Friday, June 01, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/31/18 Chapter 62: The Rules of the Game

⦁     Carlos works his wizard of smart on the magistrate and gets Crazy Dude --who's obviously been without his nose candy a bit too long--out of jail.  It was a bad beating and the restaurant owner claimed it was because he wouldn't pay protection money to the cartel.  The magistrate wants to keep him and open a file on this.  Carlos says no can do.  It isn't legal and besides you won't find anything conclusive in the 48 hrs. he can keep him there for (I think was the argument.)

And, while this is going on, Sonia notices it's Carlos who's the crook's mouthpiece and this is a totally odd type of case for him to have messed with.  Once Carlos has Crazy Dude released, he tells Mr. Clean that El Ciego is never to "invite" himself unannounced either to his home or his office like that again.  He can call him.  Mr. Clean tells him that El Ciego is a bit old fashioned and will be put out when he hears this. El Ciego only makes visits in person.  "--Are you threatening me?"  "--No.  Just telling you the rules of the game."  "--Yeah?  Well, it's to tamp down any suspicions."

The next day at Vega, during a discussion about listing the first women the Foundation will assist, Alejandra informs Olivia and Victoria that she's broken it off with Ricardo just like Elena demanded.  Otherwise she will continue to keep him away from his children.  Yep, just like that she folded her hand and threw in her cards.  Ric's sad.  Ale's sad.  The kids are sad.  BUT Exlena will be very glad.  The difference here is that naive Ale, self-righteous twit that she is, figures that Exlena will play by the same rules as she.  (Wrong, grasshopper!!!)

Across town the cops pull over and arrest a woman for drug trafficking.  They open her trunk and it is packed to the hilt with wrapped blocks of heroin/hash, whatever...  She swears she doesn't know anything about it.

Juan asks his mama to look after Tatiana as it's best she doesn't go out anywhere just yet.  Susanna, a bit nervous, accepts.  Tat wants to help with expenses or the shopping but Sue says nothin' doin',  Stay and relax a bit.

At Vega again, Alkaseltzer's Mexican cousin gets a bit of product placement as Carmen medicates Roberto for another hangover.  Vicki walks in and is upset as hell with him about it.  "--Let him suffer, Carmen!"  She slams the door.  Rob whines it is his only way of forgetting her.  She needed him on top of his game, she says, because they've got the hearing for the case she took for his dad's friend coming up the next day.  He's supposed to help her prepare.

Fer comes knocking on Susanna's door and meets Tat who mentions having slept there.  Fer is not a happy camper.  Don't bother telling her she stopped by.  She'll come around later. Sure thing. Bye.
Back at Vega, Oli receives a client who's in a big rush.  She's the sister of the gal who was arrested when the cops found drugs in her trunk.  She knows about Oli from the t.v. interview she did.  (I see $$ in Oli's future.  She should run a few ads like they do down here.  "--Remember me?")

Across the hallway, Ric comes to Vicki with his case notes for the adoption request and a stay on restraining order.  He wants visitation rights.  Vicki warns him blood relations have more rights than he ever will.  He's determined to show in court that Exlena's kids do view him as their natural father.  Vicki advises it will be extremely difficult to win a case like this but he says he's willing to just to show Elena's harming those kids unjustly.

Oli hands over her fan girl to Roberto.  It seems that her sis was to meet her boyfriend and when she got to the address he gave her there were cops driving up and suddenly she was arrested and the trunk was full of junk, literally.  Her sis is a real tea-totaler so  this has really frightened Sissy.  Rob wants to know how the cops knew to search.  Does she know anything about the boyfriend? Nope.  She's at a total loss.

At Sra. Pilar's we are greeted by Carlos in a light colored jacket for once.  We determine it is because he's gotten great news for Pilar.  The trial's date's been set.  Pilar has erased all the messages on her phone mail and refuses to let him speak with Imelda.  He tells her it won't matter because the messages are always backed up somewhere. It will prove motive for the defense.  If he doesn't get all the answers up front he cannot prepare his arguments for any contingency.  It's her decision to screw up.

Alonso is preparing for his visit to the small town of San Benito where the corrupt mayor has been defrauding the citizenry.  He comments that it came about due to his take down of Malruffo's shakedowns.  Carmen and he discuss the change in attitude of the people now that they feel they can take action that gets real results rather than just letting themselves be run over by the powerful.

