Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #103 12/26/17: Three die, and Sofia gets new accommodations

Repeated scene

Roxana calls the police to denounce Daniel who has gone into the church to meet Marta. A while later Roxana calls the police again and tells them that she is desperate to have someone come arrest Daniel. Daniel comes out of the church and sees Roxana. Points a gun at her and tells her that she will pay for having called the police on him.

New Scenes

Police sirens are heard approaching the church, as a police car gets to the scene Daniel tells the officers not to get any closer or he will blow Roxana’s head off. He then forces her to get in the car and he takes off to try and get away from the police. Roxana pleads with him to let her go and not to hurt her anymore, he hurt her enough when she went to jail because of him. Daniel tells her to shut up or he will shoot her. The police continue their pursuit. A tractor cuts the police off and Daniel gets a bigger distance between him and the police but down the road there is a police car parked in the middle of the road. When Roxana sees them she takes the wheel and forces the car off the road. They crash against the side of a hill and Daniel is killed instantly. The officer Nicolas Esquivel calls the police in Mexico to let them know that Daniel has died and that Roxana Herrera Rubio is on her way to the hospital.

In the ambulance the paramedics do their best to save Roxana, but their efforts are futile and she dies.

At Rosendo’s ranch Rosendo’s henchman is getting Sofia’s ally drunk, and while he goes to the bathroom he serves him more tequila and adds a little something else in the form of a white powder.

Benito and Adalgisa are discussing how Adalgisa saw Luisa and Finito together and they seemed very happy. Adalgisa is sad about it but Benito does not think it’s that easy. Fredesvina shows up and says that there will be no more wedding because she made up a story that will prevent Luisa from wanting to marry Finito. But Adalgisa says that Finito and Luisa looked happy and they sure seem like they will be getting married.

At the airport Antonio and Diego are waiting for Roxana when Ant gets the news that Roxana was killed in an accident. Antonio becomes very upset when he sees Diego because after all Roxana was his mother, and it will be devastating for Diego.

Antonio calls Maggie to let her know that agent Romano notified him about Roxana’s accident and eventual death. Antonio is worried about how he is going to tell Diego. Diego comes over to ask about Roxana, Diego asks him “why are you crying?” “Diego I have to give you some bad news; your mom had an accident when she was on her way here” “and what happened to her?” “She is not with us anymore, but she said she loved you a lot” Diego begins to cry.

Rosendo finds out from his henchman that Chilo has been messaging with Sofia, Rosendo is shocked and visibly upset.

Antonio brings Diego to Juana because he has to go take care of some business to bring Roxana from Morelos. Diego walks into Fabiola’s and cries on her bed, Fabi tries to console him but can’t.  “She promised me that she would not die like my uncle” Antonio does his best to explain that sometimes we make promises we can’t keep because God has other plans. Diego seems to understand, but can’t control being sad. Antonio asks Ramon to take care of the shop for him because he does not know how long he will be gone. He hugs Diego and then leaves. (Must say Diegito handled this scene very well)

Rosendo walks into Sofia’s room shows her Chilo’s cell phone and slaps her across the face, and tells her that he already made Chilo pay dearly for defying him. He tells Sofia to get her things ready because they are leaving.

Fredes is writing her will because she has few days to live according to her visions. Benito and Adalgisa tell her that they need to come up with a plan to prevent the wedding. So Fredes agrees that that is a good idea. They come up with some knuckle head plans, but you can’t expect anything more sophisticated from this trio of "tontos".

At the funeral for Roxana Diegito is inconsolable. Maggie tries to console him by hugging him and he allows her to pick him up and hug him.

Ramon calls Fabi who could not go to the funeral because of her condition; she says she is very sad about Roxana, because she hates to see Diego so sad. At that time Ramon sees Rulo walk in to the shop, so he hangs up on Fabi. Ramon tells Rulo he is back because Antonio wants him there. He wants to avoid any problems with him Rulo with his feathers all ruffled up tells Ramon he better watch it.  Ramon says same to you.

Finito, who has a bandaged hand from that first degree burn he got the other day, sends his assistant off to shop for more ingredients. Adalgisa shows up to flirt with Finito and begins to tell him that she misses him and all the really pretty things he used to tell her. She gets very close to him as Fredesvina takes pictures from her vantage point of view across the street.

At Julio’s office his secretary gives him an envelope with cash from Mr. Ramirez. He gets very happy and thinks that with this cash he can get even. (He never learns).

At Fredesvina’s Adalgisa asks to see the pictures that t she took, she says they are perfect, they leave to go print them.

Ramon brings Fabi flowers and a present for the baby. She tells him that she wants to go see her uncle. Ramon does not want her to, but she insists and gets up.

Porfirio comes to tell Francisco that he needs to give half of the money for the doctor’s office, but Francisco refuses. He says “if you want a fight I will give you a fight” Porfirio says that is probably not a wise decision, Frank is arrogant and says “I know what’s best for me, and if that’s all you had to tell me you can leave”

Fabi goes to visit Antonio to go give him her condolences. They discuss that the shop got new clients, Ramon says that all the women that used to go to Ramso are now at Medfer, Fabi acts a little jealous but in a good way and they chuckle over it.

