Thursday, December 20, 2018

Amar A Muerte, 12/20/2018, Episode 34: Stone Cold

Lucía reiterates that León/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) is being disrespectful to her.  LCJ thinks they must be alike since she was disrespectful to her husband. After he asks if they should leave things as they are or if she wants to continue, he gets up and tells her he is taking the day off.  Lucía has a hard time eating her words.

In San Antonio, Barbara continues to nag Beltino that she is tired and not up to these types of things; she has no idea how he talked her into this. Excuse Me?  You were ready to fly him down here on your broomstick lady !  Beltino finally gets fed up and tells her to shut up and to look at where they are. Barb is relieved to see that she is back in civilization as Beltino tells her they have the best beer there; he’s going to buy her two so she can shut up. After they enter, the two goons follow. Beltino calls the owner by name, but the owner has no idea who he is. Beltino laughs and tells him that his place is quite known so he feels like he knows him. Beltino is anxious for some good food since the breakfast wasn’t that great. Barb takes offense and tells him she will never cook for him again. A threat or a promise? Beltino responds that she should just accept it; she’s not good in the kitchen…nor in witchcraft or fortune telling. He wonders what she actually is good at. Barb thinks she is dumb and remarks that she doesn’t know why she came with him. When he reminds her of her slice of the money, she points out that she still hasn’t seen any of it.

Camilo arrives at Pedro’s burning house. When he asks the firemen what happened, they tell him there was a fire. Meanwhile, the black moth flutters by as Pedro walks toward the gurney that is being put into the ambulance; he cries, “Karla, no, no, my daughter.” As a cameraman seems to be filming Camilo and the scene past him, Camilo can only stand there in disbelief. Across the street, Ernesto walks with Monica and wonders what may have happened. As they walk away, the camera finishes a clip with the reporter who is…Death Chick! …who smiles as she walks away.  Ay, Caray! You can’t go to the bathroom without running into her or Johny!

In San Antonio, Barb is really enjoying her meal. Beltino comments that this is a place where he has spent the happiest days of his life…and the most dangerous since there are some guys that have tried to kill him. Beltino then leaves the table and Barb yells out for a refreshment using a term not used in the area. As she realizes that no one understands her, she spots one of the goons watching her. Meanwhile, Beltino is in the restroom and takes a pistol out from a secret hiding place. There we go. If she doesn’t shut up now, just shoot her.

At a restaurant in Mexico City, Ernesto looks toward the door as Monica asks if he is worried because his friend has not arrived. Ernesto wonders when Monica became so sharp and calls Karla to see if she is on her way. Monica notes that her father has called Karla several times; she isn’t coming. Ernesto accepts that Karla is probably not coming…and life will go on. Ernesto then admires a drawing Monica has made—a butterfly …which she is going to name “Karla.”  Now this is getting weird….er.

At the fire scene, Cami calls LCJ and tells him that Karla died.

At the company, Johny sits down behind his desk as Lucía asks him to explain what happened between him and LCJ. After Johny asks if LCJ went crying to her to tattle, Lucía tells him ‘no;’ she just wants to know what is going on with Johny since he isn’t that way (no, Lucía, he just gets other people to  kill his ‘friends’). Johny admits that LCJ flusters him and he controls it. When he adds that LCJ may suspect that there is something between them, Lucía points out that it isn’t surprising that LCJ suspects something because Johny has not been discreet; they have to be more careful. Johny wonders how much longer they have to be careful and be hiding from others. (I’m sure she is thinking about some place freezing)  Lucía counters that it hasn’t even been a year  since León’s death; they can’t ruin everything they have done just because they can’t wait. After Johny points out that he thinks LCJ is living with Cami. Lucía recalls that LCJ opened the door when she went to visit Cami. Johny can understand that they may be friends, but he questions that they live together. Johny points out that LCJ has just recently appeared. After Lucía emphasizes that León knew LCJ, Johny wonders how true that is and whether Lucía has been blinded with such brilliance. When he tells her that she should just continue in her world of candy canes, he adds that she shouldn’t worry because he knows there is something not right and he is going to find out.

