Monday, December 04, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #76-77, 12/4/2017: If He Calls Out Her Name, He Don’t Luuurve Ya

Univision has brought out the shears and started cutting and combining episodes!!
Cut scenes in blue.
Episode #76
Previously: Blanca questions Ramón about his relationship with Sofía: are they trying again? He denies it and tells her he just wants to start his life over again.
Antonio arrives at Andrea’s apologizing for being late. When Andrea asks about Roxana, Antonio shares that she will be transferred to the prison; bail is not allowed for the crime she committed. For now, he will tell Diego that she is on vacation. When Antonio tells Andrea he will return for Diego tomorrow, she tells him they will go to the farm tomorrow. Antonio has no clue what she is talking about, so she explains how they bought a farm. Antonio is pleased since purchasing land is always a good investment, especially if it can be cultivated. When Andrea offers to take Diego so he can take care of Roxana’s situation, he is very appreciative.

Ramón takes Sofía back to her building. As they say good-bye, he hugs his friend as she hugs the man she loves. When Sofía asks him not to leave, they’re about to kiss when a man interrupts and separates them as he goes into the building. Ramón laughs and tells Sofía to rest well; so he leaves.
Antonio is having breakfast at Marg’s when she gets the call that Roxana is in the process of being transferred to the prison. As her defense attorney, Marg has to be present. Antonio will accompany her; so they leave.
At Julio’s apartment, Jorge tells Oozie (thanks, Susy :-) that he will be going to Andrea’s farm. Oozie is surprised that Andrea bought a farm and laughs at the idea of his cousin being a farmer.
In prison, Roxana is brought out to meet with Antonio. When he expresses his regret at her being there, she thisnk that if he were that regretful, she wouldn’t be there; his lover did nothingto get her out. Antonio explains tha nothing could be done; her charges do not allow for bail, but Roxana argues that if he had gotten another attorney, she would be out. When Antonio reiterates her charges, Roxana denies doing anything wrong; but Antonio emphasizes that she checked in the luggage that contained the drugs. In the eyes of the law, the luggage was hers; and she will have to answer for it. He explains that she will have to go to trial; if found guilty, she will be sentenced to not less than 15 years.  Roxana stands and shouts that she will not stay there for 15 years. She pleads with him to get her someone that will help her. His damned lover wants to destroy her!
At Julio’s apartment, Oozie chides his father for not even bothering to hide that he’s cheating on Juana. When Julio tells him to save his breath and asks for Jorge, Oozie tells him Jorge went to the farm with Andrea and Juana. After Julio makes it obvious that he has no clue about the farm, Oozie mocks him for his lack of communication with his girlfriend.
At the prison, Roxana doesn’t want Marg defending her, but Antonio emphasizes that it’s Marg or a public defender. When Roxana sneers that Marg will only try to get her in for more years, Antonio assures her that Marg will do everything she can to try to get her out. Roxana shouldn’t take everything so personally; Marg is a professional. Antonio then brings up Diego and what they should tell him. Antonio suggests they tell him she is on vacation; telling Diego the truth would hurt him too much. Roxana refuses; she wants to Diego to come seeing her. Antonio reminds her that Diego is only seven years old and wouldn’t be able to understand. Roxana then threatens that his girlfriend better get her out of there or she will insist that Diego come see her in prison…it’s up to Antonio if he wants Diego to see her there or not. 
At Andrea’s, Juana has all the food to take with them to the farm. As Juana tells Fabi she is glad Fabi decided to go with them, Julio storms in wanting to know how this thing about buying a farm happened.
As Ramón drives to a park for a day out, Sofía clings to his arm and his every word. He tells her about all the park activities and she prefers horseback riding. Before they get there Ramón wants to stop to eat something that Sofía doesn’t like, but has never eaten; she would prefer quesadillas.
At Andrea’s, Andrea apologizes to Julio for not telling him about farm, but it was a very good buy. She invites him to go with them, but Julio wants to know why they purchased it. Juana, with hands on hips, tells him they went to see it and they liked it; they already signed all the necessary paperwork. When Julio asks what the price was, Juana responds that it was three million pesos, but the land will make that and more once they work it. Julio asks why she hadn’t told, so Juana tells him he’s always busy; she didn’t need him because Andrea and she were able to handle everything. After Juana mentions that Don Pablo helped them with the paperwork and he will show them how to work the land, Julio laughs at the idea of them as farmers. Julio hopes their little whim goes well and agrees to go with them because he wants to see what they bought.
