Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 6/4/18 Chapter 64 Lunes: Lies

Chapter 64: Lies
I'm Christopher Mason. Life is full of lies. Ones we tell ourselves and ones we tell others. Most of them are comparatively harmless, but many have consequences. Some are even deadly. Today we will see people who – for various motives – tell all kinds of lies.
  • Alejandra had lunch with Carlos and told him that she had had a relationship with Ricardo. She told him that the relationship ended because of Elena after she and the children saw them together at Ricardo's apartment. He then told her that he was Elena's lawyer and had filed for the restraining order that was keeping Ricardo away from Elena's children.
  • Roberto and Juan were working on the most recent case of the girl caught with the trunk full of drugs. Juan was distracted and Roberto tried to tell him that he needed to work to forget it. Juan wasn't able to so Roberto suggested that Fernanda was playing hard to get and trying to get him to call her. Juan tried and was immediately sent to voicemail, so Roberto said to give it more time. Juan's phone rang and it was Tatiana, who said she was sorry he was having problems with his girlfriend. No news yet about Pedro. When Juan hung up in frustration Roberto said that he couldn't get any more involved.
  • Alejandra asked Carlos why he did this and he said that Elena came to him in desperation, saying that Ricardo was not the children's father and that she was afraid he would try to take them away from her, that she was crazy with fear about it. Alejandra couldn't believe he had believed all this. He and Ricardo had known each other for a long time and Carlos should have known better than to believe this of Ricardo. Carlos told her that the case was safe in his hands and that Elena was capable of anything. He was looking to contain the situation for everyone's good.
    Alejandra told him to think about what will happen when Ricardo found out that he had filed the request. Carlos replied that he would talk to Ricardo and see if he could come to an agreement but Alejandra told him that Elena did this in revenge because of Ricardo's involvement with her. He should not expect any reason in this. Carlos told her he was sorry about this and knew nothing of their relationship but his only objective in this case was the children's good. “What else can you expect from me as a lawyer?”
  • If Carlos hadn't been so intent on making Ricardo's life miserable he would have asked to meet with the children to make sure that Elena wasn't exaggerating her situation. Was it that the legal instinct for trouble and omissions that have been serving him in the Huerta case fell by the wayside in this situation where winning was all that mattered? Or was Carlos just lying to cover up his own pleasure at getting revenge on Ricardo?
  • Juan went on about how he had become a lawyer to help people who normally didn't get help, people who couldn't afford lawyers still deserved justice. Roberto told him that was fine and noble but now that he works for Vega & Associates he needed to do what had to be done on this case. Their main objective now was to find Giselle's boyfriend, who owned the car. They went over some necessary details, including proving that Giselle's fingerprints weren't on the drugs or on the inside of the trunk.
  • Carlos apologized to Alejandra about how her relationship didn't work out and all that she told him that she ended the relationship so Ricardo could work things out his with his children. He wished that they had been married so that this had never happened. He said he would do whatever he had to to see her happy again.
    His cell began ringing before he finished this. He looked at the screen and silenced the phone, but Alejandra told him not to ignore it. She also had to check hers.
    He answered and it was El Ciego. He told him he was working on the Huerta case because he had to be in court about it in two days. El Ciego asked about his money again and Carlos told him not to worry. He ended the call, looking a little worried himself. Alejandra asked whether anything happened and if he had a lot to do. He said he did, but added that the most important thing to him at that moment was her. She did not look convinced.
  • Alan brought Olivia back to her office after lunch He looked very happy and asked whether she would like to go to a seaside concert that weekend. She loved the idea. They kissed, then embraced, each looking for the moment as though the rest of the world and its problems did not exist.
  • Carlos escorted Alejandra back to her office, patting her hand as he told her he was happy she realized he accepted Elena's case on Elena's apparent desperation and not to hurt her. Ricardo arrived right behind them, angry as a bull at the sight of a red cape. He called our Carlos' name. Carlos turned around saying “You and I have to talk” while making sure that Ricardo noticed him holding Alejandra's hand. Ricardo charged him while accusing him of helping Elena take away his children. He grabbed him by the lapels as Alejandra yelled to stop and the entire office stopped what they were doing to watch.
