Monday, December 11, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #84 & #85, December 11, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #84: No Money for New Lovers and an Impending Divorce

Cut scenes in blue
At Poorfi’s office, Poorfi enters to find Marg there. When she asks how things went, he asks her what she is talking about, so she tells him that Lydia told her he went to the see the doctor. She wonders if it was due to what happened the previous night; and if his nose was broken. He asks her to go into his office; and as she does, he gives Lydia a reproaching “Why did you do that?” look. When Marg asks what the doctor said, Poorfi replies he said that her boyfriend doesn’t hit that hard. When he tells her he is fine, she thinks Antonio is a savage, but Poorfi understands because if he feared losing her, he would do the same, or worse. Marg argues that Antonio knows that what they have is only friendship…and Antonio knows now that neither he nor anyone else will keep her from seeing Poorfi. When she tells him she wants them to continue forever, he responds, “until death do us part.” Marg smiles and agrees; and Poorfi gets pensive. Marg then tells him that the judge agreed to meet with them so they can present the reclassification of Roxana’s charge. Poorfi suggests that they need to prepare the argument that will convince the judge.
At the prison, Roxana tells her cellmate that the judge will review her case. As Roxana smiles, she comments that if everything goes as expected she will get her freedom. When the cellmate notes that her husband got her some good lawyers, Roxana replies that he didn’t do it for her; he did it for Diego. She will never forgive Antonio for taking advantage of her situation to take Diego from her…he will pay for that. The cellmate advises that she wait until he gets her out, then she can go after him; for now she needs to be on her best behavior.
At her office, Sofía calls Lauro Graciano and tells him she wants to see her father. Graciano tells her it won’t be easy since her father is in a maximum security prison and is under strict supervision. When she insists that she is his daughter and they can’t prohibit her from seeing him, Graciano tells her he will see what he can do, but he needs to talk to her father to see if he will accept her visit. 

At Fabi’s office, Antonio enters asking if she heard about Andrea and Jorge. When Fabi tells him they are at the farm, Antonio thinks they had it well planned. As she tells him that at least they have somewhere to go instead of living on the streets, Francystco enters; so Antonio leaves. When Fabi doesn’t look happy to see him and asks what he does there, Francystco replies he wants to invite her to lunch and to advise her that her grandmother might wake up sometime soon. As she stands, Fabi tries to keep as far away from him as possible and reminds him she wants nothing to do with him. Francystco insists that they need to talk, but Fabi has already told him everything she has to say. When she tells him to leave, he grabs her arm and tells her to listen to reason, but Fabi doesn’t think she should listen to reason since he raped her. As they struggle, Fabi calls him an idiot and tells him they are through, but he insists that she cannot leave him. She continues to struggle to free herself and tells him he is hurting her. When she demands that he leave, he reminds her that they are married. She starts gagging; so he releases her. After he asks what’s wrong, Fabi responds she is feeling sick (nauseous)…he makes her sick; and she walks out.
At Hortensia’s, Rebeca stands quickly as Hortensia moans. When Hortensia opens her eyes, she asks, “Who are you?” When Rebeca replies she is her nurse, Hortensia tells her she doesn’t need a nurse; so Rebeca advises her that she has been very ill, but she is getting better.
At MedFer, Fabi reenters her office and is surprised by Francystco who is still there and grabs her as he asks if she is feeling better. When she insists he leave and tells him not to touch her, he admits he made a mistake, but loves her more than anybody. She chides him for have such a nice way of showing how he loves her. When he asks her to forgive him, she insists that he not plead with her anymore; he won’t convince her to go back to him. He then scornfully asks what she will tell her family…that he forced her because she would not fulfill her wifely duties and that he raped her? When Fabi responds that she will tell them that he destroyed whatever feelings she had for him, Francystco threatens that this will stays like this.
At Andrea’s, Andrea returns to ask Juana for the money her father left her. Juana replies that she will only give her the money if she returns to that house. Andrea will not be pressured into returning, so Juana stands firm and tells her that then she will not get any money. When Andrea insists that it’s her money and she needs it, Juana knows she needs it, but what Andrea is doing is not right; so she will not give her anything. When Juana mentions that her parents would agree with her, Andrea demands she not bring her parents into this and Juana should not try taking their place. Juana knows perfectly well what her place is in that home, but the money was left to her and she will not hand over any money until Andrea listens to reason. After Andrea points out that she is taking responsibility for her feelings and her life, Juana reminds her that they are first cousins, so Andrea acknowledges it, but states that doesn’t keep them from loving each other. Juana feels badly, but if Andrea made her decision, then she needs to face the consequences. Andrea retorts that she will show them she doesn’t need them. She states that if everyone turns their backs on them, all she needs is Jorge…she has him. After Andrea leaves, Juana hopes she is doing the right thing.
At MedFer, Oozie goes into Fabi’s office and tells her he has walked through the shop and pretty much knows how things run, but Fabi is not feeling well and leaves him in charge of the phones until Antonio gets there. After she leaves, Oozie saunters around the desk and sits in Fabi’s chair thinking he hit pay dirt with this job.
At Hortensia’s, Rebeca calls Francystco to tell him Hortensia is awake and the medication worked as they thought since Hortensia didn’t recognize her. Francystco will go by when he has time.
At Ada’s work, Fredes goes to visit with a basketful of cookies and tells Ada that ever since she got struck by lightning, she has more energy. Fredes wants to sell her cookies there while Ada works since people tend to put out cookies at wakes. As a man approaches, Ada gives him a brochure, but the man isn’t interested. As he talks, Fredes twitches a few times, then reminds him of what the doctor told him. When he wonders how she knows, she explains that ever since she was hit by lightning, she has visions.
Jorge is outside the apartment building as he waits for Andrea. When she arrives, she complains that it’s not fair since that money is hers; and Juana has no right to deny her the money. Jorge thinks it was to be expected; it is Juana’s way of forcing her to return home. Andrea states that Juana can stay with everything; Andrea will not return. After he reassures her with a hug, Jorge knows that they will make it one way or another. They are together and that is all that matters. As they kiss, Fabi approaches and calls out to Andrea asking what they are doing.
In her bedroom, Juana asks St. Jude why God sends her so many problems. She doesn’t even know if she is doing the right thing. If love is good, why is Jorge’s and Andrea’s love considered bad; it’s obvious they truly love each other. She asks St. Jude to guide her since their only sin is to love each other. Meanwhile outside, Fabi states that their decision is not right. When Fabi urges that each one should go back to their own homes, Andrea questions why no one understands that they love each other. Fabi points out it’s just not normal and questions whether being first cousins means nothing to them. Andrea confides that they tried to stop their feelings for a long time, but they couldn’t. Andrea then tells Fabi she should understand; when she left with Ramón she did the same thing. Fabi understands that there are feelings one cannot deny, but their relationship goes against nature. Andrea argues that it doesn’t go against nature; it goes against social norms and prejudices. When Fabi asks what their parents would think if they saw her with Jorge in such a way, Andrea doesn’t know, but that doesn’t change what they feel; with or without their parents, she could not live without Jorge. Jorge can’t live without Andrea either. Andrea was hoping that Fabi, at least, would understand, but Fabi can’t. Andrea accepts that they can’t count on anyone, but if Fabi thinks it’s so bad that she and Jorge love each other, then Andrea thinks it’s worse that Fabi pretend that she is happy with Francystco. Fabi shakes her head and walks away. Jorge thinks it’s of no use; they are against the world.

