Friday, April 10, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #39, 4/10/20: And the Band Played On..and On…and On

In case anyone missed this little gem yesterday—When Tizzie called Bertie to tell her that Marga had spilled the beans, he told her they can’t use spousal abuse any longer in their petition for divorce. He said they would have to think of something else. Hmmmm.

No toothbrush, no make-up, no hairbrush, poor Natty
Nat is trying to get away from La Loca Madre so fast she only packs a couple of silk baby doll p.j.s, not even a spare pair of spike heels. She tells her mother she’s not sure where she’s going, but she sure is gong. Bertie yells that she’ll be sorry, as Nat flees. (Bertie’s bustle looks odd without being under a floor-length Victorian gown.)

Left alone, she tears the house apart looking for the security cameras. We know she’s loca because she’s looking under sofa cushions. Jousting lance in hand, Doña Quijote tilts at black mini-objects near the ceiling. These are real. She knocks them down and begins collecting them. She makes a clean sweep, finding the last one in her bedroom. The one good thing is she did it without a drink in the other hand.

The Band Played On, Part I
Dante dedicates the next song to the one who is stealing his heart. He doesn’t say who it is, but either the audience already knows or wants him to get on with it. They cheer and clap. Bianca is really touched and it shows. Gael saunters up, keeping time to the beat. He describes himself as the ideal man for her and not that youngster. He’s carried away by the song and plants a juicy one on Bianca’s mouth. Dante sees what’s going on and drops the mic. The rest carry on bravely, not missing a note. Bianca is all eww, peww and wipes her mouth. Astonished, Gael backs away—no one has ever wiped away one of his kisses. He gets the message and proceeds to another likely candidate to pimp his desirable qualities. Some chippie in a white dress accepts. The one good thing is Dante recovers and picks up the mic.

Alba’s leaving, Gabe’s asleep, They had a Nice Chat
Ingrid, never one to hold back a dig on SIL, says Gabe probably fell asleep from boredom. Then—Alba’s lines, then—Ingy’s lines. The one good thing is that Alba asked about the near-forgotten test results. Ingy stammers, but is pretty sure it’ll be this week and very sure Gabe is ok.

It Takes Three Scenes for Franco Not to Leave
Franco is back to pick up a few things. Bertie wants him out of there—snap. Franco makes it clear he won’t leave because she’s the one filing for divorce and he’s not disposed to be labeled as the one who abandoned hearth and home, since it’s his, too. Bertie says he should have thought of that before getting involved with that piece of filth (la roña=also dirt, grime and rust, take your pick). He decides it’s the better part of valor to vamoose after all. She warns him that worse is yet to come. Franco wonders what could be worse than the way she lied about him to Nat. He goes upstairs to gather some clothing, but is not allowed to take the shirt Bertie gave him. (It was probably his money in the first place.) When she sees he’s firmly decided, she turns on her Pity Poor Me chapter from the Acting for Dummies 101. She’s scared and alone. She wants to die. Everyone has abandoned her. She tells Franco in her most earnest delivery that he should go and be happy. (We know she doesn’t mean it, but it works for 24 hours.) She begs him to stay with her, at least until she falls asleep. He does. Once she’s asleep he decamps to the guest room instead of actually leaving. The one good thing is that Bertie realizes she doesn’t want to deal with the disorder she caused around the house and unfires Marga.

And the Band Played On, Part II
Manny tries to get Eddie “Pao” Munster** interested in some girls at the next table. They seem to be enjoying the music, but not EPM’s table talk. He excuses himself and Alba sees him out. **(It finally came to me whom Pao, with the deep widow’s peak, reminds me of.) The one good thing is that Bianca regrets her reaction to the Attack Beso Gael gave her and left angry and Alba urges her to go after him and apologize.

Qué Haces Aquí? BINGO
Eddie Pao returns to his apartment to find Nat asleep on the couch. He strokes her hair until she stirs and wakes. She hopes he doesn’t mind that she let herself in and is crashing there for the night. He doesn’t. It’s all very awkward because he sorta wants to go to bed and he sort of wants her in his bed. She demurs. Later he calls her on his phone from his bed to come sleep in his bed. She says she’ll think about it, as she gets up and moves to his bed, but no hanky panky. The one good thing is they are quite civil to each other.

