Saturday, October 03, 2020

You can't trust anyone around here Imperio de Mentiras #10 10/03/2020

Dios mio, I'd encourage all of the patio to grab some ice cold drinks and a few snacks to get through this. I had to watch the episode twice just to make sure I caught 80% of what happened. Here we go!

Elisa's attempt to rescue her sister was a bust, the guy that was going to lead her to Maria Jose is now dead and Elisa quickly realizes that they are screwed. The guys death means that the Cobra (Dario) has been following her and that he knows she has gone to the police. I don't know why she's so surprised/ upset about this, Dario made it very clear that she would be followed and watched. *Also, how does a guy being thrown off a bridge not make the nightly news?*

Jose Luis is now in a very uncomfortable position, he has three officers working a kidnapping case, a kidnapping that has not be officially reported and now they have a dead guy on their hands, he asks that Elisa officially report the kidnapping which she does. Dario of course knows that Elisa has broken their agreement and later tells Maria Jose that her sister cares more about money than she does about her well-being, he also tells her she's going to be staying with him for a while.

Meanwhile Victoria continues to bully Marcelo, does he deserve it? Yes. Is it fun to watch, also yes. I'll give him some credit, he does try to stand up for himself but Victoria tells him he is a "vividor"- basically someone that lives off of another person and that they only allowed Renata to marry him because they thought marriage would be good therapy for her. Ummm, yeah so they could have just sent her to therapy, that may have been a better option. 

Victoria tells Marcelo that she's going to go get Renata from Eugenio's house and that he is responsible for watching after her. Renata's situation is starting to resemble Britney Spears, and I say that because when Victoria goes to fetch her from Eugenio's home she tells Renata that she is not allowed to leave the house by herself.

Okay, let's talk about Renata, she is desperate to be self-sufficient, and she begs Eugenio to buy her shares in the company so that she and Marcelo can achieve financial independence and finally move out of her mothers house, she makes an arrangement with Eugenio where he will manage her shares and in return she will get a monthly allowance which Renata considers is enough to finally set her an Marcelo free. Later in the episode Renata arrives home and tells Marcelo that she's solved all their money woes, Marcelo perks up because he thinks she's sold her shares to Eugenio but when she tells him about her arrangement with Eugenio Marcelo makes it clear that he wanted her to sell her stock, this leads to Renata having a meltdown because she feels she can never do anything right.  

Also, earlier Marcelo was on the phone with Sonia, she was begging him to cut their losses and skip town but Marcelo is in fact a "vividor" and he wants his grubby hands on both Renata's and Eugenio's money. I don't even think he cares for Sonia, I think he's just using her to try and steal from Eugenio.

Victoria meets with Eugenio, she tells him she's discovered terrible things about her late husband but declines to share what those things are and she expresses frustration with Elisa because she is not stepping up to her responsibilities, she also thanks Eugenio for his support, including his financial support and that's when things get icky. Eugenio makes a pass at her, he tells her he's always wished she would give him a chance, Victoria looks like a deer caught in the headlights. I'm over here like "bro, her husband died like five minutes ago." 

After hitting on his best friends widow Eugenio makes two calls, the first to Dario, he wants Maria Jose to call her mother because she's worried about her and the second is to Leo who he invites over to his house later that evening, Elisa is there and she decides to show up at Eugenio's too. Dario does as he is told and has Maria Jose call her mother, Victoria wants to visit her but Maria Jose tells her she's busy with school and won't have time to see her, after a few minutes their phone call ends.

Let's talk about Teresa, Sara and Leslie, shall we? Leslie has been ditching school, Sara her grandmother has been trying to tell her daughter in-law Teresa that there's a problem and for her troubles she's told to mind her own business and that she's going to be sent to an old folks home. Honestly I'd rather live there than with Teresa, at least at the old folks home there's pudding but more importantly I'd have to avoid looking at Teresa's toad like face. Yeah, I said it. Teresa ignores her daughter when she tells her she does not want to go back to school.

