Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 9/28/20, Chapter 6: Lies and Lives at Risk

I'm back in Mexico City where money can't buy honesty. This is such a high-level case I'm going to have a good time with it. There is a lot to dig up. Should be a best-seller someday. – Dashiell Hammet

Leo found Elisa in the airport lobby, head down as though she were crying. She wasn't, but was clearly distressed.

What happened?” he asked.

My sister was kidnapped. They threatened me they would kill her if I went to the police, if I told my family, if I didn't do what they demanded. They said they would return her to me once I did and they did not. Help me. Help me, please. I implore you.”

He embraced her as he looked around. “Try to calm down.”

They won't return her to me until I give them the things they said my father stole.”

Do you know where they are?”

No, no. I have no idea. They're capable of killing her.”

We will save her,” he said. “I will help you.”

No, Leo. No, no, no, I don't know how.”

You don't know what I can do. I will investigate –”

No. you can't. We can't risk her life –” She tried to leave, but he stopped her.

Don't forget that this is related to the murder of my fiancée. I can help you. My car is outside; let's get out of here.”

He took her suitcase and they left, looking around warily.

While Dario Ramirez waited outside the terminal in his car watching the door Fernanda Navarro was being questioned. Leo's partners were thorough.

My relationship with Augusto was strictly professional,” she told them. “He was my best friend's father.”

And how it is that your best friend's father was depositing money into your bank account?” asked Adriana.

Because I had a serious money problem. I was behind on rent and could have been evicted. He lent me the money.” Mario looked at his notes.

You spoke with him on the night he was murdered. What did you talk about?”

The usual things. That day was Elisa's birthday; I was busy. I had to get things in order. I was to let him know when she arrived.”

Are you aware if Señor Cantú had any enemies of if he'd been threatened?”

Did anything seem strange in the last few days?


Did he at any time receive a message that looked suspicious?”

Not that I remember.”

Do you know anything about the relationship between Augusto Cantú and Julia Álvarez?”


She never came to the office?”

No. I never met her. I don't know who she is. I don't know of any relationship.”

Well, just to be clear,” Mario said while staring at her, “your relationship with Augusto Cantú was strictly professional, but he had sone special feeling for you that he lent you a lot of money when you had a problem. And you didn't know of any relationship with Julia Álvarez?”

Exacttly.” She looked at Adriana. “Anything else?”

No, that will be all. But if you remember anything you've forgotten, call us.”

Mario handed her a business card.

Can I show you out?”

No thanks; we know the way,” he said.

Victoria and her maid set the dinner table for a homecoming that wasn't going to happen. The ill wind that was her oldest daughter blew in through the front door. The first words out of her mouth were “Why? You never put out flowers for me.”

Ay, no, Renata. Besides, you and I need to talk. Why are you trying to sell your shares to Eugenio?”

Why not? They're mine, aren't they?”

Why? It's crazy to do that now. The family will lose control –”

The family? No, just you and Elisa. I'm the zero on the left side of –”

Renata, I don't want to argue with you. We have to talk.”

Fine, let's talk. Let's go on pretending that we're the perfect family and nothing ever happens.”

Leo and Elisa reviewed the situation again. She did not know where her father had hidden the contraband art or whom he was selling the items to. He repeated that she could not do this alone, that it was too dangerous. That she needed police involvement, but she refused again. He prevented her from leaving. “If you get involved it can't be official,” she said. “Can you do that?” He shrugged. She picked up her jacket and turned to leave.


She stopped and turned around.

What will you do?”

I will continue to investigate.”

Promise you won't involve anyone else.”

I promise.”

Eugenio called Victoria, who told him that Maria José was coming home. Of course he knew that was impossible.

Majo?” he asked “From New York? From the university?” He was trying to buy himself time to think of another lie.

She only went for a few days. I need her here, near me. I have a strange vibe. Something disquieting.”

That will leave you when you see your daughter.”

Yes... why don't you and Sonia join us for dinner?”

Of course; you can count on us. I'm also eager to see Majo.”

His hausekeeper appeared to tell him someone was at the door. He nodded and ended the call.

Adriana and Mario met with José Luis to describe their meeting with Fernanda.

She seemed very nervous, so the story about the apartment is bogus,” she said. “It's obvios she was never going to lose it. The rent was being paid.”

Check on all the bank transactions on her account,” José Luis said. Mario nodded. “I don't want any surprises.”

She was hiding something; that was very clear. A fancy apartment in the middle of the city? We need to dig deeper.”

Do it. I'll take charge of this.”

Fernanda stood against the wall, thinking about her next move. Her mother brought ner a cup of coffee.

