Thursday, June 14, 2018

Corazon Que Miente, Week 2 (6/11/18) Thursday Update: The Alternative to Bestias

Recommended by Alfredo. It’s not too late to catch up. Recaps for prior episodes are available (see the Index)
Episode #9 (Thu Jun 14)
    Lety narrowly escapes a sexual assault by Rogelio with luck on her side. Her father comes looking for her. After Rogelio leaves, he cautions Lety for the millionth time that Rogelio is a bad man. Lety replies that she only has eyes for one. Her father knows Santi will never be for her. Lety says, we’ll see.
    Nosy Rafie tries to get information out of Renata by offering to help her unpack. Things go quite pleasantly. Rafie learns that it was Francisco that asked Ren to look up her tío Demián. Ren, in turn, learns Al and Santi aren’t Rafie’s own bio-kids and she’s Dem’s second wife.
    Santiago tries to convince his father that his idea is sound. A scruffy Dem rejects the idea and rebuffs his son, for the millionth time. (NOTE: Santi got his hair cut between the Patio meeting him yesterday and today. I’m also happy he changed into a maroon sweater later.) Dem forces Santi to have a “double” date with Flo and Ren—to introduce Ren to the sights around Puebla, so she doesn’t get bored. Dem sits down again, possibly hearing wedding bells for Ren in the not too distant future.
    Lisandro finally has it out with his father, Ed. He hates having to do whatever Dem wants, especially when it goes against his principles of fairness—in this case evicting folks. He hates this job and he hates the law, which he only studied to please his father. He quits. He wants to follow his dream of getting into public relations (out of one snake pit and into another, I’d say).