Leo visits Julia's grave, he cries a little. I can't take him seriously, his pregnant fiance died like two days ago and he's already moved on to Elisa, keep your tears Leo. 

Oh boy, I feel like I've been working on this recap *forever*, let's try to finish this baby off. We can't leave without talking about the bad guys, so let's cover them here, we are going to start with Fernanda.

Fernanda is on the phone with someone and it sounds like the person she's speaking with is her lover, she tells him (I'm assuming it's a he) that if he loves her he will come back to help her, she needs to be inside that "empresa" which means company now. Once the phone call is over her mother tells her that what she's doing is dangerous. Fernanda tells her to keep her nose out of her affairs and guys bombshells are about to drop! 

We now know for a fact that Fernanda was sleeping with Agusto and that he is not the father of her child. We also know that Fernanda's mom forced her to sleep with him in order to save her home and that mom probably pimped her out to other men. We also know that Fernanda's baby daddy is around but she will not let the boy go live with him, Fernanda tells her mom everything will go to hell if mom keeps sticking her nose where it does not belong.

Patio peeps, also keep in mind that earlier in the episode Elisa confessed to Fernanda that Maria Jose was kidnapped, that one of the kidnappers died, that Leo works for the police and that they have at least one clue about Maria Jose's kidnapping. Fernanda kept asking what the police knew and my best guess is that she is super involved in the art trafficking and that she knows who killed Agusto, she was just fishing for information to feed to whoever she works for, probably Eugenio.

Now let's cover the other bad guys. Gilberto, the main cop in charge tells Dario that there's trouble on the horizon, they have a dead body and an investigation has been opened, he has a group of guys working on this and it's only a matter of time before they put all the pieces together. Dario tells him that he needs to stop the investigation or maybe get other cops to work the case, there's a reason they pay him the big bucks, Gilberto says it's not that easy but Dario doesn't care. 

The patio knows that Gilberto has tried to contain the issue, he talked to his team and berated them for wasting resources, he said Elisa's family could afford a private investigator and them using their resources to help solve a crime that has not been reported looks shady, how he wonders is he going to explain to the prosecutor that his investigative team is working a case completely off the books, how is he going to explain a dead bad guy? He also reminds JL that he could lose his job.

Leo arrives at Eugenio's house, Eugenio really called him there to ask him what's going on with Elisa, he explains that Victoria is very worried about her and he asks Leo if anything serious is going on, Leo tells him "no", Eugenio again asks "if there was would you tell me?" "Only if I felt you could help" replied Leo, they talk about art and then Elisa joins them. Eugenio takes her to his office where he again questions why she's acting so strange, Elisa tells him nothing is wrong, just then his phone rings and it is Gilberto, he explains that it's only a matter of time before the cops find Maria Jose and that Dario is refusing to listen to him, Eugenio says he will take care of things. He has balls of steel you guys, he had this whole conversation in front of Elisa!

Meanwhile Sonia questions Leo, she knows he's a cop, she wants to know what he's doing there, is something serious happening? Leo is saved by the arrival of Elisa and Eugenio, Elisa tells Eugenio that she and Leo have dinner plans and they leave, Eugenio wants to know what Sonia and Leo talked about. 

Eugenio later calls Dario and tells him about Gilberto's concerns, Dario says they will move Maria Jose to another house and Eugenio tells him that "in this business you kill or are killed. You need to kill her".

I'd like to point out that this could have all been avoided if Eugenio had just listened to Dario. I think it was last episode where Eugenio demanded that Dario kill the wold be rapist, Dario told him it was a bad idea because if the cops found the body it would eventually lead them to Maria Jose, it looks like he was right. 

Will Maria Jose survive?


Thank You Princess. Lord help me this show makes me think I might be a sociopath. I dislike them all and actually hate most of them.
That scene night before last of JL's toad smothering that tiny loveseat while wolfing down a bag of Hoe Hoes and reading a 'Glamor' magazine showed her at her finest. Little loveseat was wishing it was back in Rooms To Go with some brats jumping on it.

