Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Amar a Muerte, 1/28/19, Episode 59: The Birds are Coming Home to Roost

Some scenes have been combined.
* Lucho watches Vale and Juls in a loving embrace which is leading to more intimacy. His buddy Sergio gets an eyeful, too. Vale stops when she hears the doorbell. Thinking it’s Alirio, she opens it up to a raging Lucho. He pushes his way in and gets physically aggressive. Sergio stops him from doing something stupid. Lucho swears to Vale this isn’t going to stay like this. Juls comforts Vale after he leaves. Lucho returns to the car. He’s so angry he’s crying onto the hood of his car. Sergio adds to his state of mind by musing over the reaction of the kids at the university when it gets around. Lucho grabs him. Sergio is not to say a single word to anyone about this. Vale tells Juls Lucho has always been violent and she’s sorry she’s dragged Juls into this situation.
* Luci has seen the zoo of origami birds (and probably dragons and dinosaurs) in her room and starts yelling for Silvina. She’s in a panic. LCJ/Jake watches quietly downstairs surreptitiously out of sight. Silvina walks into the bird zoo. Only León did them. Luci wants to know who got in her room. Since Eva moved in, she’s kept the room locked. Poor Silvina. She realizes she’s in the frying pan since she’s the only one with a set of keys. (But what about Fab?) Luci is convinced someone is gaslighting her. Silvina thinks it might be León’s spirit trying to tell her something. She thinks that’s idiotic. These things are real.

