Saturday, May 12, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/11/18 Chapter 49: Loose Lips


...and the gang's all there (except Alonso, who has never once had fun in his entire life.) They spend the whole evening talking to each other, so it would have been way cheaper to buy a bottle and go to someone's house, but there probably wouldn't have been enough rooms for all the breakout sessions.

Conversations have been paraphrased for underlying intent.

Vic: I hate to butt in, DIMWIT, but Ale broke up with Carlos like ages ago. What are you waiting for?

Ric: QUE QUE QUE? But Carlos told me everything was hunky-dory!

Vic: And you believed him? What kind of a lawyer are you? (Not paraphrased; she actually said that. Gotta love Victoria.)

Oli: It's so nice to be out! I've had an irrational fear of nightclubs since The Thing.

Leo: I won't let anything bad happen to you! I can promise that because I have taken off my glasses and am now Superman!

Oli: Ooo let me hug you with inappropriate clinginess.


Juan: I live with my Mom! 

Gus: SNIFF. I wish I still lived with my Mom! Wait. I mean, my son's Mom.

Juan: And I have a really cool girlfriend!

Gus: SNIFF. I wish...wait. Never mind. I just remembered I have fatherly advice.

Juan: SNIFF. I wish I had a father!

Gus: Listen up: be good to your girl. Appreciate her, tell her how much she means to you, spend time together, don't work late at the office, and don't let yourself be...let's see, how shall I phrase this for an overgrown child?...carried away by passion. You don't know what you've got til it's gone. Learn from my mistakes.

Juan: Gee, thanks! I have advice for you, too! Never give up! One day your wife will forgive you! Just be the Little Engine That Apologized! All stories have a happy ending!

Gus: You know nothing, Juan Snow.


Ric: I am an imbecile.

Leo and Rob: Well, no, not really, um, ah, it wasn't really your fault.

Ric: I will win her back!

Leo and Rob: YAAAAAAAAY!!!


Oli: We need to make peace, coz I'm such a goody two-shoes I can't stand it if anyone looks at me crosswise.

Leti: I don't think so, Missy. I'm tired of everything always having to be your way. You never believed in me.

Oli: That's not true! I have ALWAYS supported you in a completely ineffectual way. It's just that I don't think you should take this case. You're just trying to get money from the company. You're just trying to get money from the company. You're just trying to get money from the company. Oops! Someone pulled my string and now it's stuck.

Leti: No one listens to you anyway. Benji and I are going back to "work."


Rob: Excuse me, girls, but this other lady is much more important. Victoria, I knew you would come!

Vic: It's not for you. I came to be with everyone. Because I don't see nearly enough of them when they're wandering in and out of my office all day long.

Rob: You may feel that way at the beginning of the evening, but we'll see how it ends.

Vic: Dream on, flirtypants.



Ric: I just found out you broke up with Carlos! Why didn't you TELL me?

Ale: I tried, but you were too busy being all noble to listen.

Ric: I was trying not to hurt you.

Ale: But you DID hurt me.

Ric: But I was trying not to.

Ale: But you DID.

Ric: Yeah, whatevs. I still care for you. Is there another chance for us?

Ale: Meh no yeah maybe I dunno. I'm super wishy-washy and there's LOTS more episodes.


El Ciego continues to smarm about how great Carlos is and how much felonious fun they're going to have together. The money-laundering party starts in two weeks! Then Shades slips into menacing mode: first sign of a problem, he and his money are gone and Carlos has to deal directly with Baldy. Carlos seems a little surprised at how quickly the beautiful friendship turned abusive, but he swallows it down.

After the narcos leave, Alan comes in and blusters his continued disapproval. He can't believe they're going to be laundering money through the Foundation! But Alan, Carlos replies, we're helping women. (He's going to need to learn to say that less ironically.) When Alan asks more questions, Carlos tells him the less he knows, the better. Oh, but they need to get themselves "a good tax attorney" (fiscalista.) By which of course he means "a bad tax attorney," i.e. someone willing to go along with their shenanigans. (Thanks to Irene, the Patio's legal expert, for the translation.)