    Dem arrives at Ed’s office to ask him to prepare a power of attorney over his “niece’s” affairs. Ed looks skeptical, but Dem explains she’s very young and inexperienced and needs guidance over her inheritance (which he neglects to mention is about as grand as a mini Fort Knox, just waiting to be exploited).
    Flo finds out she’ll be sharing the evening with a very alluring cousin of Santiago’s. She gets in a blue funk because Santi spends all his time directing Ren’s attention to Puebla’s attractions, old and new, which Ren is just lapping up. Flo decides she needs to go home early. Later on, Karla counsels her daughter to befriend Ren rather than make an enemy of her, which Flo does, the very next day. The two are now best frenemies.
    Still in D.F., Leo and Mariela are out celebrating over wine and dinner. He has two gifts for her—a Barbara Bush pearl necklace and two tickets to Barcelona, their new permanent home (not a bad choice in my estimation). Mari has other plans. She’s going back to Puebla to make Don Manuel’s dream of a clinic for the populace come true. (Hmm. We know nothing of that land that was supposed to go to her after Don Manuel passed away. I guess that’s coming.) She wants Leo to come with her. He explains he can never go back to Puebla. The memories are too painful. Mari wonders if it has something to do with the woman he was accused of causing her death. If he won’t come, she’ll have to go alone.
    Sara comes to the dinner table, expecting to find the young “lady of the house.” Ah, so she’s out with Santi. Well, that much is quite clear—Dem wants him to break up with Flo and trade her in for Renata, the very rich, drowning in money, orphan, something Rafie didn’t know. That is, unless Dem wants the girl for himself. Dem has heard enough insults, chews Sara out and leaves. Sara muses that there must be a kernel of truth to what she says or Dem wouldn’t have reacted the way he did.
    It’s a dark, but not a stormy night. Rogelio cases the Construction Offices after hours. With no one around, he helps himself to some cash he finds in some envelopes on the desk in Dem’s swanky office. He sneaks back out, only to run into Noé, who showed up to retrieve an envelope for Mrs. Rafie. Rogelio states he doesn’t need to give Noé any reason for why he’s there, but wants to accompany him to fetch the envelope, so nothing turns up missing later on.
    Mariela is sad that Leo isn’t coming to Puebla with her. She says goodbye to Cristian and her curly-haired friend. Surprise, surprise, Leo changed his mind and is going to go with her. (It’s possible that his long conversation with Carmen had something to do with it. Carmen or Leo’s very attractive agent, who has a perfect new gig for him—it’ll take him away for awhile.) He shows up in a jacket made from a blanket only a tourist could love.
    A sultry, sexy Ren, dressed, or rather undressed, in a black, very low-cut negligée has come in to say nighty-night to Santi and to excuse her for barging in on his date with Flo. She could tell Flo was bothered. Ren learns that Rafie is their aunt on Santi’s mother’s side and married their father after their mother died and that she was murdered. Santi says it was a long time ago and no one ever found out who did it. That earns him a good night kiss on the cheek. Rafie sees Ren leaving Santi’s room. Ren is truthful, but Rafie is left thinking it’s better to keep your enemies closer than your friends.
    Next day at the empresa, Marcia, Dem’s secretary is in a dither over the missing cash. It was rent money and this isn’t the first time this has happened. (OK, my beanie has shifted over one eye. Who leaves cash in an envelope, even in a locked room? This is 2016. Why isn’t the rent money in check form or set up for automatic debit? And, why does Dem have to even touch it? It should have gone straight to the financial department of such a large enterprise….oh, I get it, it’s so Demián can blame his son Santi, for screwing up again.)
    Noé shares with Santi ahead of time about the missing money and whom he suspects of taking it. It just seemed suspicious to him because, as Rogelio is in charge of security, no one was around. Not even one guard. Of course, Dem blames Santi for trying to blame Rogelio, his hombre de confianza. Dem will make sure Santi’s wages are garnished until it’s all paid off.
    Karla tries to get Lisandro (there’s no way to shorten his name without turning him into a Lisa) to reconsider quitting. No. He stands firm. He’s outta there. He’s willing to risk poverty and starvation (my words) to follow his dream. Karla tries again. It looks like mama’s words are working. Why doesn’t he stay on in the office while he looks around for something else he’d like.
    Ren stops by to see Santi in his office to tell him how she and Flo are now BFF. She finds him down in the dumps over another argument with his father. They go out for a break.
    Lety has a job interview at the empresa. She uses that as an excuse to run Noé’s errand for him.
    Rafie has stopped by the church to pump Fr. Dan about Renata. He muses there must have been a reason why Dem never told her Ren was being invited. Maybe he didn’t trust her. Rafie laughs. Dem never trusted anyone. Dan begs to differ. He trusted Lucía. Them’s fighting words for Rafie. Fortunately for Viewerville, it’s a stand-off. 
Thelma Madrigal – Mariela Salvatierra Morán (Valeria in Sombra)
Pablo Lyle – Alonso Ferrer Castellanos (Cristóbal in Sombra)
Federico Ayos – Santiago Ferrer Castellanos (Emiliano in  La Candidata)
Emmanuel Palomares – Lisandro Moliner Bustos (José in Mujeres de Negro)
Jessica Decote – Florencia Moliner Bustos  (Carmen in Amores con Trampa)
Fátima Torre as Leticia Valdivia González (Iluminada in StuD)
Dulce Maria – Renata Ferrer Jáuregui (singer/was in Mentir Para Vivir)
Ricardo Margaleff – Cristian Mena Souza (Julio in PEAM)
Monica Zorti – Marcia (Rosa in La Mujer de Vendaval)
Did anyone catch Mariela’s curly-headed friend’s name who stayed behind in DF with Cristian?


Anita: This is somewhat "Bella 2.0"!

Thank you, Anita, for your entertaining recap! I haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet, but " He shows up in a jacket made from a blanket only a tourist could love." was just too funny. I can't wait to see the jacket. ;-)

Anita, thank you so much for making things clearer for me.

Yeah, that jacket that Leo thought was a good idea was something.yikes.I guess it was supposed to say "I am an artist !!,"

Going only by the visuals and music, it almost seemed as though Leo was in love with his ward Mariela when he presented her with Barbara Bush',s pearls.

