Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #104 12.27.17: Plan to Fail & Fail to Plan

Rosendo locks Sofia up in a small room until she learns to obey him. Sofia protests but Rosendo reiterates that he will force her to obey him if he must. He orders Chato to keep guard by the door and let him know if anything happens.

Adalgiza goes to tell Benito that Finito doesn’t want to see her anymore because he found out about the pictures. She tells him that there is little else they can do now and tells him that they should let the wedding go on. Benito won’t give up though, he tells her that Luisa is the love of his life and he must make her see it.

Luisa goes to see Fabiola to make sure she’s well enough to go to the wedding. Juana doesn’t think she’s well enough, but Fabiola will at least go to the ceremony. Fabiola and Juana then decide to plan the bachelorette party for Luisa, who has a giant list of people to invite from the building. They decide to have it in the apartment and Andrea will invent the games.

Ramon and Guero work on a car but they are having some trouble fixing the problem. Chava hopes they finish the car soon, so they can go, but Ramon will work all night as the car has to be turned into the client tomorrow.

That night, Jorge, Andrea, and Julio go to see Fabiola and discuss the franchise with Juana. Julio explains that, to make it easier on everyone since there is a lot of paperwork involved, they should go to the notary together and sign a power of attorney in his name, so he has control of the money, etc. Juana and Andrea reiterate that they trust him completely and will do the POA soon. Fabiola prefers to invest her money in MedFer though as the shop is already hers.

As Ramon and Guero continue to work on the car, Rulo and Chava chide them for staying late at the shop. Osvaldo comes then and explains that they need to bring two packages to Palomo, who will be waiting for him, as soon as possible. He leaves to take care of some paperwork as Rulo asks Chava to go get the packages. Dalia then comes, wanting to go to dinner, but Rulo tells her he can’t. Dalia prefers to break up then as Rulo has been ignoring but he asks her to wait for him. Chava comes then and Rulo instructs him to go alone to their meeting as he must go out with Dalia. Once alone, Chava curses his luck.

Rulo takes Dalia to his house for a date but she doesn’t seem very happy. He tells her that he cleaned up for her and even has a full fridge to which Dalia smiles. She prefers dessert first though and Rulo begins to kiss her. She makes him promise to always put her first and he reiterates that there is no one in the world for him before smiling. She continues to kiss him.

Fabiola tells Andrea and Juana that she finds Julio’s change of attitude strange, as he hated the farm idea at first, but Andrea trusts him, even if she didn’t before, and Juana agrees. They all think it’s because of Juana that he’s changed, and Fabiola asks them to pay no attention to her as she doesn’t trust anyone after the Francisco debacle. Jorge and Andrea then say goodbye and leave. Fabiola then tells Juana that she will sleep a little bit and eat when Ramon comes. Juana nods and leaves.

Julio comes back to invite Juana to dinner, but she doesn’t want to leave Fabiola alone. Ramon arrives then and tells them to go and he will take care of Fabiola. Juana nods and goes to get ready.

Ramon goes to see Fabiola in her room and wakes her up. Juana comes in then and tells them that she’s leaving for a bit with Julio. Fabiola tells her to go as she has the best nurse right now and Juana smiles before leaving. Fabiola then tells Ramon about an apartment she found but Ramon thinks the rent is a bit high. She tells them that they can pay it between the two of them, as they both work, and Ramon agrees to see it with her, soon.

Francisco comes out of a restaurant and witnesses Chava handing the two packages of drugs to Palomo. He watches them quietly as Palomo tells Chava that he won’t accept another change of plan or their business is over. As Chava leaves, Francisco wonders where he has seen Chava before.

Around the corner, Chava calls Osvaldo to give him Palomo's message. Osvaldo cursea  Ramon for staying late, and forcing them to make the exchange elsewhere. Chava suggests they sabotage Ramon’s work so Antonio fires him and Osvaldo asks him and Rulo to go early to the shop tomorrow and make sure the car he was working on is not working properly.