At the Old Lotharios' Home, Nic manages to accidentally-on -purpose "bump into" Astrid and accidentally-on-purpose "drop" his Octavio Paz book, which accidentally-on-purpose just happens to be her very favorite. They chat briefly about how they might not be so different after all, and he tells her she has a beautiful smile. She concedes that he is certainly a sweet talker, and that must be why all the other biddies flock around him. He replies that he only says what he sees. Yes, but can any of it be believed? He seems offended by this and stalks off in a huff.

The next day in the garden, they resume the conversation. He tries to put his hand over hers and is rebuffed. But the affable orderly has already observed that she is dressing differently and smiles more, so we know something's cookin'.


The front door is barely shut and Natasha and Boris are all over each other with incomprehensible -- at least on her part -- enthusiasm. Suddenly his phone rings, and he actually answers it. With his pants half off. "Oh, hi honey! Yeah, I'm working late. Leticia's here. My wife says hi! Leti says hi! Love you!" (Dude, seriously???)

Leti tells him he's pretty much peed on the campfire and pushes him out the door. Surely this is the last straw...? We're kind of starting to like Leti, but this Benji thing is a real head-scratcher. All I can say is, he must have hidden talents. Very hidden.


Alonso is having his weekly show & tell, and the lawyers mostly report out stuff we already know. Paty had a mysterious novio. Vicky's client wants child support. Benji's up to nothing, absolutely nothing.

Finally the subject of Leti's case comes up, and opinions are divided. Some of her colleagues see the merits of the case, while others think it's a waste of time going to be hard to prove. Olivia tells her she understands her point of view and she should do what she thinks is right. JAJAJAJA just kidding. All together now: "You're just trying to get money from the company!" I don't know why someone hasn't taken her for a brain scan. But I guess if you have to hear something for the 4,792nd time, it beats "Rape is bad" and "Women should speak up."

Alonso just sits there playing with his pencil (not a metaphor.) With no consensus, the decision is down to him, so he says go ahead -- but keep me posted. Leti is jubilant.


Juan brings Tatiana to see Rob, and they immediately get into an argument. She opens with, "Why are we even here when Carlos is the killer?" and Rob snaps back, "Actually, I think it's you!" Juan physically steps in to defend her. (Oh dear, she's going to be "grateful" for out, Fer.)

Once they've calmed down, they trade some actual facts. "Paty had a novio." "Roxana says the two of you were rivals." But the conversation goes nowhere and ends up right back where it started, with Tat hysterically shrieking about Carlos. Why did she come, anyway? Does she like Juan THAT much? She tries to flounce out but loses some mojo when she is clearly overmatched by the door.

After she's gone, Rob tells Juan never to contradict him in front of a witness. Juan protests that he worked very hard to earn Tat's trust, and he doesn't want to lose it now. Rob points out that Carlos is their client, so their job is to defend Carlos. Juan clearly has other ideas.


* In Vicky's office, the girls press Alejandra on giving Ric another chance. Well, he hurt her, and she was hurt, and she doesn't want to be hurt again, because it hurts. YAAAAWN.

* Elena calls Leti to check on Ric's Alejandrometer reading, and Leti tells her everything is fine. The conversation is terminated by a giant blouse-bow that cuts off Elena's airway.

* At Casa Alexa, she sobs over social media nasty-grams calling her a zorra and saying all of this is her fault. Daddy tells her they'll take all this to the lawyers, although what he expects them to...oh, never mind; let's just roll with it.


Thanks, Blue Lass. I laughed all the way. Some of my faves:

They spend the whole evening talking to each other, so it would have been way cheaper to buy a bottle and go to someone's house

[Oli to Leticia] I have ALWAYS supported you in a completely ineffectual way.

Leti tells him he's pretty much peed on the campfire and pushes him out the door.