I knew this man would cause problems,” she said, offering the cup. Fernanda deliberately knocked the cup and saucer out of her mother's hand. She then looked coldly at her mother and said “One of these days I will go and leave you alone to see what you've done.” She then took her purse and left.

Eugenio spoke with Dario, who had an accomplice watching from the sidewalk.

Elisa is complying well with all our demands,” he said. “Has she resisted?”

No, but she behaved badly when we didn't surrender her sister.”

I would like to know how you justify this. Where are you keeping her? Her mother is desperate.”

I suppose her lover will bring her from the airport.”

Lover? I don't know of anyone like that. Investigate that, but don't repeat a word of anything I told you. ”

I don't think she will betray us. I see she is very worried about her sister.”

A desperate woman is capable of anything.”

Dario looked at his pocket.

What happened? Are you in a hurry?”

I need to see Maria José. She doesn't want to eat.”

Don't get too interested in my niece. She is forbidden to you and any others who kidnapped her.” Dario started to turn away, but Eugenio stopped him. “And don't return here to see me at my home. I don't want you near my family or my business. Is that clear?” Dario nodded, alnost imperceptibly. “Your place is in the shadows. Don't forget that.”

Dario left. He may have seen Sonia at the top of the stairs.

Elisa and Leo walked outside, repeating again the risk to her sister's life as her cell rang. She saw who it was.

Where is my sister?” she demanded.

Still with your lover?” Dario asked. “What have you told him, enough to endanger your sister?”

He knows nothing.”

Therefore, why hide him? I never saw him near your home.”

You know it all. Explain to me what to say to my mother. The truth? So she will run to the police? Is that what you want?”

First of all, don't raise your voice and say things that offend me. Missy. Don't forget that I was the one robbed. If you don't want things to get worse for your sister keep your voice down. And be very careful what you say to your family and especially to your imbecile lover boy.” He then ended the call.

You see?” she said, looking at Leo. “He's following me. All the time he's following me.”

Leo looked around.

You have to tell me the whole truth. We're in this together. There can't be any lies between us. You can't hide anything from me.” He looked around again. “We need to talk in a safer place.”

When you get my message follow the order I give you,” Eugenio said over the phone. He ended the call as Sonia came down the stairs.

When are you coming back?” she asked.

Don't know; in the evening. I'm going to Victoria's house. You're invited, too, but it would be better for you to have a headache.”

She paused a moment and said “Alright, but I will ask you one favor: The guy who was just here? Tell him not to come here anymore. I don't know; something about him scares me.”

Eugenio looked into her eyes and touched her face. “My love,” he said, “Don't meddle in my affairs.” He looked away for a second. “This is my house and it's full of decorations and you are one decoration more. And decorations neither move nor think.” He kissed her cheek before leaving the house.

Dario returned to the prison he created for his captive. His guards told him she had still refused to eat. The doctor they had called earlier said this would be a problem if it continued. Dario ordered them to follow Elisa and report all her movements. Especially anything suspicious. They all left.

Justino Álvarez sat in his apartment, thinking about the medications his pension could not afford. His daughter Clara brought him a cup of tea. They had the same disagreement as many times before, about her getting work outside the home. This time he objected to the idea of her working for Victoria Cantú. “That woman will ruin the memory of your sister, don't you realize that?”

Papa, I want a better life. I want to study and this would be a great opportunity to afford it. Please.”

He ended up apologizing before retiring to bed, saying he never wanted her to leave school.

Leo and Elisa sat under an umbrella on a barge café. She liked the location. He told her he needed to know all that she knew. She began the tale.

Dario put a beribboned box on the table near two stemmed water glasses.

I brought you this from New York,” he said. When she did not look at him he went to the other side of the bed and sat down. He opened the box. “Don't you like this?” It raised a small smile on her sad face. She gave a slight shrug and said “Later.” She asked him why. “Does it occur to you for the first time to worry about your health?”

She looked down and closed the box. “When do I get out of here?”

Dario looked at her for a moment, then ate one of the chocolates.

What is Elisa's lover's name?” he asked.

What lover?”

What do you mean? The guy who is with her everywhere.” When she said nothing he got impatient. “Well, well, well, well. I bring you gifts, you ask when you get out of here....What is her lover's name?”

Majo cringed at his shouting. She then shook her head.

I don't know, I swear. She hasn't dated anyone in a year.”

He swung his arm as though to hit her, then got up and left the room, slamming the door.

Elisa described the kidnapping and being brought to the shack with black hoods. She then described how the leader set up her cell, which is how he is able to follow her. She didn't hear his name ad Leo asked her to describe him. She did.

