Friday, October 02, 2020

I hope that car had insurance Imperio De Mentiras #9 10/01/2020

 Hi everyone! hope you enjoy the recap.

Elisa spends most of the episode trying to secure the one million dollars requested by the kidnapper, she asks the general manager of Cantu Inc. to call all the banks and try to secure a loan, they are going to lie on the loan applications and tell the bankers they need to money to finish some of her dads projects. Fernanda later questions Alfonso (the GM) about Elisa's erratic behavior and Alfonso spills the beans about the money, Fernanda then calls the police station and reports that Elisa is looking for a large sum of money.

Maria Jose fails at trying to run away from her kidnappers, Dario makes a show about "punishing" her but in the end does nothing to her, he ends up staying in her room as she sleeps.

Clara has the worst first day at work ever. Victoria jumps right in and accuses Julia of sleeping with her dead husband, Clara denies this and tells Victoria the following: Julia was a teacher making only a very small wage, the money was not enough to provide for the family, nor was it enough to cover their fathers high medical bills. Victoria's husband recruited Julia into a scheme where she would transport stolen art for him and that's what got her killed. Victoria insists that they're lovers. Ugh, someone should tell Clara to quit this gig, she can probably make more money selling pictures of her toes on the internet and it would be a lot less stressful. 

Renata has a total meltdown because she her pregnancy test came back negative, it got so bad that her doctor had to come to her house to give her a sedative in order to calm her down. The doctor tells Marcelo that he will talk to Victoria about Renata's worsening mental state but Marcelo tells the Doc that he will take care of that.

Later Victoria goes to check in on Renata, Marcelo denies her access to his wife and tells Victoria that he will not allow her to bully Renata, Victoria tells him that he will not keep her from her daughter and I'm over here thinking that he should really move the hell out of the house. My mother used to say "el que se casa casa quire". This basically translates to "fool, you're married, time to get your own crib".By the end of the episode Renata is well enough to meet with Eugenio to discuss the sale of her shares.

Elisa finally reaches Leo, they meet at Adrianas house and while there they trace the call placed by the kidnapper, Elisa is to meet him later that day with the money, what she and Leo don't know is that this dude has a short shelf life, Dario knows that this guy has turned on him and he has orders from Eugenio to off him.

Elisa, driving a car provided by the police is startled when she drives under a bridge and has the kidnappers body land on her car, she and Leo pull over to see what happened and neither of them notice Dario looking down at them.

Side Notes:

Jose Luis agrees to helpLeo and his friends with the investigation.

Leo finds out that Julia had travelled to NY.

Leslie, daughter of Jose Luis has started to miss school, grandma knows and is trying to warn her witch of a daughter in law but the lady refuses to listen.

Sorry for the short recap, my nephew has virtual school in the morning and I need to be up in a few hours to help him, see you all tomorrow!


Princess Juju, no need for an apology. Your recap is excellent just as it is with your own style which is always appreciated. Thank you. I especially enjoyed your take on Marcelo: “he should really move the hell out of the house.” Exactly.

It is good that we are finally clear on what Julia was doing and why.
It’s serious with Darío. He made sure Majo was covered as she slept.
He also provided a good and appropriate ending for the kidnapper rapist extortionist.

Thank you, Juju. Your recap is much appreciated, as always.

I think it's safe to say that Dario has the luuuv bug. For a moment I was afraid he was going to hit her when they brought her back - that would have been a deal breaker, but he didn't do it.
But what about Majo? She's scared to death and clinging to the only slightly conforting person around her. But how will she feel when she's free ?

Princess, great title and excellent recap.

You covered everything perfectly and like Jarifa, I loved "fool, you're married, time to get your own crib", sage advice that Marcelo will undoubtedly not heed.

"Clara has the worst first day at work ever". Victoria's attack on the young woman? Monstrous. And although I feel nothing but contempt overall for Marcelo, I enjoyed every second of his denying Vicki entrance to Renata.

Doesn't modern day technology allow for faster phone tracking? Elisa's conversation with the now deceased thug seemed interminable.

The grounds where Majo is being kept are like a maze. She ran but got nowhere. Dario was clearly tortured by the near kiss - things are starting to percolate.

Am hoping for a bit more forward motion for Leo's team. And for Leo and Elisa.

I think Eugenio and Victoria are a cold blooded match. What an unholy union that would be.

Take care everyone. What tumultuous times we are living in.