Alacrán and his goons arrive at a stadium. After he tells his gang that Armenta has three vices; women, money and fútbol, he goes up the stairs with his M16 in hand. One of the men wonders why there are there if Armenta is not there, so Alacrán explains that they are just going to leave a little message. As some of Armenta’s men watch the team from above and comment on a new player they just got, Alacrán and his men step out on the field and start shooting at the team. Armenta’s men decide to crouch and not to do anything since they are outnumbered.

At the company, Eva is raking Palomarez over the coals. Palomarez explains that after Armenta’s interview, the situation changed. Eva sarcastically agrees since things seem to be getting worse. Mateo tries to quiet her since they are in the middle of the editing room, but Eva doesn’t care; she wants everyone to hear her. She tells Mateo and Palomarez that whatever happens next will be their responsibility.

At the stadium, Alacrán shouts out in satisfaction and laughs, as Armenta’s coach calls Armenta and tells him that they killed all of his players; Armenta should know that his players had nothing to do with this.

Cami is at the commissary when LCJ arrives. Cami tells him that Karla died in the same way as she died the first time, in a fire. They also saw black butterflies all over. He explains that Montilla did an investigation and they could not find how the fire started. LCJ wonders if Karla set herself on fire again.

In San Antonio at the restaurant, Beltino is back at the table. When Barbara alerts him to the two men behind him, she asks if he doesn’t think they are suspicious. Beltino responds that everyone there is suspicious; and as he puts on his glasses, he laughs that he just looks like an anthropology professor. After Barb suggests that the two men may be following them, Beltino gets up and goes over to talk to the goons. He asks them if they know of a hotel in the area; he and his wife need a place to sleep for the night. The goons tell him that they don’t know of one; so Beltino thanks them and leaves as he puts his arm around Barb and tells her to get going.

Guille arrives at his office and notices that Renata is not at her desk, but there is a gift on his desk. He reads the card from Renata that tells him she is glad to know that she was wrong about him and that he is a great person. After he sees the puzzle, Renata arrives at her desk so he goes out to thank her. Renata had no idea what to buy him, but she found an incredible store that sold puzzles. Renata notes Guille’s sad demeanor and asks what is wrong. Guille replies that days like this one are complicated; they make him think of people that are no longer there…like his father. Renata gives him a warm, consoling hug which lingers and is observed by Kayla who is smiling from ear to ear. Just then, Maye-la-inopportune approaches saying “Happy Birthday!” She asks where he wants to go for dinner today.

Vale goes to the park to meet Juls. After they hug, Juls gives her a present ( a not too pretty blouse IMO) to show how sorry she is for reacting in such a bad way. Juls knows that Vale is not the type of person who tries to buy people. Vale understands and thanks her for the blouse; she luurves it so much that she is going to wear it that day to Guille’s birthday party which will only be attended by his closest friends. When Vale invites Juls to the party, Juls points out that she does not even know her brother; in addition to that, everyone will be well-dressed and she has nothing to wear. Vale proposes that since Juls has already given her two gifts, Vale has every right to give her a gift also. Juls tries to refuse, but Vale tells her that if they are going to be friends, Juls needs to learn to receive gifts…Vale is going to give her a gift so she can go to the party. Juls agrees.  Hmmm...a ring?