These men knew the exact hour of the flight you and your sister were trying to make. It's likely that this was planned by someone close to your family, including possibly a member of your family.”

In my family? No.” She shook her head.

The doorbell rang at the Cantú residence. Victoria was excited as she shouted for the maid, who opened the door to Eugenio. He entered alone.

They're not here yet,” Victoria told him.

Don't worry. You know this city is chaos, as usual.” They sat down. “Years ago Elisa was a little girl, now she's an executive. Travels alone to New York.”

Yes, to tend to the gallery matters.”

Alone. Or with her lover.”

No. It's been more than a year since she had one.”

Nobody interested her?”

No; she would have told me. She's very transparent.”

Everyone has secrets.”

Elisa? No.”

I feel like this is a dream.”

Elisa,” said Leo, taking her hand. “I want you to know that you are not alone. If you need the space to talk, to vent, know that you have me. I'm with you.”

Thank you.”

While Eugenio want sniffing for inormation on Elisa Sonia was sniffing after something more solid. She and Marcelo desecrated her marriage bed.

Eugenio gets more violent with me every day,” she said. “I swear I think he wants to kill me.” Marcelo's brain cells were blown out by his hormones. He didn't seem to hear this. It was almost a minute before he caught his breath. When he spoke he sounded like he had used up all his testosterone.

I told you you if you want to be near him you won't get anything. Besides, you have to find out his business. For my part, Renata is selling her part of the business while I touch you.”

I don't know why, but at times I think you're hiding something. Do you hate Augusto?”

What are you talking about?”

You always were thought of as an outsider in the family. Tell me something: Why did you disappear during the party?”

Again with thie same thing. I don't believe it.”

Renata tried to give orders to Fernanda, saying that if she valued her paycheck se would go looking for Marcelo. Fernanda replied that she needed to help Clara Álvarez.

That is not important,” Renata said. “I don't see what you want with that nobody.”

Clara is the sister of Julia Álvarez, the woman found dead with your father.”

Renata stood there frozen, as though she had just seen Medusa's head.

Leo and Elisa ate and talked about their plan. He was sure that if everyone thought they were lovers they would be able to stay together and find out what they needed to know without suspicion. Elisa had doubts about whether they could fool Victoria.

Why not? Am I unworthy of her family?”

No, no, it isn't that. She is special about this.”

I see. She's used to a different kind of people.” Elisa appeared to agree. “Well, I'm not a bad sort. I have good manners, I'm agreeable, likeable. I will get along fine with your mother.”

That will be something to see.”

Later when Leo paid the check Elisa thought about that evening.

I don't know what to tell my mother about Majo.”

Tell her she's preparing for an exam; she is a student, isn't she? That should be believable.”

Yes, and you think she'll believe we're lovers? You think that will work?”

I don't know the people, I know you only eat salad,.... I think so.”

Then, there's the other side.”


Also you haven't slept with me; you aren't going to know.”

No fights, you only eat salads, you sleep in the shadows of others.”

But not just anyone.”

We have to know a lot more about each other for this to be believable.”

Elisa's phone alerted her to a message. It was from Victoria.

It's my mother. Thanks for your help.”

I'll take you home. Maybe you can take a cab from the corner.”


I can't let my bride of lies to be iin danger on the streets.”

Renata wasted no time insulting Clara when she left Fernanda's office.

Hey, you are the sister of my father's lover?”

Excuse me?” Clara started on her way.

She's came here looking for work?”

No, your mother offered her a job,” Fernanda told her.

What a shame. Tell me,” Renata looked at Clara. “Isn't it enough that my father was boinking your sister –”

Renata, please –”

Shut up! Shut up because you must be an accomplice in keeping that secret about my father and that loose woman.”

I won't let you slander my sister.”

You know what?” Fernanda asked Renata. “It's better if you leave. Tell Señora Victoria –”

Clara started walking away but Renata tried going after her.

I am talking to you,” she said as Clara got to the door. Marcelo walked in at that moment and saved the day.

Where were you?” Renata asked.she almost rushed him, but he stepped in closer and began leading her out of the corridor. Clara looked at them and frowned. She must have know she had ended up in a snake pit. She started to leave.

No, no, don't leave,” Fernanda told her. “Just wait five minutes.”

Leo returned to the station where he had to break his word with regard to his fellow cops. He took a drink from the fridge and explained what he had found out.

And if they're watching her they must know that you're a cop,” Adriana said.

No; I am going to pass as her lover.” He looked at them. “Can I count on you?”

Yes,” said Mario.

