Thoughts and memories in italics
[Previously: At Logatoys, Mauricio sees a message from Juan Perez, a
man who claims to know María. Fabian reads that Perez is asking to meet in a
town close to where Anifer lives and claims to know where María is.] Mauricio
wants Fabian to go with him because this thing about “blind dates” has always
given him the heebie-jeebies. Fabian doesn’t think they should trust the man
because he could be dangerous, but Mauricio thinks he has no choice…sometimes
one has to trust a stranger’s generous offer; or do whatever it takes to return
a child to its mother. When Mauricio asks if they still have the helicopter,
Fabian confirms that they do; then sighs deeply in frustration as Mauricio
walks away.
At Renée’s house, Lupe wonders if Renée is serious about
what she wants to do, but Renée argues that it’s not what she “wants” to do;
she has looked at every option and has no choice. The company is going to tell
her the same thing as the bank…they won’t even lend her five cents. Lupe
reminds her that the house is her inheritance and can’t believe she wants to
sell it, but Renée emphasizes that this is not a whim, she has no choice. She
was born and raised there; it has been her home all her life…a home that her
mother bought with much sacrifice. When she wonders if Lupe really thinks this
could be so easy for her, he asks her to pardon him; he is there to respect her
decisions. If he questions what she does, it’s because he worries that she will
lose her home and that she is in such a desperate state. Renée assures Lupe
that she has looked at all options; she has knocked on every door and none have
opened; so there’s no other way. When she tells Lupe that she has to look for
solutions on her own, Lupe reminds her that she is not alone. Renée appreciates
his offer; and as she holds back her tears, she tells him that since her mother
died, nothing is the same for her. Every time she looks at the house, she
remembers her mother and needs her so much; she just feels she can’t go on
living in that house. Lupe tries to hug her, but Renée keeps him at arm’s
length and tells him, “Not now” (and thinks,
"Don't lick my face, if I wanted a pet I'd go get a dog.").
At his home, Jorge tells the kids that he will be
arriving late in the evening since he has a meeting at the school after work.
When Samuel asks what kind of meeting, Jorge is frustrated and tells him it’s
just a parent’s meeting. After Valentina asks if he is going to tell the school
staff that their mother went on a retreat, Jorge responds that they don’t have
to be giving anyone any explanations, not even at the school. They will
continue their lives as always. Samuel wants to call his mother and runs off to
his room. When Jorge wants to go after him, Valentina tells him to leave him
alone; Samuel is her mother’s favorite and he is sad. Jorge understands, but it
still worries him. When he asks Valentina if she misses her mother also,
Valentina tells him that he can tell her the truth (as the 'not favorite'
doesn't answer his question). After she shows him the torn passport she found
in the trash, he questions why she would be looking though the trash, but
Valentina insists that he had told them that their mother had gone to a
retreat; and he lied. When Valentina points out that her mother can’t leave
Mexico without her passport, Jorge stutters as he tries to answer; so Valentina
point blank asks him if they are going to get a divorce. Jorge again starts to
stutter as he denies that they are getting a divorce…anything, but a divorce…it
is a big sin! As he continues to stutter, Valentina interrupts and insists he
answer her question, “Are you getting a divorce…yes or no?” Jorge hesitates,
but admits it is high likely (proving once
again that you can't fool kids and dogs).
At Renée’s home, Lupe criticizes that Renée is looking at
things as if there was no other way, but Renée insists that there really is no
other way. She wants to continue her studies; and the only way is to sell the
house and go to the United States so she can start from zero over there…just
like her mother started here, on her own. Lupe understands, but he only wants
to support her and see her in better spirits and calmer. Lupe gets closer to
Renée and tells her that there have already been so many things that have
happened to her; if anyone deserves to be well, it is her. When Renée responds
that she doesn’t want him to worry about her, Lupe suggests that he give her a
ride and they can continue talking on the road. Renée agrees; and after she
gets her backpack, Renée apologizes and tells Lupe that his company helps her.
