Saturday, January 13, 2018

Enamorándome de Ramon, Friday January 12, 2018; Grand Final, part 1; Taken: The Search for Ana

We begin where we left off last night: “Fabiola keeps playing with her baby as Francisco looks on but doesn’t move. Just then, a woman arrives and asks Fabiola is she knows where a church is. Fabiola walks away for a moment to show the women where it is and then bids her a good day. When she turns back around, she finds that Ana is gone and begins to scream for help…  “

The lady asking for directions just walks off [I am wondering why Fabi didn’t go running after her to find out something and gotten her description to give to police.] Juana comes back and says she couldn’t have been gone for more than five minutes. A few helpful bystanders say they are calling the police.

Meanwhile, Sofia and Francystco drive off with baby Ana, with Ana in Franc’s arms.

At the MedFer Autoshop, Ramón is on the phone with Antonio telling him not to worry about the business and to enjoy his honeymoon. But Dalia comes running out with an emergency…it’s Juana on the phone saying that something happened to the baby. “What do you mean she was stolen? I’m going over there now!” He gets back on the other phone with Antonio and tells him he has to go, his daughter has been stolen. Dalia calls for Lucho to drive Ramón, but he gets in the car and speeds off before anyone can get to him to drive him there. “Be careful, Ramón!” exclaims Dalia.

Fabi tearfully explains to the police how it all happened, all she did was turn her back a minute to give a woman directions to the church. She is blaming herself now. “It’s all my fault, I should never have turned around from my baby!” Ramón comes running up and says, “Don’t worry, we will find her.” The police tell them they need to come over to the station to make their report.

Antonio and Marg cut their honeymoon short to come home for the family emergency.

Cyst and Sofia arrive at her apartment. He remarks that it’s amazing the baby hasn’t been crying. But he also says that it will soon that she is hungry and she will need milk and diapers soon. Sofia asks, “So do you know something about babies?” Cyst answers her, “Yes, I studied pediatrics.” Sofia then says, “Well then go out and buy whatever the baby needs.” Franc looks at her and says, “Who me? The police are out looking for me.” “Alright” says Sofia, “I’ll go. But first I’m going to drive over by Ramón’s building to see what is going on.” Sofia walks out on the errand and Cyst then says, “Who’d a thunk I would one day be taking care of Fabiola’s baby?” He actually looked rather tame and fatherly for a minute there.

Finito arrives at the Houston airport with his bag in hand. He approaches a man sitting down and asks where the gate is to board the plane to Indianapolis. But the man who looked Mexican doesn’t actually speak any Spanish and can’t help him. Finito puts his bag down on the seat, but a thief comes running up and steals the bag. [Come on writers, this is Houston, TX! Someone stealing a bag in front of everyone, especially after going through the TSA check points would be wrestled down and would not get away with this. Said thief would be caught right away.] Ada and Fredes are at home and are wondering what happened to Finito. She keeps calling and he doesn’t answer. They wonder if he is passing through immigration. But Finito doesn’t know what to do now that his bag is gone and is afraid to report it to the authorities because without his identification and passport, he fears they will say his undocumented and send him back to Mexico. Back in DF, Ada is worried but Benito tells her that Finito’s battery is probably dead.

Lt. Cuellar’s phone rings and an officer answers. It’s Ramón calling with an emergency and leaves a message. Ramón is sure that Francystco has something to do with this. Fabi is in the telling her story to the police in tears. Ramón makes his statement too and gives a photo of baby Ana from his phone. Cuellar calls and Ramón tells him he thinks Cyst did it.

Don Pedro comes to give his support. Fabi is still blaming herself, but Ramón tells he not to, he believes Francystco has something to do with this.

Finally at Sofia’s apartment she finally arrives with some food and supplies. Poor Ana is crying and she makes a video of Ana to send to Ramón. Police set up a vigil at Ramón and Fabi’s apartment. Fabi continues to cry in her bedroom and fears that her baby will be sold to some other country. Antonio and Marg arrive too. The police put out an Amber Alert with Francisco being the prime suspect in the case.

At Sofia’s place, Cyst watches with shock at his being the prime suspect in the kidnapping. He tells Sofia that now he’s got problems that the police are really looking for him now that he’s the prime suspect in this kidnapping case. “So what is the problem”, says Sofia. He wants out of this situation but Sofia says, “No you are not leaving. We are together in this situation and no one is leaving till the job is finished!” [Spoken like a true mafiosa; her father taught her well.] “Stop crying,” says Sofia. “I told you I would get you out of the country and I will, once we are all finished with this.” [Looks like Cyst is really regretting running into Sofia now with her plan.] “My people are going to get you out of the country when I say to.” “When?” says Cyst. “When Ramón returns to my side, that’s when.” Then Sofia looks at her phone and asks for Cyst’s help in picking out the best picture of baby Ana to Ramón. He has this look on his face like he is saying, “Now you are one seriously disturbed chick!”