At the company. The reporters stand together watching the news report about the massacre of the Jaguares team while they were practicing. The news reporter states that most of the players lost their lives. Palomarez comments that whoever it was is sending a very serious message. Eva is in her office also watching the report and chides Jaramillo for not being told. As Jaramillo tries to tell her that he tried to tell her about it but she brushed him off, Eva’s phone rings. She just has to take the call, so she dismisses Jaramillo and tells him to keep her informed. She takes the call and tells Alacrán that it’s about time he called her. When Alacrán counters that he is just as upset that she hasn’t had time for him, she tells him she was in a meeting He is furious about the article; so Eva tells him she is just as upset…that is what the meeting was about; and for his information, she already fired the person who gave the order to publish the article. Alacrán wonders why she didn’t do the same to the idiot who wrote the article, so Eva responds that he knows very well why. When he tells her that he will take care of it himself, Eva warns him that he’d better not even think about it. He should be glad because she just thought of something that will make everyone forget the article. After she reflects, she asks Alacrán if he had something to do with the massacre at the soccer field. Alacrán denies any involvement, but offers to make some calls to find out who did it.

At Armenta’s place, Hernan, his right-hand man, tells Armenta that they were caught off-guard. They killed Tito the new player and six others. Armenta is furious and tells Hernan that this will be the last day that the Cartel de la Sierra will exist.

At Ernesto’s house, Monica turns on the TV. The news report is on about the fire that engulfed a house and that a person who perished was Karla Rojas. Monica hugs her daddy as she realizes that it is their Karla.

Cami and LCJ are at a bar. Cami is feeling guilty about leaving Karla alone. LCJ tells him that it is he who should be feeling guilty; he should have been at the casino to help her. When Cami points out that Karla died in the same way she died the first time, LCJ responds that he can’t stop thinking about that. Cami wonders if all those who transmigrate end up dying in the same way they died the first time. LCJ wonders if Cami is implying that he is going to die in the same way he died the first time too. Cami just doesn’t know; he needs to figure it out. After LCJ reminds him about Guzmán, Cami tells him that Guzmán died one year after transmigrating. LCJ is afraid that he only has 11 months to live, but Cami reiterates that he doesn’t know; he has to research it.

Vale and Juls are at the Lorenza Designer Shop. After Juls tries on a few dresses, she comes out with a short black dress. Vale thinks she looks awesome; so they take it. As the sales girl goes to bring some shoes, Juls looks at the price and tells Vale it is too expensive. Vale tells her that some day Juls will be designing dresses this expensive so she can gift her one, then promises Juls that someday she will have a shop like this one. Juls smiles and they pinkie promise (que cute!)

At the bar, LCJ wonders if Karla’s death had to do with the pains and bleeding from the bottom of the neck. Cami isn’t sure; he’ll have to talk to Guzmán’s widow and find out exactly how he died the second time. Just then, LCJ remembers about Santos, the man who helped him cross over. Cami urges him to call him and ask how long he has been living as a transmigrant. Cami also has to talk to Karla’s father to find out all the details about her death and all that transpired before and afterward.

At the company, Guille is on the phone with one of his friends telling him that his family will probably plan a small dinner for him as he sees Teo and Renata hugging. After he hangs up, he keeps looking and wondering who and what the young man is to Renata. Outside, Teo shows the expensive bottle of mezcal that Renata wanted for Guille’s party. Guille keeps looking with mucho jealousy as Renata whispers to be sure to deliver the bottles early to the Carvajal house.  Work it girl

In her office, Lucía recalls her disturbing conversation with LCJ and how he told her he had seen her and Johny in the study. She calls LCJ and asks him to come to her office. When he reminds her that he took the day off, she tells him to come to her office…it’s an order! LCJ smirks after he hangs up.

At Cami’s house, Cami writes his thought about transmigration. He wonders if the transmigrats are here to stay or have come back to finish whatever is pending. He asks if the time each transmigrant has is the same for all of them. After he recalls Karla telling him that it had just been five months since her (Jeraldi) death, Cami relaizes that Karla died before her time was up. Cami is baffled and worries.  Maybe the key is to not piss off Death Chick?

Guille and Mayela arrive at his home. After Guille tells her he really doesn’t feel like going out to dinner, she proposes that they go to the party room and get a fine bottle of wine; they can make a toast. She will leave afterwards.

