Monday, April 27, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #50, 4/27/20: Just About Everybody Has a No Good, Very Bad Day

Well Petite Patio, it hit the fan hot and heavy today.  Lic. Tiziano may still be flying high, but everyone else was brought low. And even though young Gabriel and Julieta got their rocks off, it's fair to assume neither one was very happy by days end.  But let's delay the cascade of calamities and spoon feed the episode to you bit by miserable bit.  Sounds fun, doesn't it?  And if some of you choose to fast-forward through the whole dang thing, well...I've done my best.

Paolo's Really Really Sad Apartment

We begin with our depressing duo: Natalia and Paolo.  She's still waxing poetic about how much she loves him, and he's all minor chords as in "Yeah you changed my life too.  FOR WORSE!  First you broke my body.  And then you broke my heart!"  This earns him a string of perdonames, and when that doesn't fly, she calls the police station, confesses to her crime and turns herself in.  In no time at all, the cops are there, handcuff her and haul her off, while Soggy Paolo cries some more.  All I can think of is--if these two ever get back together again and their kids one day ask "Hey Dad, how did you and Mom ever meet?" Do you suppose they'll get the real story?
The Really Really Upset Bufete

Lots of sturm und drang going on here too.  Alba is still hysterically trying to get Franco to listen to her (he never does) and Roberta is shooing her out with shrieks and a lot of largates. After that, Robbie settles in to harangue Franco.  He can't let their darling daughter go to jail.  Do something! (He doesn't.) And let me just say, I don't like Roberta but at least she harangues in a low, husky voice, whereas Alba is an ear-splitting shrieker.

Mauro is also in a snit about the newspaper article, and having been led to believe Ingrid's the one who squealed (thanks Julián) is demanding our gypsy lass come in for an up close and personal tongue-lashing.  Juls, lying through his muscular teeth, paints Ingrid as a weaselly woman who seduced both him and Mauro in order to get Alba sent back to jail.  And now she's got Tiziano is her clutches as well! Zounds!

A bit later, all the assembled lawyers (minus Franco) meet to discuss how they're going to handle the PR mess of having one of their staff's progeny arrested for a hit and run.  Clients are in an uproar and threatening to pull out.  We must do something!

Meanwhile Nat's doing the perp walk down the sidewalk outside the law office while rabid reporters wave microphones in her face, and Soggy Paolo, off to one side is...wait for it...still crying.  Lordy, what a dweeb.  Franco and Roberta also shoulder their way through the throng and hop in a car, looking suitably anguished of course.  It's. just. all. so. sad.

The So Inappropriate Aqua House

Well, we seen some pretty awful love scenes at this place, but today's takes the cake. After some sweet kisses that quickly turn smouldering,  Gabriel, never one to miss an opportunity to play a strong hand, is telling Julieta his days are numbered, he won't get better.And so...well, before he dies he'd like to make love to the woman he loves.  She hesitates for half a second and then starts undressing.  Yes.  Seriously.  Move over Mrs. Robinson, Julieta is here and ready to ramble with a 15-year-old.

Later, when Alba arrives and thanks her "for all she did for Gabriel" Viewerville is either cringing or snickering.  Take your pick.

The Really Really Upset Bufete

Mauro is still in a lather when Ingrid arrives and she just doesn't care.  Blows him off with a "you defend criminals here but not me, buster,  and as far as I'm concerned, you're history.  I've got me a lawyer (Tiziano) who'll do everything I want to get Alba back in Prison...nyah, nyah, nyah."  Yep, Mauro has definitely met his match.

A Little Drunk Dialing

Honestly, I don't know if Roberta is drinking, but let's assume so.  Anyway she calls Alba to let her know she hates her with all her heart.  She ruined her perfect family.  But now she's going to pay with her blood! (More details later.  Hold your horses, Patio!)