    Ricardo pulled him away from Alejandra, Carlos kept asking to let him explain, Carmen tried to calm Ricardo down, and Alejandra asked him to look at her. She told him that Carlos was telling the truth. Ricardo told her that “If you believe his lies that's your problem, but he is enjoying this whole thing.”
  • Considering their history, it was certainly understandable that Ricardo didn't believe Carlos. He was certainly not mistaken about Carlos' pleasure in causing him pain. However, one had to hope that he gave some thought to what the water-cooler gossip would be for the rest of the week.
  • Alan was in the deep stage of infatuation and it was obvious that Olivia also was. However, they were both adult enough to remember their work and agree to see each other the next day.
  • Carlos took advange of their audience to tell Ricardo that Elena came to him in abject fear that
    he would take the children away from school or home and lock them up. He answered that he should know that he wouldn't do anything like this. He advanced on Carlos in an effort to get him to back down, but Carlos got out of his way, saying that it was his job as a lawyer to believe his client. “She said they are not your children and I want to set limits. You are obsessed at the idea of being a father to them. And that was just one of the reasons she was desperate.”
    Ricardo started to protest and Alejandra got between them to prevent this getting worse. Carlos went on about dealing with another mother as desperate as Elena. Ricardo tried advancing on him, Alejandra remained in his way, and Carlos said he was simply explaining why he did what he did. Carmen finally told Carlos that it was best if he left the office. She threatened to call security. Alan appeared and served that purpose. However, he could not stop Carlos from turning around and grandstanding for Alejandra's benefit with another apology and yet another comment about calling her later as the elevator doors closed.
    Ricardo turned around, angry at the situation and at Alejandra. She ran after him into his office. The fact that she believed Carlos was telling the truth was even worse to him than that he took the case to make his life miserable. The worst, of course, is what this would do to the children. Alejandra tried to explain that Carlos believed Elena's lies and that arguing with him would solve nothing. He would have to work this out with Elena. Ricardo was so irritated that Alejandra was defending Carlos that he accused her of loving him more. Alejandra saw that she was getting him nowhere toward reason and decided to withdraw and not bother him anymore. She left his office.
  • Olivia visited Victoria, glowing over her date with Alan and what was coming up. Victoria told her to be careful. Olivia asked why she was so concerned and Victoria told her that Alan was a suspect in his cousin's case. Olivia did not want to believe her.
  • Olivia's recent history with men wasn't good, so is she lying to herself about her chances for the future?
  • Leonardo went to Ricardo's office to check up on him after Carmen told him what had just happened. Ricardo was angry because he knew that Carlos was laughing at him and he couldn't remain calm about it, particularly since this happened in front of Alejandra. Leonardo told him he needed to remain calm and carry on to come to an agreement with Elena. Ricardo said this was impossible because Elena had never thought of anyone but herself.
  • Olivia could not believe that Alan was a murder suspect. Victoria told her that Leonardo was very worried when he heard that she had gone out with Alan. No proof, but Alan had been in the hotel the night of the crime.and this was just one line of investigation. Olivia still couldn't believe this after Alan began participating in the foundation and because he loved Carlos. Victoria told her to be careful, send her messages when she's out with him, etc.
  • Leonardo tried to get Ricardo to calm down and think clearly about the situation but it was to no avail. Ricardo believed he was on the brink of losing everything, including Alejandra.
  • Nicolás – with a little help from an orderly – set up dinner for himself and Astrid. The orderly left the room just before she arrived and Nicolás poured the wine. They drank to her brother's winning his case and to their new beginning. She commented that she thought there had to be more to him than his womanizing. He talked about it being a new – real – beginning of his life. She said she enjoyed being with him.
  • They say that womanizers never change. At least Astrid always thought so before. Is she changing her mind about Nicolás?
