Friday, February 05, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras #90, 2/5/21: Follow the Bouncing Assassin

Bodega of Blame

Leo leads Cris out of the bodega in her pretty blue blouse and matching handcuffs. Mario reports that there's more than enough evidence to nail Eugenio. Leo gives Cris a particularly mournful puppy-face. 

Leo: I thought you were different.

Cris: We all have our price.

Leo: I don't.

Cris: I know. That's why I fell in love with you.

Leo offers her a deal: information for a reduced sentence. She says she'll tell him everything, but it won't do any good. Eugenio always has an ace up his sleeve. She adds that he'll never be happy with Elisa, but she doesn't look threatening anymore, just sad and broken. 

World's Weirdest Wedding 

Eu's had enough of these whiny women crashing his party. He dismisses his thugs, takes a pistol, and points it at Ren. Vic steps in front of her. He trots out the ultimate emetic excuse: it was all her fault. Yes, the little girl made me do it! 

Vic calls him a monster, and he calls her a hyena. She takes Ren's arm and leads her away.

The Lonely Hearts Police

Adri and Mario are on their way to get the paperwork for Eu's arrest. Leo wants to tag along, but Adri sends him back to her apartment to "get some files off of her computer." Then she gives Mar a perky little kiss that only I care about.

Of course it's a setup. Elisa shows up at Adri's place and Leo fills her in on the latest happenings. 

Leo: We've got Cris and Eugenio! 

Elisa: I feel...happy!

Leo: Let's get back together!

Elisa: Okay!

Um, you guys? He's still out there.

Incel Bachelor Pad

Fab is just finishing up tying Fernanda to a chair. 

Fab: You're an icky dirty girl and I don't like you anymore. 

Fer: Waaaaaaah.

Fab: I'm going to take your little boy far, far away. You'll never see him again.


Fab: I should have stayed in London.

Patio: No argument here.

Fer: Dario's coming back for me!

Fab: He's not, actually. But here's a nice gag, just in case.

Reclusorio of Showers & Tears

Jose Luis walks his Mom through the whole murder-scene flashback. He went to the isolated spot...he approached the car...he raised the gun...but Augie already had a hole in his head. He noticed the passenger door was open and looked around, only to find Julia with a matching hole. He couldn't leave her there on the ground, so he dragged her back to the car. Then he made an anonymous call to the police station.

But he still wanted that cash. So he went back to Eugenio and pretended he had done the deed, and Dario handed him the magic briefcase. (This would seem to eliminate both of them as suspects. It's hard to believe they would pay money for nothing.)

JL: Madre...I am not a killer...I need you to forgive me.

Sara: Perhaps God will forgive you, but I cannot.

Casa Can't-Do 

Vic tries to settle Renata down. She tells her that Eu has left his house, but she has to go back for "something very important." 

Ren doesn't want to be left alone with a baby that hates her and isn't even Marcelo's. Vic claims she didn't know that, either. She cries and holds Renata close. "I put myself in danger for you, I gave up everything for you...all I have done is try to take care of that no one would find out what you did." 

Cara de muy impactada de Renata. Like she's shooting lasers out of her eyes. 

"Your sisters don't need to know about you and Eugenio. Just be happy with your baby. Forget everything else.

Serrano House O' Rugs

Guess what! Vicky lied again! Eugenio hasn't left the house; he's on the phone with his lawyers demanding that they annul his marriage first thing tomorrow, no matter how much it costs. When he hangs up, Dario appears behind him brandishing his usual theatrical firearm.

Dario: Short honeymoon, dude!

Eugenio: The police are looking for you.

Dario: And the police are looking for you. But I got here first.

Eu: My men will never let you leave this house alive.

Dar: What men? I made them a better offer.

Eu: Then kill me now and get it over with. If you have the avocados.

Dar: No no no, you have to suffer first. 

Eu: You wouldn't kill your own father.

Dar: I have no father.

Can't-Do Part Two

Elisa manages to feed and quiet the little throw-rug, but Renata snatches him back like he's her favorite scrunchie. Of course he starts to cry again, and she runs upstairs with him and locks herself in her room. She flashes back to her conversation with Vic. "So no one would find out what you did...what you did...what you did..." She screams at the baby to stop crying. "I don't want to do another crazy!" 