Franco Tries to Smooth Things Over 

He visits Paolo to let him know how betrayed and ashamed he feels about his daughter's actions.  But hey, he DID promise to find the culprit.  And now he has. So there.  Paolo sneers and doesn't even believe Dad just found out the ugly truth.  But whatever.  Now Franco will do everything to get his little princess out, right?  Wrong.  Franco is a man of principle.  Decisions matter.  Acts matter. Let the law decide.  After that noble speech, Papa whisks over to the jail where Nat is sitting pretty on a plaid blanket and is all "Yes, I'm fine.  Everybody is very nice here."  Franco wants to know why she didn't talk to him first before turning herself in but that's a moot point.  All Nat wants to know is if he still loves her. (He does.) And how about a hug? (She gets it, cell bars notwithstanding.)

The Bad Penney

Katja (always there, never wanted, just like Julián) has come to claim Nat's leavings.  Takes her about two seconds to drape herself all over Soggy Paolo's body as he bemoans having his heart ripped out.  Both agree he fell in love with the wrong woman.  FFwd.

The Still So Inappropriate Aqua House

Alba and Ingrid.  Her lines.  And her lines.  Best part is when Ingrid starts musing about what a hawt guy Tiz is and maybe she can get his lawyer fees at a discount.  You know, by putting out, like you did with Franco.  Alba shrieks some more and vows "One day!..." while Ingrid sneers,  "Give Nat a kiss from me when you land back in jail, sweetie."

More Drunk Dialing

Roberta, looking the worse for wear, is haranguing Tiziano about not ruining Alba's life quickly enough.  He promises her that Alba's hopes will be shattered and her heart broken by the next morning.

Another Bad Penney

Alba is back in Franco's office for another high decibel, "You must believe me.  You must listen to me.  How could you betray our love this way?! I can't lose you!!!!" He begs fatigue.  He needs to assimilate.  When she keeps on, he gets tougher.  "Leave and don't come back! And take your painting with you!"  Okay.  Two can play this game buster.  She smashes the canvas on one of his client chairs and stomps out.  But just in case we don't realize how really really sad and tragic this is, a voice in the background is wailing some doleful love lament.  She heads back to the café, weeps copiously, paints a really ugly picture and gets comforted by Bianca.

Bad Penney Two shows up in the manly form of Julián who wants Franco to let him be Natalia's defense attorney. He understands he'll have to resign from the firm in order to do that, and he's okay with it.  Franco accepts the resignation but tells him he'll work under HIS strict supervision.

Elsewhere in the office, Gael is reassuring Mauro that he has the necessary witness to keep Alba from going back to prison.  It's the nurse who took care of Javier.  Does he have her signed declaration?  No, but he'll have it tomorrow morning in time to thwart Tiziano. (Is anybody else worried about the hot babe that Tiz sicced on our lusty lawyer? Yeah, me too.)

That conversation concluded, Gael zips over to Franco's office just in time to hear Bianca declaring that Alba is the woman she loves, and she would never dump her like sleazy Franco just did.  The happy gas leaks out of Gael immediately.  He'll come back later to clue Franco in on Alba's case.

The Really Really Happy Chemo Suite

Gabe, after an initial wince, is all happy and enjoying the company of a pert little gal also receiving chemo.  She's lost all her hair yet strangely has copious eyelashes.  And some lollipops.  Which she shares.  When Alba sees the chemistry between these two she gets all hopeful for a normal novia but Gabe sets her straight.  He only has eyes for Julieta.

The Not So Happy Café

Gael and Bianca are processing their off-kilter friendship.  She's explaining how Alba's stunning beauty inside and out won her over.  But she never said anything, because y'know...why broadcast that I'm gay?  Gael's got another pitch then: okay, you can't get the gal you love, but we could still be an unconventional couple--and raise our kid together.  This sweet dream gets doused when the hawt babe Tiz hired drifts in and plants a big kiss on Gael.  Bianca looks at him with disgust.  Not happenin' bro.

Bad Penney Two Goes to Jail

Poor Julián.  Always there, never wanted.  This time it's Natalia that just wants him to leave.  So what if he's her lawyer per Papa's agreement.  Just vamoose!

Tiziano Makes Good on his Bad Promise

Our bonnie blue-eyed lawyer with underworld contacts has arranged for Gabriel to be kidnapped.  There's the usual suspicious black van, two thugs, an hysterical mother and a woozy teenager thrown into the back.  Alba chases after the van weeping and wailing.  Then turns to harangue the bystanders for not doing anything.  And there we end.

