Thursday, January 28, 2021

Imperio de mentiras, #82, Wednesday, 01/27/21 Wait till Dario finds out

 This will be dialogue heavy, since there is much to tell and don't want to miss any important details.

Breaking news! Starbucks delivers!

Elisa is at the hospital, when a delivery guy shows up with coffee for a Miss Cantu. Flowers are better, but Elisa hates those, so lattes are the next best thing, I guess. Flashback to Leo giving her a coffee back in the day. She is reluctant to accept, Ren and Vic show up just then and look happy with the treat. Leo looks on from afar, Elisa has a sip of her coffee… Miam, good latte!

Fab prefers scotch! Neat!  And thankfully not straight from the bottle, that’s ultimo capitulo desperation. Eww tells him that Vic is back at the hospital, she left without even giving him an explanation, imagine that! But they have no choice, they need to control Cantu for the art trafficking deals and the Constructora is the perfect cover up. By the way, they have a new client in LA, they will send him some pieces hidden in construction material. But what about Dario, Fab asks, how will he play with us from jail? Eww wonders if Fab is worried for his Bro, mentions that he needs to stay close to him. Majo’s miscarriage will turn him crazy (-er), they need to keep him in check – give him ALL that he demands! 

Fab has a Captain Obvious moment:   

“Dario es una bomba de tiempo, you know how he will get when he finds out you caused the miscarriage! One of these days your money won’t be enough to hide the truth.”

“That day I’ll be dead!

Omen, omen, the patio hopes you live to see how your imperio de mentiras in crumbling and all your “hated ones” get to hate you even more.

The doc tells the Cantus that Majo is responding OK to the treatment, they better go sleep, no need for them to be here for now. He already told this to Leo, who Ren explains is Elisa’s novio. Vic asks why he’s still in the hospital.

Who do you think send the food that you liked so much?” Renata, bless her soul, points out.  And to a reluctant Elisa: “He loves you.

What world do we live in when the certified crazy is making more sense than everyone else?

At Clara’s home, Sara gives Leo some coffee, asks when they will go home. Leo is having the house repaired. He thinks everything is his fault for putting them in harm’s way, but Sara says it comes with the job, they knew it could happen (Also, JL caused it all, don’t forget). Sara is more worried about Leslie who knows everything about JL now (from that pesky Internet). Can Leo talk to her, she’s depressed, that can’t help her while dying, right? And Sara also wants to go see JL, he has a lot of explanations to give. Leo thinks it will be too painful, better wait. Wait what, until they find out about other bad things he’d done? Good point!

Fab is searching for Alfonso and Fer, neither has been in the office. He calls Fer, who IS with Alf, but won’t answer the phone. The plan is to go fetch Juanito, and Alf won’t go back to work, either, after the money he got. He will however stay around to help Fer, so they both go get Juanito. (Hurry!)

Eww calls Fab, who thinks it’s Fer. He wants to go search for her, Eww knows she got the money, and had it divided in several accounts, she’s smarter than Fab. (Anyone still doubted that?) Eww orders Fab to go see Dario and wait for his call. Then he hangs up, he’s with Cris.

“I have two idiot sons”, he says.

“The third one is coming!” Cristina informs him. “Sonia is in the infirmary, about to give birth.”

 Eww wants to go see her, she’s not due for another two months. He asks Cristina to make it happen.


Best buds Dario and JL talk in jail.

“Why are you so restless?” JL asks.” I WILL help you, but you need to calm down, they’re watching your every move, you won’t ever be able to escape. I don’t have one plan, but two. They are dangerous, but they will work! And I’ll help you on one condition! I don’t want money, it’s something personal. Once you’re out, kill your father. Mata a tu papi!”

Leo and Leslie (wearing a sick person beanie) talk. He asks her to calm down. She can’t believe what her father is capable of. Leo explains that nobody knew about it. Leslie asks if he killed Julia and Nieves. Leo asks her not to pay attention to all the newspapers.

“It’s not about what I believe, it’s about what can be proven, but I can’t tell you this is a lie,” Leo says. They hug, as Leslie cries.  

Vic, Elisa and Ren visit Majo, tell her about the baby. She starts crying, her sisters try to comfort her.