* El Alacrán and Gancho have a stare down over who the stool pigeon might be. Gancho says he’s not the one. He would never betray his jefe. He tells El Al to put the gun down or else kill him. If not, Gancho will kill him. Gancho fingers Mugres. He probably talked in jail.
* Beltran has been asked to come inside and he and Lupe sit down for coffee al aire libre. She’s glad he came to visit. He likes the house. She says it’s not hers. It’s a loaner while she recovers and hides away from her assassins. And her hub, he never showed up? Lupe says that’s another story, which she proceeds to tell. They each ended up going their own way. So, he asks, she hasn’t seen him since? Lupe doesn’t answer because she can’t tell the truth.
* Hec-Maru is at the skate park with Roy, his son. He/she tells Roy she’s happy to have known him, he’s been her only friend. She identified with him and his story. She’s come to say goodbye. She was mistaken when she couldn’t see how he and his ma could move on with their lives so quickly after his father’s death, but now he understands and wishes him well. They hug.
* Castillo will be ok. His wife thanks Guille and Renata for being there and being so helpful. She excuses herself and Guille and Ren are alone together. Guille says since they are on vacation, why not take a little trip. Renata looks at him quizzically. They are *not* on vacation, they are unemployed! He suggests going with her to Carvajal to pick up her severance check and he’ll pack up his things. She laughs at the idea of the two of them together walking into the office. He reminds her they are together and he’s proud of it. They seal the deal with a kiss.
* At the university, Lucho goes crazy and socks Sergio when Sergio says who would have believed a lottery ticket seller made off with your girlfriend. Their friends wonder what’s going on with the two of them. They are supposed to be best buds. Was it something to do with Valentina asks one of the girls. She suspects it was because she knows he ended it with her recently because he thought she started going with someone else. She wonders if it were Sergio. Sergio rejects the idea and leaves. Girl says to Lucho not to take it so hard, many other girls are waiting in line to be with him. (She looks at him as though she want to be first in line.)
* Jules tells Vale this incident probably means they are not ready for this relationship, but Vale says this is the best thing that’s happened to her. Since she’s ok with it, Juls is, too. They make a pact. They’ll always be together. Nothing will separate them. (And where do we on the Patio hear that? Always just before something separates them. Bah!) Vale has started drinking. Juls asks her why she needs to drink. Vale says it’s to calm her. She’s terrified by what Lucho will do. Juls wants to go home. Vale gets snippy and walks off to call Alirio.
* Beltran tries to give Lupe a bundle of cash to help her recuperate. She wants to know why he’s really there. Who is he? Beltie says he just wants to help her, continue to see her. Lupe is happy that he would want to. Panchito returns with groceries. Lupe introduces Panchito to Beltran. Beltie wants to know how they know each other. Panchito enthusiastically fills Beltie in. Beltie wants to know if they are novios. They say they are not, but Panchito keeps running his mouth on how they see each other every day. Lupe finally speaks up and asks if anyone wants more coffee.
* Silvina hands Luci a cup of tea to calm her nerves. She’s super upset. There’s no logical explanation for all these birds. It’s absurd to think this is coming from “el más allá.” Luci is sure it’s “el más acá.” It’s just stupid. Downstairs, Jake sends off a quick e-mail to Johny warning him to be careful and keep an eye on Lucia Borges and her chofer. (Well if she wouldn’t tell him, Jake decides to move things along—he doesn’t think he has much time left.)
* Johny is in the midst of negotiations with Barretos over the sale of his shares to Luci. Barretos hedges his bets and wants to hold out. Johny says it’s a good offer which might be withdrawn at any moment. Barretos says this offer came all too hastily. He thinks Cardenas and Requeña feel the same way. They don’t want to sell. Johny gets up and invites him to continue their discussion over a delicious lunch. Johny sees the e-mail. He’s disturbed by it.
* At the police station jail, a guard brings Mugres a tray of food. Mugres isn’t hungry. The guard taunts him about folks who betray El Alacrán. Mugres lunges at the guard saying he hasn’t talked. The guard pushes him back against the wall and kills him. El Al calls Eva. He tells her he took care of his problem and tells her she needs to take care of hers. (He’s referring to Mateo snooping.) Eva says she’s looked at the documents relating to the properties in question, but it’s clear it wasn’t Lucia giving the orders but herself. El Al tells her to change them. Eva claims is not that easy. They’re all in the registration office. She reminds him they did everything legally. Then El Al says he’ll have to take matters into his own hands. Eva quickly agrees to take care of things. His parting words are if her husband doesn’t shut up, then he, El Al, will have to shut him up.
* Mateo approaches Machado in the office to ask him for all the documents for the last six months relating to the movement of funds. Machado tells Matt it all takes time. He’ll try to get it done. After Matt leaves, Machado makes a quick phone call.
* Hec-Maru’s mother comes in to check on him/her. Maru is lying in bed. She wants to rest. She’s sure everything will turn out OK. Ma goes to fix dinner. Maru is seen out of doors in an out of body experience seeing a bright sky and a flock of birds. Hec-Maru returns to her body. She goes to the bathroom and sees Maru in the mirror and that the butterfly tattoo is gone. Hec-Maru tells Maru’s mother he’s leaving. It’s time. He wants to thank her for everything she did, knowing he wasn’t her daughter. He won’t be going back to his former family because they are another family now and they are happy. Still, it isn’t right for either of them for him to stay. He’s sorry her daughter died. Maybe she will come find her in someone else’s body.
* It’s snack time in the security office. Fabricio is munching on chips when Johny calls. Jake listens as he deduces what Johny is asking him to do—to keep an eye on Jacobo all the time. Fab says he can only do that in his spare time, after all, he is in charge of security for the whole household. Johny asks him, por favor, and Fab says, sí.
* Guille and Renata emerge from the elevator. He grabs her hand. She’s giggling. He tells her they are novios and to act normal. She doesn’t think she can. They walk through with Guille greeting everyone. Before they separate, he kisses her in front of the staff. Vicky catches it all with her cell phone camera.
* Inspector Montilla is apoplectic that someone was killed in *his* jail. He thinks it was one of the other prisoners. He has them all lined up, some kneeling on the floor, and then hauled off for questioning.
* Armenta gets the news about Mugres. He’s glad someone else took care of him. It saved him the trouble. It’s payback time for what the Sierras did to his football team. And he takes his games seriously. His next game is what to do about Lucia.
* Lucia is getting a phone call from Johny. He wants to know how she is (hehe, he already suspects something). She says she’s not doing very well. Life is falling apart on her. She doesn’t know what to do. He invites her to his place that night. She replies that she’ll talk to him later.
* Jake is back in a tidied up Bat Cave watching Lucia. Silvina walks in on him and asks what he is doing there. He tries to blow her off with some riffs on the security system Lucia asked him to look into. She sees his bluff and raises him one. She asks who he really is. Jake enigmatically replies that she knows very well who he is. She says she knows who he says he is, but she thinks there’s more—a secret. She tells Jake how when she touched him earlier in the morning, León Carvajal appeared to her. When he asks if maybe she has some sort of powers, she clams up and leaves.
* Fab goes looking for Jacobo. Alirio can’t help because he has to go to Valle del Bravo to pick up Vale. Fab calls Jacobo and tells him to report in STAT.
* Sanchez-Bueno, the candidate, is getting ready for a second interview with Susana. He hopes it goes better than the first one. Susana wonders if he didn’t like what she wrote before. Sanchez-Bueno says it wasn’t too complimentary. She’s very direct and says that as a reporter, she writes what she sees. He gets a call and steps out of the room. Susana starts taking pictures of documents all over his desk. (Hopeo she doesn’t get caught tomorrow night.)
* Guille and Eva are having an un-brotherly verbal exchange. He claims he hasn’t any obligations to the company. The only reason he was there was that she asked him—rather she obligated him. Doesn’t he understand she needs him to keep Johny and Lucia from getting and keeping the whole Carvajal empire? Guille says he’s aware of that. Eva charges him with willing to throw it all away for an ordinary secretary. Guille says, first of all, she’s not ordinary, she’s his novia; and second, it was Eva who forced him to resign. He turns away from her to finish packing up his things. He picks up his box and leaves Eva with nothing more to say.
* Mateo meets Machado on the outside stairs. Machado tells him he can’t deliver the report he requested. He asked but he wasn’t authorized. Matt asks several times who was the superior that gave the order. Finally he says it was his wife, Eva.
* Lucho (the bird-dog) comes to the office to see Eva. He outs Vale and Juliana. Cara de impactada de Eva.
* Jake watches Lucy standing by the pool. Silvina brings her wine. He sends another message. This one goes to Fab. It says that Lucia and el chofer are by the pool. He leaves right away. Jake immediately appears at Luci’s side. He sits down next to her. He wants to know what has her so upset. It was work, house, family. He says he’s there for her. She says it’s been a big day. Jake says it would be a grand day for Johny to learn of their relationship. She claims she would have told him, but not with all that happened. He says she doesn’t have to tell Johny right then. He can help her relax, have some fun. He pours her more wine then takes a sip himself and tells her there’s a yoga exercise that will help her. They sit facing each other, straddling the lounge chair. She is instructed to wrap her legs around him. She’s laughing, but he says he’s serious. He tells her not to worry, there’s no one around (except Fab who is busy with his cell phone...click…click...click) as he pulls her close and the kisses get deeper and deeper.
* Johny is telling someone on the phone that it has to be resolved immediately. He gets the photo Fab sent of Luci and el chofer in their very compromising position. Johny comes apart, falls down, but not out the window.