  • Olivia asked Roberto about Alan. He told her that Alan was a prime suspect and that he was Carlos' right-hand man. He is suspect because he was in the hotel the same night. Olivia said something about no luck, referencing Leonardo's girlfriend, then “Arturo” and now this. Roberto said, “If you feel good with him, go with it, but if you want Bobby's advice, don't fall in love. Think just about pleasure. It's not work falling in love with anybody. Don't think about Alan. Don't fall in love with anybody because everyone gets hurt. Look at Juan; he's having problems with his girlfriend.”
    “So what do I do about Alan?”
    “Have a good time with him. But don't declare yourself. If it goes against you you'll be sorry.”
  • Carlos went to Alejandra's home with a box of chocolates because they would be working late. They sat down and she apologized about what happened with Ricardo at the office. Like the Good Girl she thought she shoud be she assumed the blame for it, blame that no one was putting on her. She said that if Elena had not seen her with Ricardo none of this would have happened. He denied that she was at fault and said he was, for taking the case. Ricardo was and wanted to resolve the situation about the children had no time for anything else. Alejandra agreed. He then went on how he understood how he lost her, which made her uncomfortable. He then said he didn't understand how she could be with Ricardo.
    “He deceived you, and he was amiable with you. Now you're sad. Ricardo was not the answer. Remember when you were with me? You were happy. You made the decision and this is no exception. Now you're on the defensive.”
    “Carlos, this is not appropriate.”
    He rose to leave, but she asked him to stay.
  • Nicolás asked Astrid to dance and they began waltzing around the table. This seemed to work.
    They kissed and started dancing again.
  • Carlos and Alejandra sat down again and she looked over the file. There were two theories of the crime, one of them being that Imelda was an accomplice and the other that Vicente committed the crime alone. She said that she would talk to Imelda about her relationship with Vicente, Pilar, and Eugenio in order to get to the truth. The court date was two days later. She volunteered to talk to them. He took her hands as his cell phone began to ring and for that moment that Carlos looked at the screen El Ciego saved her. He told her that this was a client who didn't understand that things took time. She thanked him for being honest with her about Elena. She looked uncomfortable, however, when he said he hoped for an opportunity to fix things between them. He kissed her and left.
  • The next morning Carlos looked ready to leave for the office when El Ciego and El Gato entered.
    They sensed that they were less than welcome when he said he had to take care of some things. El Ciego – after he made himself comfortable – then said that if he had problems with the police or the court Carlos was obviously not doing his job well. Then he changed his tune a little, got up, and handed the morning paper to Carlos, telling him he deserved some good news.
    The headline stated that Gilda Baldera – Vicente's lawyer – was murdered in front of her home.
    “She's dead?” Carlos asked.
    “What a shame,” said El Ciego, removing his shades. “We're friends, and it's nothing more than taking a problem out of your way.”
    “What did you do?” Carlos asked.
    “We did you a favor,” said El Ciego, as though he was talking about a lift to the airport. He then put his hand on Carlos' shoulder. “Your enemies are my enemies. And now there is nothing standing in the way of you laundering my money until it's clean. We can continue on.”
  • Alan had warned him about this at the outset, but Carlos only had listened to his greed. This time Carlos realized he was in some level of hell and that there was no escape route. At the same time Ricardo stepped over its threshhold.
  • As Elena led her children to the car so they could go to breakfast before school, Ricardo appeared. Natalia ran over to him and hugged him. For the first time in a couple of weeks she looked happy until Elena pulled her back. Ricardo showed the protection from the restraining order which gave him the right to see the children and told Elena that nothing could stop him.
  • Carlos told El Ciego to take his hand back. When he did Carlos told him that he never asked him to intervene in this matter. He went on to say that he wanted no further interference.
    “The dead don't cause problems,” said El Ciego, as though he was trying to be reasonable. Carlos told him there were to be no repeats of this and there would now be limits. He wasn't to do anything like this again.
    El Ciego went on saying that he thought this would make Carlos happy, and got El Gato to agree with him. His henchman did not take his eyes off Carlos during this obviously uneasy exchange. Finally, El Ciego closed his happy-drunk act by wishing Carlos good day and the two narcos left. Carlos looked as though he realized that he life was no longer his own.