Princess, thank you, thank you.


Ah, the truck is here with all those extra chairs I ordered for the Scario table. Welcome Ya'll.

Thanks Princess. So now the fella who kidnapped an innocent young girl who just lost her Father and killed on of his own coworkers is my favorite. That must tell you something about the rest of this gang, (or about me?) Victoria interrogating little Clara was cringe worthy. She got what she was looking for but it was heartbreaking to watch Clara.

A bit of technical gobbledygook. Modern cell phones can be located in 2 different ways. The original technique was available only through the cellular service providers and normally only made available to Law Enforcement. Part and parcel of every cell call is the physical identification of the cell tower of the originating call and the ID of the recipient phone. There is nothing clandestine about it, it is simply a necessary component of the protocol which makes cellular phones work. This info is constantly updated as a call continues so that as you move, as in a car, you are seamlessly handed off from one cell tower to the next as you move along.

Later on, makers also added GPS circuits into cell phones. These actually play no part in cellular communication, just as the cameras in phones are an add-on also. To trace a phone using the GPS you typically need to get hold of the phone and add an app which will make the GPS location data available to the tracker in real time. Most modern phones do store the GPS location and some make it available to outside entities. Unless some surveilance app has been activated on a cell phone, the GPS location function is very easily turned off.

In TNs where they need to keep the perp on the phone for a long time, that is just drama. In real life it is almost instantaneous. For instance, in court, you will see cell phone records presented which are months old, with the locations of both phones available.

Thank you Princess Juju. I woke up this morning and my first thought was " I can't wait to read the recap while I have a cup of coffee and a bowl of Cheerios. ...."...a moment of joy in murky reality #lifeinthetwilighfzone,

Okay, Julia was involved with the shady art business not cheating by on Leo.

As I continue to look for an escape batch , I focused on the white blouse with delicate black dragonflies that Clara was wearing as Vicki was harassing her , and I thought ... " hey , nice blouse. "

I also focused on Brand new Dario watching the sleeping pobrecita Majo. And then ...he drops the creepy , grimmy baddie on her sister 's windshield .


I was wondering the same about Mojo, whether she truly feels something for Scario or if she is making the best she can of a bad situation. If you are drowning anything that floats is better than nothing, Thankfully his neanderthal goons seem to understand that Mojo is to be handled carefully. But MAN! can that girl run!

Not that I like either one, but Mop blocking Vic seeing her Nutty daughter should have won him an eviction notice and Police escort. But then , I hate them both so I don't much care.

So now we have a whole team working the case off the record, Leo Jose Luis, Adriana and her ?roommate??

" Brand new Dario watching the sleeping pobrecita Majo. And then ...he drops the creepy , grimmy baddie on her sister 's windshield."

Yeah, good guys like him are hard to find. The timing has to be perfect to get him right on the windshield with a car going 30 miles an hour or so. Portions of a second and he is in the grill, or on the roof. Boy's got skilz. :-)


Gracias. All the important stuff ia here.

Victoria is a very cold woman and a calculating one. She does the worried mother routine very well for Majo's sake but the attack on Clara was monstrous and selfish in the extreme. As though poorer people in one's employ have no feelings and no right to privacy. By now it should occur to her that any situation like this would be full of secrecy and Clara -- who doesn't look like she's even an adult -- would be the least likely person to have been told anything.

On the other hand, Victoria is leaning toward what in the US would be called Civil Commitment, which would send Renata to the manicomio against her will. That is where she belongs right now. It doesn't matter right now if Victoria and Augusto screwed up 30 years ago; Renata is a danger to herself and to her family. Selling the shares to Eugenio hurts all of them (except Ewwgenio) and her hatred of her younger sisters could end up exploding into violence. Thus far she hasn't thought ahead very much so we need to wonder if she is capable of the kind of advance planning needed to commit cold-blooded murder.

I am still wondering why Renata so desperately wants a baby. Thus far I can only see these possible motives:
-- holding onto Marcelo, especially if the baby is a boy
-- gaining stock with Victoria for providing her first grandchild, leading possibly to a bigger inheritance (the baby's sex would be irrelevant)
-- the baby would love her automatically

She is completely unaware -- and unlikely can't be convinced -- that none of these outcomes are guaranteed.

Interesting question about Majo Adriana Noel. She has definitely clung onto Scario but in truth, she is drowning and he is the only life branch she has.

