Friday, April 13, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/12/18 Chapter 28: Ratero Trap!

Mr. Dimples is desperate to steal whatever valuables and hard cash lovely Olivia has. Oli now realizes it ain't no game, although she's been played for a fool.  She cries and he gags her then.  He gets what he can find quick and easy and leaves Oli trussed and tied to the bedpost like the silly goose she is.

Across town, Paula encourages Alejandra to tell it like it is--and was--to Carlos.  "--Don't hold anything back!"  Ale just doesn't want to make a mistake.  (Hey, this is Mama Paula here, Ale--uh, just how many husbands did she mention she had?)

Straight Arrow Ricardo, aka Ric The Brick, meanwhile moons over the memories while he fingers the garter Ale dropped during her aborted wedding.  (Gotta admit that under other circumstances, this would be a bit creepy.)  FF>>FF>>

Lucky for Oli, Leonardo has arrived to take her to the courthouse and is very worried she's not answering the buzzer or her phone.  (I'm sorry, but she's a bit tied up at the moment, Leo, and cannot accept phone calls. Bwahahahahahha!!!  Bada-boom!)  He calls Victoria to ask for help.

Eventually, one of the building residents exits and Leo races into the lobby before the door closes.  He goes up to her apartment door and begins knocking.  Oli's gag comes loose just in time for her to hear him and yell out that she's there.

Leo breaks down the door with his foot and --Oh Noes!   Oli's not got on no clothes!!  He automatically turns around to guard what's remains of Oli's denuded dignity (which, Viewerville agrees, is zilch, zero, and nada.  --Just save it Leo.  It is what is is!) He recovers and then covers Oli's molted modesty with the bed sheet.  "--WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED TO YOU???"  "I WUZ ROBBED! He rushes to untie her and crawls onto the bed to console and comfort the defenseless damsel in her state of dismayed disarray.  Then, more to the point: was she....raped?  Nope.  I acquiesced to it all.  I thought he loved me.

Leonardo gets to view Oli in a totally different light.  She admits her guilt in acceding to everything that happened and to being a total idiot. (Viewerville would add "naive" to that description and notes he doesn't totally disabuse her of that notion.)  He will take her cases cuz they'll press charges.  They must first wait for Vicki to join the jamboree.

Leticia asks Brick to testify at Gustavo's defamation trial and he agrees.  She explains that Gus is reluctant to have Isa testify to the pain and emotional distress but also the emotional blackmail Gus was undergoing with the appearance of the video.  He's to convince Gus to let Isa testify also.  The case centers around her testimony, wouldn't he agree?

Looks like Gus got the idea already but is failing miserably in convincing Isabel that,  pride aside, she better well testify cuz that financial gravy train she's been riding on, courtesy of his legal career and  spotless reputation, otherwise comes to a screeching halt!

Roberto visits Carlos at his office to advise him that he's taking over the murder case that Alan lost and he'll be charging him with malpractice as well.  The two of them discuss how this will probably negatively impact the firm and his practice.  Roberto covers the two major foul ups while handling the case and Carlos pretty much says you don't have to lecture me.  He already went over it with Alan.  "--Well, be advised, that I'm not holding back with this one.  I'm prosecuting it to the letter of the law."

Brick talks to the Bulemia-encouraging Ex-Wife of his client.  They're going to stop the alimony if she doesn't see a psychologist about her unhealthy--if not outright starvation of their daughter.  Once the lawyer and the man's Ex leave Brick says he only hopes this hasn't permanently screwed up the child's mental state.

Vicki arrives at Oli's and Leo fills in the details.  She blames herself.  She goes off into a rant and stops herself before spilling the beans:  "--All this to forget about--well, whatever!"  Oli gives the others whatever information about Arturo, who, conveniently enough no longer has his picture up on the Single's website.

Gus reports back to Letya that Isa won't testify and the trial being tomorrow, this is terrible news.

Rob visits Taxi Girl to tell her they're going to take up her case again.  She just wants the assurance that he puts that lawyer that stuck her there in jail!

Ale comes to Brick to apologize for her wishy-washy attitude and treatment of him, but just then Carmen arrives with news about Oli's assault.

Leo accompanies Oli to the police station and while she gives her statement about the assault  with all the embarrassing details.  (What a fool!  How she got taken!  Leo has got to be thinking of the similarities to his recent situation.  Yup, he's been there and done that!)  They're going to throw the book at this guy.

Rob asks Juan how his search for information about Patricia is going.  Badly, cuz he's no good when it comes to getting on with members of the fairer sex.  Well, says Rob, you've come to the right place!  He begins to instruct him.

Brick Rob, and Vick get what few clues they can from Oli that they can use to begin their search for the Dimpled Descarado. They head off to the bar and Ale and Leo take Oli back home to keep her company for a bit.

Letya pays Isa a last minute visit.  She explains to Isa what's at stake, but Isa says, he made his bed now let them both lie in it. Yep, short-sited.  Will Leticia finally get down to the basics of any good "sales job" ?????  That is:  the "what's in it for me?" factor.  Come on girl, don't mess this one up!  This is the real deal meal ticket to Senior Litigator, doll face.  You can finally kick Benji the Blowhard to the curb!