By comparison, ReNutty is beginning to look less and less cray cray all the time.

Elisa is not helping Blonde's cerebral reputation telling that gargoyle Furnanda EVERY....F....THING.
OK Gilberto is Leo and ther Hardy boys boss but he is in on THE crime too. So is he undercover on the crime or just dirty. And Scario, same question. Eugenio is def in the BAD, DIRTY, ROTTEN column. But Scario and Gil, I can not tell yet whether they are a couple cops who infiltrated the bad guys organization, or if they are a part of it. a BIG part.

Sonia, silly girl. “cut their losses and skip town but Marcelo  ...” if he will do it FOR you he will do it TO you.

Is this a new visual cue they are giving us so we know who are the bad guys, like they all have hideous hair? Didn't they used to just give the bad guys some facial scar which looked like it still needed medical attention so we knew?

And what was all that debris on Julia's grave? Leo had to clean off a place to put the WalMart bouquet.

Thank you, Princess Juju. Yikes that was quite an episode of growing evil.

I cannot believe that Tio has ordered Scario to kill Majo. What a stone cold toad. I still cannot take my eyes off that hair helmet. It looks like he is wearing a toupee on top of a wig. Leo, on the other hand, has superhero hair. His hair looks like the hair on those action hero figures.

I suppose Leslie is being bullied at school which seems odd since her dad is a cop. Her mother is awful.

Thank you, Princess Juju. The recap was excellent. There was so much going on and the plot just keeps on getting more complicated.

I was just thinking that I do not know when I have seen any production where there was less makeup used or where there was more of an effort made to make the characters look plain old normal. I was wondering if Darío was supposed to be good-looking but then that really doesn’t matter since Majo is pretty but no knockout. Lots of wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes in this one; not the usual display of false eyelashes.

Yes, Marcelo is with Renata only for the money. Sonia needs to wise up because Marcelo doesn’t care how much abuse she has to take until he can get the money.

So now we know that Fernanda was pimped out by her own mother who acts like it was what had to be done and she should have been glad to have gotten the money that was needed by any means necessary. The list of sickos keeps growing in this one.

I was surprised to find out that Uncle Eugenio is not a blood relation but was Augusto’s best friend.
Looks like Eugenio has the hots for Victoria. Yuk!

The whole Leslie plot is boring.

I wonder if Darío will take Majo and run. It is hard to believe that he would have his guys kill her.

Kirby, yes, Renata isn’t looking as crazy as her mother would like her to appear to be.

Princess, well written, insightful and snarkalicious.

"Honestly I'd rather live there than with Teresa, at least at the old folks home there's pudding but more importantly I'd have to avoid looking at Teresa's toad like face" had me smiling. Unlikable characters are in abundance here but I have not seen or heard one kind word or action from this character thus far. Her beady, vacant eyes are cold and expressionless.

Every time we see Julia's room, I feel as though I am seeing where a twelve year old lives, not a mature woman. The artwork, the childlike decorations and of course the famous diary (pilfered by Elisa) with ticket stubs, dried flowers and revelations of the heart, meticulously preserved. It makes Julia's death even more untimely. And totally undeserved.

Kirby, "Is this a new visual cue they are giving us so we know who are the bad guys, like they all have hideous hair? Didn't they used to just give the bad guys some facial scar which looked like it still needed medical attention so we knew?" I also prefer villains sport jagged scars. Also, just so there is no doubt, eye patches and /or hooks do help(think Lafont in Pasion).

Bad hair is pervasive here and I have no idea if it is intentional or coincidental.
While Scario's hair irks me, Marcelo's pompadour - even more so. I don't know whose side Scario is on. The only wager I'd make is that he will not kill Majo.

"We also know that Fernanda's mom forced her to sleep with him in order to save her home and that mom probably pimped her out to other men" wasn't the first thing I read that stunned me. And here I was actually feeling sorry for her. Now her crocodile tears are stomach churning.