In San Antonio, Beltino and Barb arrive at the place where he buried the money. Beltino prays to the Santa Muerte before starting to dig.

At Lucía’s office, LCJ arrives and Lucía tells him to come closer. LCJ walks to her as she gets up in her skin-tight black dress and walks toward him. She has been thinking about their conversation earlier and just wants to add one more little thing…a BIG, juicy KISS…

At the Carvajal party room, Guille notices that things are not the same in the room. As he walks around, friends come out shouting, “Surprise!” Kayla and Renata watch not so happily as Guille greets all his friends. Meanwhile, the KISSSSS is still going on in Lucía’s office. LCJ stops for a moment and whispers that not everything gets fixed with kisses. Lucía pushes him away and asks what makes him think that she wants to resolve anything with him by kissing him. Separate Issue Lucy? LCJ has been thinking about what Johny told him—everyone in their own place…he as a chauffeur and her place as Johny’s lover. After Lucía retorts that he has no evidence to prove that, LCJ admits that he doesn’t and excuses himself. As he leaves, Lucía tells him to wait for her downstairs because Alirio is not available and she needs him to take her home…it’s an order. As he turns back to look at her, Lucía tells him, “Go!”  What a day off !

At the surprise party, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves except Guille. They all urge him to drink at least the cup of wine he was supposed to have with Mayela. At the side of the room, Teo comments to his buddy that no one seems to be drinking. His buddy thinks that, within an hour, they will all be swimming in it since these “fresas” (strawberries—fresh ones) don’t know how to drink. Renata tells the caterers that they will need more snacks because there are more people than she expected. She goes over with Kayla to watch Guille with his buddies. Kayla tells her not to get upset if Guille doesn’t come to talk to her; he is tending to his party with his friends. Renata is sure Guille is not happy; she knew a party like this was not appropriate. Kayla, with drink in hand, insists that she wants to go dance and goes to mingle with Guille’s group. Renata frowns with worry.

In her office, Eva gets ready to leave as Mateo walks in. He wants to talk about business, but Eva stops him. She is more worried about Guille..he is probably very sad and missing her father. After she tells him her plans of taking Guille to dinner, Mateo wonders if she already told Guille, but she hasn’t; he is probably in his room looking at the ceiling. Before leaving, Eva asks Mateo to forgive her for acting the way she did earlier; Mateo asks her to forgive him too. She actually allows him to kiss her! Gotta get a pic of may be the only time we see it! After they kiss, Eva hopes that nothing bad will happen because of his article.

In San Antonio, Don Terecio sees the news report of the massacre. He calls Alacrán to tell him how happy he is. As Alacrán pets his rabbit, Don Terecio brags that they are winning the war. He relishes in the fact that Armenta is writhing in anger. He advises Alacrán to be careful because these guys will want a payback. Alacrán is prepared. When he asks if Don Tereco has been told of the people staying at Chino’s place, Don Terecio replies that he has Pasas (Raisins?) on it. After Alacrán hangs up, he pets Gastón, his rabbit.  Perfect

LCJ is driving Lucía home with the radio full blast. She looks at him nervously as he tries to look cool and collected. When she asks him to lower the volume, he obliges without a word. As they pass the traffic light, they don’t see the flyer with El Chino’s picture pinned to a pole.

At the restaurant where Lupita works, Perlita comes and shows her the flyer. When she asks Lupita if the number on it is hers, Lupita confirms it is. After Perlita asks who the man is, Lupita explains that it is her husband who they haven’t seen since he left San Antonio; that is why they came to Mexico…to look for him. Just then, Pancho arrives to invite Lupita out for some tacos. Lupita is too busy mopping, but when Pancho insists, Perlita urges Lupita to go with him.