  • Natalia ran back to Ricardo and Elena ordered her to get into the van. She refused. Federico watched her with a blank expression. Ricardo said he needed to talk to the children, to explain things to them.
    “Explain what? That you have a girlfriend? That you will forget all about us? Is that what you're going to say?”
    “That they will always be important to me.”
    Elena ordered Natalia to enter the van. When the child refused Elena deputized Federico to pull her away from Ricardo. He succeeded and pushed her ahead of him into the van and Elena closed the door.
    “What did you do to Federico?” Ricardo asked.
    “I didn't have to do anything. Don't you get it? He doesn't want to see you with that woman.”
    “That same old song now? Stop this.”
    “They see how cynical you are. What do you want? What are you trying to do? What's going through your head? Taking my children to your girlfriend? You are crazy.”
    The children rolled down the tinted window and watched behind their mother's back. She turne toward the car but Ricardo pulled her back, insisting that they talk. She told him he was to leave her children alone and forget about them immediately.
  • Paula handed Alejandra her coffee as the morning news showed the story about Gilda Balderas' death. The newscaster mentioned the coincidence that the legal action was to have begun the following morning. Alejandra took out her cell, telling Paula she had to call Carlos. Paula was shocked that Alejandra was helping him with this case.
  • Elena, stop this. My children have nothing to do with what's going on between us.”
    “No, no, don't confuse yourself. They are not your children. They are my children and I decide where they go.”
    “You know that I was like a father to them. If this doesn't continue, everyone gets hurt.”
    “No, no, Ricardo; the only thing certain is that you disappear after giving a pretext of work and you spend the night with a woman. You deceive them.” She moved her finger as though telling him that this – or he – was insane.
    “I was working. Alejandra had nothing to do with them.”
    “I only have one thing to say. You have hurt my children enough and I will not permit you to do this anymore.”
    “Precisely why I want to talk to them about these things.”
    He moved toward the car but she pushed him back.
    “You have nothing to say to them. You've done enough. Don't you understand that?”
    “This is absurd.”
    “The only absurdity here is you. I don't want you anywhere near my children. If you don't leave us alone I'll take them far away from here and you will never see them again.”
  • Elena, like most narcissists, lied very effectively to others and to herself. By this time she was likely to be believing her own lies, which helped her to convince others. Except people like Ricardo when he saw her for what she was.
  • Olivia was in the elevator. She pushed the button to go down, but Leonardo arrived and asked her to let him in. As they were going down he started talking about Alan and their suspicion about his involvement in Patricia's death. She explained that she had already talked to Roberto about this. She was sure that neither he nor Roberto really knew Alan. She was sure Alan had never hurt anyone.
  • You can't take away my children.”
    “Of course I can. Do I have to remind you that I am their mother? You have nothing to do –”
    “Of course I do. I've cared for them, educated them, and most of all I love them.”
    “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, sarcastically. “I've very sorry, Ricardo, but you have no legal right over them.”
    “Yes, yes, yes, according to Carlos Ibarra. But nothing will keep me away from my children.”
    Elena was smiling smugly at him. “You know I have a lawyer who is helping me.”
    “Yes, yes. How convenient for you that it's that idiot –”
    “Pardon me? Well, it's not my fault that you were boinking your girlfriend. How do you think you will get around that?”
    “Because you can't make a legal case out of it. Ever since I know you you never wanted me to be their father legally.”
    “They have a father, Ricardo. I'm glad it's not you.”
    “They didn't know him because he disappeared. And you and I agreed I would be their father whether we made it legal or not.”
    “I changed my mind. I changed my mind and I don't want you anywhere near them.”
    “You can't do this any more.”
    “Of course I can! You have been hurting them and you are forgetting about them.”
    “Never! I will never forget about my children.”
    “Well, now you will have to forget about them, whether you want to or not. Dear God! Go back to her and leave us alone! I you keep this up I swear I will take them far away from here.”
    Elena walked around the front of the car to get to the driver's seat. Whether he noticed it before or not Ricardo now saw that the children had been watching and likely heard every word. He reached toward Natalia only for Elena to order her to close the window. Since Federico – who also had been listening with a face that was not quite so blank as before – was sitting closer to the door he rolled up the window as the car pulled away.
  • Alejandra and Carlos talked about the murder and the coincidence that it happened on the eve of the court date. Carlos said that the case was causing quite a stir in the community and he was concerned that someone was taking justice into his own hands. For that reason he told her he would prefer her not to be involved. She said she promised and therefore she would follow through. He told her he didn't want her putting herself at risk.
    “If anything happened, I'd die,” he said.
    After a few more tries he convinced her to withdraw. She told him to promise her to be careful and he did.

