Saturday, March 12, 2022

Mi Fortuna Eres Tu #13, 3/12/22: Partay-y-y-y!!!

 ⦁ The barrio's block party is about to begin.  Chole is about ready to leave with Olga who's fibbed that it's to welcome Vicente's new house partners. Valentina arrives to go with them; Chole suggests Vulga lend Tina one of her dresses.  Tina refuses the offer.  She doesn't want to go "looking like an easy lay." 

Regina takes a moment to show her mother the finished bedroom renovation of the maid's room: all Pretty In Pink.  Natalia mentions that she's decided to sell desserts to The Club if they'll buy them from her.  Regi says it's great to work at something you love and do well, and cooking is her mama's forte.

Vicente tucks in the soundly sleeping Benji.  He runs into Natalia in the hallway.  Yes, he's duded up since there's a little party he's going to attend.  She's not awake enough to want to go with him.  She's exhausted and going to bed.  

Chente takes a moment to reflect on the peace in his living room while Nata showers and drops half-dead into her bed.  Suddenly the band takes to the mic and yells greetings to the barrio.  "--Let's dance!"  Chente goes outside to see what's going on.  Nata and Teresa decide to attend instead of letting the Riveras try running them out of the house now that there's a newly signed agreement.  As for Chente, he begins to ream his hermanacos (yeah, Andrea really nailed it with that one) --his two brothers--for planning such a "little surprise."  Of course, he cannot stop moving his feet to the Caribbean beat.  The rhythm is overpowering.  He gets carried away with the music and excitement as do Juanga and J2P2.  (I gotta say, Juanga and Chente's moves are something to behold!  And the music--did they say Meringue?-- totally floods the senses.)

Across the way, Uptown, William shows up at Constanza The Cold-Hearted's to win his way back into her if not her good graces, then her Good Gracious!  To her credit, she tries to refuse and shew him away.  He risked her hubby being at home and invites her to dinner with him. And don't those pearly whites of his shine!!!

Back in the streets of the Barrio outside Chente's, he and the hermanacos converse about the reason for the big bash.  

--To introduce Nata's people to the barrio!  But she couldn't possibly like this kind of party.  She's too uptown.   Chente reminisces to them both about how Lucia and he used to love dancing and this band is one she would have loved to dance to (I shudder to say 'it's to die for', but I will.).  Nata and Tere arrive and notice the banner.  Well, now she's going to have to stay and play nice.  

Meanwhile, Tina and Chole are still waiting on Vulga to decide which dress to wear.  Skimpy R Us.  Suffice it at that.  

Nata thinks Chente and his brothers organized the party together, but he tries explaining it was all his brothers' doing, not his.  She thanks him anyway and agrees to stay.  

Finally, Vulga makes a more modest choice.  In walks Gustavo.  Chole will catch up to them later.

At the restaurant, Willy Boy seduces Connie as he flaunts his knowledge about wine.  "I didn't know you were a sommelier."  Maybe gym trainers aren't simple muscleheads after all she thinks. Hmmm? She pulls herself together, saying this relationship of theirs was all a mistake and she's really not interested in continuing it at all.  He tells her he doesn't believe her because the enthusiastic response she showed the other night would say the opposite. (Viewerville wonders if at this point the dude is desperate to assuage his damaged ego.)

Andrea arrives with Omar who is introduced to Chente.  Chente asks Nata if Omi is "another one of the relatives coming to move in with us?"  Nata says no, just her daughter's boyfriend.  Omi starts walking through the crowd.  Juanga gives him the evil eye and makes a dance move like he's marking his territory.  Omi takes note and asks Andi if this is the mechanic who keeps molesting her.  Yes and no.  

At the same time, J2P2 and Regi make fun small talk. Tina chats him up next and notes he's got the hots for Regi and suggests it's now or never.  Go ahead and dance with her.  He's feeling way too shy-- a real 180 from Juanga

Back at the boarding house, Tavo and Chole spend a romantic evening together.  But as all good things must come to an end, so does this evening for him.  One day he will be free of Connie but he's got to do it carefully so as not to lose his repair shop.  Chole seems to understand and agrees he's gotta do what he's gotta do.  (Ok.  It's got to be dealt with: Tavo's leather jacket and his posture give away this actor's age.  This dude is a total "Grease" fan--with a dose of Fonzie Fonzarelli thrown in for good measure.....  The Tavz?  70's Flashbacks anybody?)