Elisa went home to find Eugenio just outside the house. The first checkpoint came up when he asked about Majo and she told him the lie she and Leo had concocted.

Please, your sister was never a very good student,” he said. “Tell me the truth.”

She is very sorry since our father's death,” Elisa answered. “She doesn't want anyone to see her like that.”

I see. You were with her, you saw her.” He took out his phone. “I'll call her right now.”

No. Give her space, Uncle.”

Eugenio backed off and escorted her inside. His sadistic appetite was looking forward to its next course.

For the last time, where is your sister?” Victoria demanded.

Majo could not come, Mother. She's alright.”

Elisa, this is enough! I will not tolerate you treating me like an idiot. You will tell me this minute what is going on with my daughter!'

All she would have needed was a riding crop to pass for Ilsa Koch.

Are you telling your mother the truth?” Eugenio asked. “Do you understand?”

Understand? What?” asked Victoria. “What do I have to understand? What is going on? Where is your sister? Talk, Elisa!”

Renata put her head on a desk as Marcelo tried to get her to calm down.

Renata, you can't talk like that in front of the whole office.”

No, but you can't boink just anyone here.” {???}

What are you talking about?”

She looked up and tried keeping her voice down.

You don't touch me, you barely talk to me. Who are you rejecting me for?”

He took out a real estate brochure and put it on the desk.

That's what I was doing. I was looking at an apartment. Looking for a house because I don't want to be living with your mother all my life. Fernanda and I were doing this for you. And this is what you think of us?”

Renata looked up, her face still washed out as she smiled and led him out of the office.

Fernanda was talking with Clara in her office behind the closed door, telling her to please not cry. Since the door was glass, Renata could see them and she was smiling.

Oh, good, that you're still here! Forgive me for what I did a little while ago. I didn't want to be rude. Do you forgive me?”

Marcelo put his hand on her shoulder and tried to lead her away. He hoped – in vain – to prevent more embarrassment. Clara turned around and faced Fernanda.

Did you think she was crazy?” Fernanda asked.

Clara said nothing.

Majo touched the chocolate box and looked in the dull mirror. Before she could think the bald thug and one of the others burst into the room. They grabbed her and forced her to stand. Dario entered the room. His face was inscrutable, but his manner menacing.

Victoria was still attempting to interrogate Elisa. This time her voice began going into a whine. Elisa remained as calm as she could make herself look. The maid came in with the phone, saying “It's Maria José calling. It's urgent.” Victoria grabbed the phone.

Maria José, my love. Where are you? What happened? Why didn't you come home? Ow are you?”

I'm alright,” she said. Victoria could not see that she was not. Especially with Dario holding her at gunpoint at point-blank range.

Why didn't you come with your sister? I want to see you.”

I can't. I'm still sad about my father. I can't come home yet.” She was crying, but that was because of Dario's expression.

No, no, don't cry, mi cielo.. I understand, but I miss you so much, mi vida. You don't know how much I regret letting you go.”

I miss you, too. A lot. But I promise I will be home soon.”

My love, do you want me to come and see you?”

Visit me? No, no. Right now I have my studies.”

Very well. Send me a message so I can store your new number or neither do you want me to call you?”

No, Mama, don't think so. I swear this has nothing to do with you.”

Alright, love, I will respect this. Take good care of yourself.”

I love you.”

I love you too, love. Very much.” She ended the call and looked at Elisa. “Thank God my daughter is alright.”

Well, then we have to celebrate,” said Eugenio. He placed his hand on Elisa's shoulder and looked at Victoria with the shit-eating grin he could not completely suppress.

Leo went home and explained the case to his brother along with the additional fact that Elisa was not involved in the trafficking of stolen art. José Luis was grateful but told Leo not to meddle in the case and mess things up.

Eugenio looked at his cell at the dinner table. Dario had sent him a photo of Elisa and Leo. Conversation was sparse and awkward at the dinner table. Elisa said she had things to resolve.

The gallery or the heart?” asked Eugenio.

Elisa barely managed to keep her expression civil.

Ay, love, that face!” said Victoria. “What's that bad? Are you going out with someone?”

I am not understanding this interrogation,” Elisa said.

Pardon, but this isn't an interrogation,” Eugenio said, with an insincere laugh. “Your mother is just asking if you have a boyfriend.”

Elisa nodded.

Why didn't you tell us?” Victoria asked. “Ay, no wonder you've been so strange lately.”

Eugenio grinned to himself. Even Renata would have thought it creepy.