In the town close to where Anifer lives, Mauricio and
Fabian meet with Juan Perez at a place that has been burned down. Perez tells
them that he wanted to meet there because that is where María would meet with
the other environmental activists…a group that would oppose those who wanted to
build hotels and golf courses; things that would destroy the forest. When
Mauricio smirks and wonders what’s wrong with hotels and golf courses, Perez
notes his inappropriate humor (wondering if Mauricio helped Dale Carnegie write
that book). Mauricio then asks if Perez knows where María is, so Perez responds
that this is the last place María was seen entering…there are those who say
that the land developers burned it down. Fabian asks if the activists were
inside when the building burned; so Perez confirms that they were…he isn’t sure
if María was there, but there are still bodies that no one has come forward to
identify. When Mauricio wonders why, Perez replies that people are scared that
they might be associated with the activists and may suffer the same fate. When
Perez tells them that there are some bodies that are identifiable, but it is up
to Mauricio and Fabian if they want to try to identify them, he adds that this
is all the help he is willing to offer. Perez just wanted to let them know
before the bodies are taken away…just in case. As Perez starts to leave, he
wishes them luck and Fabian asks him how he knows María, but Perez leaves
without responding (Is forensics possibly above Mauricio's pay grade? Inquiring
minds want to know).

At Jorge’s house, Jorge explains to Valentina that it is
a very complicated situation. She is older and can understand, but Jorge asks
that she not tell her brother anything yet. Valentina comments that what gets
to her is why they try to hide things from them. She wonders why her mother
left without telling them anything; and after Jorge replies that it is an adult
thing, Valentina asks, “Did you kill her?” Jorge replies, “No! How can you
think that I could kill your mother?” Valentina responds that she just wants to
know the truth and wonders why they are just now thinking about getting a
divorce. Jorge, shocked at her statement, wonders if Valentina wanted them to
get a divorce; so Valentina explains that they have been fighting for a long
time; and she and her brother would pretend that there was nothing wrong. When
she tells him that her brother would believe them in the beginning, but she
never did, she asks what happened that they want a divorce. Jorge stutters that
things happened…adult things…and a lot of arguing. Valentina then asks if they
are going to go live with their mother, so Jorge quickly replies, “No way! Both
of you will stay in your home with your father…” Valentina doesn’t feel well;
and when Jorge thinks she is talking about the divorce and tells her he
understands, Valentina interrupts and repeats she doesn’t feel well as she holds
her stomach and rushes off. Jorge quickly gets up and asks Valentina if he
should call a doctor, but when he goes to the chair she was sitting in and
looks at it, Jorge huffs and tells Valentina he knows what is happening to her
as he gets a tissue to clean the chair. He then offers to make some tea as he
nervously wrings his hands.
In the hallway at a forensic lab, Mauricio hands María’s
picture to Fabian as he tells him to ask for dental exams or any other
information because he just cannot enter. Fabian insists that Mauricio enter to
view the bodies; he might recognize María…and it might trigger a memory of
where/how he met her. Mauricio reminds him that he can’t see bodies of people
that died in such a way…he just can’t. As Fabian apologizes for not considering
Mauricio, the doctor comes out and asks who will enter to identify the body.
When Mauricio points to Fabian, the doctor adds that there are some personal
items that were recovered along with the body and that he can give it to them
later. After Mauricio thanks Fabian, Fabian follows the doctor; and Mauricio
stands alone as he anxiously waits for the answer he is hoping for.
Outside Logatoys, Lupe helps Renée up for a carriage
ride. When Renée asks why he does this, Lupe responds that she needs the
distraction, she needs to think about other things, and mostly because he loves
her very much. Renée never thought he was capable of doing such a thing and
doesn’t know what to say, but Lupe is content with just seeing her smile. As
they continue on with their ride, they laugh (Renee makes a mental note to get
him a flea collar, he's growing on her).

At the forensic lab, Mauricio asks Fabian if it was
María; and Fabian replies that the woman looked exactly like Ani’s drawing.
Mauricio doesn’t want to believe it and starts to argue that the drawing was
just foolishness. Ani is just a child…not a professional artist; it can’t be
her (María). When Fabian reminds him that Juan Perez recognized her a soon as
he saw her on “Face” and tells Mauricio that it is her, Mauricio shakes his
head in dismay. After Fabian hands one of the personal items to Mauricio,
Mauricio looks at it and sighs; so Fabian leaves him to his thoughts for a

Once alone, Mauricio recalls his mother calling out to
him from within the fire. (In later years) his father supposes
Mauricio knows why he is there (at his school). Mauricio thinks they are going
to expel him. His father tells him he has been told everything that happened,
but he told them Mauricio was incapable of doing something like bringing in an
alcoholic beverage. When his father asks why he took the blame, Mauricio
responds that it seems the only way he could get his father to come and take
him out of there. When his father tells him he needs to be mature, Mauricio
wonders what for…so he can turn into a bitter person who does things just
because they have to be done? When his father demands that Mauricio not
disrespect him, Mauricio comments that it was never proven that he caused the
accident…and his father continues to believe that he is to blame for his
mother’s death.