Lies sometimes serve a useful social function, but that is only when they're meant to spare someone's feelings. No one here is looking to do that anymore. Carlos continues to lie to Alejandra about why he took Elena's case, Juan contines to lie to himself about his inability to maintain professional distance, allowing Tatiana more attention than she merits. Tatiana lied when she told Juan she was sorry for causing him problems with his girlfriend. Olivia lies to herself about her own desperation for love, Roberto lies to himself and others about his own need for love, while Elena will lie about everything to meet her own selfish ends. Carlos has still to unravel the lies told by his clients. That will make a juicy novel someday if he lives to write it. Until next we meet Behind Mansion Walls, I'm Christopher Mason.


Wow UA, this was your best ever in my opinion. The prologue, the summation and the analysis of lying and self-deception woven through the entire recap....simply superb.

But let me backtrack first to our colorful Christopher Mason. Goooood Lord! His multicolored outfit, especially against the backdrop of that orange chair. Just wild. Something fascinating about his nondescript little persona decked out in those LIVID colors just cracks me up. He is a delightful character. So glad that you brought him into our Patio.

Now I know everybody can read the prologue and the summation, but I'm going to highlight them again here because they are just so spot on:

I'm Christopher Mason. Life is full of lies. Ones we tell ourselves and ones we tell others. Most of them are comparatively harmless, but many have consequences. Some are even deadly. Today we will see people who – for various motives – tell all kinds of lies.

Lies sometimes serve a useful social function, but that is only when they're meant to spare someone's feelings. No one here is looking to do that anymore. Carlos continues to lie to Alejandra about why he took Elena's case, Juan contines to lie to himself about his inability to maintain professional distance, allowing Tatiana more attention than she merits. Tatiana lied when she told Juan she was sorry for causing him problems with his girlfriend. Olivia lies to herself about her own desperation for love, Roberto lies to himself and others about his own need for love, while Elena will lie about everything to meet her own selfish ends. Carlos has still to unravel the lies told by his clients. That will make a juicy novel someday if he lives to write it. Until next we meet Behind Mansion Walls, I'm Christopher Mason.

Love every word. And I also got a kick out of Mason's observation that Ricardo would have done well to avoid that scene with Carlos and the resulting water cooler gossip.
Ricardo keeps coming off as impulsive and out of control. Carlos of course is cool and calculated and easily appears as the reasonable, innocent one in this ruckus.

The theme of self-deception is excellent. I too believe that at this point Elena believes her own lies about Ricardo harming the children by moving on with his life. And Oli certainly seems ready to believe Alan is going to fulfill her lifelong dream of happily ever after with a couple of kids. Infatuation is like that: we seize on any personality trait that seems remotely positive, discard and ignore any warning signs and plow on with our illusions, trying to make them fit into the actual relaity of our relationship. As you would say UA, "Don't ask me how I know." LOL

Anyway, your recap was a treat. And I will look forward to watching this later. Quite intrigued by Astrid and Nicolas and wondering if he's sincerely interested or just intent on putting another notch in his elderly belt. El tiempo dirá.

UA: Good Job.

Judy: Carlos is obsessed with Alejandra.

Urban, I totally agree with JudyB, this really is your best recap. Everything is top-notch: clever analysis by Christopher Mason, very appropriate screen grabs (I especially loved the one of enraged Brick with bulging eyes), precisely rendered dialogues and masterfully chosen and developed theme.
I said it before, but I have to say it again: you are a very talented writer and I am always enjoying reading your well-written, clever and poetic masterpieces.


Good morning, Urban and Christopher. You two make quite a team. You deliver on the action and quote by quote dialog and he sits in the background providing the setting and analysis. This was truly a masterpiece of work.

I'm so sad we won't get to see Gilda (RIP) in action. Her fiery courtroom delivery was refreshing, especially when Carlos was on the receiving end.

Between Carlos and Ricardo, who was being more restrained? I'd be a bit leery of Ric after that outburst, too. Never mind that Carlos provoked it all. But he sure didn't hold back when telling Ale that what she saw was his true nature. Ugh.

