Monday, December 25, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #102, 12/25/2017: With Murderous and Two-Faced Friends, Who Needs Enemies?

Alt Title: Gun Totin' Frienemies and a Cockamamie Supremacist Granny
[Previously: Fabi doesn’t want any more medication; she doesn’t want the meds to hurt the baby. She begins to cry and asks Juana why all these terrible things have happened to them.] Juana replies that no one knows why God does what he does, but Juana thinks only blessings will follow. Fabi shares Ramón’s plans to get an apartment, but Juana wants Fabi to return home with her in the meantime, and until she feels better. They talk about all the food Juana will prepare for Fabi…whatever Fabi feels like having.

At MedFer, Rulo tells Chava about the video showing Darío going into Francystco’s building; he hopes that won’t cause them problems. Chava the Brainless suggests that if Darío is caught and names them, they can say they don’t even remember him, but Rulo points out that Darío is living with him. Rulo needs to find him; there is no other way.

Fredes is with Ada at her workstation looking at coffins. She thinks all of them are too big, so Ada explains that all coffins are the same size. Fredes also thinks they are too costly and wants a discount, but Ada suggests that the monthly payments will be reasonable. Fredes agrees and signs. Fredes then comments that her death will be a crime of passion, but Ada is frustrated and pleads with her to sign. As she signs, Fredes gets another vision—Luisa is going to kill her on Luisa’s wedding day; and she wonders what the heck she will be doing at that wedding.
At the MedFer locker room, Rulo takes out a gun from his locker; a gun that he’s holding for Palomo. When they find Darío, he will give him a scare with it. He points it at the locker, then grabs Chava and points it at him, laughing as Chava messes his pants. Later, Rulo and Chava leave MedFer. Rulo tells Chava to go check out the place where Darío used to live and he will go to the Doc’s place in case Darío tries to get to him again.

At the hospital cafeteria, Porfirio tells Marg that Reina finally confessed to stabbing Fabi; so they need to file charges against her. When Marg asks if Reina did it on her own or if it was under someone’s order, Porfirio replies that Reina said she did it of her own volition, but the agents think she is lying because of what she said to Fabi right before stabbing her. The agents are looking at Reina’s history to see if they can find who is behind the attack. Ramón thinks it’s either Francystco or Sofía. When Marg questions about Sofía, Ramón explains that no one hates Fabi more than Sofía who has disappeared…the shop was closed down because of her ties to her father; and it seems she is responsible for everything bad that has happened to him and Fabi.
Darío is watching Francystco’s apartment, but sees two agents; so he leaves. As he walks, Rulo jumps out from between two cars and grabs him. As he points the gun at him, Rulo asks Darío what he’s doing there,

Ramón enters to see Fabi. Fabi wants him to leave so he can go rest, but Ramón refuses to leave. When Fabi tells her baby that Ramón doesn’t want to leave them by themselves, Ramón addresses the baby and tells it how much it is loved and that when he is born, they will adore him because he is their love.
Rulo releases and pushes Darío against a fence and asks him when he intended to do. Darío was going to make Francystco pay so they can stop chasing after him. He then blames Rulo for everything; he got him into all of this and that's why they are chasing him. Rulo tells him, “Calm down…I'm your friend.” Darío retorts, “If you were my friend, you wouldn’t be pointing a gun at me.” Rulo responds that he is only doing it to stop Darío from doing something stupid. Rulo pushes Darío to start walking, but Darío turns and grabs Rulo. As they struggle the gun goes off.