The next day Elisa went to Leo's home and met his mother. Sara looked pleased and left them alone to talk. Elisa carefully told him what happened when she had gotten home the day before. When she was talking to her mother Majo called. Leo knew instinctively that this was not a coincidence. He looked outside to find the ones following Elisa. She then told him that Eugenio was organizing a dinner in his honor. That night. Sara returned to tell them the coffee was ready. He told her he would take his to go because they both needed to leave for work. She was not offended, saying that she hoped to see Elisa many times after. She complimented her on her smile. The pretend lovebirds left.

All this disturbed their plans for the moment, particularly since she was always being watched. They planned out the day, including him coming to the gallery to learn more about her work. She was impressed with that. He asked about her ex. He was a professional athlete. She asked about his past exes. After some hesitation he said that Julia was the most important of them. They had planned on getting married and having a family which he hoped would be like his growing up. His father had also been on the police force.

Neither of them noticed Julia's mother eavesdropping from the corner of the building.

Majo sat on the floor, her expression blank as usual. Dario noticed that she had not eaten the breakfast he brought her. She said she wanted to go home.

You will go when your sister does what she promised to do.”

My mother doesn't know I've been kidnapped. Why did Elisa say nothing?”

Because it looks like she's very busy.” He showed her the photo on his cell phone. “That's who appears to be her lover. Do you recognize him or not?” Majo said nothing. She looked disoriented, possibly from her self-starvation. “Is that her lover or not?” Majo still did not answer. “Your sister is a lying bitch.” He left the room.

Sonia was coming down the stairs but Eugenio was still in the house.

Where are you going?”

To the gym.”

No. You're not going anywhere. You are staying here.”

I won't tolerate this humiliation. I'm fed up. Fed up!”

Eugenio walked toward her. She ran back up the stairs. He removed his jacket.

Julia's mother came to the Velasco house and confronted Leo.

Why have you have betrayed us like this?” she accused. “I just saw you with with Elisa Cantú. So soon after my daughter's death. How short is the memory of her.”

Elisa was about to open her car when Dario grabbed her from behind. In a parking lot in broad daylight. He covered her mouth as she was about to scream. “That man is not your lover. You have deceived me! And your sister didn't identify him.” One of his thugs was with him, keeping a lookout at his back.

The bald thug covered his lower face and seized Majo. One of the others aimed a cell phone camera at them while the other pulled out a pistol.

Elisa begged Dario to take her in her sister's place. He took out his cell phone and showed Majo with the pistol barrel only inches from her head. She was hysterical. He then shoved it into Elisa's face as the gun was fired. Elisa became hysterical as Dario backed away.


I will get a little more succinct later. Little rusty but I will get there.

Thanks, Urban. You are not rusty at all. All I can say is WOW!

As for the novela, it was hard for me to believe that Uncle Eugenio’s minion Dario had not done some research earlier on Leo to identify him as a person with a name and profession in addition to Elisa saying he was her boyfriend since they had been so thorough in their surveillance of her otherwise.

I wonder what Uncle Eugenio’s back story is and why he is so sadistic. He probably was just born that way. It was especially disquieting watching him at dinner. Alejandro Camacho is a master at playing creeps.

Urban, what a powerhouse you are! These recaps take a lot of time that we put in gladly, but you always go above and beyond!
My thoughts:
Fernanda has a cushy life in a fancy apartment and bestie Elisa doesn't think it odd that she can afford it? How much does she know about Fern, anyway? Not a lot, huh?

I feel bad for Renata. I don't know if she's always been like this, but I have to believe that at one point when she first started having these crises, the family tried to help. Did they get fed up and started treating her badly when they saw that she wouldn't stick with her treatments? Or were they always like this? Augusto was very nasty to her before his death and Victoria has no sympathy for her, while she seems to be very motherly with her other two daughters. And Marcelo is the worst!
I think Renate just needs a lot of love and some honest attention, but I don't think she'll have any of that too soon.

I dislike Julia's mom, Nieves, but she does have a point. For now, Leo is only investigating, but we all know that he and Elisa are starting to develop feelings for one another. How long has it been since Julia's death?

Leo didn't tell his brother about Majo's kidnapping, but he did promise to stay away from the case. Liar, liar, leather jacket on fire!

How come Elisa didn't think it odd that Tio Eugenio asked about having a novio just hours after she talked about it with Dario, who has her followed? There was no talk about her love life before and now all of a sudden, he's interested. I went back and watched it twice, he brought it up, Victoria just fell into his trap and took over, as the very meddling mother that she is.


Urban, this was superb.

Your dialog translations were so helpful and greatly appreciated.

"His sadistic appetite was looking forward to its next course" described loathsome Eugenio perfectly.