Elisa hears the ruckus, tries the door and finds it locked. She goes back down the stairs, hopefully to find a screwdriver, or Leo. (Actually...nah, that's too easy.)

AirBnB of Angst

Dario brings Eu back to Fernanda's, where he slaps him around until he agrees to get down on his knees and beg Piedad for forgiveness. Both of Dario's groupies are pretty appalled, but they just make faces and don't do anything. 

Eu: Okay, I asked for forgiveness. Let me go now.

Dar: No no no. You must suffer.

Eu: What are you going to do with me?

Dar: I haven't decided.

(Seriously? He doesn't have a plan?)

Dario stashes Eu in a spare bedroom while he "thinks," and of course Eu starts working on him. "You remind me so  much of're my real son. Why do you think I sent Fabricio away? He's useless! And who was right by my side all these years? I'll acknowledge you in front of the whole world...we'll run my dirty businesses together!"

Dario wavers. Dude, you shoulda had a plan.

Can't-Do Cuckoo Boogaloo

Turns out Elisa's big plan for dealing with the Renata crisis is...calling Mom.

Elisa: What did you say to her?

Vic: I don't know what you mean.

Elisa: Didn't she come to your wedding? What happened?

Vic: Nothing. I'm coming home right now.

Elisa: Don't come.

Vic: You're my daughters! You need me!

Elisa: We always needed you. But even when you lived with us, you weren't here. CLICK.

Meanwhile, Renata is thrashing around in her walk-in closet, trying to drown out the crying baby. She comes across the dress she was wearing in Episode 1 and flashes back to the gallery, Elisa's party, an argument with her father...she starts dumping out all her drawers, her jewelry, everything...then, as if in a trance, she pulls up the false bottom of the jewelry box and takes out...a gun. 

She remembers following her father the night of the party. She remembers pointing the gun at his head. And she remembers his dead face, with the bullet-hole right in the temple. 

She starts to scream.


I knew by the title this would be a doozie! Remember when I had that dream a month or two ago that you got the penultimate episode to recap? And here we are.

Your dialogues are so funny! I love the shortened, but very accurate version.

So many good lines... where to start? I loved "pretty blue blouse and matching handcuffs", "Guess what! vicky lied again!" and "like he's her favorite scrunchi" the best. Your headings like "World's Weirdest Wedding" and "Can't-Do Cuckoo Boogaloo" are A+++.

Gawd, we didn't realize what an ew Ew would turn out to be. So many ways to fantasize of his demise.

Do we really think Renata shot them? NOOOOOO! That is definitely not a satisfying ending. But if it is her, I hope we get to see Mauricio's eyes bug out even further when he hears about it.

Dario sure hasn't thought this through. I don't think it is going to end well for him. I'm disgusted that this makes me sad. And I'm even more disgusted with myself that I still find him kinda sexy.

I still can't believe the gran final will be Sunday night. Awww, but what a relief it will be to see FIN flash on the screen.

Thank you to all the recappers for the laughs. Your dedication is appreciated.

Rosemary la Otra

R la O, I could picture Renata killing her father -- especially if he was involved in her abuse -- but I can't imagine she would kill Julia. (So does that mean we're back to two killers? Where was El Pinqui that night?)

Great work, Blue Lass. I sometimes wish I could condense my recaps to something as succinct as this.

So now we know who killed Augusto. Too bad it wasn't Eugenio but there is enough on his rap sheet to put him away forever. That is, if Dario doesn't kill him first. I currently doubt that will happen and I have a terrible sense of foreboding. Not that I know how the original ended, but knowing how Amor Eterno ended and that GG's novelas don't typically end happily I can see a scenario where Ewwwgenio can wreak more havoc in the finale.

I think we can safely assume that if Renata is still alive at the end she will be permanently mad. I have been wondering whether Augusto knew about Ewwwgenio molesting her and now I think he may have known. I still don't believe that Victoria didn't know. She has to be lying about that to Renata. Why else would she tell that unfortunate daughter not to tell her sisters?

It's understandable that Dario would want to torture his sperm donor for everything he has done, but it was very unwise of him to do this in front of Piedad and Majo. As bad as Dario is himself if he knew what Ewwwgenio did to Renata he would probably have killed him already.

More tomorrow.

Thank you Blue Lass.