Later that day, Ramón tries to comfort Fabi some more, but she still blames herself and imagines the worst has happened. She wants to be alone tells him to leave. Ramón comes out and he says he needs to go out be alone and get some air. As he is out in front by the tree, someone on a bicycle passes by with an envelope with picture of Ana and a note from Sofia. Fabi comes out of her room, feeling guilty for sending Ramón out. Jorge comes out and Ramón tells Jorge he is feeling much better.

Lt. Cuellar doesn’t think that Cyst took the baby. He thinks that professionals took her because if it had been Cyst, he would have called for ransom by now and a way out of the country. Ramon takes Fabi into their room shows her the pictures and the note from Sofia. He says he is going to follow up without the police because he is afraid that will put their baby in danger. Again, he takes the law into his own hands.

Finito decides to hitchhike to Indianapolis and gets a ride from someone driving a pick-up truck. Ada continues to worry, so she decides to pack her bags and go to Indianapolis to go find him. Finito ends up at a little restaurant and orders some coffee, ham and eggs.

Sofia continues to talk to Cyst about her plan. “What makes you so sure that Ramón won’t go to the police?” says Cyst to Sofia. “Because it just doesn’t suit him,” says Sofia. “Just relax. I know perfectly well how these things are done.” “But this is his daughter!” says Cyst.] [Now he gets a conscience?] “He knows quite well that if he does not comply, I will get rid of his brat there.” Franc asks, “Are you really capable of doing that?” “And what do you think, Francisco? Just look at your face. You chicken out so easily. This type of business is only for the strong. You just go soft too easily. So in other words, I am very capable of doing this to Ramón if he does not stay with me. Furthermore, since I do not want to leave his daughter as an orphan, I’ll then just send her to another world so she can keep her father company.”

Fabi tries to convince Ramón to tell Cuellar, but he is insistent not to. While outside, another guy throws an envelope at him. It tells him to go to the park where his daughter was kidnapped. He comes in and tells Fabi what he is doing. Fabi just sits there and prays.

Sofia is out and about then calls Cyst. She tells him to meet her at a safehouse and gives him the address. She also tells him not to bring the baby. “So what do I do with her?” says Cyst. “Just leave her there!” says Sofia. “Later, I am going to get rid of her.” He looks down at baby Ana and appears that indeed this is starting to bother him. He gives the baby a loving touch while she sleeps.

In the park, another messenger appears and gives a note to Ramón. The note says where to meet Sofia, but to throw his phone in the trash. He flags down a taxi to take him and tells the taxi driver to go give Fabi a message concerning the address he went to. He goes to the black iron doors and goes in to the property, up the stairs, looking around. As he goes into the kitchen, Cyst is following him with a glass bottle and hits him over the head, knocking him unconscious.

The taxi driver arrives at Ramón’s and Fabi’s apartment to let them know where he is at. The instructions are that if they don’t hear from him in an hour, then make a decision on what to do next.

Ramón wakes up from his unconscious state and is tied to a chair, Cyst is standing in front of him. Sofia appears. “Where is my daughter!” he shouts at her. “Your daughter is in a safe place and will be safe as long as you do as I say.” Ramón says, “So what do you want?” Sofia say, “I love you Ramón. Let’s go away together, far away. Let’s start a new life.” But Ramón wants to see his daughter and pleads with Sofia. “You are not going to see her until you accept my proposal to go with me. “I’m not accepting anything, unless you let me see her, Sofia!” “I’m going to give her back to Fabiola”. Ramón starts shouting, “I want to see my daughter!!!” “What for? Don’t you understand that we are both going far away? Why do you want to see her?” Ramón thinks about it and say, “Okay, you win. I’ll go where you want, just let me say goodbye to her.” “Fine” says Sofia. “Now you are finally understanding.” “So when are you going to bring her?” “I don’t know” says Sofia. “I have to still think about that.” She leans over to kiss him over and over again. Cyst is looking on in the background incredulously. He can’t take much more of this circus and finally walks away.

At Fabi and Ramón’s place, Cuellar is reprimanding Fabi for hiding what Ramón was up to concerning Sofia’s actions. Fabi tries to explain, but Cuellar is adamant that they needed to let him and the police do their jobs! Now this silly move could make them lose everything! Cuellar then says, “Now let’s not waste any more time. Let’s call for reinforcements.”  The police then take off. Fabi decides she needs to do something too, so she, Juana, and Antonio go with her leaving Marg behind just in case something more happened at home.