At a restaurant, Marg meets with Antonio and criticizes Roxana for thinking she can set conditions. What hurts Antonio most is that Roxana doesn’t care about Diego. He then tells Marg that if she is not comfortable defending Roxana, it is her right not to and he will understand. Marg replies that she isn’t doing it for Roxana, she is doing it for him, but she needs someone who knows about the penal code to help her…Porfirio. Antonio frowns at the idea; Porfirio will always be in her life one way or another. Marg argues that Poorfi is the only one she can trust, but he shouldn’t worry because Antonio is the one she loves…and she has demonstrated it.
At the park, Ramón sits on a boulder as Sofía looks up at him and tells him how much she likes the place. Ramón likes it because it is so tranquil…as if there were no problems in his life. When she asks about his problems, he replies that it is just a saying. He likes the peace he is feeling and so does Sofía. Being with him is all she needs. He tells her he also feels very comfortable and hugs her. They looks intensely at each other, but as he is going to kiss her, he whispers, “Fabiola.” Sofía pulls back, disappointed. She tells Ramón she needs to be alone and not to follow her. She then walks away as Ramón calls to her.
At Finito’s stand, he watches a couple and imagines it is Benito and Luisa. He’s not paying attention to the amount of mayonnaise he is putting on the bread; and when his helper calls it to his attention, Finito walks away.
The new-found farmers arrive at the farm and burst out of Jorge’s little bug. Don Pedro then arrives so introductions are made. When Juana explains that Don Pedro is there to make some recommendations about the farm, including a person to manage it, Don Pedro points out that he brought Esteban because he has managed the farm for many years. While they take a tour, they can come to an agreement with Esteban. Juana is delighted.
At Luisa’s, Finito bangs on the door and wonders where Luisa is; he suspects she is with Benito. When Luisa arrives he interrogates her as to where she was and with whom. When she responds and refers to him as “my love,” Finito demands she not call him that because she could say that to anyone. He tell her to call him by his name: Fi-ni-to! Luisa laughs and invites him on for chocolate and horns, but Finito doesn’t like horns. Luisa then urges him into her house.
At the park, Sofía is off crying by herself and tells herself she shouldn’t act dumb; Ramón will never forget Fabiola. She then recalls when she told Ramón to take the $100.00 and follow his own path…he needed much more to have a woman like her. She wishes she had told him the truth.
At the farm, Don Pablo explains about the different seasons; picking season will be soon. When he offers to recommend a group that can come help, Julio interjects that they will get their own; it shouldn’t be that difficult. When Jorge mentions that he wants to help, Don Pablo mentions that when the family participates, the crops seem to do better. Andrea then suggests they go see the house; she wants to show them the changes she wants to make. Don Pedro leaves, but Esteban stays to help with whatever.
At Luisa’s, Luisa and Finito are having their snack. Luisa mentions she had thought of calling him later to invite him to the movies, but Finito declines because it will be a busy night at the tortilleria; so Luisa will find someone else to go with her. While Luisa is in the kitchen, Finito quickly calls Ada to ask if Benito is there. Ada assures him Benito has been there locked in his room. After Finito tells her he suspected Benito was with his fiancée, he asks Ada to go make sure he has been there and return his call when she finds out.
Ada goes into Benito’s room and checks on him. When she wakes him, he wonders with what right she came into his room. Ada responds that she was worried because it is late in the morning, but Benito chides her for not being there for him the night before when he needed her; sometimes she’s very friendly with him…then there are times that she treats him as if he didn’t exist. She seems to be bipolar. When she gets upset, Benito orders her out of his room.
At Luisa’s, Luisa goes for more chocolate, Finito gets Ada’s call reassuring him that Benito has been there. When Luisa returns, he lies about who called and asks what movie she wants to go see. He might be able to go with her; he can leave Teofilo in charge.
At the farm, Fabi likes the house. Andrea plans to only make changes in the interior, but Julio questions why she would want to live there. When Juana adds that they can spend week-ends there, Julio worries that there will be too many costs; the money will slip away quickly (from him). Andrea suggests that they will enjoy being there and they will make money with the produce, but Julio isn’t convinced. After Julio leaves to go check the irrigation system, Jorge and Andrea go off on their own and Fabi stays with Juana. When Fabi questions what is going on with Julio, Juana doesn’t know. Juana then asks about Fabi’s, so Fabi responds things are well, but Juana has doubts because of Fabi’s lack of enthusiasm. Fabi explains that marriage is not easy, Juana agrees but tells Fabi that with love, all can work out. As Juana takes the chairs to where they will eat, Fabi wonders how she can tell Juana that is the problem...the one she loves is Ramón.