Oh my, dear Patio.  There was a lot of haranguing in this one.  And lots and lots of bad mojo going on.  And I'm pretty sure it will run that way right up to the last episode.  So gird your loins, lay in a supply of ice cream, and we'll all get through this together.


Judy, thank you. I don't actually know who any of these characters are, but your great recap made me kinda sorry I decided not to watch this TN. But, then again, it probably doesn't measure up to the recaps.

Aside from that I hope everybody is doing well, staying safe, and definitely NOT drinking any bleach cocktails.


ANDY...Thank goodness you checked in. We've been fretting about you, you being in NYC and all. This story is supposed to be a serious, heart-wrenching drama, but most of the time it's just inadvertently funny. The upside is no one's stressing about Ruptured Romance (like we did in Sin tu Mirada). Mostly we're just yawning.

I promise not to drink any bleach nor inject any sunshine if humanly possible. I'm thinking you might like Te Doy la Vida. There's some humor in that. And Como tú no hay Dos might be right up your alley. It debuts at 10 tonight and as I recall, you're a night owl.

Anyway, you left a disconsolate harem here on the afternoon shows, so stop by more often will you? We miss you compadre. A lot of hens and no cocky rooster to ruffle the feathers.

Judy, you've brought brightly shining stars out tonight.

I have no idea what is going on with this, but I drank in every delicious word.

My absolute favorite is “She's still waxing poetic” and he's all minor chords.” Truly inspired and very clever.

How could anyone not be intrigued by "But let's delay the cascade of calamities and spoon feed the episode to you bit by miserable bit". Excellent.

Other gems were "cringing or snickering", "weeps copiously" and of curse "copious eyelashes". This flowed seamlessly...

Andy, so good to see your comment! I'm happy to say I'm not drinking any bleach cocktails:) I laughed out loud - you always make me smile.

Judy, thank you for this sweet summary. Your recaps never fail to fully delight and this was no exception. Gracias amiga for your creativity and marvelous sense of humor.


Judy – thank you for your recap. Yes, indeed, it “hit the fan” all over everything, everywhere.

Oh! the drama of it all! ~snort~
But the music was really really good today. :-D

‘How I Met Your Mother v2.0’ LOL Judy!

ITA with you about Roberta’s gargles-with-whiskey voice vs. Alba’s shrieking (oy!).

Move over Mrs. Robinson, Julieta is here and ready to ramble with a 15-year-old.
Ew! Yuck! That was just so gross and inappropriate. Worst thing is we cannot unsee that, either.

”She's lost all her hair yet strangely has copious eyelashes.”
Oh my word, wasn't that just a hoot?!? Only in telenovelalandia, right? For a minute there, I thought this would go down a John Green THE FAULT IN OUR STARS road. Eh…

Well, confirmed(!) that Bianca is so into Alba. I still can’t remember who here predicted that, but you deserve an extra credit BINGO square!

ANDY BANDA - so nice to see you stopping by our little Petit Patio!!! Not to worry, I’m not stupid enough to inject disinfectant or drink bleach cocktails, but I do watch silly telenovelas. :-D

Dear judyb,loved your bouncy recap of all the goings on. We need your fun , excellent recaps more than ever during these very strange days. Thank you.

Hi, Andy. So happy to see you. The was worried about you. How is life in the Big Apple?

I couldn't believe that scene of Julieta -old-enough-to -be-your-mother doing a striptease for a 15-year- old. Yikes . When I started teaching in a senior high right out of college at age 22, there were a bunch o young women teachers who started with me. Senior boys are just 4 years younger than teachers who are fresh out of college , and they flirt with female teachers , but the teachers have to learn to put them in our their place . On top of everything, I think that Gabe has a very babyish face..BabyGabe, whereas some 15 year old boys look much older. Oh well, it's just a show.

Wouldn't it be a unique twist if Alba ended up with Blanca ?


DIANA...I laughed when you said you had no idea what’s going on with this. I HAVE NO IDEA EITHER!,!!! And I’ve been watching since the beginning. We still don’t know if Mauro killed his wife or self-immolated. We think Ingrid poisoned both Javier and Gabriel. Or maybe they really had—or have leukemia. Nobody—absolutely nobody understands why Tiziano wants Crazy Bertie. And as for the rest of the characters, we’ve pretty much lost interest. So you’re doubly sweet to drop by and give a tired, toothless recapper encouragement. Thanks amiga.