When Pilar goes in to check on Imelda she finally asks the big question: "--Is it true you did what Vicente claims?  Did you sleep with him?"  She hems and haws.  Imelda says they must be saying this to make us fight and to separate us.  Pilar sidesteps and lets Imelda curse Vic.  One day it will all be over and they'll get beyond all this pain and suffering.  Imelda disagrees.

Leonardo warns Juan to steer clear of Tatiana.  Roberto says he's becoming too involved with someone who's still a suspect. And there are those who can make anybody believe what they want to believe.  Juan refuses.  Leo says it's not a request but an order. Juan says not only does he believe she's totally innocent but that she was threatening to leave the city , and since he went through so much crap to find her he doesn't want to risk losing this witness again.

At the jail, Rob interviews the gal's sister.  She tells him she's dated the boyfriend only a couple of months; he told her he worked in public relations; and it was the first time he'd asked her to drive the car.  Rob comments that trafficker types trick people into believing certain things so they can use them to transport drugs.  So, it will be difficult to get her out of this mess and he'll need every scrap of detail she can give him.

Outside the courthouse, Vicki and Ric discuss his breakup with Ale.  She says it was a ridiculous thing to do.  He did it to avoid exposing Ale to all the emotional hell he'll be going through.  Vicki says that's why two people are together to begin with, to share with and support the other whatever life brings.

Gustavo has begun to win Isabel back by bringing her favorite pasta dish and her favorite red wine for family night dinner with Luis.  She's put into a great mood.  (Things are lookin' up for ol' Gus, I'd say.)

Susanna puts her foot down about having a strange woman and her kid spending the night at their place.  Juan says be patient since she'll have police protection as of the next day. And, nope, it won't happen again.  He promises.

At the old folks home, Astrid tells Dr. Morelli that she's nervous about the trial the next day.  His son's associate is an excellent lawyer so not to worry.  So, they'd be a great couple, those two.  Dr. M says well it's like anything one day it's seems totally impossible and then soon they're inseparable.  Almost like the two of us, don't you think?  She doubts she could answer at this point.  Never the less, he'll go to the hearing with her tomorrow to be there for her.

After dinner, Isa mentions she was thrilled with the meal and that Gus had actually remembered it was her favorite.  He's never forgotten things she like because she is important to him.  Ok.  So can he work a bit on one of his cases in the kitchen?  Sure.  Isa asks about the case and says his client's lucky to have him as her lawyer. She heads off to bed.

At court the next morning, Vicki, Rob, Dr. M and Astrid accompany Plutarco.  His son yells at the old guy for costing him money by having to cancel his appointments, all for his blackmail.  Astrid chides him and he tells her to mind her own business.  At least she has enough dignity to live on her own and not pester others.  Petro says he never slacked on his fatherly obligations.  Alvaro reminds him it was his duty as a father. 

The trial begins.  The father never skimped on his financial obligations with his son, but now the son has totally abandoned his dad when his dad needs him most.   Vicki asks for 20,000 pesos ($1007.60) a month pension. Alvi's lawyer counters with 3,000 ($151.14) a month.  She counters that all they're asking is enough to cover the medical expense and his food.  Besides the son has a P.R. firm that does well enough to give him a life of luxury.  He swears he will be left short of his own expenses and can only go as high as 15, 000.  Vicki asks for a court audit then to prove he has the money.  Alvi gripes to the court that his dad abandoned him for his work when his mother died and he was left alone.

Carlos calls Exlena to inform her of the stay Ric's asked for.  He tells Exlena not to worry though, because he's got no legal right over the children according to the law.

Back at Vega, Ale comes to give emotional support to Ric.  He informs her of the legal steps he's taken and they both stoically hope that one day they can be more than good friends and colleagues.  She flashes a dimple and leaves.  He sighs deeply.


Gracias, Jardinera. Good stuff.

I wonder if "Mr Clean" is the go-to man when El Ciego has to dispose of bodies...

Pilar is going to end up in deep sh*t because of what she's done. This was a bad move. This could end up as a matricide when Imelda sees evidence of the truth.

More later; I have to run to Target for cat food.

Thanks, Jardinera. Loved the opener: Carlos works his wizard of smart

I actually cheered twice last night. First, for Ric coming out fighting for adoption. Yeah, he should've gone to another law firm, but still I'm looking forward to him and Victoria working together. Second, Victoria was great in court -– though her dress is in danger of bursting at the seams.

I’m so used to Guillermo Cantú playing the villain, that Alonso’s big happy – non-sinister – smile startled me.

