Saturday, April 28, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/27/18 Chapter 39 Viernes: Discussion Page

Chapter 39 Conflict With No Resolution

Just a few bullet points to kick off discussion; not necessarily in order.
  • Funeral: No more fisticuffs or arguments.
  • Alejandra: Accompanied Ricardo to his place, got him to calm down. Fixed him tea, stayed after he went to bed, and slept on the loveseat couch in his room.

  • Carlos: Annoyed with Alejandra putting him off,he called Paula, who had no information for him other than that she wasn't home. Carlos was ma d enough to chew neutronium. He sounded off at Alan, who wasn't ruffled. The following morning he was waiting outside Paula's mansion where he interrogated Alejandra about why she didn't come home the night before and where the hell was she. She was not pleased but didn't tell him off sufficiently.
  • Juan: Got home late to find Fernanda with Susanna. Told them about the funeral, shocking his mother with what ingrates Joel's sons were.
  • Roberto & Victoria: Went out to dinner after the funeral and talked about Ricardo and Alejandra. Both get what's going on with them. Rob escorted Victoria home but did not get the invitation he was hoping for.
  • Benjamín and Leticia: She is sick of his jealousy and they argued about her looking for other action.
  • Olivia & Leo: Talked about The Rat. She has to testify in court and this should be the end of this.
  • Gustavo & Alberto: Alberto refused to negotiate the dissolution of the company he ointly owned with Ramón, claiming he did nothing wrong. He refused to sign the document saying he received these documents. Gustavo said this will not go well for him.
  • Burial Site: Ricardo accompanied Marcia to inter Joel's ashes. The reading of the will is pending. Elena crashed this with a show of sympathy for Marcia, then shanghaied Ricardo to the kids' school.
  • Alejandra & Paula: They discussed Carlos' stalking before Alejandra changed clothes to go to the office. She had not discussed Carlos with Ricardo the night before.
  • Gustavo: He called Isabel to ask about her and Luis. He has still not signed the divorce papers and Isabel won't let him see Luis before he does. She told him that anything about Luis is to go through Alejandra, as she does not want to have anything to do with him. He later told Alejandra he refused to agree to Isabel's terms.
  • Carlos and Alan: Carlos sounded off in front of him and lost his cool about Alejandra.
Mr Mason and I will see you next week.


I love Christopher Mason so will be delighted to see him back next week. But bullet points are refreshing...especially on a lazy Saturday morning. I can get the gist of what happened without stressing these half-awake brain cells.

Carlos was ma d enough to chew neutronium.

Wonderful quip. The actor playing Carlos is great at "seething", I must say. And while I loathe the character of Alan, I must admit he's earning his pay just having to listen to Carlos vent endlessly about his various frustrations. Still I'm convinced this Uriah Heep of a cousin is the one who actually killed Patricia.

Thanks Urban. You never disappoint.

Spam is not allowed in this blog; I just removed one.

I think we can expect Joel's will to become an issue and now that Alejandra has seen how controlling Carlos is I hope she will finally tell him off and end contact with him. She should get another attorney to approach him about selling that apartment or buying out her share and be done with him for good.

Gustavo needs a shrink. He can't face how costly his mistake was. I still can't understand men who claim they love their wives when they cheat on them. This is the biggest insukt they can pay them. The Madonna/Whore thing should have ended long ago.

Gustavo is a puzzler, UA. But I understand that in some cultures having a mistress is considered "normal behavior". So evidently Gustavo believes that with a flurry of "perdoname's" he should get a free pass and be nestled once again in the bosom of his family, with an adoring wife and an equally adoring son.

An interesting case of one man determined to force his agenda. And it's not working.

I like him when he's defending clients.

When he's begging, pleading and threatening Isobel I loathe him.

Judy, I wish I could provide a daily literary experience but I don't have enough time for that.

Gustavo is an excellent lawyer and clearly has empathy for his clients. He also seems able to keep his work and his personal problems separate. However, he is pathetic when dealing with Isabel.

It is now looking more and more like we won't know who killed Patricia until the end of the series. I also think that Alan did it to frame Carlos so he could take over the firm. Which reminds me...

When Carlos explained his family situation to Leo he didn't mention whether his aunt was still alive. If she died Carlos should feel no obligation to keep Alan as a partner when he is clearly so incompetent. However, he's probably thinking to keep an eye on him. This could go either way.

I think if Gustavo had expected to cheat and have a mistress he wouldn't be begging Isabel so hard.