At Juana’s, Fabi walks in and tells Juana she is not doing well; she just saw Andrea. She feels bad that she can’t support her and so does Juana. Juana shares that Andrea came to ask for her money and she refused to give it to her, but she doesn’t know if she did the right thing. After Fabi states she doesn’t know what to think, she gets nauseated and tells Juana she isn’t feeling well. She continues to sigh deeply so Juana knows something is going on, but Fabi doesn’t want her asking any questions; she just needs a hug. As Juana hugs her, Fabi cries.
At MedFer, Oozie goes out to ask Rulo about a place to eat. Rulo replies there are several places and will accompany him.
At Juana’s, Fabi lies in bed. After Juana leaves to get her tea, Fabi cries and thinks she should have never married Francystco. Things were so different with Ramón; he would never have taken her by force. Juana enters and wonders why Fabi is crying. Fabi doesn’t want to go back to Francystco and asks Juana if she can stay there. Juana assures her she can stay; this is her house. When Juana asks if Fabi wants to tell her about what’s upsetting her, Fabi refuses…she just wants a hug.
At Poorfi’s office, Poorfi and Marg finish up the argument to be presented to the judge. When Marg wonders who would have thought that Roxana would bring them together once again. Poorfi replies he owes Roxana one; that is why he is putting so much effort into her case. When she reminds him that the hearing is the day after tomorrow, Poorfi asks that she do it since he has to be out for a few days. Marg thinks he has a secret love, but Poorfi denies is and tells it is work-related. He then invites her to lunch and she agrees. Just then, his phone rings so Poorfi asks Marg to go ahead of him so he can take his call. After she leaves, Poorfi tells the doctor he is ready to start the chemotherapy and will be there tomorrow.
At a small restaurant, Oozie and Rulo sit down to eat. As they wait to order, Rulo tells Oozie how glad he is that he is working at the shop; it’s not the same dealing with women. When they comment about how the girls won’t be around, Oozie is hopeful that he will remain as second in charge; this business is not for women. 
At night—
Sofía tells Ramón and Valente she is leaving. After she leaves, Valente notes her good mood and thinks women are strange—Sofía either pretends well or she has acquiesced. Ramón prefers not to ask and hopes she acquiesced. Just then, Dalia comes out and invites them out to dinner. Valente wonders about her boyfriend, but Dalia denies Guero is her boyfriend…and anyways he is busy. Ramón refuses the invitation, but Valente accepts.
At Juana’s, Fabi informs Juana that she is going to see her grandmother. When she gets to her grandmother’s, Rebeca tells Fabi that Hortensia will be glad to see her—she is awake and off of sedatives.
At the maximum security prison, Rosendo receives the call from Graciano who tells him his daughter wants to see him. Rosendo mention how Sofía hated his business and thought she would be happy he was caught; he never thought he would hear from her. When Graciano tells him it’s up to him if Sofía goes to visit him, Rosendo agrees; he wants to know what she wants.
Ramón arrives to see his mother who tells him about Andrea and Jorge. Ramón agrees that it’s not right that they be together, but then argues that if they love each other, there is nothing they can do. When Juana brings up that if they have children, the children will pay for their parent’s mistakes, Ramón is sure Andrea and Jorge have considered all the implications. Ramón knows what it is to go against everything; and if Andrea and Jorge have already made that decision, it should be respected. They shouldn’t be condemned because they love each other. After Juana nods, Ramón tells her not to worry. He then suggests that they go find somewhere to live together since Andrea is gone and Juana has nothing holding her there anymore. Juana replies that Andrea is not her only problem. When she reminds Ramón that he has plans with Sofía, he shares that he broke up with her.
At Hortensia’s, Fabi is with her grandmother who doesn’t recognize her. When Fabi tells her who she is, Hortensia states that Fabiola is a little girl. As Fabi reiterates that she is Fabiola, Francystco enters and tells Fabi not to worry; Hortensia will recover her memory in time. As he tries to touch her, Fabi stands rigidly. When he asks if they can talk, she responds “no” and quickly leaves, but Francystco follows. In the hall, Francystco tries to grab Fabiola and insists that they talk, but Fabiola yells that they have nothing to talk about. They are finished and that is definite. What he did to her is unforgivable and unforgettable. If he keeps insisting, she will file charges; and he will end up in jail. Seconds/minutes later, Fabi and Francystco struggle with each other, but Francystco releases her as Julio enters and asks about his mother. After Francystco replies that Hortensia is well, but the recuperation will be a little at a time, Fabi takes advantage and dismisses herself. Francystco tries to go after her, but Julio stops him and asks him to explain why the recuperation will be slow.
At Juana’s, Ramón confides that Sofía became too possessive; and he didn’t like that. He will continue working at the auto repair shop only until she finds someone to replace him. When Ramón insists that they find a place for themselves, Juana mentions there is something she hasn’t told him, but is interrupted by the doorbell. When Juana opens the door, Fabi rushes in and tells Juana that Francystco was at Hortensia’s and, as she hugs Juana, cries she doesn’t want to see him. Just then, Ramón steps out from behind the wall and asks what that imbecile did to her.
At Hortencia’s, Julio enters to see his mother and tells her he is glad she is awake. When she asks how his llittle children are and why Virginia isn’t with him, he quickly turns to Francystco and asks what’s wrong with her. Fanrcystco explains that it is the secondary effects of the medication; Hortensia should recover her memory in time and on her own. Francystco suggests they let her rest, but Julio insists on staying a while longer.
At Juana’s, Ramón insists that Fabi tell him what Francystco did to her, but she doesn’t want to talk about it and she doesn’t want him getting involved. Ramón continues to insist since Fabi looks so anguished and will not leave until she tells him what’s going on. As Juana tells him to leave her in peace, the door bell rings and Francystco yells that he wants to talk to her. Ramón immediately storms to the door and furiously grabs Francystco asking what he did to Fabi.

