Recap by Rgv Chick
Previously: Armenta reminds Lucía that she doesn’t
need a weapon to kill someone; she has the newspaper and more power than she
realizes. She suggests that they use that power…together
Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) is quite impatient and stands
up. As he is about to ask henchie something, another henchie comes out and
tells him to follow him inside. As he walks in, Lucía motions him to stay calm.
Armente mocks him for being the sought-after chauffeur and suggests he should
ask for a raise after that escape. When LCJ asks Lucía if she needs something,
(Yeppers Chof, trot down to 7-11 and get me a Latte and a hand grenade) Armenta
quickly points out that HE sent for him. He wants LCJ to record the
conversation that he and Lucía are about to have…a historic event that is about
to happen.
Back at the company, Johny wonders if Montilla is
doing things the right way; he thinks he should have gone with the troop. Eva
thinks not; this is not the time…they should all stay there and figure out what
they are going to do about this dilemma. Eva thinks this will be a national
scandal—the newspaper cavorting with narcos!! (kettle -> black). As Mateo
and Eva argue, Johny asks them to leave him alone in his office. (And bring him
his Charmin)
In the cafeteria, Kayla tells Renata that it was like
a movie (or more like a TN?)…both were slowly caressing each other. It seemed
like they were both enjoying it immensely. When Renata pouts that she doesn’t
remember anything, Kayla remarks that it is a pity that such a romantic moment
has gone forgotten because it was Luuurve…not heated passion. Renata refuses to
allow those moments to be forgotten; she is going to tell Guille what happened
between them.
At a restaurant, Vale, Juls, Sergio and Lucho are
starting their lunch together. There’s a bit of tension since it’s obvious that
Juls is not familiar with the items on the menu. Lucho gets a call from Rodri about some
inauguration. He thinks it would be cool if they all go, but Sergio can’t go…he
has plans with his family. They all pick
up their tequila glasses for a toast, but Juls smells it first and makes a
face. What’s wrong with you Gringo?
Elsewhere in the city, Lupita goes hunting for a job
at a restaurant, but they only hire “young” girls since the clients like to see
“fresh meat.”
At her house, Karla goes through the original Karla’s
closet and complains about the clothes when her father asks what she is doing
and wonders why she is there. Karla replies that she has a dentist appointment.
Dad wants to talk because he has so many things going through his head…it’s
been several days since he has noticed that she is so different; so much that
he feels she isn’t his daughter. After the accident, she has been a different
person; the things she says are very odd. He thought it was a miracle that she
didn’t die, but then he thinks of the strange things that are seen at the
cemetery. She is still his daughter, but it hurts him to see how she has
changed so much. After he asks what happened, Karla apologizes for how she
makes him feel and offers to tell him everything that is happening to her. (You and Viewerville too, Buddy.) He may not understand, but she thinks the
time has come; though right now, she is in a hurry. She will make him supper
tonight, and tell him everything then.
Barbara and Beltino call for their plane tickets to
San Antonio. It’s obvious Barbara has never flown either, but she is excited.
At the library, LCJ is recording the interview Lucía
is having with Armenta about the violence that results from drug trafficking,
but Armenta argues that violence has existed since “the Conquest.” Lucia
counters that the violence is exacerbated when innocent people get pulled in
and the result is a blood bath. Armenta gets his feathers ruffled, grabs his
pistol and points it at LCJ saying, “That is a lie!” …and tells LCJ to stop
recording. Lucía wonders if that is how he resolves all his problems and
demands to know if he is going to use “this power” she is offering him. Armenta
backs down and apologizes, stating that he is not used to those insinuations
that reporters make. Lucía points out that she is not the average reporter and
suggests that they continue.
At the company, Kayla urges Renata on to go tell
Guille about their night. Renata finally gets up her nerve and enters his
office calling him “Guille” but quickly corrects herself and refers to him as “Sr.
Carvajal,” then tells him she needs to talk to him. She wants to clarify some
things about the party. She reminds him that there was mucho mezcal at the
party; he agrees…and lots of things happened. Renata tells him she remembers
everything (pretty, little liar!). As she is about to tell him about their
close encounter, Eva enters and comments about the smell which obviously
indicates that he is hung over. She is there because they need him at a meeting
that is about to start with the production team.