DORIS...Oh my, when Julieta grinned and started slowly, silkily slipping off her blouse I thought— my friend Doris is not going to like this. And me either. Sorry, folks, but when it’s with minors, it’s abuse. Pure and simple. Let’s not romanticize it.

And I think it was URBAN who first noticed the love struck glances Bianca was giving Alba. Silly old me kept holding out for Gael. Dang those writers anyway.

At this point I’m so annoyed I’m ready for Paolo to end up with Katia and for Nat to get stuck with Julian.

Maybe I’ll be a nicer person in the morning. Thanks for checking in guys!


SUSANLYNN....Missed your comment amiga. And I know what you mean about flirtatious male students. I paid for graduate school by teaching Introductory French (the actual professors sure didn’t want to teach it) and every frat boy tried to score some points with the teacher. Girl students were just as bad if the teaching assistant was male. We peons all shared an office and got to witness some really blatant come ons. Made easier since this was still the era of the mini-skirt. Ah well, funny treading down that Memory Lane once again.

"but when it’s with minors, it’s abuse"
It's also called statutory rape here in the U.S.

JudyB, this was haranguebly good. If that's even a word. And spelled rite.

What a hawt hot hawt mess we have here
Patio. Every body is shot to hell and
Screwed up. And to add insult to injury the childlover gets kiddynapped
Yeah, kiddynapped. Isnt statutory rape
Illegal in Mexico? And the world? Wow
This isn't love in the afternoon, this
Is insanity in the twilight zone.

13 more Episodes? Are we lookin at time jumps maybe? Did they hurry up and finish this before corona shut down production? This might be messy.
It'll be interesting to see what they do with 13 more Episodes.

Just take julian,berti,ingy,tizzy,mua
And all the other annoying people and
Drop them in a hole(bottomless pit).
That's almost 1/2 the cast.

Thank you JudyB. This was a dreadful episode, but a good recap. Kinda funny
Too. Take care patio.

Bien hecho, Judy.

Strange Days have found us.

This wasn't the first novela that had me yelling at the screen, but it outdid LSdP.

Natalia, Emphasize that Julián drugged you. Before you go to the police. And don't continue to protect your toxic mother.

Julián, we don't think that Mauro will forgive you for this.

Julieta, Keep your eyes open around this bitch. Be careful because there could be cameras anywhere in that place. Locking the door isn't enough.

[Televisa, you really crossed a line here. People have not forgotten Mary Kay Letourneau.]

Natalia, you really should have called your father first/.

Franco, keep Roberta out of the public eye after this. You don't want the gutter press to see the crocodile tears.

Katia, eres un buitre.

Tizzy, I doubt you ever were an honest man, but now you're just plain stupid.

Franco, don't agree to this. He's as big a monster as Roberta.

Gael, don't forget the video on Alba's cell phone.

Bianca, you definitely need to keep this secret.

Tizzy, you will burn in hell for this.

The bleach cocktails and the Lysol
Injections, ain't that dumb. Please no body do that, please.

Watching drunk dialing is bad enough.
And smashing ugly paintings, and then
Painting ugly paintings. Yall ain't life Wonderful these days? Yall stay safe.

"Wait for it...still crying." Yep, that about sums it up. Thanks, Judy, for the fun recap.

Franco sure turned cold on Alba. He just wasn't listening. Maybe he broke up with her in an effort to rid himself of that awful painting. And, at least Slap Happy Alba didn't haul off and lay one on him.

Natalia's legs in her jeans look just like Barbie doll legs, like far apart sticks. She is now down to 6 eyelashes per eye.

I hope Paolo finds out that Katia was sleeping with his "friend".

And Paolo's other friend... the musician with the big hair... did the writer's forget that he also likes Bianca? That subplot went nowhere.

Thanks again Judy and let me threepeat: Do not inject sanitizer! Ridiculous.

Judy, Diana, Doris, Susanlynn, thank you for your kind comments. So far I'm doing fine, hoping to continue so, and hoping everybody here does as well.