At the bar, Vicki shows one of the waiters Oli's photo and he immediately places her with her date: Edgar/Ergar?  Well, it ain't Arturo, that's for sure!!  He's due in and hangs there quite a bit.....They pretend they wanted to chat and hang with him--nothing major--but were hoping to party a bit.  They'll have a round of whiskey's while they wait for  him and the waiter promises to bring him to their table once he comes arrives.


Oh Jardinera, that was worth waiting for! Your coverage of the the Oli debacle has true tragicomic flair. "Trussed and tied to the bedpost like the goose she is...": amen!

I cannot decipher the facial expressions we're seeing on Olivia and Leonardo through all this. She looks alternately hysterical and triumphant, and he looks alternately tender and mildly alarmed. But so far this TN has not given us what we expect, so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.

I can't believe Edgar uses the same bar for his serial delitos! I guess he counts on the ladies being too embarrassed/traumatized to do anything. He's going to be sorry he tangled with the superheroes at Vega...


Thanks, Jardinera. Fab recap. Are you sure you don’t do standup? Your recap cracked me up.

Oli now realizes it ain't no game, although she's been played for a fool.

(I'm sorry, but she's a bit tied up at the moment, Leo, and cannot accept phone calls. Bwahahahahahha!!! Bada-boom!)

This episode reminded me of “Friends,” with everybody banding together to help Rachel (Olivia).

I noticed the same with Olivia's expressions. She looks distracted by Leonardo. I think she will use this to her advantage to get him to really notice her. Though the bigger issue is what Arturo did to her, Olivia doesn't even seem embarrassed about Leo having seen her like that. It's almost like she relishes he happened to be the one to come to her rescue.

Victoria was blaming herself for no reason. Olivia's an adult who placed herself in a ridiculously dangerous situation. If she had shown up, Arturo would have just held up his plans for the next time.


(I'm sorry, but she's a bit tied up at the moment, Leo, and cannot accept phone calls. Bwahahahahahha!!! Bada-boom!)

Of course Niecie picked the same line (I'm beginning to believe that we were separated at birth) but especially, as I read that, I thought, "Boy would it be fun to party with Jardinera!" You are indeed a wickedly funny gal, amiga.

Now call me demented, but two things REALLY BOTHERED ME LAST NIGHT.

1) That in that expensive apartment building, the door was so cheesy even a not so buff lawyer could kick a hole in it.

2) He was picking her up early because they had an early case! concerning Rosita and the assault by her husband. But that was all forgotten as they lollygagged around with alternate "Soy una estupida" and "No, no eres una victima" over and over.

And later, Ricardo, who was "muy occupado" also dropped everything so he and Alejandra, Victoria, Roberto and Leonardo could rally 'round Olivia, be supportive and sally forth to hunt down the dastardly fella who did this to her.

Are these people working or just playing at Day Camp?

Anyway, the recap was great and Olivia got to achieve one of her sexual fantasies which was Leonardo riding to the rescue. So all good.

Jardinera, funny funny. Thanks. This could work in Oli's favor. When push comes to shove and she is still stalking Leo she can say: "Um, you've already seen me nekkid, we're halfway there already. Don't I get to see YOU?"

Jar--Gotta hand it to you. The hits just keep on coming....Dimpled Descarado, indeed. Thank you.

Kirby--I see you peeking in here, just when it gets juicy. Oli was tastefully covered from viewerville by a strategically placed pillow. Oh well.

I left a note last night that probably nobody will see, so I've moved it over here. It was about the plaintive pleas Gus was making for forgiveness, he loves Isa, his fling didn't mean ANYTHING, and please testify to her mortification. Hmpf.

...Isabel took the words right out of my mouth last night. She turned the tables on Gus and asked if she had been the one to cheat, would he be forgiving so soon? He mumbled and indicated he would--yeah, MY EYE, he would. He would be so indignant he would have marched right back to the office and filed for divorce on the spot and for full custody so his son wouldn't be exposed to that, that adulteress. He probably would have won, too.

JudyB--I also was worried about Leo and Oli's court date. Maybe they called ahead for a continuance. Day Camp--good one. In this case it seems as though they also include Overnight Camp.

Well I know Roberto would love to include Overnight Camp, with the fair Victoria.

I think the only thing that could get Isabel to testify for Gustavo is Leticia or Ricardo stressing to her that Gustavo's reputation could be irreparably harmed, which would hurt Luis and that Gustavo could lose clients and thus his job, which would hurt Luis.

Beyond the financial issues, Isabel is correct that Milena going after Gustavo isn't really her problem. It's HIS problem. Furthermore, she was incredulous that Gustavo wanted to put Milena in jail and punish Milena for what Gustavo did to Isabel. GUSTAVO created this entire situation because he was greedy and wanted a little fun on the side.

See, Gustavo thinks if he can put Milena in jail everything can go back to normal and Isabel will take him back. Gustavo still isn't taking responsibility for his actions. Apologizing and sending over some funeral home roses isn't taking responsibility for his actions. He still doesn't get it.