At the park, Ramón catches up to Sofía who wants to leave. Ramón wonders if she is going to let him off the hook, but Sofía chides him for thinking it is as easy for her as it is with him. She was so happy spending the day with him. She wonders why, after all this time, he can’t forget Fabi. She asks when he will forget her, but no matter how much he tries, Ramón can forget Fabi. He wants to forget her and accept that there is no place for her in his life, but…Sofía interrupts and asks, “But what?” She cries as she tells him how stupid she was not to tell him the truth and wonders why this had to happen. As he moves toward her and tells her not to do this to herself, she runs into his arms and they hug tightly.
At the farm, the farmers are playing volleyball. After the ladies win and the others walk toward the food, Fabi receives a call from Francystco who is in bed with his arm around Naughty Nurse. He asks how much longer (he has to do the boink, boink) she will be there; so she tells him it’ll be a while since they’re just about to eat. When he hangs up, he tells Rebecca they still have time. He wants to get to it, but Rebecca still has to go give Horhellia her shot. Rebecca enters Horhellia’s room in Francystco’s shirt and injects Horhellia. When Horhellia moans, Rebecca tells her not to worry; she only gave her half of what the doctor ordered…and she won’t let anything happen to her. As Rebecca leave, Horhellia opens her eyes.
In front of Sofía’s apartment building, Ramón apologizes for the day not being what they expected. When she tells him not to worry about it, Ramón wonders if they can pick up where they left off. Sofía thinks they can; she hasn’t changed…she has always loved him. Ramón then gets closer and they kiss softly. When they separate, he tells her he will see her the next day. As he walks away, Sofía is hopeful and smiles.
At her apartment, Marg calls Poorfi, but he doesn’t answer; so she leaves message that this is the second time she calls him and she needs to talk to him urgently. She wonders where he is and decides to go to his office first thing in the morning if he doesn’t return her call. Meantime, Poorfi is getting checked by a doctor who notices a large bruise on his torso. After the doctor asks him about the symptoms and any medications he’s taking, the doctor thinks it could be a coagulation problem, but needs to run tests before providing a diagnosis. As he writes the order for the tests, the doctor also recommends that Poorfi see an internist…and the tests need to be run today. Even though it’s Sunday, the labs are open; so Poorfi agrees to go.
Later that night—
Jorge and Andrea drop off Diego at Antonio’s home. Diego had a great time; and after Jorge and Andrea leave, Diego tells Antonio about his day. Diego would like to back with Antonio and Roxana. When Diego asks if Antonio talked to Roxana, Antonio confirms he did, but she had to go leave for a few days because of her work. Diego then asks if he can talk to her, so Antonio quickly thinks to tell him that she is in Oaxaca where the signal is poor; he was able to talk to her because she called him from the airport. Antonio assures Diego that next time she calls, he will let him talk to her.
At Luisa’s, Dalia enters and tells Luisa things went well for her. After she tells Luisa what a scaredy-cat Guero is and that they went to see “The Return of Dracula.” Luisa mentions she wanted to go see that movie, but Finito didn’t want to go see it so they ended up going to see an animated movie. Dalia then asks for Ramón, so Luisa tells her he is in his room. Dalia thinks he is probably having a pity party, especially since Fabi is pregnant. Luisa is shocked and wonders if Juana knows; so she starts to calls Juana but Dalia tells her she shouldn’t do it by phone. Luisa agrees and wonders who the father is, but Dalia insists it’s Francystco’s since he is her husband. Luisa looks doubtful. As they get up to go to the kitchen, Ramón appears and they stare at him which makes him wonder what’s going on. Luisa quickly says “Nothing! We were just thinking about what to eat.” So Ramón offers to make them something and they agree.
At Benito’s, Finito is outside to meet with Ada. Ada goes to tell Benito that she is going out, but Benito pretends to ignore her; so she stomps away. Benito then goes follows her. Ada goes outside to meet with Finito who brought her a tortita for her help earlier. When she tells him how bad Benito made her feel, he invites her to go elsewhere so she can tell him about it. As they leave, Benito peeks out from the shadows and follows them.
At Horhellia’s, Rebecca checks vitals as Horhellia looks asleep. Rebecca tells her everything is stabilizing and she will continue reducing the dosage and see how she reacts. After Rebecca leaves, Horhellia opens her eyes and barely says, “Thank you.”