Francystco pushes Ramón away and shouts that it’s not his problem. After Ramón yells, “She doesn’t want to see you! Leave! Leave! Go!” Francystco yells back, “The one that should leave is you! All my problems started because of you!” They go at it again, but Julio arrives and separates them and asks what is going on between them. Francystco shouts, “Ask this imbecile!” Ramón shouts back, “You are the imbecile! Answer him! Go on! Tell him why Fabiola wants nothing to do with you! Go on!” Fabiola interjects, “Tell him!” Francystco responds, “Tell him about all our problems? About all out intimacies? If you want, we can tell him everything!” Blanca interrupts and tells him not to, then urges Ramón that they leave. After Juana and Ramón leave, Julio asks Fabi what’s going on; so Fabi tells him she doesn’t want to talk to Francystco. Francysto asks her to please go home with him; they will talk there, but Fabi yells that she isn’t leaving. She tells him to leave and not make things more difficult. Francystco lunges toward her, but Fabi asks Julio not to let him get close to her; so Julio stops him and tells him he already heard her. Julio continues that this is not the time to try to fix things and tells Francystco to leave. Meanwhile outside, Ramón refuses to leave until he knows how Fabi is. Juana understands; she’s not comfortable either, but that is an argument between a married couple. They shouldn’t intervene because they will be pulled into it. Ramón insists that Fabi needs his help, but Juana retorts that Fabi is not asking for it. There are enough problems as it is without him causing another. As Ramón calms down and asks Juana to tell him about Fabi later, Francystco exits the building and leaves without facing Ramón. Juana tells Ramón that she won’t tell him anything because he isn’t in Fabi’s life anymore, but though Ramón knows she isn’t in his life, Fabi is still in his heart. Juana shakes her head and tells Ramón not to get false hopes just because Francystco and Fabi got into an argument. Ramón concedes, but asks Juana that if she thinks there is something she feels she needs to tell him, to please tell him. Juana hesitates, but promises to do so. Ramón then tells Juana to go to Fabi since it was obvious that she is not well at all.
At Juana’s, Juana enters as Julio is asking Fabi if she is calmer. When she affirms, he asks her to tell him what happened with Francystco, but Fabi doesn’t want to talk about that. Julio tells Juana what he asked Fabi, but Juana thinks it best that he leave them alone. Before he leaves, Julio tells Fabi that if she needs him, to call him; so Fabi nods and thanks him. After Julio leaves, Juana sits by Fabi and asks her what happened, but Fabi only cries and falls into Juana’s arms. When Juana asks, “Is it that horrible that you can’t tell me?” Fabi only nods and cries that Francystco is not the person she thought he was. Juana then tells her that all couples have their differences; marriage is not easy. Fabi replies that these are not differences; Francystco completely disappointed her. She wants to get a divorce; she is absolutely sure…and the sooner, the better. Juana didn’t think it was that bad, but if it is, they should go to Marg so she can help with all the paperwork. Fabi nods.
At Benito’s, Fredes comments that her sales were not bad. When Benito enters, he wonders where the money came from so Fredes tells him how she earned it. Ada adds that the cookies were a success; so many people came to buy the cookies, that even Ada made three sales of her own. They discuss what they will have for lunch, but are needing buns, so Ada offers to go buy some. Fredes urges Benito to go with her, but Benito is too tired.
As they have lunch, Dalia asks Valente what is wrong since he used to be so talkative and now he acts like a mute. He’s been like that since she started going out with Guero. Valente tells her not to be making up things; he is notthe jealous type and much less with his friends. When he asks how things are going with Guero, Dalia confides that Guero is a nice guy, but she really isn’t in love with him…maybe later on, one never knows. Valente doesn’t think she should be giving Guero false hopes; Guero is a good guy and seems very enthused with her.  When Dalia asks Valente about himself, Valente replies that he hasn’t found anyone he likes. Dalia rolls her eyes.
As Ada leaves the grocery store, she meets Finito. They chitchat until she tells him about how Fredes was revitalized after she was struck by lightening, but Finito’s eyes and mind are elsewhere…