Wow, that Renata is a cagey little rat. she has this sweet, innocent,submissive miss look on her face , but we know that is not true. She seems to be the designated displayer of the cleavage for this show .That was Kiki in "Padre." Now, that torch has been passed on.

Thanks, Anita

Interesting how comfy and at home Renata has so quickly made herself . . . Considering she never dearly knew Demián.

Sara sure has Demián’s number with his sudden desire to help Renata out.

Demián actually looks younger with this hair color and stubble than he did before. The art directors and makeup people/hairdressers should really communicate. It is distracting. Also Sara looks the same. ?????

JaJa Jarifa--Sara's wig seems a little lighter than before, but it's the same shape. I guess she complained about the black wig. Who's going to deny a living legend.

I had expected Demian to be showing some white. After all, Ed is supposed to be about the same age and he's a Silver Fox. (I just wish he wouldn't always take roles of not so nice men. He should star in a bio of Dmitri Hvorostovsky, the Russian baritone who passed away not too long ago. They could be twins.)

And Leo, well, Cristian said the guy waiting for Mariel was in his mid-forties, so I guess he doesn't need Just For Men, just yet.

Rogelio hasn't aged, nor has he changed fashions. Nor has Noe, still wearing pullover sweaters.

Rafaela is wearing her hair loose. She also looks younger. Karla looks well preserved, too. Actually she looks more beautiful.

Did anyone notice they switched the computers from the cathode-ray type to flat screen and laptops? I wonder how much it cost the sets folks to find the old ones?

Oh my Anita, I must have been watching this with your brain tucked inside my head. I too thought Barbara Bush pearls, and also that they were much too matronly for this young woman (who's clearly more attached to the rather garish heart necklace from the past).

And oh dear, that wretched Disney tourist sweater!!!! We always speculate about the revenge of folks in the costume department. That certainly looks like a direct hit. And if it didn't discourage the light-heart lust of Mariela's gay friend, nothing will.

I'm actually happy to see Sara looking better. The hair style is more attractive, even if the color is still too dark, and she looks better than she did in the earlier parts.

Dulce Maria is certainly playing Renata as a Sexual Disturbance in any room, any setting. I nearly gasped when she showed up at Santiago's door in that black negligee. Once she crossed her legs, he would have been hard put (no pun intended) to know where to look, up or down. Dangerous both places. However he seemed as unmoved as a dedicated priest.

Susanlynn, I agree, just from the visuals, Leonardo was looking like a man in love with his ward. It's certainly happened in real life that men that age fall in love once the youngster has grown up.

And Irene, glad you've joined Doris, Susy, Jarifa, Steve and I commenting. We keep hoping more will join in as the weeks go by.

Omg, Anita, Dmitri Hrostokovsky, yes -- that would be perfect!

The math in this TN is totally whacked. If Leo is "40ish" at 15-years-despues, what was he doing macking on the mother of a 10-year-old back in the day? Yikes!

And thanks for including Julie's Telenovela Addict prose in the last post. That girl was FUNNY. It was she who started me writing the fake dialogue in recaps -- I read one of hers and I laughed so hard I got a stomach-ache, and it wasn't even one I watched! I had no idea who any of the people were, and it was still a scream.

P.S. Mariela's curly-top friend is called Mariana. Couldn't they have picked something a little less confusing? I hope she comes back; she was fun.

Anita, thank you so much for this humorous recap. I enjoyed every word.
" He shows up in a jacket made from a blanket only a tourist could love." I laughed so hard I almost fell from the chair.

JudyB "And if it didn't discourage the light-heart lust of Mariela's gay friend, nothing will". So true. Words can't describe that atrocity Leo was wearing. I actually find him very good looking (certainly much more attractive than adult Alonso), but the abomination he was wearing suddenly made him look a lot less hot.
What is it with the costuming department of this telenovela? If it's not Leo's horrifying jackets and shirts (remember the one with an asymmetrical brown patch that looked like it was made by a blind person?), then it's Santiago's canary yellow sweater.
I couldn't stop laughing at this very young adult being dressed like a resident of an assisted living facility.