"Victoria and her maid set the dinner table for a homecoming that wasn't going to happen". A shame that forced phone call had to happen. From our end, she sounded shrill and hysterical. Upset would be understandable but this far exceeded merely heartbroken. Victoria's usually fine tuned radar was off.

"The ill wind that was her oldest daughter blew in through the front door:. Her behavior is reprehensible but agree with you Adriana Noel, Renata obviously did not receive the assistance (or love) she needed.

“Fine, let's talk. Let's go on pretending that we're the perfect family and nothing ever happens.” Hmmm. Perhaps Ren does have some semblance of reality.

“I need to see Maria José. She doesn't want to eat.” Is Dario softening?? "He swung his arm as though to hit her, then got up and left the room, slamming the door" and holding a gun perilously close to Majo's head tells me no.

And Jarifa, ITA that Dario did not do his homework on Leo. I wonder what ths consequences of that will be.

"This is my house and it's full of decorations and you are one decoration more. And decorations neither move nor think.” Charming. I'm sure Sonia paid dearly for her very bad timing.

Elisa and Leo are developing a comfortable camraderie. And I don't care for Nieves either but she was right to be contemptuous. Julia is still warm in her grave.

Excellent Urban. Thank you.


UA: Why do I get the feeling Eugenio is behind the murders & the kidnapping of Elisa's sister ?


Due to the presidential debate, “Imperio” will air 2 hours early today...at 7PM (E)

Thank you RgvChick!


Adriana and Diana, yes, that was an eyeful for Nieves. Don’t like her either because she is keeping quiet.

We may never know Eugenio's backstory. That often is the case with novelas that have two active adult generations in the story.

Victoria mostly looks like Old Money but we don't know Augusto's backstory either. He had enough education and/or "class" to appreciate the importance of art but could have been a self-made man. There was obviously tension in his marriage to Victoria, but we haven't been told what it was about and unless there is a flashback to an argument we might not know.

One of the issues in parenting is favoritism. Most parents have a favorite child but are usually smart enough not to show it most of the time. In cases like this the afflicted child either becomes the one getting the most attention while the most intelligent one gets ignored or if the afflicted one becomes problematic the most normal child becomes the one getting the most attention.

Renata has been consistently ignoring or defying medical advice and treatment. She was probably an extremely defiant child. Makes me wonder in what order her issues first appeared.

Elisa had better see the chain of events here and when this story ends I hope she moves away from her sick sister and meddling mother.

Eugenio could easily be behind the murders and the kidnapping. He wants everything that Augusto had and the best way to get that is to create the chaos that is now among his survivors.

Haven't seen all of this URBAN, but delighted that Dashiell Hammet is back to lead us through this tangled web of lies. At "his" best when he wrote this:

Marcelo's brain cells were blown out by his hormones. He didn't seem to hear this. It was almost a minute before he caught his breath. When he spoke he sounded like he had used up all his testosterone.

That scene I DID see and you described it perfectly. Marcelo is certainly giving his all.

You are amazing in your ability...and willingness!...to translate all these converstions. Mil gracias querida.


Due to futbol, "Imperio" will also air 2 hours earlier on Wednesday!!

Thanks, Judy (and everyone else).

Film noir lives and dies on its dialogue. I actually wish Televisa would specifically make a period noir novela starring some of our faves and with a good jazz soundtrack.

The key to the script is making it pithy. I need to do a little more work on that for this series. Of course, if the actors aren't speaking clearly -- which is rare at Televisa -- it's a real challenge.

Wow, impressive how you included all that dialogue, Urban, thank you!

Jarifa, it hadn't clicked, but you're right. Scario should have done a check on Leo the first time that Elisa mentioned that he was her boyfriend. They have gone to great lengths to keep the kidnapping hidden, yet Scario waits until this episode to warn Elisa not to say anything to her family or her boyfriend...hmmm a little backwards I would say.

Adriana Noel, "How come Elisa didn't think it odd that Tio Eugenio asked about having a novio just hours after she talked about it with Dario..." I asked myself that same question. Elisa also didn't think it was odd that when Majo called, Majo gave Vic the same excuse that she (Elisa) had just given Eugenio--that Majo was depressed about her father's death.

I still say that Scario is getting a soft spot for Majo. If he treats her harshly, it's because he has to put up a front for the minions...and even for her so that she can do as told.

Eugenio just keeps going further down on the totem pole doesn't he? And I don't think he has reached the bottom yet. Evil! Evil! Evil!


Eugenio's warning about Majo being forbidden fruit is the clue that Dario will go for her.

I hate the idea of her becoming a Stockholm Syndrome case. However for her to end up needing a shrink is already a foregone conclusion with a meddling mother and a much-older sister who might hate her as much as she hates their "normal" sister.