After the carriage ride, Renée knows that Lupe took great
effort to do everything. She appreciates it and had a good time with him. After
she kisses him and starts to go in to the factory, Lupe follows her and tells
her that, just like they took a ride here, they could take a ride
elsewhere…like Maryland. When Renée is baffled, Lupe explains that he might go
finish his training in Maryland if the university accepts him…they could even be
roomies and she wouldn’t feel so alone (now she must be wondering why she
didn't get her new pet neutered).
After arriving at Mauricio’s home, Fabian comments that
the important thing now is telling Anifer the news; there must be a way to tell
her the truth. When he tells Mauricio that he should be the one to tell Anifer,
Mauricio wonders how anyone could tell a seven-year-old child such harsh news.
Fabian is sure Mauricio will find the words. (Having seen the contract
shredding the other day, Fabian is sure Mauricio has the required finesse.)
After Fabian leaves, Mauricio takes a deep breath and calls Anifer. Anifer
comes happily down the stairs asking if Mauricio found her mother. When she
stands in front of Mauricio, he tells her he has something very important to
tell her.
Leaving Logatoys, Renée sees Lupe sitting at the bottom
of the stairs and wonders why he is still there (as
his leash is off). When he tells her he was
waiting for her and adds, “I don’t want you to feel obligated to me…not because
of your mother or anything else. I just hope that someday you will give me the
opportunity to be with you more…not as a friend, but as a man. Maybe we could
at least get to know each other better and see what happens…without any
obligation for anything.” Renée looks at him not knowing what to say so she
nods (and hoping next time she has a milk bone in her pocket). After he asks if he can drive her home, she nods
again and says, “Yes, but let’s not talk.” (i.e., no barking)
At Mauricio’s home, Mauricio takes Anifer by the hand as
he leads her to a chair and lifts her to sit her down. After he sits also, he
takes a deep breath and searches for the words, “Your mother…” He pauses as Anifer looks at
him in anticipation and continues, “Your mother wrote to me and told me why she
was hiding. And do you know why?” Anifer anxiously asks, “Why?” Mauricio adds,
“Your mother became a spy.” Anifer comments, “How can you believe that if she
takes care of the forest?” Mauricio responds, “Yes, but since she already had
so much experience in taking care of the forest, now she has become a super
spy…super-secret…international…mega ultra-super bomb! Can you believe it…she
kept it such a secret?” Anifer wants Mauricio to tell her more, so he tells
her, “Just imagine that she gets on those huge airplanes and has to travel for
hours to get to a place crowded with people…” Anifer listens attentively and in
awe as he continues… (May the Lord help you Mauricio, He may be the only one
who can, because in your case, a little knowledge really is a dangerous thing!)

Days Later...
At Jorge’s home, Jorge rushes Samuel, who is eating
breakfast, because he doesn’t want to be late on the first day of school.
Samuel makes a face and comments that the food tastes like the sole of a shoe,
so Valentina chides him for complaining about her cooking which is the same
thing their mother used to make for them. When Samuel asks why his mother
hasn’t called them…she hasn’t even left them a message, Valentina scolds him
for acting like a child, but Samuel thinks she is the one that is a pain ever
since she got her…Jorge quickly interrupts and tells Samuel that is no way to
talk. [Mexican Version: After they talk about a grocery list, Valentina asks if
she can borrow her mother’s car to go to school so he won’t have to take her,
but Jorge refuses and chides her for wanting to drive already since she is just
becoming old enough to start taking charge of her life.]
At Logatoys, Mauricio tells Jorge and Fabian not to say
that he can’t manage it; he just needs to relax. After he meditates for a
second, Mauricio is ready and asks “James” how things are going. After Jorge
clarifies his name, he tells Mauricio that they have thoroughly studied the
financial statements and debts keep increasing. When Mauricio asks what debts,
Jorge tries to explain that the expenditures are more, but Mauricio interrupts
and asks what expenditures. Jorge then responds that there is practically no
money coming in, so Mauricio smirks and clarifies that what he is asking is,
“Seriously, the company isn’t generating anything that is profitable? So how is
it that it continues to function if there are more expenditures than income?”
Fabian explains that they still have the licenses for the “Wheels on Fire” cars
which, according to the contract, they have to continue producing, even if it’s
a minimal amount. The sales of those products have decreased (like a) “canyon.”