In the board room, everybody was leaning toward Leticia taking the case even before Alonso ruled. IIRC, besides Benji, Vic, Rob, and Gus were thumbs-up and Leo, Ric, and Ale pointed out Leticia's argument had to be super-tight cause the case is challenging. Nobody scoffed at the case. I loved Leticia's response to Oli's "it's money, not justice" refrain: making the deodorant company pay is a form of justice.

What's Benji's strategy with telling the boss each week that he has no case to work on? Is he trying to show Alonso there's little income coming to Vega without him?

Blue Lass, thank you so much for a hefty dose of therapeutic laugh! I laughed so hard I am still catching my breath.
I loved absolutely every word of it, so much so that I read it twice and it still made me laugh on second reading.

It's difficult to choose the best lines, because I just loved the entire recap so much I was tempted to just copy and paste it in its entirety.
The following pearls were especially amazing:

"Oli: Ooo let me hug you with inappropriate clinginess"

"Juan: I live with my Mom! Gus: SNIFF. I wish I still lived with my Mom! Wait. I mean, my son's Mom"

"Gus: You know nothing, Juan Snow"

"Oli: That's not true! I have ALWAYS supported you in a completely ineffectual way. It's just that I don't think you should take this case. You're just trying to get money from the company. You're just trying to get money from the company. You're just trying to get money from the company. Oops! Someone pulled my string and now it's stuck."

"Ric: Yeah, whatevs. I still care for you. Is there another chance for us? Ale: Meh no yeah maybe I dunno. I'm super wishy-washy and there's LOTS more episodes"

"Leti tells him he's pretty much peed on the campfire and pushes him out the door"

" The conversation is terminated by a giant blouse-bow that cuts off Elena's airway"

It's amazing how you managed to turn such a boring episode into such an outstandingly humorous recap.



(Abogado) Fiscalista is a financial and tax law attorney. I think Benjamin is a fiscalista and I won't be surprised if he ends up working for Carlos after Alonso shows him the door.



Thanks for the recap. It was sharp and wrapped everything together.

Olivia suddenly got very ugly personality wise- she got bitchy and had a 'my way or the highway' vibe going on. It seems like there's more to her being mad about Leticia taking that case. It comes off as jealousy,and her outbursts and confrontations are childish. I don't know what it is that she's exactly feeling about Leticia, but it can't just be about money grubbing. It's way too personal now, like if she feels resent. And someone seriously needs to stuff a sock in her mouth. Its so tiring to hear her say "She's doing it for the money!" Why does she act like a ten yr old tattletale? Does she actually think she'll accomplish anything like that?

I'm sorry but I find Alejandra's whole "Ric hurt so me so much and I don't want him to hurt me anymore" completely ridiculous. You just cant compare Ric and Carlos, much less put them in the same sentence about the immense pain they caused her. I guess Carlos didn't hurt her as bad because she's just going along like nothing with him. She's the one sending mixed signals all the time! This is another one who acts so childish. When people ask for space, that's kind of like breaking up. It's understandable that Ric took it that way, even if Carlos hadn't been lying about their relationship status: they just look like they're together again. Alejandra leaves so much to be desired.

Leonardo looks so much better without glasses. Please don't pair him up with Olivia.

Juan's outburst in front of Roberto rubbed me the wrong way too. He really needs to tone it down and be professional- it was so disrespectful to see him contradicting Roberto like that. And I agree with Roberto: why does that lady adamantly blame Carlos and fear so much giving testimony? She was present at the crime scene too, she could have killed Patricia or be covering up for someone else.

I think Benjamin is doing strategy by not taking any clients to show Alonso that they desperately need him as a partner. But with that smirk on his face he actually gave off the lazy vibe. Is he stealing other Vega clients too? Or is it just the lady? I hope this backfires so bad he ends up fired.

I hope Leticia gets so over Benjamin that she finds a good man worth her time. I don't think she got with Benjamin to move up the Vega ladder- I think she actually just felt plain attraction and possibly loves him, but refuses to say it to even herself.


