Friday, June 15, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 6/14/18 Chapters 73/74: Collisions at the Conference

    • Alejandra finds Victoria and Olivia and reveals her extreme frustration at being the bone Ricardo and Carlos are fighting over.  Somehow Carlos got into the conference and is now here. Vicki advises her that if she doesn’t want Carlos’s company then avoid him and assert herself. Refuse.  Yep.  That'll really work when Ale's like a she-dog in heat and Carlos--the wolfhound--can't stop sniffing around.

    • Susanna stays on the beach to enjoy the salt and sand adventure while her devoted son has to head off to the conference.

    • Back in Mexico City, Candy Man is waiting for Elena to join him for lunch.  She immediately goes into how the night they slept together and they woke up late the next morning and she raced home to find the kids had already called Ric to have him take them to school, etc., that then came the big row because she’d come home so late, and sob, sniffle, sob. She suggests that the only solution in keeping Ric from taking them away from her is to sacrifice her relationship with Candy Man—yes, give up being a good time gal again.  (Viewerville notes the selfish she-hound should have done this the first time he offered her a packet of nose candy and told her how great it would make her feel.)

    • Back in Cancun, Carlos is talking to Crap Lawyer on his cell, thanking him for "giving" him his place at the conference.  Crap Lawyer really wanted to be at this conference (then why are you working for Carlos, dude?)  CL is worried that Vexed-lena is wanting to settle with Ric.  Carlo says no way is CL to allow that.  “--Bustamonte must never, ever have access to those kids again!”

    • Candy Man is surprisingly agreeable with Vexlena, "--When the trial ends and things are resolved, we’ll go out again.  Vexlena thinks it over again and says no way she’ll let Ric threaten her like this.  There’s a better way than to stop dating exciting Mr. Candy.  She invites him to come see her at her home.  That way she’ll be there for her children and still get to be with him.  He tells her that’s a great idea. (Anybody want to take bets on his probably working for white slavers and is grooming her to be some Arab Sheik's sex slave?  Dare we hope so fervently this might be her fate?)

    • After or before the first lecture of the conference, Sus and Juanito take the tourist route through town.  They discuss the gourmet dishes to eat while there (on Vega and Associates’ dime.)

    • At the same time, Ric meets up with Ale again.  He thinks it’s fishy (pardon the pun--nooooot) that Carlos is there at this particular conference.  Ale says all the attorneys in Mexico were invited.  Ric disagrees and says Carlos is determined to stick to her like Gorilla Glue.  And, Ric can commiserate with Carlos.  There isn’t a day Ric isn’t torn by angst for his kids but also, of course, the desire to be with Ale.  She says she hopes the Vexlena problems end quickly.  Circumstances are what they are, though and they'll have to stick it out.  Ric the Brickster will stay strong and he’ll fight for both his kids and for her love!!  Just then they’re joined by the rest of the Little Rascals and discuss the evening’s plans.  Ale is not in favor of going to the lectures with a hangover.  I couldn't catch much of the rest, but Roberto's all for midnight swims after succulent suppers I believe.

    • Benjamin and Leticia, the self-absorbed libidinous loners, are lunching with each other at the beach side restaurant when Carlos arrives.  He and Benji chat over bidnez.  Yes, Benji believes that El Ciego feels comfy now with him as the numbers guy; Carlos will continue on as the criminal mouthpiece since that's his forte and cooking the books relocating liquidity is Benji's.  Benji believes this is his big break and thanks Carlito for introducing him to El Ciego.

    • Back on the beach, Oli’s taking in a bit of the sun when Leonardo sits down and says he wants to make peace with her.  She protests.  He promises not to bring up Alan’s being a murder suspect anymore. Then we appreciate how Leo finally gets his Joe Cool on with her.  He’d much rather talk about.... themselves.  He pops a bit of fruit into his mouth and garbles his lines in the mike when discussing that he wants to get to know her better (I believe), then promises to get together with her a bit later on and manages to actually display those pearly whites of his before skipping sexily away down the beach.  Oli is definitely pleased at this turn of  testosterone induced events; she smiles a self-satisfied smile and considers the possibilities.....