I forgot the lawyer's name, but will forever remember the sign of his office "Notaria 222". What kind of ridiculous name for an office is that? Does it mean that he is the notary number 222 in DF or is 222 his ranking among DF's notaries? In any case, it certainly doesn't inspire confidence to hire him. And does Damien pay him so little for his services that he can't even afford to buy a normal sign and needs to print one on a computer?

The idea of Leo being in love with his adopted daughter, a child he raised for at least
15 years makes me very uncomfortable. It's not unheard of in telenovelas (and in books-there is a French book called Le Bossu (the Hunchback) where the hero rescues a baby and raises her practically from birth and then he and the (grown up) baby fall in love) and since they are not related, it's not incestuous, but it still creeps me out a little bit.
But I really don't like the actor that plays Alonso the galan, so I guess I will get used to this slightly creepy coupling, if the writers will decide to go this way.

I agree with you about the money in envelops. My beanie, already disintegrating from all it had to deal with during the double episode of PASL, stopped functioning altogether after this absurdity. But yes, the whole segment emphasizes well that Demian is the worst, most despicable villain ever, only bested by Rogelio in the villainy department. PASL writers, take note, that's how you write a good villain. Carlos with his money laundering, mild manipulations of the protagonista and the propensity to stick it to the so called galan is an angel compared to those guys.



Oooh Irene, I hope the writers don't go there. I too am not wild about the actor playing adult Alonso (nor the one playing Santiago...the young Santiago was adorable with that shock of dark brown hair)...BUT couplings of older men with very young women just always seems incestuous, whether related by blood or not.

I'm at an age where EVERYBODY looks young to me. As Irma Bombeck once said, I have cookie sheets older than these people, and I well understand the attraction to younger folk. Their skin is supple, their eyes are bright,their hair abundantly thick.... Hell's Bells, they look GOOD. Enjoy the "landscape", but for God's sake don't pursue an intimate relationship. Leave the young to the young. Please.

Haven't read le Bossu. But those canny French will write about anything. I remember, as a young Midwesstern girl in the 50's being shocked by Colette's bisexuality even though it was described in beautifully sensual terms. But then Colette described everything with sensuous delight..plants, trees, food.....Life. Wonderful writer and adventurous spirit.

But back to our silly escapist story...Nope, not ready for a Leonardo/Mariela romance. I'd almost rather see Leonardo switch ball parks and fall for Mariela's gay friend than that.

JudyB, yes, Leo and Mariela's friend would have been great. I really loved his quip about becoming Mariela's madrastra. But I doubt the writers will go there. It looks like a classical kind of telenovela, although one never knows.
I am not bothered by age differences at all. I actually prefer older, mature men and think that telenovela galans are getting better with age (mostly). I am all for May December romances, it's the fact that he is her adoptive father that bothers me. But we are getting ahead of yourselves, it's a classical telenovela and the writers will probably never go with a semi-incestuous relationship between a protagonista and her father-figure anyway.

Le Bossu is actually a very entertaining historical adventure novel and the love story itself is very tame and romantic, if one ignores the fact that the galan raised the protagonista from birth.



Irene - your post cracked me up. LOL

Leo's pained looks toward Mariela are creeping me out, too. What's up with him? In today's episode, it looked like he just walked into her bedroom without knocking. ~eek~

Leo has fondled that statue of Lucía too many times for my comfort level. Gah!

Sara looks much better with the shorter and lighter hair color wig, it's also a bit fluffier, and overall more flattering.

Rafaela has made good use of Dem's money with her makeover from the años anteriores.


