Saturday, February 26, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte 4, 2/25/22 Naive Natalia's Painful Predicament Continued Or Misfortune Abounds

Claudio is eager to move into Constanza's castle to continue living the highlife.  Teresa refuses to because Connie Cruel Shoes refuses to allow daughter #2 to move in owing to Mama always loved her best or some such thing....However pride gives way to the fact of a paucity of pesos.  Sleep on the street or swallow your pride-- and since pride is something of which Claudio knows nothing, Teresa must eventually give in.

At the garage, Valentina screams in frustration at Juanga's brainless response to having screwed up the whole front braking system, shock absorbers, discs, hub, bushings, axle, the tire, et al.  How is Juanga planning to pay Gustavo back for the damages to the customer's car? "--Don't act so down in the mouth." He promises to help if it really is that costly.....Sorry, but that kind of STOOPID.  I got no patience with this, and if this is supposed to be humorous or clownish, even less.  I'd have fired this south end of a northbound jackass in a N.Y. minute y punto.

Back at the soon-to-be-emptied-out manse, Fernanda offers what help she can to Natalia.  Her parents have a storeroom Nata can use for her furniture.  Nat explains how she had to sell her jewelry and will stay in a hotel for a bit due to Connie's inconsiderate refusal to help family.  Nat, for now, has no other option.  (Sorry, but did she and all who know her forget she is a reknown chef?  Why not call on all those restaurant and club owners she supposedly hobnobs with for a job already?)

Mario is pissed as hell that he's got to sell all his possessions to come up with the money to pay the creditors and thus avoid jail.  Sissy Tania tells him to be greatful that Elias Haddad didn't sue him like he did Adrian.  Tania laughs outloud at the thought that powerful Elias is right now kicking Nata out on her zero ass-ets.  Mario swears that he will find a way to rescue Nata from her naive self.

Tere, sitting outside Connie's palacial mansion, persuades her daughter to at least allow her and Claudio a place to reside...temporarily.

Gustavo returns to the garage and realizes something's wrong with Mario's ride.  Tina covers for Juanga.  With the crap load of lies and roundabout fast talk, we can see that Tavo knows nothing about fixing cars and less about running a repair shop.  (No wonder Connie had to bail him out early on.) 

The pediatrician/neurologist?  says nothing's wrong with Benji that time won't heal.  

At the same time, Nata has naively shown her envelope of pesos gotten from pawning her jewelry while paying for a hotel room.  A crook in the lobby waiting for a mark has taken notice.  The girls go upstairs and Andrea can do nothing but complain. (Earplugs please.) Nata takes the time to explain that Omar is not to blame for what their two fathers have done.  She then goes out to buy the girls and herself something to eat.

Across town, Omar begs his mother to intervene with Daddy's throwing Andi's family out onto the street.  (Well, he has a point, unless the man is planning to sell it immediately, which he probably is.)  Omar says he's leaving to move in with a friend as he can no longer stay under the same roof as his parsimonious Papi.  Ok, Mama Sammi is at least willing to give him the keys to his graduation present...their apartment in the city.  He immediately calls Andi to let her know.  He will stop by to pick her up and show it to her.  

Tavo stops by the beauty shop to chat with Chole.  Olga heads off to the garage.  Connie arrives looking for Tavo.  Olga wastes no time informing her that Tavo is over at Chole's shop.  And, Tavo, for his part, is opening up to Chole about how depressing it is living with Constanza.  Chole says it's obvious that he's been unhappy living with the woman for a while now.  Why doesn't he leave her?  He blames himself and says she's sacrificed a great deal because of him.  Anyway, what woman would pay attention to a worthless man like him?  Chole insists there are plenty of women who'd be proud to be at his side.  Show him one and he'd leave it all behind.  

At the same time, Nata is not paying enough attention to her purse and the pile o' pesos in it.  The peti criminal from the hotel has followed her and attacks her in an alleyway.  He grabs her purse and races off.  She picks up the dumped food and goes back to the hotel, moping over the further bad luck that has beset her.

Chole and Tavo lean in for The Kiss just as Witchy Wife Woman appears in the doorway and the moment --such as it is-- is lost.  Connie screams at him for once more hanging around in the barrio with "the little people....."

Andi falls in love with Omar's new digs.  She and Omar make up.  He invites her and her mother and sister to move in with him there.  She is thrilled.  

Tavo arrives back at the palace and learns from Claudio that Connie has allowed Tere and him to move in but still is refusing to help Nata.  Tavo heads over to the hotel to see what can be done.

Back at Chente's, Benji finally emotes.  

Sammi wants to keep her eye on Omar instead of having him stay gawd knows where and with gawd knows who; Elias says let the kid have his temper tantrum but leave the car and the apartment here and let him go back to England to finish college.  Seems that they are talking at each other instead of to each other.  Better he goes back to school than live the Bohemian lifestyle.  (Good luck with that, Pops!)  

Omar and Andi enjoy their first tumble in the sheets.

