Saturday, January 06, 2018

Enamorándome de Ramon; Capítulo 111, Friday, January 5, 2018; Two singing birds and an amputee

We begin where we left off yesterday as Os is bitten by the viper, Rulo not knowing what to do, who finally leaves Os who is in a great deal of pain, in the stream to fend for himself.

Andrea arrives at Antonio’s just as he is arriving home. She explains that Julio is in charge of the money that her parents left for her, but the truth is because of his behavior of late, she doesn’t trust him. So she asks Antonio to go through the expenses with her because she just doesn’t like Julio’s attitude after dealing with trying to help out Medfer’s expenses when they were shut down. Then she mentions that she remembered that Julio also sold Os’ car and lied about it, saying that it was stolen instead. Antonio nods and agrees to help, but also lets her know that he has never gotten along with Julio and did not like the idea of having to confront him like this. She asks if he wants to think about it and he says, “There is nothing to think about. You can count on me.”

Jorge gets back home to Julio’s place, but Julio says he is on his way to see Juana. “Where is Andrea?” says Julio. Jorge replies, “She is over with her uncle Antonio. I thought you should know so you can be prepared.” So Julio marches over with Jorge over to Juana’s place, angry as can be saying, “How is it possible that between the two of you can’t get it out of Andrea’s head the stupid idea of going to talk to Antonio? This is a personal offense!” Juana gets angry and say, “No, no, no! Don’t take it that way. Let’s just wait till we find out what Antonio says or if he accepts to do this.” But Andrea and Antonio come walking in. “Good morning” says Antonio. “How nice that you are here, Julio. We just came to let you know that I have accepted Andrea’s request to go over all the expenses in her account.” Julio says, “So what are you pretending to do?” “Nothing” says Antonio. “I’m just doing what Andrea is asking me to look over for her. I’m not trying to take over the administration of her account, don’t worry. So when can we all meet about this?” Julio says, “Well, whenever I’m done with work, I am just so very busy. We have the signing for the franchise and then I have a meeting later. I just don’t have any time.” “Well” says Antonio, “Perhaps you could send over the documents to look over. We all don’t have to meet with you there.” “Fine” says Julio. “I’ll send them over when I have the time.” Julio looks at Andrea and says, “Shall we go?” Andrea then looks at Jorge and says, “Are you coming with us?” Jorge replies, “No, I’m just going to wait here.”

Julio is driving Juana and Andrea. He thinks to himself, “What am I going to do now that the account is showing at 0.00? I can’t let Antonio see that. I’ll just have to show him the balance when I replenish the account.” Julio is nervous and he’s driving like a maniac, swerving, going over bumps. Juana complains, but Julio says not to be scared. He does it some more and Juana complains again and Julio angrily says, “Do you want to drive?” “Why do you ask me that when I don’t know how to drive?” He rudely tells her, “In that case, be quiet.”

At the stream, Os tries to call his father, but his battery is dead. His wound is getting worse. He is in full panic mode now. [I almost feel sorry for him]

Antonio announces to his employees that Chava has been captured and the police are seeking Os and Rulo. Fabi’s phone rings and it’s Franc saying he wants to meet with her about the money over at the hospital. She hangs up and tells Ramón the good news. They fawn all over each other saying, “It’s almost here, we can finally be together.” And the music begins as they kiss.

Andrea signs the contract for the franchise, but Julio is disinterested in the details and rudely shows it. He says he can’t give them a ride home because he has so many things to do. Andrea knows he is furious, but with his attitude, she is even more determined to find out what is going on. Andrea takes a taxi home.

Lieutenant Cuellar comes to Chava’s cell with some more questions. He says, “This has nothing to do with the drug problems you are involved with. It has to do with Dario Gonzalez.” Chava says, “I have no idea who he is.” Lt. Cuellar says, “Well he was your friend Rulo’s accomplice. How about if we make a deal here? I will forget about everything you have just told me and if you cooperate, I will ensure that the judge takes this into account when it is time for your sentencing.” Chava takes him up on his offer and says, “So what do you want to know?” Lt. Cueller tells him that the fingerprints found on the gun that killed Dario were of Rulo. Chava says, “Okay, I’ll tell you what I know but I want your assurance that you will help me.” Lt. Cuellar says, “You have my word on it.” Chava looks at Lt. Cuellar and says outright, “Rulo killed him” (Dario) “But it was unintentional. After the accident, Dario went a little crazy.” Lt. Cuellar asks, “What accident?” Chava answers, “Well I assume that he had an accident when Ramón and Sofia escaped. Lt. Cuellar looks amazed and says, “They escaped?”  Chava says, “Yes, we had them kidnapped. Look, Francisco Santillán ordered Dario to kidnap Ramón López.” Lt. Cuellar looks astounded and says, “And Sofia Vásquez too?” “No” says Chava. “She wasn’t part of the plan. The doctor only paid for Ramón.” Then Lt. Cuellar asks, “And you? What did you have to do with this?” Chava says, “Oh me, nothing.” I only know because Rulo told me.” Lt. Cuellar asks another question, “But why did Rulo kill Dario?” Again, Chava tells him it was unintentional. Dario was insisting that they needed to charge the doctor…” He goes on and tells the story, singing out like a bird…

