Monday, September 10, 2018

Corazón Que Miente, Week 15 (9/10/18)–Monday Semi-Finals: Leo is out, but Team Leo is still in the running.

Episode #70
*Dr. Ovalle announces that Leo is moribund. Mari says he’s asked to see Al and herself alone. Everyone is sad, distraught or outwardly crying. Only Carmen and Cirila are missing. They finally get to the hospital, thanks to the besweatered Noé.

*Leo says his good-byes to Al and Mariela to the strains of Albinoni’s Adagio for Strings. Leo calls Al “hijo” and Al calls Leo “papá.” Mari coos and cries. Al gives her a NoNotRen shoulder rub. Leo says Al and Mari belong together and not to feel sorry, he’s at peace. Leo asks them to take care of Carmen. She was like a mother to him. He’ll be seeing Lucía soon. He reaches up for her and Al looks up to see if she is really there.

*Carmen arrives too late, Leo has flatlined.

*Fab and Ren try to make their getaway car go faster to get away from the police who are right on their tails, but it won’t. After some daredevil maneuvers, Fab goes off the road and tumbles down a ravine. The car flips over several times. They both look dead. (This is hopefully not Caer en Tentactión. Fab, I don’t care about; he’s unimportant. Ren, yes, because I wonder if Al will get the engagement ring back. In any case, this is probably their swan song and they exit the scene and the telenovela.)

*Marta has made it back to Puebla alive and disheveled. She has turned herself in at the police station.

*Preciado orders some officers to open the door out of the lock-up area but is ignored. More officers appear and Prec is trapped like a mouse. As they take him away, Marta in on her way in to a cell and Prec is told she’s submitted her statement, incriminating him.

*Trying to save himself and leave no traces of himself to be followed, Dem takes his gun and his suitcase full of cash and dispatches Rog in cold blood as Rog tries to make a run for it. Bang! That’s for what he did to Rafie. Rog’s luck has run out. The police arrive in a cruiser to find a dead guy sprawled in the path. (Another criminal makes a hasty exit from the scene. I don’t think there will be a funeral with Pad Dan officiating for him.)

*No one wants to accept the news about Leo’s demise, especially Carmen. She’s allowed to see him and pontificates for our benefit. She’s followed immediately by his funeral elegy, delivered by Pad Dan (who has recovered quite nicely). Mari and Al deliver their remarks one at a time. When Al falters, Mari quickly goes to his side. They both thank Leo for coming into their lives when they most needed it.

*Rafie tries to get a job in a development company, but the interviewer tells her that despite her sterling qualifications, her sterling reputation is quite tarnished. The association of developers has flagged her for fraud and other etceteras. She will never be employed in a professional position. Head held high, Rafie exits the office. (And probably the telenovela, too.)

*Dem pays a coyote in advance to get him to “el otro lado.” (He of all people should know better. He doesn’t trust him, but then Dem shot his only trusted henchman.) The date is set for that very night. The coyote saunters off a lot richer than before he sat down for coffee with Dem.

*Al and Mari get down to the business of making up. They profess their love for each other and their gratitude to Leo for being a father to both of them. They stroll through a plaza together. For some reason, Al has donned sun glasses, while Mari hasn’t. He’s being very romantic, though, but it’s hard to look lovingly into eyes Mari cannot see. He’s happy to have her by his side. They kiss without his glasses falling askew. Over coffee, Al hands Mari the Heart that Does NOT Lie. He asks her to marry him. After she says yes, he asks if she’s going to show up for the wedding. She says she’s not sure. Then they laugh. Al follows that seriously with a lover’s famous last words to his sweetheart, “Nada ni nadie nos separara nunca mas.” (I think this time it is not ominous. It’s too close to the finale.)

*Lety puts Santi off – twice. He tells her he has something important for her. She promises to meet him the next day at his place.

*Dem, his gun and his suitcase full of cash wait for his date with the coyote. He sees a group of suspicious men moving around in the plaza below his room. Tripping out without a proper hoodie or other disguise, he’s nailed. Instead of a date with the coyote, he has a group date with the local police. The music implies gunfire, but he’s taken in bloodlessly. Someone grabs the suitcase. Dem has a hard time convincing the local police who arrested him that he’s the aggrieved person and they are all corrupt. He blames his enemies for his woes. He wants his suitcase. They tell him it is evidence.