Julio and Juana go to dinner and Julio wishes they can go out more often and show the world they love each other. He also reminds her that they must get married and she smiles wide. He then tells her that she must move into his house and take position of it as his wife, but Juana would prefer a new home that doesn’t remind her of Virginia. He agrees and then asks her to call him only “Julio.” Juana smiles and does so.

Francisco arrives home and remembers that Chava is one of the MedFer mechanics.

The next day, Rulo and Chava go to the car Ramon and Guero were working on and make sure the breaks they were fixing don’t work. Rulo laments the fact that Antonio will also be affected but he will be collateral damage.

Ramon prepares breakfast for Luisa, Valente, and Dalia. Luis announces that Juana and the Medina sisters are planning her bachelorette party and asks Valente and Ramon to prepare Finito’s bachelor party. They agree, reluctantly, as Valente gets a car and leaves for work. Dalia then asks if they are going to hire a stripper, much to Luisa’s chagrin, but Ramon promises that it will be a calm party.

Julio calls the notary to set an appointment for the POA. He promises to send him all the information and hangs up.

As Benito and Valente pick up the body, Valente confesses that Luisa asked him to prepare Finite’s bachelor party. Benito shrugs and tells him that it is what it is before leaving with the body.

Dalia finds Rulo at the shop and asks him to not tell anyone about what happened last night. He doesn’t think they did anything wrong but promises to be quiet. She then kisses him and tells him she will see him later. Rulo remembers their passionate night and smiles as Chava comes and teases him.

Porfirio calls Margarita to tell her that he’s feeling better but, more importantly, Carlos called him to request Fabiola be present at the court hearing for the clinic. They agree Francisco is trying to make her uncomfortable, but she must attend if they want to recuperate half the money from the clinic.

Antonio finds Ramon to ask if the car he was working on is ready. Ramon nods and Antonio asks Chava to take the car to the client’s job as he’s busy. Chava tries to get out of it but Antonio insists he take it as the car he’s working on is not due until a couple of days. Chava looks at Rulo and gets in the car, turns it on, but immediately gets out to tell Ramon that the brakes are low. Ramon and Guero don’t understand but Chava insists and Ramon goes to check it out.

Juana serves Fabiola breakfast and she asks about her date with Julio. Juana tells her that Julio wants them to get married and Fabiola cheers as she will gain an aunt. She then tells Juana that life works in mysterious ways indeed, but Juana confesses that she feels uncomfortable leaving with Julio in his apartment. She suggested they get a new place and Fabiola agrees it would be for the best.

Sometime later, Ramon finishes working on the car. He then tells Chava that he’s sure someone messed with the car after he finished and looks at Rulo. Rulo asks if he’s accusing him and Ramon nods because he’s always had it out for him. Rulo reminds him that he left first yesterday, so it wasn’t him, and he can confirm it with Dalia. Ramon leaves then to talk to Dalia, who confirms that they were together, and he shouldn’t blame Rulo for all his troubles. Ramon considers this but then goes to talk to Antonio to tell him his suspicions. Osvaldo is unsure, but Antonio will take the necessary measures. Once alone, Osvaldo thinks Ramon is exaggerating but Antonio reiterates that he will take the necessary precautions.

Outside the shop, Guero tells Ramon that he agrees Rulo sabotaged their work, but they have no way to prove it. While Chava stresses, Rulo tells him that they have no prove against them, so they can’t say anything. Either way, Osvaldo will protect them. Just then, Antonio arrives and gathers all the mechanics to tell him what happened with Ramon’s car. He then announces that no one can stay to work after hours and only he and Osvaldo will have the keys to the shop. They all agree and get back to work.

That night, Margarita goes to visit Fabiola to tell her Francisco’s condition. Ramon is present also as Fabiola declares that she will go to the courts, though she will hate it, because she’s not afraid of Francisco. Margarita then calls Francisco to tell him and hangs up.

At home, Francisco smiles to himself and wonders who will break first.

Ramon tells Fabiola that he will go to the courts with her, but Margarita doesn’t think it’s a good idea and neither does Fabiola. He agrees to stay away as Margarita promises to take care of Fabiola with Porfirio. Once Margarita’s left, Ramon and Juana take Fabiola to bed.