Viewerville will, I think, have to wait until the 2nd hour of Sunday's finale to find out the murderer(s) of Augusto and Julia. My guess is as follows: We know JL did not do it from the reconstruction he offered to his mother; he was hired by Eugenio to kill Augusto and was prepared to do it until he found him dead in the car. Julia was found outside the car so he moved he body into the car and collected the cash. But he's maintained thought the TN that he was not an assassin. So now Renata is 'recalling' only that she wore a dress the night of the murders and discovers a gun hidden in her jewelry (?) box. She frantically imagines that she may have...What? In her flashback yet to come ( if she has one on Sunday), I think she will show up in the murder scene with a gun. But is she the assassin? Didd the crack police force do a ballistics check on the bullets in the crime? Was it the gun she found? Well she would have motive to kill Eugenio but that assumes she remembers the abuse she suffered from him as a child. I don't think she recalled everything at that point. So who does that leave? Eugenio? Well unlikely he would have parted with money to JL for services rendered unless he was an evil genius to frame JL eventually for the murders. Possible. But who is the most likely to have killed both? A jealous wife - evil Vickie. My money is on her,

My suspect list on who whacked Daddy Cantu & Julia:
1.) Vicky
2.) Renata
3.) Majo
4.) Elisa
5.) Adriana
6.) Mario
7.) Cristina
8.) Leo
9.) Eugenio
10.) Fabricio
11.) Fernanda
12.) Wild Card twist

Blue Lass, succinct, savvy and very, very smart.

“Reclusorio of Showers & Tears” was one of many favorites. Sara is kind and forgiving. Just not with JL.

“Vic calls him a monster, and he calls her a hyena” – fitting as both have sought to destroy not only their own children, but each other’s.

To cloud this already murky mess, the writers have ratcheted up Renata’s craziness and thrown her in the mix of possible suspects. Looks like there was quite the murder after party but I don’t buy Renata’s guilt t for a moment. Anon, you might well be right the murderer was Vicky but given Giselle’s past work, I think the reveal will be a shock. I'll only say my suspect in on your lengthy list Steve.

Urban, you made an excellent point that if Vicky didn’t know about Renata’s abuse, why would she ask her not to tell her sisters.

Battered, beaten and bloody, Eugenio still had his wits about him to go for Dario’s jugular – a broken boy seeking his father’s love. I could hardly believe it as Dario hesitated. Dario devised and carried out his immediate plan of finding, capturing and bringing Eugenio to his knees. But, not beyond that. Why? I think because he knew he would not be able to kill Eugenio. Father and son share many instincts and impulses but Dario possesses a conscience which Eugenio does not. Rosemary, I also want Dario to survive. But I don’t think we should chastise ourselves, but should blame Eugenio for who he forced Dario to be.

Fab is a spinless little worm, a big man tying up the mother of his son as he doggedly continues to pursue Elisa. Isn't getting the same failed result time after time the definition of insanity?

“]Then she gives Mar a perky little kiss that only I care about”. Admittedly, I’m softening. Someone has to be happy and rise from the ashes.

Blue Lass, thank you so much! Just wonderful.


Dear Blue Lass, thank you for recounting all the bubble , bubble toil and trouble . They should have called this show "Tales of the Monster and the Hyena. " I enjoyed all the subtitles but especially " Reclusorio of Showers and Tears. "

I am wondering what Cris meant when she told Leo that Eww always has an ace up his sleeve . Does he have one there now to get out of his current uncomfy situation ? I had to turn away when he was beating Eww in front of Mojo and Mom. Dario is so damaged . I don't think he will survive. Eww is manipulating Dario even now. It's patbetic.

I don't think Ren killed anyone . I sure hope that it wasn't Leo or El but if they want to shock us , it could be one of them . However, I nominate Chris. I

Well, this show is proof of the tangled web you weave when first and last and always you practice to deceive and to be an awful, greedy, powerdriven , soulless person. What time is the finale on Sunday ?

Thank you, Blue Lass. Superb work!

If Victoria believed Augusto was having an affair that’s motive for the murders. Unless when she realized Renata had followed them and made Renata do the deed and take the fall, it makes the most sense to me that Victoria is the killer.

However, the question is if Victoria is the killer why does Renata think she herself is? Was she manipulated into thinking that with drugs or whatever else V and E did to her or did she somehow not actually see what happened? There are definitely multiple possible scenarios.

Diana, I totally agree with your assessment of Eugenio/Dario.