Meanwhile, Julio is at his “meeting” at the Casino, seeing what he can do to replenish Andrea’s money to make himself come up clean as a whistle and smelling like a rose. He thinks that he can win 700,000 pesos and much more. He starts to win at the roulette table and thinks lady luck has shined upon him.

At Benito’s place, Ada and Benito are eating pancakes together and Ada starts getting hot flashes and starts fanning her blouse open so Benito can see. But then Benito says he is also hot, no longer hungry and needs to go for a walk. Ada wipes herself with a napkin and wonders if she is beginning menopause.

At Finito’s place, Finito is looking at a website concerning erectile dysfunction. The page says that after 40, some men experience this because of circulatory problems and one thing that helps is aerobic exercise. So starts doing exercises.

Luisa is outside looking for her keys and here comes Benito. “What are you doing here?” says Luisa. So he boldly grabs her and plants a big kiss on his “changita”. At first she cooperates, then catches herself and says, “No! This cannot be!” “Why not?” says Benito. “We love each other and you just confirmed that for me.” “Because I’m a married woman, that’s why.” “Well I’m a man who is madly in love and I cannot live without you.” says Benito. He tries to kiss her again, but Luisa says no and pushes him away. The next thing Benito says is, “Just like McArthur said, ‘I will return’”.

Luisa walks into the house to see Finito doing situps. She asks what he is doing and he tells her that he is doing exercises so he can sleep well. Luisa says she is going to bed to rest. Finito smiles and says this is going to be a great night.

Benito gets home and Fredes asks him what is going on. Benito tells her this has been the best night of his life. Fredes thinks that her cookies with the love potion #9 are really working!

Andrea has just made dinner for her and Jorge and tells Jorge that dinner is ready. But he says he is not hungry. Andrea comes over and asks him, “Jorge, how long are you going to be angry with me?” Jorge says, “I’m not angry, what has happened is that I feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place.” [Actually he said he feels like he is between the sword and the wall, but this doesn’t translate very well into English. A rock and a hard place is a better way to say it even if it is not exact.] He goes on to say, “On one hand there is a good reason for my father to account for the expenses. But on the other hand, he really got offended.” Andrea says, “I didn’t want to offend him and I don’t see why he should feel offended. If he has nothing to hide, then there is nothing to fear.” Jorge says, “It’s just that with money matters, my father is very touchy.” Andrea is just so surprised at this and says, “You mean I shouldn’t ask or know about what is going on with my money?” Jorge says, “Look, I know we are not going to agree, so I’m going to go to bed now so that we don’t argue.”

The nuns taking care of Betito don’t think he is going to live through the night. They have been trying to call Julio and he does not answer. They start reciting prayers over Betito.

Ramon picks up Fabi to take her to see Franc about her money settlement. They are both eager for her divorce to be finalized.

Rulo is walking through the town in Chiapas, stops to rest a little, but when he looks inside this building, the police are searching for him. He comes face to face with them, he tries to run. Rulo stumbles in the street, but the police wrestle him down and handcuff him. The police also find Os unconscious in the stream. By this time it appears he is suffering from necrotic tissue up and down his calf from the viper’s venom. The police call in their coordinates.

Ramon drops off Fabi to talk to Franc. He says he will wait for her. But he gets a call from Lt. Cuellar and the Cuellar gives him the lowdown on his Franc was the one behind the kidnapping. He wants Ramón to come in and make a statement. [Bad move Lt. Cuellar, you never tell the witness what you need the statement for or what the suspicion is. Take lessons from Columbo!] So instead of Ramón just waiting to go over, he decides to jump the gun and take the law into his own hands. He goes inside and starts to go after Franc to rough him up. In anger, Ramón spills it all about knowing that Franc was the one who ordered the kidnapping and that one of the accomplices was in jail. “I just talked to the Lieutenant, you are going to go jail too!” He tries to apprehend Franc and take him to the police himself, but Franc escapes. Ramón runs after him, but Franc runs and hides underneath a parked car like a kitty cat trying to run from a dog. Franc thinks it was Rulo who ratted him out, knows now the police will be looking for him and decides to hide out.