Benito arrives home and tells Adalgiza and Fredesvinda about the bachelor party. He then tells them that he has a plan: hire a curvy stripper to seduce Finito and, when he does the deed, he will be so guilty that he will break up with Luisa. Adalgiza is unsure but Fredesvinda tells him to go ahead and Benito smiles.

Over dinner, Osvaldo declares that Antonio’s announcement is perfect for their plans as there will be no one after hours to ruin their drug trade business. He then toasts to their good luck with Rulo and Chava.

In her room, Adalgiza is sad about Finito’s bachelor party and asks Benito why he doesn’t hire strippers for Luisa. Benito tells him that it’s about making Finito guilty and Adalgiza agrees. She then asks Benito if she can go with him to pick out the striper and he agrees.

Margarita and Antonio put Diego to bed and close the door. Antonio is happy to see she’s getting along with Diego again and asks Margarita to marry him. Margarita is shocked, and Antonio declares that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She accepts, and they promise to wait until it’s appropriate, before kissing.

Benito and Adalgiza meet one of the strippers outside of the joint and she tells them about her various packages. Adalgiza only wants a dance from far away and a few kisses on Finito’s cheek. She smiles and tells them that the client is always right.

Fredesvinda hopes everything with the stripper went well as Benito and Adalgiza come back and tell her that everything went smoothly. The stripper will arrive at Finito’s and ring the doorbell before telling him that a friend hired her and dance for him. Adalgiza worries that Finito will sleep with her but Fredesvinda thinks that will be even better.

The next day, police officers converge outside of RamSo as Ramon and Lucho look on. Ramon is shocked about all that happened as Sofia told him the money she used to invest was part of her inheritance though Lucho reiterates that it must have been a lie as Sofia escaped. Ramon nods and they go to work.

Sofia asks Chato to call Rosendo immediately, so they can talk.

Julio arrives at Juana’s to pick up Andrea and Juana for the notary. Jorge offers to stay with Fabiola until Margarita arrives and everyone wishes Fabiola luck before leaving. Once alone, Ramon calls Jorge to invite him to Finito’s bachelor party and Jorge accepts, because he esteems Luisa, and they plan to throw a wild party as Finito is very formal. Jorge then tells Fabiola and she smiles as they are doing the same thing for Luisa.

Rosendo arrives at Sofia’s room and she hugs him tightly before telling him that she has learned her lesson. He makes her promise to leave Ramon alone and she does. Rosendo warns her to do as he says, because he will be watching her, and Sofia nods as he takes her out of the room.

At the notary, everyone looks the documents over and they sign. Andrea as the owner, Julio as the administrator and Juana as a witness. They hope everything goes well and then leave with their dumb, unsuspecting smiles plastered on their faces.

Fabiola arrives at the court with Porfirio and Margarita and they find Ramon waiting for them. He tells her that, no matter what they suggested, he needed to be there for her. She kisses him as Francisco arrives and gives them a death stare…


Thank you, Alfredo.

Does Andrea think Julio will be doing all this paperwork and administration of the business for free? Out of the kindness of his heart? They should have discussed his commission or salary for doing the work. Beware of people who want to manage your assets for free.

This was Dalia and Rulo's first time. How romantic. First he didn't even want to spend the night with her. After she threatened to break up with him, he took her to his apartment for the romantic night, where he had "a full fridge." Dalia's standards are really low. Compare that to Fabiola and Ramon's first time. With the cabin and fireplace and the bottle of wine.

Excellent Mr. AAA. I think this is one of the best or the best line you have written since I have been reading your work.

"They hope everything goes well and then leave with their dumb, unsuspecting smiles plastered on their faces."

Just happy as a pig in shit. It is going to be sweet when Julio is discovered, IE: When they all begin to realize they are ALL broke.

Of course, these being the nappingest people I have ever heard of they will probably all just take a nap. That is all their answer to ANY threat to life, limb and happiness. Even Ada tonight, something didn't go exactly right, so she gyrates off to her room to pile up in bed for a 'Crisis Nap'.