Good morning everyone.

Please clarify who's idea it was for Lucía to buy out the investors of the empire? Was it just something that Johny told her was a good idea, or did Lucía plan that on her own?

Good morning.

Anita, beautifully written recap. Thank you!

Victoria, Viewerville was never made privy to how the plan to buy out the investors came about. I do, however, believe that it was Johny’s idea since after that meeting, he praised Lucia for having done it so well.

Maru’s Butterfly gone! That sheds much light on the second chance these transmigrants were given. Death Chick is not really such a bad gal, huh?

More later...

RGV Chick: I'm not shocked Lucho exposed Vale & Juls to Eva, who will open her BIGLY mouth to everybody else.

Jarifa: Lucia needs to go away.

Anita: Good Job on the recap. Very specifically detailed.

Kirby: Something deadly foreshadowing between Vale & Juls if Lucho ups the ante.

Thank you so much, Anita. I appreciate the distraction offered by this show and the re caps although the theme is quite disturbing to me.

Wow, things are happening.

Pobrecito Lucia , "Life is falling in on her. ".. this happens. I totally understand, girl.

I have had students who have had 1000 paper cranes made for them by friends. It is a great act of love and honor. In Lucia's case...not so much.

Snowing here. #hatewintersomuch

The scene of HecMaru with her mother and throughout body experience was lovely and hopeful.

Thanks so much Anita. So tough to recap with these mumblers. Lucho's buddy said "Wow, who would have believed a lottery ticker seller made off with your girlfriend."

(Only know this because I watch with closed captions in Spanish)

Not exactly an empathetic remark, although I must say he spent hours driving Lucho around in order to get that news.

The Birds are coming home to roost indeed. But I prefer not to dwell on that scene. What I loved was seeing how Hec-Maru transformed and was very impressed with the actress playing the role. I thought they had picked a butch-type actress given the Hector role, but she looked so soft and feminine and pretty when she was taking a nap and then saying good-bye to her/his son. Found that whole transformation really touching, but I'm sentimental like my friend Susanlynn. Really wished that she would have stayed with Dora and been like a new/old daughter to her.

I have a sick feeling in my stomach about both the Guille romance and Mateo. I'm afraid Guille's buddy will decide to "out" him about the liquor story robbery. And that Mateo will be killed because he's a threat to Alacran.

None of this may come true, but Lemon Studios are cruel when it comes to collateral damage. Trying to enjoy the "happy middle" and not worry about what's coming down the road but it's hard.

But not hard to enjoy your great recap. Thanks Anita mia. Terrific job. Appreciate your staying up so late!

Just real quick, Thanks Anita. When do you sleep?

Judy, I too really enjoyed the new Maru 2.0. On my TV it appeared they had even redone her makeup to show a more feminine Maru and it sure worked. For the first time in the show I really liked her.
Lunko is not that big or tough. If Vale and Juls ganged up on him they could mop the floor with his pantywaist ass. The girl on campus telling him they would be lining up to go out with him was a crock. What? is the Humane society running short down there?

Women love a "project" Kirby. All makes sense to me. #borntorescue

Yes, Lucho could be the poster boy for toxic masculinity. So insecure in his masculinity. Why would anyone want to be with him? To be loved, try truly loving someone and being loveable . It's not that complicated a formula whether you are male or female. People tend to like\love people who like\love them.