Julio is still at the casino. He’s kicking himself because he was winning but then he lost everything. He goes to the window to get more to gamble away…

Fabi comes home and tells Juana that it was Franc behind Ramón’s kidnapping so that they wouldn’t get married. Ramón arrives at the police station to give his statement and Ramón confesses he confronted Francisco, everything got out of control and that Francisco escaped. Cuellar scolds him and told him, “Well if you knew where he was, you should have called us and we would have picked him up!” While Ramón was in Cuellar’s office, the other officer comes in to announce that Chiapas police have arrested Rulo and Os. He also mentions that Os is in critical condition because of a viper bite. Ramón calls Fabi with the news, who relays the news to Juana. She tries to call Julio, but still cannot get hold of him and he’s not in the office either according to Jessica. Fabi then calls Jorge and Marg with the news that his brother was bitten by a viper and arrested by police. Marg calls later with information on where Os is being taken and what hospital. Marg, Jorge, and Andrea decide to go to the hospital to see about Os.

Outside the Medfer shop, Ramón lets Antonio know that Rulo and Os have been apprehended and arrested. Lucho says they still have some cars they have to finish, but they need parts and wants to know when the shop can reopen. Antonio thinks it won’t be long now that the police have now arrested the three amigos (dumb-dumbs).

Jorge, Andrea, and Marg arrive at the hospital to see Os. The doctor informs them that Os had to have his leg amputated from the bite. He can go in and visit his brother after getting the police permission. Inside Os’ room, Os does not know what happened to him and when Jorge explains to Os that his leg is gone, becomes out of control. Os says he would rather be dead than live without his leg. Jorge leaves Os’ room in tears. Out in the waiting room, Jorge tells them what happened and they all go home.

Luisa goes to see Juana and Juana gives Luisa the news and says she still cannot get hold of Julio. Luisa tells her to report him as a missing person, but the police say the person must be missing for 72 hours first before taking a report. Finito arrives to pick up Luisa to take her home.  On the way home, Benito runs into Luisa and Finito and he makes remarks to ruffle Finito’s feathers. Luisa and Finito get into the taxi and leave.

Julio continues his bad luck losing streak.

Rulo gets questioned by the police about the drug situation and their involvement and Rulo sings the whole story. He is put into a cell and Rulo asks how long he will be there. The police officer explains to him that his charges are very serious and most likely be sentenced to life in prison.

Back at Juana’s Jorge explains that Os’ leg was amputated, but still no one has heard from Julio. Jorge decided to go back and spend the night at his father’s place to wait for him to come home. Juana and Fabi decide to have something to eat.

Jorge and Andrea talk about whether or not something happened to Julio. Jorge just doesn’t understand why his father isn’t answering any of his messages and doesn’t know what to think. Julio is still at the casino. Now he is winning again....


Thanks Cynthia. I was hoping the recap would be up because my guide had Rosa de Guadalupe listed for that hour so my DVR didn't record the episode. Love your description of Francisco scootching under the car "like a kitty cat trying to run from a dog". And I think we have further proof that Ramón is not a strategic thinker. He's as impulsive and inept as Fabiola, alas.

Well the writers were diabolical with Osvaldo's fate. A lad who depended on his pretty boy status to live off women now sees himself as disfigured and less of a man. This seems to be a favorite punishment for good-looking villains who use their looks to ensnare and harm others.

Sorry that I missed the Finito/Benito/Adalgiza/Luisa ( rhyming couplets for our tortured quadrangle). Sounds like that was the fun part of the episode.

Know we are all more than ready for the final capitulos but certainly appreciate our recappers more than ever. Was very annoyed with my Guide last night. Thanks Cynthia.

Thank You Cinthia, what a great episode to recap, and you did it justice and then some.

Oh Hoppy Saturday, Peg. One of my F A V O R T E anvils, loss of a body part. You ooze you lose you snotty brat. I would have preferred emasculation, but in the big picture, you walk more than you HOP, so a leg is actually more inconvenient.

Poor Finito, I begged him not to marry the Halloween chick. Now he is on that Testigo pecker pill site ordering some sugar pills and doing situps. Good Luck Sandwich Man.