Juan just gets sillier. Not telling Leo or Roberto, or Fer for that matter, that Tatiana is staying under his roof.

Thanks, Jardinera, for the excellent recap! Mr. Clean, ha ha. I really like him, actually -- he's got a great voice -- but I'm sure I'll be less enthusiastic when he starts using that muscle.

And speaking of clean, after Carlos got Twitchy Guy off, he called Carlos a "fregon" -- a scrubber? Is that slang for something, or is it the same as a "cleaner" in crime dramas?


In all the times I've heard people use the word "fregar" (or variations of it) in slang, it usually means to screw up. "La fregastes" = You screwed up. "Que se frieguen" = Let him/her/them screw up. So I would assume the guy called Carlos a screw-up (fregon).

You can also usually use "Joder" in place of "Fregar" and they basically mean the same thing. "Te jodistes" = You screwed yourself over. "Que se jodan" is the same as "Que se frieguen." Except that referring someone as "jodón" (the noun) means "pain in the b*tt."

"Joder" is a vulgar term, I'm not so sure about "Fregar," but I assume it is too. But it's common to hear in random conversation.


"Que se frieguen" and "que se jodan" can also be "Let them get screwed over," (this is usually what it refers to) but it depends on the context.


Thanks, Anon1146! I thought he was complimenting him, but I guess it was an insult...

Jar--My interest is fading but the recapping snark & spark is still there to reanimate me. Thank you. I must admit to being a bit bored by the plethora of new cases. I would much rather they had picked one or two and really dug into them--background, foreground and future effects. But we have what we have.

I'm kind of liking Carlos finding himself in a pickle. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Blue--Regarding fregon. To amuse myself, I looked it up. You nailed the literal translation. Fregar is to scrub, rub, mop, scour, etc. (although there is a very vulgar Mexican use). Interestingly fregonil is wench-like and fregonzuela is a little kitchen girl. Neither apply.

Here's what a Spanish dictionary has to say:
1. Méx. Se dice de la persona muy hábil en alguna actividad "es un fregón para los negocios." (i.e. he's good at business)
2. Méx. Que le gusta molestar a los demás, que es muy impertinente.

The English would say: annoying
Perhaps the first definition is how Twitchy Guy is describing Carlos.

Well, well, while I was doing research, we have a bunch of other wordsmiths in our midst posting already. The more the merrier

I didn't get to see this episode to see what the intention was. But I've also heard people say "Que fregon esta eso!" = "How cool is that!"

Maybe he thought Carlos was cool? Or he liked something he had? Lol.



Anita, I think that might have been it -- he essentially said, "you're a fregon for this stuff" (i.e. getting people out of jail.)

Is that an online dictionary you're using, or a print one? My hard copy is good, but it's old.

BL--I go to my trusty old print Cassell's first to see what a word is officially. There are some pretty good on-line versions that I go to next (where I got the two definitions I posted). Lastly, I check out the slang dictionary--if you want an dose of mostly x-rated language.

I do! I do! Where is it?

"fregón" in Mexico definitely means that it is very good at something.

fregón, although it comes from the verb "fregar" (scrub), does not have the same meaning. It is simply an isolated word with a unique meaning for Mexico.

Jardinera, yet again you managed to provide us with a stellar recap of yet another boring episode.

The recap was definitely 1000 times better than the episode.
I especially loved the following lines:
"Carlos works his wizard of smart on the magistrate and gets Crazy Dude --who's obviously been without his nose candy a bit too long--out of jail"
"Ric's sad. Ale's sad. The kids are sad. BUT Exlena will be very glad"
"Alkaseltzer's Mexican cousin gets a bit of product placement as Carmen medicates Roberto for another hangover"
"she was arrested and the trunk was full of junk, literally"

With so many juicy and interesting cases and situations to choose from, why on earth would the writers choose the most boring and banal? While Plutarco's case is a very sad reality, there was nothing there to hold my attention. It was obvious from the beginning that Victoria is going to win this case. The writers could have come up with much more interesting arguments as to why the son doesn't want to pay, such as verbal or physical child abuse from Plutarco or Plutarco abandoning the family/ cheating on his wife etc... At least there would have been a moral dilemma and a much more interesting trial.

The drugs case is yet another snoozefest of banality. Oh well, at least we now know that Olivia finally moved on and stopped obsessing over Leo (she gave the case to Rob).