    • Jaime and Alonso are entering the restaurant when they look over and see Benji and Carlos sitting on the other side of the outdoor dining deck. Dun-dun-dun-dunnn!!

end of parte 1~~
    • Jaime and Lon walk over to Carlos and Benji.  Carlos mentions that Benji’s been helping Carlos with The Women’s Foundation, of course.  Uh-huh?  Well, says Lonnie, we’ll discuss this when we get back to the office—in the morning meeting.  Afterwards, Carlos offers  offers to speak to Lon but Benji says he and his ways of running his office can go to the Devil for all he cares.

    • Ale and Vic join Oli who’s quick to mention Leo’s intent to make up with her.  Vicki mentions a few months ago she’d have been jumping out of her skin if he’d approached her this way.  She says she’s gotten used to the fact he only sees her as a colleague.  If they do make nice again there is no way she’ll ever speak against  or leave Alan in any fashion, though.

    • Benji gripes about Lon’s old fashion methods and that it isn’t prudent to leave the firm to look for another job.  Carlos says he’s wasting his time at Vega; why not work for him?  Benji will consider it but for now this is the most influential law firm in the country.  He cannot. Carlos says Benji’s a brilliant lawyer and he’ll at least give him full charge of El Ciego’s dealings. Okiedok.  And before Ben leaves Vega, Alonso will know the kind of talented attorney he’s been dealing with and ignoring.

    • Later that afternoon, Oli meets Leo for drinks and dinner at poolside. (So where’s all the conferencing that’s supposed to be happening?  Seems more like Party Central.) He’s more than a bit nervous and agrees totally to leave Alan out of their conversation for the present.  Nope.  Old Al doesn’t figure into this poolside palaver.  He takes her hand and finally admits that it’s more than just friendship he’s hoping for.  He actually is in love with her.  She’s speechless.

    • Back in the D.F., Gustavo has a meeting with the group of home buyers who were stiffed by the contractor/realtor.

    • Oli admits months ago she was hopelessly in love with him and dreamed for this moment.  He asks her for a chance: they’ve known each other longer and know how each other does things and feels and thinks about things.  He wants a chance.  He was a fool for not realizing it sooner and cannot pretend any longer.  She says she’s with Alan and cannot commit to anything like this, then races off.  Leo races after her.  She thinks it’s a bit cruel to come about now.  Well, the fact she’s got doubts means she still feels something for him.  If it doesn’t work out?  At least he will have tried, but if she decides against him then he will understand and respect her decision.

    • Speaking of Party Central, that night Rob is at the club.  All the Little Rascals gather for a good time and a toast to Vega.

    • Gus and Isa come home from Luis’s game.  They make googley eyes at each other after she invites him to stay for dinner.  (Who’d have thought she had a food fetish?)

    • Back in Cancun, Benji meets up with luscious Leti outside the club and complains about Vega. Well, she says, if worse comes to worst, he can go work for Ibarra.  Yup.  They head off to do the nasty in his room.

    • Back inside Rob promises to teach Mama’s Boy, aka Juanito, a few tricks at capturing women. He actually shakes a nice bit of booty while the other’s pair up to hit the dance floor. Vicki and Rob join them.

    • At Isa’s, she tells Gus to stay and chat about the day’s work again.  More googley eyed stares ensue.  However, no hand-holding will be allowed.  (FF>>FF>>)

    • At Exlena’s the kids finish din-din and must go to bed happy since Mama’s staying home tonight.  Candy Man shows up with a bottle of wine after.

    • In San Benedito, the mayor and his greasy P.I. look over the dirt he’s dug up on Vega and Associates.  Mr. Mayor wants it published in the press A.S.A.P., but greasy P.I. says he’s got something more overwhelming to hit Vega with.

