Thursday, October 17, 2019

La Usurpadora - Capitulo 23 - Alas, in this town murder is a form of entertainment...

Oh so much has happened today and sadly we will all be sad by the end of this recap. 

So Montse, having blown Paola’s cover, runs out and tries to call Nava, who doesn’t pick up. She leaves him a message, asking to call her back and is very distressed. 

As the TN writers would have it, Nava is in Cancun, retrieving the murder weapon off of the pilot’s lead and….get this….he lost his cell phone! So yes, for the duration of this episode there will be no communicating with Nava, so our poor Montse will be trying to get him on the phone in vain for the next 40 minutes. Really less than that, if you get where we are going with this. But let’s press on. Likewise every time Nava would need to place a very important call alerting someone to something important, the call would not be answered, because he’d be calling from a random number and we all live in 21st century, where you just don’t pick up those robocalls… 

Nava does get the gun though, so there is that. He calls Irene, gets a permit to carry it on board and flies home to Mexico (but neither finds nor replaces his cell phone on his arrival. I am only the tiniest bit annoyed with this plot twist, so forgive me for repetition…) 

But while he is traveling, back in Mexico Paola is in rare forum. Between mini and major freak-outs we’ll talk about, she spends quite a bit of time putting both Emilio and Lis down. Lis is told that her project is silly and won’t work, and that her father doesn’t believe in her. And Emilio apparently decided to apply to UC Berkeley to study neuroscience, because that sounds rad and, you know, his girlfriend Fero is going there. The only little hiccup we see is that he recorded his video essay in Spanish, but maybe he’ll hire a security detail, who doubles as a translator while he is there? In any case, Paola tells him he is too weak and should forget about it.  

In between all of this dream crushing she had on her to-do list, she calls Manuel to whine about having to be in this big mansion with all these people, who show such concern toward her. She is about to go see about her bank transfer, and Manuel advises she enlists Arcadia to distract Montse. No worries, says Paola, Montse is off to see her kid. Manuel instantly realizes they’ve been played, and Paola runs out looking for Montse, almost knocking everything over on her path to stop the nurse. She finally finds Juana and entrusts her the task of finding Montse’s address. 

We assume she eventually passes it on to Manuel, because there he was waiting for our Montse with a gun at the metro exit. He tells her not to scream or he will shoot her and follows her to her apartment. She tries to convince him she won’t tell anyone, but he grabs her phone to check her call log. He sees all these outgoing calls to Nava and, while he is distracted, Montse grabs a knife, but Manuel sees that and pulls the trigger. Montse is shot and dies. The last thing she does is grab a photo of her daughter. 

Manuel calls Paola with this news and she is happy to hear he solved at least one problem. Manuel is anxious to leave the country with their new passports as soon as those are ready, but Paola is not leaving until Paulina is dead and all of the people who live in the house (ahem…her own family) pay for preferring Paulina. 

Paola is visited by Nava, who still doesn’t see the difference and goes on about losing his phone, the trip that went well and the gun they’ve recovered. He says he doubts that Paola really is dead and “Paulina” needs to be very careful. Paola absorbs all this information and is nervous, but she covers it up with her on-going overuse of the phrase “I am stunned” this episode (“Estoy muy aturdida”). 

This is a good time to chat about Teresa. She spent this whole episode, as usual, looking for Manuel, talking about Manuel, talking about looking for Manuel. Finally they meet and Teresa is asking him to leave Paola and go with her, but he needs Teresa to release Paulina to him (since Paola is firm on the “Paulina must die” clause of their relationship.) They don’t come to a consensus and Teresa leaves, bidding him farewell, seemingly forever. Not so fast though, as later she meets another dude (who apparently deals in getting people across the border), gives him a bag of money and tells him to find Manuel and get him across the border, but tell him he is acting on Paola’s behalf. 

Manuel, who was bawling his eyes out at the thoughts of never seeing his Terryfying sister again, calls Paola to calm her that Teresa won’t be a threat. Paola has just finished ripping the head off of the poor banker, who was trying to tell her that the transfer she just made won’t be available for 24 hours. So she is not in a mood to hear about the fact that Manuel failed to kill Teresa again. She tells him she is not going anywhere until both Paulina and Teresa are dead. 

While Terry was out, Paulina has orchestrated a clever escape attempt. She convinced one of Terry’s disgruntled henchmen that she would pay him a lot more money, if he helped her escape. So she faked being sick and, when the two guards ran to see what’s wrong, one of them knocked the other one out and started running with Paulina. They almost made it too, but unfortunately for them this is when Terry returned from her morning errands. Without too much ceremony she shot the traitor, and Paulina ended up back in her cell with her hands tied and a cloth stuffed in her moth, listening to Terry have sex with the second guard for his loyalty and troubles (the hole he had to dig for the murdered guard, you see, was very deep, he complained). Better luck next time, Paulina, and hopefully soon!