At the restaurant, the foursome have finished their
lunch; and Lucho suggests they continue at a nearby bar where Santiago and
Jimena’s friends await. Juls is leery about going; she doesn’t drink. So Vale
chimes in that she doesn’t want to go either. The guys leave as Lucho (once
more) calls Juls by the wrong name. Juls apologizes for ruining Vale’s plans,
but Vale reassures her that those two will be plastered in half an hour and
besides, it should have been a mutual plan. Vale then tells Juls about how much
her friends like her blouse and wondered which designer made it. Vale wonders
if Juls has ever studied design, so Juls shares that a neighbor taught her to
sew and she has never thought of “studying” it.
Somewhere at a park, Lupita searches through the want
ads when Pancho calls her. After she rags on him about the mess he got her
into, he tells her he got her a job. He will send her the info via’s
a better paying job and a safer place to work at. After he tells her that he
understands that she just wants him as a friend and that is what he is being…a
friend, he quickly hangs up. What he didn’t let her finish saying was that she
can’t receive texts because she doesn’t have any memory on her phone. PSA:
When you are broke and days away from homeless don’t go out and buy the
new Iphone eleven XLQ twelve.
Eva is pacing in her office when Alacrán calls and
demands to know what is going on with the Armentas. Eva complains that
everything that is happening is Lucía’s fault, but Alacrán doesn’t want to hear
it. He just wants reassurance that the Armentas won’t get their way.
Lupita is in her apartment talking to Me-La-Gross who
points out that everything is easily heard in her house (especially when she is
eavesdropping from the door). When she asks Lupita about her husband being a
criminal, Lupita retorts that is none of her business…he doesn’t live there.
Me-La-Gross disagrees since Lupita had told her that her husband was dead and
now it turns out that he is alive. Lupita counters that her life is not a TN
(she could have fooled us!); the important thing is that she and her daughter
are following her rules. Me-La-Gross then
wonders about “her daughter” who is hanging out with millionaires…she’d better
not end up being involved with a kidnapper gang!
Outside the library (which seems to be out somewhere
in the woods), the SWAT team slowly approaches. Meanwhile inside, Armenta
continues his BS and wonders why they are always under the magnifying glass…where
are the governors, mayors and other politicians in all of this? When Lucía
points out that politics has nothing to do with this, Armenta indicates that the
corrupt politicians are silent partners with Carvajal and Associates. Lucía is
aghast, as is LCJ. Lucia states that not all politicians are corrupt…or
murderers like the Armenta. They continue their debate until Armenta gets up
and tells Lucía not to dare tell him he is not right. As LCJ gazes at the gun,
Armenta adds that no one tells him that he is not right.

Outside, Armenta Goon Leader uses his binoculars and
spots the SWAT team approaching. He tells his men to prepare and goes inside to
inform the Boss. Inside, Lucía and Armenta are finishing up their interview,
but before they conclude Lucía wants to make a public agreement. After Armenta
warns her that he does not tolerate betrayal, Lucía tells him she has a
proposal for him. Outside, the henchies prepare for battle, as Montilla is told
that the three exits are covered…he just needs to give the order and the team
will infiltrate. Montilla wants to wait; they can’t risk Lucía’s life.
At the company, Guille is meeting with the production
guys when Renata passes by. After the guys leave, he calls Renata over and
mentions that she didn’t finish telling him about the party. She is about to
tell him the important thing that happened between them when “Patito” runs up
and hugs Guille…she has just arrived and will be working there on some new show
they will be producing. Guille completely ignores Renata and, as Renata’s
bubble bursts, he and Patito skip merrily away to have lunch. Patitolita flips
her tail up and sprays Guille’s office door as they pass by.
[Skipped Scene: As Armenta and Lucía finish up their “friendly”
interview and Armenta is about to announce their agreement, Armenta’s henchies
run in and tell him that they are surrounded. LCJ quickly grabs Armenta’s
pistol, henchies have their weapons out, but as LCJ points the pistol at Armenta.