I will check out the new TNs, but I'm still watching Mi corazón es tuyo and MCET is a real hoot. Just as silly as any other but enough fun and eye candy that it's worth the time. I am also going to take a look at La que no podía amar.
It is on for two hours starting at 9 AM so it will be strictly watching the DVR recording. (Judy, you are right, I am very much a night owl.) But I can't pass up the chance to see Ana Brenda again. I fell madly in love with her when I saw her in Blue Demon.

It is wonderful that Caray has recaps and comments still available for these TNs and I read them all and they are a great help. I do miss having a friendly argument from time to time though.

I will stop by occasionally, but I'm no cocky rooster and I'm not sure it's safe for a guy to spend too much time here. The first episode or two of MDC I saw some woman grab a guy by his private parts and then toss a guy over a balcony railing to have him go splat down below. I don't know/remember if it was the same couple, but it doesn't matter. When the patio cheered all this I decided it was not a safe place for a not-so-cocky rooster.
And just now I saw a Modelo beer commercial with a young woman pummeling another in a cage-like ring.

There was a time, not too long ago, when I thought that perhaps I should get more in touch with my feminine side. I've changed my mind, too scary.


Take care, everybody. See you in the funny papers,


"Natalia, you really should have called your father first/."
'But... but ... I'm an adult! My drivers license says so, and I have car keys! I'm taking charge of my life.'
(Gah) ;-p

Good Morning my Wild and Crazy Opinionated Patio. Love it when you unleash all your strong reactions to this very strange story. Somehow we thought this was going to be a measured, thoughtful study of the ethics of mercy killing. But it's degenerated into a turgid mess of assassinations, hit and runs, threesomes and statutory rape. Ugh, I'm going to need gastric medication after this one winds up.

NINA...You said it best! "This isn't love in the afternoon, this
Is insanity in the twilight zone." Making me laugh again, lady. In retrospect, I would have loved to use that as my title. Too true, too true!

And our JUST ASK URBAN also nailed it:
[Televisa, you really crossed a line here. People have not forgotten Mary Kay Letourneau.]

I know Televisa has used the storyline of an older woman with a much much younger man. But in Sortilegio (which is playing on Unimás at noon) the man IS a man. Of age and then some. Granted he's the same age as her stepson, but he's an adult. It's legal. The situation with Julieta and Gabriel is just creepy. And they already have her son Pedro seemingly okay with it, no longer mad at his buddy for coming on to Mom. Just ugh and double ugh.

ROSEMARY LA OTRA...You certainly proposed an interesting theory, albeit tongue in cheek:

"Franco sure turned cold on Alba. He just wasn't listening. Maybe he broke up with her in an effort to rid himself of that awful painting."

Works for me. At least Ms. Alba now has some knowledge of Franco's character that she hadn't yet discovered in this whirlwind romance--he can turn on a dime from affectionate and protective to cold and rejecting. File that away in your Romance Rolodex lady. It's important info. And ah yes, the subplot with Dante hankering after Bianca. It went nowhere. Well, he came to the big city with his pal Paolo. They both had big dreams of striking it big and finding love to boot. Neither is doing well at the moment.

NINA AGAIN...I too hope that Paolo finds out about Katia sleeping with his good buddy. There have been so many betrayals and lies in this story, as well as so many dropped sub-plots (thanks R la O) that we're left with a lot of unanswered questions in addition to our nausea.

ANDY AGAIN...Can't blame you for loving Mi Corazón es Tuyo. The main actress is amazing--not just as an actress who really seems to be crying when upset, but Wowza, is she an athlete! Being a for-real pole dancer takes incredible strength and coordination. I'm in awe of what she accomplished in that aspect of the story. Just stay "safe and sanitized" as our Nina says, and check in often so we know you're still okay.

DORIS AGAIN...Yep, legally Natalia is an adult. But emotionally I'm thinking 10 years old tops. Cuddly plush toys on bed and evidently not much will of her own. Let's herself be pushed around alternately by Julián, Roberta and Daddy Franco. A pretty little Barbie doll who says te amo and perdoname and not much else. Yawn.

Thanks, Judy! Another rollicking recap. Here are my faves:

"He can't let their darling daughter go to jail. Do something! (He doesn't.)"