Mario and Tavio meet up with Nata in the hotel lobby.  She fills them in about her situation and all that's happened in the last twenty-four hours.  They'll go to the police station and make out a report to try to catch the guy who snatched her purse although she feels it will do little.  Tavo will have the car towed to the shop and look it over so she can sell it.  He apologizes for Connie's callous behavior.

Mario and Nata go to eat first before heading to the police station.  

Chole is dreamy-eyed over Tavo.  Olga comes to ruin the mood.  She is to blame that Tavo's wife knew where to find him earlier.  Chole tells her in no uncertain terms that the next time the witch comes looking for him to keep her pie hole clamped shut!  

Nata cries over dinner about all her bad luck.  Mario says well she's still standing.  Adrian's a jerk and a fool to give up what he had.....He offers his apartment as a refuge for her and her daughters.  It's smaller but it is something and she can share with him and his two daughters.  She agrees.  It will only be for a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Caribbean, Adrian and Veronica are partaking of lobster and champagne beachside, al fresco.  He loves the area and want to invest in a tourist complex.  Ver just wants to enjoy the moment.   He's already making connections in the area.  She's jealous that he should have bought his wife the ruby set because now Nata's got enough to live off of for a lifetime.  (If only....) He says nope.  He was just pretending (to throw folks off the scent, Viewerville assumes) and besides, why has Ver got to be bothered about his wife at this point, anyway?  He won't answer Ver's question, however, as to whether he still thinks of Natalia.  "--Let's put the past behind us and think of what lies ahead of us."  They share a toast to the future.


Jardinera, thank you. I am drinking my coffee and so enjoying your recap. “Sorry but that kind of STOOPID .” ITA. I find JuanGa and the mechanic staff, except for José José and Valentina, all “stoopid.” I will have no oroblem glossing over their “shenanigans.” I still cannot believe that Tania sold out her BROTHER Mario to help her BFF Verónica. Natalia needs to learn how to survive in the big city: never take out a wad of cash no matter where you are. Duh! That was also a “stoopid” move. Bummer that Constanza had to ruin the kiss between Gus and Chole. Funny but they have been the hottest couple so far without even trying. How long will Natalia and company last at Mario’s? The perennial question for Andrea and Omar: birth control, anyone? At least now Chente knows that Ben has a problem with Olga.

Jardinera, your recap was sassy and sensational.

Things were murky but at least not as pitch black as previously. Well, except for Nata who is so down and out, she picks up take out that has spilled onto the street.

My hands down favorite was “I'd have fired this south end of a northbound jackass in a N.Y. minute y punto”

It appears Adrian has also moved quickly to leave the past behind. Thoughts of guilt (if any) hidden in his hooded eyes. Not a blade of grass has grown under his feet, ingratiating himself with those who matter and formulating more schemes. It’s just how long it takes for Veronica to be the present past.

Jarifa, I also couldn't believe Natalia took all of the money with her. Was that her handbag or a paper bag? :) Hard to tell.

I wonder how it is Costanza’s face isn’t permanently frozen in that puckered, sour frown.
Poor Benji. The little actor is so sweet, I shudder to think what dark well he is drawing his grief from.

If only Andi had looked at Omar the way she looked at his apartment.

Jardinera, thank you – this was great.


Diana, “If only Andi had looked at Omar the way she looked at his apartment.”
So true! I don’t know how many more of these teenage brats I can listen to . . Just thinking about Carmen’s brood in Pasado. They all deserve the FF. Too funny that they are in novela after novela. We need a break!!!

Jarifa, I am not a fan of the whining, selfish, self-centered teenager. Andi checks all the boxes, doesn't she? Can anyone be more annoying than "Carmen's brood"? I hope not but...:)



Jardinera, thanks so much for the detailed recap. I saw in the coming attractions that Natalia got her purse stolen. When they were in the hotel room I kept thinking, use the room safe! But she didn’t hear me!
Really rotten of Olga to tell Constanza where Gustavo was. She’s just mean and spiteful.
The garage is in Constanza’s name(I think)so Gustavo can’t leave her. I don’t see her letting him have his business. She’s fine with her sister and nieces being homeless
Benjamin is the cutest little boy. I hurt for him.

Jarifa— it’s that Chole and Gus are great but his low self esteem is hard to take.

Diana- you nailed Andi immediately! Omar or the apartment. Marry out of poverty, a time old story.

Liz, room safe and shoulder strapped!! Natalia is as ditzy as Constance is catty!

Jardinera: Thank you very much for your hardworking efforts in keeping us informed on the recap of last night's episode.

Steve Boudreaux

Great work, Jardinera.

I don't think Natalia is a professional chef; that was a conceit on Regina's part when shooting the video. Based on the look of the kitchen and her food she could pass for one in a video and she may have gone to culinary school to be able to cook at this level, but the 1950s look she had in that opening episode says to me that she never worked outside the home. She would have been doing so now since her daughters are not small children. She would also be more street-smart if she had been working.

