Friday, March 27, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #29, 3/27/20: Apparently Denial Isn’t Only in Egypt

Coupling While Camping
Ok, I concede. They did it. Neither had ever felt the way they did ever before. It was like flying, but this time they flew together. On with all the hijinks for today.

It’s a Fizzle
The confrontation that we all thought Alba was contemplating as she flew out of the coffee shop when she left Blanca turned into a nothing about even less. She points at Mauro and tells him that because of his *relationship* with Ingrid, he’d better not be planning anything to prejudice her case. Mauro Denies anything of the sort. Berta is relieved. Mauro promises to back up Franco in her case.

Bertie’s plan to have Franco back in the matrimonial bed backfires. He’ll be sleeping in Nat’s room until she gets back, then he’ll occupy the guest room (although Pops may still be in it). He collects his glasses and some books and departs, leaving Berta in her black and white night clothes, surrounded by all her doo-dads.

Next Morning
Gabe is on the losing side
He hails Pedro out on the green and wants to explain what was going on between him and Pedro’s mother. Pedro needs no ‘splaining and hauls off and whacks Gabe a good one. Next thing Gabe knows, Pedro is on top of him pummeling him. It gets rough. Fortunately, Alba happens to be in the same area and pulls Pedro off of Gabe and has to listen to what Pedro has to say about them and it’s not complimentary.
Not ready for prime time
Franco is not quite ready to sh*t, shower and shave, but he makes Nat’s bed and climbs back on it to read some more. Nat returns. She tells Franco how incredible the weekend was, as Franco teases her. She’s happy, but, there is a but. She’s afraid her happiness won’t last. She’s afraid that what Paolo feels for her will evaporate. Franco tries to quell her doubts. Nothing is forever, she claims, look what happened to him and her mother. He concedes that things between himself and Berta are not very good, but it’s not the same. She’s told to fight for what she feels. Franco says Pao is a great guy. Nat agrees with him, but…never mind she keeps quiet.

Dante, Manuel and Pao are gathered around the table breaking their fast. Pao shares how everything went great. With Nat he doesn’t feel any pressure. It’s easy to forget everything when he’s with her, but the only thing he’ll not forget is the bastard who put him in the wheelchair. He imagines the person happily going on with his life, no longer thinking about what he’d done. While he provides the voice over, we see Nat sad and crying alone in bed.

The guys go their separate ways, Dante and Pao to rehab while Manuel checks his calls. One must have been Katia. He calls her and she’s there in a flash. She’d waited in the hallway until she saw the two guys leave. She wants to tell Manny what Julian told her. Manny doesn’t put any money down on Jule’s truthiness. Because Pao doesn’t believe Katia, she wants Manny’s help. She doesn’t think Pao’s lawyer knows anything about what Nat is hiding nor Julian’s revelation. So, she calls Franco’s cell phone. Conveniently left in plain sight, but within Berta’s reach, she answers the call when the cell rings. (BTW, she’s dressed in b&w again, all day long.)

Katia runs her mouth, not knowing who was on the other end. Franco wanders back in and thought she was answering one of his calls. She says not to worry, it wasn’t his little amiga. He tells her again, he doesn’t like that. Berta, with the open line still in her hand, lies and tells Franco she called Ingrid to let her know when it would be convenient to come visit. Her phone was upstairs getting charged and now, be a dear and go get her cell phone and her meds. He wouldn’t want her to go without her meds, right? She turns back to her caller and identifies herself as Franco’s wife. Katia gulps and recovers when Berta tells her she’s mighty interested in what she has to say. They plan to meet and talk in a public place, face to face.

The first thing Berta wants to know when they are seated in a big open-air restaurant is whether Katia has any proof of this thing that was supposed to have involved her daughter and who told her this story. Katia replies no proof, just adding up 2+2 and it was Julian; does she know Julian? Berta says of course she knows Julian well, but she knows her daughter even better. Besides, her husband is a famous criminal lawyer and he’d never let anyone even in his own family commit a crime and knowingly get away with it. She’s sure Jules made it all up in retaliation for Natalia leaving him and taking up with a guy in a wheelchair. She thinks somehow Jules learned she was part of Paolo’s past and used her. To top it off, her daughter was in NY when the accident occurred.