In San Antonio, Beltino and Barb are digging. When Barb gets tired and gives up, Beltino hits something and tells her, “There it is.” He takes out the briefcase and they bought start laughing with much gusto. He opens the brief case, grabs a wad of money and tells Barb that their problems are over. As they relish in the money, the two goons slowly come from behind pointing guns to their heads. Pasas tells him “Thank you, man! I knew you would bring us straight to my money.”


RGV Chic

Wow another parade stopping recap.

Till tomorrow.

Great recap as always.
Lucia, Lucia, que stupida eres?
Better confess everything before it's too late.

Good Morning, Patio Peeps! Thank you, Victoria and Anon 2:02.
Victoria, looking forward to your comments today :-)

Anon 2:02, "que estupida" Yup! What is it with this girl? She treats LCJ like the lowest of subordinates and then she turns right around and "finishes" their argument with a kiss? Uhmmm, that looks a lot like sexual harassment to me. I gotta hand it to LCJ though, he can turn her on and off like a light switch.

More after chores...have a good Friiiday, Patio!

Great title and recap Rgv Chick. My favorite line was this:

"Johny wonders how much longer they have to be careful and be hiding from others. (I’m sure she is thinking about some place freezing)"

So disturbed by the massacre of the soccer players. For some reason, seeing those innocent young men slaughtered like lambs was even more horrific than the killing of Gaston. This storyline is getting very rough indeed.

And Karla, by her actions, has broken the heart of her husband and daughter once again. Santa Muerte seems as cruel and as heartless as the narcos. But in this case, the lesson seems to be "if you keep making the same mistakes (mixing with bad guys and gambling) you will keep reaping the same reward".

Now the question is: Will Beltran/Chino meet the same fate? And ditto for LCJ.

Right now this is a very grim story, in spite of dear, rumpled Camillo and the hot couple of LCJ and Lucia. But your recap was great as always. Thanks Rgv Chick.

Thank You Ms. Chik. Help me remember here someone, exactly WHY is Beltrino letting that living, breathing, walking, noise pollution follow him around ? Mystery of the Universe, Ok.

And if it is Chino Valdez software running waaay up in there, his being an accomplished assassin should have came with enough caution to not be surprised so easily by the Goonies.
He didn't use the pistol on useless Barb and it did not do much for him at the dig site either. And once again, what does she bring to the party? Busty Rosita is the one who knew the Shaman, and there looked to be an off chance of other benefits also which are out of the question with Barb.

I am not taken with her, but Lucia is undeniably a pretty woman. But when cornered by LCJ, the chipmunk really begins to peek out. It must be the way she purses her lips. When she and Johny were having their latest 'planning session' last night and discusing how they needed to be more careful, how much longer they needed to wait, etc. etc., was I the only one wishing Leon into the BatCave to see, hear, and RECORD all of that?

What would be perfect would be for LCJ to lure her into the security office, or even BatCave and then say, "Here watch this, I want you to see yourself." Actually his knowledge of the BatCave and the combination to get in and how to operate all the equipment should take about twenty years off her life right there.

Renata and Keyla never disappoint. I'd watch a TN with only those two. Well maybe with some motorcycles and cars too. :-)

And how messed up is it that Alacran named Wabbitt 2.0 Gaston? The guy is so twisted he is funny. I'm hearing Elvin Bishop 'Fooled Around and Fell in Luuuurve'

Hoppy Friday


RGV Chick: Good Job on the recap. I do NOT see Barb & Beltino being long for this world.

The guns pointed at them do NOT look good.

Kirby: Eva & Mateo kissing. What could possibly go wrong ?

J: " Oh Mi Amor, Mi nina, how much longer do we have to wait to go public with US?"
L: "Hmm well, how about WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER mi nino?"

Good one RGV

They need to get their time lines straight though.
"Lucía counters that it hasn’t even been a year since León’s death; they can’t ruin everything they have done just because they can’t wait."
Which implies that some significant portion of a year has passed.