"Juls, lying through his muscular teeth..."

"Honestly, I don't know if Roberta is drinking, but let's assume so."

"She heads back to the café, weeps copiously, paints a really ugly picture and gets comforted by Bianca."

"The happy gas leaks out of Gael immediately."

"She's lost all her hair yet strangely has copious eyelashes. And some lollipops."

I laugh out loud an average of twice per episode of this pig's breakfast, and not when they want me to, but I crack up about once per paragraph of your recaps. Thanks again!

ANDY, the tn definitely does NOT measure up to the recaps. Carry on as you were.

DORIS, it WAS good music, except during the Franco/Alba art-vandalism scene, when the vocalist was screeching so loudly I couldn't hear a word...on the other hand, thanks, vocalist.

I think it was R LA O who pegged Bianca's smoldering glances from the start. Good call!

BLUE LASS...Goodness, what a lovely compliment. I'm very happy if I can make you laugh because, as you know, I'm a big fangirl of your humor. So right now I'm shaking my pom-poms, in spite of another dreary, cold, rainy day of "sheltering in place". This Social Distancing has got me so off-balance, I'm actually wanting to do yard work. And that is so not me! But you can only read, house clean, cook and watch TV so much.

I know, I know, those of you who are grappling with the difficulties of working remotely have it a gazillion times worse. But we oldsters like to know how it is.

Thanks for checking in and giving my spirits a boost. I'm looking forward to seeing this turgid tale wrapped up. But the Patio is definitely the best, no matter what the show.

Good morning, lovely patio peeps.

Andy Again, I am relieved to know that you are well and safe and just not choosing subject yourself to these crazy characters and plot.

Judyb..thanks for giving me some smiles with your recaps. I drop in every day to pick them up . The sun is finally shining here after days of rain and gloom. Time for a power walk my driveway and backyard.

SUSANLYNN....Ah, power walking in the driveway and yard. And I'm power walking in the house during these rainy days. You know what it makes me think of?...those animals pacing back and forth in their zoo enclosures.

Mind you, I'm not protesting the Shelter in Place rules. I'm very glad that our governor imposed them so early. But it gets to you after a while.

Thank goodness we can drop into the Patio every whipstitch to make each other laugh. Or regale each other with dental horror stories. Whatever! I would feel very isolated indeed without this lovely site. Weren't we lucky that Melinama started it so many years ago!? It's the gift that keeps on giving.

JudyB--The recap was just great. So were all the side-splitting comments. I'm just not in good humor today. Hate the gray days.

I cringed AND snickered and FF> as quickly as I could through Julieta's striptease. Thank goodness it left the rest of it to our imaginations and I switched my imagination off right away.

I'm watching Sortilegio, reading the recaps and comments and will start LQNPA tonight. Just a glutton for Spanish punishment, I guess. Yesterday Alex and MJ made love for the first time. That's the way a love scene ought to be seen. Kudos to Monica Miguel.

Glad to know Andy is healthy and still very funny.

I think Alba should end up with Bianca and they raise the child together.

Why am I not more upset by the kidnapping. Hmmm. Maybe because it's so close to El Fin de todo. I'm not looking forward to more mother Alba-shrieking. I wonder how Ingrid will take this, especially since she thinks Tiz is on her side. Maybe this episode is supposed to bring Franco and Alba back together, but I think they've done each other too much damage. Anyway, not looking forward to the reconciliation, if there is one. It will ring false.

Maybe Emanuel, Katia and Soggy Pao can form a threesome. She can cuddle with Pao and get some action from Manny. Then Manny can make breakfast for the three of them and Katia can wash dishes while Pao cries some more.

This tale would have been so much better if Pao had really had a chance to walk again, maybe not play futbol again, but maybe coach or manage a team of youngsters, do something useful with his life besides "haranguing" against his hit and run perpetrator for 50 episodes. I wouldn't have minded watching a few more scenes of rehab. I recently watched two episodes of Ken Burns series on FDR. I was really moved by the extreme efforts he took to get the use of his legs back and the extreme pain he was in most of the time.