“Hormones in Tennis Shoes” (Thank you, Susanlynn)
Gabe is still behaving like the underage teenager he really is. As they walk together, Alba tries to drill some sense into him regarding his relationship with Julieta. She has him put himself in Pedro’s shoes. That doesn’t work. She philosophizes that he’s still so very young and so hormonal he doesn’t really know yet what love is and life isn’t over just because this crush is over. He continues to insist that what he and Julieta had was true love.

Julian’s Hormones are Raging, But He’s Not Wearing Tennis Shoes
The guy is trying to get a quickie behind closed doors in his office with Ingrid. She has other things on her mind—how to teach two birds with one flying lesson. She learned Gabe was going out with a much older woman. Jules counters with a so what, so is he. Ingrid doesn’t appreciate the comparison, but it doesn’t deter her from her reason for being there. She knows where the woman works and here’s what they could do. Julian apparently gets his quickie and she gets legal assistance.

Julieta Has to go Home and File for Unemployment Compensation
Gabe watches as Juli puts a box of her personal office things in her car. She tells him she was fired. She works as a marketing specialist for products for children. The company didn’t want her or the scandal that it could cause. She also tells him it was his mother that filed a complaint against her for child abuse. (This sounds more like delinquency of a minor, but I’m not a lawyer. I’ll leave it to Franco, if he has time.) In any case she never wants to see Gabe again, nor should he ever come near her again. With that she takes off, maybe never to be seen again.

Bertie Loses No Time
After her talk with Katia, Bertie heads straight for the bufete to speak to Julian. Tizzy intercepts her to say Jules isn’t available and she ignores him, telling Olga that she will wait in her husband’s office. Tizzy follows her in, although she really didn’t want him to. She tells him he makes her stomach turn. He’s only causing her trouble. She’s having enough trouble with that hussy going after her husband. Tizzy wants to know what the problem is, let him have her and Bertie stay with him. He moves in and gets her into an unwanted clinch, just as Alba brings Franco his morning (it must be closer to noon by now) coffee. How delightful. Alba has more ammunition for her wicked tongue. Franco arrives. He’s all serious and takes Tizzy aside, warning Berta—no more trouble.

Franco is pissed that Tizzy asked Olga to get him the file on Alba. Tizzy claims he was just trying to get up to speed on all the firm’s cases. Franco points out that he’s only supposed to be handling Mauro’s cases and to lay off his. Tizzy guesses that the woman who brought him coffee is Alba. Tizzy needles him.  She’s definitely a knock-out and he might go after her. Franco is doing a slow burn. Tizzy brags that he’s always had a way with widows and married women. Franco tells him to keep his hands off Alba or else. Is there something personal going on? What would Franco rather have him do: sniff around after his wife or this client of his. Tizzy continues, Franco should know better than anyone that a lawyer can’t get mixed up with a client personally and the ethical thing to do is to hand her case over to someone else in the firm, like himself. Mauro would approve.

While the two rams are butting heads, the two ewes are having their own head-butts. Ooops, the AAAA painting is unhung, but not destroyed. (Berta must not have brought a knife.) Julian interrupts and Franco returns at the same time. Berta goes with Julian, leaving Alba and Franco with a little alone time. He guesses they were arguing. Alba says, au contraire, my friend. She reminds him that not too long ago, he told her he was fighting for her freedom. Well, she’s going to wait until he gets his. After some touchy-feely, he asks her to bring him something sweet to go with the coffee—just so he can see her again.

Ingrid Has Not Left the Building
She stops Alba in the hallway. She “pretends” she doesn’t know why Gabe is so down in the dumps. He won’t talk to her and she’s sure it’s something big. She invites Alba to stop by the house that evening, said the spider to the fly. The bait is Gabe.

Know When to Hold ‘Em
It turns out Bertie is holding a winning hand. Julian Denies he ever said anything to anyone about their little “arrangement,” let alone someone he doesn’t even know. Berta tells him to FIX things with this Katia and see to it her “nennie’s” name in not mixed up in it. Or else, she’ll tell Franco that for some time she has suspected Julian of causing that H&R accident with Paolo. Jules can’t believe that would fly. She reminds him that he told Franco and herself at the same time that he was driving Nat’s car and ran over a doggie. That’s why the car needed repairs. Nat was with him and from that day forward he started and continued to threaten her to keep quiet. At that precise moment Pao comes in to deliver some accounts and wonders if they were talking about him. Berta says yes, she was just telling Julian what a great couple he and Nat made—and by the way it’s good manners to knock before entering, regardless of being in a wheelchair. She leaves. Pao has the opportunity to lord it over Julian, remarking that not only is he happy with Natalia, she’s very happy with him.