Irene, age differences always make me think of a very pretty little gal I knew years ago. She was from Columbia and was working with us temporarily in an American office in Vienna, Austria (convoluted story I know). Anyway, before leaving Columbia, she had dinner out with her dad and later, one of his acquaintances said to him, leering appropriately, "Hey Armando, I see you were out with someone young enough to be your daughter. Haha."

"That IS my daughter!" pop replied furiously.

But anyway, telenovela-wise, looks-wise, yes, older galans look better. More character in the face usually.

JudyB, still missing Fernando Colunga

If you get UniMás, they're about to run Porque el Amor Manda again starting Monday at 5pm/4c, two episodes per day.

Hi everybody. Going to get started on today's recap in a bit. I had to watch Uruguay squeak out a win 1-0 over Egypt in the World Cup and make an absolute delicious, healthy peanut butter and coconut no-bake bar. All you need is your food processor and the ingredients (and an 8" baking pan).

Kat--I think PEAM was FC's lowest low point in his slow slide down and out of galanhood. He will always be TBLMOE El Primero, but in my book, TBLMOE II is Cristian de la Fuente--if you ignore all his roles except D'Andres in Amor Bravio.

Kat, alas I have to agree with Anita, as I often do...hmmmm...because the Fernando Colunga I miss is the swashbuckling galan of Alborado, or the brooding, sensual fellow in Amor Real. I'd even settle for ye olde pirate from Pasión. After that, just no, no, no.

But Por Que El Amor Manda... was that show the one that had the kooky gal who kept saying "Casual" all the time? Loved that bit. She was supposedly a baddie, but an endearing one.

Yes! I really liked PEAM -- it was a romp. (But I'd never seen Colunga before.) And the character of Paty was a hoot. I remember her saying "total" a lot.

Also she was a dancing hamburger in one episode. That was a high point for me.

I came late to the Fernando Colunga party since PEAM was the only thing I saw him in. As for PEAM, I rememberI liked that they actually shot his pizza delivery scenes in Chicago and the story was entertaining enough as was he. I will have to see him at his peak some time.

After you've seen him as an incredible, invincible but oh so sexy hero, then seeing him in a magenta-pink ruffled shirt in Por Que el Amor Manda was DEPRESSING.

I did like the early scenes in Chicago, whizzing along on the bike delivering pizza but it was all downhill after that. Although there was a nice shower scene. And later on, NOT ONE SINGLE SHOWER SCENE in Pasión y Poder. Could be I'm watching these for the wrong reasons.

Blue Lass...yep, Patty, that was her name..."Total" "Casual" so much fun. I was watching that one with a Colombian friend and we kept trying to figure out ways to work that into our conversations. Maricela tended to say "el cuento es" at times when "total" would have done quite nicely. "Casual" was a little more difficult.

I strategically avoided PEAM because seeing FC in pink delivering pizza would have forever ruined his image for me. JudyB, "incredible, invincible but oh so sexy hero" describes FC so well. That's exactly the image that I have of him.

Now that we haven't seen him for quite a while, I am going through such a tough FC withdrawal that I am almost ready to watch PEAM, pink ruffled shirts notwithstanding.

He really exudes some kind of magic, because I loved him in Alborada and in Amor Real, even though his galans in both of those telenovelas abused the protagonistas. If it were any other galan doing what FC did in those telenovelas, I probably would have thrown something at my tv and immediately stopped watching. But since it was FC, I loudly complained and was very put off, yet continued to watch until the very end.

The only time I really disliked his galan was in PyP.



My goodness, this has turned into an afternoon of nostalgia for one single galan. The recap is done and will be up after it gets typed up and corrected. I'm sure everyone has seen it, but ni modo it's something to hang our beanies on for the weekend.