Sofia goes on about her love for Ramón. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” says Sofia. “I’ve never understood why Fabiola came between us. We were so happy. She should have stayed married to Francisco. Then I would not have had to try to get rid of her when she was in jail.” Ramón looks up and says, “It was you? You sent out a hit on her?” “Yes it was me, but they failed me. I thought she was dead until I passed by the park and saw her with your baby. And then it finally hit me that she was yours.” Ramón looking down says, “But why? Why do you want to cause so much harm to me?” Sofia comes around in his face and says, “It hurts, doesn’t it? Lift up your face and look at me! This is because I want you to feel the pain and rejection I felt when you dumped me for Fabiola.” She slaps him around a few times. “You brought this on yourself,” says Sofia.

Sofia goes upstairs and asks Cyst what to do. “Isn’t there something you can give him? Like something that can take away his freewill?” Cyst says, “You’ve been watching too many movies.” “Well then do something to him so that he loses his resistance when we need to leave.” “How?” says Cyst. “I have nothing”. Sofia looks at him defiantly and says, “Well then go and buy it.” “Alright”, says Cyst. ‘But know that this is the last thing I do for you.” “Oh for me? What is wrong with you? You still want to get out of the country, right? Then this is the price you pay! By the way, you are going with us to Columbia. There you will be able to live the life you want. And if I ever see you, I will not remember you.” Cyst then asks, “So how are we going to get there?” She laughs and says, “And who do you think you are talking to? I have a pilot waiting for my orders.” She turns, gives him her keys and says, “No go out and buy what I need. Don’t be late. Go on now!”

Ramón is working on getting himself untied and is successful. Cyst walks in with a big syringe and Ramón wrestles him down. Upstairs, Sofia is giving her pilot instructions, and also loading up with cash, but hears the ruckus upstairs. Ramón ends up sticking Cyst in the groin with the needle. Sofia comes out with a gun and shoots into the air.  Ramón begs her to stop this foolishness and lower her gun. But she comes at him and says, “Don’t move” “You are not going to kill me. You brought me here so that you could take me with you.” “Don’t get any closer unless you want me to shoot.” “You are not brave enough to shoot me. Lower your gun and tell me where my daughter is.” He starts shouting at her, by this time, he’s had enough so he grabs her and wrestles her down and the gun away from her. 

He throws her down and starts to run, looking throughout the house for his daughter. Sofia yells at Cyst, “Don’t let him escape!” But Francystco sees the large amount of cash that Sofia has left out and he starts packing the bag full for his escape. But she catches him saying, “What are you doing, you miserable wretch? You are trying to steal from me!” In the background we hear sirens approaching. They both go for the gun and wrestle. A shot is fired which startles Ramón. At first we do not know who got shot. Ramón meets the police outside and lets them know about the gunshot. A wounded Francisco lies bleeding on the floor while Sofia still holds the gun. “Help me. I’m bleeding,” he says. She basically tells him “F-you, you stupid idiot. It’s your fault that Ramón escaped.” The police come in unknown to both Sofia and Cyst. Lt. Cuellar tells Sofia to turn around and drop her gun. He calls for an ambulance for Cyst.

Fabi, Antonio, and Juana arrive and Fabi wants to know where Ana is. The police bring out Sofia in handcuffs and Fabi tries to make her tell where Ana is. So Fabi goes into the house to find Cyst and finds him lying in his blood. She yells at him, “Where is my daughter?” He says, “I really didn’t want to harm her. Sofia is just crazy.” Fabi again demands, “WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER????!!!!” But Francystco starts to say, “she is over….” And he drops off into unconsciousness. Fabi goes crazy, “No don’t die! You have to tell me where my daughter is!!!”


Of course this is my last recap for this TN series. I am glad I got to do part of the finale, but it leaves us with cliffhanger for the weekend. I want to thank my fellow recappers for their hard work, especially to Alfredo for keeping us all organized here. Thank you Alfredo, RGV Chick, and Sandie. You are all great to work with and thanks for covering for me when I needed it.

Thanks to the rests of the patio here for all your commenting. You have made this a lot of fun. I have enjoyed this show even though sometimes it was kind of cheesy, but I am hoping in part 2 that Ana is found and that we get more weddings! I love these TNs where we get all the family happiness and weddings at the end. And of course, we have to see how Julio and Horrortensia end up. Theirs is coming!

Thank you again everyone. I'll see you for the next one, Papa a toda Madre.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Cynthia. I am amazed how you and our gang do it week in and week out.

Uh...Ramon I lost the baby.
Huh? Oh Shoot...Well, let's get busy and make a replacement.

Get out of here. I need a NAP.

(Later) Hey guys someone threw this picture of our baby.
Oh let me see it Ramon....OOoooo...Nap time. GONG

Ramoon, you're not worth a shit. You couldn't even catch the note dropper on FOOT ! Do you Mexicans not understand chase down and catch? (see Fabi above) Woof you'd never catch on to car chasing, (we never actually catch one)

Take the popo with you dumbass. Nopis, that's why your other name is shitforbrains.