Fer is with Juanito, explains that papa won’t come with them wherever it is they're going. Fab calls, Alfredo tells her to answer, win them some time. She lies to Fab that she had to take Juanito to the docto, but Fab tells her he knows  she has the money. 

“Don’t do anything stupid, I’ll see you later at the apartment, wait for me,” Fab demands. 

Fer hangs up and tells Alfredo that before they leave, she needs to see a friend first! Alfredo reminds her that she needs to be safe first! Yeah, girl, what is taking you this long??


Sara has come to see JL in prison. He’s happy to see her, but she won’t even kiss him. 

“Are they treating you well?” she asks.

“I can’t complain. How about you? And Leslie?”

“Leslie knows the truth!” JL starts to protest. “She found out on her own, what did you think, she will never know? When did you change so much into a delinquent? Where did I go wrong? I did my best to be a good example, but I look at you and don’t recognize you anymore!”

“It’s not your fault!”

“Then who, how was I so blind not to realize something was wrong with you? All those fights, the bad temper… Why did you do it?”


“You were at Julia’s burial, you cried with your brother, you asked him not to investigate, because you would take care of things. I don’t recognize you anymore, you didn’t even think of your daughter… You were her hero, she adored you.”

“How is she?”

“She’s hanging in there, barely surviving, but what a heritage you’re living her… And what about your conscience! You need to pay for everything! Tell me, where did all that money come from, did the maldito you worked for give it to you? That’s why they killed Nieves?”

“What more do you want, mom, I’m in jail!”

“I want you to testify against the desgraciados who corrupted you, be a man for once in your life. Or do you want your brother dead, too?”

“No, I will do what I have to do, but forgive me!”

“Ask God for forgiveness!”

End scene!


Piedad comes to visit Majo, Adriana runs into her. They remember one another, Adriana wants to take her to Majo, but they run into Elisa, who tells Adriana about the baby and Piedad hears her, too. Elisa is told who the old lady is and she tells her what happened.

"Maldito, desgraciado, monstro!” Piedad cries. 

“Who are you talking about?” Elisa asks, but just then Vic arrives and Elisa makes the introductions. Victoria looks stoned faced (she does it better than Nieves, who would have thought?)

Adri comes to see Majo, but she wants to speak to Leo. Adri doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but Majo is done losing people she loves, she absolutely needs to tell him something very important. Adri mentions Piedad, Majo weeps again.

Sonia is in labor, the nurse is giving her a calmante. There comes the proud daddy, Eww, asking Sonia if she will have her baby in this filthy place. It’s not like you’ve left her the choice, right? He knows she asked Fer for help, but he’s the only one able and willing to do it. HE can take her to the best hospital!


Vic starts blasting Piedad.

“Que se largue! She is Dario’s mother!” 

“You think Dario is el unico culpable?” Piedad asks rather rhetorically. Can we be alone? We need to talk about my baby daddy, the man you want to marry.”

Elisa and Ren leave (WHYYYYYYY?)


Elisa looks on as Leo asks to see Majo. She asks why he’s making things difficult.

“Majo called me!” he defends himself. 

“I told you to stay away.”

“There is only one way that I’ll never come back. Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel anything for me. That you forgot all our dreams and romps in the hay passionate moments. That you don’t feel as I do right now!” And since she won’t say anything, he continues: “I’m sorry, but I’m tired to say sorry every time.”

“I’m tired of it, too, I want my family to stop hurting.”

“There is only a way to stop this!”

“Yes, that we go our separate ways, you do your police duty and I do whatever I am supposed to do."

“Look me in the eye!” he implores.

 “I don’t want you close!” (She says this while staring at him closely).

“If you think it’s better ...Are you sure?” (Dude, you’re getting REALLY pathetic)

Adri arrives to save whatever is left of his dignity (which is nothing). She tells Leo that Majo is waiting for him.


Vic and Piedad are alone.

“I know what you’ll tell me, that Eww is Dario’s daddy.”

“And what if I tell you that he put me in this wheelchair? But you already knew he is a monster.”

“Dario is the monster!”

“No, he would have never ordered Majo’s death, he loves her and the baby, our nieto. That was all Eww. He was the one who wanted Majo dead!”