If Gustavo really wants to get Isabel back he needs to

a) move out
b) ask Isabel to delay a final decision on divorce for 3-6 months
c) do not contact Isabel for any reason other than Luis
d) figure out what he really wants
e) if at the end of the time period Isabel still wants a divorce, grant it to her. No begging, pleading, crying. Accept your consequences and have some dignity.

The more Gustavo begs & pleads, the more Isabel will want to get away from him. Because it's fake.

Anita, I purposefully do not know much about the law, so can not add much.
I know a little more about tying up nekkid girls, from reading about it, but I never robbed anybody.

And Jardinera is just too funny to not say something, if nothing but Thanks and seventeen smiley faces.

I also got a kick out of Jardinera's line about "waiting for Vicki to join the jamboree." It really was starting to look like the world's saddest slumber party.

Jardinera: Thank God that Leonardo was there to rescue Olivia. I wasn't bothered with her nudity at all.

Blue Lass: Victoria will probably be saying to Olivia "I Told You So!" in getting involved with the Psychopath.

Kirby: My wife's cousin had a similar experience when she was robbed, stripped 100% naked & left there tied up several years back.

Anon207: Let's hope Isabel dumps his ass.

Niecie: Manuel Balbi, who portrays Leonardo Moran in "PASL" also was in Telemundo's "EL SENOR DE LOS CIELOS" as Rodrigo Rivero, the crime-fighting law enforcement superhero.


Gracias, Good work.

Same favorite line, so maybe it should be on the sidebar.

I also noticed that Olivia's facial expressions were somewhat contradictory. A couple of days ago when there was a scene of Leonardo without his glasses I started thinking that he should trade those in for contacts. He looks better without them, less nerdy, and in this episode he got to be a hero for perhaps the first time in his life. He's also the right person for other reasons: He was duped by Ana Maria early on, so he will understand this better than anyone else and not judge Olivia for it.

I suspect that Arturo/Edgar's previous victims were all too embarrassed to report this and also too embarrassed to return to that bar. I hope Roberto & co. gave the waiter a big tip for his assistance and that this turns out well. The only thing to be concerned about is how much attention Olivia would get in the press and what kind. This would not only affect her but it would affect the firm and Gustavo's case.

As for everyone racing to Olivia's rescue, I guess nobody else had to be in court that day and they're all willing to work late when they have to.

Leticia wasn't the best choice to talk to Isabel about Gustavo's case and Gustavo shouldn't have done this either. Alejandra is her divorce attorney and she should have been the one to do this. Gustavo jumps to begging for reconciliation and Leticia has no empathy. She cuts straight to the dinero and doesn't seem to care about how this will affect Luis no matter what she actually says. Alejandra would say "Do this and the worst will be over. The judge will see the damage already done and the damage that could be done if we lose this case. If you still want a divorce, we can file as soon as this is over although I recommend waiting so that the press doesn't get any more fodder."

Ricardo can testify that the kids almost saw the video and can certainly describe how upset Isabel was, but that might feed the appetite for the court to want Isabel's testimony whether she wants to take the stand or not.

Of course, there is a conflict of interest in Alejandra handling the divorce; Ricardo's divorce was handled by a different law firm.

Oh Jardinera what a funny and perfectly detailed recap, thanks a lot. Loved how you described the whole Olivia situation, couldn't stop laughing and almost choked on my coffee

With Leonardo there didn't appear to really be a whole lot of rescuing and that she was out of danger and all she needed was untying

And hugging. Lots of hugging.


Jardinera, good recap. Very very very
Embarrassing episode for Olivia. Girl
Anytime a man tells you he loves you after sex,and having only known you, uh.....10 minutes, might as have been ten minutes, what was it a week? Whats
Wrong with some of these women? Their
Brains go down to their virginas,just
Like the men's brains are in their penises. Whatever happened to good Ol
Fashion courting? And it is not Victorian.
You'd be surprised how much you can get to know a person just by talking to them.I guess as far as shes concern
ed they talked enough. Well that's just the way I feel about it, I know everybody's different I know today's women don't think like our mothers and grandmothers did and all of our mothers and grandmothers didn't think like this either. O well, to each her
Own. I'm glad he didn't rape her, tho
She might feel that way. I hope she
Thought to call the bank and cancel all her credit cards, debit card, and
Cancel the checks. Cuz lawyers make good money and her bank account is probably pretty plump. She might see her jewelry sometime on somebody in
Court, he emptied her jewelry box.
"I WAS ROBBED". Lol that was funny to me. Yeah, in more ways thsn one girl.

Isa should go ahead and testify. It's
Out that hubby cheated on her. Go on
And get the embarrassment over so that
They can get Melina for whatever. They
Need closure.

So glad they'll get Nora out of prison
I hope she hasn't been too scared by
Her surroundings.

Ale should take momma paula's advice
And tell Carlos how it is. Or how she
Wants it to be. Or he's just gonna keep bugging her. And the patio. And
The brick will keep walking around with those bulging mussels lookin sad
And lookin at ale's wedding garder.

Ric's client's ex looked like she was gonna attack ric, they should mention that in court too. I hope he wins that case. Crazy people.

Thank you Jardinera.

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