So who is watching Ana while they are torturing RaMoon? Dr. Bulletstopper should know better, he is a doctor.

Nice Cystco DMF. Two more to go With his demise, does Fab get the rest of her money back? Were they divorced yet or not? details...people...details...

BTW as we may not see Naughty in person again, I finally found a picture of her with clothes on and have it here for our goodbye. Goodbye Naughty, why didn't Cyst just keep you and forget flighty Fabi? Stoopid and Dead ? good answer.

Good recap Cynthia, trite episode. I was hardly even watching while it was on, as it seemed the writers are just trying to get to FIN and I was trying to find a picture of Nurse Naughty Rebeka. Just dumb coincidences, and brainless behavior that would embarrass an amoeba.

These people need chasing lessons and my Nautical Knots book, as Ramoon wasn't tied very well. Did Bulletstopper not use a surgeons' knot to tie him to that chair?

Gotta give credit where credit is due, Lips is large and in charge. She should get points for popping a cap in Francisco.?

Cynthia: Good recap. Francisco having a little conscious ? Not surprised he got whacked.

Kirby: Sofia is crazy, crazy, crazy....

We still do NOT know where Ana is.

Thank you, recappers, for a great job on a not-so-great series. So Sofia just happened to hire some "runners" to miraculously bonk Ramon on the head with her notes at the exact right moment that he happens to step outside for some air ... not once, but THREE times? Yeah, okay. And I guess her phone also magically becomes a printer so that she can take the picture, have it printed on high-quality, glossy card stock, randomly find some kids on bikes to deliver it and the notes ... all while not moving from the room with the baby and Frankie ... why not? It's a telenovela, after all. And what was in the syringe that was going to make Ramon "more cooperative" or unable to "put up much resistance?" It didn't seem to faze Franco one tiny bit, other than the pain of the needle prick? A prick for a PRI... you get the picture. LOL ... Can't wait for Monday when Diego decides to have a sleepover at a classmate's house ... who just "happens" to live in the same building where the baby is, and the baby let's out a howl at the exact time Antonio is dropping Diego off and Diego goes, "That's my cousin!" And Super Antonio knocks the door down (without knocking or asking questions) and saves Baby Ana because, of course, why not?

Ha! So SuperShirtBuster will just huff and puff and Bloooooow the door down, because that little bitches house is made of straw? Why not?

Naughty in Amores con Trampa (Luuurve Trap)

Or Granny finds out Who?lio lost all her money and now they're homeless (and poor), so she smacks him upside the head, which instantly knocks some sense into him and even though he doesn't know the baby's been kidnapped, he goes, "Aha! I know where the baby is, runs over there, saves little Ana, and is instantly redeemed! Why not?

With mini-Derbez

Cynthia, your recaps have always been of the highest caliber, always transcending the (mostly) disappointing episodes.

You pulled out all the stops here and your pictures were "fab"ulous :)

“Furthermore, since I do not want to leave his daughter as an orphan, I’ll then just send her to another world so she can keep her father company.” Oh. My. I think the strong, resourceful yet sweet Sofia I remember must have been a figment of my imagination.

The biggest initial surprise to me was that Fran studied pediatrics. "I think it fair to say He actually looked rather tame and fatherly for a minute there". So, infants were Fran's Achilles heel. I'm going out on a limb here and say I am fairly certain he would have intervened and not allowed Sophia to hurt Ana. I think he realized hooking up with Sop in her insane plan was his biggest and last mistake.

I think Fran should have gone with "Naughty" too Kirby. She was fortunate to escape his clutches. I'm sure that there is "someone" out there for her.

Finito is a sad sack, but he's kind of grown on me. Gee, let's try and figure out how this all ends...

Cynthia, you have added so much here! Thank you for everything!!


Kirby, I didn't realize she was in Amores. Thank you!


The dog knows all !
If it's 'Woofable'.

Kirby: Sofia was also on "PyP".

Oh YES, I remember her, she was Gabby, the girlfriend of Franco (Danilo in Double Life) who, of course, was cheating on her with the little blonde who he later killed.

Sofia was smoking in P&P too, as much as they tried to tone her down, there was only so much they could do.

Thank you, Cynthia, for this and all the "fab"ulous recaps you provided us...with such awesome screenshots!

What can I say that Kirby hasn't already said about Ramoon and his attempt to be a superdad. Blech! I was hoping he would aim a little higher with that needle...that would have really kept the Cyst down...maybe even saved him from getting shot so he could spend the rest of his days being jailbait.

Sofia was so much more so than Francystco...she had no shred of empathy for the baby. Where is the Sofia that felt the rightful obligation to tell Ramon about Fabi when he lost his memory? (sigh)

Anon 11:02 and 11:26, with all the messed up storylines and obvious attempt to just finish this thing, your scenarios could very well fit right in to this story.