At the mansion, however, there are still some clever people left. First Juana was suspicious that Paulina didn’t know Montse’s address, so he shared that with Piedad, thinking that “Paola” may be experiencing another crisis. Piedad mused that Paola seems to have returned to her old self, so Arcadia overheard that and ran to Paola to tell her to be more careful. In the process of this information sharing, Arcadia dared to call Paola “daughter”. This did not sit well with Paola. She did, however, go to Piedad and told her she knows Carlos told her the truth and she appreciates Piedad’s support. (Did I miss something? Were they open about Piedad knowing the truth?)  

Piedad does some of her own detective work though later and snoops around Paola's room, looking for something. She is interrupted by Arcadia but stashes some little bottle, before pretending to be confused and exiting. 

Nava, still phoneless, is back at the theater brainstorming with Irene and Pedro. Something is not adding up, they all decide. (And wow, if only there were any detectives around to do some thinking!) Finally clever Irene declares that it is impossible that the pool of blood just appeared without any other signs of the presence of the body, or signs that the body was moved. A lightbulb goes on in Nava’s little head: Paola is alive! Suddenly Pascual’s team calls with an important lead to Pedro’s phone. We waste a couple minutes discussing that yes, Nava is with him, but lost his phone. Pedro tells Nava someone spotted Manuel, so Nava tells him to get the address and, before Pedro can even open his mouth, both Nava and Irene are already running out of the theater (um…where to exactly? Maybe they are just getting a head start, since Irene runs slower in those stilettos…).

They get to Pascual’s and the latter shares a photo of Manuel from one of the street cams. Nava recognizes the neighborhood as Montse’s, so off they all go to her apartment. Pascual keeps Pedro a bit longer just to make it clear that Pedro was fired because he broke protocol and not because of his sexual orientation. Pascual cares not for such things, he says. 

Nava and company arrive at Montse’s and find her on the floor dead. One would think, again, that detective training would kick in, and they would avoid touching every single item there. On the contrary - both Nava and Pedro are leaning against furniture, and Nava is leaving his fingerprints liberally over Montse’s things. After he is done complicating life for forensic scientists, he heads over to see “Paulina” and tell her about Montse. Paola does a terrible job pretending to be sad and quickly changes the topic to the murder weapon analysis, and so finally even Nava looks like he is suspicious. He excuses himself, and I guess we’ll know tomorrow if he put two and two together.

With Nava out of her hair, Paola is packing! Suddenly Carlos is at the door wanting to know why it was locked. If you are curious why we haven’t mentioned Carlos at all, it is because he had minimal useful to the plot activity this episode. He spent most of it helping at the hurricane site, brooding over Paola’s recent misfortunes and ignoring Nava’s calls with important case info, because Nava was placing them from a random borrowed phone. 

Finally Carlos is home though and wants to spend some quality time with “Paulina”. Paola though need to neutralize Nava and needs to really really not spend any time with Carlos. So she tells Carlos Nava is not leaving her alone, though she has refused him already, and Carlos should remove him from the case. It’s close to the end of the day and processing capacity is on power save for Carlos, so that goes over just fine and with no suspicions. He briefly looks perplexed when Paulina doesn’t want to make out with him (clearly a more suspicious inconsistent detail!), but exits and leaves her to rest. On his way down though he is greeted by Piedad, who is waiting there to tell him Paulina is really Paola. Piedad found some special vermouth that only Paola liked or drank in her things. Cheers for Piedad, but unluckily for them, Arcadia is behind the door again listening. 


Excellent, Ria. We're nowin the clubhouse turn.

What I found incredibly disturbing in this was when Manuel tried to get Paola to stop obsessing about killing Paulina she said "Her death is my life." This is starting to remind me of TVA and El Fantasma de Elena.

BTW, a friend of mine knows a pair of male identical twins who haven't spoken to each other in almost ten years, not even during family events.

Arcadia is going to cause trouble next. Does she even know that Paola is a killer? Would she even care about that?

And Paola's cruelty to her stepson is beyond the pale.

Ria, thank you for get another spectacular recap of all the crazy.

I hate that the writers killed off the caring and devoted Montse.

Also, I hate watching Paola and Terry use sex to control and reward the men they enlist to help them in their evil plans. Ugh.

Thanks RIA. Rather a depressing episode, even though you livened up the recap with your clever wit and writing flair. Loved this:

In between all of this dream crushing she had on her to-do list, she calls Manuel to whine about having to be in this big mansion with all these people, who show such concern toward her.

Yes, Paola was busy, reassuring Lis that she had no business trying to help people regain self-esteem, and convincing Emilio he was a waste of oxygen. Big day for Mama!