Benito watches as Finito and Ada sit on a bench at the park. He wonders what Finito wants with Ada since he already took Luisa from him Ada tells Finito how Benito was rude to her when she went to check on him. When she asks how the engagement dinner went, Finito tells her everything was going well until Benito showed up. Finito then recounts what happened using a very dramatic voice. As she consoles him and puts her head on his shoulder, Benito takes a picture.
At his apartment, Francystco calls Rebeca to ask if there have been any changes with Horhellia. When Rebeca wonders if there should be a change, Francystco tells her “no” and he can’t go right now; he will be there later that night. After Fabi walks in, she asks how soon she will recuperate the money she gave him for the office. When he wonders why she asks, Fabiola explains that Andrea will be recuperating the money she used to buy the farm quickly with the produce. Francystco laughs saying she can’t compare a farm to his office. As soon as his office is filled with patients, she will see the money coming in handfuls. She accepts his answer and leaves to go to bed. After she leaves, Francystco thinks that when he starts seeing profits, she will not see one cent of that money.
Back at his house, Benito looks for the picture he took, but can’t find it. When he comes upon a picture of Luisa, he talks to it saying that no matter how much she denies it, he knows she loves him. He will show Luisa that the tortero (Finito) is not what she thinks he is.
As Ada enters, she wonders what Benito is doing at the door. When he tells her he was shooing off a fly and wonders why she is back so soon, she replies that she just went out to get fresh air. Benito thinks “Fresh, is what you got.”
Antonio calls Marg to ask if she has talked with Poorfi, but she hasn’t been able to locate him, but left a message. When she asks about Diego, Antonio confides that Diego asked about his mother, so he had to lie. Antonio feels bad and doesn’t know what he will say the day Diego finds out. Marg suggests he tell Diego the truth; he will understand that Antonio did it for his own good. Antonio, however, fears that Diego will reproach him for not letting him see his mother.
At her prison cell, Roxana cries and tells her cellmate, who is tired of hearing her sob, that she shouldn’t be there because she is innocent. Her cellmate tells her that everyone says that, but in here, she will be rid of that… you victimize or be victimized. She needs to engrave that in her mind…or she will be dead by morning.
Next day—
At Ramso’s, Benito gets Valente to look for the picture he took, but Valente tells him his phone didn’t have enough memory to save the picture. When Benito confides that he wanted the picture to prove to Luisa what kind of man Finito is since he was talking to Ada last night, Valente points out there is nothing wrong with friends talking; he should accept that Luisa is getting married; and he can’t do anything to stop it. Just then, a man approaches asking for an estimate. As Valente explains the price and the repairs that would be needed, the man checks out the place suspiciously. After the man leaves, Benito comments that he got a bad feel from the man.  
At Med-Fer, Guero goes to Dalia to ask for an air filter. As she goes to get it, he places two tickets on her desk. When Dalia returns and sees the tickets, Guero invites her to the Lucha Libre (boxing); so she agrees to go. Just then, the same suspicious man goes to ask about servicing his car since something is wrong with the tires. As Dalia gives him an estimate and explains what services will be provided, the man checks the office out. After he asks for a card and leaves, Guero thinks he is just comparing prices. Outside, the man stands scoping the place as Fabi walks up and asks if he needs something. When he tells her he has been helped, he leaves and Fabi shrugs. As she turns around and starts walking, she sees Ramón and Sofía arriving together. As she watches them kiss, she wonders if he spent the night with Sofía, much to her chagrin.
Enamorándome de Ramón, #77, 12/4/2017: Rumors Spread and a Near Cat Fight
My apologies for only providing highlights for this episode…I was not expecting TWO episodes…sorry!! I haven’t seen the Mexican version; so I don’t know what scenes were cut.
Fabi enters the office looking upset so Dalia asks if she is feeling ill. Fabi replies that she just has an upset stomach and asks if there is anything she could take in the medicine cabinet, but Dalia tells her there isn’t. As Fabi walks off, Dalia thinks it must be because of the pregnancy.
Marg goes to see Poorfi to ask him for his assistance. When he asks if there isn’t anyone qualified in Don Pedro’s office, Marg replies there is no one as qualified as he is. Marg then informs him that it is Roxana’s case; she was arrested for drug trafficking.
At Andrea’s, Luisa arrives and storms in, but sees that Julio is there. Luisa tells Julio she just stopped by to ask Blanca something…preferably alone. Julio takes the hint and before leaving tells Blanca they have a pending conversation (so I’m sure something was skipped…probably Julio making plans to get into her skirts…not pants because she doesn’t wear pants).  After Julio leaves, Luisa asks Juana if she knows that Fabi is pregnant. Juan’s is quite surprised.