Enamorandome de Ramoon IE Bad News Bears need Luuuurve Too.

RGV you are so right about Sofia. Fripping hateful...not a shred of humanity or Motherly inSTINK at all. Little Freak.........

Like I like to say ...Wha Hoppen?

I am just shocked that the next to last episode, and these people are still babynapping and getting injected and shot, while there are still forty-eleven other things hanging which it should take ten episodes to wrap up nice and tidy.

Well at least I have my naughty pictures...............Nurse Naughty mind you.

I would recommend the title, "Fools Rush In" for this TN but I don't want to insult Salma Hayek and Matthew Perry so how about "Enamorandome de Tontos." or "Parodia de Idiotas"

Thank you,Cynthia. I enjoyed all your detailed recaps and also the great screen caps.

Sunny, windy, cold again here..30. #wintersucks

So here is what happened in the writers' room when this masterpiece of an episode was written....someone forgot that it was his turn to bring the doughnuts. This led to a lot of crankyvpeople who just wanted to get this show over and done with. Someone said, "Hey, let's just have Sofia bump into Fran and convince him to help her kidnap the newborn baby. "

I agree that Fran did seem to melt a little gazing at that adorable baby girl. So..if hardhearted Sofia told him to just leave the baby in her apartment, do you think he might have found some random person as a babysitter?

I got a kick out of the random guys who threw the notes at Ramoon...brilliant.

Thank you Cynthia!!!! Your hard work is greatly appreciated from all of us on the patio!!!!

Didn't expect Fran to die. Expected it to be Sofia. Also, thought Fran would redeem himself a little by helping the baby but no.

Kirby, didn't you watch Amores con Trampa? Blonde nurse was in that as main mean girl.

Thanks everyone! The worst part of this episode was seeing Sofia so hateful and downright evil. She really could murder the baby with no problem? Now that is just pure evil. I don't even think her father would be that evil. At least Cyst really didn't want to hurt the baby. I'll give that to him. He was mean, hateful, greedy, filled with lust and power, but I guess he drew the line at hurting and killing an innocent baby...even if it is Ramon's baby.

Dalia was always pretty mean and nasty. But she never made it to evil. There was the time when she realized that what she did had gotten out of hand with her cooperation with Cyst. But I am sure that her part in that will never be revealed now, it's way too late. If Cyst is dead, he cannot reveal anything more.

I am looking forward to seeing how Julio and Mommy Dearest Horrortensia end up. She is so class conscious, thinking she is so high class and mighty, she will end up with her son as a beggar in the streets. And it will be all her own fault.

Carvivlie: Per my post above. I put up a picture of Nurse Rebeca and Mini-Derbez from Luuuurve Trap. Yeah, I watched it. It was only recently that I placed her as the same girl..She seemed to have a sharper, more pointy chin there, but it is for sure her.

I really enjoyed Trampa, especially the talking animals. And Nora Salinas, I think it was, who was in that one with Africa and the Double life girl. La Macquerena, (not really, but I can never remember the name.) I liked her with her thousands of different colors wigs in Carita de Angel or something like that.

Lord, I/ve been watching TNs a Looong time.

Cynthia: "If Cyst is dead, he cannot reveal anything more." OOooooo maybe he kept a diary.


Kirby, Nora Salinas :)



And her

Kirby, well maybe Cyst is just "mostly dead, not all dead. There is a big difference between mostly dead and all dead." (The Princess Bride, "Miracle Max"). But Cyst would NOT still be alive for "true love." He really doesn't know what true love is. His only redeeming quality at the end was he really didn't want to see baby Ana get hurt and seemed to be horrified that Sofia would kill a baby.

That was a surprising changeabout for him. Not as surprising as the one we saw in SoFurious, though !


Thank you Cynthia. You pretty much did
It word for word, scene for scene. But so much better in English, cuz I know what they were saying.

That police Lt.Cuellar,I can't his say
His name pronounce it rather,so I call him Lt"cellular".And his phone rings, Lol. Ok thats my laugh for today.

Ramon taking the law into his hands never turns out good. Now he don't know where the heck Ana is.He's caught
Did he really think the bimbo is gonna tell Him where his Ana is. I hope that child Is smarter than mom and dad.

I don't think Sofia was trying hard enough to get Ramon to do what she say
To do. This seemed like just filler. I
Don't think she thought this out. Her
Dad probably would have kicked her butt back to columbia, cuz he told her to leave Ramon alone. Hard head mob daughter.