JL only cared about money and look where it got him. He deserves to live with the guilt so I think his karmaggedon has already been sealed.

A Elisa/Leo happy ending is predictable and not that exciting IMO.


Christina will play with other people's minds up until the day she is carried out feet first to the morgue. If she is as high up on the police food chain as IA usually is she should know that there is no such thing as a perfect crime. However, she is a seriously malignant narcissist who is incapable if seeing that there are better people in this world. People like Leo who can't be corrupted. He can't be the only honest cop in Mexico. If she doesn't off herself first I can only imagine what mental havoc she could create in prison.

Narcissists intentionally create serious emotional damage that is almost never fully curable. Since Leo was lucky enough to have had loving parents and at least a few good women in his life he will be alright if he survives this tale. Elisa has a decent chance because she originally left home at 18 and lived in New York until the opening episode.

I think Renata is beyond hope with Mao not far behind her.

TF, I agree with you (based on similar events in YNCELH).

Finale is listed as 8-10PM EST tomorrow night.

UA: Yes! I feel like this story has bits of YNCELH and CET in it. I guess Giselle G is sticking with similar storylines. Although she kinda missed the mark with Cuna. Maybe next time it wouldn’t hurt to use different ideas for a storyline.

Predicting Eugenio’s karmaggedon isn’t as easy as some of the others so I’m curious to see what his fate will be.

Thank you, Blue Lass, excellent as always and I am always in awe of how well you can summarize all the details into such a well-written rendition of all the events.

I'm on board with not believing that Renata is the murderer. These writers keep trying to mislead us. When they made us believe that JLow was the murderer, they kept his flashbacks at a minimum. Now with Renata, they added a bit more but still not the entire sequence--probably implying that is all that Renata remembers. I took a close look at that flashback and when Renata was walking toward Aug's car, she did not have a gun in her hands. Next thing she knows, she's standing with a gun looking at her father (whose blood looked to me a bit dry, BTW). Renata also has a history of making herself believe what she assumes to be true; so it won't surprise if she confesses. I think Anon 8:08 makes a good point; we won't know for sure who killed Aug and Julia until the very end...errr ALMOST the very end since there has to be time for the wrap-up.

Diana, "Battered, beaten and bloody, Eugenio still had his wits about him to go for Dario’s jugular – a broken boy seeking his father’s love." I thought the exact same thing but of course, you always find the perfect words. Very well stated!! Dario showed some hesitation and that is not a good sign. I can't believe he didn't have his vengeance plan complete...very unlike him!

TF, She definitely missed the mark with Cuna. Catalina is clearly still the reigning queen of toxic mothers so she should not have gotten away with her crimes, which were double in number from the original normal-length series.

I definitely can believe that Renata was gaslit into thinking she committed these two murders. She was already damaged goods mentally for so long that it would have been a cakewalk for Victoria to commit those murders and set her up to believe she had done it. That puts Victoria in the ranks with Catalina (Cuna, either version) and Ursula (YNCELH).

In view of Ewwwgenio's crimes it would be equally criminal if he got away with them in the finale. Also, the sexual abuse of Renata makes me wonder how many other pre-pubescent girls were victimized by him. Could he also have been involved in the trafficking of children that Leo busted in the opening episode?

I think that even bloodied and beaten , Eww is going to somehow turn the tables on stronger, younger Dario and slither away to cause more chaos and damage .I think Dario is doomed ...Maybe Mojo and Mom, too.

You have to wonder what made Eww and Ick the monsters that they are .

Where is Juanito anyway ?

I hope El gets into Ren 's room and rescues that poor Baby. Ren seems destined for death or the mental hospital . So many tragic figures in this show.

Is anybody going to get a happy ending ?

Urban, that is a brilliant connection you made between Eww and the scene in the first episode of Leo arresting the child traffickers . Could be . Eww is certainly depraved enough to be involved in that type of crime .

Thank you, Blue Lass for the entertainment.

All can say is that seeing Eugenio with a bloody mouth being brutalized by his own son was the highlight of the novela so far.

Yes, Urban, ITA that Catalina Creel still rules.

Cannot wait for the doubleheader tomorrow.


Everybody has a wow moment, BlueL
This is yours. WOW!!! You knocked it out of the arena. The snark was funny and sharp.

