of Raquel and Santiago's relationship and the paternity revelation will give her yet another excuse to accuse everyone of not bowing down to her nasty little demands for undivided attention.

Manicomio now!

More later.

Anita: It's not over until it's over.

Urban--Thanks for reminding me about Vic calling her a prostitute now. He has also in earlier episodes. There must be more to this. I couldn't quite get all of what Vic was saying while he was blubbering drunk, but I thought I got the context. I thought he was just calling her a prostitute for the sake of hurting her over her relationship with Damian.

Anita, thank you for your careful rendition of this pivotal episode.

Your narrative always has me on the edge of my seat and your observant eye misses nothing.

"He became a murderer for her" makes sad sense. I had wondered if Vic had raped Caro. Now it appears he saved her. I think he is tortured by what occurred and it is obvious his demons show no signs of disappearing.

Because he has given no specific examples (other than the obvious affair with Damian), I think the prostitute name calling has no basis. Did he save her from initial molestation by their father or continuing? If her father did violate her, he might be referring to that. We've seen nothing to indicate Caro had any lover other than Damian. Vic seems mired in his own guilt as well as the fact Caro was able to leave and start a relatively happy life.

Urban, I'm not sure whether to believe Benji's paternity or not. But who would be motivated (or have access to) changing the results?

I'm sorry to see even more pain for Santi and Raquel but I see this as just one more obstacle they can't, or shouldn't overcome. Be the dear friends they were where they can provide the support, love and affection both desperately need. Their romance will further curse them and their children.

"Alone with Caro, Dam reiterates that he wants to be with her and Benjamin and they are not going to lack for anything". I still think Dam would have given up everything for Caro. While she is equally as guilty for continuing to see him, I believe she would have had a harder time giving up her family than he would his.

Thank you Anita.


Anita, women who enjoy sex at all have been tarred and feathered with this disgusting epithet for ages thanks to certain religious teachings and male insecurity.

If Carolina was molested by her own father it would be nothing short of a miracle for her to ever learn to enjoy sex and I'll bet she never saw a shrink. Something is also telling me that Santiago doesn't know about this. These pieces of the puzzle are the same color but somehow the shapes don't fit. The only thing about this that could make sense is that Carolina ran as soon and as fast as she could into marriage with Santiago, a "jailbreak" marriage, as it were. Nothing has been said about Mamma Rivas, so maybe she died when Carolina was very young and was not there to protect her. Or she was an enabler, which would account for Vicente's negative view of women.

There seems to be a scene missing in which Miriam, Rueda, and Andres are talking about the DNA test results. Miriam didn't want to believe that Damian could be so careless as to impregnate someone so low class but Andres told her that this is their golden opportunity to get revenge on Santiago. Diana, I think this answers your question. Andres is trying to make it look like Santiago is responsible for the "accident".

"Andres is trying to make it look like Santiago is responsible for the "accident".

Thank you Urban...I still have no real idea who caused the accident and killed Caro. Every word and action seems to cause me to change my mind. I initially thought it might be Raquel because she is so sharp and seems to have "caught on" quicker than I originally thought.

Everyone is suspect. I also though Andres was too obvious and initially discounted him. Not now.


UA: Andres is still my #1 Suspect!

Urban, the recap is now complete. I put it up in three separate parts. The scene with Miriam, Rueda and Andres was not left out. I hadn't gotten to it yet. It is now included.

During Vic's blubbering, Caro started to say something about her mother and Vic cut her off immediately. He told her not to drag their sainted mother into the picture. He also said if she were alive, she would.....then I didn't really catch the rest, or even if I got that much correct.

We have seen that on several occasions we saw Caro enjoying sex with both partners. But I do think you are right that she was damaged goods when Santi married her, even at 18. Either he didn't notice she wasn't a virgin, or she had a good explanation other than having been molested and/or raped.

Diana--always a pleasure to read your comments. What you said about it being easier for Dam to give up his family to be with Caro and harder for Caro to give up hers for him was spot on.

That's exactly what he tried out (and I completely forgot about) when he left Raq "tentatively" and went to the hotel. He was ready to give himself the boot. Caro couldn't do it. If the roles had been reversed in the past, I doubt Raq would have left her children to be with Santiago. In the present, she's already told Santi that if she had to choose, she would choose her children first. I also think it would have been hard for Santi to choose Raquel over his children. He's a very loving and attentive father. Something Dam isn't, or we haven't ever seen him to be. He seems to be much more distant, there as an authority figure giving out advice and luxuries.