When Mauricio asks “Jaime” what they should do, Jorge points out that he only
conducted the diagnostics; it is up to them to come up with the “treatment.”
After Jorge quickly makes his exit, Fabian comments that there is an option
that nobody likes, but can keep them afloat and save the little they have left
of Logatoys. This gets Mauricio’s attention as he asks what it is.
[Mexican Version: At Toño’s house, Toño, Veronica and
Renée sit at the table as Toño comments how he predicted that they would not be
let go. He suggests that Veronica admit that he is always right, but Veronica
teases that he was also biting his nails…she reminds him about the granola
bars, but is glad they can pay off all the credit cards they used for the trip.]
After Veronica hints that Toño should leave, he gets the hint and leaves. Once
alone, Veronica comments to Renée that she doesn’t believe that the problems at
Logatoys have gone away. When Renée agrees and mentions Lupe, Veronica asks
what the deal is with Lupe. She wonders if Renée likes him or if she is just
going everywhere with him as a companion. Renée reminds Veronica that she has
other priorities…that is why she left Alejandro at the altar. Veronica knows
that Lupe helps Renée to not feel lonely and he cheers her up; there is nothing
wrong with that as long as Lupe clearly sees things just as Renée does. When
Veronica asks if Lupe understands that they are only friends, Renée grimaces
and admits that things have changed a bit since Lupe asked her for an
opportunity to be more than friends. Renée thinks it might be something that
could develop into something more by spending time together…it’s not like one
has to feel butterflies in their stomach since the very first day. Veronica
doesn’t quite agree and suggests that Renée should have some type of feeling.
Renée agrees and reconsiders her thought (having
a pet is a big responsibility).
Flor and Nerón stand in front of the place Nerón wants to
rent for his business as Flor asks if he is sure he wants to get into this
business. When Nerón reminds Flor that she said she was going to support him in
everything, she quickly apologizes and thinks it must just be her nerves from
such emotion. As they walk in and Nerón tells Flor his plans, the owner walks
in and hands Nerón the rental contract. After the man leaves, Flor wonders if
Nerón has thought of a name for his tire repair shop. After she makes some Florisized
suggestions, Nerón gives his own suggestion, “Don Talachas” (talachas is a
colloquial term for repairs). (An internet search had shown him that
MedFer and RamSo were already taken.)
At Logatoys, Toño runs in to see Jorge in his office.
When Toño wonders how things are at the company, Jorge hesitates and is
contradictory, but manages to tell Toño that they are in the process of making
the best and most appropriate decisions for the toy company. When Toño asks
about Dulce, Jorge replies that things are just fine…she is on a trip right
now, but everything is fine. After Jorge hints that he has things to do, Toño
tells him to keep him informed and leaves.
At the tire repair shop, Flor will leave Nerón to his
planning while she goes to see about Milady’s baptism, but worries that they
might not have enough money for all the costs of the business. Nerón tells her
not to worry since he will be getting his retirement benefits from the company.
When Nerón wonders if Flor will be glad that he will be a businessman, Flor
hugs him and wiggles with delight that he will be her businessman…now the only
thing left for things to be perfect is for Nerón to reconcile with his sons,
but Nerón thinks his sons should be the ones to approach him because he and
Flor are the ones that were offended. When Flor tells him not to be so proud,
Nerón turns his attention to Milady and asks her what she wants the shop to be
called; so Flor blurts out, “Floridon”.
At his office, Mauricio tells Fabian that if his father,
where ever he may be, were to find out that he is planning to cut staff, he
would return from the grave just to shoot himself and die again. When he asks
Fabian if there is no other alternative, Fabian tells him that if he doesn’t
like that idea, he will have to sell. Mauricio yells that he is not going to
sell the company, but Fabian clarifies that he is not talking about selling the
company, he is talking about selling Mauricio’s “toys.”
Later, Fabian and Mauricio are looking at a line of
Mauricio’s cars as Mauricio comments that he would rather cut off his arm than
sell his little toys, but Fabian comments that he would tend to agree if he
could get money for his arm, but he can’t. If they sell all the cars, it will
only pay one third of his debts. When Mauricio continues to argue and make
excuses, Fabian asks him if he would prefer that the company go bankrupt. He
adds that after his cars, the next thing that will go is his yacht. They argue
again, so Fabian points out that even if they sell all those things, Mauricio
won’t be able to avoid reducing his staff. Debts aren’t forgiven and the money
has to come from somewhere. Mauricio wants some hours to think about it…and to
talk it over with his family. When Fabian wonders what family Mauricio could
have, Mauricio mentions his daughter…whether he likes it or not, the child
deserves that he consult with her since this is her inheritance. Fabian laughs
at Mauricio’s sorry attempt to make excuses, but then asks if Mauricio has
finalized the arrangements for Maria’s funeral. When Mauricio remains quiet,
Fabian hopes that Mauricio has already told Anifer the bad news, but Mauricio
responds that he just hasn’t found the perfect moment…though he has made it
known to Anifer in a variety of suggestive ways; so she can start processing
it. Fabian gathers that Mauricio hasn’t told Anifer (but even Fabian does not
have a wild enough imagination to suspect how he didn't tell her).
