Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #16 Wed. 3/16/22

1. Claudio offers the small woman at the door a few pesos as charity and refuses to listen to her.  She looks angry as he asks God to bless her and closes the door in her face. 

2. The small woman makes her way down the street, hauling a box along with her, to Chente's store. He greets her as his "granny." They hug and he asks when she drive. Why didn't she say she was coming? 

3. As Natalia and Connie are working on her desserts, Claudio is spiking a cup of coffee for himself in the kitchen. 2XJuan comes by looking for Regina who is at school. 

4. Chente comes in with his Granny Magos demanding to know  who  the miserable person was who didn't allow his Granny Magos  come into his house.  Nobody knows anything and Claudio is silent until Granny Magos points him out. He tries to apologize saying he didn't know but Chente cuts him off  by hitting him hard across the face. Claudio ends up unconscious on the floor with Natalia screaming at Chente not to act like a savage! (anger management classes, anyone?) Chente doubles down insisting that nobody messes with his granny. Teresa is afraid that Claudio is dead! Chente wants her and her husband out of this house NOW! Natalia tells him he cannot throw her mother out. He says he can and gives his tantrum an exclamation mark!!  by pushing all of her dessert preparations off the table and onto the floor.  Natalia stares at him in anger as he stares back. 

5. Granny Magos tells Chente to calm down since it was a mistake. Chente thinks his mistake was getting involved with those people to begin with. Granny Magos calls Chente by his given name: Vicente Ramírez Pérez and informs him that she did not raise him to be a ruffian. He is the same as when he was a little kid, always fighting. Didn't she teach him that violence does not solve a thing???  

6. Vale (entina) informed JuanGa that something was going on at the house, so he rushes in ready to help. His worried mood changes quickly to joy when he sees that his Granny Magos is there. 

7. Chente tells Natalia that he is required to share the house with her and her daughters but not with anyone else. She informs him that her mother is not going anywhere. As he angrily paces, Granny Magos orders Chente to sit down. He does. 

8. As Teresa ministers to Claudio,  he comes to wondering what happened. He starts whining in pain. 

9. Granny Magos tells Chente that she is dying of embarrassment. What he did was not right.  He says she has no idea of what is going on at the house. She is confused and asks who those people are and what they are doing there.  Where is his wife? Suddenly everyone is silent and she asks why. She asks again where Lucía is. Rather than have to tell her, Chente starts raving on about Natalia's mother having to leave.  Granny Magos tells him and his brothers to sit down. This isn't what Granny Magos was expecting.   

10. Claudio is now fully conscious threatening to put Chente away behind bars at a maximum security prison. Natalia asks what he did to Granny Magos.  He mistook her for a beggar and gave her 20 pesos. Teresa cannot believe how truly stupid he is. Claudio gets up and shouts informing  Chente that he is going to file assault charges against him and that he is going to pay. Natalia insists he will do no such thing. She doesn't want anymore problems. She asks that he apologize to Granny Magos. Claudio cannot see apologizing when he was the one who almost got killed. Teresa is worried they are going to have to leave. Natalia says she will take care of everything. Teresa thinks that Chente is dangerous. Natalia says she is dangerous, too, when her family is in danger and makes sure that Chente hears it. Granny Magos starts to quiz "the boys"  on the three things that she told them they could not lose in this life. 2XJosé starts saying hope, patience and honesty. She compliments him and turns to Chente demanding to know where his wife is.  Did he run her off?, did he get divorced? , did she runaway with another guy?  Chente says none of those and bends forward and grabs Granny Magos' hands. He tells her that their Lucía was killed in an assault. Granny Magos is totally shocked saying it cannot be and starts to cry. Chente cries along with her in her arms. 

11. Olga goes to Lucía's grave to taunt the dead woman telling her it doesn't matter how long it takes, Chente is going to be hers. Heck, she waited so many years for him while she was alive, what is a little more time? She picks up the  red toy car on the  grave and says the only thing she regrets about the car is  that it didn't kill Lucía's brat.  She drops it in the dirt.