Nat and Pao chat together that evening about how happy they make each other. He’s twirling something between his fingers. He’s talking about how different it is being with Nat. No pressure, but he wants her to know how he’d like to wake up every day with her. Nat wonders if this is a proposal. He holds up the paperclip ring he made and she squeeeees and accepts. He puts the ring on her finger. All that’s left to do, says Nat is to ask for her hand in marriage—if he dares. Not only does he dare, he picks the following night to do it. After that, he’ll never let her go. (When Karma hears that, she’ll go into action to make sure it doesn’t happen.)

Wash, Rinse, Wash, Wash
Predictably, Gabe lights into his mama the moment he sees her about filing the accusation. Alba Denies it was she. Gabe says it had to be Alba because she was the only one who knew about the incident Pedro caught them in (except for big-eared Ingrid, of course). He won’t listen to anything she’s saying and yells at her to get out. She slaps him for talking about her that way. (Oh, noes, his nose starts to bleed before he gets slapped, but that’s ok.) Alba leaves very hurt. Ingrid can hardly contain her glee.

In the Wink of an Eye
Alba is back in her little cuartucho at the coffee shop. Franco arrives to console her. She’s so upset she agrees to let him spend the night with her. He steps out to call Bertie that he’s working late and may not even come home that night. Bertie’s wheels turn, but there’s no meltdown. Franco and Alba share a hug. Franco steps out again to go fix Alba a nice cup of coffee. Some slinky black shoes and floral gown is framed, sidling in. The camera pans up. It’s not Alba approaching, ready to seduce Franco. Franco doesn’t need seducing. The camera comes to rest on Berta. Unbeknownst to Franco, Berta waits while Franco and Alba share the coffee, flirt and hug some more. Berta walks in. My, my, my, what have we here? So this is how my husband works late. They both get up startled and before they can say Pinocchio, Berta pulls a gun and waves it towards them. (Why is there a gun in their house with a bi-polar wench drifting about?)

She cackles. She intends to use it on herself, pointing at her temple. Her mother always said, if things get impossible, it’s time to step aside. However, she’s just thought of another option. While Franco is begging her to put the gun down and Alba saying there’s nothing going on, she points the gun at them again. Directing her query at Franco, she asks, who would he be more heartbroken to lose, her or that hussy. Franco is still trying to protect Alba, even though she steps around next to him, while still trying to get Berta to listen to reason. Ha! Since she claims to be crazier than a June bug in May, who is it going to be, Franco. She makes him choose. She’s waiting. She begins counting 5 – 4 – 3 time is wasting. Who will it be, Franco, her or me.

Franco steps in front of Alba and faces Berta. He tells Berta to go ahead and kill herself!

WOW! What a way to end a Friday episode. It doesn’t feel like a cliffhanger. Something tells me the real cliffhanger comes on Monday.

Must See TV.


Thank you for your recap, Anita, and the snark.
I really liked:
” … said the spider to the fly.”
”When Karma hears that, she’ll go into action to make sure it doesn’t happen.”
and ”Why is there a gun in their house with a bi-polar wench drifting about?”, especially one who tried to choke her own father to death just days earlier??? These people must know they’re in a telenovela and must suffer in their own purgatory.

Well, rats! Bertie didn’t blow her brains out, but we aren’t even half way through this telenovela, so there you have it. I doubt we’ll get lucky on Monday, because where would our story be? She is in for a penny, in for a pound. We are stuck with her for the duration. Maybe Franco will get lucky in ultimas capitulos.

So that was a paper clip engagement ring? Awwww, how sweet. (Not!) ;-p I was watching on a smaller TV and it looked like a regular ring to me, so good job, #PaperclipOrigami Paolo.


Great recap ANITA, and I always enjoy your wry headings.


It's a fizzle
Know when to hold 'em
Yawn (especially that one! Most boring young couple in love ever.)