Aha! Ménage à Trois Anyone?
Gael hesitates when Bianca knocks at his apartment door. He finally takes a chance and opens the door. She’s there to apologize and before she can say fuzzy bear, Chippie, minus her white dress, calls him, then appears. Bianca’s jaw drops. Gael’s pants don’t drop as Chippie reaches her hand out to Bianca. She presumes that Bianca is there as a third and likes what she sees. She pulls Bianca in, asks if she would like to help them and they head for the bedroom. The one good thing is that it finally dawns on Gael why Bianca has not succumbed to all his attempts to woo her.

NEXT DAY (Note that Tizzie has changed his ascot, but not much else)

Open Doors Only Benefit the Villains, but Julian’s Ears Get Burned to a Crisp
Franco, Gael and Mau are having a staff meeting without Julian because it is about Julian. Actually, Julian is silently participating from the other side of the open door. They are all tired, disgusted and distrustful of him. Mau, his old mentor, says he’s not the same guy anymore. They’re completely stymied by the Rufino matter and if and how Julian fits in. They discuss the problem of finding that intermediary of Julian’s that put him in contact with Rufino in the first place. They need him as a witness or else it’s Julian’s word against Rufino’s.

Outside the door, Julian continues to listen. Gael offers to see if he can find a chap that he saw Julian paying money to awhile back. He might be the same guy. Franco notes that Julian’s involvement in getting someone to take the blame for Pao’s accident makes no sense. Mau is confident the three of them together will uncover whatever he’s hiding. Franco then nails it. The most logical conclusion is that Julian is covering up for the person who is really responsible. Mau thinks the real culprit heard they were handling Pao’s case and approached Julian and provided him with the wherewithal to pay someone else to take the blame. Julian, if he’s not wetting his pants, is seen cringing as he hears all this. Franco ends it by asking Mau why he kicked Julian out of his office. Mau said it was personal. Julian stuck himself and his third leg where they didn’t belong. The one bad thing is that no one happened to pass by the hallway outside Franco’s office, saw Julian hanging out there and spoke to him out loud.

Julian Can’t Call Bertie Fast Enough to Put Out the Fire in his Ears
He races to the safety of the rooftop and calls Bertie. He says her husband is about to uncover their little cover up. If he goes down, she goes down. Bertie is serenely unruffled. She announces that she’s lost Franco, her Nenni left her so now she wants to be the mother she ought to be, as he advised her the day before—sacrificing herself for the love she has for her daughter. The one good thing is she hung up on him when he asks what is she going to do.

Pop Goes the Sleazy Tizzie (with apologies to Blue Lass for appropriating this from El Tal)
Out of nowhere, there he is. Bertie announces that she’s in deep doo-doo and if he doesn’t help her, she’ll end up in the slammer. She paints-by-number the steps she took and ended up kicking a goal with Pao’s body. She concludes her new scenario with Rufino snitching, even with all the money she paid him and Franco is about to discover that she’s the one who paid the guy to cover up her crime. There’s no way to shut this guy up. He’s about to tell Franco who paid him. Tizzie concentrates on all she has recounted. After all, he's her lover as well as her lawyer. Bertie pulls out her Acting 102 Cue Card that reads, “Desperation.” She whimpers that she’s afraid of jail. She’d rather kill herself before her nennie finds out she’s the one responsible for the hit and run that left Nat’s now boyfriend paralyzed. Tizzie says it won’t happen and he’ll also make sure this can’t be used against her in the divorce. The one good thing is the glass of Pallini Limoncello on the table is left untouched.

The Cornered Rat Worms His Way Out
Franco “invites” Julian for a Come to Jesus chat in his office. All the accusations Franco has in his linguini pack, he slings at Julian but they don’t stick to Teflon Toady. The one good thing is Julian is suspended without pay until the matter is resolved one way or another.

Nat Goes Somewhere Else
After their chaste night together, Nat is up and dressed and about to leave Pao’s apartment when Katia arrives with breakfast for two. They exchange the same blame-game conversations they always have. This time, Katia has an extra sentence—Nat allowed an innocent man to go to jail for what she did. Nat swears she didn’t do anything. Katia would like Nat to help her, if she really loves Pao, then help her get Pao to stay with Katia. Then she adds, or suffer the consequences. Nat asks her to tell Pao she said bye and starts for the door. Pao wheels himself out just to see the back of Nat and asks Katia what she did. She says she did nothing. The one bad thing is that Katia plays innocent better than Julian.