*Mari shows off her old red trinket with the new meaning. She announces the wedding will be soon.

*Dem is brought back to Puebla. Carmen is waiting there to wallop him. Mari calls him an assassin and hopes he rots in jail. He won’t look at them. Cef arrives with Vallarín and his son in tow. (So, they found them after all.) He confesses to the officer at the desk of his participation in the false testimony that Dem and Ed cooked up and has been evading Dem’s attempts to kill him to silence him for the last 15 years. Oh, and BTW, he was witness to Rog showing up at Cef’s office to kill him and shooting Flo instead—all on orders from Demián Ferrer.

*Ed tries to make a run for it all the way to his car. He’s loading his suitcase in when the police show up to arrest him and read him the list of his crimes, starting with fraud. (That’s probably the last we’ll see of him. Gee, Puebla is getting cleaned up pretty quickly. After all, there are a couple of bodas in the offing.)

*Mari has showed up at Quadrum to sign some papers Antonio has. She still doesn’t understand why he’s doing this. When he tells her he didn’t want to tell her at all and there’s no easy way, he announces without preparing her, that he’s her father. She jumps up, angry that he’s trying to buy her off for having been a coward and running off when what she wanted most was her father to come look for her. She won’t listen to any explanations or justifications and rushes out. (It probably won’t make much difference as far as the inheritance goes. Ant can just wait until they are married and turn it over to Al. A lot of Valeria Zapata Mendoza in Sombra comes through here.) She tells him her real father was her grandfather and later Leonardo. They earned the title, not bought it.

*Her feathers all ruffled, Mari goes home but won’t back down even when Carmen suggests she at least listen to what Ant has to say.

*Al comes to visit Dem in jail. He denounces him for everything he did and gets in a few whacks that leave Dem bloody, before he’s pulled off of Dem. Al starts by telling him about Renata and who she really is. The fraudster getting defrauded. Dem doesn’t believe him. He says it’s all a conspiracy by Mari and she’s put ideas in Al’s head. He says they are all imbeciles. Al says he’s glad he has none of Dem’s blood running through his veins. Al goes on to list the deceptions Dem created – 1) the woman he cheated on Al’s mother with, cheated on him with his best friend; 2) the son he cold-shouldered is the only one who is his bio-kid; 3) he’s alone now, and 4) as hard as he tried to separate him from Mari, he failed, they are together now. Al takes another step towards liberation from his father. He pardons him, not for Dem, but for himself. He doesn’t want to live with the rancor and hate it would engender. He tells Dem he no longer exists for him. Dem yells after him as Al leaves, yes, he does, he exists. Al pays no attention.

*Denise is soothing and comforting Ant over Mari’s rejection, albeit a little worried for her own relationship with him. He says he couldn’t go on without her. She advises him to give Mari time.

*Dem is read the list of his crimes. He’s being transferred to prison (until his trial, I guess.) He no longer looks defiant, but not at the end of his rope—or is he?

*Mari forgives Sara for how Sara treated her. (We knew she would.) Mari says she always cared for Sara and respected her for raising Al to be the man he is.



Thank you, Anita!

It was so good to see Alonso punch Demián which was only second to Demián thinking he was getting out of the country NOT.

Mariela’s reaction to Antonio was completely realistic and well done.

Ed just couldn’t catch a break. Ha!

The last episode will be a good one.


Thank you, Anita, for your recap!!! This was an action-packed episode.

Too bad Leo died. Oh well, he did not have anyone waiting in the wings for him.

Seeing Dem do the perp walk was verry satisfying. The "recap" of his crimes was nice, too.

Ren has to be dead. She didn't sing the closing song at end of episode. ;-)

"Over coffee, Al hands Mari the Heart that Does NOT Lie." About that . . . argh! Nobody ever really said the title of the show, so this probably does not count on the Bingo card. Bummer. I could have had a Bingo!