Episode #10 (Fri Jun 15) Pt. 1
To get you started, this is the gist of the conversation Fr. Dan and Rafaela had.
D. To what do we owe the honor of your presence?
R. Curiosity. I want to know something about your niece, Renata.
D. I hardly knew her.
R. I want to know why Demián brought her to Puebla to live with them.
D. You should ask Dem.
R. Your brother hasn’t told me. That’s why I’m asking you.
D. Maybe he doesn’t trust you.
R. (Laughing) Dem never trusted anyone.
D. I beg to differ. He trusted Lucía. Lucía was very different from you.
R. Hold your irony. I know you can’t stand me. You’ve never forgiven me for marrying your brother.
D. The One who has to forgive you, Rafaela, is God. The Big Kahuna. Or perhaps you have to forgive yourself. With the sin goes the penance.
R. Wouldn’t that go for Santa Lucía? She had a lot of tail to be stepped on. (ISBIS meaning bad deeds) and she ended up murdered.
D. You are rotten through and through, Rafaela. Leave before I do something I’ll regret.
Rafie leaves after looking at him with disdain.

Ah yes Anita, I was happy to see the saintly Father Dan show a bit of disdain himself. Clearly he loathes Rafaela. Or perhaps if he's being true to the spirit of faith, he loathes, NOT the person, BUT the deeds. But gosh it really looked like he loathed her.
Too strong a word!? Okay, she's not his fave.

Irene, Colunga's character is PyP was just bizarre. I guess because, as the story goes, the Mexican public was so upset with him playing a bad guy, the writers switched in mid-stream and made the other fellow the villain. But ultimately, both seemed unlikable.

Thanks Anita. I had to look up a translation of "She had a lot of tail to be stepped on." , too, and basically got the same thing. Surely it is an idiom with a better English equivalent?

Episode #10 (Fri Jun 15) Pt. 2
We have more characters introduced--and some whose names I learned.

Vanessa Restrepo – Denise Shapiro Berlanga, Leo’s agent
?? – Mariana, Mariela’s friend with the long curly hair from DF
David Palacio – Julio Solís Saldivar, son of single mom until she married Rogelio, Julio doesn’t like him
Jessica Segura – Cirila Reyes Medina, Carmen’s maid, who tattled on her fainting spell

"Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs" is close, but doesn't specify that the reason for nervousness is that the person has plenty to hide/skeletons in the closet.

Well, I wrote a long comment , but I lost will just say....Fernando as Don Luis in A! first galan...!ong, dark hair , petiod costume, riding boots, Then, Amor Real.. A very sexy Manuel who did some nasty things to his one true love (,this is the hero???) But very sexy. Then, pirate Rick in Pasion. I miss FC ,and I miss those Carla Estrada historical novelas.

Susanlynn--Those days are long gone, but they will be eternally in our memories (or on our DVDs--which don't do the story justice and leave out a lot of good parts--like when Manuel and Matilde reunited at the convent. Ufff.)

Episode #10 (Fri Jun 15) – Renata has MOVED in…. Pt. 3
Sara has come to Quadrum (finally I learned the name of Dem’s empire) to go over some business she has with Demián. She runs into Santi and Renata stepping out for a break. He presents Ren to his grandmother. Ren moves in for a Latin cheek kiss and a hug, but Sara keeps her hand extended stiffly to prevent it. On their way out of the building, Lety sees them. Santi doesn’t see her. He’s speaking animatedly to Ren. Amalia later tells her the girl she saw him with is Santi’s cousin Renata.

Sara and Marcia share their feelings regarding Dem. Then she runs into Lisandro. (Who would ever have thought he was José from Mujeres de Negro. He’s so buttoned down here. I’m waiting to see him in a sleeveless tee and his hair in dreadlocks again.) He’s come to ask, er, beg Dem for a job in public relations. Never mind he hasn’t any experience, but all he needs is a chance. It’s not clear if he actually got a job, but Dem wastes no time calling Ed. Ed and Karla have it out with Liso. (I’ll try this to shorten it and see if it works, ok?) He stands firm in the face of losing all his bennies—food, clothing, shelter, to say nothing of money and family. Ed is sure his rebelliousness won’t last.