Tizzie Finally Has Some Work to Do
Our sleazy criminal defense attorney gives us a lesson in how to do business with the Mexican Penal System á la Telenovelaland. He’s arranged for a little “paid” visit to the jail where Rufino is being held. He sails through all the checkpoints with a briefcase** full of cash he flashes to one of the officials. **(Note the briefcase is exactly like the one Franco had in an earlier scene.) The official tells him he only has 20 minutes. Tizzie answers that is sufficient. They let him into the cell alone with Rufino. Poor Rufino is happy to see Franco’s representative. Tizzie hands him a form to fill out and chats with him about his family and children. Behind his back, Tizzie puts on black Strangle-Tight gloves, hits him on the back of the head and chokes him to death, leaving him on the cell floor. Tizzie says he’ll say hi to his children. The one bad thing is Rufino will never see his children again.


Great, and accurate, title! I liked the Good Thing / Bad Thing theme. I loved this line: "Jousting lance in hand, Dona Quijote tilts at black mini objects near the ceiling." I cracked up at Eddie Munster! If only Eddie Munster had a man bun, we wouldn't be able to tell them apart. The Strangle Tight tm gloves! Good one!

Yes, the draw for Bianca was Chippy, not Gael. I wonder if she was visualizing Alba.

I guess in Roberta's effed up way, she does love her Nene, since she is now willing to take the blame for the hit and run.

I remember Blue's Pop Goes the Sleazy when it happened. So many similarities between El Tal and this monstrosity. I feel bad that our chance to see Juan Soler had to be here. We deserve a do-over!

Thanks again, Anita!

Anita, I can't stop laughing over "kicking a goal with Paolo's body." I also crack up every time I see him sail over the moon roof in the opening credits. I guess none of that would be funny if we liked him, but, well.

And "before she can say fuzzy bear" -- too much. You do have a way with words, girl.

So I guess that plaid shirt really meant something after all...

Oh, and thanks for the shout-out on "Pop Goes the Sleazy." That's one scene I'll NEVER forget.

My personal bingo card is filling up nicely with "No me voy a quedar con los brazos cruzados," "No sabes de lo que soy capaz," and now, "suitcase full of cash." But I'll never get blackout without that horse. :(


Franco's (Juan Soler) hair is getting darker and darker and his suits tighter and tighter! But I must say he looks as great as ever.

Natalie's (Irina Baeva) fake fingernails are getting longer and longer, her poorly applied fake eyelashes are getting narrower and narrower, and both are bugging the hell out of me!

Alba's (Mayrín Villanueva) ballet slippers are driving me crazy! I can never watch her without associating her with the word 'Naca': MCET.

Her role with Juan Soler is too Cotton Candy for me; and if it weren't for my love of JS, I'd probably bale out of this novela.

The striped suits the guys wear are offensive to my engineering symmetricalness. I'm always bothered by the fact that the stripes don't line up, especially on the shoulders. That, along with 3 buttons vs 4 on the cuffs, bothers me to no end, and I'm not a guy!!! If you watched PASL, you might remember that José María Torre designed his own suits, and all the stripes lined up perfectly, even from the lapels to the chest.

The perfectly folded pocket handkerchiefs of Mauro (Enrique Rocha—boy hasn't he aged beautifully), Franco (Juan Soler), and Julian (Pedro Morena) are driving me bonkers. Are they the kind that are stapled onto cardboard, and men just slip them into their pocket? Kind of like those clip-on ties you buy for your kid when he still allows you to kiss him goodbye. Additionally, the totally mismatched suits of Gael — plaid jackets, striped ties, solid colored shirts that don't match the tie or the jacket.

I didn't watch Pasión y Poder, which Urban ran with 'Crimes of Fashion', but the wardrobe department is doing an absolutely terrible job. Who in this telenovela wears a halfway decent outfit? I've always wondered, do Actors get to wear their own shoes?

Alba spends more time in Franco's office than in the cafe.