That exchange on the sidewalk was heart-wrenching. I hope the kids got enough of what Ric was saying to convince them he was serious about the love and attention he has for them. For pity sake, he never once mentioned to her that her behavior that instigated this legal entanglement was unacceptable. He has a life, which precludes her showing up at his apartment without advance notice AND bringing the kids along with her. I think you'all got it--she believes her own lies and she sticking to them.

Some stray observations about this episode:
-Would someone please get Brick into an anger-management class, and the sooner the better! Carlos is an a...ole and of course he agreed to represent Elena to stick it to Brick, but what does behaving like a participant on the Jerry Springer Show, and right in the middle of the lobby of his work-place at that, achieve? It only makes Brick look like an unhinged, insane maniac and if someone would have recorded this confrontation and showed it to the judge, I doubt he would have lifted the restraining order.
Of course Carlos has an ulterior motive and of course he enjoys seeing Brick suffer, however, as I already said before, there is nothing wrong with a lawyer doing what the client asks him to do, even if it's not the best solution for all the parties involved.
Carlos doesn't have the obligation to accommodate Brick and he certainly doesn't have the obligation to meet with the children or conduct an investigation to find out whether a restraining order is warranted in this case.
A lawyer doing all that for every case would have gone out of business in no time. Of course, the "good" lawyers of Vega and Associates would do all that and more. In real life, however, Vega and Associates would have filed for bankruptcy eons ago.

As much as Brick hates Carlos(and deservedly so),he has to understand that another lawyer, though objective and not at all interested in sticking it to him, would have done exactly the same thing- gotten the restraining order because the client asked for it and the client is king. So, he should have done with Carlos exactly the same thing he would have done with any other lawyer taking on Elena's case- fought him in court like the lawyer that he is.
Even Leonardo, the epitome of righteousness, understood it!

- We now know that Brick could have easily adopted the children because the children's father disappeared 10 years ago and he didn't do so only because Elena didn't want him to for no reason whatsoever. At hearing that, I lost the remainder of respect that I had for Brick and now think that he deserves neither Alejandra nor the children.
Brick, the family law attorney, just said yes dear to the nutcase that didn't want her children adopted by a wonderful, loving father for no reason whatsoever. If he is that dumb/ subservient/afraid of confrontation or whatever to just happily living with Elena after that, not thinking for a second about what's best for the children, then maybe he deserves what Elena is putting him through now.

-That barely there kiss between Astrid and Nicholas was ridiculous. What is wrong with the writers? Just because they are senior citizens doesn't mean that they don't know how to kiss. On the contrary, Nicholas the aging don Juan should have tons of experience in kissing.



Thanks, Urban. Fantastic recap. My faves:

Ricardo arrived right behind them, angry as a bull at the sight of a red cape.

“We did you a favor,” said El Ciego, as though he was talking about a lift to the airport.

This time Carlos realized he was in some level of hell and that there was no escape route. At the same time Ricardo stepped over its threshhold.

Yep, Carlos won that round. Hey, Ric, you're Alonso's right-hand man and poised to head the firm one day. You can't get all out of control like this.

But I confess I did love Ric telling Ale “If you believe his lies that's your problem, but he is enjoying this whole thing” and later booting her out of his office saying "I got work to do." Ale's problem, in my view, is she's been treated like a little princess all her life and has no street smarts. Carlos is a "Criminal Attorney" who never takes family law cases, but he took this one to help poor Elena rather than refer her to a specialist. Ale, get real mujer.

I also loved Carmen basically telling Carlos "Licenciado, it's best you just go and get yourself up out of here because my Ricky doesn't go off like this for nothing." Carmen, you need to use that same authority with your receptionists who do nothing but look through shoe catalogues all day.

I was watching the physical maneuverings of Elena and Ric as they argued in front of the kids. Elena kept shoving him and, at one point, he held her in a forced hug. That would've been scary if Ric were really unhinged. Federico followed his mom's orders like a Stepford Son, but I thought I saw a faint flash of hope that his dad really does care. Is it possible he remembers when his bio dad abandoned him?

Nicolás and Astrid dancing, sweet.

