Friday, November 02, 2018

Amar A Muerte Needs Recappers!!!

Hi all!  I am coming late to this party that Rgv Chick is heading up.  She's started some recapping rundowns Mon. and Thurs. and is doing yeoman's work.  I will be recapping Friday's beginning next week.  We're only 4 episodios in.  At this point a binge marathon would get most of you up to date within an afternoon or evening if you were unaware of this little gem. Let Rgv/Mappamundi/Anita know.  It's got a great cast led by Angelique Boyer and some familiar new hunks like El Falco's Michel Brown, Alejandro Nones, and familiars like Alexis Ayala, Arturo Barba and Macarena Achaga. It's a LemonStudios production ( La Piloto1 and 2) from Televisa for Uni.  I do believe the theme/main storyline is unique for Looney and Telerisa: transmigration of souls into others' bodies at the moment of death--think musical souls instead of musical chairs--not to mention a death by electric chair carried out in the U.S. in only 90 days.

So.....CU there, amig@s

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I've dvr'd all of this week's episodes and hoping to catch up this weekend so I can read the recaps and join the patio. Thanks RGV and Jardinera!

Cool! I am dying (pardon the pun) to see them all this weekend myself!


Jardinera, careful with the dying; Beltran's soul is still floating somewhere out there LOL

Carvivlie, glad to have you join the patio!

Oh and Kirby is joining the racapping team...WOOHOOOO!!

I can recap one day a week and would prefer it to be Tuesday nights.

So glad to see that a crackerjack team is forming.

Hopefully, some generous person will volunteer to reacap because I can't wait for this novela to start.

PLEASE RECAP. I would love to I it myself, but I watch the videos one day late.

So glad there will be recaps. This is a very strangely intriguing story. It
Reminds me of that one we saw earlier this year where at the end the dead mom & daughter's ghost was walkin around the house haunting the place.
Was that a lemon production too? Like you said, its a gem. You recappers are golden.

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