12. Mario is talking to his lawyer who has bad news. Tania left the country last night. She flew to Miami but he doesn't think that is her final destination. He asks Mario is he knows where his ex-partner is. A totally exasperated and angry Mario doesn't know.  The lawyer asks who his sister worked with at the finance company. Mario mentions a Verónica Alanís. Suddenly, he becomes curious asking if she helped betray him. The lawyer is going to talk to his contacts in Miami to see what he can find out.

13.Verónica welcomes Tania to beach life on St. Germain telling her that she needs her now more than never. Tania is up for whatever she needs. Verónica informs her that Adrián is history. Tania never imagined that she would be leaving Adrián behind. Verónica says that he humiliated her calling her by his wife's name when they were about to make love. That was the beginning of the end and he is going to pay. Next, Tania just has to make the point that no matter how hard she tried, Verónica was not able to get Natalia out of Adrián's heart.  Verónica hates Natalia so much that she is going to find a way to destroy her so that if Adrían goes back to her, she will be broken. Tania give her the news that Natalia is living with her daughters right now  in one of  the worst neighborhoods in the city.  Verónica says that isn't enough. Tania adds that she met a woman who lives there and  hates Natalia even more than Verónica does and would be very open to harming her. That makes Verónica nod and smile. 

14. Olga finally gets to work where Chole scolds her for being late for a manicure appointment. Before she can start, she gets a phone call from "her best ally if she wants to make Natalia's life difficult" AKA Verónica. 

15.  Back at Chente's, Granny Magos wants to know why he didn't tell her about Lucía. He says he didn't know what to say to her with her being all alone in her town. He didn't want her to die of sadness. She insists that her place is to be here with her family when they need to be at their most united and strong. She always told them that the family is the refuge that keeps you standing in any storm. Chente has to agree with her and apologizes for not telling her. He says nobody can prepare themselves  for such pain. The only reason he gets up is because of his son. She understands that  pain like that is hard to go through.  Lucía was such a great woman  that she thought that Chente was being rewarded for being as good of a boy as he was. Lucía will always be in their hearts. She holds him close as they cry some more. 

16. Olga tells Veró(nica) that she is so happy that she called her and would like to talk to her in person. Vero tells her that is not possible and adds that  she and Natalia were besties for a many years and she knows a couple of Natalia's secrets that she might find interesting. Olga cannot talk now because there are too many people around. She offers to call her back. Vero says NO. She will call her back some time. 

17. Vero assures Tania that she will call Olga later but first things first. She needs to make sure that Adrián does not suspect that she is going to leave him high and dry with none of the money. 

18. Vero introduces Pedro to Tania as her new partner and close friend. They kiss. Vero says  that she has made up her mind. She will be going to Italy with him.  She introduces Tania as her personal assistant.  Pedro says they will be leaving ASAP. He has urgent business in Italy. She will be ready to go whenever he says. Tania looks less than impressed. 

19. At  breakfast at Omar's, Elías congratulates Andrea on the "exquisite" breakfast. Samia sets hims straight knowing that the breakfast was ordered from a restaurant.  Omar takes the blame saying that he asked Andrea to go out running with him and when they got back there wasn't enough time  to cook.  Samia warns Omar about spoiling Andrea so much. She will get used to it. Omar sees no problem in  spoiling her. He loves her. Andrea loves him back. Elías asks her point blank if the love she says she has for his son also helps her make up for her own lack of dignity. He reminds her that she is seated there calmly with the  man who ordered her family to be evicted. He is sure that she understands why he had to seize her father's property. He wants her to know that he is an honest man while her father is a fugitive,  a damned thief and a coward. Omar tells him that is enough already. Elías tells him to shut up and let Andrea answer. (It all gets sick and twisty when) Omar and Samia think that it is Andrea's duty to apologize for her father  since he is not there. That is the least they expect of her. She wipes away the tears as Omar cannot bear to watch. She tells them that she is sorry that her father stole so much money from them. She apologizes for being Adrián's daughter.  Elías looks at Samia and then pats Andrea on the shoulder as if to say well done. He leaves. Samia smirks.

20. Vero tells Tania not to be so sad because she is coming with her to Tuscany!  She takes care of so may things for her, she cannot live without her.  Tania thinks that working for her is the best thing that has happened to her. 