For all his 'mechanico' muscles and garish tattoos, RaMoon sure aint much of a fighter. The Cyst kicked him off like some ankle biting chihuahua.

Are we to believe that Andrea can not actually go look at her OWN bank statements without uncle Scamio? She gave him power of attorney, but it is still in her name, as I understand it. None of these people should pass on their genes, jeezo.

If these gambling places were not a one way ticket for your money, you might find smart people in there. You do not.

When (I assume) Betito dies, I hopeo they ship the body to Julio or Wanna(brain)'s apartment.


If Julio's recent secrecy about her money doesn't raise a red flag the size of Texas I just don't know. It is not like having another set of eyes ruffled his feathers a little, he was a crazed maniac about it. Does he still have any of Fabi's money or does the other one have all of hers?

Jorge does not, after all this time, remember Scamio's gambling? I think he is covering for his Fake Dad. I believe he is just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

What I was hopeoing for was Andrea to say, "Well, OK, if you are uncomfortable with Antonio, I have hired Don Pedro to look into this. He and the popo will be here with a warrant at 2:30. Be available."

Kirby: Waiting for Julio to go full BPN & kill Juana for her constant nagging.

I also believe he's bleeding Fabiola dry too of all of her $$$.

Judy: When is Ultimos Capitulos coming ?

Steve, I am not sure whether Julio still has access to any of Fabi's money or not. I'm halfway thinking he does not. BUT, just as bad, she gave most of it to Francystco. Like I said, there is not a one in this show who should have children. Every last one of them is just too dam dumb. Well, maybe not Don Pedro, but he's probably a little rusty on that now. :-)

Julio and Cystco
Sittin in a cell
Looks like da new guys
be givin up some tail.
First comes Leroy
Then there's one called Bruisers
Day all Takin turns
Breakin in the losers
Cutter, Mojo, Mohawk and Boyd
Juana bring some Prep H
Cause now yo boy got rroids


Thanks Cynthia!

The only thing Oz had going for him was his youth with these older women. He is no looker. He is really screwed if he goes to jail with one leg.

Ramon's thought process boggles the mind. He is talking to the police and instead of just saying " Fran is here with me and Fabi" he tries to apprehend him? Idiota

Julio's anvil is here with Oz and Betito. Win or lose at the table, his absence should haunt him.


Good morning Patio! Yes, I sure do agree that Ramon is impulsive and needs to think before he acts. Carivivlie, he should have told the Lt.Cuellar that Franc was right there; please send officers to arrest him NOW. You can't take the law into your own hands!

Well maybe Chava will get off somewhat easier than Rulo and not have life in prison. He's kind of dumb but maybe he isn't really evil. Os is just plain selfish and everything about him just led on a downward spiral to evil. He is the kind of evil who looks good at first, but he sucks you dry and robs you. It's a sad ending to him, but he must suffer for his sins and pay the consequences. Something tells me though, that he will not be repentant and will be calling on Aunt Marg to get him out of trouble. I hope that if he does this, she won't do it! Marg, please don't do it!!

Julio seems to have bottomed out. I wonder how much worse it can get for him? Surely when he finds out that Os is arrested, lost his leg, it will kill him. And when Benito dies, that will surely send him over the edge.


Thank you, Cynthia.

"like a kitty cat trying to run from a dog" - exactly how it looked like. Another rat is on the run. From being a doctor and having a promising career to a fugitive with the only promise of jail time. And all for a chance of easy money from a dumb girl and as a punishment for preferring Ramon over him, God's gift to humanity.

I am glad Andrea is following through on the audit. Jorge should have shown support for his girl. Her reasoning made a lot of sense. And he was making faces and giving attitude.

I would have liked to see Fabi and Ramon have a longer conversation about the fact that if was Cyst behind the kidnapping. I wanted to see all the loose ends tied about that hurtful period of their lives, them sharing their pain of losing each other and explaining their actions. I feel like this revelation was treated like something not very important.

thank you, Cynthia, for that excellent recap.

thank you ,judyb and Kirby, for our wise and witty comments. You guys always brighten my day a bit. today, it was 4 degrees at noon, and tonight it is supposed to go down to _3. Thankfully, the temps are supposed to rise next week. Into the 30s and 40s. #heatwave!!! Anyhow, I am planning on hibernating today and cleaning out closest and shelves.

Fran did, indeed, look like a cat hiding from a dog.

Ramoon is handsome and good-natured but not the sharpest pencil in the case. I hope that Don PEdro will keep an eye on Fabu and him. They both need monitoring.