Carmen gets checked out of the hospital, but Leo and Mariela get to the house before she does. The Heavenly Choir accompanies them through the empty house and down memory lane. Before they can worry about Carmen, she and Cirila arrive. Hugs all around. Later Cirila spills the beans regarding her fainting spell—it was diabetic shock. Mariela scolds her and will see to her diet herself. She now has her first patient.

Santi and Ren are enjoying a refresco al aire libre. He learns her back story. Her mom died when she was young, leaving her an orphan. Her tears move Santi and she moves in for some mouth to mouth. She quickly apologizes. However, seeing her face, she isn’t a bit sorry. She’s achieved what she wanted.

Sara gets home and asks Amalia for some tea to rid herself of a headache Dem gave her. She always gets one whenever she has a meeting with him. The young people return. Santi goes back to the office. After Ren excuses herself, Sara tells Amalia that Sara will have to keep an eye on that young lady, she doesn’t trust her.

Carmen shows Leo where she put away the sculpture of Luci. He decides to leave it there—along with any memories of Luci. He shares with Carmen that he never had another serious relationship, just short term dalliances. In another part of the house, Mariela checks on the pressed rose Al gave her. She asks Carmen if she’s kept up with the Ferrers. She gets no for an answer. Carmen tells Mariela she won’t recognize much in Puebla from the old days. It’s all been built up. Mari wants to check on her lands, where she plans to build the clinic. Carmen wishes she’d just forget about that. Mari says no way. Carmen promises to take her downtown to see for herself. When asked, Carmen knows nothing about Lety, either. Speaking of Lety, she and Ren have an unpleasant introduction in the kitchen as Ren treats her like a servant.

Alonso calls abuela Sara. He’s straightened out the paperwork regarding his degree. Sara tells him about a guest moving in, but he’ll have to wait to know more after he gets home—only that she doesn’t like the situation (or was it Ren herself).

Anita, I think that you are right. Those historical romances are too expensive to make. Well ,at least I still have Outlander and Jamie Fraser, the Scottish Highland galan!!! Season 4 is coming in the fall.

Episode #10 (Fri Jun 15) – Pt. 4
Demián checks with Rafie on some publicity matter. (Hmm. Do I see a job coming for Liso?) Dem doesn’t like Rafie’s attitude towards Renata. She doesn’t like how Ren just sashays in and out of Santi’s room. Dem is pleased. Let nature take its course. Santi’s a big enough kid now. Challenged, Dem decides to accept Rafie as an ally and tells her, as a practical man, he’s fine if the happy couple is left with love and he gets her money. Rafie is very ok with that—as long as she’s not left out.

Now we meet Julio. He’s about Al and Liso's age, busy working late at the church. Fr. Dan scolds him, might it be because he doesn’t want to go home? Julio admits there’s a lack of harmony there. He doesn’t like the way the guy who married his mother treats her. Dan, always trying to put the best spin on the worst case scenarios, says his mother has a right to have a man at her side after being alone for so long. She’s had a hard life. Well, I never...the jerk Julio’s mother is married to is none other than Rogelio. He wastes no time in showing us his domestic side. It’s abusive, plain and simple, but what else do we expect of him.

Santi reluctantly, on his abuela’s advice, doesn’t ask Ren to join him and Flo on another date. Santi’s date with Flo isn’t going well. He’s mentally comparing Ren’s kisses with Flo’s and Flo’s aren’t measuring up. She notices something is wrong and wants to leave.

Carmen takes Mariela to see where her grandfather’s lands are. Mariela is sure this is not the place. It’s now a commercial center with shops and high-rise office buildings. Carmen assures her it is. Mariela insists those are her lands. Who would have given permission to build. She’s going to start a hullabaloo. Carmen feels it would be better to investigate. Get all her papers together before she does.