Why in the hell doesn't Paolo have an 'Easy Grip Reacher'? Walter Drake — $14.95


Another tour de force ANITA. But color me deeply disappointed that the Bianca-Gael romance isn't going to fly. And evidently the Bianca-Dante romance won't have lift-off either. Oh well, just one of many disappoints with this telenovela which seemed so promising at first.

But so much to love in the recap!

Jousting lance in hand, Doña Quijote tilts at black mini-objects near the ceiling.

It takes three scenes for Franco not to leave the house. (Yessss, and each one became more boring and irritating than the last.)

la roña...nice translation, definitely being used figuratively

Bertie doesn't want to deal with the disorder she caused around the house and unfires Marga

The one good thing is it finally dawns on Gael why Bianca has not succumbed to all his attempts to woo her (sigh)

Pop goes the Sleazy Tizzie (always worth bringing back...good times)

Teflon Toady (wonderful nickname!)

but the winner is:

kicking a goal with Paolo's body (so clever, so funny, so apt, so baaaaad!)

Thanks ANITA. This story is now mired in the midpoint, traditional Slough of Despond, but you're as sharp and witty as ever. Thanks.

Thank you for your snarky recap, Anita.
The full moon-inspired lines that are my favs have already been mentioned. You were on fire.

Um, yes, that bustle, I’ve noticed Bertie has it under all her full skirts.
The butt-enhancer panties all the actresses wear in this telenovela are astounding.

So, Bianca in a the three-way. She continues to intrigue us. Gael was muy distracted at work, the next day.

Kudos to Victoria with--- “Why in the hell doesn't Paolo have an 'Easy Grip Reacher'? Walter Drake — $14.95”
Why, indeed? (Answer: because he's a guy?) LOL!!!

Bien hecho, Anita. Love these:

We know she’s loca because she’s looking under sofa cushions. Jousting lance in hand, Doña Quijote tilts at black mini-objects near the ceiling.

The one good thing is that it finally dawns on Gael why Bianca has not succumbed to all his attempts to woo her.

and Rosemary's: Yes, the draw for Bianca was Chippy, not Gael. I wonder if she was visualizing Alba.

There was a hint of that in an early episode when Alba began sleeping in the janitor's closet. When Bianca tucked her in I saw this coming.

Roberta, eres un monstro. When your father finds out you removed the cameras he will get you locked up.

Alba, talk to the doctor yourself. You know Ingrid is not to be trusted.

Franco, you knew Roberta would take this out on the maid. Get Margarita a new job. Talk to Mauro immediately and don't fall for any more of Roberta's tricks. No matter wat she says or how many times she says it she does not love you.

Roberta, how can you expect not to be alone when you treat everyone like property or garbage? Your tears don't fool flies on the wall.

Gael, you have to tell us what happened...not.

Franco, escape right now, get a restraining order, and learn how to close ofice doors.

Roberta, you are really off the deep end now. This could get you in prison or the manicomio you have been dodging.

Tizzy, she is just using you and you will end up in prison or dead.

Franco, accept Julian's resignation and get all the locks changed.

"Gael, you have to tell us what happened...not."
Are the writers throwing this plot twist in to keep the viewers awake? ;-)

"When your father finds out you removed the cameras he will get you locked up."
Or maybe not. Roberta's "crazy" in front of Mauro's eyes helps him remain in denial about his own "crazy". If she is locked up, he has no distraction and then has to face his "crazy". Not going to happen.

Dear Anita, wow , that was an episode that had some surprises . Thank you for catching every crazy detail.

Question: did we have to see Rob knock down each and every camera with her trusty pole? Time waster, writers.

Question : Is Bianca gay, or is she just curious about three ways ?

2 part Question: 1)why is Tizzy so obsessed with nutty Rob?
2) why was it so easy for Tizzy to agree to murder (Man bun guy in prison reminded me a little of that really tall guy in Dragon?)

Question : why does Franco fall for it every time Rob instantly switches from nasty snarling to pathetic mewling and weeping and clinging.

"Question : why does Franco fall for it every time Rob instantly switches from nasty snarling to pathetic mewling and weeping and clinging."
As I watch this show, I'm starting to understand just how emotionally (and physically) draining and exhausting it must be to live with someone who suffers mental illness. I've read about it, but to see it played out in a TV screen even exhausts and drains me. Franco often takes that path of least resistance, as probably so many people do in real life, just to "keep peace." At the end of the day, it is never enough and the ill person is never satisfied. made some very interesting points. I often feel exhausted after watching Rob rant and rave. I can't imagine dealing with someone like her in real life. I was blessed to be married to someone who was very easygojng, kind, responsible, Protective, funny, and unbelievably easy to love. e

Well, it is chilly here but sunny , I am going out to walk around the yard and driveway. Another day of isolation .