My mother,sister, and auntie used to do a lot of knitting and crocheting , and watching Julio unraveling makes me think of them dealing with some mistaken stitches.

yikes, OOze paid for his lazy,wicked ways with his leg. when I think of disappearing body parts are skways think of PAsion and nasty LaBouff who lost an eye, a leg, and finally his head.

Cynthia...Loved the screen caps.

That first photo of Ramoon kissing Fabu reminds me old Dave in Vino and his signature move of holding Lu's head like a basketball when he kissed her.

LaBouff who lost an eye, a leg, and finally his head.
In that order, I hopeo?

I wonder how much it will really bother Julio about Ooze and Betito. Some people are so badly damaged, to put it gently, that even the most natural, instinctive love, of their offspring, is lost on them. Will Ooze being damaged for the rest of his life and Betito dying alone without him bother him? From what I have seen thus far of Julio it appears, to me, that it would not. If it does it will probably be the final nail in the coffin which drives him stark raving mad.

How about he lose it for a brief spell and in a heated argument with her, he kills his own Mother, Hort, and as she is gasping her last, what little semblance of sanity returns and he realizes what he has done?

Kirby, Julio seems to be almost at the bottom of that slippery slope. He seems to be damaged beyond redemption at this point. Addictions rob people of their humanity and often put them beyond rescue even by those who want to help them. I wonder what the writers have chosen for Julio's anvil. Neither he nor OOze killed anyone, but OOze lost his leg for being a callous, conceited, unfeeling person ...just like his father and grandmother. That makes me wonder how the writers are going to deal with them. "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." I think that was The Eagles or maybe The Beatles.

Hi, all. Another quick stop today. Cynthia your entire recap was awesome--the title, teh screenshots and the recap. Thank you!

I agree with Susy, the comments are a delight to read and always so on target.

Oozie got his anvil...a one-legged jailbird/jailbait.

Lucio, I agree about that Ramon/Fabi conversation--the writers seem to have really downplayed that revelation.

Ramoon looked like a total idiot, even Fabi thought to call the police...he should have told the cop who called him where the Cyst was. It would have been so much easier than trying to be a hero that he certainly is not.

Kirby, your poem was hilarious..thanks for the laugh. And, of course your avatar is beautiful!


There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.

She had so many KIDS, she didn't know what to do.

So she gave them some broth without any bread;

And whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.

Grimmy, has Mother Goose lost her mind?


I have to admit that I cannot stand to see anyone suffer bodily injury... Even the bad guys. In other words, I prefer the villains to be eaten by coyotes offscreen !

OT...I am watching "Versailles" which I recorded on Ovation..a real French historical telenovela. The court of King Louis was corrupt, decadent, and violent !

Chickie..How are the kids doing today?

LOL, Kirby, I do feel like I'm losing my mind with so many KIDS! I haven't even had time to check genders. And I do apologize for not thanking everyone for their kind words and condolences for the passing of one of my babies. A big THANK YOU to everyone...I really do feel honored to be a part of this very supportive and kind patio...very much a family.

Susy, kids are doing well so far...there is at least one more today. I didn't want to go back out to see if the new mama had another one, but I shall know shortly.


Susy, this last one I actually saw being born. I felt like a new dad...woozy and nauseated LOL

To think about it, Cyst triggered the downfall of the bad guys, including his own. By trying to cause harm to Fabiola, he snitched on the drug dealings in MedFer, which caused that the trio of tontos are behind bars, he himself is on the run from the police, Julio is almost down. Cyst should get a reward for this. Maybe Ramon will bring him a family size box of soap to jail, you know, to pay for protection.

If Andrea finally gets to audit her account from Julio, he too will be going to prison for fraud. I hope that is soon. Hopefully Juana will call things off and sell that diamond ring and give the money to Andrea since she may be left with 0.00 in her account. Or as Antonio advised Roxy when she was alive, to sell off her apartment. Julio can do the same. Who cares where he will live, but the Mexican Federal Prison sounds like his next address. Ha! He and Ooooze can be cellmates maybe. Nah.... you think that the girls might not press charges against Julio because he is family?

"Woozy and nauseated"... that is how I felt when I had my three babies, but Hubba was fine. He once helped a friend deliver a calf. Let us know how many boys and how many girls, and you will have to come up with a lot of names. it usual to have this many kids born at the same time?

Susanlynn: I think Andrea seems ticked off enough that she would have no problem pressing charges against her uncle. I don't think Julio has control of Fabi's money anymore. I think Juana gave it to her when she married FranCystco. I kind of remember that now and it seems that Fabi was holding the purse strings every time Franc asked for more and more money. In fact, she was pissed off at him for spending so much. I know part of that money is invested in a solar company where Agustin was employed.