“Mentira! I’m sorry you’re in a wheelchair, but I won’t believe you, Eww is part of my family.”

“He tried to  kill Majo, you have to have muy mala entrana to defend him.”

“I won’t let you see Majo, con permiso!”

Victoria Cantu is nothing if not a very polite and well behaved woman. Even with her enemies.


Leo has come to see Majo. He’s sorry this has happened to her. She knows it’s not his fault, he’s saved her life twice now. But he has one more thing to do for her: investigate, find the person who ordered the hit and killed her baby. Actually, make that two things: go see Dario, too, make sure that he finds out what happened. Leo states the obvious: this is not a good idea. Majo explains that only with Dario Leo will find out the whole truth, who had her kidnapped and ordered her murder.

Flashback to Majo being saved by Dario when Eww’s goons tried to kill her in the forest the time she was kidnapped.

“Dario is not the boss,” Majo explains. “Ask him. When we ran from the hospital we took him to an apartment and his boss called, but he hang up and I never knew who it was.”

“Don’t you suspect someone?”

Pause for dramatic effect.

“Eugenio Serrano is the boss.”

“Does Elisa know this?” THIS is what you care about now?

“Yeah, she doesn’t fully believe me. But he needs to pay. He needs to pay for my baby’s death.”


Elisa asks Adriana what is being done to find the attackers. Adriana explains that they have some testimonies from the neighbors, Leo has a lead. Elisa mentions that she knows Eww is considered a suspect and she’s starting to think he’s guilty, too, after all the things that Majo has told her. But she doesn’t want Leo involved with Majo, especially after what happened with JL. Adriana reminds Elisa that JL fooled everyone, not only Leo. (Yeah, everyone, especially YOU) Elisa needs to stop reproaching it to Leo, he’s hurting a lot. Elisa agrees, but it was HIS brother who caused all this hurt, she loves Leo so much, she doesn’t want to end up hating him.

Yeah, and it was YOUR uncle who hurt even more people, let’s see if Leo accepts you when Eww will be behind bars… What am I saying, of course he will.


Eww is still with Sonia, asking again if she’s sure she wants to have a preemie in jail. “He won’t survive. I can help you and give you a lot of money, but you have to disappear forever. You don’t have much time to decide.” He turns to leave….

“OK, take me out of here, save my baby and I’ll do what you ask of me.”

Notice that Eww forgot to mention that he will give her the money and TAKE the baby. All in due time, I guess.


Back at the hospital, Adri makes herself scarce, but Elisa won’t talk to Leo. He reminds her that he has a duty with Julia, Augie and Majo, but also with her: he will ALWAYS love her! He leaves, she weeps, Ren hugs her.

“It hurts to realize that the reality we lived in never existed, everybody lied to us, papa, tio Eww…”

“And you still have things to find out about Eww,” Ren starts.

“What are you talking about? Tell me!”

“No, I just repeat everything they say about him, perdon!” Ughhhh


Fer has come for Sonia, but it’s too late, she’s been transferred.The guard has no clue where and doesn’t care. Fer leaves empty handed.


Eww arrives at the hospital, asks Vic about Majo. They starts taunting one another, she knows he’s lying about having a meeting and then a nap. She won’t go rest, she prefers to stay with the girls. Eww mentions that Sonia is in labor, Vic asks him to tell this to Renata, snaps at him about lying, he tries to defend himself, goes in search of Renata.


Fab goes to see Dario in jail, he tells him that Majo lost their baby.

“It was Eww, right? He wanted to kill Leo and Majo was in the way. He ordered it, right? CONTESTAME!” Dario screams and the actor actually gets red in the face while doing it. These scenes have to leave them exhausted at the end of the day.

“I asked Eww to kill Leo, I didn’t know the women will be there!” Fab actually says. Does he have a death wish??

Oh, yeah, definitely! Dario pulls out a gun and jumps on his brother, wanting to kill him five different ways, I suspect.


Thank You thank you Good Adriana. Perfect title, and I had forgotten about Dario's secret gun too.

Your recap is way more fun than the mopey episode. I have watched my entire lifetime quota of seeing women cry in this one TeleNovela. If I never see another salty tear roll down an unblemished cheek, I am OK with it.