Now cyst last workin brain cell died.
The smart thing to do would have been when Daisy sunshine gave him the keys,
Go get Ana, take her to fabi,turn his
Silly self in. Now look at him, some
Kind of drug injected in his growin<Im not sure about that spelling but y'all what I mean,lol. And now his blood is leaking out.Brought in yourself dumby.
Is he dead or just passed out from the shot? I hope he's not dead then he can
Tell them where baby Ana is. She's their Only hope for smartness in that family.
They should've let fabi slap Sofia and then shake her asking her "where's my
Baby?"Sofia had a smurk on her face to
Maybe she'll share a cell with her hit lady. Or have her killed for failing to take fabi out. Whatever I don't care. I'm ready for a new tn now.

Thank you Cynthia.

Hey y'all I just discovered that guy
That plays cystco is that guy in the
Trivago travel hotel commercial.If hes
Not he has a twin.

Cynthia...I never considered that Fran might be " mostly dead." With all the fake blood on his shirt at his belly , he looked completely dead to me.

So..I guess a lot of those loose ends are going to stay loose. Do you think that the sisters will have a double wedding ? I hope we get to see the reception and lots of dancing.

It appears that Dalia's misdeeds will go undiscovered and that she will win the man prize that is Valente.

Yeah NiNa, around here Trivago is one of the sponsors of the show, so on my station, right after Cyst died ? , he pops back on screen without his beard and steps through that TV screen looking thing and starts on about the cheapest places to stay. :-) Funny.


NiNa you guys up in North Fla. must have been freezing this morning. It was 38 early here in central Southwest Fl.
8:30 now and it has managed 42. WTF?

I'd bet ole Alfredo down South is a bit nippy today too.


20 here at 10.52 a.m. .....but at least it is sunny !!!! #endlesswinter


Morning patio. Hello beautiful ducks.

Nina, your comment on Sophia "Maybe she'll share a cell with her hit lady" would be justice for Sophia, wouldn't it? I keep wondering if daddy is going to try to intervene and rescue her somehow. I'm surprised word hasn't leaked to him that it was Soph who actually ratted him out. If he finds that out, all bets are off.

Cynthia and Kirby, yes, Fran having obvious compassion for the baby showed a different, surprising side. But agree that Sophia's plummeting into hell really flipped the script.

Susanlynn, agree that Dalia completely avoided sullying her hands in this and that the "man prize" Valente is going to be her reward. Not quite fair...

RgvChick, know all your "kids" are keeping you busy. Hope they are all well and that you are as well.


RGV's weather, and her tolerance for "extremes" is very similar to mine. I would submit she is snuggling under a mountain of warm 'kids' this morning and can't get a finger out to a keyboard.

How much wood
Would a Wood Duck
Duck if a Wood
Duck could
Duck Wood.

Hi, Diana. Did you get more snow? Our daughter said they had a lot of ice. She still had power yesterday , but many people in her area had lost power. We have been hibernating, but we are getting cabin fever, so maybe dinner out tonight.

Crazy weather, like a 30 degree shift in one day. 23 right now in NYC and I'm hibernating. Thank goodness for food delivery.

Carvivle...I guess a lot of people across the country are hibernating!! I am watching the Outlander season three Marathon on Starz and trying to get some chores done.

Alfredo, I don't think I've heard you rant like this before! Lol but totally agree with all you said. Only one more now and it looks like there is no TN to replace it.

HI, All! Kirby, Iwas under my kid blanket early this morning when it was in the very low 40s, but now that it's in the mid 70s, I'm out and about and writing stuff with screenshots.

I absolutely LUUURVE when Alfredo, Kirby and NiNa share their rants with us...very entertaining and it helps to know that someone can "voice" thoughts that some of us hesitate to write.

Alfredo, I too only watched this excuse of a TN because of Esmeralda Pimentel..and I stuck with it only because of this patio which provided the entertainment that the writers lacked to give us.

Kirby, Love the ducks...quack! quack! (sound of the ducks...not Francystco the quack!)

Ah Alfredo, I wish you had chosen Mi Marido. It was so good.


I'm glad your Kidass didn't freeze last night.

As far as bad TNs go, a while back some of the people were saying they would NEVER ever watch another Osorio TN with his spawn singing and dancing, I don't remember, it could have been Mi Corazon es Tuyo with Salinas and Navarro and all the kids, just escapes me now, but anywho, I see that everyone Luuuurves his Marido Family this time around.

So...are we like Julio and HOr going to be homeless after this tn ends? No new tn following this one?

Kirby, I have to say Osorio's PEAM was a disaster and I hated Emilio's character and spotlight in that one. but MCET was a lot better and Emilio Osorio was good in it, and now Mi Marido is even better than MCET and again Emilio was good, just a little singing and dancing in finale. We are getting less and less of his other talents with each show. And he was in Sueno de horror and I don't remember him dancing or singing in that.

I really miss the partnership of CARLA Estrada and Monica Miguel..some great shows.