Who is Augustin?

I had forgotten about Augie. Susanlynn, Roxi left Antonio for Augie, became pregnant but said baby was Antonio's. Eventually he found out truth and went off on Rox, never to be seen again.

RGV, how many kids now? Is this usual? Do you keep them all? I'm intrigued more by your personal saga than Ramon!

Cynthia, then that reinforces the question a number of us have been mulling over: If most of the girl's money is now in the possession of the girls, why does Julio still have any interest in Wanna?? She appears to actually not be holding the purse strings to any substantial amount of moolah aymore.

Has he just forgotten? Or is he being like really coo-coo for cocoa puffs gone and no longer in touch with reality and refuses to admit to himself that the ship sailed long ago? You know, like crazy people do.

Kirby, he has Andreas half under his thumb.

But Juana gave him her ON A but she can always revoke it so he needs her.

Damn autocorrect *POA

Carvivle..thank you for reminding me who Augustin is.

I agree that Chickie and her kids would make a more interesting telenovela than this one. I also share your hate for autocorrect.

Kirby...I think that Julio has lost his focus and is disintegrating before our very eyes. He will be left with nothing due to demon gambling and no moral compass. Some folks are their own worst enemies.

So, how is Hor's storyline going to end?

Whoops..I am the anonymous above.

The man who invented autocorrect has died. His funfair is Monkey at 1:30. May he restaurant in pieces.

I think Hor will have a complete breakdown when she finds out about Betito, Oozing and her favorite son Julio.

Thank you Cynthia, lovely recap. This
Ends next week huh? Friday or in the middle of the week?
Well anyways down rains the Anvils. So
Glad "it's raining anvils"on men.I do hope petito wont die before jorge gets
To meet the brother he replaced. the
Gambler is insufferable.His anvil will be very heavey. Well deserved.

Andrea seems to have smarted up, when
Will jaja see the light? The girl is sl o o o owwwwww!She looks like a girl
With those pigtails.Yaaah the pigtails
Are leaving us next week.

Fran-co-roni has been outed, finally!
Don't you just love finales? All the
Crap gets exposed along with the craps
That was really Stupid of The really
Smart detective to spill the beans on
Frankfarter.Thatgoes against all kinds
Of Police no nos.Ramon cannot stay out of trouble. Dumb much?

Maybe benito & finito will become fast friends.With the right woman this time
By thrur sides.

And then hortinsia. I just Don't care.

Thanks Cynthia. Y'all stay warm!


Cynthia: The Oz will NEVER pay for his crimes anytime soon!


Sorry to be so late.

Cynthia, fabulous recap and screen shots.

Thank you for" Actually he said he feels like he is between the sword and the wall, but this doesn’t translate very well into English. A rock and a hard place is a better way to say it even if it is not exact.]" and I thought "Franc runs and hides underneath a parked car like a kitty cat trying to run from a dog" was great!

Julio's obsession with gambling will lose him his family. Their love, their money and any shred of respect that they might have had for him previously. Poor Betito is dying and Oz has died emotionally. I don't have a lot of pity for Oz but agree with Susanlynn that this type of punishment is more than harsh.

That said, Kirby your "I wonder how much it will really bother Julio about Ooze and Betito. Some people are so badly damaged, to put it gently, that even the most natural, instinctive love, of their offspring, is lost on them" really made me think. You might be perfectly on target.

I agree with you Nina, I could care less about Hortensia. Blech.

Great comments all - thank you.

RgvChick, I can only imagine how busy you are! Hope your kids all do well and are healthy!!

Cynthia - thank you!


Steve: He has about a week, then it is 'Get out of jail, collect $200 as you pass GO." :-)

Diana said: "RgvChick, I can only imagine how busy you are! Hope your kids all do well and are healthy!!"

Exactly, me toooo. Nothing like doubling your family in the middle of the coldest January in a hundred years. If there is a white one she will prob be named 'Snow'. :-)

Alfredo, exactly. They may have given him Power of Attorney, but they can still pull their statements or track their investment portfolio ? as they are still owners. This is all so damned contrived for the sake of the plot as to border on slapstick. If you let somebody borrow your car, you don't sign over the title ! It is nice to see Julio sweating bullets now. And to see him in the casino winning major amounts of money, but enough is never enough, and then hours later he has given (lost) it all back. Surprise sorpresa !