And this whole paragraph:

The guy is trying to get a quickie behind closed doors in his office with Ingrid. She has other things on her mind—how to teach two birds with one flying lesson. She learned Gabe was going out with a much older woman. Jules counters with a so what, so is he. Ingrid doesn’t appreciate the comparison, but it doesn’t deter her from her reason for being there. She knows where the woman works and here’s what they could do. Julian apparently gets his quickie and she gets legal assistance.

Inspired m'dear. Simply inspired.

Um, I think the original "hormones in shoes" came from Susanlynn, who started teaching when she looked every bit as young as her students.

Also loved:

said the spider to the fly and
before they can say Pinocchio

The paper-clip ring is a "thing". There was also a paperclip engagement ring in Ringo.

Hope to see Gael and Bianca soon. I'm tired to death of these other crazy people.

Thanks again. And I DID get the bathrooms cleaned. Just because you told me to, Mom.


"The paper-clip ring is a "thing". There was also a paperclip engagement ring in Ringo."
Were they the same ring, repurposed by wardrobe Dept? 😉 LOL

Bien hecho, Anita. My faves:

While the two rams are butting heads, the two ewes are having their own head-butts.

(Why is there a gun in their house with a bi-polar wench drifting about?)

Franco is probably hedging his bet that Roberta would be so shocked that he told her to kill herself that he will be able to disarm her. Manicomio now! He also needs to have his phone checked for the tracker that Julian helped Roberta install on it. I would even recommend he get a new phone and tell nobody the password.

Natalia should do the same.

More later.

Paperclip Rings and Hormones in Tennis Shoes

I just threw in paperclip, because they are fairly easily twisted into other shapes, but I really don't know what else it could have been otherwise. Was it something lying around on the table? A little bit of wire? Who knows. It was just strange that Pao was just sitting there fiddling with something while he and Nat talked and then he produced this very life-like little engagement ring, complete with diamond chip. If it was a real engagement ring, when did he have time to get it, between rehab and Nat's visit? With what money? His first paycheck for delivering papers around the office?

Susanlynn, I deeply apologize for the inaccurate reference attributing Hormones in Tennis Shoes to the wrong Wordsmith. I will correct it immediately! No one else will ever know of my error. OK?

Hello, all. Raining and gray here after yesterday's sunshine and a day spent outside.

This tablecloths on a loop. Franco and Alba keep fawning and nuzzling each other..then in walks Rob ruffles in bristling and buzzing and snarling. She walks in on the two canoodling in the BED.......don't any of these doors have locks ??? ...geez. New twist..She brought a gun this time .

OT..watched "_Once Upon a Time in Hollywod " last night.... Movies don't really have coherent stories any looks like I will watching Outlander reruns.


Maybe we all need to make ourselves paper clip rings to go along with our beanies. I am looking for projects to keep me busy on this rainy day. Maybe some life stories in 6 words for these crazy characters like I had my grammar \ composition students write about themselves .

P.s. I Now look back rather tenderly on all those hormones in shoes that I knew.

Hey Anita, thanks for always giving us a recap that can keep us going all weekend long. Loved "while the two rams are butting heads, the two ewes are having their own headbutts", and regarding AAAA "(Berta must not have brought a knife.)" You always have great headings and Ingrid Has Not Left the Building cracked me up.

They did it? Geez, that was boring. It may have been flying to them, but there was no lift off for us.

I've only watched the first few minutes, but long enough to see Berta dressed in that reversed Colonel Sanders outfit.

I like reading the recaps before watching the show as it seems I rely less on the CC if I've done that. I really do think these recaps help with comprehension, so thank you to ALL of you recappers.

Slightly OT

Televisa should listen to Youtube material this one for material like the first story. That sounds like all the toxic mothers in this tale.

Oh, the mother-in-law stories I could tell you! But let's all pity Paolo for thinking that Roberta was talking him up. Her and her weapons. What's next? The candlestick? The rope? Not the wrench!

In the midst of all this hunkering down, we had a plumber in our house all day. Yikes! That was not part of the isolation plan. Evidently the earthquake damaged some of our plumbing and we had water dripping on all 3 levels of our house!

((Rosemary,))..I hope your plumbing problems have been taken care of.
I got a giggle out of your Clue references. ...a game I played a lot with our oldest grandgirl .