The nearby cops hear the shot and drive toward them. Meanwhile, Rulo is still with Darío as he slithers down against the fence. Rulo keeps calling his name, but after Darío says, “You said you were my friend,” he dies. After Rulo drops the gun and runs away, the cops arrive. While the cops check out Darío and find the gun, Rulo calls Chava and tells him he killed Darío; though he just wanted to scare him, things got out of control. Rulo recounts what happened in detail. He swears he didn’t want to kill him…it was an accident. Chava tells him to calm down and go home. Chava will go by the doc’s building to see what’s going on and will meet up with Rulo later.
In Yautepec, Marta calls Daniel and tells him she has the money. While Roxana listens from behind a pillar, Marta makes plans to meet Daniel and (quite loudly) repeats the place and time they will meet.
At the police station, the lieutenant is informed that it seems the body of the man who assaulted Francystco has appeared. And, it also seems that the man who kidnapped Sofía and Ramón is the same man that assaulted Francystco. The agent then shows the two different pictures to convince the lieutenant; so the lieutenant immediately heads to the forensics lab.
At the hospital, Fabi calls Andrea and tells her she is feeling better. When Andrea tells her she will go see her the next day, Fabi is glad that Ramón can go get some rest. Fabi hangs up when she hear an incoming call. The lieutenant is calling Ramón to tell him they need to see him. When the lieutenant tells Ramón that they want him to identify the body of the man that assaulted Francystco, Ramón questions why since he never saw him; so the lieutenant explains that they think it is the same man that kidnapped him. After Fabi assures Ramón that she will be fine if he leaves for a while; Ramón agrees to go and leaves.
At Julio’s, Horhellia enters demanding to know why no one tells her how Fabiola is doing. When Julio tells her Fabi will be fine, Horhellia asks about the baby, so Julio tells her that with all the medication Fabi was given, the baby may be affected. When Horhellia comments that it would be a disgrace to have a baby with defects and that it would be best that Fabi lose it, Julio sighs deeply and murmurs, “If you only knew.” Horhellia just can’t fathom the idea of associating with “that Ramón,” a mechanic…and the son of a maid. She never would have even dreamed that in her worst nightmares. After Julio wonders why Horhellia is really there, Horhellia turns up her nose and leaves.
Chava arrives at Rulo’s house and tells him he didn’t see anything other than a patrol car. Chava wonders if Darío didn’t die, but Rulo thinks it would best is he just went away. Chava tells him to calm down. If Rulo did kill Darío, no one saw him; and if he didn’t kill him, Darío will tell the cops what he would tell Rulo…that someone was after him. Rulo is shaking in his boots and comments that he has never killed anyone before. There is a big difference between beating someone up and sending someone to the beyond. When Chava asks about the gun. Rulo doesn’t remember what he did with it…he thinks he threw it somewhere.
In his bedroom, Julio sits on his bed talking to himself about how his mother had much to do with why they didn’t bring Betito home. She was always bringing up defects and demanding that her family be unblemished. They could have had Betito be visible to everyone—his brothers would have known of his existence. He then sighs and wonders why he is torturing himself…what’s done is done.
Fredes arrives at Luisa’s house to tell her something very important about her wedding. If she marries Finito, she will be very unhappy. Fredes saw clearly in a vision that Finito was arriving at the sub shop. Because Luisa stopped to greet him, she left the burner on and the gas accumulated. When Finito went to the grill and tried to turn it on…BOOM!...good-bye Finito…and Luisa was left half-fried, Luisa tells Fredes that she doesn’t believe in her visions, but Fredes insists that destiny is destiny…and the vision she had is Luisa’s sole opportunity to change it. Luisa insists that she won’t be influenced by Fredes’s visions; anyway, Finito has never asked her to work at the sub shop.
At the forensics lab, Ramón has no doubt that the man found is the man who kidnapped him. The lieutenant explains how the body was found and tells Ramón that they still need to figure out why it was that Darío assaulted Francystco. When Ramón suggests that Darío might have been a sicario who was hired to assault, kill or kidnap, the lieutenant nods.
Luisa arrives at the sub shop. After Finito greets her with his usual poetic quips, he asks Luisa to come to his side so he can teach her how to make some delicious subs. When Luisa wonders why he would want her to do that, Finito explains that they will soon be husband and wife; so he will expect her to work with him. Luisa snaps, “No! Never!” Finito doesn’t understand her negativity; the place of his future wife is beside him. Luisa insists that he forget the idea; she has her job and she won’t leave it just like that. Finito tells her she just needs to talk to her boss; he will understand. Luisa argues that if she quits, she might not get severance pay, but Finito tells her it doesn’t matter; she will not be lacking anything. Luisa then thinks that he wants to have her there so he can control her, but Finito denies it. Luisa is beside herself and tells Finito he should have told her those were his intentions, not just throw this at her now. Finito still doesn’t understand Luisa’s attitude. All he is trying to say is that he wants her to share ownership of the shop. Luisa now thinks that Finito wants to buy her off, so she suggests they postpone the wedding until they clear up all the misunderstandings; though she will say one thing...she won’t work there…not even dead! After Luisa storms off, Finito complains to Teófilo who thinks that Finito wants to bring Luisa in so he can fire him (Teófilo) and save the money he pays him. Finito has a hissy fit and slams his hand on the grill…and tsssssssss… (Grilled fingers!)