At Poorfi’s, Poorfi is surprised Roxana would be involved in such a crime and that Marg would even help Roxana, but Marg explains she is doing it for Antonio; so Poorfi agrees to help, but they have to work on the case together. As she gives him all the information she has, Lydia buzzes Poorfi to tell him the lab called to inform him that his test results are ready. When Marg wonders if the tests have to do with his severe nosebleeds, Poorfi denies it and tells her they are just routine exams.
At Andrea’s, Blanca asks how Luisa knows, so Luisa tells her Dalia overheard a conversation. Juana then thinks that was why Ramón was so depressed that last time she saw him. Luisa thinks it strange that Fabi hasn’t told Juana, but Juana tells her Fabi has been acting very differently since she got married. Fabi will probably tell her when she is ready…or when she starts showing.
As they eat at a restaurant, Francystco informs Fabi that he quit his job at the hospital because the director wouldn’t adjust his schedule so he could work at his private office. When Fabi wonders what they will live off of, Fran tells her she will have to work until he gets his own patients. Fabi still worries; so Fran reminds her she has loads of money…they won’t be lacking for anything.
At Horhellia’s, Rebeca is getting the injection ready when Horhellia whispers to help her…Fran wants to kill her. Just then the doorbell rings and Horhellia knows it’s Fran; so she tells Rebeca to help her as Rebeca leaves to open the door. Once in, Fran wants to go in to check on Horhellia, but Rebeca tells him she is asleep and tries to distract him, but he insists and goes to see Horhellia. When he sees that she is awake, he questions Rebeca who replies that Horhellia just woke up. He turns to look at Horhellia who calls him a murderer. He questions Rebeca again; so she tells him she has been speaking incoherently. When he sees she hasn’t given Horhellia the injection, he yells at Rebeca, then injects Horhellia who goes to sleep right away. Fran then chides Rebeca for not following his orders and keeping things from him, but she retorts that he is the one that is hiding things from her and point blank asks him to swear that he doesn’t want to kill her. After Fran asks where she got that idea, Rebeca replies that Horhellia told her, so Fran chides her for believing a psychotic patient. They continue discussing until Rebeca wonders if he is trying to set her up to take the fall for killing Horhellia. Once she tells him she isn’t dumb and knows he is up to something, he confesses that he married Fabi out of vengeance. He is going to take all her money and make Fabi pay for all the rotten things she has done to him. He will keep Horhellia sedated until his plan is completed. He was thinking he could do this alone, but now that she knows she can be his accomplice. All she needs to do is keep Horhellia sedated…and monitor her heart.
Marg and Poorfi meet with Roxana. When Roxana assumes that he knows that she is innocent, Poorfi only knows that the crime she is accused of is very serious and it will take a lot to prove her innocence. He can’t even guarantee her that he will get her out of prison. Poorfi asks some questions; so Roxana recounts how she met Daniel and why she had his luggage. She confirms that she never touched the bags of cocaine.
Juana goes to see Luisa to tell her she knows why Fabi hasn’t told her about the pregnancy…because Ramón is the father. After she explains how she came to that conclusion including that Fabi only married Fran because she was pregnant, Luisa wonders if Juana is going to confront Fabi, but before Juana responds Luisa urges her not to because Fabi is already married and she will only cause more problems for Ramón. Juana wonders what Luisa expects her to do…it’s her grandson!
At the prison, Poorfi and Marg come out to meet Antonio who immediately asks Poorfi how things look. Poorfi explains his plan to get a polygraph test from Roxana and to ask that the cocaine bags be checked for fingerprints. These things won’t prove Roxana innocence, but along with other circumstantial evidence, it can help.  
At Julio’s, Luisa checks her phone and sees there are no messages. She wonders how she will placate Finito (so we assume they had some kind of fight??). Oozie enters and Luisa notices he is wearing new clothes. Oozie tells her they are very expensive; so she’s better be careful when she washes them. After Luisa wonders where he gets all the money, Oozie tells her it’s none of her business.  
At MedFer, Diego plays outside. When Lucho comes out, Diego asks him to explain about a certain part, but Lucho is very busy. Diego then decides to go ask Ramón. When Ramón sees Diego, Ramón scolds him for crossing the street alone. Diego explains he is there because Lucho is too busy to explain about the auto part, so Ramón takes him back to MedFer. As they leave, Sofía sees them and asks Benito about the little boy; so Benito tells her Diego is Fabi’s nephew who came to visit Ramón.