I can't wait to see flashbacks showing how Eugenio gaslit all of them, just as he does to his wife.

Urban, thanks so much for every detail you provided in an interesting format.

Chickie, thanks for the heads up on Imperio starting at 7 tonight.

Elisa understandably looks terrified all the time, but she has a few brief moments of peace whenever she shares a meal with Leo. She is starting to rely on Leo as her one safe haven ,and everyone needs a safe haven.

Tio just gets creepier and creepier . I still say his hairdo makes him look silly rather than evil...but his facial expressions are intimidating . He wants to control everyone and everything in his orbit. Ugh.

Also, i agree that Scariodario seems to be attracted to Majo. Life is like a box of chocolates..you never know when a crazy criminal will offer you one.

"Life is like a box of chocolates..you never know when a crazy criminal will offer you one. "
Lol - good one, Susanlynn!

RGV, I think Elisa and Leo still have some road to go before starting to realize what is what. For a second there, seeing Elisa's shock, I thought that she suspected something, but she was just scared by all the questioning. At least Leo suggested that someone close to her might be involved.

Urban, I think we can all agree that when all is said and done, all the Cantu sisters will need a good shrink. For now Renata is saddled with the "crazy" stamp, the cheating husband, and the continuous bad hair day. Majo might be better off, at least someone she cares if she eats well or not.

STEVE: "Why do I get the feeling Eugenio is behind the murders & the kidnapping of Elisa's sister ?" Ummm because we saw him telling Dario and company to do it?

Adriana: "How come Elisa didn't think it odd that Tio Eugenio asked about having a novio just hours after she talked about it with Dario, who has her followed?" Because she has too much hair bleach and it has penetrated her skull. Like when you get Roundup overspray on the Petunias. Additionally, Elisa and Leo are doing the most NOT believable job of convincing even a squirrel that they are BF and GF. IE: When she gets a call from Scario as she is with her FBF (fake boy friend) sher is apoplectic as she goes into freakout mode, whispers and turns away all the while Scario is watching. The average BF or even above average BF would be at least a teensy bit concerned...jealous... checking his pocket 'Hot / Crazy Matrix' sheetto see if it is time to jettison this one. Nopers, Leo looks down to be sure his shoes are tied, looks heavenward to check the weather, squished a fire ant on the pavement...
Diana, " holding a gun perilously close to Majo's head tells me no." Yeah, I still have hope for him and an going with his having enough sense to make sure the gun had no bullets.

"Sonia paid dearly for her very bad timing." I feel bad for Tramp Stamp Sonia, but she is a beautiful smart grown woman. If she stays around with Rug Rat I have about as much sympathy for her as I do for mountain climbers and other daredevils who get themselves into dire predicaments and let taxpayers spend millions rescuing them.

Tio Rug...Did one of the three stooges have the same hairdo?


Kirby, great call on the “Moe” look.

Urban, YES! A noir novela! Right now I could see Paty Navidad seated at a table with a drink and a cigarette In a no name bar In a no name city just down and gritty. I am watching “ Mariana de la noche“ and she is a bar maid in that one and has that NOIR look and attitude down pat. Too bad that the powers that he cannot be more creative.

"Tio Rug" and "Rug Rat" as I laugh away Kirby.

I was thinking Buster Brown but Moe is even better!

I agree Sonia is beautiful but I'm not quite there on the "smart". Eugenio AND Marcelo? Everyone is entitled to one mistake but two of the most unappealing characters here makes me wonder...:)



OK maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she has skills, sort of. She had Mop blowing like the treadmill instructor girl down at Planet Fitness could only wish for.

But then we have seen what can happen like when Epigmenio's chick got tired of his shit and tried to leave, or at least line up a replacement candidate.

We haven't seen any offspring, though Lord Sonia seems to be trying, so all she needs to do is max out the cash out on a charge card, drop the card down a sewer grate, take the cash, and disappear.

Jarifa, I've always wanted to see a noir novela starring Jorge Salinas, Sergio Sendel, Cesar Evora, Silvia Navarro, Helena Rojo, and yes, Paty Navidad. Maybe Enrique Rocha as a Mafia boss. Trenchcoats, fedoras, vintage cars, stolen money, wet streets under bright lights at midnight.

Televisa, are you reading this?

Kirby: Just wait until Leonardo finds out that Eugenio was the one, who ordered the hit on Julia & Daddy Cantu.

I'm afraid the Body Count is going to increase on this one & based on how the executive producers of this Telenovela love to wreak havoc, we're likely NOT getting a happy ending.