I loathe Victoria. She is not only negligent for not getting Renata treatment, she tried to pawn her off on Marcelo who, being the wretched and self serving creature he is, did not try to extinguish but fanned the flames in Renata's frenzied mind. I am also starting to wonder what exactly Renata does and does not understand. Could she be pulling the proverbial wool over our eyes?

"Eugenio makes a pass at her, he tells her he's always wished she would give him a chance, Victoria looks like a deer caught in the headlights. I'm over here like "bro, her husband died like five minutes ago" - exactly. But the writing was on the wall, wasn't it? Like seeks like. Or in this case, vile seeks vile.

And Jarifa, I had absolutely no idea Eugenio was a friend. I thought he was Victoria's brother in law.

Rather than staying away from Leo, the moth went to the flame. Sonia's fidgeting and facial expressions left no doubt something was amiss with Leo. I suspect she is in for another beating tonight as all this was done right in Eugenio's face.

Susanlynn, I wonder why Leslie is being bullied and also what the intentions are of the kid that came to her aide. After seeing this episode, I suggest that no one be trusted.

I'm liking Leo and Elisa more with each passing episode.

"Hoe Hoes" - you are killing me.

Princess, thank you for the excellent recap.


Princess Juju, great job trying to sort out through this mess.
I was so sure after my recap that Dario was one of the good guys. Silly me, I should have known better than to pretend to understand what is going on in this show.

It has been said a few times that Augusto and Eugenio are best friends. I was always under this impression. It is not uncommon in novelas to have tios and tias who are not blood-related. That doesn't make his "affection" for Renata any less icky or the fact that he now wants Majo killed any less worrisome.
I'm sure Renata is truly sick, but I'm starting to wonder about Marcelo. He IS a vividor, but I love it when he fights with Victoria, I'm in his corner in all of their fights. She keeps saying that Renata is his responsibility, but they didn't marry her off at 10, right? When will she admit her part of the blame in Renata's situation?

I didn't see it mentioned, but Elisa actually kissed Leo again, this time for real. That's what prompted him to go to the cemetery. Yikes!
I think Julia's drawings in her room are from her kids at school, but a 30-year-old woman (according to her tombstone) in this day and age keeping a journal?! And another 30-year-old perusing thorough it instead of pulling an all-nighter, trying to find clues about her dead father?!
The debris on Julia's grave must be from the work that was done on it, the one that Leo had paid for.

I'm also assuming Dario willtakeMajo to a different location, where more romantic suchi dinners and failed escape attemps can happen in privacy.


Why would Tio decide to kill Majo when holding her is how they are pressuring Elisa to help find the missing artifacts?

Well, SusanLynn, that's true, but if the (hopefully) good guys are getting too close, Rug may think 'Forget the Artifacts', he needs to start killing off people to save himself.

My unscientific wild ass guess. Plus, he is just a dirty nasty mean bastard who seems to like hurting women to begin with.

Always enjoy your casual reporting style. You write the way you talk Princess JuJu and you're a pleasure to read.

Enjoyed this particularly:

she also thanks Eugenio for his support, including his financial support and that's when things get icky. Eugenio makes a pass at her, he tells her he's always wished she would give him a chance, Victoria looks like a deer caught in the headlights. I'm over here like "bro, her husband died like five minutes ago."

and what a perfect description of Teresa!..."toad like face"

and this:

[Eugenio] has balls of steel you guys, he had this whole conversation in front of Elisa.

You sorted through all the confusing sub-plots, and who's screwing whom very well. Lots of suspicious, ambivalent characters and everybody looks desperately in need of a good long vacation in the sun somewhere.

I'm with the folks who think that Dario will somehow spirit Majo off somewhere in order to keep her safe. He's conflicted...but smitten.

Thanks PJJ...two in a row. And great.

What a treat; we got a double hitter from you, Princess Juju. Thank you!

I have to agree with Kirby, there are so few likeable people; and as time passes, the number decreases.