    • Benji and Leti finally arrive together at the club.  Vicki and Rob tell them they don’t have to pretend with them.  It’s obvious.  Leti denies it and Benji reminds them he’s a married man. The two head off together.  Vicki tells Rob if they are together then Ben should be a man and leave his wife, make a clean break.

    • Candy Man begins to seduce Exlena when Natie comes in and screams at her, shocked-Shocked!! by her behavior!  Seems Exlena has forgotten to introduce the new man in her life to the kids, but then he’d have to be Family Man instead of Candy Man.  Is he really up for that?  Is she?  Are the kids?  Natie absolutely not.  Mama is hers and hers alone.  “--Get out of here!”  She stomps away back to her room.  Exlena tries Ex-plaining that life must go on after divorce.
    • At the club, Ale becomes a real tease to Ric.  They must dance, but she cannot deny she loves the way he keeps trying to kiss her.

    • Back on the dance floor, Carlos shows up and makes a snide remark to Oli then gives a nasty warning look to Leo.  (I’d say watch out, Carlos or Leo may tell you to take your murder case to somebody who actually gives a damn.)  Carlos then gives the evil eye to Ale and Ric.  Talk about your wet blanket….”--I warned you to stay away from Alejandra.”  “--She’s free to make her own choices.  She in your past.  P.A.S.T.!”  “--She’s mine and nobody else’s.  Got it?”  “’--You lost her when you decided to sleep with another woman!”  Carlos turns around and lets Ric have it with a right jab to the jaw.  A fight breaks out and it’s a few minutes till friends can stop the two of them and pull them apart.  Ale screams at Carlos that she’s fed up with the both of them fighting after her like she’s some piece of meat.  She wants nothing more to do with either of them!  She storms off the dance floor but Carlos and Ric continue snarling at each other about threats and provocations and being sick in the head.

    • Later, over drinks I believe Rob and Leo tell Ric not to get too uptight.  The only reason Carlos is doing this is because there’s something between Ale and him that’s gotten under Carlos’s skin.  They toast to that.

    • Ale complains to the gals that she’s tired of the two men fighting like kids over her.  However, she understands and it’s sad that Carlos proposed to her here in Cancun and this time around she happens to be at another point in her life.  Tsk.  Then Oli mentions what happened with Leo earlier.  She’s as confused as Ale at this point.

    • Juanito, a bit tipsy, and looking more like The Shaggy Dog off his leash every time we meet up with him, says his goodbyes and is off to bed.  Leo and Rob console Ric who is certain that after he wins his custody case Ale will go back to him.

    • Benji and Leti are caught red-faced and red-handed in a libidinous lip-lock by Oli and Vicki.  “--It’s a good thing you have nothing to hide,” says Vicki by way of a surprise greeting.  She and a drop-jawed Oli walk off and Benji starts cursing himself for being such a fool.  Leti doesn’t understand why he’s taking it so hard.  “--Are you serious, Benjamin?”  She storms off presumably to spend the night alone.


Jardinera, fun Part 1. My fave: Just then they’re joined by the rest of the Little Rascals

Fun stuff Jardinera, beginning with the alliteration in the title--Collisions at the Conference. Although, as you pointed out, no one actually seems to be attending any conference lectures.

" Ric disagrees and says Carlos is determined to stick to her like Gorilla Glue."

Love ir, We have some Gorilla Glue lying around somewhere and it's dangerous stuff. And Carlos is getting more toxic by the minute. Not to mention his broad, muscular shoulders looked pretty gorilla-like when he was slugging Ricardo later on.

Also liked the moniker, Mr. Candy ,for Elena's underage swain. And "shaggy dog off his leash" for Juan. I do prefer his hair disheveled and clearly he had the most enthusiastic dance moves of anybody on the floor.