Armenta very easily takes the pistol from LCJ (Arghh! Come on, LCJ!!) and
points it at Lucía as he tells her that now she’s had it.]
Barbara takes Beltino to the Santa Muerte worship
center. She doesn’t like to go to those places or to worship certain
individuals. When she points out that the Santa Muerte is worshiped by
criminals, Beltino shushes her. As he prays, he suddenly gets a pain on his
tattoo which renders him kneeling and with blood on his hand from the tattoo…he
passes out!
In a restaurant, Ernesto tells Karla that it’s the
first time he goes out since he became a widower. Karla thinks it’s good that
he move on. Ernesto never thought he would be interested in anyone else, but
since he saw her, he felt something strange…like he knew her for a long time.
He tells her about friends suggesting online dating, but he didn’t like the
idea and prefers to take his time in finding someone and do things the right
way. He wants to know if she would like to be that someone. Karla suggests that
they get to know each other better and he gladly agrees. Here we go again.
Karla’s dad is at home when OLRHBPG (long bearded gambler) comes
in with his goons looking for Karla since she was seen entering that place. The
goons ransack the place as Dad tells them that his daughter is not there. OLRHBPG
then tells him that he will then help them find the money. The goons give Dad a
fierce beating as OLRHBPG tells him that he hopes that, after this, Karla will
learn her lesson. Did you leave that huge shotgun in the graveyard? Most of those people don’t bother anybody,
At the SM worship
center, Barbara holds Beltino as she shouts out for a doctor. When she asks the
Santa Mugrosa (Dirty Saint) why she did that, the worshipers give her the evil
eye, so she retracts and tells them she was talking about a different one. She
continues to ask for “HELP!!!”
At the library, Lucía assures Armenta that she did not
betray him, LCJ backs her up and tells Armenta to lower his weapon. Lucía
pleads that she didn’t call the cops; they must have traced their location
somehow. Meanwhile outside, Montilla is told that the goons are heavily armed.
When asked what they should do, Montilla tells the SWAT leader that whoever
shoots first will be responsible for Lucía’s death…HE is giving the orders.
Nearby, Jaramillo and another reporter are putting on their bullet proof vests.
He tells the video guy to tell “Master” that they will soon go “live.” Just
then he gets a call from Master Eva who tells them they need to go in NOW.
Jaramillo is afraid that when Johny finds out, the one whom Johny will kill is
him (Jaramillo). Eva tells him not to worry, when Johny sees the ratings, he
will not say anything. Eva demands that he start so that they can show that Lucía
is responsible for all this mess. When she hangs up the office phone, Eva grabs
her phone and asks Alacrán if he heard everything. She hopes that they will get
lucky and Armenta will do them the favor…
At the restaurant, Ernesto wants to get to know Karla
and asks her a bunch of questions, but Karla fears that he will be
disillusioned with her. After he reassures her, Karla tells him where she
lives, about her father and where she works…where she “borrows” dresses to go
out. Ernesto appreciates her honesty and wants to know even more about her
regardless of her status. When she tells him he has always been kind, he’s like
“Wait..what?” Karla shies out of it by telling him about the first time they
met and how he was so kind. Karla then gives Ernesto some lollilops for his
daughter (which are Monica’s favorite); afterwhich, Ernesto asks her out to
dinner. Meanwhile, Karla’s father is on the floor as he struggles to reach the
phone…but passes out.
At the company, Renata and Kayla have their girlie
girl talk about Guille. Kayla suggests that Patito could be his cousin, but
Renata doubts it…he completely ignored her and didn’t even say good-bye; she
wishes the kissing never happened. When Kayla asks if the girl was pretty,
Renata doesn’t think so…she looked like she had gone through several enhancing
operations…like one of those artificial types. (Awful, just awful, those
types.) After Renata mimics Patito,
Kayla laughs and thinks Renata probably gave the poor girl the evil eye. Renata
wonders whose side Kayla is on.
At a restaurant, Guille and Patito sit chatting.