Chente finally throws in the towel and heads inside and upstairs to bed.  The memories and the music are just too much for him.  He curls up on his bed in his darkened bedroom and weeps with a picture of Lucia in his arms.

Outside, it's Omi, Andi, Nata, Regina, and Tere.  Andi begins by telling the others how she cannot stand any of the Ramirez or the shack they live in.  Nata tells her to get real and realize that that so-called shack is where she's got to live now.  She refuses to agree.  Just then Juanga comes up to Andi and asks "--Are you enjoying the party, muneca [doll/cute chic]?"  This infuriates Omi who immediately tells Juanga not to address his girlfriend as 'muneca'.  "--Don't get so hot and bothered, bro."  Andi lashes into Juanga,  She told him too many times to remember that he's not to speak to her like that (I think) and to get lost!  He finally takes the hint. 

⦁      J2P2 comes up afterward and politely approaches Nata to see if she'll let Regi dance a bit with him.  Regi says thanks, she doesn't know how to dance that way.  However, they can still have fun and she drags J2P2 away.  

Benji has another dream where his mama talks to him again.

Claudio arrives, heads immediately to the table with the open bottles, and lies to Tere about getting a job through one of his rich, government contacts.

Nata, Omi, and Andi have gone inside and are discussing the need to take a positive attitude with the loud party that's being thrown in their honor.  Andi takes the opportunity to push Omi into telling Nata that she and Omi are getting married.  Nata is stupified.  She tells the two of them that Andi is only seventeen and way to young.  Neither of them  Andi disagrees and says mama is always negative with her.  They are so mature that they are now going to live together!  (Surprise to Omi.)  Andi says doesn't matter to her.  They're getting married, period!  "--Not while you are still a minor, your not!  End of discussion!"

Meanwhile, back at the ritzy restaurant, Willie Boy is still putting the moves on Connie. And the icy White Witch of the Frozen North is beginning to crack.  Connie suggests they pay the bill as she needs to get home at a decent hour.  After all, she is a married woman.  Willie says he's not willing to leave until he arouses her passion (?? didn't hear that one)  She gives in to his kisses.

Back in the barrio, Nata and Tere are both exhausted.  Tere says Chente must be also because a while ago he came back inside.  "--He came back inside and left me with all his guests!!  That is just pathetic.  He's going to get a few choice words from me!"  

Nata heads upstairs to find Chente and Tere follows a minute later to go up to bed.  A minute later the uninvited Vulga walks into the kitchen and sits down (like some unattended barn animal) to wait on Chente to come back home.  

Nata sees him lying in bed and turns on the light, then begins to scold him; however, he simply asks her to turn off the light and apologizes for leaving the party.  He just didn't have the desire or the will to stick it out. "--Then why did you organize it?"  "--I told you it wasn't me; it was my brothers who did."  "--Oh.  Well, I thought you had done it to annoy me."  "--Obviously not."  --Uh, could you leave me alone  now, please?"   She starts to go and turns the lights off but then thinks twice about it.  "--Do you need anything?  A glass of water?  A friend to talk to?"  He's a bit surprised but then takes her at her word and says something about this song that was playing the last time he spoke to his wife right before she left to go to the bank.  Never did he think the day would end as it did or that he'd never see her again.  She holds his hand and he weeps.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Lion Braids walks into the kitchen and tries flirting with Vulga. She says maybe later.  He reminds her Chente only has eyes for his [deceased] wife  Vulga reminds him that's past tense now.  She doesn't take the bait.  They are both single now and she's got a right to go after him if she wants.  He leaves. Tina comes in then and tries to get her to come out and join the fun again.  Vulga again refuses.   

Upstairs, Chente dries his tears and thanks Nata for listening to him.  "--Chente are you sure you don't want to go back down?"  Naw, he'd rather stay there.  