"All the little rascals gather for a good time." Perfect.

Now, onto outfits. Was anybody else put off by Roberto's foppish little bandanna around the neck? I've been rooting for the bandy little fella up till now, but that silly outfit just put me off.

On the other hand, have a soft spot for the gradual thaw between Isabela and Gustavo. I know, I know...Don't throw tomatoes!....I realize the thought of a reconciliation just makes the rest of you gag. BUT....these people once loved each other. Loved each other enough to marry and have a child. Said child is much happier when his parents are together. And they seem happier. Is it so awful to forgive and move forward? Is that so disgusting? I agree that it is highly risky. But disgusting? Gag-inducing? Not to me. I hope that it is possible for this telenovela family just as I hope it is possible for real life couples trying to survive an infidelity. Usually not possible. But occasionally it does work.

Sum total, I always hope and pray for the best possible outcome in any painful situation and in this case, a reconciliation between this mother and father seems the best possible outcome for all concerned. I'd hate to see Isabela, out of loneliness, end up dating some disco idiot like Elena's been doing. Not good for anybody.

Jardinera, Part 2 is neat too. Juanito, a bit tipsy, and looking more like The Shaggy Dog off his leash… Yep, Juanito is pretty cute with his hair flopping in his face.

As soon as I saw the normally immaculate Carlos with his hair disheveled, I knew there’d be fisticuffs on the dance floor.

Benji is acting stupid on all fronts, cheating on his wife with Leti, cheating on Alonso with Carlos, and aiming to cheat on Carlos with El Ciego.

Normally, I'd be down on a kid for throwing a tantrum before divorced mom’s new boyfriend, but I loved little Natie going toe to toe with Elena. This kid is just as feisty as momma, but unlike Elena will use it for good (we hope).

JudyB, Gus and Isabela reconciling is fine by me because he's basically a good man. But will they creep back into the same old situation that got him cheating in the first place? Isabela needs to get out more on her own and tell him some stories sometimes. But this is TN Land, so I see a happy ever after for them.

P.S. Loved the term "disco idiot." Sums up this guy to a T.

Judy- you are right in wishing Gusand Luis well with Mama Isa. I t isn't why I watch these things for, though. Too much like real world. Boring.

Niecy: I TA with you about Natie.

Ah yes, the real world, Jardinera. Quite true, we watch these potboilers to escape, plus fluffing up our conversational Spanish, no?

Niecie, since you mentioned Carlos' disheveled hair as foretelling fisticuffs, what do you make of Alejandra's recent change from a middle part to a side part. I think she looks MUCH BETTER that way, but usually hairstyle changes indicate character changes as well. And as far as I can tell, she's still waffling between two galanes much though she protests wanting nothing to do with either.

JudyB, wow, I did notice that Ale was looking more together, but hadn't realized she'd lost that Wednesday Addams' middle part. Absolutely, this means she'll put her foot down about something soon.

JudyB, I'm not sure this TN follows standard hairstyle protocol. After all, Sonia went from one extreme to the other and still has no personality.

Would love to know what goes on behind the scenes in hair/wardrobe. Maybe the hair staff had a change of heart about ABC and the Sonia actress and gave them a break. In Mañana es para siempre, Carlos de la Mota looked like a skunk died on his head. The story goes that there were so many negative quips in social media about it that the show gave him a nice haircut.

Jardinera, thank you so much for this delightful recap.

I especially enjoyed the following lines:

"Yep. That'll really work when Ale's like a she-dog in heat and Carlos--the wolfhound--can't stop sniffing around"
"They discuss the gourmet dishes to eat while there (on Vega and Associates’ dime.)"

"Ric disagrees and says Carlos is determined to stick to her like Gorilla Glue"
"Carlos and Ric continue snarling at each other about threats and provocations and being sick in the head."
"Juanito, a bit tipsy, and looking more like The Shaggy Dog off his leash every time we meet up with him"
"Benji and Leti are caught red-faced and red-handed in a libidinous lip-lock"

And your monikers are always so fantastic. Loved Candy Man, Crap Lawyer, Little Rascals and Rick the Brickster.