As she walks home alone, Ada thinks about how she feels every time she sees Finito. She wonders why she thinks of Finito when she is supposedly in love with Benito. As Finito walks alone, he thinks the same thing, but he shakes off the thoughts; he shouldn’t deceive Luisa, not even with his thoughts…as he holds two bags against his chest and squeeezes them.
At her apartment, Marg talks to Fabi on the phone. She is not surprised that Fabi wants a divorce. She knew it would happen sooner or later since she never saw Fabi as in love with Francystco. Fabi wants to be freed of the Cyst as soon as possible, so Marg agrees to go see her the next morning. After Fabi hangs up, Juana offers her dinner, but Fabi isn’t hungry; so Juana hugs her and tells Fabi she can count on her. After Juana leaves, Fabi curses Francystco and swears he will never lay a finger on her again.
Sofía eats dinner by herself as Graciano calls to let her know that her father has agreed to see her. He can’t get the permission from one moment to the next; so he advises she go see him. Sofía agrees to go the next day.
At the farm, Andrea leads Jorge, with his eyes closed, into a candle-lit bedroom. After he thinks it’s precious, she starts undressing him. Jorge knows that this is the first night of many; and Andrea wants to spend all her nights with him. They profess their love as they kiss passionately and continue onto the bed.
At Benito’s, Benito notices that Ada is not eating, so she explains that she is tired. After Fredes chides her for being tired due to standing all day and not listening to her about teaching English, Ada announces that she is returning to Indianapolis and goes to her room. After she leaves, Benito wonders what’s wrong, but Fredes is sure Ada isn’t leaving because she can see the future.
Next Morning—
At Benito’s, Ada comes out ready to go to work. Fredes thinks Ada already changed her mind, but Ada hasn’t; she is going to resign. Fredes then wonders why since Ada came to live with them so she wouldn’t be alone; Ada should just tell her that she and Benito are not the family Ada expected. Ada assures her that is not the reason. As they hug, Ada silently thinks that she is leaving because she can’t hande this love, but Fredes asks her what love she is thinking about. Ada gets nervous and tells Fredes she is wrong…she was thinking of sandwiches. Ada then rushes away.
In the kitchen at the farm, Andrea and Jorge comment about how well they slept (they actually slept!). Jorge likes the quiet and Andrea likes that she woke up to the birds singing. Jorge wonders how they are going to pay Esteban; so Andrea suggests they tell Esteban he won’t get paid until after the harvest; it’ll be up to Esteban if he wants to stay. Just then, Esteban arrives with a basket of fresh eggs and tomatoes. Jorge then explains that they won’t be able to pay him until the harvest and hopes Esteban stays on with them. Esteban doesn’t want to leave the farm, so he will tighten his belt and stay on. After Esteban leaves, Jorge can’t believe that Esteban is the first one not to turn his back on them.
At Juana’s, Marg meets with Fabi and tells Fabi she needs to tell her everything. When Fabi wonders if her saying that she doesn’t love Francystco isn’t enough to get a divorce, Marg assures her that it is. She continues to explain about the laws, but as her aunt, she needs to know why Fabi has decided to get a divorce so suddenly. Fabi then gets nauseated and leaves. Juana asks Marg not to pressure Fabi, but Marg thinks Francystco must have done soemthing seriously wrong; she does, however, think that if Fabi doesn’t want to tell them, they can’t force her. After Marg comments that she never felt right about Fabi getting married, Fabi returns looking very pale.
At his apartment, Francystco damns Fabi; he isn’t going to let her way. She’d better not even think that he will give up the medical office. If Fabi insists on a divorce, it’ll cost her a good chunk of money.
Enamorándome de Ramón, #85, 12/11/2017: Intercepted Messages and the Stork is on the Way OR "Yes, I Am...and It Ain't Yore's, MoFo!" (credit to KJ)
At Juana’s, Margarita explains the legal aspects of a divorce to a calmer Fabi. Since she married under community property law, anything acquired during the marriage belongs to both spouses, even though she paid for the medical office. Fabi acknowledges how dumb she was to have put it under Francystco’s name. When Marg suggests that they can at least ask for half of what the office is worth, Fabi refuses; Francystco can keep all of it as long as she doesn’t have to see him for the rest of her life. Marg argues that since it deals with her inheritance, she will not allow Francystco to stay with it; Juana agrees. After Fabi assents, Marg shares that she is on her way to see her mother, but Fabi warns her not to be surprised if Hortensia doesn’t recognize her; Hortensia seems disoriented. Marg comments that Francystco didn’t tell her anything about that and also suggests that Francystco not continue seeing Hortensia. Fabi agrees; so Marg calls the other doctor to go check Hortensia. After Marg leaves, Fabi sits holding her stomach.
At RamSo’s, Ramón and Valente arrive together. When Ramón asks what time he got home at night, Valente responds he got home at about eleven, but Ramón was fast asleep. He shares that he and Dalia went to have some tacos and talked for quite a while. When Ramón remembers that he forgot to buy the tow, he asks Valente to open up the office; so Valente agrees.
At Hortensia’s, Marg enters to see her mother who is awake and recognizes her. After Hortensia tells her she feels very tired and has trouble moving, Marg explains that she had a cerebral hemorrhage. Marg then asks Rebeca to write down a list of all the medications and dosages. When Rebeca asks why, Marg informs her they will be changing doctors.
At a medical facility, Poorfi is undergoing his chemotherapy. After the doctor explains that he will feel nothing during the treatment, but may have some after effects, the treatment is started as Poorfi looks worried.