Caught boy/girlfriend cheating? Nap Time.
Fired from your job? Nap Time, Car won't start? Take a Nap.
Time to change the dog's flea collar? Nap. Building on fire? Nap
Kidnapped, drugged, and held hostage by Granny? Nap, of course.
These Forks give Siesta a whole new meaning.

As proof of his genuine Luuuurve for Dilly Dally Rulo cleaned his apt and bought beer. Yup pay dirt Dalia.

Speaking of, Marg finally actually looked do-able tonight in her tight white pants. Not a woof, but a tail wag at least.

Alfredo, this was inspired.

"They hope everything goes well and then leave with their dumb, unsuspecting smiles plastered on their faces" could not have been more perfect! Most excellent.

IQ's were plummeting tonight weren't they?? I mean, there is no one sweeter and kinder than Juana. Still, her blank stares and head bobbing lead me to believe she listens without processing. Every time she tries to sign papers (how many times has that been?) it is painful to watch. She signs like a small child just learning to write. Julio would have a more difficult time leading an actual lamb to the slaughter.

And Dalia! What happened to the feisty, fresh, independent, conniving woman she was 5 minutes ago? By going after Rulo she lowered her standards considerably, didn't she Lucio? Going after Rulo because he "cleaned his apt and bought beer" (thanks Kirby) made no sense. Ramon to Valente to Rulo is a downward spiral (despite Rulo's incredible arms I must add)...

Benito and Ada cannot concoct a decent plan between them. Will someone please come up with a workable plan to put them (and us) out of our collective miseries?

Antonio and Julio certainly let no grass grow under their feet, or around their dead wives tombstones, do they? Granted Virginia and Roxie were not exactly loving wives but the hubbies have children and there should have been some consideration there.

Frank is a skank but at least he thinks. His determination to rid Fab of her pesky inheritance and pondering where he's seen Chava shows he may be down but he's not out.

I sense Sofia does not intend to be the dutiful daughter.

Alfredo, I'm so grateful you started the blog for this show. While the plot has been lacking, the recaps and comments have been first rate. Just like you.

Thank you.



Diana, Good Morning. You are right, Juana just annoys me to no end. When she signs something she DOES look like a preschooler, the way she holds the pen awkwardly, then peering down at the document like she is trying to determine the sex of a gnat.....

Somebody help me remember here, exactly WHY in the name of anything resembling sanity did Dalia NOT get With Valente? Oh, wait, she went out with the blonde guy first, so that left Valente out, but now...Aw shoot. forget it, it is not important enough to try to remember on just the first cup of coffee today. Ramon should not have intervened when she had her first 'date' with Rulo, and Dalia could be preggers by now. And yes, Rulo has massive upper arms.

How much longer is Fab going to milk that overgrown mosquito bite on her abdomen? Strippers have much more work than that done on their front side and are back at work in two days

And to beg the obvious, do any of these Nouveau Riche not have a shred of curiosity as to how their most prized possession, their recently acquired wealth, is doing? You'd think that Andrea, Jorge, Fab and Wanna? for what it is worth, would get weekly or monthly reports on their investments/accounts to see if it is growing, how much is left in there, something. Most people do. You want to see if it is growing or SHRINKING, if you need to make some changes, etc. even if it is the capable hands of your trustworthy, solid as granite, uncle. I mean they do not need to dot eyes and cross tees, but even Wanna? should be able to understand the difference in a plus and a minus, given some coaching. Julio, I can't imagine sleeping with a retard, even if you are the second one to do so.

Dirty, murderous little Hoe that she is, I still like SoFurious in a carnal way. She at least has spunk. You don't see her trying to nap her problems away. Pop Rose has his hands full and he knows it.

She was on Hoy the other day playing some silly game wearing knee boots and a pornographically short skirt, with those trademark HOT Pink lips. She was laughing, shaking her little butt, having a good time, and it was easy to forget she tried to have another hot chick killed. :-)

Thanks Alfredo, and thanks Sandie for yesterday's recap. Somehow yesterday got away from me completely.