I've been saying that Gustavo loves Isabel, but loves himself more. I am partially wrong. Gustavo does not love Isabel at all. He loves the IDEA of Isabel, not Isabel herself. If he loved Isabel herself, he would respect her wishes to be left alone. She was his attractive, adoring, respectable wife. That's what he misses. He doesn't miss ISABEL.

Elena doesn't miss or love Ricardo, she misses & loves the idea of Ricardo. She misses the hardworking, respectable, loving father concept but she doesn't actually love him.

Carlos doesn't love Alejandra, he loves the idea of Alejandra: the smart, beautiful accomplished attorney from a good family. But he doesn't actually love her.

I'm not going to say if you cheat on your partner, you don't love them. People make mistakes, they "fall into temptation." But if you truly do love the partner you cheated on, you're going to do what's best for them. You will do the internal work to find out why you cheated on them and you will decide whether you really want to be with them or not. You will accept their decision if they decide to leave.

We don't see Gustavo, Elena or Carlos doing any of this. What Isabel, Ricardo & Alejandra want doesn't matter. It's only what they want.

Because Gustavo has had such violent outbursts, Isabel needs to get a restraining order against Gustavo. She is correct to do "no contact" with him because he just doesn't get it.

Thanks, Urban.

Gustavo was becoming so agitated, with his face reddening, that I wondered if he'd have a heart attack. Isabel has been a stay-at-home mom, devoted to him, as well as financially dependent on him. He never imagined she'd have the stones not to give in to his pleas. He claims she's keeping him from seeing his son, but he just needs to go through Ale to set up visitation. JudyB, I feel for Gustavo for the reasons you give. He's so compassionate with his clients. I do believe he loves Isabel. Too bad he didn't take up motorcycle riding or bungee jumping to treat his midlife crisis, instead of an outside sexcapade.

Urban, ITA it looks like Carlos's case won't be resolved till the end. I'm guessing Carlos is keeping Alan around so he can serve as the fall guy should the ***t hit the fan about his dirty money and dirty clients.

On DZ's lack of tears, strange that they didn't have a little bottle of fake tears on the set to squeeze in his eyes. The best, most natural crier I've seen in TNs is Adela Noriega. Fingers crossed that Televisa will bring in her and other stars we don't see much anymore in brief juicy parts.

My my, Roberto and Victoria came very close to kissing.

Thanks for the talk page Urban.
Anon207,I like what you said about Gus
Carlos and Elena. These 3 people are Control freaks. They want to Control
The people in There lives, and these
People don't even want to be in their
Miserable lives. I can see Carlos and
Gus really violent,And even elena goin
To help Carlos set up ric,or ale with
Something illegal. Elena said awhile back if she cant have ric no one will.
Or was it"if I can't be happy he won't neither will he"? That is not a normal person.And she's Lying to her children about ric, him Forgetting about them when he marry's Someone else and has his own kids. How Can any loving mother hurt her kids by telling them something like that about the only father they've ever known. She's Got dead cells floating around in her head. And she's probably got a violent streak that's worst than gus & carlos.
To hell with RIC she can't stand loosing. Especially to somebody that's got more class than she does.

Carlos is now stalking ale,really man?
He don't like Loosing and especially to ric.

Gus, the idea of Isabel brought class
And dignity to his sorry character,now
He wants it back. But he kicked it to
The curve while he pleasured himself
For a little over a year with Melina.
He was cocky thought he could have his
Piece on the side and his family. It's
Bad when people feel like that's ok,It
Is not. No matter how normal it feel.
It's a rather sad situation. 3 under achievers of relationships. 3
People that don't get it.


Mme Urban--you are better than Christopher, we can all vouch for that. Having said that, he's refreshing for a change. Meanwhile--You may have been spitting bullets, but it read like a full recap. Delightful reading.

Ale lacks GUTS. She wouldn't even tell her mother that Carlos lost it and got verbally aggressive with her, then turned on heel and left her. She told Paula he didn't say anything...ya, and we were watching and don't believe a word of it.

Sexual tension sure was in the air when Rob & Vic got to her apartment. She had her "come hither" slinky look and walk to her, but I'm glad Rob held back. They belong together, but she needs to recognize that (and not try to "change" him) and he needs to recognize that she wants someone who doesn't advertise his wild encounters with other females. He needs to concentrate "meekly" on Vic.

I was absolutely floored by Gus' attitude with Ale. *He's* not going to sign the papers because "he* doesn't want a divorce--*he's* not going to leave her the house, even though it's in both their names--and *he's* not going to pay any alimony or child support because *he's* not going to permit the divorce to go through? Puleeze. At this point Isabel has everything on her side, including the D.F. no-fault, quicky divorcio express. Gus ought to know that.