Stellar recap, UA, and I loved the "lies" theme. You & Christopher do make beautiful music together.

Your reference to El Ciego's "happy-drunk act" was spot-on. What a great description. And I'll bet he can turn into a mean drunk in a flash.

Sorry to see Gilda go. I liked her.

Every novela episode has a theme of some kind. It's just easier to see them when you do recaps and write similar words about different sets of characters.

Niecie, I also saw the same glimmer of hope in Federico before Elena ordered the children to close the window. However I'm sure that when he and Natalia stand up to Elena again she will slap both of them. And when that happens I hope there are witnesses.

Ricardo was foolish not to have insisted that he adopt the children if their sperm donor had "disappeared." After all, what will happen to them if anything happens to her? Her parents have never been mentioned so we can probably assume that they're dead. Any reasonable judge would say that Ricardo is the best qualified guardian but there are always unreasonable judges.

Ric not adopting those kids during the years he was happy with Elena makes no sense. Even a non-family lawyer would've pursued adoption. I'm ranking this up to an epic fail by the writers. They wanted Ric to be in jeopardy of losing his kids AND be a good father, but didn't bother giving us a decent back story on the marriage.

Urban, I must admit that I rarely manage to spot the themes in PASL episodes. All the plotlines seem so random and unrelated, but then I read your recaps and discover that there actually are themes and they are quite deep and well thought out. It's so strange that the same writers that put that much thought and effort into giving a theme to each episode, then come up with such epic fails (thanks, Niecie) as Brick the family law attorney not adopting the children while having a happy and well functioning relationship with Elena.

It's exactly as you said, Urban, the kids would have gone directly to the orphanage if something would have happened to Elena and Brick surely knew that, since he is a family law attorney and deals with such situations all the time. Also, as a family law attorney, that deals with divorces on a daily basis, he should have known that divorces happen even to the happiest of couples and in case of a divorce he would have no rights whatsoever as far as the children are concerned.

A more logical back story would have been that bio dad, who recently died, never cared for the children yet refused to relinquish his parental rights and that's why Brick couldn't adopt the children.



Thank you Urban. Liars liars pants and
Skirts on fire.
It seems that ally has slipped into stupidvill.She believe the web of lies Carlos has weaved. And He now knows he has stepped in a pool of sh*t. If he gets out of this alive others won't. El ciego is a Psycho.Him and loonylena would make a Good couple. They lie to themselves at The drop of a hat.

Elena believes her lies. Those poor kids, their moma has flown the coocoos
Nest. Rick needs to calm down, hes acting like awrecking ball going after carlos. And hes working it for all its worth. And if thats not bab enough he
Goes to visit dumb dumb with chocolate
Candy. And she blames herself. On top of being to nice she anit that bright
When it comes to this guy. Do they need A 2nd season of this?

Olivia, go on a vacation. It's too hot to Be making these dumb choices.

Juan needs to learn to think with his
Head in this case instead his heart.
It's trickling into his personal life.
And tat is enjoying it waaaay to much.

I like me mason's take on the liars.
Urban you and Mr C. Mason are good together. Thank you both.

A few years ago during PyP I realized that when we have protagonists and villains who are 40-50 years old writers tend to skimp on background information. Most of Ricardo's generation have no parents on the scene: Ricardo's father is dead, his mother lives in another area; both of Carlos' parents are dead and we've heard nothing about the parents of Elena, Victoria, Olivia, Leticia, Benjamin, Karina, Leonardo, Gustavo, Isabel, Alan.

Alejandra is the only one who has both parents alive, well, and sane. Roberto has his father, Juan his mother.

All of these characters appear to also be only children, as none have ever mentioned any siblings and this was episode 64.

Writers do this on purpose to leave their options open. If the ratings are wanting they can bring in some of the popular senior actors to play the parents, other age-appropriate actors to play siblings, or they can make up whatever they want to suit their direction for the character. During PyP I remember thinking that if Pablo Montero didn't show up by episode 25 as the estranged younger brother of Arturo (Jorge Salinas) then Arturo was an only child. There also were no flashbacks to anything that happened prior to when the curtain went up.