A few sidelong looks and her hands on his chest seemingly aching for a kiss have convinced me it is more. The fact he resisted likely seems to indicate she is under her skin. The cold blooded murder and throwing the corpse onto Majo's sister is a pesky, unavoidable side note.

Kirby, "So now the fella who kidnapped an innocent young girl who just lost her Father and killed on of his own coworkers is my favorite." :) Also, thank you for "In TNs where they need to keep the perp on the phone for a long time, that is just drama. In real life it is almost instantaneous" and the other interesting info you provided.

"#lifeinthetwilighfzone" in reality and real life - right Suszanlynn?

Urban, I think Renata wants a baby so she has something/someone toally "hers". Someone to smother and obsess over. I agree she thinks the child would love her something she does not seem to feel from anyone.


Thanks, Princess Juju! Short and to the point...I like it!!

Jarifa, "It’s serious with Darío." and Adriana Noel, "I think it's safe to say that Dario has the luuuv bug." Yup, you, yup, Dario is smitten by the defenseless Mojo. When she was "kissing up" to him and begging that he not leave her, it did seem that she was playing the part just to keep safe, but I think she is also quite smitten by him.

I was a bit surprised that Vic didn't push Mophead aside and enter the bedroom. It is her house after all. I liked this too, ""fool, you're married, time to get your own crib" only problem is Renutty won't appreciate being kicked out of that crib and being replaced by So-nympho.

Diana, "I think Eugenio and Victoria are a cold blooded match. What an unholy union that would be. Let's add Fer and make it a threesome LOL And "Doesn't modern day technology allow for faster phone tracking?" I asked the same question! Kirby, thanks for the explanation; I learn something new everyday here on Caray :-)

Urban, "Renata is a danger to herself and to her family. Selling the shares to Eugenio hurts all of them..." I do agree that Renata is danger to the family in tha sense, but I don't think that she would physically hurt them intentionally. I also think that what she feels for her sisters is immense jealousy, not necessarily hatred. I'm wondering what the purported age difference is supposed to be between Renutty and her sisters. Her life as an only child living with Vic must have been horrendous. IMO Renutty wants a baby so that she can feel important to someone and to have someone who will love her.


RGV Chick, I went back to the preview post.

Victoria is 56 years old.
Renata is 38
Elisa is 30
Majo is 24

This implies that Victoria was married veryyoung, but was that a thing 38 years ago? Unless there was a misprint in the original article this came from. Would someone with money marry a girl who had no college education?

Assuming that there was a mistake in Victoria's age, an 8-year age difference between children is a bad idea. Even with a normal child there is likely to be major resentment of a younger sibling coming along at that point. One of my best friends is the youngest of five children and the second youngest was 8 years older than he and resented him for taking away her status as the baby of the family. And that was in a family whose status was lower middle class.

I don't know whether we will hear much about Augusto's backstory but what if his family had money: Was Victoria 17-year-old a maid and he knocked her up? Since he is likely to have been 64 years old at death (the same age as Ewgenio) that would have made him 9 years older than Victoria and if he came from money his parents might have made him marry her in case the baby was a boy.

Or... was he self-made?

Either way, Victoria can come off as having class and education but she loses that when she becomes nosy or angry.

I have one sister. She is 8 years older thsn i am. 8 years is a big difference in age .

I have a friend who went back to work when her daughter (only child) was 8 and could go to sleepaway camp. When she began outearning her husband he actually suggested they should have another baby and she said "No way!"

I have had friends whose older siblings were 8 or more years older (for one it was 18 and 12 years older) and this makes for difficult family dynamics, especially with toxic parents... in both examples.

We don't know for how long there was difficulty in Victoria and Augusto's marriage, but Renata's mental illness would have to have added a lot of stress to it.

And I would say that marital difficulties would have added to Renutty’s already fragile ego and mental heath.

In Clara's Victerrorgation, Oh I would have soooo loved for her to have said " disrespect boss lady, but I'm on the clock right now. We can chat after I get off."

Which would have peobably been right THEN. Little gal has a lot of unsavory things in her life, dead Sis not even pushing up daisies yet, Mom who is at the least not very warm and likeable and it appears unemployed, Dad very, very sick and her first day may as well have been in the one way window room with Jose Luis and Adriana.

OMG, Dario dropping Pablo(?) onto Elisa's car wasn't gory, but it was a scene similar to a cat jumping out from behind a door. However, I thought it was more frightening than a typical murder/assignation.