Alfredo, poor Juana? Juana put herself in this situation. I have no pity for her. Julio has been pretty transparent in his lack of care for her. I'm so disappointed in how the writers have made her a chump.

I have to agree with Carvivlie about Juana. At every turn she has chosen to be dumber than dirt. She obviously knows whaqt being treated nicely is like, as that is the way the girls and her Son treat her, so with Julio not even paying lip service to nice with her, she has herself to blame. I'm still scratching my head about their furtive hotel visits. WHAT? Talk about treating her like a Hoe? Most of these girls would have slapped his face into his next TN suggesting something like that. I got a ring back one time, sold it, and bought a boat.

Dropping in quickly...I'm rushed but always make time to read the comments. Totally agree about Juana...I truly feel for Marisol...maybe those tears she cries are real...because of the idiot she is playing.

Be back when I have another minute.

BTW Ramon ends next Monday according to the TVlistings/TV Guide.

Kids are doing well...

Hello, all;-) sunny and cold here, and we have been hibernating today. I started cleaning some bookshelves and got lost in a box of old photos ..lots of memories. ..and the book shelves are still not cleared. #plansgoneawry

I guess Juana was hooked on Julio's good looks which made her overlook his behavior. #ithappens HOwever, pretty is as pretty does , and Julio has been a bad, bad guy! I just wonder what his anvil will be. OOze lost a leg for being a gigolo and a drug dealer who only cared about himself and used other people. . So..are Julio's actions deserving a bigger anvil than his son's?? If so, how many body parts is he going to lose? Addictions are hard to overcome, and in real life, many people are dealing with all types of addictions. I have not seen too many people successfully overcome them. Time is running out for Julio, and his gambling addiction seems to be escalating. He is now a cornered rat , so what will he do when he finds out about OOze ? He doesn't seem to care about anyone. Will he finally tell Jorge that he is adopted? If not, will Jorge eventually find out through the nun who is caring for Betito?

I forgot all about the ring. I would sell it in a hot minute...but I am not as sweet and innocent as JUana! One learns to be..pragmatic. glad the kids are doing well. How cold is it there? I thought goats and lambs were born in the springtime.

OT..ALfredo..yazzz. The wedding was my favorite episode. It is a little different in the book, but both versions are great. Season two was my least favorite because they changed many things in the book. Have you seen all of season one? How about season two? SEason three was very good, perhaps even better than season one. I am now commenting with other OUtlander fans on . Sometimes the author Diana Gabaldon comments there, and she actually responding to a comment that I made the other day!!! I think that Cynthia has seen all three seasons now.

AAA :-) :-) :-)

Hey! I did mean that this thing should end Monday the 15th! back later...

I agree with y'all about jauana. She was lookin at julio's youth.And In her head probably better in the sack than Don pedro would be cuz he's an older man. She probably would have been surprise.
But she thought young would be better.
And don't think pedro didnt know that. Stupid woman. And I totally agree, for the sake of the plot they made these people look stupid. And I thought rulo
Was goin for help.Well he did get help
He just got caught in the process. Killed 2 birds with one stone.

I think having a leading character being duped by the bad guys is a risky plot move. It causes audience to lose respect for the character. And often we can never recover that respect. In this TN we have not one but three main characters being duped by the bad guys - Fabi, Juana and Andrea. That's too much respect lost. Maybe that is what this TN's weak point is.

AAA, the reason Juana fell, if you will, for Julio is he would not take no for an answer. He was focused on her(money) and was bound and determined. Don Pedro actually simply liked her for what she is and had always been, and hoped she felt the same as they got to know each other a little better. She could not tell the difference in a mirage and an actual oasis in her desert.

IE: Nice guys really DO finish last. And I'm OK with it. :-)
We finish..................

Nina and Alberto...hmm..perhaps Don Pedro is like fine wine that just gets better with age. Experience counts and a good lover is kind and generous . Still waters run deep. Julio is much too selfish and self-centered to be a devoted lover.

OT..yeah, Frank was an innocent victim , but Jamie and Claire were soulmates that destiny brought together despite a separation of 200 years . They were meant to be together...two halves of a whole . I read that in Kabala, soulmates are actually one soul that has parted into two on earth.

Kirby...not all nice guys finish last, and we here on the patio know that you are one of the nice guys.😉 seems that Pedro, Marg, and Porfy, the three lawyers, were the voices of reason in a sea of dysfunction , bad judgement, and low IQ.

OT...Alberto...keep watching because Outlander just gets better and better .Despite unbelievable hardships , their love endures. It is a very hopeful message of courage,love, and sacrifice.