The lieutenant and his assistant arrive at Francystco’s apartment; they need to talk to him. 

                                              The Resurgence of Dragnet

The lieutenant tells Francystco that they found his assailant very close by; he was probably coming after him again. When Francystco asks if the assailant said anything, the assistant reports that the assailant was killed a few blocks from his place. Francystco remarks that they can now close the investigation, but the lieutenant responds that they can’t because oddly enough, Darío was the same man who kidnapped Ramón and Sofía…right before Francystco married his wife. Francystco obnoxiously states, “Well, then it was true about the kidnapping. I always thought it was some story the mechanic made up to take off with Sofía.” Mr. Smart Assistant then comments that it was a story that facilitated things for he could marry Fabiola. Francystco insists that he married Fabi because he has always loved her. He then tells them how he and Fabi were going to get marred before Ramón appeared in their lives…and he has paid dearly for it. Francystco then tells the men that they should find the connection themselves; he has no interest in it. The lieutenant assures him that is exactly what they will dedicate themselves to. When Francystco comments that Darío was a criminal like any other and he is glad he died, the lieutenant advises him that since the investigation is still open, it is likely that they will come see him again. After they leave, Francystco is happy that he has one less problem.
In her bedroom, Sofía is desperate to be with Ramón since there is no one better that can console him. She thinks of calling Dalia, but can’t remember her number; so she asks her little piece of heaven (Chilo) if he can get her phone back to her. It’ll be difficult, but he will try. Sofía curses the day she went to look for her father.
At the hospital, Fabi and Ramón are asleep, but Fabi suddenly wakes up gasping; she was having a nightmare. He calms her by telling her that he will always be there; nothing will ever separate them again.
The Next Day—
Oozie tells Lucho and Chava that Rulo won’t be in for the day; he is sick. As Lucho tells Chava to take care of a customer’s car, Antonio approaches with Ramón and informs them that Ramón will be returning. Lucho is happy, but after Antonio takes Ramón to his office, Chava knows that Rulo won’t like it; and Ramón might interfere with their business. Oozie doesn’t think so; they just have to be more cautious. Chava then pokes Oozie that Ramón just might take his job since Fabi has eyes for Ramón. Meanwhile, In Antonio’s office, Antonio thinks Ramón should be with Fabi, but Ramón doesn’t want to abuse his privileges. After Antonio hands Ramón the contract to sign, Ramón notes the raise in salary and thanks Antonio who justifies the raise because Ramón is a good mechanic…and he will soon be a father.
At Rosendo’s place, Chilo looks for Sofía’s phone. As he searches, Rosendo arrives with Chato and asks what he is doing there. After Chilo gives a lame excuse and leaves, Rosendo tells Chato to keep an eye on Chilo because he has been acting strangely lately. Rosendo wants to know everything no matter how trivial.
At Rulo’s place, Rulo is pacing when Chava arrives with a newspaper that has an article on Darío. He gives a sigh of relief after he reads that Darío may have been killed by other criminals since Darío had a criminal history. Rulo still feel really bad since Darío was his friend. He couldn’t sleep because when he closed his eyes, he would see Darío dying and telling him what he told him. Chava suggests that Rulo shouldn’t stress so much; it was an accident. Rulo just wanted to scare him, so Rulo should forget about it. When Rulo replies that it’s not that easy, Chava reminds him that Darío was already in a bad way and that Rulo could have been the one to get shot.
Ramón arrives to see Fabi who is feeling better. After they talk about returning to work and moving forward with their lives, the doctor comes in to tell them that she is doing so well, she can go home, but will continue to need bedrest. After he recommends she see her gynecologist as soon as possible and leaves, Fabi is elated and tells Ramón to let Juana know, so he calls his mother. Juana then calls Julio to let him know.
At Yautepec, Roxana goes in to Marta’s bedroom to tell Marta that she will be leaving tomorrow since she has to be at the courthouse on Monday to sign some paperwork. Marta feels bad that Roxana couldn’t find Daniel, but thinks it’s best that Roxana forget about him and live in peace. Marta wishes her a safe trip now since Marta will have to leave the house early tomorrow.  
At Luisa’s, Benito arrives to see Valente. After Benito tells Valente that he left the hearse lights on and brought the keys with him. Valente goes for the keys. While they wait, Luisa takes a good look at Benito and silently thinks that he is looking even better…and is sure it’s because he eats meat every day. Valente comes back with the keys, but as they start to leave, they hear a serenade. Luisa thinks it’s Finito and wants Benito to hide because if Finito finds him there, Finito will take it the wrong way. Benito doesn’t think it’s not his problem that Finito doesn’t trust her. Luisa insists that this is her house and what she says goes! Valente urges Benito to cooperate and asks him to follow as Luisa pushes Benito away.