I was hoping for some fireworks with Icky Vicky Vicious discovering that her Rug Troll has been unfaithful. Well, unfaithful may not be factually accurate, as Ewww is actually still married to Sonia, so Vic and Cris are just harem members. So they both have equal status, as in no status hoochie sides.

So Sonia left the prison with Ewww? How does that work? Did they not notice that she was preggers when they decided to lock her up? What—ever! Hopefully as soon as the kid is born Ewww will sell him into human trafficking. That is his only chance to have a better life than any of the options we have seen for him so far.

Poor PeeBad in her wheelchair. When Vicky Vicious blocked the way I was hoping she had a can of pepper spray. “Maam, one last time, you need to move out of the way. OK have it your way....SQUIRT !”

Was it my imagination or did FerNasty actually go to the jail to help Sonia? Of course, because one of the Ewwws showed up to claim her. I believe there are at least four Ewwws, as he is always several places at the same time. But DAM! they all have the same hair!

Excellent, Adriana. I followed along with your recap as I watched the episode this a.m. It was very enjoyable. Best scene: Victoria with her hairstyle and blank eyes looked like a cobra as she literally looked down at Piedad. They have repeatedly had some very interesting camera angles in this novela. I also loved the look of disgust on Renata’s face when Piedad said that she wanted to talk about the father of her son Darío who she intends to marry.

" But DAM! they all have the same hair!" Lol, Kirby, you always have the best zingers, especially in the hair department :))

Jarifa, thank you for adding some detail about facial expressions, I was so focused on not losing the dialogue, I couldn't bring myself to type about all their body language, too. These people talk a lot, but they also make all kinds of funny faces, too.

:-) So JL has a plan to get Dario out of jail on the condition that he kill Ewww. Now that is a plan we can all get on board with. I hope Dario has not blown it with whipping out his gun on Fab. This just after JL had told him to keep it quiet, start getting invisible.

The rule with guns is you do not pull them out unless you are going to use it. This jerking out a pistol and wildly waving it around as you rant normally gets you killed. While you are rambling on about how you are going to kill him/her,the other fellow pulls out his gun and shoots you!

They keep teasing us with ReNutty and her maybe maybe not memory and other hints which she never gets around to finishing. I do not like being toyed with.

Adriana, I am the same way when I recap. There isn’t much time to look since I am so busy trying to listen and write.

Fantastic, AdrianaN! Thank You! I completely understand about writing in so much dialogue, especially when a "good" one downsizes a bad one...or even two baddies battling to see who throws out the most hurtful insults.

LOVED when Piedad told Vic that she (Vic) was NO ONE to tell her what to do after Vic tried to run her off from seeing Majo. And then later, when Piedad was trying to tell Vic that she was marrying a monster and the man who tried to have her daughter killed, she told Vic "Necesita muy mal entraña para defenderlo!" Literally, that means "You need very bad guts to defend him." So basically Piedad was telling Vic what we all know--Vic is filled with EVIL inside and out.

Vic sure is holding in a lot of anger toward Ewww; you can almost see her spitting out fire when she talks to Ewww and I almost expected to see two burning rays coming out of her eyes when she looked at him. I don't like Vic but I did like her little cat and mouse game when she mentioned that he looked tired and sarcastically asked if he was exhausted after his meeting. And I almost gagged when she told him she didn't like lies. He quickly said that he wasn't lying and she came back with, "I didn't say you were lying; all I said was that I didn't like lies...or what? Are you lying to me?" Let the evil games begin!

Kirby, Yep! Believe it or not, Fer went to see Sonia, but too little too late.


Cher Adriana, merci beaucoup for every nasty detail.

My favorite part was the coffee delivery at the hospital for El and family. This is what good guys do when they love and cherish someone . They try to do whatever they can to help that person even if it is in a small way . That kind of love and devotion is special ,and it does exist in real life.

More later.

Thanks for the added dialogue, Chickie, Vic has proved that she has Eww's number more than once, so this begs the question: what is her game in putting up with him? It can't be that he's such a catch... Is being Mrs. Serrano worth it all? Or is she seeing him like a good ally until she gets what she wants? A kid for Renata (to silence her), social status... what else?

Kirby, telling Dario to play nice is worse than asking him to go crazy ... I wonder what he will actually do when he gets out of jail, since everyone is fearfully anticipating his reactions (this Patio included).