At the university, Renée tells Wilma that she is looking
at different possibilities before committing to one. Wilma understands, but
advises Renée that she can’t take too much time to get the support she needs;
it is very important that Renée show that she can sustain herself over there.
When Wilma asks about the loan Renée was going to ask for from the company,
Renée explains that it’s not a sure thing yet and that is why she is looking at
other options…just in case. When Wilma wonders what will happen if they don’t
give it to her, Renée insists that they have to give it to her.
At his home, Mauricio watches a game on his tablet as he
tells Anifer that her mother is fine and not to start up with the same thing
again. Her mother is busy; she has a hard and difficult job. He is sure that
after her mission, her mother will tell her all about it…thousands of stories
about faraway and exotic places…and spy things. When Anifer keeps watching him
and asks to borrow Mauricio’s tablet so she can write to her mother, Mauricio
tells her he is watching a game…anyway her mother will get distracted from her
obligations…keeping the peace in the world; if world peace disappears, it’ll be
Anifer’s fault. Anifer keeps looking at Mauricio as he makes faces at the plays
until he finally hands her the tablet. Just then, Ruby comes in so Mauricio
asks her for his cocktail. Ruby agrees to bring it but first wants to ask about
her monthly payment...her family doesn’t do cocktails, but they do eat.
Mauricio nervously tells her not to worry about it; he’ll write out a check as soon
as Anifer returns his tablet. When Ruby asks what he is going to do about
Anifer since he can’t have her cooped up in the house all day and mentions that
all the children have started school already, Mauricio responds that he was not
aware, but tells Ruby that she can bring him his cocktail; and he will think
about it in the meantime. (Ostrich, meet sand, Sand, Ostrich)
At the Notary, Renée is accompanied by Lupe as she asks
the notary if she needs some other document or if everything is in order. When
the notary tells her that what she needs is to go to court since her mother
died without making a will. Unless Renée takes it to court in order that she be
declared the heir and given the legal authorization, she cannot sell the house.
Renée is shocked and thought everything was in order…well, she thought her
mother had left everything in order. When she thinks there must be a way to fix
things, the notary tells her there is but it will be a lengthy ordeal. He
suggests that she get a good attorney; and when she gets the ruling in her
favor, he will be there waiting for her.
Valentina sends the grocery list to Jorge as he shops.
When he sees someone familiar, he darts and hides in back of the mops, but gets
a call from Valentina who forgot something. After she tells him she needs
feminine napkins, he suggests she get them herself at a pharmacy, but she
insists that he can get them and gives him a description of which ones to buy.
As he gets to the aisle where the feminine napkins are, he is shocked to see
how many different types there are, but is even more dismayed when his
godmother appears and calls out to him. He quickly turns to get away, but
smashes into a display of boxes. As he starts to pick up the boxes, his
godmother tells him it is a pleasure to see him.
At Mauricio’s house, Anifer approaches Mauricio who is
still using his tablet and asks if her mother already responded. When he tells
her she hasn’t responded, he tells her to go play, but Anifer is curious as to
what he is looking at. She asks why he is looking at pictures of cars and
wonders if he wouldn’t rather see real ones. Mauricio responds that those cars
are his, and as he pouts, continues that he is saying farewell to them because
he has to sell them. It is hard to understand his life without his toys…his
life is so sad. When Anifer comments that he can be happy without them,
Mauricio wonders if she knows that much about that subject and if she now wants
to teach him. Anifer replies that it is very easy; she is happy when she climbs
a tree…and when she looks at the stars in the sky. Mauricio mocks her and
wonders if the next thing she will say is that she has no need for cars or
anything else. Anifer responds that her mother didn’t know how to drive; and
she would say that the important thing is to be together and safe. Mauricio
thinks that Anifer hasn’t lived the world and doesn’t know about the good
things in life…because once you taste champagne, you don’t even remember
lemonade. When Anifer suggests that he take her on another ride, Mauricio snaps
that he doesn’t have time…he is a busy man. Anifer then suggests that he play
with her there at home, but Mauricio gets fed up and tells her he just can’t…so
he gives her the tablet and tells her not to bother him. When Anifer refuses
the tablet because she only wants it so she can write to her mother, Mauricio
tells her not to be behind the times; children her age do nothing more than be
glued to the screens. When he insists that she get with the times, Anifer again
refuses and tells him to just let her know when her mother responds. She then
leaves to go back to the table to draw (three steps forward, Mau, two steps
Renée and Lupe sit together as Renée looks over some
paperwork to see what else she needs to travel. When she asks Lupe if he has
everything ready and if he doesn’t anticipate problems because of the situation
in the United States, Lupe shares that he won’t have any major problems; he was
born in Mexico, but what hardly anyone knows, is that he has dual citizenship.