At Antonio’s, Roxana calls so Antonio tells Diego to answer. Roxana tells Diego that she will be returning tomorrow and can’t wait to see him. Diego asks her to go see Fabi with them, but Roxana prefers to see Diego afterwards. After they make plans to meet and go for hamburgers, Roxana tells Diego that she dreamed about him and has a great urge to hug him. After Diego asks if she will be leaving again, Roxana tells him she won’t and adds that she loves him very much…he should never forget it.
At Luisa’s, Finito and his musicians sing to Luisa as Benito and Valente sneak past them. After they finish the song, Finito worries that Luisa hasn’t come out, so he has the musicians play another song. As Luisa comes out, Benito and Valente are up on the roof watching. When Benito leans over some potted plants to get a better look, one of the pots falls and hits Finito on the head.
At Julio’s, Horhellia arrives and is greeted by Oozie. After Oozie tells her he is working at MedFer, Horhellia criticizes that he ended up there and didn’t look for a job elsewhere. Horhellia asks for Julio, but he isn’t home. She then asks for Fabi, so Oozie tells her Fabi will be released tomorrow. When Horhellia asks about the baby, Oozie suggests she call Fabi, but Horhellia refuses to because that mechanic will answer. After she insists Oozie tell her, he remarks that he doesn’t know and adds that he has to leave; so he shows her the door.
At Juana’s, Marg arrives with a cake and Andrea finishes decorating the place for Fabi’s welcome home celebration. When Juana suggests they invite Horhellia, Andrea doesn’t like the idea because Horhellia will ruin their party. When Juana reminds them that they owe Fabi’s freedom to Horhellia, Marg agrees and goes to invite her. Jorge chides Juana for the suggestion; and Andrea warns that if something happens she will speak up.
Marg arrives at Horhellia's to invite her to the party, but Horhellia complains that she was invited at the last minute. When Marg tells her that everyone is in agreement that she attend, Horhellia sarcastically notes that now they are doing her a “favor” instead of being grateful to her since, if it wasn’t for her, Fabi would still be in jail. When Marg assures her that everyone appreciates what she did, Horhellia points out that no one has called her; not even Fabiola. After Marg gets tired of Horhellia’s complaints, she tells Horhellia that she sees that Horhellia is as selfish as always and asks if she is going to the party or not. Horhellia refuses to go.
Finito is at his sub shop when he sees Ada across the street. After she waves, Finito tells himself he shouldn’t be looking at her. After he murmurs about “those curves,” Luisa shows up. Finito goes to kiss Luisa as a disappointed Ada watches. 
At Juana’s, everyone is happy when Fabi arrives accompanied by Ramón and Julio. Fabi thanks everyone, then is helped to her room so she can rest.

At Rosendo’s place, Chilo sends Sofía a message to tell her he will find her phone and expects to be compensated that night. Just then, Chato comes out and invites Chilo to go out for a drink. As he agrees, Sofía responds that she’ll consider it once he gets the phone. Chato is curious about who is sending him a message, so Chilo tells him it’s just a girl that is showing some resistance.  
After Sofía sends another message to Chilo telling him that she must have her phone…or he can forget about her, Rosendo knocks at her door. Sofía hides the phone right before he walks in. When Rosendo notes that she is still in a bad mood, Sofía complains that she is locked up and bored; she can’t do anything. After Rosendo suggests that she forget about the mechanic and look for someone of her status, Sofía wonders if he is suggesting another one of his people or another powerful narco. She comments that what is important to him is having power, not his daughter’s happiness. Rosendo emphasizes that Ramón wants nothing to do with her...and he will not allow the daughter of Rosendo Vasquez to be begging for anyone.
At Yautepec, Daniel enters Santa Lucia Church as Roxana watches. Roxana then makes a call to report that she has just seen Daniel Ruiz. After she gives details and who they should contact in Mexico City, she watches Daniel sit behind Marta who gives him the money he asked for. After Daniel gets up to leave, Roxana makes a call again and frantically tells them that the police haven’t arrived; and Daniel will escape. As she reminds them that the same thing happened last time at the restaurant, Daniel approaches from behind and grabs her. After he accuses her of getting the cops on his trail, he points a gun at her head…


Yowzers, Thank You R G V Chik ! Hey at the very beginning Rulo tells Chava about the video showing Darío going into Francystco’s building. How did he know? Did I miss something or was the part I needed to see cut out? Anybody know? Maybe I dozed off. :-(

I am a little disappointed about the demise of Dairy Boy, not that I give a chipmunk's fart whether he lives or dies, but I thought he would be instrumental in exposing Francystco. Well, maybe our Inspector and Lieutenant will get to the lobottomy of it. If not, it looks like Mo and Curly are leaving a nice trail of bread crumbs.