At Hortensia’s, Rebeca leaves Hortensia’s room and quickly calls Francystco who already suspected they would be changing to another doctor. He gives her directions as to what to write in her report. After she repeats his instructions, Rebeca hangs up as the other doctor arrives.
As Ramón walks along, he sees Fabi arrive in a taxi, but there is a biker quickly approaching. He yells at her to be careful, but she opens the door and starts getting out which causes the biker to crash into her. Ramón quickly runs to help Fabi who is in pain and has a gash on her knee. After the biker refuses help, Ramón helps a limping Fabi into the MedFer offices. As Antonio explains to Oozie about ordering, Ramón walks in helping Fabi. When Antonio offers to call Francystco, Fabi quickly refuses, so Antonio tells Ramón he will take over. As Fabi thanks him, Ramón holds her hand and tells her to be careful. They look longingly at each other until Antonio leads her away. Once in her office, Fabi confides in Antonio that she will be divorcing Francystco as Oozie sneaks over to listen. When Antonio asks if this has to do with Ramón, Fabi tells him it has nothing to with him; he was with her because he happened to be close by when the accident happened and he came to help her. Antonio then offers his support and help, so Fabi asks him to accompany her to Francystco’s apartment later to gather her things.
At Hortensia’s, the doctor has reviewed the list Rebeca gave him and tells Marg that everything looks to be appropriate. When she asks about the memory loss, the doctor assumes it may be a secondary effect of the medication. Marg then supposes that her mother was given the wrong medication, the doctor clarifies that he isn’t saying that Dr. Santillán did anything wrong; there are just distinct ways of treating patients. He continues that the important thing is that Hortensia is responding to the meds now and her memory will soon return; he will make sure of it. He then removes the meds Francystco prescribed and prescribes her a medication to stimulate her brain. After Marg and the doctor leave, Rebeca is relieved that they got away with it.
At the cancer center, Poorfi has concluded his treatment and is feeling nauseated and dizzy. The doctor explains that those are to be expected, but he has given him some medication and he should feel better soon. As the doctor starts to leave, Poorfi gets a nose bleed.
At RamSo’s, as soon as Ramón enters Sofía’s office, she asks where he was. After he tells her where he was, she informs him that she will be away for a few days to take care of some paperwork for a property her mother left her. When she tells him she doesn’t know how long she will be gone, he reminds her she is supposed to be looking for his replacement. She frowns and comments on how urgently he wants to leave; but Ramón tells her to not start with her reproaches. She then tells him she is leaving in a few hours, so Ramón nods and starts to leave, but she stops him and asks if he isn’t going to wish her a good trip. After he nods and curtly says, “Good trip, be careful,” he leaves.
At Hortensia’s, Rebeca calls Francystco to report that they are cleared. The doctor didn’t have concerns about the medications; though he would have done things differently. She then tells him that the one that was acting like a detective was Marg…she kept asking a lot of questions trying to find something that was done wrong. Francystco thinks they should be careful with Marg, but Rebeca assures him the doctor never criticized what he did. When Rebeca tells him the meds the other doctor prescribed and confirms that she will continue as Hortensia’s nurse, Francystco tells her to continue with the medication he prescribed until Hortensia loses all memory; and she should not give Hortensia the medication the other doctor prescribed. After Rebeca wonders when they will see each other, Francystco replies when she is off duty and adds that he will be getting a divorce. Rebeca is very happy that they can be together again.
At the farm, Andrea and Jorge have picked a crate of oranges to go sell at the market. Jorge thinks that if they can sell a crate every day, they will make enough to pay Esteban and buy somethings they need. Meanwhile, Juana calls Esteban to see how Andrea and Jorge are getting along. Esteban reports that they are doing well. They are good workers. After Esteban tells her they got up early to go pick oranges to sell, Juana assures him she will continue paying him his salary; Andrea is the owner, but Juana is still in charge. She then asks Esteban not to say anything about it to Andrea; so Esteban agrees.
At MedFer, Ramón asks Lucho to do him a favor and give Fabi a letter, but Lucho doesn’t want to get involved and reminds him that Fabi is married. When Ramón confides that he is just asking Fabi to meet him that night to talk, Lucho agrees to leave it for her among her things now that she isn’t here so he won’t be compromised. Just then, Francystco arrives and sees Ramón leaving. He thinks the imbecile doesn’t miss a chance to be close to Fabi. As Lucho leaves Fabi’s office, Francystco approaches and interrogates him: what was he doing in Fabi’s office; what was Ramón doing there? Lucho does well in covering for Ramón and asks if Francystco wants to leave a message; so Francystco just tells him to inform Fabi he was there looking for her. After Francystco leaves, Lucho lets out a sigh of relief.
At Francystco’s apartment, Fabi enters and tells Antonio she won’t be long. When Antonio tells her to take her time, Fabi wants to be as quick as possible; she is not happy being there.
At the market, Jorge and Andrea compare the prices for oranges from different sellers so they can determine how much to ask for their crate of oranges. After they get information regarding how many kilos of oranges are in a crate (20), they go for their crate of oranges to sell.
At Finito’s sub shop, Teófilo wonders what Finito is thinking about since he is so distracted. Finito tells him he was thinking of opposites such as sweet and salty, dark and light, and, as he says the flat and the…curvaceous, his sighs. When Teófilo doesn’t understand; neither does Finito. Finito then wonders if Teófilo has ever been torn between two women, but Teófilo would be satisfied to have at least one. Teófilo asks if Finito is in a love triangle, so Finito admits he is; and Finito feels like a sinner.
At the market, Jorge and Andrea are successful in selling their first crate of oranges for 4 pesos per kilo.
As Antonio and Fabi drive back, Antonio calls Oozie and asks him to go look for a price on a quote that is on Fabi’s desk. After Oozie gives Antonio the price and hangs up, he finds the letter for Fabi and reads it. Meanwhile, Antonio invites Fabi to lunch, but she isn’t hungry because her stomach is upset. When Antonio comments that separations aren’t easy, Fabi tells him that the only thing she wants is to not see Francystco ever again. Antonio wonders if things are bad, so Fabi replies that what Francystco did, she cannot forgive. She doesn’t know how she could think he was such a good person, when he is actually a poor devil…but she now knows who he really is…a piece of trash.
At a church, Finito talks to a priest about his problem; he feels like he is swimming between two oceans whose waves are taking him in and not being able to find a current that can take him to the seaside and will calm all that he feels. The priest doesn’t understand; so Finito asks if the priest has ever come to a crossroads and not know what path to take, but the priest hasn’t. Finito confides that is where he is at; he doesn’t know whether to follow the path that is straight and smooth or the one that is full of voluptuous curves. When the priest figures out he is talking about two women, Finito admits he is. The first is a saint who he asked to marry; and the other is one that steals his thoughts, but he is a gentlemen and he has an obligation to fulfill…but the other one has him unhinged. He doesn’t know what to do. The priest can’t do much to help him; the only thing Finito can do is ask God to enlighten him. Finito is dismayed that the priest left him and left him the same.
At the airport, Graciano meets Sofía who wants to know how soon she can see her father. Graciano tells her he is working on it, but can’t give her an exact timeframe…it could be soon or it could take some time. Just then, Ramón calls about a tax statement they received. Sofía was sure everything was paid; so Ramón asks about the receipts. When Sofía tells him they are in her apartment and suggests he go look for them, Ramón would rather wait until she gets back, but Sofía insists because she doesn’t know how long it will be before she returns…and anyway the building manager knows he is her boyfriend. Ramón reminds her he isn’t her boyfriend, so Sofía gives up and agrees to wait.  
At RamSo’s, Lucho comes over to tell Ramón about his encounter with Francystco…just to forewarn him. Ramón owes him one. After Lucho leaves, Ramón wonders why Francystco is looking for Fabi…probably to plead with her.
At Finito’s sub shop, Fredes arrives to buy some sandwiches. Finito mentions lightening striking her and that her niece told him about it. When he offers Fredes something to drink and tells her to wait at a table, Fredes turns, but slips and falls. As Teófilo and Finito grab her hands to help her up, Fredes starts her twitching/visions and wonders which of the two has two women… and which one is in love with a man. Teófilo quickly releases her hand as Finito stares at him.