Considering all the bad luck that red heart amulet has brought Leo & Luci, and even Al & Mari up to this point, it might have a curse on it. Those kids might be better off if they toss it into a local dump.

Nice that Al forgave Dem, because forgiveness is really all about the forgiver and not the forgivee. Al manned up, in his own way. Especially when he threw that punch at Dem. LOL

doris, interesting about the song being absent.

Steve, I agree about Leo's death being a shame. I actually got choked up. Gah! Over a telenovela! Missed opportunity to bond with Al, see his future grandkids, etc.

It was interesting how Carmen just "knew" she had to get to the hospital to see Leo at the very moment he was dying. It was like one of those llamada de la sangre type things, because he was like a son to her.

Thank you Anita. Love the satisfaction
Of seeing all the bad guys get theirs.
But they... some didn't suffer enough:
Like rog, he enjoyed hurting people. He should have gone to prison like demwit, and gotten the other side of his face beaten up.
Fake renata should have been made to see Mari and al kissing in the plaza.
While being halled away on handcuffs.

Rafie eventually gets caught, goes to
Prison and gets a headshave cuz her cellmate didn't like her hair. Her cellmate's name is ethal, whose bald.

Wish Leo had survived he just found his son. Lol, al lookin up to see if his could see lucia,Lol.

"Ren and fab try to make their get away car to go faster so they can get away from the cops", lol, that was so funny.

"Ed makes a run for it all the way to his car". I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, thank you Anita.

Mari needs to give her dad a chance to explain things. Al just found his dad and now he's gone, he won't get to know him. She Better rethink that. I'm
Pretty sure her grandpa would want her to give dad a chance. Cuz once they're gone,its to late then. Talk to her al.

I don't think Leo and Lucia were married kust on luurve.

Thank you Anita this was a good recap.

And now weddingbells......goin to the
Chapel and Im gonna get maaaarried goin to the chapel of love. And She Will show up this time.

Been out of the loop again, but loved your referring to Renata in previous recap as a "strumpet" and in this one describing the "besweatered Noe". You have a great way with words.

Funny, I thought Monday was the last episode and was huffing, "Wow, what a crappy finale!" I'll have to make sure I've arranged to record today's show.

Thanks Ms. Anita. You never disappoint.

Nina - yes! Dying Leo siting up(!) in his bed for Lucia was a hoot! I had to stop being sad, then giggle roll my eyes.

That was my favorite part, too -- after reading Anita's description of Al looking up to see if Leo really could see Luci, I couldn't wait to watch, and it was as funny as it sounded. (I admit I FF'd through the funeral.)

I just finished up LA CASA DE LAS FLORES, and the last 2 epis of the 13-show season were a little disappointing. They planted a lot of cliffhangers and are clearly hoping to be renewed. But it's still the hardest I've ever laughed in Spanish, so probably worth it.

Thank you, Anita, for a fantastic recap.
I especially loved the following:
" He’s being very romantic, though, but it’s hard to look lovingly into eyes Mari cannot see."
"They kiss without his glasses falling askew"
"Instead of a date with the coyote, he has a group date with the local police."
"Ed tries to make a run for it all the way to his car"

Well, I have very ambivalent feelings about this part of the finale.
On the one hand, I love the fact that almost all the loose ends were tied up, truths uncovered, villains got their punishments. Oh, and just like Doris, I was also really impressed with the accurate "recap" of Demian's crimes. PASL writers, please take note.

On the other hand, I absolutely hate hate hate the fact that Leo died and Antonio is alive and well and even expects Mari to forgive him as if he didn't abandon her and didn't care whether she is alive or dead for 26 years.

I cried my eyes out when Leo died, so don't worry, Doris, you are not the only one to cry over a telenovela. I think this death was completely unnecessary and a better finale would have been for Leo to recover, get to know his son and then dedicate his life to teaching art to orphaned children or something. It's crazy that just because a person was unlucky in love, he is better off dead and that is exactly the message that the viewers got from this telenovela. Even Padre Dan in his eulogy basically implied that Leo's life on earth sucked and he is better off dead, because in the afterlife at least someone (Lucia) will finally love him.
And why did the doctors give up on a healthy relatively young person without a fight?! Why was he operated on by a GP and not by a cardiologist? Why wasn't he put on a bypass, airlifted to a better equipped hospital and put on a transplant list to at least give him a chance (even a small one) to recover? Or maybe the doctors also thought that there is no point fighting for his life because he has no love interest and thus his life sucks and there is no point trying to save him?