Tina walks notices her there and suggests they both go back out to the party.

Nata cannot quite make herself leave.  Chente wonders if she isn't a bit tired of the party and noise.  She admits she is and really needs to go to sleep.  He says then he'll see to sending everyone home for her.  She thanks him.  He remarks that it's really a shame since the band is so good.  Suddenly the song changes into a slow romantic piece and he asks her to dance just this one dance with her.  She agrees.  

Downstairs Vulga decides she wants to go upstairs to see if Chente's up there.  Tina rushes to stop her.  Tina suggests they just go back to the rooming house since Chente's probably already sound asleep. "--Anyway, he just lost his wife.  We should respect his pain."  Vulga, the drunken slug, decides to sit back down again and continues to wait.  Tina gets frustrated and leaves.  She's done.

Back upstairs, the beat has gotten a bit lighter and faster.  Nata and Chente are bustin' out a few moves together and both are actually having a bit of fun together.  She opens up and admits earlier she was rather upset thinking Chente had set up the party to upset her so that she would move out in horror.  She realizes now what a decent man he really is.  He admits they've had their moments and said lots of things but the truth is, he doesn't want her to leave.  They stop dancing and share a moment ...until the intemperate and totally vacuous Vulga walks in on them.  She flips the lights back on and demands to know what "this woman" is doing in his bedroom!  --Ruh-rohhh!  (Will somebody call the dogcatcher, please?????)


Great so far JARDINERA. I agree with you about JuanGa's dancing ability. Swiveling those hips of his, they looked like they were on ball bearings. Impressive.

And ah, the many outfits of Olga. Sure hope ANDY got to see each and every one of them. And the sleeveless ones showed that our curvy actress has definitely been putting in some time at the gym. Nicely curved deltoids. Now if only she was a sweetie-pie, I could be a fangirl!

"Across the way, Uptown, William shows up at Constanza The Cold-Hearted to win his way back into her if not her good graces, then her Good Gracious!"

You are so funny. Where do you come up with these? Thanks for making me laugh on an incredibly frigid, windy morning. I headed out at the crack of dawn to do some grocery shopping before the weekend hordes arrived, and I swear I've still got chilblains. Maybe I'd better re-watch the episode to get warmed up. (But it's all about the Spanish y'know.)

Hey there, JudyB! You rose too early today! Well, now the final portion is posted. It was a terrific ending on this one, enough to warm away anybody's chilblains. I truly enjoyed this episodio. Olga is especially fit. Maybe she needs to hook up with Willie Boy after he's done with icy Connie Killjoy. There's rain and a drop in temperatures due down here in fabulous Florida. It should only reach a high of 71 degrees tomorrow. I will admit to missing the change of seasons down here but nooooooot that much. Je-je-je. As for Juanga - yeah, he's been oiling those hips of his as much as any of those car parts he works with. Heat up some hot chocolate and snuggle up to the fire, amiga! It's the weekend!!

Jardinera, you didn’t miss a scene with your wonderfully creative snark. Thanks for the entertainment and laughs.

Yes, “Will somebody call the dogcatcher . . . “ says it all about “Vulga”. I still don’t get how it is okay for anyone to just waltz into Chente’s house, Valentina included, just “looking” for him. It isn’t as if they are his family. That being said, Chente has been too wishy washy with Olga. The time has come to tell her how it is and cut her off even as a friend.

Jardinera, thank you for another snappy recap as our story unfolds . My sweetie always wisely advised , " Let things unfold" whenever a problem arose . (p.s. I always use "arose" to start WORDL guesses.)

I love to dance , so I enjoyed watching all the happy dancers. Years ago , Susana competed on a dance show on Univision , and so did Angelique Boyer. They areboth excellent dancers .I think it was called Bailando por la Boda de Tu Suenos. " It might still be on Youtube.

Love that Benny dreams of his dear mama.

Andrea is trying hard to cling onto her rich novio . Regina is trying to adapt .

Claudio was thrilled to see that free brooze...sad .

Olga has no boundaries ..just walks upstairs at Chente's house .