JudyB, I get what you are saying about Gus and Isabel, but I couldn't disagree more. People cannot stay together solely for the benefit of a child. At the long run, it is going to ruin both the couple and the child. I get it that they are trying to portray Gus as a good guy that did a bad thing but is repentant now, however he did his bad thing for a year and only repented because he got caught. I still can't get past the fact that he was so callous as to put his lover in prison for 2 years. She did bad things, granted, but the root of this problem was Gus. So, yes, it makes me gag that he now woes Isa with wine and noodles, while his lover is in prison. And I am even more disgusted that it actually works and she is ready to cave. The guy cheated on you for a year, allowed your terrible humiliation in court just to stick it to his lover, has God knows how many sex tapes floating around the internet, and it only takes a couple of sheepish smiles, a container of noodles and a movie for you to forgive and forget?
And Niecie is right, we don't even know why he cheated, although I personally couldn't care less.



Thanks Jardinera.

"Disco idiot" Love this.

Is it just me or does Carlos have an annoying voice?

Ale certainly looks so much better with the side part, and with the hair not so severely straight.

I'm guessing Benjamin will be first on the list to go down due to all the greed he's been so openly exhibiting.

Great work, Jardinera.

I can't think of anything missing, so I'm wondering whether the network is doing what they did with QBA, which was to start a few minutes before the hour and cut the commercial load.

Every time Carlos says "She's mine!" I become more convinced that he was looking to be connected to Jaime and that Carlos is not really in love with Alejandra. He is hell-bent on getting her to cave in and is likely looking to break what spirit she has. A stupid bimbo like Milena would be no challenge for him.

As for Gustavo, I think he is genuinely repentant. He had the 7-year-itch and scratched it a little too long. As for Milena, she was setting him up for blackmail and the possibility of ruining not only his personal relationships but his career. I have no pity for her. That would have been just as selfish as Elena's "If I can't have him nobody can."

Benjamin did not learn his lesson from Gustavo's situation, so he will be next to face the music.

As for Elena, once Ricardo hears the latest on this she will be in no position to vilify him over Alejandra.

Well, I love that we can disagree strongly about certain stories and how we think they should evolve...and yet discuss it in a way that is frank but also respectful.

That is why I treasure this Patio so much. Love hanging out with you all. Especially when I'm doing sick- cat-sitting duty and spending so much time at home.

Happy weekend All. I'm going to take a break from telenovelas tonight and re-read Kitchen Confidential.

Jar--I couldn't be happier with your recap. Certain parts were not broadcast, but it didn't matter, I could see them perfectly through your words. Thank you.

I really don't want to weigh in on Gustavo, but I'm leaning a bit towards Irene's view of him. But if Isa is willing to take him back, he'd be in clover. That's all he wants, to have his family back.

As I recall, he was trying to end it (but after a year--it takes more than, "It's over, gal, you were fun, but I really love my family." That's when Milena decided to make him pay for dropping her--after all her assumptions she was the one he was going to have a happy life with and another child. She was wrong to take vengeance on him, but I guess all these severed partners need to know to let them down easy--or else (I mean in telenovelas). Ric has a case in point right now.

Jardinera654 enjoyed the recap when I found it.
Carlos the jackass shouldn't be there with that halfassed reason he he gave for being there. To increase his law firm. Which he nor Alan will have in
Just a few more episodes,just guessing they'll both wind up in The poky if
Not dead.

There is only one person ally should be mad with and that's carlos. Does she expect the brick to just stand there and let Carlos attack him? Areal
Man won't do that hon, he's gonna defend himself against that overly obsessed jerkoff.

Now I gotta catch up and read the recap from last night.
Thanks Jardinera.

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