I thought yesterday was the last day too. As it wasn't. There were alot of loose ends. Do not like loose ends.

I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head, Irene: in Telenovelalandia, if you don't have a pareja, you might as well be dead. (Unless you're an interfering old lady; then you can just go around giving love advice to everyone.)

To answer all your last questions first--it was the writers' fault. There wasn't enough time to save him. Only one episode left. But you are right. He should be the one walking Mari down the aisle today.

Leave a little room for Antonio. He told his dying wife (who had approved his search and going to find his daughter once they knew who she was) that he'd been searching for her for a long time. He also told Denise that when he got back from running away for a year, he went back to see Grandpa, but he wouldn't talk to him nor let him see Mariela.

Of course, after Grandpa's death, Mariela was whisked away to other countries, put in boarding schools and lived a carefree life with Leo, present or not. I got the impression Mari didn't know anything about Denise and that she and Leo had been an on and off item for years.

Again, there will be a delay in the recap, but everyone will be able to have a go at it forever, once it is up.

Anita, you are right, Ant did search for Mari, but he definitely didn't search enough.
I would have given him a little slack if he would have at least cared enough to be kept updated about Mariella after abuelo told him to back off. He must have known that it's a rule of life that elderly abuelos do not live forever and that there is a chance that Mari's could succumb to old age, illness or plain and simple accident and what would happen to Mari then?! The fact that he just left when she was a baby and only started looking for her more than a decade after indicates that he didn't give a rat's patootie about Mari. He is a billionaire, he could have at least hired a detective to tell him once a month what's going on in Mari's life so he could intervene if needed.
And after he already decided to look for Mari, he obviously didn't look hard enough. She didn't vanish into thin end. People knew who "adopted" her and any detective could have found out where Leo is (he was an internationally famous artist, after all).
And after facing difficulties with finding Mari, he just abandoned the search, instead of hiring 20 private detectives to keep searching for her! The fact is that the one detective that he hired when his wife got sick found Mari in no time.



And it doesn't help that I find Ant repulsive for aggressively romancing Denise mere days (ok, maybe weeks, but not much longer) after his wife died. I understand that everyone's grief is different and there are no set times for being ready to date again, but to me, asking (almost demanding) Denise to move in with him such a short time after his wife's death is disgusting and hugely disrespectful towards that poor woman, whose body was still warm in the grave yet her side of the bed already occupied by another.


Irene--I completely agree with you IF this were real life. However, we must not get too agitated, it's just a telenovela. Be like that pear floating in jello and enjoy the idiosyncrasies. OTOH, we love that you get so excited and start us off with so many points of conversation. That's what Caray is all about, no?

Anita, without Caray I would have been sitting in a padded room in a manicomio, disjointedly mumbling about galans, anvils, gran final, beanie moments and nerfasos while the stupefied medical personnel is frantically ruffling through the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.



I have to disagree with y'all; Leo was not the right person to walk Mari down the aisle to marry Al. Leo wanted her as his own wife and "in all ways." Besides, they'd alreay been smooching a lot, etc., and Mari's reticence kept them from knocking boots. If Leo had walked her down the aisle, there would have been a very strong "ick" factor there. Ew, no.

I do agree with y'all about Antonio romancing Denise so soon after his wife's death. The writers never "despuesed" us, and I often wonder what the calendar timeline of this whole telenovela actually is, from the time Mariela returned to Puebla.

And then there is Denise, who moved in with Antonio so soon after finally breaking up with Leo. QTH? Does she just not know how to live alone? Is she that co-dependent?

The Gran Fin was wonderful.

Yall crack me up with all these pluses & minuses. And they're kinda funny.
Irene this is fantasy. What you and I would do in real life they don't here.
Lol, and we're not suppose to notice that. Aren't you glad we're smarter than they are?


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