At MedFer, Ramón takes Diego to Lucho and explains to Diego about the auto part. When he starts to leave, Diego urges him to stay and wait for Fabi so they can go have a frozen treat. Just then, Fabi arrives, so Ramón explains why he is there. As he finishes, Sofía approaches and tells Ramón he has a client waiting. When Fabi sneers that his boss is beckoning, Sofía demands to know why she talks to Ramón that way. They start arguing until they call each other “metiche” (busybody) and start pushing each other. After Ramón grabs Sofía, he tells her not to touch Fabi and orders her back to their shop. He turns to Fabi and tells her she should be more careful since she is fragile. Fabi glares at Ramón and tell him to disappear from her life. 


Hey, Patio Peeps...I just want to apologize again for not providing a full recap for episode 77. If anyone has seen teh Mexican version, please feel free to share!

It seems Finito has a dark side...looks like he's going to be an obsessive, jealous ogre.

I can't believe they cut Ramon and Sofia's kiss when he went to drop her off after the park!!

Something I found quickly that was cut--

When Dalia leaves to get something for Fabi's upset stomach, she bumps into Rulo who tells her if she isn't going to be with him, she won't be with anyone else either.

In the scene where Sofia leaves the auto shop at night as the suspicious man takes pictures--
Ramon is still inside working late.

Juana sees Fabi and asks her if she doesn't have something to tell her, but Fabi feels uncomfortable and wonders why Juana would ask her that.

RgvChick, you are amazing. Thank you for doing double duty. Your recap was replete with interesting detail and was mesmerizing, as always.

It always disappoints me that just when things start to move, Uni decides to bring out the shears. Why on earth start cutting just as Fran's murderous plans are falling into place and of course, as it appears there might be some rekindling of Sophia and Ramon's romance!!

Might I suggest that the editors just remove any mention or scenes of the veggie farm, any scenes in which Oz is in and finally, scrap the Benito/Luisa/Ada/Finito quadrangle all together. To cut a Ramon and Sophia kiss after all this time? C'mon writers. Ack.

"As he moves toward her and tells her not to do this to herself, she runs into his arms and they hug tightly. Sigh.

T"hey looks intensely at each other, but as he is going to kiss her, he whispers, “Fabiola.” I could not believe my eyes or ears. Really Ramon? C'mon we all know Fabi/Esmerelda is pretty and all of that, but Sophia is no slouch! "She wishes she had told him the truth". Well perhaps but Ramon would have been dead. There was no choice - she couldn't have done anything differently.

So who is the guy snooping around? A spy for Sophia's father is my first guess.

"His damned lover wants to destroy her! " and "Roxana then threatens that his girlfriend better get her out of there or she will insist that Diego come see her in prison". You know, up until now I did have a tad bit of pity for Rox but that has dissipated along with any heart or love for her son she might have had.

I wonder if Porf has something fatal. I hope not, I really like him. I hope he isn't "gotten out of the way" so that Mags and Ant can be together. There is the "little" issue of Diego who is NOT digging Mags.