OT...Alberto..the Golden Globes are on tonight, and the actress who plays Claire is nominated for best TV drama actress.

OT...Alfredo..I have not seen Handmaiden's Tale. It is based on a novel by a Canadian author. I need to watch something to brighten this bleak winter , and I think this show is pretty heavy...subjugation of women.

It looks as though we are in the path to get the snow hitting Ohio. Local schools are closing today at 11.30.

I hope that there is a good telenovela following RAmoon!

OT-- Finally have the results and answers to some of the questions...
Jan 3: Delilah-1 boy & 1 Angel (RIP); Oreo- 2 boys

Jan 4: Daisy- 1 boy 2 girls; Bessie- 2 girls; Lucy- 1 girl

Jan 5: Chrissy- 2 boys

Jan 6: Janet- 1 girl, 1 boy

Susy, Spring is the best season to have kids, but they can be born throughout the year (obviously :-). I don't control the matings so that's why I get what I get. I don't really know if it's normal to have this many kids at one time, but considering I have 13 females that are of breeding age, I would think it's expected, especially when they average 2 each.

JudyB, I bought a male and female in 2013 never expecting they would multiply as they have. I keep the females as 'pets' and sell off the males when they are about 5 months old for breeding only. Many have asked me to sell them babies for 'cabrito' but I refuse to have my babies killed for that purpose. I don't even sell my chickens if I know they are going to be used for caldo/soup.

Kirby, I'm pretty sure I know who the father/culprit is. I only had two males and one was very small and I sold him in time. The other one, named Billy, was the one I kept longer because two people told me that they wanted to buy him and they never came through, so I took longer to sell him. Yeah, Billy the Kid shooting bullets all over the place! LOL

Alfredo...I will be watching that one , too. Anyone familiar in that one?

RGV Chick, thanks for the update on your growing family. I was going to start calling you Octomom but you are way beyond that. Bill the Kid sounds like a willing worker. Given his testosterone level maybe you should have named him Ramón. Oh well, next time.

I'm glad you don't sell your little ones for cabrito or your chickens for caldo. We eat mostly vegetarian, vegan, in part because of factory farming, and because I became very sensitive about lamb chops and veal after I became a mother! but my husband's health is also a factor. I do make a tenderloin twice a year for my children's birthdays who are not vegetarian, and just hope the grass-fed steer had a happy life before being slaughtered.

Alfredo...thanks.I am in.

Judyb....I do not eat baby animals. Have you ever seen how they raise calves for veal? I do not eat red meat and very little meat in general I like veggies and fruit.

Yes, I have seen how they raise calves for veal and it is so cruel. The OSU Farms were just a half block from our first home and I took my children there one day to observe the animals and was absolutely horrified. And I saw a student "farmer" jam a milk bottle into the mouth of one of those imprisoned calves separated from its mom and complaining about how "stupid" the calf was. Just wanted to hit the girl.

Cynthia thanks for the recap, sorry to get so late to this party. My parents had their 50th Wedding anniversary this weekend and I was celebrating with them.

RGV Chick congrats girl, I had been reading about your kids and had not had a chance to chime in. And congrats on not handing over those precious babies for soup and cabrito.

I hope Frank gets something worse than Jail, Jail is reserved for dumb criminals like rulo and chava. Frank deserves to meet Rosendo, I just don't see how that's possible unless he discovers that he is the one that turned the Tontos in.

Julio is free falling and there is no way back for him, in too deep, I think his loan shark will end up killing him or maiming him

As far as who takes the trophy for being the dumbest in this TN, the competition is fierce so the jury is still out.

You have a huge heart RgvChick. Will just echo my pleasure that you are taking such good care of your kids and that they won't be killed for food.


Chickie..ha...Billy the Kid has been a very busy boy. He reminds me of a joke about a randy rooster that my friend Sterling told me a long time ago . Farm boys have the best jokes. My fav joke is another farm joke about a bull and his son !


It's standard practice for veal Alfredo. The calves are all milk-fed and kept penned up so they won't be muscular. Keeps the flesh tender (they're ultimately anemic) and suitably pale. So keep eating those beans and veggies!

Ms chick congratulations on the kids.
I looked up that cabrito and soup thing. What they do to the babies,just
Heartless. So they are basically sick
When they're killed, Sad. On I've had enough of this. But unfortunately it
Keeps happening. Just like the dumb &
Stupid things these people do.Im glad
Its almost over. Here come the anvils.

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