R la O --- What a horror those plumbing leaks must be. And surely others in your area have the same damage. Yikes!

"Maybe we all need to make ourselves paper clip rings to go along with our beanies"
Great idea, and we can wear them for the "Por Fin" episode. :-)

Hello all, I hope you're weekend is somewhat normal. Mine is somewhat good
Normal, I got my cable Back on, yaaah!

Thanks for the recap Anita it was some
What buzzy. I see berti is 3-sheets to
The wind, still. This time with a gun. Not a Knife or her stronge strangling hands.
Ingy still rolling with the whackadoos
And her dead brother. These People are so screwed up,and this isn't half gone
Yet? Oboy!

So.....ol berti tried to off daddy nosehairs! How family-ish of her. And
Now she's going to kill whoever Monday
I think they want to see how long it will take before the viewers flip their wigs. Berti is not gonna off her
Self, she's an attention freak, she
Wants franco's attention and she Won't
Get it if she shoots alba. Not the way she wants it anyway.

Natty is miserable and will be until
She spills the proverbial beans about
Sending Paolo flying through the air and going"splat"on the pavement. Ouch!
I'm surprised berti didn't kill katia
But they met at an open Resturant that
Was full of people. Girl you dodged a
Ok I'm done for now. Hallmark Is good but don't feel the Christmas Movie madness not now.
Hey y'all done your Cenus thingy online yet? And they lied it takes alot longer than 10 minutes.

Thanks Anita. I hope yall are healthy
And sanitized patio.

Rosemary la Otra...How awful to have plumbing woes (and a guy in your house all day) what with all the coronavirus scare going on. Sending you prayers for peace, and a dry home!

Nina...Hope that the patients you care for continue to do well and that you stay safe and sanitized throughout all this.

We finally have blue skies here for a bit. But lots of puddles in the park where I walk. Grandson is having a ball splashing through every single puddle and bog in his neighborhood. Evidently the washing machine is running constantly in their house.

Oh, no, no, no. Roberta wouldn't even know what a wrench is for!

Not too late to join in the fun--

RLO--your, "They did it? Geez, that was boring. It may have been flying to them, but there was no lift off for us." deserves a place on the sideboard. I'll forward it to RGV, who's dallying too long over on Ringo. Maybe she'll come back in full force now that it's over. So sorry to hear about your plumbing problems. Water can certainly be as destructive as it is soothing and beautiful. I guess it's a good thing plumbing is considered essential work.

Susanlynn--I started watching Season 5 of Outlander yesterday. Jamie is still one goregeous hunk! Been watching more BBC productions. I must say, the Brits and the Aussies do love scenes a lot more realistically than Telerisa. I guess I DO want some realism in their shows.

Nina--As always you come up with some whackadoos words I have to read twice to get the full effect. Stay safe, my friend, you are in a war zone. We need you on Caray.

UA--Analyzing what might transpire on Monday, I think you got it. If she shoots Alba, then she ends up in a manicomio ward for the criminally insane. If she shoots Franco, then she defeats her whole purpose of keeping scandal at bay and her husband at her side. If she shoots herself, she can't pester, annoy, threaten, kill anyone anymore, nor enjoy her magnificent house, clothes and social position. Her best bet is to put the gun down and say this was all a game to see who Franco really loves and didn't really intend to shoot anyone. If Franco has to disarm her, what next? He's not going to commit her and she'll continue to wreak her own special kind of havoc.

I was thinking as I wrote, how I was cheering Roberta in her confrontation with Julian, and Tizzy in his confrontation with Robbie and his curt dismissal of Julian, that Julian is the antagonista we all most wish would become a bog for JudyB's Grandson to stomp on.

Doris and JudyB--I'm always pleased to please you. You are the most steadfast of supporters in this journey of real life and this make-believe world. We need you here.

OT-Amores Verdaderos Epi #5
So Arriaga got to take a peek at Ms. Vikki in her bath, just as she got to enjoy his singing in the shower the day before. Elvira's recap and screen shots are a hoot. I think she set the tone for the rest of the show's recaps. I do wish Andy would tune in. Tomorrow we get to see Arriaga in his undies in the middle of a busy mall.