"As Ramón drives to a park for a day out, Sofía clings to his arm and his every word". I have to say, Sophia's clothes are horrid. Kirby, you had commented on this some time ago. I feel she went to an old Army/Navy store and bought 70's remnants. That shirt and sweater were a complete (and ugly) mismatch. Fabi's leather jackets leave no doubt who the star of this TN is.

"After Julio makes it obvious that he has no clue about the farm, Oozie mocks him for his lack of communication with his girlfriend". Hmmm. Touché.

Hey, I vote we take all of Julio's scenes too!

Nurse Goodbody may be a life saver. I'm agreeing with your post last night Kirby.

Rgv Chick, your post noting Rulo tells Dalia it is him or no one is very telling. I fear for her.

Thank you RgvChick. This was incredible.


Thank you, Diana!

ITA about the storylines and characters we could do without, but since the writers were intent on torturing us with them, Univision should at least keep in crucial scenes, especially when a sweet, overly romantic guy like Finito turns into a jealous fanatic.

I may be alone, but Sofia's clinginess was a turn off. Ramon is a good guy, but he "forgot" her too quickly and he was quite cold to her during that scene. She did finally see the coldness and move away slightly, but she was still hanging on.

I love the differing perspectives we sometimes have here.

You see Sophia as "clingy" and I completely agree it could be interpreted that way. I simply see her as a woman in love, who never lost hope or trust in someone she gave up everything for. While Ramon may have replaced her with a greater love, she was steadfast and remembers that he did love her. And, recently enough that the embers haven't died, not just a treasured remembrance that occurred once upon a time :)

And of course you are right that any pivotal storyline development should be showed.


Thank you, CHickie, for another excellent recap of all the happenings in Crazyville.

Watching everyone wander aimlessly around that farm was interesting. It was an elementary school field trip. These people have no idea how much work a farm is. I thoughT Julio might punch out a radish because he is watching his gambling money slipping into the soil.

I think that my favorite moments was the face Luisa made behind OOze's back as he sauntered away.

Overcast and ready to rain here .

OT...Alfredo , the writers for the episodes of OUtlander put the scripts online after each episode airs , and it is often frustrating to see things that were either changed, never filmed, or cut in editing. Editors can really change the direction and meaning of the show. If you remember season one, there is a scene by a river between Jamie and Laoghaire in which she tries to seduce him , but he rejects her and tells her he will be true to his wedding vows. The editor cut his line telling her " I'm happy." In the books, Jamie never desires her, but in the tv show, they seem to want viewers to think that she might have a chance with him.

These telenovelas seem to want to keep us guessing about who the leads will end up with , but they almost always end up together.

Thanks so much RGV!!!

Question, Fabi and Andrea were left $1m, so each get $500K. Some of the money from each part was invested in that firm that Julio set up. I think it was $200K, divided equally, each would now be left with $400K. It costs a lot of money to buy and set up a medical private practice, at minimum $200K. So where is all of this money that Fran thinks is still left? They can run through it in a year.

OT..Alfredo..season two is very good. good as season one in my opinion.I think season two was flawed because they did not follow the book and have Claire heal JAmie after Black Jack and have them reunited completed. Therefore, the first half of season two had Jamie and CLaire disconnected which was not the case in the book. I think that you will like season three..lots of surprises. I am going to do a marathon rewatch after the final episode on Sunday. let me know what you think. I believe that ANita is also watching, but I have not seen her here lately.


Alfredo...I guess our biggest villains are Fran , Julio , and Roxy. Fredes is annoying , and Vero is gone. Ooze is just an egotistical little boy. Rulio is a bad guy wannabe. He is too inept to be an effective villain. Sofia's mafiosa dad and fiance are in jail. You are right, Black Jack is a truly evil villain. He makes me cringe in his scenes with Jamie.

Thanks Alfredo for your "money" sense.


Thank you RGV Chick for covering two episodes.