Good Adri, ole Dario has been plotting to kill Ewww since he was fifteen or so as I understand it, so things move slowly sometimes in his world. Things such as actually DOING something rather than just running his big mouth and making mean faces.

So maybe things will be different now that his Pop and his hairy bro killed his unborn. Maybe he will bump off dead center and actually DO something more manly than scaring the bejesus out of little girls.

We did see that one flashback I had forgotten of him saving MoJo out in the boonies where he popped the two thugs who had caught Majo.

Funny how everyone expects Dario to do something, while he's IN JAIL, but nobody mentions things like: "wait till the cops find out" or "wait till Leo finds out" LOL
It's like it's a given that he'll escape sooner or later. Majo went as far as to ask Leo to talk to him, so that Dario "can confess" the whole truth ... AND kill Eww once and for all.

Majo must be delusional or they're giving her too many meds. She really thinks Dario will tell Leo everything? When pigs fly!

Adriana, you have staunchly and admirably conveyed all of the evil events yet added just the right shade of snark and insight to prevent us from complete depression. “Omen, omen” indeed.

I was savoring every delicious word of this until work called – I hate it when that happens. ☹

“And thankfully not straight from the bottle, that’s ultimo capitulo desperation” made me smile.

My revenge fantasy has begun. Red faced, eyes blazing with fury, veins throbbing not only in his throat but on his head (!), Dario was inflamed, fueled by rage and pure hatred. I expected him to be uplifted and sail out of jail, propelled by sheer force of will and blood thirstiness.

I have no idea why JL is helping Dario and I don’t care. And agree Kirby, whoever gets rid of Ewww has my full support.

So was Fab the one who actually put the hit out on Leo? If he did, why would he ever admit it to Dario of all people? You can’t fix stupid.

“Vic sure is holding in a lot of anger toward Ewww; you can almost see her spitting out fire when she talks to Ewww and I almost expected to see two burning rays coming out of her eyes when she looked at him” was perfect RgvChick. She’s toying with her unpalatable little rat snack before she pounces.

“What world do we live in when the certified crazy is making more sense than everyone else”? An excellent question. I believe there are secrets buried deep in several places, including Renata’s troubled mind and memory.

In doing likely the one unselfish act she has committed by going to see Sonia, Fer has likely ruined her chance to escape.

I hated when Eugenio cruelly told Sonia she was alone. True but he didn’t have to salt the wound.

Adriana, a splendid story. Thank you!


Great stuff, Adriana N.

Fabricio has the strongest motive of all to want Leo dead and Eugenio has pointed out to him that he will never win Elisa. That would set him off and Eugenio doesn't get his own hands dirty once again as well as being able to hold this over Fab's head.

Diana, I recently watched Leticia Calderon's episode of Mujeres Asesinasand she can also do deranged very well. I highly recommend it.

So we now are reminded that it's only been 8 months since ep 1.

The problem with killing Eugenio is that too much information would die with him.

Victoria shoved Renata down the stairs in ep 29 so she is inn no position to criticize anyone.


UA: It showed Victoria in the flashbacks on the night Daddy Cantu & Julia got whacked, but did she shoot them ? I think JL killed Julia in my opinion.

Diana: Leticia Calderon is one great actress portraying the evil Antagonist.

Adriana: Let's see if Fabricio kills Leo since it appears that Creepy Eugenio goaded him that he will never win Elisa (would be weird killing off the lead character).


Kirby: Sonia is likely going to DIE.

Urban, you know I did watch Mujeres Asesinas but I must not have seen that one! I'd surely remember I'm sure!

Did you see El Nombre del Amor??? If not, please do. She is an amazing actress. I can't believe she was in the original Esmerelda (which I did not see). I can't even imagine :)


Diana and Urban, Esmeralda is one of my favorite novelas. It had some questionable storytelling (for nowadays), but Lety Calderon was a true protagonista back in the day. Her first evil part in En Nombre del amor helped her reinvent herself, especially since it came after a long break, but she started out as a sweet ingenue, and she played the part very well. That's why her turn as an evil character has been so applauded and well received. She's a true artist!