21. 2XJosé helps Natalia clean up the mess that Chente caused in the kitchen. JuanGa asks him if he is helping out the enemy. Natalia tries to explain that she is not the enemy. 2XJosé ends up apologizing for his two brothers. Natalia thanks him but says that Chente is the one who needs to apologize. Claudio with an ice pack on his face starts to go on about how Chente is an uneducated savage. Natalie shushes him. 2XJosé tries to explain how Chente loses it when he gets angry. Natalia says that while they are living there, he is going to have to learn to control his anger.

22. Chente is explaining to Granny Magos the rest of the story of how Natalia ended up living with them; how her husband absconded  with all of their money and left her and her daughters in the street. Her husband defrauded a lot of people including him. She is shocked and feels for Natalia. She warns him that he needs to be grateful to her because she could have taken the house from him but didn't. She makes sure that JuanGa hears that rather than fighting with her, they should be helping her.  They need to be the gentlemen that she taught them how to be. 

23. Omar thanks his father for allowing his novia to live with him. Elías reminds Omar that this is his apartment and that he is living off of his money.  He only gave in because he doesn't want to see Omar make more stupid decisions.  He knows that Omar promised his mother that he  is going to give up the idea of marrying Andrea. Omar needs to see that Andrea doesn't love him. Elías continues saying she  is only using Omar to get back her old lifestyle that her father took away from her. 

24. In the bedroom,  Samia has laid out all of Omar's clothes on the  bed and informs Andrea that she will not be hiring any help for her and Omar. That is what Andrea is there for.  She explains how to organize the clothes and asks if Andrea understands. Andrea says she obviously does. Samia doesn't like her attitude. Samia reminds her that  neither she nor Omar work. Who does she think pays for all of this? (Good question!!) As Andrea looks around, Samia grabs her by the chin so she has her attention. She tells Andrea that if she doesn't want to be a burden for them, the least she can do is to stop being useless like she was in her "gilded  life." Andrea wrenches her chin away. 

25. As Chente leaves the house, JuanGa tells him that Natalia is really angry with him. Well, Chente feels the same way and he tells his brothers to go get García. He is going to defend his half of the house. The brothers go on heir errand.   

26. Chente returns to the house where he  starts pacing and counting  his steps.  Granny Magos asks where his brother are. He says they went to work. Granny Magos asks him to please go talk to Natalia and to apologize,  help pick up everything he messed up in the  kitchen, and pay for anything he broke. He is less than enthusiastic. She threatens him with getting angry and starts to get up. Chente is clear he doesn't want to see her angry. 

27. Claudio has a bad headache and his sight in one eye is blurry. Teresa thinks a trip to the doctor will make things a lot better. Claudio agrees just so they leave through the service entrance so they do not have to run into the caveman. They leave as Chente comes into the kitchen. 

28. Chente announces to Natalia that  he is there to pay for the damage he did. How much does he owe her? She says only a couple of casserole  dishes got broken and not to worry about it. The only thing she is asking is that he apologize to Claudio PLEASE. It was a terrible misunderstanding.  Chente informs her that his granny is here  now so her saintly mother and that good for nothing will have to move out of their room because that is hers. There is no room for them to stay. Since Natalia doesn't know if Andrea is coming back, she decides that her mother and Claudio will be staying in the storage room for the time being. Chente asks if they are not leaving. Natalia informs him that they are not leaving and makes it clear that half of the house is still hers. He says fine and that very soon there will be some limits as to who is going to be where. Natalia is tired of guessing with him and asks him to just tell her what  he is planning on doing.  An obstinate Chente  only says that she will see.

29. Vale fills everyone in at the beauty shop how Chente's granny showed up and nobody let her in the house. Chente was so angry that he was like a rabid dog.  Olga is happy to hear that he is finally putting a stop to that Natalia.  She is a gossip and a slut. Olga just has to go to Chente's and greet Magos. She needs to find allies!  Another customer shows up. Chole tells Olga better that she better stay and take care of the customer than go where she wasn't invited.