The problem I have with this practice is that it leaves too many questions unanswered for the actors and too many situations that will make little sense to many viewers. It would seem contrived if suddenly the parent of any character who has not mentioned parents shows up. If Ricardo eventually marries Alejandra we know his mother is likely to be present, but we don't know that about anyone else.

And yet, Urban, all the adults who have children have either one or two. (I'm including Corazon Que Miente's two brothers and their friends, two girls, only children from different families.

Nina, you have a way with words: "Olivia, go on a vacation. It's too hot to Be making these dumb choices." :D

Irene, I never see the themes either. Urban is amazing at pulling them out.

I've been following this blog after I discovered it while binge watching Teresa on a novela site. Urban, I LOVE the Christopher Mason, makes me want to watch Behind Mansion Walls. What bothered me in this episode is that for a crime boss El Ciego was stupid to kill Gilda. Sir, you met Carlos is prison when he was in there for a murder charge, which he's still not off the hook for. If bodies keep piling up around him that is just going to draw attention to him. Attention to Carlos, then, equals attention to you as his most controversial client. Especially, when the cops already want to take you down.

Welcome, Chevaun Camille!

The other thing that was stupid about killing this lawyer is that this doesn't end the case; it only draws it out longer until the defendant gets a new lawyer.

However, El Ciego is a malignant narcissist and the fact that he is a criminal makes him the only one worse than Elena. He is also the worst kind of sadist because he had put Carlos in the position of having to keep his mouth shut about this due to client confidentiality. He's crazy like a fox and that is what makes him a powder keg with a fuse.

Urban, I don't think that El Siego is actually protected by the principle of lawyer-client confidentiality as far as Gilda's murder is concerned.
The principle of confidentiality means that, in the absence of the client's informed consent, the lawyer must not reveal information relating to the representation.

The attorney-client privilege can be claimed by the client in proceedings in which a lawyer may be called as a witness or required to produce evidence concerning a client, but only extends to information given for the purpose of obtaining legal representation.

In El Siego's case, he didn't come to Carlos to obtain legal representation about Gilda's murder and the information he provided to Carlos (that he murdered Gilda) is definitely not related to the cases in which Carlos represents him.

I would say that he can't even be considered El Siego's attorney. Carlos doesn't provide legal representation to El Siego ,he is merely El Siego's accomplice in money laundering, which is a serious crime.

Of course, Carlos cannot denounce El Siego, not because of attorney client privilege, but because it means confessing to his crime of money laundering.

If Carlos will denounce El Siego, omitting his involvement in money laundering, El Siego will successfully claim attorney-client privilege by saying that he came to Carlos seeking legal representation about Gilda's murder and everything he said is covered by the privilege.

In any case, Carlos is royally skr..ed.


P.S : there are several exceptions to attorney-client privilege, the most prominent being a crime-fraud exception which allows disclosure of information communicated by the client in an attempt by the client to use the lawyer’s services to commit or cover up a crime or fraud. Another disclosure that is allowed is disclosure that will prevent death or substantial bodily harm.

If any evidence related to Gilda's murder connects to El Ciego, could he still claim privilege here even if he doesn't insist that Carlos represent him?

Carlos is screwed either way because El Ciego could always hold the money-laundering over his head.

All of this could render Patricia's murder a moot point. However, I have the feeling that Carlos will end up dead before that mystery is solved.

He certainly could, the privilege applies as long as it is established that the communication between El Siego and Carlos was for the purpose of securing legal advice or representation, even if, at the end, El Siego decided to hire another lawyer to handle his case (or Carlos refused to represent him).

Carlos, of course, will be unable to disprove El Siego's assertion that he came to him to secure legal advice regarding Gilda's murder without incriminating himself.

Another interesting question that is too long and too complicated to discuss here is whether El Gato's presence during the meeting means that El Siego waived the privilege (if we consider that the meeting was indeed for the purpose of securing legal advice).

Generally, by allowing a third party to be present during a lawyer-client meeting, the defendant waives the privilege. However, there are exceptions to this rule.
For example, it is often considered by the courts that a defendant expects confidentiality when talking to the lawyer in front of a family member or a friend.
Of course this issue is moot, because I am sure that neither Carlos nor El Gato would dare to say that he was present during the meeting.



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