Fab did ask Eww to kill Leo. That is the ONE crime that we can't put on Eww, as he only freed up some goons for Fab to use... He did want to kill Leo in the past but he realized it would get too messy, killing a decorated cop... Obviously, Fab is not nearly as smart.

Steve, I don't think Fab has the cojones to kill Leo. Eww might, if he's not doing it is because he doesn't want to dirty his hands, but Fab is to much of a chicken.

Adriana: One thing we can agree on: STUPID ass Sonia will NOT be among the living much longer!


Wow..if sonia is in labor at seven months , i wonder if her baby will survive ? These writers dont seem to like babies.

Thanks Adriana!

I missed when Cristina told Eugenio about Sonia. So when he appeared in the prison infirmary I was like “Where the heck did he come from?” LOL

I do think Elisa is treating Leo unfairly. Leo does seem to believe Majo from what I could see.

Piedad is definitely MVP here. She knows Eugenio probably better than anyone. And as far as I’m concerned JL can continue to rot in jail. No, he likely didn’t kill Augusto and Julia but we know Nieves was killed in such a cold blooded manner.

Renata clearly knows something and I hope she finds the will to remember soon.


Oh, Sonia has been through so much heartache, is it too much to hope that she survives ? And gets to keep her baby?

TF, Eww asked Cristina to get him inside the jail and presumably arranged for Sonia's transfer. Since I believe he was the one who got her in jail by acussing her of defamation (or something similar) he could just drop those charges, so she's freed. Stranger things have happened.

Notice how JL doesn't use any of his excellent escape plans on himself. Jail is better than Teresa, I think...

Adriana Noel- Yes, it's too much to hope. She's trusting a guy who handcuffed her to a boat and got away with it, among all the other things he's done. That doesn't bode well for her future.

There is no excuse for Fernanda not to have a go-bag. She knows these people as well as anyone. Also she has a nice wardrobe and it shouldn't all be left behind. But not getting out of the apartment as soon as possible was just wrong. Even the accountant knows he's dead man walking. Move the money to a Swiss bank account and get outta Dodge! Sonia can't be helped anymore.

Although, maybe Fer could make it up to Sonia by raising the baby (assuming it lives). She's not one of the good guys, but she's smarter than all of them and might be better when not around all these dumdums. And Eugenio. Plus, she has all that money now. She can afford one of those ninja maids to nanny bath kids until Eww and Fab are both dead. (s THAT too much to hope?)


Kelly THAT was driving me crazy last night too. Fer should have already been out of town or at least have Juanito hidden out of town somewhere in a frigging treehouse or something. Half the murderers in CDMX are blowing up her phone and she lollygags?

If getting the money necessitated her staying around, she should have had anything she just had to take in the car trunk, and car full of gas. Sitting on GO until the last paper is signed, then outta there like a Scirocco. Thanks Alfie, see ya around, bye, zoom.

What a great recap Adrianna, thank you for the raw detail of it all.

Is elisa blind dumb and stupid at the same time or is brain dead a thing with her now? With all the stuff that's coming at her about
Tio ewgy and she still Can't grasp
The reality that the man/troll is the one that is the cause of all the Pain her family is in. She only
Blames jl for the mirdwr of her papi and juls, well he got his orders from somebody. Think girl, who stands to gain from yo daddy's
Death? And your stupid momma just
Signed everything over to that troll thinkin he gives-a-dam bout
Her. Ewgy only loves ewgy. And his sons are just useful "things". And
So are the women in his miserable life. Ok enough about his sorry ass

I really want dario out of prison cuz hes the only one that will do the elimination of that piece of pig waste that thinks he is gods gift to the universe justice. The popo can't seem to get their act together. Well he owns them so....

Leo and company may have to go rogue to get this done cuz nothing else seems to be working. What a hot this is.

I like the way piedad spoke to vic.
That wheelchair maven ain't scard of nobody certainly no bwitch like
Pius vic, with her "I'm better than U Cuz I got money" attitude. She better listen to the wheelchair wisdomnof someone who knows where of she speaks.

Majo is fed up and renata is showin
Signs of smartness and elisa is um
Dumb. Leo should just leave her alone and do his job,get the troll.

Ok Adriana lovely recap dear. Keep it coming, thank you.

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