At Francystco’s office, Marg enters to present him a divorce agreement to avoid any fighting. Since they married under community property law, they have to dissolve the conjugal partnership, and that includes returning half of this office. He can give her the money or sell it; he just needs to tell them what they should do. Francystco doesn’t understand why they are treating him like a criminal when all he has done is love Fabi. Marg understands, but for a marriage to continue, both partners must want it; and Fabi no longer wants to be with him. She will leave the agreement with him so he can review it. After Marg leaves, Francystco states he won’t lose everything just because of Fabi’s foolishness.
At Finito’s sub shop, Fredes tells Finito that if God gave her a second chance, it’s because she has a mission to accomplish. She sees visions and hears people’s thoughts…and she is never wrong. Finito silently wonders if she might be able to help him.
At night—
Ramón arrives at the place he planned to meet Fabi. Meanwhile, Oozie goes to Francystco’s apartment to ask what he did to Fabi that she wants to divorce him, but when Francystco tells him it is just typical marriage problems and wonders what is wrong with his cousin, Oozie shows him Ramón’s letter.
At the prison, Rosendo receives a call from Graciano to inform Rosendo that Sofía has arrived. When Rosendo asks if he knows what Sofía wants, Graciano doesn’t know, but did overhear her talk to a “Ramón” who seems to be her boyfriend. Rosendo figures it’s the same Ramón that helped Sofía escape from the church when she was to marry Timoteo. Rosendo will first talk to Sofía to see what she is up to; then he’ll figure out what to do with Ramón.
In her old bedroom, Fabi looks at her calendar and worries that she is “late,” but then thinks how her cycle has always been irregular. She decides that tomorrow she will get a pregnancy test; she can’t continue with the doubt. She then wonders if Francystco impregnated her. Meanwhile, Ramón waits at the restaurant thinking that Fabi isn’t going to show up and maybe his letter was too much. Back in her bedroom, Fabi thinks about how she won’t allow a child, under these circumstances, to obligate her to be with a man she doesn’t love.

At Francystco’s apartment, Oozie sneers that Francystco now knows why Fabi wants a divorce, but Francystco already knew. When Oozie wants to know how much the information is worth, Francystco chides him for trying to get money out of him for something and threatens that Oozie better not say a word about the letter or Francystco will tell Oozie’s family he asked for money for the letter. Francystco then throws Oozie out. After he is alone, Francystco is about to tear up Ramón’s letter, but changes his mind; he will keep it…he can use it to his advantage.
As he walks, Ramón thinks that Fabi leaving her husband is not the same as just returning to him; he shouldn’t be getting his hopes up. Just then, he gets a call from Sofía who is asks how things went at work and tells him she is going out to eat, but Ramón tells her he is very busy and they can talk tomorrow about work. When he quickly says good-bye, Sofía is disappointed and frustrated. After they hang up, Sofía gets a message that the permit is ready and she can see her father tomorrow. Sofía thinks her father is going to help her keep Ramón; she doesn’t know how, but he is going to help.
As he drives along and comes to a stop, Oozie bangs on his steering wheel in frustration and says no one will make a fool of him, Francystco will pay! He then sees Rulo being paid for some drugs by another slimy hoodlum. After Rulo and the hoodlum go their separate ways, Oozie gets down and follows Rulo.
At Juana’s, Marg arrives to see Fabi, but Juana tells her she has already gone to bed. Marg leaves a message about her meeting with Francystco and hopes all will be resolved soon. After Marg, leaves, Juana worries.
At Benito’s, Ada tells Fredes and Benito that she has already given notice to her bosses that she is leaving. Fredes insists Ada isn’t leaving and goes off to bed. Benito then wonders if Ada is leaving because of him, but Ada denies it and tells him he is not the center of the world; what she felt for him is finished. After she insists she’s leaving, she stomps away with her usual swinging hips.
At the cancer center, Poorfi wonders what the nurse is giving him. She tells him they are giving him blood to replace the blood he lost with the nose bleed which was caused by the chemotherapy. Since they will be giving him lower doses in the chemotherapy to avoid additional nosebleeds, he will have to stay there longer.
At Hortensia’s, Hortensia asks Marg when Marg returned from Boston. When Marg replies that she has been there several months and now works there, Hortensia asks why Ricardo hasn’t gone to see her. Just then, Rebeca enters to inject Hortensia who becomes difficult and doesn’t want the injection. Marg assures her that it is what Dr. Paz recommended so she can recuperate her memory faster. When Hortensia tells Marg that the woman is evil, Rebeca explains that Hortensia only says that because she gives her shots. As Hortensia keeps frowning and saying “no,” Rebeca injects her.
At the farm, Andrea and Jorge lay in bed as Andrea hopes they sell another crate of oranges. Jorge wants to get up early so they can hopefully fill two crates. Andrea suggests that with the money they make, they should buy Jorge some more clothes; though she likes him better without them. They kiss as he removes his shirt and they continue…
As Rulo walks along making a call and telling someone he is outside, Oozie follows in the shadows. Oozie watches as Rulo makes another sale.
The Next Day—
Oozie waits for Rulo at MedFer and invites him to breakfast. Rulo agrees and Oozie watches as Rulo places his backpack in his locker.
At Benito’s, Finito comes to visit hoping that she can help him, but Fredes tells him that if he is in love with a man, there isn’t much she can do other than he get out of the closet. Finito clarifies that there are two women that are driving him crazy; he can’t decide which one to choose. When Fredes asks who they are, Finito prefers not to say since he is a gentleman. Fredes is okay with that since names are the least important.
At RamSo’s, Ramón stands as he looks over to MedFer and thinks about the letter he wrote: “Fabiola, I write these lines because I can find no other way to tell you how much I love you. Despite my efforts to forget you, the only thing I have accomplished is to love you more…and moreover, I don’t want to move on without fighting for this love because I know you love me as much as I love you. If not, you would not have given yourself to me as you did that night in Yautepec. Let’s forget the past and start anew. My life without you is meaningless. Please go to the Café Cedilla tonight at 7 so we can talk. Yours always…” Ramón wonders why Fabi didn’t show up…and if she reconcile with Francystco.
At Benito’s, Finito tells Fredes that he is engaged to one of the ladies, but the other one…he can’t get her out of his head; though they only kissed once, but that was enough…well no, it’s also her curvaceous attributes. Fredes thinks he’s just a typical, lustful man. Finito assures her it’s not just lust, it’s love…the good kind. Fredes thinks she might be able to help him; she will find something to resolve his situation. When Finito thanks her, she charges him 500 pesos for the consultation; and it will be another 500 when her work is done. Finito is surprised, but since it deals with his conscience, he won’t hesitate.
At the court hearing for Roxana, Roxana enters and sits beside Marg as Roxana gives her a killer look. The case is announced, so Marg presents her argument with the evidence to the judge; she asks that Roxana be released immediately…
At the market, Jorge and Andrea bring in two crates of oranges and sell them to the same lady. As they go on their way to have breakfast, a man stops them and asks for their permit to sell. As he tells them that what they are doing is illegal and he is going to call the police, two men watch from afar and look pleased. Andrea argues, but the man explains he is only doing his job.
In her office, Fabi takes out the instructions of her pregnancy test as Oozie walks in; so she immediately hides it in her purse. After he tells her he has to go pick up some parts and leaves, Fabi continues to read the instructions. 
At the courthouse, the judge announces that he will allow the reclassification of the charges to a lesser charge. She will be permitted to be free as the process continues, but will have to pay a 2 million pesos as bail.
In her office, Fabi looks at the results of her pregnancy test—positive!! …and three weeks pregnant! As Fabi realizes Ramón is the father, Francystco walks in. Fabi quickly throws the test in the trash, but Francystco quickly goes to get the test and sees that she is three weeks pregnant…
                                              Screenshot by KJ