Renée now understands how easy it will be for him to go study in the United
States. Lupe assures her that though things aren’t looking good for her right
now, things will get better little by little…and when she least expects it, “they”
will be living in Maryland. (She mentally
reread the 'Pets-R-Us' returns policy?)
At Mauricio’s house, Mauricio goes to Anifer who is still
drawing and asks her if her mother had a pet name for her…a special name. After
several attempts to explain what he means, Anifer blurts out that her mother
would call her “Estrellita.” Mauricio then walks away and gets his tablet…and
starts writing, “Dear Anifer…Estrellita, I was very happy to read your
little letter. I am very happy to know that you are well. Daughter of
all my heart…”
At the grocery store, the godmother talks to Jorge while
he continues to pick up boxes. She tells him how she and Dulce would bump into
each other at the store and talk for hours. When she tells him she hadn’t seen
him in a long time, Jorge stammers that he has very little time…so much work;
he has no time to socialize. After the godmother asks how Dulce is, Jorge
replies that she is fine…everything is fine. He keeps rambling until he
comments that hatchlings flock together. When the godmother asks what he means,
Jorge backtracks as he recalls his father criticizing him for being hunched
over and telling him to stand up straight since they are at the house of God. A
grown-up Jorge watches as he (as a child) and his father talk to his godparents.
After his father tells his godparents that once they finish, they should go to
his home to celebrate, his godfather reaches out and caresses his father’s hand
as he tells him that if they don’t fit in his father’s car, they can go in the godparent’s
car. His father admires the car and suggests that one of these days after he
gets back from a trip, he may just ask to borrow the car to go for a ride. His
godfather agrees, but isn’t sure if he should ask him for the car or if he
should ask his wife. Jorge continues to watch as he is now in front of a hotel
and sees himself (as a child) with two other boys, Luis and Tavo, who tell him
that this is a place where adults come to do adult things. Luis grabs Tavo to
go peek through a window hoping to see something. As little Jorge looks around,
he spots the car that belongs to his godfather as it leaves.

Jorge then watches as little Jorge sees his father coming
out of the hotel and signals that he remain quiet. After they are both home,
little Jorge’s father tells him that he can’t say anything about what he saw in
the afternoon. When little Jorge points out that his father is cheating on his
mother, his father emphasizes that something like that could destroy their
beautiful family. When little Jorge asks why his father is cheating on his
mother, his father replies that there are many things he doesn’t understand…he
is too young, but is he says one word, he will be the only at fault if the family
is destroyed. Little Jorge wonders if it will be a sin to remain
would be like lying. His father responds that it is called discretion; and the
most important thing is that everyone talk about what a united family they
are…because that is what is most important…a united family.
Jorge’s godmother gets his attention and asks if he is
well. As Jorge replies that he is fine, his godfather approaches and tells him
that he and his family are invited to go to their golden anniversary
celebration…they will send the invitation later. Nervously, Jorge stutters that
yes, yes, yes they will go, but right now he has many, many things pending and
he has to go.
At Logatoys, Gladys sits asleep with her mouth open as
Mauricio enters and meets Renée who has been waiting for him. When she asks if
he was able to find Anifer’s mother, they both look at sleeping Gladys before
Mauricio replies that he did find her, but she will take a long time to
return…actually an eternity. When Renée wonders what he means by an “eternity,”
Mauricio evades the question by telling her it is just a saying and “Don’t you
worry” (in English). Mauricio then apologizes for offering her the money the
way he did…it probably sounded like a Mafioso-type of deal, but he did it with
the best of intentions. He just isn’t as perfect as he appears to be...”Sorry!”