And another thing... what's with them all getting into bed with their clothes on? Okay, even if they aren't going to "do it", at least take your dirty street clothes off and put on a big tee. My mother would have been horrified at all those dirty sheets.

What a Tour de Force from our faithful followers. (Are we now going to start studying French, since we've learned all we can about Spanish?) Merci buckets for all the commentary. It shows you had to wade through the recap.

Replies to Observations Plus
RLO--"I guess in Roberta's effed up way, she does love her Nene, since she is now willing to take the blame for the hit and run."

>> Nah, I don't think she loves her Nene. She loves the IDEA of the perfect family, which must include at least one child, but also a well-to-do respected husband, a huge house and couple of servants.

She is so warped, she can hardly even love herself. As for self-sacrifice? She's convinced herself that Tizzie will get her out of this before the cannon ball hits the water and that Julian will also no longer be able to be a threat. I think she knows instinctively that Tizzie is a crooked creature and has means at his disposal that none of the other bufete guys would use. Tizzie has no idea that she's not interested in being his "amor" any longer than she has to.

RLO - "I feel bad that our chance to see Juan Soler had to be here. We deserve a do-over!"
>>IMHO, he was at his peak in CME as protagonist and Reina de Corazones as the evil, perverted, debonair antagonist (there goes that French again). My do-over is to get out the DVD's of CME and watch him and Silvia. Then I fantasize that Telemundo would make a DVD of RdC, but mainly because I loved Smith and El Supremo butt heads and bodies.

BlueLass - "So I guess that plaid shirt really meant something after all..."
>>Anita hurries to the closet to donate all her plaid shirts to charity and burn all the photos of her IN those plaid shirts--Gaaahh, another thing ruined by popular demand.

Victoria - "Why in the hell doesn't Paolo have an 'Easy Grip Reacher'? Walter Drake — $14.95"
>>Boy, have they lowered their standards since I last bought anything from them, or is this Easy Grip Reacher in Sterling Silver?

Replies to Observations, Cont'd
Doris - "This story is now mired in the midpoint, traditional Slough of Despond.."
>>Mired is the perfect word to describe MDC. Just where else can it possibly go? We've had all the characters in that slough since the beginning. I don't think any of us can begin to predict the end unless everyone is dead except the band. And oh, why wasn't Eddie Pao up there singing last night? Wasn't he singing for change on a street corner back when?

UA - "Alba, talk to the doctor yourself. You know Ingrid is not to be trusted."
>>True words. And she's the mother. She at least ought to be present, even if it was through Ingrid that the tests were done. My guess? It ain't gonna happen. Ingrid will misplace the test results and can't remember where the tests were done and Gabe is too dumb to help. I think Gabe is now just a cardboard prop to be used between the SsIL. Gone are Julieta and Pedro. Is he even going to school any more and getting bullied? We only see him in his room.

Susanlynn - "Question: did we have to see Rob knock down each and every camera with her trusty pole? Time waster, writers."
>>Of course we did. The writers had to prove it to us that Rob is thorough, if nothing else. And, that maybe she's only crazy 75% of the time. I wonder if we'll actually SEE Margarita again.

BTW - I'm going to remove the first sentence of the recap, because the rest doesn't make sense. Franco was coming home, but didn't decide to leave until after they had that pathetic conversation.

Doris - "Franco often takes that path of least resistance, as probably so many people do in real life, just to "keep peace." At the end of the day, it is never enough and the ill person is never satisfied."
>>How sad. How true. It's the foundation for spousal abuse. When it goes unsatisfied, it escalates.

RLO - "And another thing... what's with them all getting into bed with their clothes on?"
>>Ha! Glad you mentioned it. I think the same thing. I remember the first time Franco got into bed with Alba and didn't even take off his leather belt. It's not just the sheets, it's the dirty underwear I recoil when thinking of it.