Hard to not get annoyed with these gullible, impulsive folks. We can count on a multitude of bad decisions every episode, and at this point we are all quite weary. Add to that the bone-chilling weather (here anyway) and overall Christmas fatigue, and I'm just feeling downright cranky.

But appreciate your hard work, AAA, and that of all the dedicated recappers. Without you, there would be no patio. As always, many thanks.

I hopoe Juleo does marry Wanna? before he finds out that she has signed over every last penny of the money to the girls and is pennyless. She could have already left their employ as the maid, as she will soon be married to their rich uncle and will be moving into his apt.

Then Don Pedro, Marg, and Poorfirio can conclude their investigation of the girls' assets and send the adultery cops to throw him in jail

JudyB, Good Morning, if it is THAT cold, maybe you just napped through a whole day, (see rant above) what with the Christmas hangover and all. :-)

Kirby: These idiots are just that.... IDIOTS! Julio is taking all of their $$$.

He's a professional con artist.

Judy: Good Morning.

Julio has zero intention of getting married because he'll kill Braids & get $$$$ as a widower.

By the way, it was Fabiola who raised her concerns about Julio and his eagerness to manage the investment. Fabiola appears to be the smartest in the group.

Excelente, Sr. AAA!! Thanks for such a wonderful retelling of such convoluted events!

Kirby, I'd like to copy your DITTOOO!! well, except the last paragraph about the pornagraphically short skirt :-)

Diana, "IQ's were plummeting tonight weren't they??" Ugh, yeah!!

Juana and Andrea are just plain dumb! NO ifs, ands, or buts about it. I might be able to understand why Juana is so gullible, but Andrea and Jorge both have post secondary education. Then we have Ramon who did question Julio's intentions...though only for a millisecond and Fabi who also questioned Julio's sudden change of heart, but also blew it off. Doesn't any one listen to their gut anymore? Chihuahua!!

Dalia? disgustingly stooopid!!

Kirby, thank you for the beautiful avatar! Great pic!

OT- Kirby and Alfredo, posted this late yesterday...don;t know if you saw it. I watched the interview with Esmeralda Pimentel...the one Alfredo mentioned . According to what she said, they've completed filming "La Bella y Las Bestias." It has 80 episodes and will be airing in February or March.

Lucio, I was writing while you commented. Yes Fabiola raised her concern then lashed it out the window

Kirby and Alfredo, I just love to read your rants! You all say things with such ease...and so reflective of many of our thoughts. Thank you!

Yes, Alfredo, in Nouveau Riche I was just referring to the beneficiaries of the plane crash. Now Whormorroid has acted like she and her family are Royalty from the get go and like you said, they are in a dinky apartment. Hell, half of them don't even have cars or horses. Never saw a rich person whose total earthly possessions would fit in the overhead. When these dildos move they are pulling a rollalong suitcase. When rich people move it involves an eighteen wheeler.

Whew ! I feel better already. I'm going to almost enjoy being in detention hall.

Thank You RGV and also for not yelling at me for my rancid speech.

What excellent comments today!

Alfredo, I totally concur with your thoughtful puzzlement as to why Marisol accepted the role of Juana: " Did she owe the producer a favor? Did no one want her and she needed the money? I mean, what would be attractive about this role?" Haven't a clue. I think your "Such.bad.writing" summed it up perfectly.

I keep wondering if there would be any way Sophia could be saved. After all,"She at least has spunk. You don't see her trying to nap her problems away. Pop Rose has his hands full and he knows it" seemed more than sufficient reason for a reprieve Kirby!

I can't recall seeing characters who are clueless 99% of the time yet when that rare instance of clarity strikes (as you noted with Ramon and Fabi Rgv Chick), they are quickly forgotten. As Judy noted "We can count on a multitude of bad decisions every episode, and at this point we are all quite weary". Indeed.

At least these characters give us much fodder for discussion.

I feel much better now that I've seen the beautiful blue bird Kirby.


Thanks Diana, that's a recycled bird, he was very popular when he made his debut, so I thought a return engagement might be in order. I put up yesterday's sunset for a minute.