Good afternoon, Peeps. Had my shortened sleep cycle and downed my Chiapas coffee. Thank you for everyone's contributions.

I found it interesting that most of the comments have centered on Hec-Maru. Yes, she's the first truly rehabilitated among the butterfly wearers we know. I dismissed her/his story as a useless side-trip, but it took until last night for me to take a second look. I'm glad I had this episode to recap. I wonder if she will have to keep that body now that the tattoo is gone. Will she adapt to being a female teenager or does Death Chick have another quest for her.

I'm surprised Jake's tattoo wasn't hemorrhaging by the time he pulled Luci into a liplock at the end.

Susanlynn--your words of love are a comfort and should be signposts for all of us. What a world this would be, if we add respect to loving and delete rancor, revenge, prejudice and hate.

Eva, I'm looking at you. You still have a chance to redeem yourself, but I have a feeling you are just in too deep with the narco you are shagging. It will probably take Mateo's death at El Al's hands to get your head back to thinking like a loving human being you probably once were. Guille is right. She's at the head of Carvajal because her father obligated her, rather than let her follow her own destiny. LCJ--stop your own shagging. You still have some work to do.

Dog's gonna shag. It's the DNA.
There was even a movie long ago, 'The Shaggy Dog'.
Watched the whole thing before I realized I had been tricked.

Ot...I was the recipient of the direct opposite of toxic masculinity
...kind, loving, supportive, protective masculinity.

OT...Kirby...thank you for the laugh. I needed that on this cold, snowy day . How is your weather down for there? My friend is flying down to Orlando to see her daughter on Thursday. Sounds like warm days but cold nights there.

Susanlynn, you were very blessed (((Hugs)))

Ot...oh, Chickie, you have no idea . Now , I have to try to figure out how I go on without that blessing that I had since I was 17. I have been looking at old photos . We are always hugging and smiling.

Thanks SusanLynn. Our weather has lost it's mind. The weather believes there are still at least three people down here who are not sick, so it has been roller-coastering from upper thirties to 80 here to try to bring the rest of us down with a cold or flu.

Upper thirties last night, 68 right now. Tomorrow? Not even Barb or Death Chick knows what it will do.

Yes SusanLynn there are still a few around with that nurturing security and strength of true masculinity rather than that non-masculinity of the recently discovered 'toxic masculinity'.

Gracias, Anita. Bien hecho.

We all knew nothing good was coming from Lucho finding out about Valentina and Juliana. I will be very surprised if Eva doesn't ship Val off to a manicomio or a convent school to prevent the public from finding this out.

It probably will take Mateo getting killed for her to see what trouble she's in with Alacran, but the big question is Will she even care?

Urban--It will depend on what she gets out of it. Right now I think she "cares" for Mateo. She has money, prestige and power and a pretty nice looking husband from her own class. El Alacran represents danger, risk, excitement. She can express herself to the limit in bed with him. And, she's made a deal with him to launder money which will only go to enrich her further. It's almost as if she is thumbing her nose at her father for making her leave what she wanted to follow in her life and tied her to something she didn't want. I think that is what she really cares about--hurting her dead father. In doing so, she hurts herself. Her expose and downfall will be a beaut to behold. Bring it on.

As of last night, she's beginning to sweat bullets when faced with the impossible task of changing all the property filings to make it seem as though Lucia was behind it or she loses Mateo.

Still waiting for the chipmunk face to get her true anvil. Hopefully Leon and Armenta get her good. She needs to pay for everything she's done too.

:-) Al-Viiiiin

I think we are seeing a more clear picture lately, or at least I am, of the secret not so secret game plan LCJ has with his newfound interest in, or demand to, marry Lucia. He had to play along all this time, after he saw her true colors, to set the hook, to set things up to get caught to torment Johny. Just part of the plan.

I AM curious how he thinks Johny would not just shoot him in a fit of rage, or cook up a scheme to have him killed or in an accident. If somebody had already killed you once, wouldn't you give them a wide berth until you had them in the crosshairs or at least had some plausible defense set up?

Eva is just beyond the pale. She has a thousand rules for everyone except herself, and she is doing shit that makes Val and Guille look like snatching your classmate's red or blue crayon.

Kirby: I see that Psychopath Erick Montenegro is still upping the ante even further...

Yeah Steve, credit where credit is due, he may not make much of a leading man, but he makes an excellent bad guy. And with that lower back pain walk he can always do commercials for Dr. Ho's inflatable back belt.

Just found this site after several years...forgot how great it is! Thanks for the recap work.

Does anyone know if there really is the libro, "La Muerte es Solo un Portal"? It was shown in some early episodes but I neglected to get a closeup of it.

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