Hello, all.
Dear Nina, yes, it's Christmas on Hallmark....over and over and over again.....ho ho hum...and fa la la la la la la la la la la la la la

I am eating up things that I froze ..chili, veg soup, spaghetti sauce, chicken soup, watching Outlander episodes , and cleaning out closest I have been where to run now.

Overcast and gloomy here after rain all day yesterday . I'd go on the patio , but it's very damp.

Crocheting,videochatting with the grandgirls, reading,decoupaging gifts, maybe painting later.

Stay well .Stay safe. Stay sane. I'm trying. Wonder how long this isolation Wil last .

Dark Shadows weather here, too.

I just read that US soaps and other program types will suspend production due to the pandemic. I think we need to begin worrying about novelas.

Susanlynn --- OMG crocheting..... copy & paste and I think this is not a private facebook page. I laughed out loud when I saw this one:

Urban - I wondered about soaps & telenovelas with social distancing, lack of kissing scenes. Televisa has many oldies but goodies that Univision could rerun. (looking at you, Corazon Salvaje 1993)

Yes, and while they're at it more stuff with Edith Gonzales, Eduardo Palomo, and the young Cesar Evora.

Urban I just watched the MIL birthing stories. Times have certainly changed. My labor room was very small and it was just me and my husband. We played Submarine (on paper, in the days before it became a plastic board game) and double solitaire. I slept a lot and never screamed, he read to me and he did go into the delivery room with me, but he got woozy and had to remove himself.

I'm so glad they are broadcasting AV again. It's going to be fun, even though it is very long. For those of you watching for the first time and reading along with the recaps, there are scenes which are quite clearly missing from the broadcast. The episodes all end correctly, so it must be a result of all the extra minutes of commercial breaks they have added since then.

I never saw CS 1993, so I'd enjoy watching that one. Pick just about anything from the list on the sideboard and I'd watch it, well, probably not Corazon Indomable or La Gata.

Personally, I'd prefer seeing re-runs of those older shows than the newer, more violent ones they seem to think we all enjoy these days.

I am watching AV for the first time and really like it! The recaps and comments talk about it being hokey, but it is such a breath of fresh fun handsome air. Looking forward to the plaid boxers heroic mall dash tomorrow.

They have suspended young and the restless and general hospital already.
But have taped ahead so we can still be seein new stuff there. Don't know about days of our lives & bold and the
Beautiful. And that is getting really good, brook still stealing the hubbys
Of the women in her family.

If they run out a new stuff I'll just switch to uni and telemundo & una mas.
Fo some reason watchin American soaps
Reruns Is know fun at all.

We want get rain until tuesday,but For
Now it's hot and sunny in north fla.

So ladies stay happy healthy and keep sanitizing.

Anita, sorry so late -- thanks for another stellar recap! I loved all the section headings, but I think my fave was "BroBreakfast." And for some reason "Berta in her black and white night clothes, surrounded by all her doo-dads" sends me into a fresh fit of giggles every time I read it...

So she hung out in that B&W cocktail track suit all day long, and then changed into a floral off-the-shoulder number for the murder/suicide? Just when she could really use some pockets? I'll never understand fashion.

Part of the fun in watching this show is Roberta's wardrobe. She stalks around town all day in useless designer duds that are lots of fun. Too bad we don't have Granny Clampett around to make her scrub the floors on her hands and knees.

Doris--I wasn't much of a fan of the Beverly Hillbillies, but I just loved Green Acres and Eva Gabor's interpretation of the transplanted NY socialite. She also had a fabulously useless wardrobe!

Anita - Arnold Ziffel was my favorite character in Green Acres. :-)

Doris--Useless information about Arnold: [Frank Inn, the trainer] "said that he had to use delicate psychology to train his pigs. Unlike other animals, he explained, a trainer can never force a pig to do anything or reprimand them, or else they will come to dislike the trainer and will not perform for them or even take food from them. [10] Arnold won three Patsy Awards for Inn during the 1960s.

Arnold was actually played by a piglet, and, since piglets quickly grow into adult pigs, at least one piglet per year had to be trained for the role of Arnold during the six years that the show was in production." (Wikipedia)

Anita - oooooh,thank you for the trivia! Our niece is a state Agricultural Extension agent. She has told us that pigs are very smart.

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