But then a little later:

"After LCJ reminds him about Guzmán, Cami tells him that Guzmán died one year after tranmigrating. LCJ is afraid that he only has 11 months to live, but Cami doesn’t know; he has to research it."

We see that it has been a month which meshes well with how long it appears to us.

"Kirby: Eva & Mateo kissing. What could possibly go wrong ?"

At the minimum she will give him a cold sore she picked up off of Slimey Alacran.

But they ARE married to each other. Sometimes married couples do that. :-)

Chickie, wow..thanks for the detailed recap. I had to turn the show off after all those players were killed...grusome.

Lucia tells Johnny that he is different. Is that supposed to be a clue that another soul took over his body? I have to tell you that this show is very confusing to me.

Gray and raining here. Well, I am going to make a pot of spaghetti sauce for the holidays and clean. Trying to keep busy.

Thanks JudyB, Kirby, Steve, and SusanLynn.

JudyB and Susanlynn, ITA that the massacre was gruesome and disturbing. Alacran has a sick, twisted mind...just despicable. I hope that when he dies, his soul gets transmigrated into a maggot.

I think that if Beltino and LCJ don't change things for the better, they will definitely have the same fate as Karla. What I can;t seem to understand is why LCJ was given a second chance. Beltino was a heartless assassin and Karla was a gambler who lost everything her family had; so I can see where they should have to come back and redeem themselves, but Leon didn't seem to be that bad of a person..other than neglecting his family.

Steve, Beltino, at least, has to survive at least up until close to the end. Maybe he'll surprise everyone and actually use that pistol he has.

Kirby, it sure would have been a good idea if LCJ had been in that batcave. The only problem would be explaining why he was "at work," when he had already told Lucia that he was taking the day off.

Kirby, I don't understand how Beltino wasn't more astute abut those goons. He sure has changed from the El Chino we met at the beginning of he show...and I just can;t see the original El Chino taking things so lightly and pulling stunts. As far as Barbara is concerned, I have no idea why he bothered to take her. She is useless to him...unless he just needed someone to hold his hand while crossing back to the USA...which BTW doesn't seem something that the original El Chino would have to do.

Susanlynn, good that you are keeping busy; that helps a lot to get through the days. ((Hugs))

Patio--Hello, drenching rain and 60s, yesterday was sunny and 40s. Why can't those two things transmigrate for everyone's enjoyment.

RGV--Can't wait to read the recap--saving it for a nice mug of coffee.

Kirby--You said, "They need to get their time lines straight though.
'Lucía counters that it hasn’t even been a year since León’s death; they can’t ruin everything they have done just because they can’t wait.'"

I think it is still customary in some cultures for the mourning period to go on for a year. Probably not in the urban, upper class Mexican culture Lucia et al belong to. I think Lucia is pulling that out of the hat to delay having to "do" it anymore with Johny. Could it be she realizes her choice is between a cold fish and hot buns?

Yep, Lucy keeps putting LCJ in his place and then can't help herself to want him back for more of that close contact. Sexual harassment? It looked consensual to me--up to a point, of course. LCJ is certainly playing his hand according to his own time line....did you all see that smile on his face, sitting on the park bench after hanging up with Lucy?

Good comments, all.

Speaking of the weather.... we are having some of the most mindless weather I have seen here in Flori-Duh. Our hurricane and thus rainy season ostensibly ended recently. That usually signals the start of our "Winter", meaning not stiflingly hot, with lower humidity and clear sunny winter days. We expect cold fronts to wander through dropping the temps well under the eighties for a day or two, then more Chamber of Commerce weather for a week or two.

This week it rained for three days and temps have been in the 30s, and 40s, which seems life threatening for us. Now today we have this wind which is ripping roofs off the tornado bait trailer parks and flopping over palm trees. I'm waiting for Death Chick to ring my doorbell.

RGV--Exellent--good enough to use as the script for the episode--asides included. Thank you very much.