O is snowing here . Prediction is for 3 to 6 " of snow with 50 mph winds and temp dropping to 20. I was supposed to go to a play with my bff and her daughter , but I don't think it is a good idea to go out tonight in this cold and wind and slippery roads .

We turn the clocks an ahead tonight.

Jardinera, word for word wonderful.

"Constanza The Cold-Hearted", "Skimpy R Us" and "The Tavz" were all excellent.

I thoroughly enjoyed the music and dancing. Issues were bubbling in the background but I didn't care, it was a refreshing reprieve from the usual angst and agony.

Leave it to Olga to ruin Chente and Natalia's "almost" moment. Jarifa, I agree - it's time for Chente to sever this one sided friendship. With friends like her...

Juanga's posturing with Andrea had me smiling. No flies on him.

Except for appearances sake, there is nothing holding Connie and Tavo together.

Waiting for William to weave his wickedness.


Well here I am again JARDINERA. Like you, I really enjoyed this episode. And Omar actually seemed fine with the pachanga and the fun. But he certainly got a look-see into Andi's snobby, bitter attitude. If she'd been a little more "amable" I think he would have been ready to jump right in to the party and start grooving.

Very happy that the lovely actress playing Chente's wife is still making appearances. And I loved it when she told Benji that she'd be with him in moments when he laughed. Certainly when we laugh and treasure life, that is when our angels and lost loved ones are with us again. A comforting thought.

I'm beginning to think that JARIFA is right and these closed captions are mechanically generated. Either that or our writer for last night's episode is a Mormon. Tequila was spelled "tekila" and "pinot noir" was pino noir.

Thought William's (only tonight the closed captions called him Julian) was a hoot handing out all that bullcrap about hints of cherry, a deeper suspicion of rose notes etc. about the wine. I remember a fusty, pretentious date once going on to me about "foxy" hints of this and thaT concerning wine. JUST STOP! It tastes like fermented grapes. It tastes great. That's enough. I love a good Malbec but jeez, don't dump all that "hints" of this and "traces" of that on me. Just no!

But Constanza was ready to fall for that sleazy line. And she did. Thought the actress did a great job of trying not to be swayed by those nuzzling kisses, but slowly melting and weakening. She's doing a great job. In fact all the actors are. Only the kissing scenes between Chole and Tavo are awkward. It's clear neither one is enjoying it. Hard to watch.

Thanks as always. I do enjoy your ribald sense of humor. Almost as good as Juan Gabriel's ball-bearing hips, m'dear!

Diana, "Waiting for William to weave his wickedness" That makes two of us, amiga! I wonder if he will end up caught in his own trap eventually.

Susanlynn: "Olga has no boundaries ..just walks upstairs" - The character is dumber than a mule at times and sly. The actress is doing a great job with the role.

Jarifa, I cannot wait for Chente's response, but perhaps Natalia's will be even better?

Judy: You know, I hadn't thought about the two actors playing Tavo and Chole having a rough time off playing off each other. I don't see a lot of smoke, though, that's true.

Hope y'all remember to spring forward this evening before bed!


Jardinera, thank you yet again for another wonderful and very fun recap, it was a great help in getting me up-to-date.

Princess Juju, thank you for yesterday's excellent recap. I got busy and am just now catching up on things.

Susanlynn, you made me laugh, "... I really can't find any telenovios in the Mexican telenovelas anymore . However, I have found several in the Turkish dizis which feature many tall, dark, and handsome actors."

I have perhaps the opposite reaction, I don't watch Turkish 'dizi' (thanks for this word) in part because the women don't that much appeal. I'm sure Turkey is just loaded with good-looking women, I just don't see any in the Turkish dizis. I've been spoiled by Mexican telenovelas that always have a few gorgeous Mexican women, plus more from all over the world it seems, including the good ol' USA.

Please don't think me so shallow (shallow? me? :) that I only watch novelas for the babes, the Turkish novelas also seem to me to be too dark and the lips not syncing with the dialog bothers me a bit. To each thon own.

I like Gustavo and love Chole, but a hot romantic pair they are not. Gus looks like he's just learning how to kiss and trying too hard. But he's getting a little bit better; practice makes perfect. JudyB, "It's clear neither one is enjoying it. Hard to watch." True, but I think Gus is worse.