Patito enjoyed her time in New York, but she missed just about everything from
Mexico and her home. After she gives him her condolences for the loss of his
father, Guille admits that he has been going through a difficult time. Patito
thinks that some good has to come from bad things that happen…and the good
thing for Guille is that he now has a seat with the board members. She teases
him about working there all day long. Guille shares that he is getting used to
it; though he likes the outdoors much more. When she asks if he has a
girlfriend, Guille replies that the opportunity hasn’t arisen; so Patito thinks
they should do something about that. She
is going to put in a good word with Renata ?
Did I hear a Mooo overhead?
At the company, Johny’s secretary alerts him to the
news report about the events at the library. Simultaneously, Eva asks Alacrán
if he is happy. Johny swears he is going to kill Jaramillo. Alacrán smirks as
he remarks that after this, everyone will forget about Gaston’s murder…and the
only thing that would make him completely happy would be if she were there naked
in front of him. Eva would luuurve to do that, but she can’t right now. As she
laughs, Mateo storms in asking if she is watching the report. Eva quickly puts
on an act and hangs up. Mateo wants to find out who ordered the reporters to go
on site…they should be fired; Eva tells him to calm down, it was her that gave
the order.
Outside the library, Montilla calls for reinforcements
including a helicopter. When the SWAT leader asks what they are waiting for,
Montilla insists that they need to avoid a shooting. As Johny, Eva and Mateo
watch, the reporter states that the captors have opened the door. Lucía is
shown at the entrance as a goon has a gun pointed to her head; then she is
taken back in. As Montilla and his men approach the entrance, Lucía tells him
not to shoot. Montilla yells that they should let her go and have her walk
toward him. The goon tells Lucía to be careful with what she says. Lucía shouts
that is not going to happen; they shouldn’t even be there. She warns him not to
enter or they will be killed.
Inside the library, LCJ asks about Lucía. Armenta
shushes him because Juanita, his pistol, doesn’t like people who talk too much.
He is going to give Lucía 10 minutes to do what he asked, and if she doesn’t do
it, then he (LCJ) will grow wings.
Barbara managed to get Beltino back to her house and
is cleaning his bloody tattoo. She insists that he go to a doctor since he lost
so much blood that he fainted. Barbara blames everything on SMuerte, but
Beltino tells her it’s not her fault…he blames the Shaman. Barbara reminds
Beltino that the Shaman is dead, but he thinks that the Shaman is forsaking him
from beyond…that’s why he needs money—to pay the Shaman or whoever so that this
curse will go away.
Juls and Vale are on a bike ride at the park. Vale had
never been on a bike. While Vale’s body guards watch, Vale whispers to Juls
that they should make a getaway. Juls agrees and they take off.
Lupita goes to look for Pancho and explains why she
came for the address he was to text her. After he assures her that the place is
close to where she lives, Lupita invites him to go with her, but Pancho
declines since he has to take his kids to the theater.
Johny is watching the news update on Lucía when his
political contact (PC), comes to him and tells him that Lucía is crazy for what
she did. Johny replies that they just need to resolve this situation and then
he will talk to Lucía, but the PC tells him that he no longer knows if Johny
has the authority to do anything. Meanwhile, Mateo and Eva are in her office
watching. Mateo comments that Lucía is very brave, but Eva thinks she is
stupid. When he sees that she is getting so many phone messages, Eva tells him
that everyone is texting her since everyone is now seeing the report. She adds
that she doesn’t want him to have a jealous fit. (As most of those messages are
from her boyfriend) Back in Johny’s
office, Johny thanks PC for all he has done, but he needs to be alone right
Meanwhile the henchies must have noticed the trendy
SWAT Team gear Monty’s troops are wearing, and not to be outdressed on national
TV, have changed into their own Mutant Ninja Henchie outfits from their
previous drab goon outfits.
At the library, Lucía tells Montilla that they shouldn’t
be there; it was not part of her agreement with Armenta. If they don’t leave
within 10 minutes, she and LCJ will be killed. She repeats that they should
leave; she shows him her phone and tells Montilla that she has very important
information to be shown on her phone, but if they don’t leave, no one will get
to see it; and they will kill LCJ...then they will kill her. Montilla and his
men start to retreat.
Labels: Muerte
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