Thanks Blue Lass,flawless and I couldn't help laughing throughout.

Benjamin is so shady.

Ale and Brick are still annoying

Victoria is definitely my favorite person in this show,loved how she questioned Brick's intelligence as a lawyer.


Gracias y bien hecho, Blue Lass!

Loved the Boris and Natasha comparison but my favorite above all was

Oli: It's so nice to be out! I've had an irrational fear of nightclubs since The Thing.

Leo: I won't let anything bad happen to you! I can promise that because I have taken off my glasses and am now Superman!

Oli: Ooo let me hug you with inappropriate clinginess.

Leo does come off to all other women as a Clark Kent, but we know he can throw a punch when necessary. He should definitely get contact lenses.

Benjamin is being a total idiot to everyone now. He will get caught, I'm certain. I give it ten episodes or fewer.

As for Olivia's attitude toward Leticia, I think it's changed since she knows about Leticia's affair with Benjamin. After seeing what Gustavo's did to Isabel I think Olivia is seeing that as Karina's future.

I am anticipating major tragedy for Alexa. There are several truly horrible precedents for this.

Blue Lass--What a comeback to Central Stage at Caray. Take a couple of bows then go find a seat by the Limpid Pool along with Irene and take a load off. This was more fun to read than a barrel of lawyers at a bar (the alcoholic kind). It all started with the Mix'n'Match Club and ended with the rolling dot at the end.

More later. Oh, but first, will someone tell me what the proper steps are for laundering money? How does it come back to Bumble Bee clean, if bringing in dirty money that needs laundering is used for foundation expenses and "helping women" AND Carlos gets to keep a legal 5%? Does Carlos merely write a check out to Bumble Bee or deposit it in BB's account? How is the outgo explained? OH, maybe that's why he needs that fiscalista.

I don't know how they tally the votes in Vega, but if every lawyer has one vote regardless of his status, then the decision was clearly in Leticia's favor and she didn't need Alonso's vote since 5 lawyers (Victoria, Roberto, Benjamin, Gustavo and Leticia) were for and only 4 (Olivia, Alejandra, Leonardo and Brick) were against.

Brick and Alejandra are both so unbearably overly polite that, if, God forbid, they were to happen to arrive someplace together they would probably die from exhaustion endlessly uttering "After you, no After you, No after You, I insist".

I agree with you, Ava, Victoria is the best character. I adore her courage, no-nonsense attitude and self sufficiency, and I loved how she so directly told Brick that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Leticia comes close second. She knows exactly what she wants and will do everything to get there. I find it commendable and like her more and more with every episode. And she was right when she said that damages are a form of justice. More often then not, damages are actually the only form of justice that is available to victims since the ultimate form of justice (making things go back to the way they were before the plaintiff suffered harm) is impossible.

Anon 1146, I think you are right and Leticia actually has romantic feelings towards Benjamin. She is very intelligent and must understand that he is never going to make partner, so he is completely useless to her as far as her promotion in Vega is concerned. She is very direct and honest about what she wants and, more importantly, doesn't want in life, so she probably does like him enough to keep enthusiastically boinking him whenever she feels like it .




Loved every single word Blue Lass. You could earn a living as a stand up comedian. Just a treat. Typing with one finger on an iPad or I’d say more. But WOW. Awesomely funny and very informative. Thanks. JudyB

Great recap, Blue! Superman...snort! Just checking to see if I remember how to log on here. What was my password?

Heloooo Rosemary la Otra! It's been awhile. Welcome back.

RLO--You must have hit the right keys. Haloo from me, as well. Are you just passing through to greet Blue Lass or are you watching this "Un-Lawful" Mess?

I can't resist, Leonardo is gorgeous, absolutely a hunk of a guy (without the clear glass dummy ones.).

Please take a look at this brief "Before & Afternoon" video clip.