It hurt to see Claudio lie to Teresa about the money he got from Constanza under, um, unusual circumstances. But his putting two and two together, and letting Constanza know he can add, does show he's not a total idiot. A useless, alcoholic windbag, but not an idiot.

I guess women only get one dress to wear in heaven, usually white, though I can't see them standing for that ("Just one? No way, José!").

Rumble in Heaven. Incidentally, "Lucía" is played by Adriana Fonseca, who was "Chachi" in the thoroughly wacko Mariana de la noche. She looks quite different here.

Ah, life. If Olga were to go outside to the party and announce that she was looking for a boyfriend there would be a mad rush to get to her first. But of course no, only Chente will do.


Andy, I didn’t recognize Adriana Fonseca. . . . from the legendary Mariana de la noche . . . of all places. Thanks for the info. : )

OT Andy, the Turkish dizi that has become my favorite telenovela ever is " Fatmagul." Dondi recommended it to me , and I loved it....the story, acting, music, Scenery, and look into Turkish culture and everyday life. It is on YouTube and was recapped at Caray, so I could follow it by reading the recaps. The leading man Engin is my new telenovio. Another good dizi that Dondi recommended is " Kara Para Ask" on Netflix starring the same actor . It has English subtitles . That actor is also in" La Hija" . Did you watch that when it was on Uni ? Some of the dizis are kind of frustrating , like " Amor Eterno" which Uni is rerunning from 2 to 4 . The actor is very guaypo , but the story is frustrating and sad. "Hercai" on Telemundo now is frustrating with lots of lies, threats, revenge , and guns. I will be glad to see that one end.


"Claudio...his putting two and two together, and letting Constanza know he can add, does show he's not a total idiot. A useless, alcoholic windbag, but not an idiot".

I just laughed out loud. That completely nailed it and I have no doubt those words will stay with me when he comes on screen.

Great Andy - thank you...


Andy, please get googly-eyed at any tn female stars you care to. After all, fair is fair!

OT - Susanlynn: The dizi is my second go-to for fun melodrama when Uni's stuff gets too blah for me. I discovered Fatmagul a while back before they decided to rebroadcast; I eventually found a resource that had it with Spanish dubbing and sometimes with Sp. CC's. I binged on it, it was so good. Also, I did the same with Kara Para Ask on Netflix. I don't know which I liked better but they were tremendous. Engin recently married his love interest for KPA who also appeared in the Uni production of La Hija as the murdered blond doctor. I suggest if you enjoy a cultural deep dive with lots of Ninja-style sword fights, go back to Netflix for Dirilis Ertugrul and follow up with Kurulus Osman and catch Burak Özçivit from Amor Eterno. There are also British-Turkish websites that carry it with English CC and are excellent quality. This series combo has been so popular that it has gone worldwide and CC'd in 20 different languages.

Lol ... continuity fail!

Nitpicking, but in the scene where Natalia gets ready for bed, she pulls her night clothes out of the bottom drawer and the two drawers above are clearly shown with no handles, which I instantly noticed and thought, "oh, cool, they're subtly emphasizing how removed she is from her previous lifestyle." Only to see that when she comes out of the bathroom to go to bed, the handles have miraculously appeared on the drawers! Someone in the stage crew messed up! I just thought it was funny.

Jardinera: Howdy from the Alamo City!

1.) Assuming Sylvia Pascual is expected to replace the late Carmen Salinas in this Telenovela ?

2.) Anon: I noticed that on Natalia's bedroom attire, etc.,

3.) Diana: Busted out laughing when you said Claudio was a useless, windbag alcoholic LOL.

4.) Jarifa: I recognized Adriana Fonseca from "Mariana de la Noche": Craxy,Whacky Chachi in that Telenovela was downright CRAZY & obsessive.

5.) Gustavo & Chloe as a couple ��

6.) Andy: I watch Telenovelas for the SEXY beautiful women especially Adriana Fonseca.

7.) Judy: Constanza falling for that trick OMG.