My other favorite was your long-running indictment of Carlos' lazy brain:

processing capacity is on power save for Carlos

Oh well, he does have lovely dark brown eyes. Even if nothing is going on behind those eyes, other than an occasional itch to scratch.

Bummed about Montse's death, but I suppose we must comfort ourselves with the notion that she longed to be reunited with her beloved daughter. Sigh.

Hoping the sun is shining for somebody somewhere this morning! Thanks Ria. Another delightful re-telling of a dim, dark episode.

Ria, your summary was the light at the end of the tunnel in this very depressing installment.

"mini and major freak-outs" and “I am stunned”(“Estoy muy aturdida”) were among many favorites in your superior retelling of this devastating story.

"Paola is not leaving until Paulina is dead and all of the people who live in the house (ahem…her own family) pay for preferring Paulina". Does that include her own daughter?

Paola’s evilness was reflected in the crystal clear, coldly calculated crushing of Emilio. And dear Lis seemed to take her "mother's" criticism with little resistance. She may have built a wall around her mind in order to survive the constant cruelty.

Arcacia is so self serving, I suspect she would turn on her daughter in a moment if there is any financial, personal gain.

Irene's uniform has not changed since the first time we saw her (except when she was out of it of course).

And Montse. Tragic and heart-breaking. Two sets of crazy siblings with everything in danger.

So Pasqual does have a heart. Hard lesson learned for Pedro.

Nava is just one step behind. Losing his phone? Rookie move.

Susanlynn, to your comment. Yes, seeing Paola and Terry brandishing sex as a weapon of power is very disturbing.

Ria, thank you for soldiering on despite such grim material. We are so appreciative!


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Thanks for your recap Ria. And yes we are very sad at the outcome though it seemed clear early on in the show that our dear Montse would not survive. The cell phone plot device let me know all types of foolishness would happen this episode. I am heartbroken and vexed. Thanks for giving us laughs despite the grimness.

UA - yes Paola's cruelty to Emilio was awful and her statement about her twin demonstrates her true psychotic nature.

Susuanlynn - ITA with you about the writers. Montse could have lived particularly because Manuel is so incompetent. And Terry and Paola's use of sex to control their lackeys is so icky.

JudyB - Paola complains about the staff showing her concern but wants revenge on her family for preferring Paulina. And loved your so accurate note: "In between all of this dream crushing she had on her to-do list." Yes on Carlos's lovely brown eyes and thanks for the solace that Montse is with her daughter.

Diana - I think Paola would take down her entire family. Loved your observation about Lis as its so spot on - "may have built a wall around her mind in order to survive the constant cruelty." Yes Arcacia is self serving and would definitely support the highest bidder. Ick.
Irene was wearing boots not stilettos this episode. Oh and OT from an earlier post - I discovered Austen in grad school through the film/tv adaptations and later read the novels. "Persuasion" with Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds and "Pride and Prejudice" with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth are my favorites.

Thanks, Ria. You sure did the episode justice.

A few comments:

Funniest line in a tragic episode: Pretending to be nice was turning Paola's stomach.

The sex as currency was creepy but realistic. No surprise with Teresa or Paola.

The whole bro/sis connection between Manuel and Teresa is soooooo sick.

I have always loved Piedad rolling around witnessing so much and everyone dismissing her presence due to her intermittent dementia.

Got to go.


Ria: RIP Montse :(

I had a bad feeling she was going to get whacked.

Thanks, Ria. Sad to see Montse go, but your recap as always is sensational. My favorites have been cited, but here's one more:

And Emilio apparently decided to apply to UC Berkeley to study neuroscience, because that sounds rad and, you know, his girlfriend Fero is going there. The only little hiccup we see is that he recorded his video essay in Spanish, but maybe he’ll hire a security detail, who doubles as a translator while he is there?

Nava's lights seem to go on when all Paola could muster faking grief for Montse was "she died so young." Hope he proves me right tonight.

As for Carlos, I guess he never noticed how Paola has always been a downer with the kids and their aspirations. She shouldn't have been begging him for a divorce, he should've been begging her for one.

Just two more episodes, wow.

UA: yes, that “death is my life” line was something else. Really gives you an (unwelcome) deeper insight into Paola’s dark soul. And Arcadia does seem to not care about much other than money in her pocket. Waiting for the anvils for those two!

Susanlynn - I am also disappointed writers took this turn. Not really necessary imo, especially considering we already won’t really have a love story - more like a “just enough of a like” story.

JudyB - Carlos is quite pretty. So maybe he just needs to be quiet and smile? We may have solved it!

Diana - Paola is indeed surpassing all levels of sinister! Amazing how she treated Lis this way for years.

Karen - I am with you feeling extremely vexed at Montse’s death. Another OT on Jane Austen: the expression “vexed” reminded me dramatic Bennet matriarch in Pride and Prejudice, who was very amusing to watch.