This is a pretty interesting discussion about this show. As it appears none of us actually have work to do, and I have almost already dispensed with my post Christmas ToDo list I will just think out loud here.

I watched La Piloto and thoroughly enjoyed it. Although I do not necessarily want to watch Narco based shows, I thought it was very well done. Now I do not know nearly as much about drug cartels as I do about Auto Mechanicing, or marriage and divorce, or Bunny Hopping, so maybe that colors it some. But I DO know a Helluva lot about airplanes, and flying them, and driving around in 4 wheel drives or on motorcycles.

In that show I didn't find myself constantly asking "Who are they trying to fool?"
And if they were in a car chase and there was suddenly a big ditch or washed out road, the car was not able to 'just fly'. And the bad guys were not 'Just Lucky' at the perfect time. They were not always in the (conveniently) right place at the right time.

When she was first learning to fly a single (engine airplane)it was pretty realistic. She was learning 'off the books' so there was not the usual record keeping and red tape with the FAA. A lot of the other airplane related stories were fairly believable too, like flying low under the radar, and trying to drive the plane alone and look at a chart too. There is usually two people to do all that.

And Lucio's love affair with that red and polished silver airplane might seem foolish to some, but men and airplanes, and to a lesser degree boats, borders on an odd Man/Machine romance.

I actually do not like all the killing and violence in that type of show, but on the other hand, I sat there week after week with knots in my stomach and sweaty palms. Not so here, unless I am reading the comments and wondering if I got away with it. :-)

Sunsets are boring.

What a beautiful shot Kirby. Thank you for sharing.

My work closed for the week which is good timing as I am helping with hub's rehab a bit.

So between my work as an aide, cook and housekeeper, the blog is a most welcome and refreshing diversion..

I did not see LP but I've heard nothing but good things...

In reality (not that this is at all real), there are many loose ends to tie up here in a short amount of time.

Large anvils all the way around for Frank, Julio, Rulo, Hortie, and Sophia (sigh). Lesser anvils for Dalia, Oz, Fredes and others. A huge dose of common sense for Juana. The truth about Jorge and a decision as to whether or not Porf has to die or simply waltz into the sunset to a happier ending elsewhere.

I suppose we will have to suffer through a wedding, but I'm looking forward to the baby's arrival. And of course the continuing suffering (ours) between the who-cares quadrangle will likely need to be resolved.

If Sophia dies, I hope she goes out in a fiery blaze, reminiscent of the warrior princess we met but lost along the way.


Alfredo Gracias for the recap as painful as it must have been to put together, I know, I know.

--Juana, Andrea and Jorge drink the Kool-Aid always
--Fabi I like her attitude about just wanting the divorce, but she is still very immature
--Dalia - dumb, dumb dumb
--Ant and Maggie, I'm actually happy for them Roxy was poison and they are rid of her
--Porfirio - He is such a good guy and I like his character
--Frank, Rulo and Chava are inching closer to their anvil can't wait
--Sofia is up to no good and I too can't wait to see what becomes of her
All others I don't care.

Again Alfredo thanks


I had a really good recap about dummys
in the hood, who was the dummest. And it got lost or something. I tried to
Retrieve it didn't have any luck. If
One you guys would like to see if you
Can get it out of wireland, that'd be good, But if not it's find.

Alfredo thanks for this recaps. This
Episode exposed alot of dummys in all
Their glory.

Dummy list 2017:
Hellish Hortinsia
Julio wholio
Jaja jauana
Bobblehead Fabiola
Rockin Roxy
Dame dalia
Rolling rulo
And now Andrea has joined the new years party of dummys. She trust her
Greedy uncle. Poor thing.
Well so many stoooopid(Thankyou kirby)
People. Y'all can add to the list if you are so inclined. Between Happy New
Year cheers!
Thanks Alfredo.

Kirby: Awesome profile picture. I'm assuming it's Denver, CO ?