Julio is at the roulette table making his donations. Using the money that he received earlier that day from Mr. Rodriguez. As if he needed more ways to lose his money he is approached about a poker game which he is very interested in.

At Antonio’s place Ramon asks if they can hire Dalia back, Antonio says yes as long as Fabi is ok with it. Fabi says it’s ok.

At Medfer Osbaldo and Rulo await their next delivery of drugs and discuss they have to be careful with Ramon. 

Finito and Luisa are discussing the music for the wedding when a lady shows up and says that Luisa needs to come to her house to get her water bill because it was delivered to her. So she leaves Finite to go into her house by himself, when he walks in he sees some pictures on the floor of him and Adalgisa he hides them, and panics when Luisa gets there.  Luisa continues talking but Finito is completely distracted.

Dalia calls Rulo because he stood her up. She says that she is getting fed up. She then gets text from Ramon telling her that she can go talk to Antonio about her job tomorrow.

Maggie gets to the Medina house and tells Fabiola that Francisco will fight her for the money. Fabi says she does not want to fight because all she wants is to divorce Francisco. Juana and Maggie convince her to try to fight. She will try but if it causes problems with her divorce she will not fight.

Francisco’s attorney tells him that he has to give them half. He agrees that he will sell the office, especially if it delays the divorce because that will annoy both Fabi and Ramon and that is what he is looking for.

Dalia shows up for her interview with Antonio, sees Rulo and he can’t believe she is back, this and Ramon’s return may cause his business with drugs problem.

Finito goes to tell Adalgisa that she is low for having had taken those pictures and demands to know who her accomplice is.

Andrea and Jorge find out about that they can’t plant for two years because of the chemicals used on their harvest, so this pushes them to call Julio to speed up the franchise business.

Finito yells at Adalgisa, she confesses that she loves him and that’s why she did it. He says he never wants to see her again leaves Adalgisa crying.

Sofia gets taken to her new digs, which are a step down from her former accommodations. She complains but Rosendo tells her that it’s what she deserves. He leaves and locks her in. She bangs the door and yells for Rosendo and says “dad you can’t do this to me”


Thank You Sandie, just the facts Maam'. These writers sure do not put a lot of thought into dispensing with characters when their time in the barrel is up. I believe you put more effort into your recap than they do killing someone.

Virginia, Dairy-Oh, now Rocks in her heart, all antiseptically removed and cleaned up. gone --- Poof ! Where's the agony and retribution for their sins, (not counting Virginia)? I mean, nobody wants to die, well, the majority of people where things are going OK-to-Good want to stay around. Then Dairy-Oh and Rocks, may have suffered for a couple of shakes of a sheep's tail, but then their pain is gone and they are being lovingly prepared for their planting. It just seems like they gave a lot more than they received, in pain, suffering, and being a nuisance.

BTW, why was Antonio so MUCH more torn up over Rocksie Baby than anybody on the patio?

I know I ask more questions than a four year old, but who was Ramirez/Rodriguez who gave the stack of cash to Julio (via his secratary)? He is broke as a broke can be and pisses away that whole stash on the roulette wheel? Right Sandie, he never learns. There seems to be more people than you would expect in real life too, who are just plain delusional.

Did Rosendo have SofuricAcid's Heavenly Hop whacked too? Was that poison that 'Soontobewhacked' put in 'Justgotwhacked's tequilla?

Flower wilted.

And where were the airbags? They could not have been going over 30. You should see some of the cars here in FloriDuh with all our wrong way driver head on crashes on the interstate. And occasionally one or two of them live.

Kirby: I was NOT shocked Roxana & Daniel joined the Body Count.

Who's likely next to join ?

Thank you, Sandie.

Yay! Car chase!

Roxana dies clearing the way for Antonio and Margarita. Her desire for excitement did lead her to a life full of excitement. Sleeping with two men, going to clubs in Miami, fraud in assigning paternity, kidnapping of her son, dreams of a trip to Italy, drug mule, jail time, lost all her belongings, son's custody. And eventually lost her life. A wild ride.

Andrea and Jorge want to invest into a food franchise. There is no need. While Jorge indeed has nothing, Andrea has in US$ 100K invested in a solar company, $200K invested into ranch property, $200 in cash in the bank, 1/4 owner of MedFer, 1/2 owner of a luxury apartment. If Jorge accepts being maintained by Andrea, they will be OK. Julio looked like the happiest man on Earth when they asked him to manage Andrea's franchise investment. Bye-bye $200 in the bank.

Good morning patio.

Sandie, this was fantastic. "They come up with some knuckle head plans, but you can’t expect anything more sophisticated from this trio of "tontos" had me smiling away.

Lovely duck Kirby. I wish I were doing what he is - looks like great fun.

“She promised me that she would not die like my uncle” Antonio does his best to explain that sometimes we make promises we can’t keep because God has other plans" made me mist a bit. Little Diego has had some tough losses in his short, sweet life.