8.) Princess Juju: Let's see if the villains keep upping the ante even further against the Good Guys.

9.) Susanlynn: Olga is dumber like typical mule & gullible.

10.) William's wickedness will likely continue.

11.) Benny dreaming of his late mother Lucia: Awww.

12.) Jardinera: Awesome job on the recap of Friday night's episode!

Steve Boudreaux

OT..Jardinera..thank you for the Netflix suggestions . Burat Ozcivit is quite a galan. ...and Engin.. .wow. "Fatmagul" is now my fav telenovela having replaced Alborada which was my favorite for 14 years. I also loved Kara Para Ask. ( i prefer the longhaired Engin) I just bingewatched Sweet Magnolia " season 2 this weekend on Netflix...terrific . NOW I will search for your suggestions .Thanks, amiga. ; )

OT....Jardinera...I couldn't find your recommendations on Netflix . Perhaps they were removed .

O/T Susanlynn: Try REDEMPTION: Ertugrul. The other is the Turkish name. So sorry!! As for Fatmagul, yes, I was enthralled by Engin there also. It was done in 2010 and, as JudyB knows, I was floored at how closely he resembled my hubby in the 70-80's. As Hubby always told me, he looked more Prussian than Swedish. So true.....Prussian, German, Swedish and Norwegian mix. Anyway, I was totally bummed at Engin's buzz cut for this last tn. It emphasized all his negative points.


OT - Dizis

Hello patio, I’ve been eavesdropping. Nice to find another dizi lover, Jardinera.

Susanlynn, Dirilis: Ertuğrul is still on Netflix, with the title Resurrection Ertuğrul. Kuruluş: Osman isn’t on Netflix but there are sites where you can see it with English subs. deb has posted them over at the Telemundo site. I might have it bookmarked. I’ve only seen half of Ertuğrul’s first season. I’ve dropped it for now. Haven’t watched the devastatingly handsome Burak in Osman yet.

When it comes to the Ottomans, I’m a big Magnificent Century fan. You can find MC on YouTube with English subs.

As far as I know, Engin Akyürek isn’t married. It was a rumor that went around a short while ago. He has not commented either way. Tons of his fans would love to see him marry Tuba Büyüküstün. Those two were on fire in KPA.


Steve: Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. Not the same without you popping in. (Spent Xmas in the hill country in Dripping Springs.)

Sorry to not have commented on the previous episode, but I had a crazy weekend.

Honestly, the plots they come up with these days get crazier all the time. In what universe would Natalia and her daughters end up in a working-class neighborhood?

At least she has a supportive mother, even if her daughter is Queen Brat.

Good that she has work now. My wish for her is for her to become a TV celebrity chef, like in Regina's video. That would stick it to Constanza big time. It would also result in Vulga having a conniption followed by another fake suicide attempt. Good times!

I hope for his sake that Omar saw the light about Andrea and is silently thanking Natalia for putting the kibosh on the marriage plan. This girl is incapable of love and not just because she is immature; she is looking at what she thinks is his bank balance.

Has anyone else noticed the retro look of some of the mature women's clothes? Even Constanza's hair is a 1940-50 Spinster Look. Regina's hair looks kinda late 60s; she's a freer spirit than Andrea who is the I Am Nothing Without A Man type.

More later.

OT...Dondi. Thanks for the Netflix title . I searched Netflix but could not find the two titles . I watched the first episode of Kurulus Osman on youtube. Oh. My . Goodness. Burak is unbelievable . He is quite a horseman and looks muy fierce. . It kind of reminds me of a movie that Gerard Butler did years ago about Attila the Hun . The costumes are amazing . I got a big surprise because who should appear in thd beginning of that first exciting episode but nasty , unsmiling Fusan from "Hercai." She is covered in layers of heavy clothing and an elaborate headpiece , and she appears to be married to a head honcho and is lancing a large boil from his back. Yikes .

I will check out "Magnificent Century.'' #Lifelonglearning ;)

Happy Pi Day! (3/14/2022, π ≈ 3.14)

Mi fortuna is getting to a better state and it's good to actually be looking forward to another episode. Might be even better with some pie   :-)


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