Still no tears from Ric the Bric. Maybe he didn't want to get his sharkskin suit damp. And, he slept in his clothes, including his shoes--all night? Puleeze. Gimmie a break. At least he woke up with a pillow under his head.

Nina--I always love the construction of your comments. It's like reading free verse, cadence included.

I wonder if Isabel have other family members that can come and support her
Through this ordeal. Maybe a brother?
Who can be played by George Salinas or
That other hot guy y'all were talking
About? Colunga?Somebody that could put gus in his place. He walkin around sayin what he wont do, like a child Havin a tantrum.
Feelin a little intitled gus? Go to
Your happy place cuz you're not Comin
Back to isa's.

I think Carlos only keeps Alan is because I think is knows where all Carlos's dirty history is buried.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Victoria, you may have something there!

I agree that Carlos doesn't love Alejandra and Elena doesn't love Ricardo. Neither one of them likes getting his/her ego hurt. Again, it's making me more curious every day about Elena's first ex.

Not sure about Gustavo not loving Isabel. He sounds like someone who didn't consider the consequences of his actions and now seriously realizes that he's lost something he had failed to appreciate.

Unlike Elena, Gustavo is not a narcissist. He is capable of empathy for others and that's what makes him an excellent family law attorney. However, he has been naive about the effect of his extracurricular activities and that this was basically a midlife crisis. He needs a shrink. I suspect he has lost Isabel and that is a road he can't travel back on.

Yes, Gustavo needs a shrink, or at least some real soul searching. So far, he's talking "at" Isabel, but not "to" her. "Perdoname perdoname!, here are some roses, I want to come back home, our son needs me..." He gives her no real reason to trust or respect him, or to even want to be in his company again.

Urban, thank you for taking the time and providing us with a recap. You managed to cover everything with just a few bullet points.

That's it, we finally got ourselves a villain. At the beginning, I thought Elena, Carlos, Benjamin and Leticia will be the villains of this telenovela. I never would have guessed that it's actually going to be the empathetic Gustavo.

He is the most disgusting, despicably hypocritical character in this telenovela. When he told Alejandra, in this cocky villainous tone, that Isabel should have thought about how she is going to maintain her son before asking for a divorce, I wanted to grab him through my t.v screen and shake some common sense and decency into him.

It was not enough for him to cheat on Isabel for a year and make her go through a traumatic experience of having to watch his sex tapes in full hd in a courtroom full of people, he now wants to victimize her even further by forcing her to stay married to him through blackmail and intimidation. And meanwhile, his lover is serving 2 years in jail for a crime she didn't commit.

He already tried every miserable move to keep Isabel from leaving him, all that's left is threatening to kill her or committing suicide.
In any case, now that he goes around the office screaming that Alejandra betrayed him for taking Isabel's case, it's time for Alonso to intervene and to sanction his completely unprofessional behavior.



I'm hoping that they've shown us Gustavo's good side for a reason and that something will make him come to his senses now that he's off the chain. I would love to see Alonso intervene and shut him down. It's bad enough he gave the firm bad publicity with his sex tapes, now he's acting like a fool with a colleague.

Milena caused Isabel severe emotional trauma and could easily have done so to Luis had he stayed in his room a minute longer after putting the disc in the player. Since we haven't seen him in a few episodes we're not sure how much he actually knows or how he is reacting to it. While this isn't technically a crime we know that a restraining order would have been meaningless in this case.

While I agree that Gustavo was a fool for cheating in the first place, his crime was not anticipating Milena's future actions when her e-mails got nasty. Based on her courtroom behavior I'm not sure that paying her off with a lump sum would have worked.

What Alonso should have done in the first place was to advise Isabel to get a lawyer from outside the firm, as Ricardo had done in the opening episode. Now he needs to have a major talk with Gustavo and perhaps give him an ultimatum: See a shrink now and get yourself in order or you will be ejected from the firm. Gustavo has not screwed up in his clients' cases and his courtroom behavior has been appropriate. However, Alonso should be concerned about his mental state because of how this could affect his future performance.

Thanks Urban!

I've recently started watching this show and thought to chime in. I don't think I'll come in all the time as I'm about to graduate in 1 month but just to add my thoughts in it.

So far I like that the main hero is atleast more competent than Gabriel Soto's emo character in Vino Del Sueno( Jesus talk about catching claustrophobia from vineyards). So far in my viewing experience Ricardo is more objective ,strategic capable of juggling through the law enviorment. Gabriel's character was just an ego-maniac moving as the wind blew.