A scene from episode 77.
While Franc was signing up Rebeca to be his accomplice, Fabi visited Juana and Andrea who were eating. Juana invited to eat with them and Fabiola agreed saying that she had 'a craving.' Juana asked if Fabi had anything to tell her. No. Really nothing? I told you that no, Juana, you are strange. Fabiola asks Juana what is up. Nothing. Andrea said Juana started to knit a baby item and the girls started joking about Juana becoming a mother and Jorge having a brother and the girls having a cousin. Juana got upset and stormed off. Later Fabiola, before leaving stopped by Juana's room to say goodbye. And said Juana had to teach her to knit. And Juana replied, sure, when you tell me that you are expecting a baby. Fabiola immediately dropped the smile and became angry and rude and stormed off. On her way out Fabi runs into Andrea and Andrea notices that Fabi is upset. Fabi tells her conversation with Juana and says:
Fabi: "She said she will teach me to knit when I have a baby. And obviously this will never happen."
Andrea: "Why not?"
Fabi: "Because to have a child you have to love the person you want to be the father of your baby with all you soul. And I don't love Franc."
Andrea: "It is noticeable, and when you were with Ramon even your look was different."
Fabi: "He was the only man with whom I dreamed of having children."
Andrea: "Yes, but now is too late. What I don't understand is why you married Franc."
Fabi: "Because he got close to me when I needed him most."
Andrea: "But you didn't love him."
Fabi: "No, but I didn't want to be alone, and more so now when Ramon is with that woman."
Andrea: "Then try to love Franc if you don't want to be unhappy all your life."
Fabi: "I swear I try it every day."

Lucio...thanks for the additional scenes.

I am confused. Did they show two episodes last night?

"Fabiola agreed saying that she had 'a craving.". Uh oh...No crystal ball needed to see what's coming...

Thanks so much Lucio.

Susanlynn, RgvChick noted that Uni has been slicing and dicing. Again.

I believe she was kind enough to actually recap both episodes, much of which we missed.


Thank you all so much for stopping and commenting. I think someone has a lreday mentioned that the comments here are so much more entertaining than the TN..DITTOO!!

Lucio, thank you so much for sharing that scene. How funny that the girls think Juana is pregnant...Heaven and writers forbid! Fabi marrying Fran so as not to be alone is a complete farce...she had her aunt and Andrea...she certainly didn't need to marry a jerk to find companionship.

Susy, they didn't show two complete episodes last night. They smooshed two episodes into approximately 45 minutes...idiots!!

Diana, our comments crossed. Yes, craving usually = maybe she is!

RGV Chick, thank you for this recap! You really did a great job of recapping two episodes, filling in the blanks, and making sense of it all. Too bad you can't gift Univision with some smarts, they seem to be hopelessly clueless.

I feel bad for poor Sofía. She deserves to wind up happy, however that might be accomplished. She probably won't get Ramón, he's probably "destined" for Fab, the cute idiot. (Who looked really hot at the farm; I now better understand Kirby's enthusiasm for those Levis, but she passed muster top to bottom.)

Frankly, I don't see Ramón as such a prize, but poor Sofía does. Hopefully the writers will throw her a consolation prize of some sort.


Andy, compared to most of these other hombres, Ramon is the grand prize.

Andy, "I don't see Ramón as such a prize, but poor Sofía does. Hopefully the writers will throw her a consolation prize of some sort." I agree! A consolation prize would be so much better than turning her into an obsessive jealous leech.

I worry about that stranger lurking around. Is he Sofia's father's henchman? I hope that nothing bad happens to Sofia even if she does not win the grand prize.

On the other hand, I am hoping for something really bad to happen to Fran. I need some karma to happen.

I don't care a fig about the whole Lu, Ben, ADa, FIn thing. Basta.

I am worried about where this storyline about Porf is heading.

Roxy is sliding down a slippery slope. She is blaming everyone but herself for the mess she is in. I know people who do this in real life, too. We build our lives by decisions we make...the good ones as well as the bad ones. Roxy has been selfish and flighty. Now, she expects ANt to fix everything.


I hate it when I write a really good comment and it gets eaten by the net monster.
Thank you Ms chick for a good recap.So
I'll just say,I still don't like roxy.
Roxy is getting an avalanche of Anvils
Which she so richly deserve. I think
She wants to stick it to Tony for not
Wanting her so she uses Diego and he
Folds. He looked so whipped when she was demanding he bring Diego to see her. I agree with marg, she is in no
Position to demand anything. But yet
She does.

I really want Ramon with Sofia and be
The it couple. But I have no say so it
Will be the the other silly one that will be with raaaaaamon. Ok. Hopefully
The one tomorrow won't get eatin by the net monster. My comment that is.

Thank you RvgChick.

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