Roxana and Ant were either going to reconcile or she needed to die. It became apparent she wasn't going to undergo some miraculous transformation, so no redemption for her.

Yes, lots of personnel changes are causing some angst for murderous Rulo...

Kirby, Julio never learns, does he? I suspect the only thing he will be useful for is to provide the news of Betito's existence. His romance with Juana is a sham and he might soon be swimming with the sharks when he is unable to pay his gambling debts.

Sophia had the brains and guts to extricate herself from her father once. But I doubt there will be a rosy future for this failed murderess.

Who's next on the body count list Steve? Julio? Sophia? Rulo? Rosendo? Oz? Fran? The possibilities are endless.

Thank you Sandie...


$200K in the bank, it will be $200 after Julio gets his hands on it.

Good Morning! Cold in gloomy in the RGV....pretty much all week. Good days for TNs, the patio and hot chocolate!

Sandie, exceellent recap! Thank you!

Kirby, yes that accident was airbags. again. Wasn't there another accident on this TN where the airbags failed? And I also agree about the deaths being too quick..not that I am a fan of violence or torture.

As I watched Antonio cry, I thought, "Wow, this guy can show emotion." But Kirby, I agree...why cry so much over RocksAGoneByeBye, unless he was crying because Diego lost his mother? And why would he give Diego the bad news right then and there, instead of taking him home, or even the car would have been more private?

I was also wondering where that money that Julio was handed...and lost...came from. Did we miss something????

I also was mystified that Fabi could barely walk and held her side, but when Diego came in he laid against that side...and she didn't even wince!

Kirby, thanks for that beautiful sight...amazing avatar!


Oh wow, seems like several of us were writing at the same time!

Alfredo, I am totally with you...ready for this disaster to be over!

Oh and Kirby, I thought that what was poured into the tequila was only a sedative. Wouldn't poison be out of character for narcos? I would think "JustGotWhacked" would have had a very painful "adios!" Oh, it just occurred to me...THREE dead in one episode of what is supposed to be a drama-comedy?

Lucio: Julio will be bankrupt & probably in prison in 3 weeks.

Yeah, RGV, Fab shuffles around holding her side as though she has a hole there you could throw a cat through. Mia, on CET does worse than that to herself for fun.

OT. I ran to the mall earlier, it was nice to see that the patio had awaken while I tended to National Security Issues.

thank you, Sandie, for another excellent recap.

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday . It has a been a busy couple weeks for me, but all the wrapping, cooking, baking , decorating is behind me now!

Well, people are dropping like flies. Fran hasn't killed anyone , but I am hoping for an extra large anvil before this story ends. They could have called this telenovela "Everybody Hates Hor..with GOod REason."

Sunny and cold here...brrrr.

Lucio and Alfredo, you both remind of details that I do not keep track of.

Andrea just invited the fix into the henhouse. That inheritance is disappearing quickly.

So, how many weeks left for this show? What show are you guys going to watch after this finale ?

RGV and I have our eyes on one, "Goats Behaving Badly".

There's another one that sounds good too, "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid"

RGV Chik mentioned something the other day about another TN with Emseralda Pimental, that was NOT a Romantic Comedy, too.

Kirby and Alfredo, I just watched the interview with Esmeralda Pimentel...the one Alfredo mentioned above. According to what she said, they've completed filming "La Bella y Las Bestias." It has 80 episodes and will be airing in February or March.

I'm very interested in "Goats Behaving Badly" though :-)

Patio thank you for the comments and clarifications to some details.

I do not know who the money came from, I thought I missed something because she said "money from senor Rodriguez"

RGV Chick thanks for reminding me we had 3 deaths not 2 in last nights episode. I changed my title accordingly.

I totally agree with all that many things don't make sense in this TN
--1. why in the world is Dalia with Rulo?
--2. are there no security cameras at Medfer? with all of the illegal activities going on I am surprised there are no camera. But just like there were no airbags in the cars, there are no cameras at Medfer.
--3. why are they wasting so much time on Fredesvina's visions?....boring..
--4. agreed why is Hortencia invited to anything, she needs to be left alone while they throw a big party that she can hear from the comfort of her dingy, lonely apartment.
--5. Rebecca, what happened to her? she deserves an anvil as well for attempted murder, a little one because it was on Hortencia.

I also agree that I am glad that this TN is almost over.


Thank you Sandie. Good recap. The popo
Did a bang up Job.They could have done
More to save Roxy. Like when she got in the car,cop guy could have taken a
Fatal shot and taken out the grayhair-
ed wonder. But she had death written
On her after the nasty stuff she done.
Ok she's gone. Next!

I would like to see jaja take the
Blinders so she can see Julio for the
Useless waste of skin he is. But maybe
Something big isgonna happen to expose
his sons.

Franky days are numbered.He think he's
Home free cuz Dario is out of the game
But somethings gonna come at him out of left field. He won't see it coming.
It happens that way to people like him. He so deserves it. As much as ram
And fabi want to be together they'll be happy devorce or not. So he's not
Hurtin them at all,she just glad to be
Happy with her man. Sucks to you Frank
Thanks again Sandie.

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