"Doris - "This story is now mired in the midpoint, traditional Slough of Despond..""
I wish I had said that, but it is not from me. Perhaps JudyB's? Definitely from Pilgrim's Progress.

Juan Soler was fun to see in Reina de Corazones, and so was Catherine Siachoque (sp?), Laura Flores, Eugenio Siller.

Copy and paste for a short Reinamaniac "fix":


Sorry, it was JudyB who gave of the Slough of Despond, who borrowed it from John Bunyan.
Will sign off to run and watch this YouTube clip you shared.

Oh, Doris--Thank you for that nostalgic trip back to the heyday of Reinamaniacs. Everyone can enjoy the video, even without ever having watched the series.

RdC was a fun telenovela, even when it became unhinged and ran off the rails. LOL
It truly kept us entertained. Maybe Telemundo will re-run it again soon. We had fun on the Patio at the Reinamaniacs table.

I think Mauro is a fox. He is in a longer-term situation than Franco in terms of dealing with crazy. First his wife, then his daughter. If Natalia hadn't shown the recording to Roberta she wouldn't have thought to look for cameras. Mauro should have the image of her removing them on his computer, which is at the office.

I think he is hitting the point where he is having trouble dealing with this and has to face that he is at the end of the rope.

Re: Julian. If one of your co-workers, or in this case your boss, strangled you until you blacked out, would you go back to that workplace? Mauro is obviously going off the rails, and Julian is someone who really ought not stick his neck out.

R la O - you make a good point, but Julián isn't exactly sane, either. He is a sociopath. Juls is guilty being an accomplice or aiding and abetting (Paolo, skanky witness guy, drugging Nat, and now Rufino) to the point that he could face jail for a long time. Julian's interest is to keep things tightly wrapped up and under control (from his twisted point of view) or he will go down with Roberta and Natalia. Anvil city. Sleeping with Ingrid is not a crime, but he probably thinks he can blackmail or charge Mauro with attempted murder on him for that choking stunt in the car, if he needs to. But IDK because I don't watch police drama shows.... ;-)

Franco needs to watch his back
Julian needs to watch his back (though the Patio hopes he does not)
Katia needs to watch her back
Mauro needs to watch his back (though he is a baddie and Patio hopes he does not)

Current Body count:
Skanky witness guy (Roberta)
Luciana (Roberta)
Rufino (Tiziano)

Ye olde body count from days of yore:
Roberta's mother/Mauro's wife

Did I miss any victims?

Javier was murdered by Ingrid after Alba restarted the machine.

And we suspect that Roberta offed the girl Franco was going with before he took up with her.

Anita, great recap. This episode was
Bazaar. Something out of the twilight zone.

Who knew tizzy is a cold blooded sicko killer. That would explain his weird obsession with berti. They're perfect for each other. They love the taste of blood(I'm using my draculer voice).
Im surprised he hasn't tried to oust
Franco. I wish somebody would let the cat outta the bag about something.

I don't get it why natty isn't so sick
Of this to the point of just saying
"to hell with it, this guilt will kill me Before prison will I'm telling dad everything". But she wont. And there will be a long line of blood because she wont.

I suppose the"Menage`a Trois" happened
Oboy, these people.
Franco, just leave already. If she was gonna off herself she'd of done it by now. Dude just leave.

Lol, mau is more pist at Julian's 3rd
Leg than he is the other two. And the
Actor said that line with a straight face. He probly gotta take the Little
Blue pill to get his 3rd leg to stand at attention(mauro not the actor).

Ingrid is a train wreck,ship wreck, 9
Car pile up all rolled into one hot mess. When will it end? She either did
Not have The rest done or did and had
Them tampered with. This woman is so
Exhausting. All of these people are.

Thank you Anita. Y'all stay healthy.

H A P P Y ☆ E A S T E R

Really, Blue? This is the first I've heard of Roberta offing Franco's ex gf. What did they say about it? That would make 3 for Roberta.

Nina—So happy to have you check in. I was getting worried. You must be very overworked. Regardless, your unique voice still comes through.

Ingrid as a ship wreck. That’s a new one. Yes, she is exhausting. I get exhausted just wanting to cut and style that wild mane she wears.

Stay safe and sanitize!!!

I don't know if I agree about Gael and Bianca and 'other' for a threesome. Maybe I'm just hoping they don't go there.
Please don't let kinky Howard pay us a visit here.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Bianca is just playing a joke on Gael. However, if the writers just drop this scene without following through, I'll be pissed as hell.