I'm more inclined to think that Santiago wouldn't have made any big deal out of Carolina not being a virgin. Not that anyone can really tell; this has been a ridiculous myth that is still perpetuated in some cultures. Most brides in Western cultures these days aren't virgins at the altar and she said at one point that they got married upon discovering that she was pregnant.

Which brings up another horrible possibility.... that Lola isn't Santiago's child. She could be the result of incestuous rape, like Lucrezia in Mi Pecado. Carolina could have coerced Santiago into marriage by having sex with him to cover up that possibility. If this is the case, maybe Vicente knows this.

OMG, UA--What a twist that would be. Very much in the realm of possibility. And with GG at the helm, anything is possible.

Vic, though, keeps repeating whenever they have been together in a scene, that when she left, she left him alone. If the daddy was already dead and perhaps the mother, too, was he merely voicing his feelings of loneliness or could there be something else....? From what he said, he was a good deal older than Caro. That would be another horrible outcome. That Lola might be HIS child. Could that be why his mere presence disgusts her (dar asco)?

Considering how Vicente interacts with Lola and how Carolina avoided him for so long.... If there is a secret like this she would be utterly paranoid at the possibility of discovery. She would be afraid that Santiago would leave her and Lola would hate her for concealing this.

Let's not forget how psychologically messed up Lola could become from knowing such a thing on top of having been involved with an abusive perv like Juan.

Thanks Anita!

I want to say that I agree with Vicente that Carolina should have her father's death on her conscience but I don't know. I think the reason Vicente thinks she should is because she was able to move on and live a dandy life and likely keep the secret from Santiago and everyone else around her like nothing happened. I would assume she'd be traumatized still by that experience. What her father did was unforgivable but the theory about Lola isn't totally far fetched given Carolina's and Vicente's behavior during that scene when Lola arrived. I guess Carolina has no other choice but to tell Damian the truth.

And I agree that Vicente called Carolina a prostitute because of the affair with Damian.

I don't know if I could blame Raquel and Santiago for having trust issues even when they know (or liked to think) they're both victims of Damian and Carolina.


I think that Vicente calling Carolina a prostitute has nothing to do with anything she did in the past, rather, he believes that she's with Damian because of his wealth. I think he hates her so much because in an attempt to protect her he killed their father and then she ran off to a better life while he stayed behind having to carry a terrible burden. I actually felt compassion for Vicente when he said he was just trying to protect his "nina"- little girl. You can tell from that small moment that at one point he adored Carolina.

"Raq says the problem is they are beginning to hurt each other and it's very hard for her to forgive when he's lost confidence in her...They stand apart and stare at each other with the hurt showing on both their faces, mixed with that love they both thought they had found in each other".

Anita, explosive and perfectly stated. There is nothing to add.

"Nico looks on lovelorn and lovelost". I'm starting to worry Mia has a close runner-up to the most self destructive of the children.

"Andres pipes up and says they can use this information to sink Santiago--as has been her wish all along". Miriam's imperious sweep into the room had the exact effect she intended.

What a horrible, hopeless mess.

Anita, thank you for your brilliant handling of this riveting, stomach churning episode.


Vicente can't blame Carolina for his having killed their father. I strongly doubt she provoked her old man to molest her. He can't fault her for running away from that, either. Unless I heard him incorrectly he lost control and killed his father. I wonder whether he would have benefitted from having reported it. I doubt we're going to get a flashback to this.

On to Alina...

Lotsa luck in getting Rueda to commit his son or otherwise control him. These two are going to be at each other's throats. Sammy is definitely unhinged and Nico needs to be careful he doesn't become that way himself.

Urban- Vicente shouldn't blame Carolina, who was a victim of their father but he does and will continue to. In his mind everything that's ever gone wrong in his life is a direct result of him killing their father, the loss of the family home, his drinking problem, his divorce, etc.


Thank you Anita for this wonderful recap.

On Miriam and Andres: Other than Andres being the murderer of Carolina, what exactly has Santiago done to merit the hatred of both Miriam and Andres. Is Miriam convinced that Raquel was having an affair with Santi even before her dear son Damian started his relationship with Carolina? If so I can understand why she would want to sink Santi and his business. Beside being from the 'wrong side of the tracks' (i.e. poor), he is a home wrecker. Miriam is such a twisted soul that 'truth' is whatever she decides usually without evidence. But Andres' motive for trying to do Santi harm may have nothing to do with Andres being the murderer; it may be because he thinks his chances for a relationship with Raquel would improve once Santi is destroyed (either broke or in jail, perhaps both!). Andres is as delusional as his aunt Miriam.