Urban, Yes, that would be a great cast! One would think the public would watch just out of curiosity. I am seeing it in my head in black and white.

Steve. Happy ending? For them or for us? They way this is going, a happy ending for US is with most of these people dead or in prison. :-)

The only thing which might keep Leo from going into orbit is if he is already so in Luuuurve with Elisa that he is sort of over Julia when he finds out that Tio Rug had her whacked, if he did.

OK, trying to get the logistics of all this straight as to who is where. Leo and Julia lived in different cities with Leo living and working in Monterrey, I believe, SusanLynn noted: “It seems that she, (Leo SIL) JL, Leo , and her mother in law are all living in the mother in law's house."

So I assume Julia and family, and pretty much everyone else except Adrianna and little bearded mini Jose Louis lived in another city, prob Mexico City, but that is irrelevant for this. It seems that Leo and JL's mannish Mom lives in Mexico City too.

Yikes ! That is 550 miles or so, at the least a ten hour drive. I don't see them standing like statues in the transporter room and 'Beam me up Scotty.” but they are talking to Adrianna and Jl and company, then whoosh, they are at Victoria's. Telenovela Liberty?

This could be important later when someone needs or HAS an alibi in that if they were at place A, but suspected of doing something at place B, fudging the schedule a few minutes is not going to work as it does when all points of interest are a cab ride away. Or a donkey ride.

Kirby, from what I understood, Leo worked undercover in Monterey, while his mom, bro and SIL lived in Mexico City, in the same house. Now he lives with them.
The Cantus all live in a mansion in Mexico City. Elisa just got back from her NY loft, where there was no food other than pasta and eggs.
Majo is being kept at a location 30-40 min outside of the city.
All the other characters live in Mexico City, too.

I don't think Eugenio ordered the hit on Julia and Augusto. Why kill Augusto before finding the artifacts? I think this could all be a huge redherring.


OK Thanks Adriana. I suspected I had it scrambled, I just did not know how thoroughly.
"Her NY Loft" So we saw her Dad Auggie's apartment, which was more like a warehouse, AND we saw her place where she and Leo spent a platonic night together and we saw manly cooking. I had that messed up too, thinking both places were her dad's NY 'apartment'.


"Manly cooking" :))

Adriana Noel, Merci for explaining where everybody is living. Like Kirby, I thought that both meals of manly cooking by Leo were done in the same place . I guess the manly spaghetti was at Auggies place , and manly breakfast was at Elisa's place.

Ya the manly breakfast was surely manly because he is the only who was eating.
Manly Leo was having some manly pancakes alone after bad hair day sneaked out.

Table for one....Lonely , manly pancakes. Que lastima.

Urban, thank you for this good recap.
There are some things that was in this episode that was down right
Nauseating. I can't stand uncle genio. He's slimy and utterly and really nastily disgusting. When the end comes for him,like Andy G. said
He wont die like other people he's
Gonna nasty away. I actaully think
That either elisa will kill him or
Leo will. Or dario might get fed up
With him and do it himeself. I like
The idea of dario doing it.

Dario gotta straitghten up. Is he good or is he bad. Choose man, the
Folks in viewerville wants to see what you are made of. Besides just scaring his potential luv interest
Into starvation.
Has he really ever killed anyone?
Hes beat the crap out of ol geezer
Guy for attempting to pleasure his
Self with his love majo. And why did he not get a laptop and search out leo?

I dont like fernanda. And that is an expensive apartment shes living
In. And why does she not like her
Mother. She is hateful. What did augy see in her? Her youth? Whatevr
She seems to be stuck in a rut.
And what did she mean when she said
"One day I will go and leave you to
See what you've done"? Ok so what did momma do? There are so many twist And turns in this tn.

Nata is a disaster that should not have been if mom n dad had maybe stepped up to help her. She probly knows some secrets that would blow that family out of the water.I hope
One of them isn't that tio genio
Is a pediphile(think I spelled that right). He is so twisted. Why O why
Did sonia marry him? Love flew the coop looong time ago. He is simply
Horrible. And he wants victoria.

Sonia, fed up and to scared to run.

Kirby, yes one of the 3 stoogers did have that rug hair style. It was either larry or curly. I think
It was larry. Curly was bald. Now Im thinkin mo. No mo's hair looked like it was cut with a bowl on his head. Shaped like a bowl. Yep it was larry. I think.

Thank you Urban, you done good girl. You Always do.
I missed the show tonight cuz I did not know about the time change until I read the comments. But I
Will catch it tomorrow, thank you
RGV Chick for that heads up.
Be safe people.


Moe, it was Moe.

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