Who can stick some manners and management control into Ricardo.


Blue, I also loved about Alonso playing with his pencil (not a metaphor) and about Tatiana being "clearly overmatched by the door". I rewound that part when I was watching. So funny you commented on it!

Hola Judy B. and Anita! Yes, I am watching this show. It's no Cuando, but I like it.

I wonder if Leti, the real person, is bothered about all the camera positions to capture her butt at different angles?

R la O

Is Alonso married in this novela?

It's seems as if everyone else is or having affairs.

I had the impression that Alonso was married, Victoria, happily so. Seems like that was indicated early on. But I could be wrong!

Happy Mothers Day everybody. Lots of people were out in restaurants yesterday celebrating since the actual day restaurants are booked to the gills. Wherever you are, hope you have a great day today.

Blue Lass, once again, that was absolutely spectacular. I'd forgotten how wickedly funny you are.

Yeah, I got the impression Alonso was a husband, and a good one at that, when he said a man should respect his wife and not cheat, in respect to Gustavo straying on Isabel. I believe Alonso's wife was at the office party for Leo's return from getting shot.

Victoria, do you really think Ricardo is lacking in manners and management control? The only time I remember him out of line professionally is when he confronted the gang rapist (and, of course, kissing Ale in the office, but ya can't have a TN without that!).

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

This is the first time I've seen Ricardo lose control in a professional situation and it's because this is an emotional issue for him. He has an 11-year-old daughter and his paternal instincts are coming to the fore. He looked at Alexa and saw Natalia four years into the future.

If this was a US series and the three pervs would face a jury trial Ricardo would want to fill the jury with parents of daughters.

Thank you, Blue Lass. Hilarious! I am only superficially watching this, saw the recap teaser on the front page and it attracted my attention. Clicked "Read more" and laughed all the way through.

Hi gang!

Thanks for all the kind words. I do it for the giggles -- mine and yours.

I've made corrections based on the comments, defining fiscalista and recasting the straw poll on Leti's case (thanks, Irene and Niecie.)

Anita, all my knowledge of money laundering comes from BREAKING BAD, but FWIW: you need a legitimate business to run the cash through so you can pretend you acquired it by legally...and pay taxes on it. Remember how they got Al Capone.

Welcome, Lucio! And great to see you again on the patio, R la O. <3

Blue Lass,you are hilarious girl.Very
Funny recap.

Allys hurtness was mostly caused by her own Inability to speak up, as in
Tellin Carlos buzz off. But Instead he
Just kisses her licks her(he didn't do
That) but he might as well had cuz she
Never said stop. And he was counting on it Thats why he was able to keep the brick At bay for so long, so she needs to take three quarters of the blame for That hurt she suffered. And she need to jump on it before exlena starts at it Again. Yall know how she likes bouncing On top of him when he plays with those Rather large little kids, lol.

Leti can do bad all by herself(Thank U
Tyler perry). Benji is a straight up looser. Is he that good in bed, on the
Desk, on the floor or where ever he can hit it? Really girl you can do better. Now if he hasn't had sex with HIS wife like he said, who is ringin her bell? Cuz she's a very pretty lady

Blue lass what a fun recap. Thank you.


Why can't they just toss the bills in the washing machine and wash them.💵!!!!

No really, nowadays it should be as easy as possible to laundry money.

That sounds as bad as putting collard greens in the washing machine and wash them which is what somebody told me somebody did and I thought that's just nasty and lazy. You cannot be serious about putting money in the washing machine. Are you?


Thank goodness NO!!
It was just a light hearted joke?

Good one vic. Lol:) I wish all the recaps could be this much fun, but the
Characters will not allow that.

Blue Lass--re money, what you are saying is that Bumble Bee now OWNS Carlos. Carlos will no longer be top dog, calling the shots. That won't sit well with him. He seemed somewhat reflective when we last saw him.