I was watching when vic was holding ren and saying what looked like comforting words, bit she was just setting her daughter up yet again.
"No one has to know what"YOU" did.
That heffa murdered her husband and julia, Julia must have tried to run. That was an angry kill. And it is what jl found when he thought he would have to do the deed, someone beat him to it. But he still took that money didnt he? I'll get back to his greedy butt later.
But this heffa here...she is worst than ewgy. She is willing to let her daughter believe she killed her own father. That's why she kept her all doped up and tried to make every body think she tried to push her down the Stairs. What a wretch a horrible mother. And she don't deserve that title. The widow maker sounds good.

Gee the parents in this tn don't
Exactly merit the parent of the year award. They're really horrible parents.
Jl used the love of his sweet lesli
As the reason for his greed for free blood money. Fer uses her son
As a reason for the insurance money
Ewgy just turned his sons into 3xxx the hellions he is and then uses his third son who is more innocent than all of them as a bargaining chip so it wouldn't come out that hes a pedophile/rapest/childmolestr molester, take your pick. And Sonia, she is just not a fighter for anything. By The way where is her mother? And could just see fab
Ruining his sons life to death. Its
Just pitiful.

Eugenio[The horrible Wretch]:Okay
I asked forgiveness. Let me go.
Now I didn't hear him ask for it, did yall, of course I wasn lookin at the cc's I was looking at that very real looking blood Dario was beating out of him. Long time comin
Too. Hes got so much more punishing
Coming and so deserved. But I don't
It w i.p ll be at the hands of dario. A scorned woman is very very
Dangerous to a unsuspecting stupid

Jl actually thinks that teresa is gonna stay married to his jailed butt? Is he crazy? Now renata is doped up what's his problem? And he
Wants forgiveness from momma. Well he needs to do what she told him &
God to forgive him cuz she wont. He know what he was doing was wrong. He didnt kill augy n Julia but what
About Reynolds wrap? Are we to believe he didnt do him? He was is
Jealous hubby. He probly did and hired piquing to take the wrap for it. Cuz he didnt want to go to jail
What ig piqui is still there and he just waiting for his revenge?
We'll see tomorrow night.

Fabidoodoo is still a coward.

Poor sonia, girl get some back bone and fight for your baby and you.

Ok this was fun. We are almost to the end of the road(thank you boys to men). Thank you BlueLass.

UA: You certainly bring up an interesting point. I had almost forgotten about that trafficking bust in the first episode.

Nina basically said what I was just thinking. Victoria, Eugenio and Nieves certainly are NOT model parents. While Nieves did bad things and put her daughter in a dangerous situation, Julia really ending up dying for nothing. Her death had nothing to do with the art trafficking. Even if it was an affair, that still wouldn’t justify the murders so Victoria should definitely pay for the crime. At least nothing happened to Clara before Nieves died.

I really hope we won’t see Renata pull a Maleny in the finale and that she can begin to heal mentally and emotionally, even if Victoria deserves something worse than death or jail, because Renata has certainly suffered a lot. In the end I think the bond between the Cantu sisters may be stronger than anything so I don’t want anything bad to happen to Majo either.


Like all other finales of novelas by GG, this one will be a roller coaster ride. A combination of an out-and-back and a twister, with a half dozen inversions thrown in.

Also, if any of you remember La Esposa Virgen from 2005, you know not to trust the credits sequence.

I think I may have watched a little bit of La Esposa Virgen but don’t remember much lol

I do remember though watching La Fea Mas Bella and the opening credits sequence changed a little after the halfway point but they didn’t reflect what was happening/ended up happening in the story. I almost wish they had though lol

In Alborado, I kept waiting for romantic scenes from the intro , but they weren't in the actual show.

Hey has anybody heard from Kirby?

I think vic killed hubby and julia.
And she probly got plans for the troll with bad hair. I hope sonia is releast from prison, just drop the charges, ewgy set her up anyways, and get your baby out of that house.
If there is any money get it and leave town raise you baby. Give him a name that's got nothing to do wit
None of these people. Get your moma
And run. Run as fast and as far as you can. Leave a note thanking el for returning your baby to you.

I really hope renata survives this nightmare intact mentally.

Thank you, Blue Lass for the superb recap!
Also I appreciate everyone’s comments and insights!
I really hope Renata will be on her way to recovery in the end. She’s uncovered the source of her mental illness, the abuse. When she learns she did not murder her father, which I do not believe her capable of, she can, with the help of therapy, begin to heal. I would like to see her, of her own volition, return the baby to Sonia and then begin a healthy relationship with Mauricio.