30. Granny Magos goes into the kitchen where Natalia is whipping cream. A smiling Granny Magos asks if she can come in. Natalia smiles back and welcomes her. Granny Magos introduces herself as the grandma of her three crazy grandsons. Natalia is  happy to meet her and apologizes on behalf of her family for the misunderstanding. Granny Magos explains that she tried to explain to the man who she was but he didn't even allow her to speak. He threw some pesos her way and that was that. Natalia is so embarrassed. It wasn't the reception that she deserved. Granny Magos admits that her Chente's reaction wasn't the correct one either. Granny Magos expresses an interest in  what Natalia is doing and Natalia explains about starting her business. She asks Natalia if she can help out. She is good in the kitchen and working together they will get to know each other better.   

31. García has arrived and Chente points out where he wants a wall built to divide the house in two parts. García cannot believe what he is asking for but agrees to build it. 

32. Natalia has told Granny Magos her story and Granny Magos has plenty for sympathy for her.  Granny Magos says here she thought she was just coming happily to see her boys and never expected to find two families forced to live in one house and her Chente suffering from such a painful tragedy. Lucía was a wonderful woman. Natalia explains that she never wanted to bother Chente.  She thinks that they can help each other out since they are each alone with  children. She explains she has two teenagers and that Granny Magos will get to know them both.  Granny Magos assures her that she will take care of Chente learning how to control his temper however she has to do it. Natalia  has nothing to worry about. 

33. García is still measuring and JuanGa agrees with Chente while 2XJosé thinks the wall will only cause more problems. García goes to get the building materials. 

34. Vero catches up with Adrián. She explains that Tania just arrived and she had to update her on lots of things. He says she looks happy and asks if she missed her "pet" that much. Vero says not as much as he misses his family.  She knows that he enjoys his alone time crying over what he left behind. He tells her not to complain.  He makes it clear that he is not sorry for anything he did. He is with the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with but being honest, he can't stop thinking his daughters. Natalia means nothing to him.  Vero insists that she will not  judge him because of that and tells him that she found out that the girls are living a deplorable neighborhood not at Mario's. He is in jail paying for their fraud. Adrián thanks her for motivating him to take care of his daughters. She tells him that she loves him and only wants the best for the two of them. She has some good news for him. They are going to be a couple of stupid millionaires!

35. Natalia is going to the market to get a couple ingredients she needs. Granny Magos is staying at home and will watch the oven. Each is eager to continue their conversations.  

36. There  is a knock at the door. It is Olga who has come to greet Granny Magos.  She lays it on thick but Granny Magos sees straight through her. When Olga  starts gossiping about Natalia, Granny Magos defends her saying that she  seems like  a very fine woman to her . . . not like others she knows who only wanted to damage her grandson's marriage.  She makes her point by looking Olga up and down. Granny Magos decides that the conversation is over and closes the door. Olga is surprised.

37. Natalia thanks Tavo for having sold her SUV. She is using the money to start her business. She also paid the liquidation of her help and paid off her credit cards.  Tavo  knew she wasn't  going to stand around doing nothing. She tells him about her getting her desserts into the club. He asks how things are going at Chente's. She says there are  good days and days she wants to hang him.  Tavo laughs and says he is a great guy but it is never easy when  strangers are living together. Natalia says she has no  choice but even if she did, she prefers living with Chente rather with her sister. She also tells him that she met Granny Magos today and with her personality,  she loves her already. 

38. Olga comes back to the beauty shop talking about how much she hates that witch Magos. Chole reminds her she isn't one of her favorites either. Chole tells her to forget about the whole Chente thing already. Olga says she won't and when she marries Chente,  Magos will eat every one of her words. 

39. Chente calls Olga asking if she can pick Ben up at school. Sure! She is happy to help out! She then gushes on to him about how much she loves Granny Magos. 

40. Vero calls Elías saying that she understood that he was looking to find Adrián so he could destroy him. Elías says nobody robs from  him and lives to talk about it. She tells him that Adrián said that stealing  money from him was like taking candy from a baby. Elías will do everything in his power to trap him like the rat he is. He is going to destroy him to the point where  he will wish he were dead. Vero offers to help him find Adrián. Elías is not surprised that she would betray Adrián but he would like to know why. She is tired of him and would like to get some benefits before she throws him in the garbage. How much is he willing to pay to have Adrián in front of him?