Hey Vic--I can attest that throwing paper money in the washing machine doesn't make all the ink go away. It comes out wrinkled and you have to iron it before you can use it again. Good luck to Carlos and his suitcases full of paper cash. Oddly, all that cash looked pristine, not needing any laundering at all--as if he just withdrew it from the bank, with the paper wrapper still intact. I thought most drug money came from the streets, well used, stained, torn, etc.

Nina--whatever works. There's nothing nastier than gritty kale or collard greens. Just not sure how you keep from cooking it when you're running hot water.

(Can you tell I'm a bit bored...waiting for tonight...)

Uy, Mondays are looooong, aren't they?

Carlos seems to think he can handle the whole narco connection. The rest of us have our doubts.

Could they just kidnap Alejandra now and get it over with?


Well, if you're really bored upfronts for Univision and Telemundo are out.

Anita and Blue Lass, my knowledge of money laundering is quite limited and I hate everything to do with financial law or taxes, but here are several options for Bumble to launder his illegally obtained pesos through the foundation:

1) If Bumble has another, legitimate, business he has to pay taxes on it. He might make a donation of some of his ill gained money and afterwards claim a charitable deduction on his tax return. However, he can't do it for very large amounts of money as it might raise suspicions.

2) If Bumble has a legitimate business, he can make an anonymous donation to the foundation and later provide services to the foundation at inflated price and Carlos will write him checks from the foundation's account, basically returning Bumble's "charitable " donation in clean money.

3) Bumble "donates" his illegally gained money to the foundation and Carlos writes checks to several proxies of Bumble for various services rendered to the foundation, such as psychological help to women, furniture for the shelter, food etc... even though no such services were rendered. This is a trickier option, because it is very risky both to Carlos and to Bumble (unless he trusts the proxies completely).

4)Bumble "donates" his illegal gains to the foundation on the condition that the foundation donates half of it to another foundation, this other foundation being under Bumble's control. It's called a conditional donation and that's how various criminals actually con unsuspecting foundations into laundering money for them.

Now, I personally think that Bumble makes the mistake of his life laundering money through Carlos' foundation.
Everyone now knows that Carlos is deeply involved with a major criminal boss (getting him out of jail and helping his underlings to avoid standing trial).
If the organized crime task force is not stupid, they should be constantly monitoring Bumble and therefore know very well who his underlings and connections are.
So, when Bumble's mob lawyer establishes a foundation out of the blue, it is going to look very suspicious to the organized crime task force. I am sure they will put two and two together and will pay a very close attention to that foundation, monitoring it's activities and sending auditors to make sure everything is in order with its accounts.

Money laundering, to be effective, requires not attracting attention, and Bumble already lost that. So, I would say Bumble should have gone to a completely different lawyer as far as laundering is concerned.

The 4 methods above will work only if no one realizes that there is a deeper connections between the donor and foundation, which is not the case here.

And in any case, even if the authorities are dumb enough to not to pay attention to Bumble's dealings with Carlos, Carlos shot himself in the leg by inviting Alejandra and, most importantly, Victoria, to be major players in his foundation. Money laundering by the means of the 3 last methods I mentioned only works if no one is snooping around. With Alejandra and Victoria being part of the foundation, there is no way Carlos will get away with misappropriating funds.

Finally, if I am not mistaken, in order to fight money laundering there are laws regarding donations to charitable foundations and one of them is that donors that donate more than a certain (quite small) amount have to be identified. So, Bumble cannot anonymously donate a large sum. Of course he can use a proxy, but since scrutiny is involved, it will not be easy for him to find a suitable proxy.

What Bumble should have done is buying a couple of restaurants, laundromats, strip bars, car washes, arcades or any other business expected to receive a large proportion of its revenue as cash and laundered his dirty pesos by depositing them in that legitimate business' account and claiming they are revenues from the business.



Hi 5ft! Long time no see!

Blue grass
I meant it as a joke!

By the way, how come they call him El Ciego?

Irene, I like the way you laid it all. Yep, businesses that deal more in cash transactions was the way to go. I guess El Ciego is just as arrogant as Carlos not thinking this through.