Renée is not impressed and tells him that it seems he can’t give thanks in some
other way…it’s like it just doesn’t come out natural, but as for her, all is
forgotten. Renée turns to leave, so Mauricio asks quite loudly, “Well, shall we
then start over?” After he apologizes to Gladys for waking her up, Mauricio
extends his hand to Renée and introduces himself as the “owner of all of this.”
Renée wonders if, as “owner of all of this,” he could keep his employees
informed about all he is doing, his mistakes, and other things…because he has
them very worried. After Gladys chimes in that everyone is worried, Mauricio
wonders why Renée is upset again. Renée very quickly and heatedly tells him she
isn’t angry, she is just worried about her buddies and her situation because no
one knows if they will be working tomorrow. Mauricio is dismayed and tells
Renée she doesn’t know the sacrifices he is making so that can happen; so she
needs to tone it down. Renée agrees to tone it down; she is nothing but an
employee that shouldn’t be telling the “owner of all of this” what he should or
shouldn’t do with the little that is left of his factory. As Renée walks away,
Gladys tells Mauricio that Renée has every reason to tell him off because he
doesn’t share the information with them…so Mauricio walks off.
In his office, Fabian tells Mauricio that the sale of his
cars will not solve the problem; they may have tackled it just a little bit…or
even less. Fabian doesn’t know how to tell him, but Mauricio must sacrifice
more things. Mauricio reacts in his normal way; he wonders what else he has to
give up…should he sell his body to science? To sign up for a reality? To give
up his penthouse?? When Fabian looks pointedly at him, Mauricio laughs at the
thought of selling his penthouse…Fabian must be kidding; but when Fabian
motions by lifting his eyebrows, Mauricio frowns.
At Logatoys, everyone is gathered and waiting for
Mauricio. Jorge assures them that Mauricio should be arriving at any moment
because he has something very important to tell them. Renée thinks Mauricio
will have something good to say to them. Veronica isn’t too sure because
Mauricio has never met with them to give them good news; she thinks Logatoys is
going down…without any brakes. Toño tells her not to be so pessimistic; she
needs to lighten up. After Nerón rushes in and thanks Renée for letting him
know about the meeting, Fabian comes out of the office, but has to go back in
to give Mauricio a push. When Fabian announces that Mr. Lopez-Garza wants to
address them, Mauricio thanks him using a very informal and inappropriate term,
then apologizes and uses his given name, but has to wait until Fabian reminds
him he is the vice-president. Mauricio then addresses the employees and tells
them he has something he must share with them; he is sorry that it’s not
something favorable, but it is for the best of this business that is their
home. After he sees that no one is impressed with his introduction, Mauricio
tells them that he knows there have been rumors in the last few days…and
everyone knows that the world has its difficult moments. He continues with the
saying that “there is no wrong that lasts for a hundred years: …and no factory
that can’t withstand it; he added the last phrase. When he tells them that it’s
nothing that would make them drag themselves down, Veronica interrupts and asks
if he means that there will a reduction in staff, so Mauricio hesitates as he
replies that it shouldn’t be seen as a major reduction; he would prefer to say
that everyone will have to make a small sacrifice to allow Logatoys to move
forward. Everyone looks as clueless as they used to…some even more (maybe he
should run for office somewhere, he has the knack).
Inside his office, Mauricio painstakingly hands all his
car keys to Fabian who also asks for Mauricio’s captain’s hat. They then go to
the penthouse; and Mauricio walks around like a puppy who lost its bone as he
hands his keys to Fabian. When he finally lets his keys drop, Mauricio breaks
down crying.

Renée is at Jorge’s house as he tells her that he doesn’t
feel capable of handling her case at this time, but he can recommend a
colleague of his that he wholeheartedly trusts and will charge her a minimum
amount. Renée thanks him; she never thought she would be in a situation such as
this. Jorge understands; that is why he always tells people to be very careful
and have everything in order because you never know when things will happen. He
thanks God he and his wife have everything in order. When Renée asks about his
wife since she hasn’t seen her in a long time and the last time she saw her,
Dulce was very happy to have resumed her career, Jorge responds that Dulce is
very content, but then rambles that things are so strange nowadays…women form a
family and then all of sudden they decide that what is important is their
professional careers and In some way, abandon their family and they don’t
remember that they should be at home as God so dictated. Renée (probably
regretting that she asked) interrupts and tells Jorge that he needs to get
real…for some time now, a woman’s place is not only the home. She thanks him
for the information and, as she gets up to leave, asks him to send her the
contact information for his colleague. As she leaves, Jorge wonders if she
didn’t like the coffee…and he rambles on…
Later, Jorge goes to pick up Valentina at school and asks
for her brother. Valentina doesn’t know where Samuel, but asks that if no one
is going to use her mother’s car, why can’t she use it? What is he going to do
with it? After Jorge responds that he doesn’t know, he sits in the car to wait
for Samuel and asks Valentina if she is okay…she has a bad look. When he asks
if her stomach hurts, Valentina points downward, so Jorge figures out it’s
“that.” After trying not to look at her, Jorge changes the subject and asks how
things are at school. Valentina replies that all is well, then asks when Jorge
is going to tell her brother that their mother is never going to return. Jorge
thinks it’s best that they don’t tell Samuel…ever! Jorge then goes to look for
Samuel to see what he is doing.