Fe ...I'm with you . Ren deserves a happy ending. She has suffered enough.

Excellent and concise recap! That "convo" with Leo and Elisa was hilarious. No time to relax, kids, when there's still 2 chapters to go and bad guys running around everywhere.

I'm so glad we're all on Renata's side! She is definitely being gaslit by Vicky by being made to think she did it. With only a couple more chapters to go, no way does Vicki have time to get redemption for what she did to Renata with the abortion and surgery. For all that Fernanda did, she at least has the excuse of being threatened by Eugenio. What's Vic's excuse? She even has Eugenio concerned.

But how do we fix Adriana? She dated her last boss and now she's dating the new boss? That's is NOT going to go over well at the office cooler. She should have taken JL up on that transfer offer. Girl needs a change of scenery and to date someone she's not working for.


Blue Lass, talk about going out with a BANG!
So many gems in your recap, I wouldn't know where to start! I loved the subtitles and the dialogues, they're favorite gimmicks of mine, too.

To recap the night of the murder: Ew thinks JL killed Augie on his order. But Ren just remembered SHE killed her father, while JL confesses that he only got to the murder site after the fact and tampered with the evidence, like the good cop that he is. And momma should forgive him for everything else because this is the one crime he didn't commit. Kudos to Sara for standing her ground, I don't know many (novela) mothers that would have her inner strength.
I'm also still waiting to see if Renata remembered right since we only got a glimpse of Augie and he was already dead.

Seeing what Majo and Ren are going through, ELisa really looks stoopid keeping Leo away from her, doesn't she? I mean, except from Dario tormenting her at the beginning, what other horrific traumas has she had to endure? Stupidity doesn't count as punishment when you're born with it.

I'm fine with Elisa and Leo being together, as long as Ren and Majo get happy endings, too. Majo's chances look bad for now, seeing Dario's behavior and obsession with Eww. Even Ren looks better off. If she only imagined being the murderer she still has Mau to run to.

Kelly, ITA about Adriana - she doesn't deserve to be where she's at, and I bet nobody will bat an eyelash about her behavior. I blame Spinelss Mario.


Elisa suffered through being forced to launder the dirty money. We don't know how long she was locked up in the reclusorio but that is its own hell.

Let's not forget Christina and her sadistic mind games. I just hope that wherever she ends up there is someone to do it to her.

Urban, you're right, I had forgotten jail time. She looked so pretty in her sporty clothes, though, it hardly looked like prison :))
And I wouldn't wish Cristina on anybody!!

Adriana: Big question is whether Sonia is among the living in tonight's Gran Final ?

Almost forgot--I almost gagged when Vic-ious told Renata that nobody touches my daughters She should have added "except me"! But Okaaaay, so nobody can TOUCH her daughters, but they can kidnap them, terrorize them, and force them to be criminals. She did NOTHING or even thought about doing anything when she found out that Ewww was behind everything. Stupid, hypocritical, evil hyena!!


GRAN FINAL: Tonight, 8-10PM (E)

I think that we are going to see Eww wiggle out of Dario's control tonight and do more damage as the show careens to its conclusion.

If icky was the killer and that can be proven , she may end up in that drab beige jail apparel. Funny how we put our prisoners in Orange to make them easy to spot.

I still think Dario is doomed . I could see Mojo wanting to join him in death. She looks positively wrung out .

The only happy faces we see now are Badriana and Mario, that persistent , sleepy looking terrier..the little engine who thought he could .

Will our leading couple survive and be happy together as everyone falls apart around them .

As for tied up Fern , it doesn't look like Dario will be riding to her rescue . He is busy right now fighting his demon dad who continues to play mind games with him. Tragic .

I think momma V got plans for the troll of her evil black heart. He will not get away with what hes done to the family. And she won't get away with what she has done.
Everyone that's done dirt got their anvils coming. Especially the major players in the dirty dealings.

Kirby are you their? You ok darlin?
Anybody heard from kirby?

Fer should've ran when she had the chance. May not end well for her cuz fabidoodoo is way nuttier than
The troll daddy ewgy.

Hey NiNa. Yep. Counting down to the BIG Finish. Thanks.

Just so you're Ok omigo. Enjoy!🙂

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