“After she insists she’s leaving, she stomps away with her usual swinging hips.”
She is a looker!!
Thanks for another long recap, I appreciate it so much. Without it this show would not make much sense. I hope they stop the chopping soon.
Where do you get the missing portions?

You’re very welcome, CaliA! Yes, Ada is a looker and Finito can’t take his eyes off those voluptuous curves...a far cry from what he is engaged to!

The missing scenes are from the Mexican version of the episode(s).

Yes, Luisa is skinny. She has become my favorite and I think she is so beautiful (I love distinctive noses) and such a good actor. I hope to see her in future shows.

Rgv Chick, thank you so much for this incredibly long and detailed recap, complete with pictures! What a job! And thanks to KJ for his contributions as well.

So many of the characters in this TN are amazingly silly/stupid or downright nasty, so I really appreciate Fredes, Luisa, and Ada. And the two "ito" guys, I suppose.

One quibble, "[Ada] meets Finito. They chitchat until she tells him about how Fredes was revitalized after she was struck by lightening, but Finito’s eyes and mind are elsewhere…", but you don't tell us just where his eyes and mind might have strayed.

Oh, wait. There are two pictures immediately following; maybe there's a clue there :-)


Wow, CHickie, you have gone above and beyond the call of duty. I was watching a second showing of the finale of OUtlander, so I only saw the last few minutes of this sliced and diced episode.

Your screen caps were fun !

More later . P.s. Sad snowman !!! He looks like he is weeping !!!

Well, as I watched last night's mangled, chopped up version, I was already looking forward to your complete recap RgvChica and you didn't disappoint. And oh my, the photos of Ada's attributes! wonder the chaste torterero is reeling! Poor little Luisa with her stick-like arms and witchy nose...just not in the same category. Mind you, Luisa has her charms. She's funny, sassy and very astute. And evidently a dynamo in bed (must be where she burns off all that extra fat). But Ada is a Venus for sure. Just hope she can put up with years of sanctimonious, poetic platitudes, because Finito seems to have an endless supply of them.

I was sorry to see the nasty guys who wanted to buy Andrea's produce on the cheap were now causing them trouble at the mercado. But so it goes. I'm sure there will be plenty more nefarious dealings and hospitalizations before this ends, as well as a funeral for sure. Only way to let Porfirio make a gracious exit, alas, so Margarita and Antonio can wed. Hate when they kill off a nice character but they always seem to.

Remember, NOT a spoiler. Just guessing. Who knows? could be a miraculous recovery .We can always hope. And hey, maybe witchy abuela will turn nice now that she has seen what a murderous slime Franciso is.

Thank you, Andy, Susy, and JudyB!

Andy, yes, the screenshots of Ada are certainly a big clue. As Ada talks about Fredes, her voice fades as Finito's eyes wander to teh really grand valley...not to be confused with the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) haha! Then when Ada and Finito part ways, Finito sighs quite deeply as Ada walks away. I really don't care much for the Fredes/"itos"/Luisa/Ada storyline, but Fredes and Finito are providing for some comic relief recently.

JudyB, ITA with your predictions. As you say, not a spoiler, but it is the way of TNs to increase and prolong the drama.

More later...

RVG Chick: I see Fabiola is PREGGERS!

Who's the likely Baby Daddy ?

Excellent, Excellent, Excellent Chikie. What a load of work. Thank You. It is obvious that if we were only watching what LooneyVision shows, one would be completely lost. IE: without these recaps most of us would jump ship.

Yup, Adal sure has the swinging hips thing going on. I wonder, does she have to get in sync to go through doorways so that she enters at mid swing? Watching her over a few episodes, I wondered if maybe there was some problem with her feet making her "Walk This Way". Like fallen arches in heels or something. Or corns? I'm not much of a foot guy, so just guessing. Painting toenails is as far as I go. Voluptuous?

Now, was it divine intervention that stopped Ramoon from punching Trivago Boy's face into last week in the confrontation by the door? If there ever was a time, that was it. With that big mouth open it would have been a perfect time to break a jaw and nose. Come on RaMoon, make what short man did to Poorfi look like a mosquito bite. You have those tattooed up guns, use them. Maybe then we will stop secretly calling you Ramona.