I'd like to say that I found parts of this novella that I enjoyed and I want to stick around and see how things turn out.
It is no worse than some of the recent novellas, in my opinion, such as:
Sueño de amor
Despertar contigo
Vino el amor
Las amazonas
Mi adorable maldición
El Bienamado
Rosario tijeras
La doble vida de Estela Carrillo

If a family has an Uncle who is a heavy drinker, gambler, Hoe, spendthrift, druggie, layabout, retard, thief, they all know or at the very least have heard rumors or have a strong suspicion unless he lives worlds away.

But all these numbskulls are Odie, Garfield the comic strip cat's pet dog, happily bobbing around with his tongue dragging the floor, just too dam dumb to know he should not be happy.

But, then, several of my real life coworkers I secretly nicknamed Odie too.

Steve: No, my hometown, Sarasota, FLA. headed to SRQ at about 1500 ft.

Alfredo, you mention Despertar Contigo. Francystco was IDENTICAL in it. Trying to marry Maia, (the slasher in CET now) because her family had money while boinking, oh, shoot, I can't remember now, but it was a female, maybe Sara Corrales.

He just got an envelope of money his secretary brought in to him the other day from some man whose name I didn't recognize, but it showed him broke after that, I believe.

It appears Ooze has not really forgiven Julio, as there seems to just be an uneasy truce between those two.

Dang it Kirby, you're more or less right. If I didn't "nap" through the day, I should have, because I was an absolute zombie yesterday AND the day before.. Christmas seems to affect me that way. Can't wait for December to be over.

Alfredo, I'm glad you brought up Marisol del Olmo. She is a marvelous actress. First saw her in la Pasión and was blown away (even though I only had eyes for Fernando Colunga). She's been great in everything I've seen. And this role is just so shabby. But bills need to be paid. I don't think any of these actors make princely salaries. It's important to keep working and keep visible. But a shame that her talents are wasted in such a pitiful role.

And maybe we all need naps. Lots of cranky rants today! C'mon Spring! Por favor!

I think all the major dumb decisions of this novella have already been made. Fabi accepted to marry Cyst and handed him over half of her money. Juana accepted to marry Julio and handed him over half of Andrea's money. Dalia is with Rulo. MedFer, by hiring Oz, turned into a major transportation hub for the drug trade. Hor is still spoken to. It is all downhill from here.

Judy, I am just the opposite with Christmas. I always feel like I am in a holding pattern until I get what trivial Christmasing I have to do over. Then the next morning I wake before dawn ready to shred the world. Decorations are down as soon as the dew dries, and promptly put away, out of the way, the mail runs again, and anything ordered will not be 'back-burnered' to allow more important Christmas packages to be delivered. It is once again as safe as it ever gets around here to drive around without some "Last Present" crazed shopper running you off the road. And we are back down to our everyday quota of drunks out there driving around.


I hopeo these writers understand how much killing is left to do. And mind you we only have two DBHs, so they cant just wipe everybody out in one night.

I don't know whether each DBH has his own truck or if Benito and Valente share one. At the Crematorium which used to be near my shop, each Dead Body Hauler had his own (company supplied) vehicle. But if that is the case here, we still only have the two boys, Ada doesn't even have a car, you can't let them lay around and start to swell waiting for the fellows to come pick them up.


What they need is a Gantt Chart.

A late hello. I missed the show tonight (Thursday), so I am especially looking forward to the recap. A little R and R before I am back to my daily duties. Then, back to reality and dedecorating the house. Bah humbug.

I wonder how this show is going to tie up all the loose ends. If Hor just goes on being her uniquely dreadful self with no karna, I will be frustrated.Maybe somehow Fabu could give her to Fran as part of the divorce settlement (revenge). Also, Julio needs some kind of divine punishment for being a complete a** to Virginia, Juana, his own nieces. I hope that Juana and DR. Parrot end up with PEdro.

Forgot to say that the recap was great and the comments were great. Thank you, ALfredo and all my patio peeps.

Kirby, I especially enjoyed your "naptime"" comments. Ha

Diana, I hope your hubby is improving daily and that you are remembering that caregivers need to also take care of themselves !!

..."trying to determine the sex of a gnat"... Ha! Kirby, you and I would never have been allowed to sit next to each other in study hall...or detention hall.

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