Jarifa - I still cannot put my finger on exact nature of Manuel and Teresa’s relationship, even after 23 episodes and either way it is indeed quite sickening.

Steve: too bad that did happen :(

Niecie - I really hope Nava redeems his recently poor detective skills today too! And yes, only two episodes!!


I have been getting a Flowers in the Attic vibe from Manuel and Terry. .ick.

Susanlynn - ITA that the icky vibe from Terrifying and her brother is definitely "Flowers in the Attic."

Niecie, I too hope that Nava realized that it is Paola not Paulina and will be on the case tonight. ITA it's Carlos who should have been asking for the divorce since Paola is so awful especially to the kids. The calm way she shattered the children was chilling.

Ria - yes just have Carlos be quiet and smile. I'm still hoping he can become better (read smarter) if he is with Paulina at the end. And OT - loved Mrs. Bennett are her histrionics; she was trip.

"Nava's lights seem to go on when all Paola could muster faking grief for Montse was "she died so young." Hope he proves me right tonight".

Niecie, thank you so much. I did notice his facial expression changed but didn't know what Paola had said to make that happen. Now, that makes perfect sense. He knew Paulina adored Montse so that would have struck a very sour note.

I just wish he had been able to save her. I guess I might have been the only one thinking she would be there at the end.


And I agree wholeheartedly with you and Karen Niecie that Carlos should have begged Paola for a divorce.



Hola everybody--
Ria, I can't believe you took all this on by yourself, night after night. You are amazing--and a great spinner of tales, based on the complicated ins and outs of identity-swapping twins (even if one of them was not "in" on it without her consent).

I've been playing catch up, so I'm very late to the comment section.
1. All Arcadia cares about is an endless flow of dinero to gamble away (and to spend on a Chanel wardrobe--as was commented on earlier). It has to be the only reason she is listening at open doors (TN Trope #167) and telling her "hija" to be more careful. Paola doesn't know how to rein in her impulsiveness and doesn't really have a plan. (Amen to Diana's comment)

2. "Paola...did, however, go to Piedad and told her she knows Carlos told her the truth and she appreciates Piedad’s support. (Did I miss something? Were they open about Piedad knowing the truth?)." Ria, I don't blame you for missing this, in between following Terry and her gang, Manuel, Paola, Nava and Pedro around. Carlos told her in confidence a couple of episodes ago. She guessed and he told her. He probably figured she'd forget or no one would believe her. Obviously he's also forgotten the difference--as has Nava.

3. Since when did Terry acquire a whole gang? We've only mainly seen her doing her dirty deeds with Manuel--and oooh, that kiss goodbye was cringe-worthy.

4. WHEN WILL THE SCAR BECOME IMPORTANT TO TELL THE TWO APART? My guess is that it will be in the last 10 minutes when the twins are confronted by all who love or hate them and Paola will insist she is Paulina and to arrest the "fake" Paulina--or kill her. Anyone remember a Star Trek (Original Series) where there were two Spocks and Kirk had to figure out which one was telling the truth?

Addendum to #2
Paola guessed that Piedad knew the truth after Arcadia told her she'd found her rummaging around in her room. Paola took the initiative to get to Pie first, pretending she knew Carlos had told Piedad about really being Paulina.

What a tour de force, Ria! I had gotten my hopes up that Montse would survive when there was all that talk about her adopting a baby. I was also hopeful when she was able to reach for her phone and her daughter's picture. I was sure she was going to call the Mexican equivalent of 911 and live--though probably have to spend a lot of time in the hospital.

Thank you Tia. Good recap sad episode.
Why do the need to kill one big the sweetest people on the show?

I'm really sick of Paola. It'll be good to see her gone. She is a twisted coldblooded bitch. Show of hands who
Knows killing her sister won't satisfy
Her? She will get the death penilty.
And not by natural causes. That heffa
Thinks nothing of destroying anybody.
How she could say that to her daughter
And stepson. Only someone dead inside could do that. She's at the point of no return. Actually she got there along time ago.

I hate that montse is gone cuz that was so Not fair. Ok gotta go. I'm doin
This while I'm watchin tonight's show.

Thank you Tia.

Anita - thank you very much for this explanation! Addendum to #2 is the point I was confused about. I remembered Carlos telling Paulina, but missed who told Paola that Piedad knew. I must have been so distraught over Montse that I skipped right over it last night.
And Terry - seriously, that gang just came out from nowhere. All these extras we could have used for the Presidential house, where Pascual is the only one picking up the slack. They even took Pedro away from him, who was doing photocopies for him, so Pascual must be in charge of the Xerox now as well.

SpanProf- I did not believe she was dead until Nava felt for the pulse. Even then I thought help and recovery are coming. Such a shame.

Nina - agree, Paola's days are numbered. What a terrible villain, but at the same time I am really impressed by Sandra that she is pulling this off on the backdrop of her docile Paulina.


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