Alfredo..okay , I will be watching Papa. What time?

Alfredo, are we ever going to see Fernando Colunga or Big Ed Yanez in a tn again?

Good evening patio.

Alfredo, your rant was excellent - enjoyed every word and agreed with you particularly "...don't want to see how evil Sofia's become, demonstrated horribly by cliched dialogue, because you want to tell viewers that a woman scorned will go to such lengths just to get a man". Hear, hear...

I'm so appreciative you got this going as well as Mi Marido...You also mentioned another of my top 10 favorites Querida Enemiga...

Glad you are having 70's weather RgvChick. Very nice for the kids. Susanlynn, like Carvivlie, back in the 20s here and snow coming again this week.

Sleep tight all. Big finale tomorrow! I'm really curious as to what they are going to do with Soph. And as you and Susanlynn and others have mentioned recently Alfredo, I don't like that Dalia's getting off not only scott free, but with a pretty decent guy too. Ack.


I still see Oates of Hall and Oates every time Valente is on the screen.

Diana stay warm . Nothing to do but wait for spring !! Hope that your hubby is recovering .

If Fran is completely dead and not just mostly dead , I think Fabu e all vet all her money back.

..will get...

You know, we should not even worry about spelling and typos. I am sure we have all seen those "studies that show if we get the first and last letter correct and any other letter in the word correct, the average person reads it as quickly and accurately as if there were no errors. IE:

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg: the phaonmneel pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rseearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

See? So Susy, don't worry, Be happy. Nite.

Kirby😳😌😏 That is pretty amazing!! I feel better!!

Good Morning, Patio Peeps!

Are we ready for the finale? MOST DEFINITELY YESSSS!!! Anyone planning a finale party to celebrate the ending to this combobulation of misfits, idiots, and wannabe criminals?

Counting the hours...

Morning Rgv Chick...

I just laughed at "combobulation of misfits, idiots, and wannabe criminals?"...So very true!

Yes, I'm ready for the finale. I am especially interested to see what happens to Sophia and if Dalia gets off scot free. Sophia was my "shining star" through most of this and I need to see how she crashes and burns upon impact.

I have no doubt Ramon and Fabi will get their baby back in the opening minutes but beyond that...

Hope you and the kids are well and warm today!


Diana. the kids are doing just fine, thanks! How is your hubby...progressing well, I hope? Today will be a nice day, but bearing down for plummeting temps for the next couple of days...BRRRR!

RgvChick, I wasn't sure what a group of goats are called so I looked it up and found "trip, herd or tribe". Whichever you prefer, I am glad your little family is doing well!

The temperatures everywhere are causing concern...The bitter cold, snow and ice are a deadly combination.

Hub is getting a bit better, step by step. Thank you so much for asking. The worst (hopefully) is behind us.

Stay well...Diana

", step by step." I'd bet that is more literal than it sounds on first look Diana. Good.

I see the newly dead Francystco is still on Trivago, but with the beard now in a new commercial with swirling web pages.

Rulli and Maite were on DA this morning. They SURE looked cozy, like he and Boyer did a few years ago. I wonder how he will be in a TN without AB, as those two are kinda like peanut butter and jelly.

Hel!o..still hibernating here..20 and gray.

I am looking forward to this show ending and a new chance for snark and wonder on the horizon. I think that Maite and Sweet William were paired a couple times, so I am going to be interested in the Maite\rulli combo.

Let's go with tribe. That's what my mother's friend Thelma used to call my sister and her family. She would say to my mother " the tribe showing up this weekend?" She also called my younger nephew
Mr.No..for good reason. many names have you figured out for the goat population exp!osion?

P.s. re: Maite and Rulli..are you folks familiar with the term "shipping ?"

Very interesting Kirby. Rulli and Boyer had combustible chemistry. And after Teresa, Lo que la vida me robó and TVA, it is going to be strange to see him with someone else.

I think Angelique is very talented and it would be such a waste if she doesn't do anything else for Televisa. I hate to say it but there are so many (Pimental, Jaribo, Brito, Goto, Zuria, etc.) actresses vying for roles in and around her age group, I hope she doesn't wait too long! There wasn't any loyalty in dropping her exclusive contract so I wouldn't expect they will sit around and wait for her.


Alfredo...I do not recognize some of those names, but I am looking forward to seeing Maite and Rulli together. ...but not the ironing board ..I hate ironing.

Any word on Susana Gonzalos?

Susy, so far I have:

Daisy's triplets; Ramon, Fabiola and Andrea

Bessie's twin girls: Clarissa and Cassandra (MMTF)

Janet's twins: Gabriel and Daniela (MMTF)

Delilah's Male: Jorge

I'm still working on the other 5...


Chickie.quite a tribe !! Is Billy the Dad proud...and resting?