I've not been an Angelique Boyer fan, but oh my, IMHO, she's burning up the screen with her presence in Amar. Maybe I've been missing something all these novelas ago--or is it Michel that inspires her. Juarever.

Without having to re-read all the recaps (although that might be fun if housebound), someone please remind me who Guzman is, or WAS. I thought Karla was the first transmigrated soul Camilo met. LCJ, on reflection, says that Santos was the one he met (he had his fingers removed by El Alacran).

Anita, Guzman is another man who experienced transmigration. Right after LCJ showed up at Cami's house, Cami went to ask his colleagues if they had had any patients who made claims of not being who they were thought to be. One of his colleagues told him about a man named "Guzman." Cami was able to contact Guzman's wife who was very hesitant about giving details about her husband's death. All she told Cami was that her husband changed completely after his first brush with death and that her husband suffered a horrible (second) death.

Aha! He was never seen, but briefly mentioned in one or another episode--and known only through his wife. Gracias.

Things don't bode well for El Chino's body or Beltran's. The un-answered question for me is, where is Beltran's soul currently residing?

OT..gee, I have been busy making the spaghetti sauce and getting it into more thing that Hub and I always did together and that I am now doing alone for the first time. I was shocked when I looked out at the deck thermometer and saw that It is 60 degrees and sunny after a rainy night and morning.

Oh Susanlynn...this is such a tough time. I hope you felt Hub's presence while doing that cooking, rather than his absence. I read once that "Bodies come and stay for a little while, and then leave...but love last forever". If anybody's love could last forever, it would be the love between you two. Hold fast to that.

"The un-answered question for me is, where is Beltran's soul currently residing?"

The answer is who cares. He was so boring I am surprised A-Leash stayed with him.
Busty Rose didn't show any interest until he got a brain transplant.

But you are right, if Death Chick is going to go mucking around like this she should put up a Cliff's Notes somewhere.

Death Chick probably has it in one of those laboratory glass jars on her desk.

Marked Abby-Normal, no doubt...hehe

Yes but LCJ (MB) is such a good actor that one could believe that he was out for revenge and not overwhelmed by Lucía.

Anita, yes, I did take note of LCJ's smile...more like "I got her where I want her." I'm wondering if Death Chick approves because if she doesn't. LCj will soon be goner.

I'm also wondering if Mexico will actually see Death Chick reporting on TV...or will they see a blank screen? hmmmmmm

"Abby-Normal" Good one!!


RGV--Yes you did notice. I skipped over that part in the recap to get to The KISS.
Ah, someone else a fan of Young Frankenstein, possibly.

REMINDER: NO TNs during primetime on Christmas Eve; we're preempted by...Christmas Eve programming! TNs start back on Christmas Day.

OT...Judyb I hope it is true that love is stronger than death.

Gracias, RGV Chick. You got a great one.

These writers certainly know how to write good cliffhangers. Maybe they are the reincarnations of writers of the old movie serials back in the day.

El Chino going back makes sense to get the dinero, but he was the one with the phobia about airplanes. However, what I'm not understanding is that he was a real brute before his death and not he's being a good father to little Javier? Or did he not want a daughter and would only have accepted a son?

He had to have Barbara with him because he couldn't have taken the plane under any other circumstance. Silly phobia, that.

Not sure that there is any rule about how long someone's sole could be displaced like this, but it would seem to me that it was until the unfinished business is over. We don't know that this can't happen multiple times.

I also found the massacre at the soccer game disturbing. Here's hoping for a serious Karmageddon for Alacran and his goons.

I just wanted to say thank you to all the recappers of this, at times, confusing telenovela. You guys are doing a bang up job.

I so appreciate your detailed, snarky, and funny recaps.

UA, the cliff hangers sure do make us anxious for the next episode to air. The only other TN that I remember having really good cliff hangers was El Color de la Passion.

Victoria, thank you for your kind words. We would be nothing without the loyal commentators who feed us with such sweetnesses.

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