And while we get terribly boring new cases, several interesting ones were suddenly dropped without any kind of resolution. Will we ever find out what happened with the intellectual property boobs and, more importantly, with Rosita and her caveman husband?

Finally, Brick decided to fight for his children. It's beyond my understanding why didn't he do this before, when he and Elena were on good terms and the children worshipped the ground he walked on, but better late then never.

And just when I thought we were finally done with Gustavo and Isabel, this nauseating storyline came back like a bad penny that it is, to torture us viewers some more, as if we (and Isabel) didn't suffer enough. I was cringing, fuming, cursing, spitting and throwing vases on my tv when Gus weaseled his way back into Isabel's good graces and was outright apoplectic when I discovered that a container of noodles was enough for Isabel to forget that Gus cheated on her for a year, his multiple sex tapes, her humiliation in court and the fact that she doesn't trust him not to cheat on her again.



Rosita's husband was sentenced to four years in the slammer. However, I think the most interesting case is Imelda's. That has to be somewhere near resolution by the end of the season. Will there be a cliffhanger?

tquir - Thanks for giving us the definitive definition for an indefinable word. No, I can't match Jardinera's alliteration skills.

Sorry to get to this so late. It's been a wild day, including an incredible gulleywasher, street flooder so I got drenched just loading 4 bags of groceries into my car. Who knew supermarket shopping could be so exciting?

Thanks for another snippy snappy recap in your special style my friend. Like Irene, I was tickled by:

"Alkaseltzer's Mexican cousin gets a bit of product placement as Carmen medicates Roberto for another hangover"
"she was arrested and the trunk was full of junk, literally"

The Pilar/Imelda clase is very troubling. Can't imagine a happy ending in that one, either for them or for Carlos. And both mother and daughter seem oblivious to the recent death of the young brother. Now it's just about avoiding a messy trial. I mean, the kid just died! Where's the grieving?

Wishing everybody a good weekend, with no troubling legal issues of your own!


Hi all. Yeah it was a snoozer. LOL Irene's rant. ITA. I just don't see hih a 2nd season is warranted. Thanks for stopping and sharing.....

You're right. There has been no grieving for Eugenio. Carlos also appears not to have noticed that.

I'll bet that Imelda did it and Pilar knows.

Good recap Jardinrea. Thank you much.
That girl with the junk in the trunk is/was waaaaay to trusting after all
That time He finaly wants her to drive
His car? Sounds like he set her up like a dart board on a bar wall and she hung there and got jabbed. I hope she can be helped. But this involves dope. So good luck girl.

I hate to see sorry a*s children treat
Their parents like their parents did something to them,As if the mom & dad
Is an inconvenience for them just because they asked her/him for just a little support in their old age. Their parents didn't complain when they were inconvenienced when they had to have their butts wiped and their diapers changed their nose cleaned and a bath and fed and wash their filthy nasty clothes and took them to school and pick them up from school and supported them when they needed it. That will go
Around back to the selfish ingrates.
I'm a caregiver and I've seen kids do this to their parents.What goes around comes around kiddies.

Good, somebody told the noodleheads
That breakin up was dumb. Being the martyrs that they are....who cares.

That's a messy case Carlos has, to bad
He's crooked and don't like to loose.
That causes him to be dirty. Love the suits he wears, but his character is a bit on the dark side. Loonylena looks
Worried, I don't care she's a bad moma
The childrens psychological well being
Is in danger, they need to be rescued.
Even if it's just every weekend with dad and a normal female.

Ok long day gotta relax. It's very hot in North florida.Thank God for the air conditioner. Thank you Jardinera654.

Thank you Jardinera.

I really enjoyed your recap and style of writing.
I dont guess anyone will see my comment anymore, I am often late to the party. Like Nina, I am caretaker, actually my daughter is, but to lighten her load I go just about everyday. Nina is so correct in saying there are so many folks of all classes that are left to languish alone. There are the ones who truly love and care about their parents and it shows in ever way. It is beautiful to see. What is really amazing and touching is when the parents were less than ideal parents or mostly absent but the children dont care about that. They are called fools and questioned as to why they do that. But they do it because of love and no reproaches to their parent. They are full aware, but it does not matter or held against them.

I just described my daughter.

Anyways, This is my take on fregon.
I took it as Carlos is a fregon because it also means (dishwasher). Many already said that.
But one could also call the narco un fregon. Because he is fregue fregue y fregando that he wants his money clean like yesterday!!!
So they are both fregones!!!


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