Victoria, When El Ciego took off his shades after the judge forced him to do it, I got the impression he has some eyesight disorder and that the shades are not only for looking cool, but I could be wrong.

Ale is so disappointed that Carlos boinked a professional on their wedding eve, not to mention so disappointed that Ric kept his distance after she wanted her space. I can only imagine how disappointed she will be when she finds out Carlos is not only laundering money through his women's charity but got her involved in it too, where she'll be vulnerable to El Ciego's crew and government investigators too. Boo-hoo.

Vic--'cause he wears dark glasses all the time, even inside. Remember how he almost messed up his court hearing by refusing to remove his glasses? It was an interesting small detail that when he came in with El Bruto, he was holding on to his shoulder, as a blind man would using a "guide-person." I think he can see well enough when he wants to.

Irene--Splendid of you to take the time to give us a thorough and thoroughly interesting lesson on money laundering. No wonder Carlos needs a CPA who is good at cooking books, or at least altering them in some way to make the IN-come and the OUT-go look reasonable.

I agree with you about Carlos making a big mistake. He shot himself in both feet--Ale on one side and Vicky on the other.

Kat, I'll check out your link. It's about time for Stevey to weigh in again for us.

Kat--or anyone...whatever happened to Me Declaro Culpable or En Tierras Salvajes? They didn't show up on Kat's 2017 list, nor the 2018 up fronts. According to Stevey, Me Declaro was going to be a hit, especially with the cast line-up (Daniela Castro and Juan Soler).

I picked out one or two telenovelas that grabbed my interest, but pretty much everything else was ho-hum and some I won't touch the dial to change it from CSI: Miami re-runs.

Telemundo: El Falco and Prisionero Numero Uno
Univision: La Piloto 2
Univision Daytime: Sin tu Mirada


Like a lot of other stuff from Televisa in the last couple of years, they're just not sticking to the old formula of showing something on Las Estrellas and following the same order here. It's no longer a guarantee that we'll either get everything or that it will be in the order we expect. They're also trying to do more premieres in the US.

Is this show gonna be on all the way up to July's end? How many epys is it altogether? 91-100 and...? I'm just lookin Forward to real action, like
Watchin carlos' true true colors kick
In. Not to mention elena<<< is that
The correct spelling ^For that name? I
Should just call her "The Ex)))))))".

Whatever happened to that show that was own last year that David zapeda was in where the family owned a record
Company and money was being laundered
Through it? It was suppose to be back in January of this year. They showed one preview and then nothing.


Daniela Castro and Juan Soler??? SIGN ME UP.

Yes Nina I too would like to know what happened to the sequel to LA Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo. Especially liked Danilo Carrera as Danilo Cabrera!
As for this TN, I'm finding it difficult to get enthused about all the cases the legal eagles are taking on and absolutely cannot fathom the barriers to Ale and Ric's relationship. will we have to wait until the end before they work out their problems. Ale's hair needs to go.


I like her hair, it's beautiful.And it
Would be prettier without that part. I've seen her without it. I almost saw one of her ears. She probably wouldn't look bad with her ears showin. Pretty

For those few viewers who wondered about the sequel to La Doble Vida..." here's what on Wikipedia:

"On March 12, 2018, the magazine People en Español, confirmed that the telenovela had been canceled for the moment and that it is not yet planned to produce a second season, at least during 2018"

I guess David Zapeda's dance card is full right now....


And I have noticed why his dancing seems off to some of you. Watch whenever they show a full shot of him walking. Not nearly as graceful as many of the other actors at this network.

DZ has bowed legs or what we Southerners like to call caddle legs.

Maybe he's a horseman, they generally have bowed legs. I remember in the 70s
(High school for me) the girls thought it was so hot to have a boyfriend with bowlegs. I never really noticed. Now
I wonder what the attraction really was.

It's horses. they're not a cheap hobby.

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