The villians could be a little worked on as I haven't felt stakes were ever high. In La Malquerida and PYP tension was pretty much always high (Cause of the brilliant villians). Julian Gil is creepy while Alan is smug and doesn't really give a damn. I like Elena's character though.

My favorite characters are Alonso, Ricardo, Alejandra and the now defunct best daddy of the year, Joel.

Countx, nice to see you here. Congrats on your upcoming graduation. I do hope Alonso gets more screen time.

Tnx Niecie! By the way did anyone see Primal Fear? It's an old court drama that stars Richard Gere &Edward Norton( Hulk before MCU)?. The music and the end twist was so glorious!

Irene I like the way you so politely
Put how Alonso should put gus in his
Place. But he need a good shaking up and a good tongue lashing.Now while he us good in the courtroom, doin good
By his clients,good courtroom manners.
That's all fine and dandy but, Iam gonna be Alonso-ette for a few minutes walkin into gustavo's office closing the door:
"Gustavo, I need a word with you, now
Just listen, I know you're going through Some things, you're antsy and you're anxious and you're probably hurting, I completely understand, but you need to stop being such an ass and hard on everybody. Because all we've done is support you and stood with you through this ordeal YOU brought on yourself. Now you're doing good in court by your clients, I appreciate that. And you're getting help from us, what you could do is be more grateful. I heard about you yelling at alejandra threatening her, telling her to tell Isabel things,threatening to stop payin child support, you need to cut that out cuz we have put up with a lot from you. You have humiliated your wife and this firm with your R-rated sex-capades with your mistress who is now in jail on charges that do not fit the crime. And you're going around threatening people, you need to stop, you need to go and apologize and tell alejandra you appreciate what she's done for you and you need to sign those damn divorce papers. And Then go get some help with counciling, from a Shrink, because my friend and collegue you are Loosing it. You need to man up and own your mistakes, either you get it together or your ass is out of this firm". Then I'd whip my long Hair extensions over my shoulder and leave his office.

Maybe they'll get fed up and get in his face. He is something hisself, like he Has done nothing wrong. Isa should never take him back. He might be confusing her with Melina cuz she's the one that wanted his money, Isabel just wanted his love and to be able to trust him, that ship has sunk.
Whatever love she had for him he killed it especially with threatening to take money like all she was with him for was his money. she probably had to put up with a lot of crap for 10 years and was too nice to say anything to him about it.
After that insulting threat I'd tell
Him Where to go.

I'll be glad when benny's wife finds out about him & letty.

Count--Ditto on the congratulations. I remember you were in school. Aren't you located overseas somewhere? All I can remember is that you aren't in the States. What's next for you? Will you still have time to keep watching telenovelas?


Ale probably put the piklow under his head.

I love your "Puleeze" it goes so well with beenie!


I wonder how many of us, wives or husbands, would really put up with a partner who had affairs or a mistress on the side without thinking there would be repercussions in their marriage.

I know I couldn't.

I'm watching 'Apuesta por un Amor' and Roberto, José María Torre, plays a hacienda worker. He is so young here. Did you guys know that he is also a fashion designer?

Irene, I see Gustavo doing a pity suicide. He is so far gone and his emotions have skyrocketed.


It's well worth watching. It's intriguing, suspenseful, and thoughtful. Plus, who could turn down Richard Gere at his best.

This was one of Edward Norton's best role, IMO.

Welcome back, CountAlacan!

We've seen a lot of changes in novelas in the last few years including more modern furniture, ambiguous endings, and characters with more shades of grey than an IBM board meeting. This series has a few actors cast against type and a parade of actors in guest roles as clients and troublemakers. More modern interior design, fewer priests, fewer servants... what next?

Well they stuck their toe in to test the waters with the transgender subject,we will probably see them Do the same with the same-sex marriage theme.Thats what they did with the one soap in the US, days has gone full throttle with it.(Well two guys in bed kissing with no clothes on)That would include the weddings and bedroom scenes. I think it's abit much for daytime,but these Times are a changin. And I change the chanel. Don't you just love freedom of choice?


What are you talking about transgender actors on this telenovela? I've seen no evidence that the writers have written such a plot.

Yep I live overseas altough that hasn't stopped me from watching these show thanks to the generosity of the Internet hehe.

I don't see a problem with the sexual diversity unless they suddenly start supporting bestiality or incest. No one yet is doing that yet in a telenovela. Besides i like same sex couples if they are written well.