Renata is waiting for Santi in his room when he gets back from his undate with Flo. She wants to apologize and leave Puebla. He admits to kissing her back and liking it. Ren says he’s just saying that to make her feel better and besides, they are cousins. Santi reminds her they are distant cousins. She continues, he has a girlfriend and Flo doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. Santi says she doesn’t have to know. Earnestly, she intones it can be their little secret. Santi agrees and then asks if she still wants to leave. She answers no, wipes tears away and says good night.

Mariela is upset and piss-ant mad. She goes into her bathroom to wash her face. The music swell to such a loud fanfare that we really don’t know if Leo knocked on her door before entering, but he does call out her name. Then he sees the red heart on a string. He wants to know where she got it. She claims it’s hers. He contradicts her. She finally tells him how she got it – she found it in the Loreto Park (where Luci was shot to death). He makes her promise never to wear it—without explaining the reason. He fumes and leaves saying he should never have come back to Puebla.

Anita, is Rogelio actually married to Julio's mother? I got the impression he was just living with her. But perhaps you're right, doubtful that Father Dan would have defended the situation if it were "irregular". I like the actress playing his mom. Last time I saw her was in Lo Que La Vida Me Robó.


Yes, JudyB, I'm pretty sure Julio actually said the didn't like the guy who married his mother.

Can you tell me please, who is the actress who plays his mother and her name? Is it Alejandra Procuna and is her name Elena? In the character list, she doesn't carry Rogelio's last name, so now I'm wondering about whether they are actually married or not. I'll review and let you know.

I'm doing PASL tonight--double it will probably be tomorrow.

I'll take a look Anita and tell you her name. She also played a servant in Abismo de Pasión. But you said you dropped out of watching that after Sabine Moussier arrived on the scene, no?

Yes. Alejandra Procuno. And her name in this one is Elena.

I sure did. When I saw her come on the scene in Sueno de Amor, I "dropped" my telenovio, CdlF and left him to his own devices, which I understand, no one was happy with.

Well, I was was a different actress in Abismo anyway. Another very thin brunette, but not Alejandra. Sabine was crazy in that show. So over the top. And a strange orange color to her skin. I'm a sucker though for any show with a curandera and this one played a pivotal role.

Anita - wow, thank you for your recap!

The "Heavenly Choir", is kind of getting on my nerves. It is so retro! So hokey!! So cheesy!!! 🤪. LOL

"Sabine was crazy in that show. So over the top. And a strange orange color to her skin." --- Judy, that could be any and every telenovela she has ever been in.

Upon reading the name of Dem's empire in Anita's recap, I thought it said Quandrum --- hybrid of quandary and conundrum. 😳


Anita, thanks!

doris, you are so funny but right about the heavenly choir.

Kissing cousins umpteen times removed!

I want a swing like the one in Leonardo’s studio.

I had to laugh at the sound of the red glass heart beating. Oh, the drama of it all!

Jarifa, Lucia's red heart pendant is like that glowing white flower of Libia's in FELS. It has a life of its own. lol
I think everyone who watched FELS is scarred for life, but it had the best shower and swimming scenes. Ahhhh, los hermanos easy on the eyes.....

Doris..ah yes, the fabulous baking, skinnydipping brothers....three sisters...three baby girls.....beautiful Fresians....balconies .....Big Ed.

Oh. Em. Gee. Anita, you are a wonder. I hope everyone realizes they won't be getting this level of service from me while you're away. I'M THE SUBSTITUTE TEACHER, EVERYBODY.

I'm pretty sure Rogelio and Elena are not married -- the Padre said something like, "You know I don't approve of these kinds of arrangements, but you need to understand that your mother may need someone in her life."

Speaking of which, maybe we can fix Julio the saint-polisher up with little Cirila over at Carmen's house. They could buff away together.

I just want to say many thanks to you recappers! I'd be lost without you. My first show was Albogada so am a confirmed Fernando fan. My sister introduced me with Caray Caray, and I've followed several more all the way thorough. My Spanish is so spotty that without the reviews I miss half the story. Of course, the comments from the patio add a whole other level of entertainment! Thanks to all.

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