41. Omar tells Andrea not to cry. He doesn't like  to see her that way. She says his parents are the worst. They treated her horribly. He tells her  to be patient with them. She accuses him of not caring for her. He says he LOVES her. Andrea doesn't think so because his parents are never going to respect her because  he doesn't stick up for her in front of them. He gave in so easily to not marrying her; to not defending their relationship.  She honestly doesn't know what is worse: putting  up with his parents  or living with the "hermanacos" at Chente's. 

42. At the club, William is overly friendly and obnoxious to a very sore Tavo at the club giving him the "no pain, no gain" talk.  Connie magically appears and takes Tavo to eat lunch.  Tavo  notices the she didn't greet William. He thinks he is cruel. She isn't talking. 

43. Chente gets Granny Magos situated in HER room. She feels guilty taking it from Connie and her husband. Chente says nonsense! It is her room and she will be close to Ben. She cannot wait to see him and cannot imagine what pain he must be in. Chente says Natalia is the only person who has been able to make him smile  again. Granny Magos says that both families can help each other if they let go of their differences  and silliness. Granny Magos adds that  God works in mysterious ways.  She goes on to say that Chente lost his wife and Natalia her husband. If their paths crossed in the midst of such pain, there must be a reason for it. Who is to say that God didn't send Natalia so that he and Ben wouldn't be so alone? She makes him promise her that he  will not do anything to antagonize Natalia. She asks him again to promise her.

44. Downstairs the brick wall is going up. Natalia comes in asking what is going on. García says he is simply following what the owner wants done. She asks what owner. He says Chente, of course. She goes looking for Chente. 

45. Olga has picked up Ben at school and he is not happy as she chatters on explaining that his father asked her to pick him up.  She tells him that Granny Magos is waiting for him at home.  Ben turns around with a smile. She asks if he is happy. He nods. She calls Granny a  stupid  old witch. Ben points at Olga. She asks him if she is the witch. Ben nods. She grabs him and takes him around a corner. She terrorizes him telling him that she is a witch and she is so powerful she sent his mother to heaven with one of her spells. He tries to tell her off  but no sound will come out  of him. She covers his mouth just in case.

46. Natalia asks Chente to explain what is being built in the house. He explains his concept of the wall. She thinks it is childish and ridiculous. Chente says if she apologizes, he will stop the wall. She asks what is she supposed to apologize for? for him hitting her mother's husband? for the fact that she has had double work because he ruined everything she was preparing by shoving it on the floor? She finally  tells him she is too much of a bullfighter for a little bull like him to deal with. She informs  him that if they need a wall to live in peace, then let the wall be built! He wants it up to the ceiling. She says it will be only one meter high. They agree to continue fighting. 




Jarifa, another jewel from your treasure trove. What a wonderful read.

I loved “family is the refuge that keeps you standing in any storm”.

Granny Magos was such a breath of fresh air and from her quick acceptance of Natalia to shutting the door in Olga’s face, it appears she is a good judge of character.

“It all gets sick and twisty when) Omar and Samia think that it is Andrea's duty to apologize for her father since he is not there”. I honestly felt a shiver down my spine during that scene. How utterly cruel. Andrea has her (many) issues, but she, indeed no one, deserved to humiliate themselves like that.

“Natalia tells him he cannot throw her mother out. He says he can and gives his tantrum an exclamation mark!! by pushing all of her dessert preparations off the table and onto the floor”. Chente acted like a churlish child. How disappointing.

“the only thing she regrets about the car is that it didn't kill Lucía's brat.” I’m speechless.

Vero is already ready to shed Adrián. Has she even stopped to consider Pedro might be grifting her? Also, why would Vero want Tania there, someone who knows all of her secrets. I suspect Tania is highly dispensable and will soon outlive her usefulness.


The wall? Clearly, Chente is thick as a brick. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it 😊

Jarifa, I always savor every word of your stellar recaps and I did so tonight. Thank you amiga.


Diana, thanks for your always kind comments. : )

I found the scenes between Andrea and Elías and Samia to be cruel as you found them and utterly grotesque. The way they treated her was sickening and although I cannot stand the character, the humiliation was beyond the pale. She is right to question Omar’s reaction. He is clearly not in the position economically to support her in the way she deserves to be supported.

Chente is becoming less and less attractive with his relentless teasing of Natalia in a previous episode and his inability to control his anger in the last and this one. Here is hoping that Granny Magos can guide him because I cannot see him ever going for counseling. “Thick as a brick” ITA.