Scario is doing a very good job of brainwashing Majo into thinking that Elisa cares more about money than she does about Majo. And I am wondering why? Is he really wanting Majo to stay with him after all of this is over? Is he turning Majo against Elisa so that Majo can tell him all that she knows (not that she knows anything!). This is one of the things that really turns me off to Scario; he's like Jekyll and Hyde...and I wonder which one will survive.

I also agree with Kirby that Renutty is starting to look not so nutty. There are moments when she seems quite in control. She only loses it when she feels inept or when she doesn't get her way. If she were schizo (or any other true mental disorder), she would not be able to control her "fits"...they would be generally unpredictable.

I think Gilberto is just plain dirty...and another one that gives me the heebie-jeebies. He looks like something that would come from another planet...ET, go home!!

Susanlynn, "I cannot believe that Tio has ordered Scario to kill Majo." It doesn't surprise me at all. RugRat is heartless and I'm wondering how long he has been scheming against the family. Is there any way possible that he could have coerced/blackmailed Augusto into going rogue? If there was a way, I'm sure he would have done it.

Jarifa, "So now we know that Fernanda was pimped out by her own mother" Now this was surprising to me. It seems that Fer has really turned the tables on her. The mother looks scared all the time! How was it that such a horrible, controlling mother became the slave?

Diana, "Every time we see Julia's room, I feel as though I am seeing where a twelve year old lives, not a mature woman." Great observation! I hadn't even thought of that, but you are right. And even Clara looks and acts like a little girl and she is supposed to be a university student?? With a mom like, it's not surprising that the girls seem so inhibited.

""Eugenio makes a pass at her, he tells her he's always wished she would give him a chance, Victoria looks like a deer caught in the headlights." Hmmm, she may have looked surprised, but, seriously, a woman KNOWS when a man has more than a friendly interest in her...and they have known each other for what seems like forever. So I'm sure Victoria had (at a minimum) a hint that he was interested.

Susanlynn, I think RugRat ordered Majo's killing because he knows that if she is rescued, she will be able to identify her abductors which will lead the cops to him. As soon I saw Scario and the others remove their masks in front of Elisa and Majo (when they were initially abducted), I figured that they would be killed eventually.

RGV,I also noticed how Dario always tries to turn Majo against Elisa and I don't get it. He's also very violent with Elisa when they meet, while with Majo he's almost tender.
Could his hatred towards Elisa be personal ? Or he hates that the girls are close ? Could he blame the Cantus for some of his bad luck? Augusto can't be his father, except if Vick cheated on him and had Majo with another guy, right?
Sooo many quesions !!

Dam that Dario, I just don't know. Self doubt is not one of my normal maladies, but these TeleNovela people are like trying to untangle a plate of Leo's spaghetti and put the parallel strands back into the box. I go to bed every night feeling dumber than a rock.

Is Scario just as Nutty as ReNutty or is Scario just a really good actor and presents whichever personality is needed in a given situation? Is he an artifact stealer or an artifact stealer arrestor?

So, Scario is a mystery . We know he loves his mother ,and she is loving towards him. We know they were poor and that he has a vendetta against his father. We Know he takes his orders from Tio Rug. We haven't seen him kill anyone , but he gives orders to his henchmen to do so. He seems smitten with Majo , but he is always scary and threatening to Elisa and wants Majo to think that Elisa doesn't care about her. Have we given up the theory that he and commandante are undercover cops? They both take orders from Tio . Is Tio Scario,'s very bad dad ? If not , I don't see any other candidates around .

Fern has turned out to be a nasty, sneaky enigma .

And speaking of nasty , what is up with JL's wife. She seems to hate her whole family . Favorite pastimes ..sitting and snacking and snarling.

I agree that Renata seems more misunderstood and unhappy than mentally ill. The whole family is dysfunctional .I

Sonia is playing with fire moving sofas with Lazy Marcelo while married to The violent, controlling Tio. This will not end well. Tio likes to be in control. YUck. A disaster waiting to happen .

Victoria is no Angel . Lots of unknowns around her, too.