I still believe they need thought balloons for when these turds like Cystco think quietly what fiendish plans they are cooking up.

Lucio, I believe, was spot on that Oozy and Rulo are a match made in hell, for MedFer. Shorty needs to try to get caught up on his Marg shagging and start back to work before Rulo, Oz, and Chav steal him blind.


Steve: It is Oozy's.

Thank you, Kirby! And thanks again for the alternate title and final screenshot :-)

As far as the "walk," some women just walk that way...nothing to do with the shoes, but Ada does exaggerate it quite a bit.And..

" was it divine intervention that stopped Ramoon from punching Trivago Boy's face into last week...With that big mouth open it would have been a perfect time to break a jaw and nose." I was SO disappointed that Ramoon didn't get a punch in, they looked so clumsy pushing each other. Where is the Ramoon that fought off the two muggers? He really needs to take lessons from Ryan over at LDVDEC; I still remember that punch he gave Danilow.

BTW, Susy, my snowman feels like Luisa when she is compared to Ada. I must say, I have minimal experience in making snowmen LOL


My pleasure RGV.
ANY snowman is better than NO snowman.....
As long as it is in somebody's yard rather than mine.

"just walk that way...nothing to do with the shoes," For sure.

I have watched the girls at work shift it into overdrive when they walk by a couple of RaMoons. You girls aren't fooling us. :-)

Can you see those two tiny horns beginning to try to peek through all that hair on the NEW Sophia?

"Ole Poorfi thinks he has problems with that nosebleed. Shit I have steam coming out of mine!"

Thank You, Alfredo! You set the example and I just try to follow :-)

I too hope Porfi recovers, he is such a great guy. Maybe he won't end up with Marg, but it would be nice if some other nice pretty woman walked into his life.

Kirby, yes those horns are surely growing.

Things are heating up, and how would we follow these Byzantine , multiple storylines without those blue parts that you so generously provided us with, Chickie?

Fabi is the exact opposite of the popular strong woman theme. Geez , if you want privacy, you go into the bathroom to do that pregnancy test and lock the door. She is foolish not to tell her family why she wants that divorce.

How does Sofia think her criminal dad will help her "keep" Ramon? In a cage?

Is Oozy planning to steal those drugs from Rullo? it, Ooze.

Julio is a wishywashy, weak character, but at least he seemed concerned about his niece. Now, I cannot wait for angry Ant to find out what Fran did.

Did anyone else zero in on what Marg said about the clinic Fabi bought for Cyst?

It appears she doesn't get all her money back, but should get half of it back. Meaning Cyst must come up with half the value of the clinic (HE CAN'T) or sell it and split the proceeds with Fab.

Now she doesn't deserve to get ANY of it back, as she needs to learn that if you go to the beach and throw your money into the surf, it is lost. The only real positive in this is that FranCystco will have to give half of it back. Which, by the way, he seems bound and determined NOT to do, as he is already forming, it seems, some diabolical scheme. I can't imagine what, short of killing her, he has in mind, We will eventually see.

Hopeofully his new scheme will be akin to a bit too much throttle on some of your new snow, in that a little might work, but a little more is sure disaster.

Kirby.........Guys like Fran think that they are masters of the universe inc!uding all women and above the law. It is fortunate that Fab has a lawyer in the family, and Wonder Woman Marg is just the kind of woman I will be happy to see Fran try to bambozzle. I am guessing that Fran is not going to survive and Fab will get everything back again. #winning

I worry about the Cyst keeping the letter Ramon sent to Fabi. It’a a clear admission that Fabi was unfaithful. I don’t know about Mexican law, but I’m sure the Cyst will use it somehow to get as much out of Fabi as possible.

You know, it is kind of a moot point now about what Hemorrhoid heard, as Fabi already knows what a POS Cyst is. "He married me for my money, he doesn't even luuuurve me, Oh, and BTW, he raped me too." You see.

So Hemorrhoid can go ahead and never recognize her kids again or die, it doesn't matter now, although if she would appease us, (and die) then it could make for an interesting skirmish with Rebecca and Cyst blaming each other.

So, I guess Marg is the superhero of this tale. ...ropes and ties Ant, gets his ex out of jail,charms another suitor , survives the slings and arrows of outrageous Vero...and now let's see Mighty Marg go after Fraud.

This comment has been removed by the author.

And if I remember right from TVA, she has an award winning behind. Woof !

Thanks so much RGV!

Marg has turned into the most important character in this whole thing. She is helping everyone and seems to be the only one with a good head on her shoulders.

So Ozzy's primas give him a job and he repays it by stealing a letter to help Fran. Can someone please hit him with a car now.

So Andrea, just giving up on your architect degree to run a farm? Makes no sense.

Carvivle..I wonder if the amazing Marg knows how to drive a tractor.

I also wonder what anvil Oozie will get. At this point, he has not commited any crimes. He is just a spoiled , egotistical little boy .

Kirby: Now we're getting into the Baby Daddy, DNA, possible Murder Plots upping things up.

RGV Thanks so much, man it takes me forever to read two episodes. Thanks for the effort.

Ozie is one bad dude, the part where he follows Rulo is not shown. As a matter of fact nothing of he and Rulo is shown on Uni. What is Ozzie up to with Rulo?

You're welcome, Cafrvivilie and Sandie!

Carvivlie, I hadn;t really thought about it, but yes, Margarita does seem to be turning out to be the heroine. Now if only she would get her eyes off Antonio and concentrate on Porfirio ...if he doesn't get killed off.

Sandie, not a spoiler, but if he is asking to have breakfast with Rulo, I'm sure he's going to try to get in on some easy, but dangerous money.

Ozzy and Rulo are just alike, greedy young guys with no morals who will do anything to make a buck

Poor fabi, she really stepped in it.
And she's her own worst enemy. And now she's stuck.And what a stick she's in.
What's bad about this is he could slip her a drug and kill the baby. Cuz all he cares about is $$$$$. And he realy hates ramon.Well merry christmas fabi.

Thanks Ms Chick. Fascinating recap.

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