Olga’s character is revealing her to be rotten to the core but by the same token, why would Chente ask her to pick up Ben after all of the problems she caused him? More proof of “Thick as a brick”? At least Granny Magos has her number but can she protect Ben?

Good question if Vero will end up with the short end of the stick. That would be funny!


Gracias, Jarifa! An excellent recap and I am now caught up again.

I completely agree that Chente has some serious character flaws and needs some guidance with anger management. I don't know what the writers are doing here, that teasing of Natalia was too serious, not fun, and now he ruined Natalia's desserts and punched out Claudio. Claudio didn't do anything terrible, just stupid.
And now the wall. Sheesh!

Maybe Chente has never been able to overcome these character flaws since childhood -- and maybe Natalia is going to help him with them? I dunno, we'll see.
But I am definitely disappointed in Chente.

Poor Carmen Salinas didn't look too well even in this episode, at least at the beginning. But so many of these telenovela actors keep working right up until the end.

Quite a lot of slimy people in this show for a fun romantic TN.

Re Verónica and Pedro, "Tania looks less than impressed." It seems she thought she was going to be left behind. But what does Tania see as the endgame? She has ruined her brother and run off with what funds he had left, and she is playing with some dangerous people.

I don't like Elías, but about Samia I'm not so sure. She did offer to buy Natalia dessert at the club, which is more than her sister Constanza would have done; she warned Constanza about William; and she is now keeping her Chuchú from what might actually be a fate worse than death with Andrea   :-)

But so many wicked people! Even the lovely Olga. Sheesh!


"the humiliation was beyond the pale" was exactly right Jarifa.

Galans in recent TNs have proven disappointing to say the least. I don't mind a few shades of gray but Chente's petulance and quick anger are a huge turn off. I had such high hopes for him with that sweet little wave of hair on the back of his head. Throwing those dishes on the floor was startling and alarming.

And yes, Chente asking Olga to pick Benja up from school? Really?

Andy, "so many wicked people" certainly sums this up. Tania is heartless (and cruelly clueless). I would far prefer to go up against Connie than Samia. Connie is fueled by jealousy and hate. Samia is stone cold but worse, rational and calculating. Not trying to stop Elias from what he did to Andrea said everything we need to know.



Jarifa, thanks for valiantly recapping this odd episode. What are the writers doing ? This seems to be another galanless telenovela. I am not a fan of David Z. , but I thought I would give this show a spin because I have been a fan of Susana since she first came onto my tv screen.

Where to start ? Well, that brick wall...a ridiculous idea , an unnecessary expense. Lucia must have been a true saint to be so in love with this dim guy. And why would he ask Olga to pick up Benny when she has been acting so aggressively to get close to Chente. At this point , I say let her have him ...except for dear Benjy. Why would any woman want him ? I sure wouldn't . The writers seem to have presented him as a sweet, family guy devoted to his wife and son and close to his brothers at the start . Now ...another angry guy.

Carmen didn't look well , but she surely brought all her warmth and charm and thankfully recognized the good girl from the bad girl. ...and she knows how to crack an extre large egg....those eggs looked so big.

Sami loves Chu Chu. It could be a spinoff as tiger mom looks for A proper (rich) match for her dear ChuChu. Mean girl Andrea has met her match.
Strangely , Omar seems like a very nice guy.

As for Vero , Pedro, Adrian, and what's her name not care who is zooming whom.

Where have all the galans gone ? Doesn't anyone believe in good guys and true love and devotion anymore ?


Gracias, Jarifa, for another stellar recap.

The wall is ridiculous.

Claudio is a pompous jerk and he got what he deserved. However, Natalia didn't deserve the loss of what she had accomplished that day, along with the broken dishes. The big question in my mind at the moment is how much refrigerator space does she need to make four dozen fancy desserts and how many of these will she ultimately have to produce... unless Constanza or somebody else finds a way to sabotage her and cause yet another setback?

Chente's anger management issue is starting to look like needing a good woman to be a better man for. Granny Magos was able to be that for him when he was young and Lucia was that woman for him in early adult life. The way Benjamin reacts to Natalia says that she is that woman now.