Here is hoping that Chente doesn't take 7/8th of the episodes to catch on to Olga being a monster.

I hope Nat and her girls move in the next episode. Hotels and take-out food are far more expensive than living in an apartment and cooking your own food. And now that she has lost the rest of her cash she has to get a job of some kind.

Jardinera, thank you for another signature Jardinera snappy recap . I especially appreciate your excellent account of all the action because I went to a tribute concert for the BRitish Invasion ..also excellent .

Oh my , so much angst as good folks are left flattened by villains or life in general.

Looks like entitled Andrea has landed on her feet by securing her rich novio's support .

Things will start to look up once Nat and Chente bond and start to help each other . We will see them picking up the pieces and moving forward despite the nasty folks in their orbits ...Adrian, Ver, Con, Olga...ugh.

Thanks, Jardinera. Love the title. Yep, it was Painful watching Naive Natalia flashing that fat wad of bills in the hotel lobby and making that thief's day.

Surprised Chole gets butterflies when Gustavo is near. I thought his feelings were one-sided, but Chole is into him "that way." Reminds me of the lyrics from the song "Let's Here It for the Boy. "Maybe he's no Romeo but he's my loving one-man show..."

Niece, cool lyrics! And so appropriate!

Susanlynn, Ugha for Olga. Love that nick. She is so vulgar. Andrea definitely has Omar in her gunsites.

Urban: yes! With Benji's 6th sense about Ugha, he hopefully will get half a clue quickly! I guess you're correct about the "international chef" misnomer. Perhaps cooking skills will be her ticket out of the ghetto.

Diana: Andi does check all the boxes, and quite a few more. I figure there's a reason she and her daddy are so close. Viewerville notes she's most like Daddy and Regi's most like Mami.

Jarifa: I tried saying ITA about Chole and Gustavo. He, though is not the handsomest face in film shall we say. Certainly NOT my cuppa.

Liz: the little actor is adorable and bright! He also has eyes that remind me of DZ.


Oh my word, CONNIE CRUEL SHOES!!!!! I loved that so much, it practically took the bad taste of the actual episode out of my mouth. Practically. Man, they are really raining down the misery, and watching Natalia scoop up that wretched take-out food off the pavement I truly feared she was THEN going to eat the gruel! She was just so down and out.

DIANA'S favorite:

“I'd have fired this south end of a northbound jackass in a N.Y. minute y punto”

was also a gem. But yikes, there is so much misery and mayhem in this one, I just practically have to anesthetize myself in order to watch. Gah! Thank goodness your irreverent sense of humor will float us through this continued grimness.

The only upside? Veronica seems incapable of enjoying her "prize". She's already riddled with anxiety and jealousy over any crumbs of affection Adrian might be feeling for the family he so cruelly tossed aside. Would she have preferred outright slaughter? Don't answer that!

In the midst of all this very painful horror, I am enjoying Michelle's playing of the Olga part. She's camping it up so much, it's as if she's saying "Don't worry kids, I don't have a prayer of winning Chente or much of anything of value. Stick around and watch me strike out time after time after time."

As for Chole's tender love for scruffy Gustavo, she's clearly a gal who loves to rescue, and he's prime real estate for that. Plus an ugly mug and not a man of means--well, less of a chance that some other gal will whisk him off your hands. So if Connie Cruel Shoes ever releases her death grip oh him, he'll be all Chole's to smother with love and home-cooked food for sure. Works for me. She's a bleeding heart, but with a streak of practicality.

Baffled as to why our perky little head mechanic filly didn't rat Bleached Hair Doofus out to her Boss Man for the car disaster, but I guess it's to show she's one of the impossibly noble characters, as opposed to the impossibly ignoble ones, who abound.

And okay, yes, the boyfriend's apartment is sumptuous, but oh my, let's not forget those shoulders and pecs and chiseled waist. Hope he takes his shirt off often to help mitigate the non-stop misery of this one, adorable little Benji aside. I need some eye candy and some more ridiculous, over-the-top Olga-mugging to get through this killjoy fest.
But always appreciastive of these romping, rip-roaring Jardinera recaps.

Hey there, JudyB! Good to see you and the rest of the Patio Peeps are dropping by for a chat. Got a kick out of your description of Chole as "a gal who loves to rescue, and [Gustavo]'s prime real estate for that." The actor is goood at his job, and plays great character roles. I just don't see him as a "love interest" in any form of the word. There are faces made to play romantic interests and there are those who are not....'nuff said.

As depressing as this first week has been, it has to improve or it would not be such a hit in MX. I must say, that we've not been exposed to such melodrama in our tn's for quite a long while and I am enjoying the angst and agony play out. We are only minus the family or barrio priest in this one. Could we dare to hope??????


Mi Fortuna

Hi Judyb and Jardinera, well, maybe the purpose of this show is to make us aware that life is grim but ,at least, these particular nasty , heartless folks are not in our personal orbits as we soldier onward watching this tragic tale unfold as characters try to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives . Uff

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