While Vincente has killed before (his father), the question is: if he shot Carolina is a drunken rage, why didn't he shoot Damian as well.

In short: have no clue who the killer(s) is (are).

Anon at 5:35--Good observation. If you go back to the very first episode, Miriam put the blame squarely on Raquel and Santiago. She was at first convinced that someone had set him up to be kidnapped, but soon modified her suspicion. That's when she sent Rueda out to investigate.

Miriam never has liked Raquel as a wife to Dam or mother to her grandchildren. She convinced herself the two were having an affair as revenge against Dam and Caro. Miriam was convinced they knew something, even though at the time of the first hospital scene, she only knew that Dam was in a car with his lover. It is Mia who steadfastly believes Santi and Raquel were already deep into an affair before the accident. It was probably an idea planted in her head by Miriam.

I still think there is something that has not been explained. Santi turned up at the hospital as a close family friend to "help," but since he wasn't a member of the family, he was marginalized, although Nando did take a statement from him. As I mused about it before--who called Santi to let him know that Dam was in a coma in the hospital. Raq was too distraught to do it herself. At any rate, we don't know who notified him or whether it was merely a tn trope to get him there. It was also interesting that Miriam was at the hospital - in scrubs - before Raq got there.

Andres has had issues with Santi because 1) Raq is clearly attracted to Santi and she's told him a zillion times she'd never be interested in him--that hurts his ego; 2) his "adventure" with Lola and how it ended in a sort of disaster, and 3) his assault on Caro, which also did not go well. He thought he could have both daughter and mother--and that hurts his ego.

Re Vicente being the likely killer. You have a point.

Sadly, based on Santi's and Raq's behavior in the very beginning scene, it is very possible they both had something to do with the accident--but maybe not the killing of Caro--shot and buried. On the other hand, everything we've seen in the present tense has them learning things at the same time as we are, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it was not the two of them.

Thanks, Anita. Fantastic recap of a riveting episode.

So the only two who know Vicente killed his father to stop him from raping Carolina is presumably only brother and sister. Sister takes her angelic face and sweet disposition to land a nice hardworking guy who took her out of that hellhole. Vicente, both horrified and proud of what he did, stayed behind, took to drink, and became a royal pain. What Vicente seems to want most is for Carolina to acknowledge his heroism and thank him for saving her. Did she ever do that? If "yes," was her gratitude simply not enough to assuage his demons? I'm thinking his main reason for asking Damian for money is to stay in Carolina's life, even if it's as a pain in the a$$. I remember how Vicente was genuinely glad to see Carolina when she visited their town, and turned sour only when he saw she was with Damian.

ITA Vicente calls her "prostitute" because that's the only insult his vocabulary can afford. He resents the fact that she's able to move on. I have to hand it to her, the woman gets in tight spots where she and Damian are almost discovered, but still she's able to recover and still think of herself as a good woman. If she were alive today, would she tell Santi she hid the affair and didn't leave him in order to "protect" him?

I don't think the murderer is Vicente because he would've surely shot Damian too. I'm thinking someone wanted to set Damian up to have all his secrets revealed and charge him with Carolina's murder. I don't think they meant to put him in a permanent coma, but to instead put him in a situation where he would have to pay publicly for all his indiscretions. Andres is my prime suspect now, even though it's too obvious. Mia connives in screwy ways, so even though she loves her dad she's my No. 2 suspect.

Thank you Anita. This was a rather sad
Episode, and very telling too.Is it at
All possible that something else maybe have happened to totally turn Caro against Her bro? Cause she is really
Hating on this guy big about
A Dysthfunctional family!

Miriam is a big fat liar,she know dam
Is a cheat.She caught him lookin at caro naked on the tellie phono in his office one day when she barged in.And
She gave him a warning "If I can find
Out about your affair so can your wife". I don't think he really gave a dam if raq found out or not.Which lead
Me to think that maybe his papa was a
Rollin stone.Which means Damian is a
Chip off the old block. Which would
Explains Miriams meanness towards raq & Other women she feel is beneath her cuz thats how she see women who cheat
With the husbands. Or not.

ThanK you Anita.

"Cute little benji distracts him momentarily. Father and son share a hug". That's right "father and son", that's his son in every way that counts.I don't care if damian's blood is running through his veins, santi's name is on the birth certificate? There's gonna be a nasty battle. And it's all Damian and Carolina's fault. And they Get to sleep through the whole mess they caused. Two disgusting people.


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