It is certainly refreshing to see Marta and Daniel not taken in by Rocksinherheart #bulletinherhead? like everyone else seemed to be.

Get out of my way Naughty, and here, hand me that needle. Shut up Horhellia, this is going to make you soooo much better. You are going to a happy, WARM, place. Aaarrrrghh hate her

OK Ramoon, so you are not shooting blanks, we are duly impressed. You are not the first guy who accomplished as much, get over yourself. Remember, it came close to having a beard. Count your blessings.

Thank you, Kirby!

In the previous episode, Oozie was the one that mentioned to Rulo about the video

Missed that, thanks. Man, by the end of the episode Finitalia was pretty banged up. When they were singing out front he had a Mummy hand, then after Bean-ito dropped the Geraniums on his head we saw a huge bandage under his blue and white striped garrison cap. Poor guy.

Kirby, yes, Finito is going to be pretty much "Fini" if he keeps up his relationship with Luisa. I think Fini would probably be more apt to listen to Fredes and maybe terminate the relationship.

It was on tonight? I didn't even remember Christmas = Monday and I didn't even check to see if it was on. I am going to have to watch it.

Yeah. Cynthia, this was a must see....a murder. A baddie got whacked and Fini got burned and bonked. :-)

Good morning all. I am sitting here with a Food Hangover. Made and ate quantities of rich food all day. Major cloud cover in my brain this morning. But lots of fun with family and an 8-week-old grandson who loves a party. He was passed around from person to person, kept up way past his bedtime and thought it was all just great!

Missed the episode so enjoyed your recap RGV Chick and all your little quips "brainless Chava", "little piece of heaven Chilo" and so on. Does anybody else think Roxana is a goner? That loving phone call to Diego sounded like a big farewell to me. That would certainly make Marg and Antonio's future together a lot less stressful. And I wouldn't mind bidding a fond farewell to Fredesvinda and Hortensia as well.

I could never figure out why they kept Jorge's adoption a secret (other than it always is in telenovelas) but now it makes sense, given Hortensia's horror at anything short of perfection in her family line.

Thanks as always for an enjoyable read first thing in the morning (sure beats the news!) and keep your fingers crossed that the fog in my brain clears since I'll be driving again today. Or just pray for the other folks on the road!

Good morning Patio!

Like mi amiga Judy, I also loved "Chava the Brainless" an d "little piece of heaven (Chilo)" among many others.

Written with great care and thought Rgv Chick. Excellent summary and picture perfect screen shots.

"In his bedroom, Julio sits on his bed talking to himself about how his mother had much to do with why they didn’t bring Betito home. She was always bringing up defects and demanding that her family be unblemished. They could have had Betito be visible to everyone—his brothers would have known of his existence". This was a sad, haunting revelation. Hortensia's cruelty and inhumanity is far worse than we'd realized. How very sad. Still Julio had a choice. And made the wrong one.

"Roxana tells him she won’t and adds that she loves him very much…he should never forget it". Yes, I fear our clueless sleuth will not survive, clearing the way for Marg and Ant.

I never really thought Rulo had any shot at redemption - the kidnapping was terrible but thought that at least he hadn't murdered. Wrong. At least he had guilt but he's really stepped in it.

"A baddie got whacked and Fini got burned and bonked" was right Kirby. I kind of like Fini and wish this not quite perfect quadrangle would get their acts together and figure it all out.

I thought sure it would be Fran who died, not Rulo. Still, that could happen.

I'm not too confident Sophia will leave this story alive but her future is bleak at best.

Thank you for warming up this stone cold day with your amazing summary Rgv Chick. It was wonderful. Thank you.


Kirby: That's Senator Sinisterria from "LA Piloto"! I knew I recognized him.

Diana: I see that Dario joined the Body Count.

Judy: Julio still needs to get Karma because of all of the EVIL.