A bright yellow goldfinch just came to my birdfeeder. I haven't seen one in a long time. Time has slowed down and it gives us a chance to appreciate the smaller world around us.

I think I'll go make a pizza dough from scratch--it's been about 50 years since the last time I made one!

"And they already have her son Pedro seemingly okay with it, no longer mad at his buddy for coming on to Mom."
And that's only because Pedro thinks Gabe will die from his leukemia, so that makes it all okay, right? NOOOOOoooooo!

"This isn't love in the afternoon, this
Is insanity in the twilight zone."

NINA - I just love this and am calling "dibs" on it to use for a recap title. ☺

" Yesterday Alex and MJ made love for the first time. That's the way a love scene ought to be seen. Kudos to Monica Miguel."]
Oh, I still remember that scene. I saved it on my VHS tape for weeks, so I could watch it a few more times before I recorded over it. It was really enchanting and well done.

And I like your idea of Alba & Bianca ending up together, but I think our Alba is straight as an arrow.

Wow Patio...interesting discussion. And DORIS...Don't blame you for co-opting NINA's great quip for a recap title. It's superb.

ANITA...I hear ya, lady. Gloomy, cold rainy days just send me to an emotional dungeon. But I'm totally with you on the Sortilegio scene (you too DORIS). The music was perfect, including the slow, instrumental cascade as he loosened the strap on her blouse. And good Lord, that man has perfect proportions, in addition to the half-smile, and the wink that make him irresistible. As I watched, I was thinking the same thing as you--nobody crafts and films love scenes like Monica Miguel. That one is the only one that comes close to Fernando Colunga's love scenes in Amor Real. [fanning myself here].

Totally agree with you that more scenes of rehab (and less of te amo's and perdoname's)would have made for a better story. Is Paolo going to work as a go-fer in the law office for the rest of his life?

And loved your salute to the bright yellow goldfinch. I've had a similar "time slowing down" moment realizing what beautiful backyards my neighbors to the east have when I look out our upstairs bedroom window. In fact I even emailed one of them to tell her how much I was enjoying their landscaping and flowering trees. It's definitely time to count our blessings, whatever they may be, and give thanks for still being healthy.

" Is Paolo going to work as a go-fer in the law office for the rest of his life?"
That might depend on whether he earned a college degree and has something to fall back on. Of course, he could go to college now and get a degree, even be a lawyer. Remember Raymond Burr in IRONSIDE?

Excellent idea DORIS. Ironsides!!! We need to get you on the writing team for this mess of a story

OT..Anita,after several days of rain and gloom here we have a beautiful, sunny day in the 60s. Maybe this sunny weather will head south to you. I agree that Monica Miguel is a master at directing love scenes especially those starring Fernando. HOwever, my fav scene is the wedding episode from the first season of Outlander. I forget who the director is.

I just had a grocery delivery so I spent some time wiping boxes and bags with Clorox wipes..such a bizarre time .

Well, I just climbed a ladder to get leaves and gonk out of the gutter on the patio roof. Now, to take a walk in this sun.

Stay well and safe all. I wonder if we will ever get back to anywhere near normal life.

susanlynn - I'm holding on to believing we will get back to normal one day, but it might be a year for that to happen.

Doris...can you hear me groaning ????

Susanlynn - yes, and I am groaning with you, 😞

We're all groaning. I hate being paranoid about germs and washing my hands every two seconds like I'm preparing for surgery. And I hate going to the grocery store while worrying about getting infected. I hate seeing the outside world as a possible threat. Granted I'm basically a naive person, but I tend to view the universe as benign--a safe place. Clearly it is both benign and dangerous. It just depends on the time, day and location. But I liked feeling "safe" even if it was an illusion. No such illusions these days!

Doris please feel free to use that quip girl and any others you want. I like Makin y'all laugh.
You know how you made me laugh? You power walking down the drive way and backyard. I have a rather large backyard, and walked around it and a part of my neighbors yard with my ear
Buds in my ears listening to my gospel
Music, walkin to The Beat.

Don't have to Go to the beach around all those germy people. And I'm about 5 blocks from the the beach and it's still closed. We'll see what happens after may 1st.

Andy I'm glad to hear you are Ok and safe. To the rest of the patio, y'all
Hang in there

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