The one bright spot is the romance blossoming between Leo and Elisa. I am happy to see their moments together. They seem to ON my have each other to trust and count on . Maybe JL will start supporting Leo in unraveling this messy mystery .


Great work, Juju.

Most points have already been made so I won't repeat them. However, whom did Augusto "steal" the artifacts from? Somebody fanatical about cultural artifacts not being taken from graves or other places where they've been for centuries? Someone who had them illegally in the first place? Or the next stage where someone of equal wealth to Augusto looking to profit from this?

Considering how this producer operates it would not be too big a surprise if Renata isn't mentally ill, but how could she keep up the pretense of it for 38 years? The only explanation I can come up with for that would be if she was precociously intelligent and caught on to being gaslit by Victoria who resented getting pregnant at 17. Could Victoria be guilty of that same maternal crime as Ursula Santibanez of YNCELH but with a slightly different motive for having done so?

Thank you so much, Juju! What a fantastic recap! I was having so much trouble following it, with subtitles on—that didn't help enough—I feel out of my depth! Usually I can follow along to a novela, sometimes without subtitles but almost always with, but with this one I would need to rewind and watch again and again with subtitles. It's a lot of work! You did a great job!

The main thought I have about the Scario and Majo "romance" is "dysfunctional, dysfunctional, dysfunctional"! WOW. There's a lot of tension there, and while ordinarily I like a good "tormented telenovela romance," this one is so not healthy. And yes, Dario has been really poisoning Majo against Elisa. Why?

I'm still rooting for Scario Dario because at least we know he doesn't want Majo hurt and he loves his mom, but that does not make him a good galán at all.

I'm feeling more sympathy for Renata, who as far as we know isn't part of all this corruption and is just trying to survive.

Abuela (Leo's mom) seems to be the best person of the bunch, I totally love her. I feel so sorry that she is constantly denigrated by her useless daughter-in-law. Leo is also very sweet and while I can't say he's the handsomest galán ever, he's a real stand-up guy and I am warming to him more and more. And of course he and Elisa are sweet together and missing all the dysfunction that we see in every other relationship in this novela.

2cats, yes, I feel sorry for Leo's mom stuck in the house with her obnoxious daughter in law. Ugh.

Most of these characters are despicable.

If Scario is undercover, could he eventually team up with Leo to catch Tio Rug ?

I have been trying to pay attention to what is happening in the scenes in the introduction

What a wild episode this was. How could you keep up Juju? This thing is all over the place.

Ok is dario in charge or what? Cuz
Dario say..."this is why we pay you
Meaning gilbert)the big bucks and
Then gil says something else and dario don't care". Who the hell is in charge here,eugy,Gilbert,sonia
Somebody's momma who? And sonia is
Really not liking mom.

Eugenio is a horrible horrible thing. He doesn't even derserve the
Title human being. Now he wants dario to kill his supposed niece.
Cold blooded bastard. Dario is not
Gonna do that, he loves this girl.
I hope. He has told mom about her, sorta. Anyways no killin his lady love.
I would like to see what will bring about that scene in the opening credits where marcelo appears to have hung himself which we all know that wont be the case. He will have
Had help. I probably shouldn't even be talking about that now but they put it right there in the opening credits for us to see so I'm just wondering when its going to happen? Just sayin.
Now sonia has someone coming in, her baby daddy maybe? why dont just invite micheal myers to party, he can start dating ronutty. In case yall dont remember that guy hes the
One that kept dying to kill his family members. Around this time of year. Theres a movie on now. On syfy.

I'll cut leo some slack, he probly
Have a little bit of hurt left for
Lady julia. But when he gets to see
Elisa he goes Julia who?

Wow Princess this episode did need a drink to go with it. What a crazy roller coaster. And you did a good job recaping this. Thank you.


Hey kirby walmart got some nice plastic flowers, dont knock em. Lol:-)

Helloooo is anybody there🙄

‘Tis! Great job! I was sick this weekend and didn’t get email. Flu but no covid I think

Thank the good Lord for that Jardinera654. Hope your health has improved. Alot!

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