At Samuel’s classroom, a student warns the others that
someone is coming, so they all run out as Jorge arrives. When Jorge sees Samuel
on the floor by himself, he quickly asks if Samuel is okay, so Samuel assures
him that all is well. Jorge worries and asks Samuel if the kids did something
to him, but Samuel denies that anything happened. After Jorge asks why he was
taking so long, Samuel tells him that they had a project to do and agreed to
meet there. Samuel wants to leave already, but Jorge still wonders why they
would be on the floor.
Days Later…
At Mauricio’s office, Fabian shows Mauricio how much
money they made with the sale of his toys. Mauricio is surprised that his toys
were worth so much, but Fabian points out that with that money they will only
pay off a minimal amount of the debt. When Mauricio wonders if he could take
some of the money to buy a nice apartment, Fabian exclaims, “No! No! Clearly
No! There is nothing left from that!” Mauricio is dumbfounded, so Fabian brings
up that Jorge told him about a property that Mauricio’s father owned…he could
possibly stay there. Mauricio shakes his head, but agrees, “These hard knocks life
has given me have made me reflect…like Bruce Lee used to say: one must be
flexible like water. And if I have to lower myself to a hippie level, I will
get used to the smells…” When Fabian wonders about Anifer, Mauricio insists
that he will take Ruby with him because he will not stay alone with that little
one…not for all the money in the world! Mauricio then asks a very important
question: can he be a hippie without a beard?
At Nerón’s “La Cachetona (the cheeky one) Tire Repair,”
Nerón tells Flor that everything was somewhat expensive, but is of high
quality…anyway, in the long run, cheap stuff leads to more expenses. When Nerón
asks how the place is looking, Flor thinks it lacks some decoration…maybe he
could put up her calendars on a wall. Nerón doesn’t like the idea of putting up
pictures where she wears almost nothing and poses seductively. Flor insists
there is nothing wrong with it; that’s how Nerón fell in love with her. They
continue to discuss it, but Nerón still would rather leave the wall as is.
After a while, Flor mentions that the one thing Nerón will not set limits on is
Milady’s baptism…she wants to buy Milady everything so she will look pretty.
Flor also wants Nerón to start planning on formalizing their relationship, but
when Nerón wonders how they could formalize it, Flor gets upset and leaves.
At Mauricio’s penthouse, Mauricio tells Ruby that he will
be turning over the penthouse the next day, but she will be going with him
wherever he may go. Ruby doesn’t agree with the idea since Mauricio owes her a
lot of money; it is of no benefit to her to stay with him…he doesn’t even come
home. Mauricio admits that he is going through a small economic setback, but
it’s just the “ups and downs” of the global crisis. When Mauricio asks how much
he owes Ruby, she whispers the amount in his ear, but he doesn’t believe he
could owe her that much. After Ruby insists that the amount is correct,
Mauricio tells her that though everything is packed, he is feeling generous. He
gets a toy from the table and tells her it is a designer toy that is worth five
times more than what he owes her. Ruby laughs and wonders how he could think
that she could sell that thing. When she tells him he will never see her again
and starts to leave, Mauricio holds her back and asks what he will do with the
child…how many times does she eat during the day…he doesn’t even know that!
Ruby reminds him that Anifer is not a pet; and she is smarter and more
independent than Mauricio thinks. Mauricio wonders if Ruby is really going to
leave him ♪♪All by Myself♪♪ After he tells her she can’t let him die alone, he
gets on his knees to beg her not to leave, but Ruby thinks he is just being a
clown. As she walks away, Mauricio gets a call and he responds, “This is he
talking…No! Seriously?”

By RgvChick and
Labels: papa
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