On to Andrea...

I disagree with the condemnation of her treatment by the others. She does deserve this. She is a demanding, entitled brat and until Samia's attack on her today nobody seemed able to give her a reality check. Samia might be doing Natalia a big favor by this which she owes her for having trash-talked her in the past. I agree with Elias about how by living with Andrea Omar will see how worthless she really is and that she was only using Omar for his money.

Veronica is a real monster. Of course, if -- or more likely when -- she takes the money and runs she is dealing out the fate that Adrian deserves but that will prolong the search for the stolen fortune and Mario's misery. I hope his lawyer has calls in to Interpol.

Thanks for the details..this whole thing is so over the top..I just can't get that involved.

This maybe another case of just send in the Zombies and take out all of them.

Yeah Chente is an ass..jeez yeah Claudio is a leech..but he is just clueless not vicious.

Most of these people r psychotic. The whole island grifters, possibly not Nat's ex has he just seems to have a bad case of telenovela troph middle-age crisis..Dude shoulda just bought the lil red sports car.

SusanLynn. My husband and I are now huge Turkish Telenovelas followers and watch Amor Eternal. I gotta say Kemal has the most beautiful hair ever seen anywhere in this entire galaxy. He can be tied up,beaten walk thru fog, snow, sit on cold winter beaches for days and still his hair is beautiful. I love this guy and his fine locks.


OT...dear Fev. Yes, Burak's hair . Someone should write a poem about it. Now, picture him with long, shoulder length hair . Now, picture him on a black horse , riding like the wind, holding the reins with one band . Now, picture the horse rearing up on its hind legs in a Lone Ranger Hi Ho Silver tribute . Now, go directly to YouTube and Google " Kurulus Osman ."

Thanks, Jarifa, for the recap of this crazy episode. Chente was really out of character. I kept thinking how the wall will ruin the floor, if and when they take the wall down. And sending Olga for Benja just shows how clueless he is about her. And it seems she must have been like this throughout his marriage. She stopped to a new low last night.

I feel Andrea got what she deserved with Omar’s parents. She does just want her old lifestyle back. And why would Elias give Victoria money when they’ve already cheated him. But I bet he will

Grandma Mago will be the steady and sane person that will bring calm to the household.

I don't recall what the story or film was but years ago during some conflict between men the women observed that it was always their job to make the peace. Therefore I think that Mago and Natalia are going to do that here, with a little help from Regina. That needs to happen before Andrea returns, at which time they should be strong enough to contain any destructive tendencies she still may have.

Thanks Jarifa!

"anger management classes, anyone?" Indeed!

after his "pushing all of her dessert preparations off the table and onto the floor"
I'd have called the cops and and ambulence right then and there and started waving my rolling pin within inches of the dude's flaring nostrils. As for the brick wall --beanie time for me....

Did love Samie and Papi Hadid's jumping on both feet with Andrea. Life lessons begin now! Andrea call your office!

Andy, you made me laugh. “But so many wicked people! Even the lovely Olga. Sheesh.” Yes, even the lovely Olga. :(

Susan, “Strangely, Omar seems like a very nice guy.” With those parents, it is a miracle!

Urban, I think you hit it on the head with your analysis and that the love of a good woman will turn Chente around.

Fev, your “just send in the Zombies and take out all of them.” would be a never seen before plot twist! ; )

Liz, Olga “stooped to a new low last night.” with Ben. What a nasty thing to say to a child! That kid is a good actor looking as terrified as he did.

Jardinera, the brick wall makes no sense at all. The writers should have been able to come up with something better if they needed another plot line showing that Chente had gone round the bend, so to,speak.


Thank you for the wonderful recap Jarifa, I've two episodes behind so your recaps are saving my butt!

I don't feel badly for Andrea, she ran from Chente's house because she misses her previous life, I don't doubt that she loves Omar but she's using him and she thought life would be easy being a child bride? Ummmm, no.

You can just build a wall with no permits?

Chente should not be allowed to taste anything Natalia makes.

Princess, good question about permits! LOL

I just feel it could cause damage to the home, then where would they all live?

Why is Tania such a Veronica fan girl?

Princess, I am just laughing because around here you need permits for everything and anything.

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