Thank you, Cynthia, JubyB (AKA NudyB), Diana and Steve for stopping by and providing your support and great comments!

Cynthia, yes, I tried to give a heads up on Sunday, but I'm sure everyone was busy baking, gift wrapping, and/or praising the coming of Baby Jesus.

JudyB, I too think that Roxana will soon meet her maker. Not a very smart woman to be out in plain sight making that phone call.

Diana, "This was a sad, haunting revelation. Hortensia's cruelty and inhumanity is far worse than we'd realized. How very sad. Still Julio had a choice." Julio definitely had a choice and he wasn't man enough (to put it very mildly) to stand up for his very innocent child.

RVG Chick: Roxana likely joining the Body Count soon I see.

What's the latest Body Count in this TN so far ?

Steve: Yeah, it's Daniel you are talking about? I KNEW I recognized him too. Good call !

Kirby: Yep. I spotted that gray hair from anywhere.

Thank you, Rgv Chick, for the quality recap. I loved the screenshots.

How great that Horror didn't join Fabiola's welcome party. Did everybody a favor.

Fabiola is being loved and cared for by her favorite people. Good for her. Smiles and joy returning to her after a long break.

There was no need for Rulo to go around toting the gun. Darío was cooperative with him anyway. The gun only made him not trusting. Rulo just wanted to play with his new toy, show off. And has proven why children should not be playing with dangerous items. What a prize Dalia found herself. Serves her right.

RvgChick lovely recap. Finally some joy.Mixed with selfishness,lies,and on purpose accidentalmurder, and people
Blaming God for their dumb choices.See
A MERRY Christmas after all.

I tell you hellhoria is really a piece
Of work.She wants a family unblemished
Maybe she Should move to another earth
Cuz there ain't nothing but blemished
People here. And people like her are
The worst of the worst. Ooooo if only
We could all be perfect like her. No!

I really want sofia to find out that
Fabi is breathing and so is Ramon Jr.
She needs to be in misery.And she will
Be when she finds out about Ramon Jr.
Merry Christmas sofuric acide.

How dumb is Roxy? She should have went somewhere else to yell at the police,
Out of earshot of the man she's trying
Help the popo catch.See what I mean by
Bad choices these people make? Gettin
Into trouble all the time.

I enjoyed this recap,their moving along to a good ending. There is the bloodshed, and there will likely be
More if Sofia has her way,but it might
Be Hers and her Marco pa.

THANK you Ms Chick

Thank you Alfredo, Nina and Lucio!

It is so obvious and comforting to know that we are all on the same page about these people!

Lucio, "Rulo just wanted to play with his new toy, show off. And has proven why children should not be playing with dangerous items. What a prize Dalia found herself. Serves her right." Yuppers!!

Alfredo, "Julio is scum" and (Roxana) "Stupid, stupid, stupid." Nodding furiously!

Nina, "sofuric acid" Puurfect!!

Thank you RGV! Yes, I was non stop cooking and baking for a couple days. And I went to see Star Wars. :)

I just finished watching a little while ago. Excellent job and I enjoyed your screenshots too--especially the Dragnet one, LOL! Roxy should have been using the Dragnet cops too, and not been so obvious out in the open on the phone. She should have hightailed it to the police station and not done the work herself. She sure left herself wide open.

I was kind of upset to see that Rulo killed off Dario. I kind of liked Dario. He made a very interesting bad guy for beating up on another bad guy. I was kind of hoping to see Dario make more mischief with Franc. I just loved the way he kept Franc off kilter.

I don't know why Juana wanted to bother to invite Horrortensia. After what she did to Andrea???? That makes NO SENSE whatsoever. Anyone with a bit of common sense would not invite such a person.

And good grief...Fredes with her "visions". Give me a break, she is just so friggin' crazy.

Well Cynthia nobody ever said jauana's
Elevator went all the way to the top.
Cuz it don't. Don't look like that's gonna change anytime soon. The woman is touched. Like most of the people in this show. You mentioned what she did
To andrea, what about what she did To
Her and her son. He went jail because
Of that hellian. Jaja ain't to bright
Parden my English. She kicked out of her home. And she's being nice? Ain't
No Body that nice. To forget, in less
......well I'll leave it.


NiNa you are sooo right. Wanna? and her Son both have a baaaad case of Stooopid Nice. There is Nice, then Sickenly Nice, Barfably Nice and then Stooopid Nice.

Like Forest Gump if Bean-Ito pushed a flower pot off on his head.

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