I would really like to know what type of mood disorder Renata has. Surely, it must go beyond Bipolar Disorder.

My sister is 5 years older than I am. She hated me all her life. After threatening our teenage kids and us, I now have a restraining order against her. And I don't miss her or her narcissistic behavior at all.

Since there was no other volunteer I will cover tonight's episode. It will not be posted until probably tomorrow night because of plans I have for this evening and tomorrow afternoon. No te preocupes!

Urban, no worries the recap hit it

What a scarey thing to have happen to you. You're driving along and it
Starts raining dead people. Cannot
Wipe that off with a wiper. And the
Dario is standing there watching as
They watch the dead raindrop body.

I also thought dario was gonna beat her up, so glad he didnt. So did he
Take out the rapest dirtbag or did
One of his goons? At this point it don't matter. He had to fight real really hard not to give in to the roaring fires that were ignited in his nether regions, the fires of love. Lol OMG, that sounds like a bad romance novel. That could maybe probly go on that list of bad telenovela stuff To say. I would like to know why fernanda is hiding her child and seems like she hating on her mother for some reason.

Don't like victoria, augusto had apparently saw Something in her that turned him off to cheat. Was the baby Leo's or no? I'll be glad when stuff starts to come to light.
About everything.

Thank you Urban. Yall have a safe
And good weekend.

Ps, and we finally know the name of one of leo's cop parteners, Adriana
Dont know the guys name yet.


Urban, I was under the impression that I would be covering tonight's episode, please e-mail me and let me know what you'd like to do, my recap was also going to be posted later tomorrow, probably around 3:00 pm pacific.

E-mail me, Juju. I don't have your address.

I'm late to the party, but I want to wholeheartedly thank Princess Juju for Thursday's recap! Snappy, concise, and I love the mention of "photographing her toes." So true, so true. I felt so bad for Clara during that interrogation.

Princess Juju: I busted out laughing at the title of your recap "I hope that car had insurance" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yeah Steve, that old blue Caprice looked like it was rejected at the salvage yard already. I wonder if they had to hire a body double for AB to drive it. I started really paying attention when I saw the big dent in the passenger side front fender.

Princess Juju will be providing the recap later today. Since we can't edit each other's initial posts we ask your patience until sometime this afternoon.

PRINCESS JUJU...Sorry to be so late getting to this, but count me in with others who like short, snappy recaps. And your viewpoint is always so unique and so PJJ. This made me laugh:

"Ugh, someone should tell Clara to quit this gig, she can probably make more money selling pictures of her toes on the internet and it would be a lot less stressful."

Only you would come up with something like that. HAH!

Also really enjoyed your mom's "El que se case casa quiere." Wise indeed. As is that old dicho " a dow." People DO need their own space. But of course in many families that is not possible.

And characterizing the baddie as having a "short shelf life". Very funny my friend.

I hate Granny's daughter-in-law. She is SO AWFUL. In fact I had to stop watching Thursday night when I got to her dismissal of her daughter's issues and her "mind your own business" stance. What is wrong with her? She doesn't like anybody--not her husband, not her mother-in-law, not her daughter and clearly not even herself.

On spacing of children, it doesn't matter how close or far apart they are, the older child resents being replaced by a new baby. Not helpful. But certainly natural and normal. Learning to make peace with having to share love and attention that was previously "all yours" is a painful, but necessary part of growing up. Our youngest (of 3) didn't have a new baby to resent, but you can bet she resented like hell when we got a precious little cat that was always on our lap. (And she was in her twenties!) Even being replaced by a pet can be painful. Humans struggle all their lives with wanting to be No. 1. And none of us are.

Judyb, my sister who is eight years older was always very protective of me . No problems until we were older adults and our elderly parents needed care and she resented me asking for help. We are very different people. I always as tbought i was the responsible one and she was tbe live for today grasshopper. Well, best to forgive even if one cannot forget a hurt and betrayal. Life is short.

Life IS short SUSANLYNN and the less time spent in resentment and regret the better. Forgiveness can be practiced just like any other skill. My older sister could alternate being protective (when I was little) and being cruel later on. Very mixed feelings shall we say. She also exhibited a lot of resentment towards our younger brother. But I’m very glad you were able to let bygones be bygones with your older sister. We can choose how we handle hurt and disappointment.

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