Susy, Billy the Dad is long gone...he was sold about a month ago!

Alfredo, I was going to name one Sofia, but she turned out to be so bad, I decided against it. But Xena is a good alternative...I have a single female that I was trying to 'Xena' it shall be :-)

Two sets of twin boys left to name....suggestions are welcome :-)

Billy might be gone, but he left behind many descendants and is probably making more as we speak !! #gobillyyourandyoldgoat

Alfredo, I also heard Altair lost out to Esmerelda in Las Bellas y Las Bestias too. I was very disappointed.

Susanlynn, I have been thinking of Susana G. as well. My absolute favorite. I want to see her and (my telenovio) Eduardo Yanez both back soon!

RgvChick you are cracking me up. How about either Robert and Julieta or Romeo and Juliet? My first sheltie was Romeo and my second, Juliet. She is a love.


Alfredo , "RGV, maybe one of them should be named Xena, in honor of our dearly butchered personality Sofia, but it's up to you ;)"

Too, too funny! :)


Chickie..well, I think that you all ready have a Jamie and a Frank. My three telenovios are Fernando, Marcelo, and Big Ed.

Susy: Shipping? No, but yearnin' fo learnin'.

Diana, I'll use Julieta for the next female, but I'm really hoping fro NO MORE BABIES! :-)

Good suggestions, Susy!

Kirby..shipping is the phenomenon of fans of a show wanting the leading lady and man to be in a real relationSHIP off screen. This was a problem in Outlander when the leads had great chemistry and were flirting in interviews , but they were not actually dating in real life. Some fans want the onscreen romance to continue offscreen and get very upset when it doesn't. Shipping probably happens in the world of telenovelas, too. Sometimes costars do start a romance , and that can be a tricky situation if the romance ends , but they still have to be in love onscreen.

If you miss her that much I have some really good pictures of SG I could share. :-0

Alfredo, Altair Jarabo was excellent in P&P as George Salinas' daughter in law.

Her woofability is about an eight or so too.

Susy thanks. I believe most of these love affairs which start on set fizzle out. The one which comes to mind i Souza and Julian Gil. What a disaster. Rulli and Boyer, thus far, but I am holding my breath as they each work with other potential mates.

"but they still have to be in love onscreen." It appears that all but the dumbest ones wait until well into the production (with end of filming in sight) to really get something going, to avoid just that situation.

So how many sheets do these TN couples usually need on the bed for a little afternoon delight? Vida de Robo something was on earlier, the one with Rulli and Boyer, and Veronica, Sonia from Vino. So she and some guy had finished something which he appeared more enthused about than her. There are pale blue sheets on the bed, and she, as usual, has one wrapped around her to be presentable to the camera. It partially covers him too, and she decides she needs to go to the bathroom for a little BooHoo time, and as usual, gets out of bed wrapped in the sheet.

From personal experience I am hoping he has put his boxers back on when.....there are TWO top sheets. She leaves in hers, and his stays, and they are ON top of sheet number three. Amazing. I'm going to pay more attention next time I'm in Sam's.

Marj and Julian is right Kirby. One day madly in love, the next vitrol across all media.

Especially sad for the baby...


Ayi ayi ayi, Se Basta y Peperonni en El Gordo Y La Flaka tambien.

I BEGGED Marjorie not to marry that One Hop Wonder, but she was never dreaming about me when I was dreaming about her.

Ms Chick you have 2 sets of boy twins?
Here are two names for 1 set,"benito &
Finito.Think of all the fun they would
Have rollicking in the yard with the
Hot little ewe<I'm not sure about that
Spelling)the female goat.
Hey y'all there's a new tn on at 3:00
Jose Ron is in it. He looks like he might be 8 to 10 years younger.Already
He's Having woman troubles. And it is
Called "Simplemente Maria". Has anyone
Ever heard of it?

I heard about that brake up between
Margie and what's his name. That was a
Nasty one. They should not have been boyFriendin and girlfriendin with the
Co-stars. After it's a wrap, go your
Separate ways.

Oh Sh_t NiNa, that was on earlier today. I wasn't watching it, but it was on. Which one of the guys wearing all white was Jose? There was a girl with really long dark hair who looked familiar too.

Was he the guy sitting on the sofia drinking a beer and crying about something with his necklace in his mouth?

Who was the girl wearing denim and blue talking to the 'maid' in pink?


OK I just answered my own questions. The girl is Claudia Alvarez, and I remember her from Hasta el Fin Del Mundo where she was Sofia Ripoll's (Marjorie de Souza) younger (wild as a March hare) sister.

OMG Remember the dorky girl who had a crush at work on that guy in Fin del Mundo? She wore these big outlandish glasses and dressed like a complete dork? THAT was Adalgiza! I just tracked her down.

Adalgiza in Hasta de Fin del Mundo

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