Juan Soler was great in 'Angela' and 'La Otra'.

"Ingrid is a train wreck,ship wreck, 9
Car pile up all rolled into one hot mess."

You never fail to hit the nail in the head. It's always good to "see" you and read your take on this crazy ride. Stay healthy!

❤ Happy Easter ❤

"Juan Soler was great in 'Angela' and 'La Otra'". Oh dear, Victoria, I'd hope I'd remember if Juan Soler had been in me.

And speaking of Juan Soler and Anita's reply to my comment about street clothes in bed, we all know Juan Soler does not have dirty underwear. Just ask his wife, she's the one over there holding the Spray n Wash bottle.

Rosemary la Otra

RLO--Does his wife spray his nether regions or his undies?
Shame on me. It's Easter and the eggs have all been hidden--6 ft. apart, of course.

R la O, in an early conversation with her former bestie (former as in dead), Roberta mentioned the girl Franco was in love with before they started dating, and how she “suddenly died.” Hmmm.

BL and RlaO - now I remember that conversation about Franco's former girlfriend. 😳

Thanks Blue, I missed that. And yet, now dead bestie still kept visiting, turkey baster in hand.

I'm surprised they haven't come up with a turkey baster idea for berti to get preggers by Franco or tizzy or somebody. There was a situation like that on "the young and the restless"
That's how Victor Newman got one of his children. The lady used a turkey baster with victors sperm. You gotta be desperate do that. No man is ever worth that. Imagine if the kid finds out they're a turkey baster baby. Poor
Kid. I realize what yall were talkin about had nothing to do with turkey
Baster babies.

Stay safe happy and sanitized!


Turkey baster. Ha ha.... Reminds me of the Scott Thurow thriller "Presumed Innocent". The movie featured Harrison Ford. But that was years ago. ... Showing my age again.

Worth watching though. A great suspense story.

Good morning....I am completely lost concerning the turkey baster and dead bestie????

Gray and rainy here. How is everybody doing? Too miserable to go outside, so I will be inside today . Looking forward to the show .

Susanlynn: Remember Tatiana, Roberta's physician friend who was going to inseminate her? Hence, the turkey baster.

Nina: I LOVED Presumed Innocent. It was the first of many Scott Turow books that I read.

There is a bookend to PRESUMED INNOCENT titled INNOCENT; it picks up with Rusty Sabich some 20 years later. I read it last year and thought it was pretty good.

I think Luciana did artificially inseminate Roberta, I remember that scene, but it did not take. Berta had been taking hormones for it, too.

It's cold here again, and it is "Dogwood Winter" because the dogwoods are blooming right now during this cold spell. We don't have the flooding that East Tennessee got last night, so that's good.

Among all this crap, we had tornadoes this morning and no power since 4 am. Duke says restoration won't be until 10 pm tonight at the earliest.
Thank goodness my hubby bought a portable battery charger because I think I'll go crazy without my novela fix. How I ever lived in third world countries, I'll never know.

Be safe you guys.

Started raining here last night after a sunny Easter day and has been pouring out today. Cable went off and then on right away twice.

It's turned sunny here after overnight rain, Susanlynn. I'm disposed to go get muddy in the garden. I have one more peony to plant. I want to breathe some fresh air and admire my beautiful pink dogwood and check the progress on the azalea blossoms.

If any of you have an hour to spend (waste), go tune in to Gov. Cuomo's daily briefing for today (4/13). He walks in about 10 min. after the site goes live. He was in fine form and the information he gave is cautiously hopeful. He's in the #keepFauci camp.


P.S. I also loved Presumed Innocent--a long time ago. In Hijas de la Luna, I recall that Nina first suggested a turkey baster impregnation and called it En Vitro Virtualization. She didn't know how close she got at the time, since Leo kept insisting she'd never been unfaithful.

Victoria--I hope the rest of your community is ok and as awful as it is to be without electricity, you are fortunate to still have shelter. I still resist the idea of getting a generator, but one sure saved our butts years ago in a hurricane while visiting my family in Boston.

Anita...thanks for the link to Cuomo's daily briefing. I'm a big fan. Will tune in after I finish today's recap.

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