My favorite couple is Root and Shaw from Person of Interest ! :


Anon @ 12:23 this novela had a story in the first week about a transwoman who wanted visitation rights to a son conceived 11 years previously when she was a man. Ricardo handled the case on her behalf while Alejandra represented the child's mother. Daniela was played by a man in drag.

Urban--yes! Fewer priests AND more psychologists/psychiatrists. Oh, and now everybody has a cell phone, so there's no excuse for not staying in touch or "disappearing" for two years, as poor Dr. Carlos and his beloved Fernanda in un Camino). Granted, he was lied to by "real" people, but he could have circumvented all the obstacles Televisa was putting in his way with working cell phones earlier in the game. (I'm revisiting Camino to close comments so it doesn't get spammed or become annoying to our Melinama.)

That first client that RIC had.
He wanted to see his son that he
Didn't know he had. He/she backed off and desided to wait &
Let him grow up a little more.
They kinda eased into it and out
Of it rather quickly. That's why I think they were just testing the waters.

I think the current villians of Por Amar Sin Ley are the lawyers themselves. Due to their job they wield power to either heal or destroy families at a whim and are also filthy rich. Any other threat is pretty much non-consequencial. Unless a lawyer pisses off a member of the Mafia the most devastating threat would have to be internal.

Whatever hell or heaven they create is of their choosing.
As for every action there is a reaction.
The agents of law and chaos gotta know
No hell hath more fury than a client scorned.

Well there's a whole lotta scornin goin on on this show.And half of it is
The lawyers cuz they can't seem to get their act together. Ale goin around in circles, she can't make up her mind to
Tell Carlos to get lost,leavin the RIC
Hangin. Anymore of her indecision and
He is goin to yield to temptation (Elena)and we all know what a disaster
That would be.Gus is a raving lunatic,
Benji is.....just dumb. And letty is..
In My opinion just not smart.We live In a Society where women are coming off as being smart but when you find some that's doing what this woman is doing, she seems to be a good lawyer she knows her stuff and her way around the courtroom but she's bedding this other lawyer who's married to somebody else, you can do better for yourself than this. It's like she prefers to walk in the muddy ditch instead of walking on the clean sidewalk. I can't see her ever becoming a partner just because she'd rather play with pigs than to be the smart woman that she can be. She'll probably end up in One of those strip mall one room offices where the air condition don't work in the summertime and theres a laundrymat
Next door and the sidewalk has old gum
From 2 years ago stuck on it. And flys
And Knats stuck to the not working air
Conditioner. Smarten up woman you can do better than Benjamin. Hell his wife can do better than him.


Nina, I just about died laughing imagining Alonso whipping long hair extensions over his shoulder. Although to think about it, he might even look good with long hair. I loved Fernando Colunga's luscious shoulder length hair in Alborada (although the love story between his galan and Lucero's protagonista in that telenovela started in a most horrible way, by him having sex with her by pretending to be her husband. So, basically that telenovela started with a galan sexually abusing the protagonista).

It is time for Alonso to finally intervene and I love your scenario of his conversation with Gustavo, hair whipping included. However, his management style is way too laid back and I suspect that he will just ignore Gustavo's outbursts, just like he ignored Leonardo beating Roberto up in his office and during work hours. I would have summoned the warring parties into my office for a chat at the very least.

I also would have had a very serious conversation with Gustavo immediately after finding out about his sex tapes being made public and I certainly would have prohibited Leticia from bringing a criminal case against Milena, knowing full well that every dirty facet of Gustavo's life is going to be exposed in criminal court and not wanting the firm's name to be further associated with this deplorable situation.



I find that this telenovela severely lacks strong confident women (warrior princess Victoria excepted).

Alejandra doesn't know how to say no and is incapable of making up her mind; Leticia thinks that the only way to a bright professional future goes through Benjy's bed; Olivia is needy and obsessed with a man that doesn't care about her and Elena gets humiliated over and over again by Brick and keeps coming back for more.




Yes here the lawyers are their own worst enemy. However, at least with the exception of Leticia and Benjamin, they seem genuinely interested in only representing the unjustly accused or those they believe are innocent.

But, IMHO, in family law, no one wins, particularly the kids. No matter which way you cut the pie, the kids get the brunt of their parents' failings. I've never been divorced, thankfully, and have never known of a family member or friend or acquaintance that has had a smooth sailing through a divorce.

In our fictitious novela world, I admire how the writers are portraying family lawyers and the criminal defense ones. They are portraying Benjamin in a perfectly reasonable and believable role as the ambulance chaser and Leticia as the money and power hungry, grabbing co-worker who will screw you over in a NY minute. (No offense to my fellow NY Caraymates)

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