Monday, March 28, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #23 Mon 3/28/22

We will be pre-empted on Wed. due to soccer.

1.  Chente confronts Granny Magos about what she said not wanting to repeat it lest it become true. Natalia jumps to her defense saying that Granny Magos was just telling her that she was "dying of shame" having to ask her for a favor. Granny Magos plays along asking Natalia to fix her something to eat because she is dying from hunger after being at the doctor. Chente wants to know why she went to the doctor without telling him. He could have given her lift. He is worried something could have happened to her.  Granny Magos makes it clear that she doesn't want to be treated like a useless old woman. Chente wants to know how the visit went. Granny Magos says fine. The doctor says she is like Santa Elena, better each day. Chente wants them to celebrate that they have her with them. 

2. Vale has to re-introduce herself  to Mario who doesn't recognize he at first. He smiles when he realizes who she is. Vale explains how Natalia told her about him being imprisoned and how she felt bad not sorry for him.  She knows that he is innocent. He doesn't want to talk about his problems and tells her how pretty she looks. Vale is pleased.

3. Chole is still arguing with Tavo. He insists he loves her and is serious about leaving Connie. She asks him why is he telling Connie then that he wants to save their marriage. Tavo says he only wants things to go smoothly. Chole is tired of him telling her one thing and Connie something else. Which one is he telling the truth to? Tavo is disappointed thinking that she doesn't trust him. Above all else, they are friends. Well, Chloe doesn't want to be his "friend" imagining him in bed with him in Connie's arms.  He insists that is not happening. Chole thinks that when he needs a little affection, he comes running to her and then goes home to play the role of the submissive husband. He is a real player. Tavo doesn't like being called that and gets upset repeating that the only reason he hasn't left Connie is because his business is in play.  Chole raves on about he knows how to defend what is his and that his wife has him assuredly in her grip. To make Connie happy, she is the one who has to step aside. She tells him to have a really good trip, turns and leaves. She is ends up sobbing on her bed. Tavo is upset. He get in his car and leaves.

4. Ben comes with his toy doctor kit to see Granny Magos is her room. As he "attends" to her, she assures him he is a very good doctor. He smiles. She is so happy to see his smile. She tells him she will be doing better soon because the best medicine in the world is love. She hugs him. 

5. Andrea talks Regina into going to Connie's house for the weekend. Andrea is very excited about having a "sisters" trip together. Regina asks her why she is rushing to get married. Andrea explains that Omar thinks that it is better that they get married ASAP so his awful parents cannot interfere.  Regina cannot see them getting married solving the problem with his parents. Andrea says that will be better once they are living in London.  Regina is surprised. Andrea tells her not to mention a word to anyone because if their mom finds out, she will never give her permission to marry as a minor. Regina doesn't want her to go; first it it was their dad and now her.  Andrea insists she will  stay in contact with all of them as much as she can because she will miss them. Regina suggests they go out for chocolate before Andrea moves to the other side of the world. Regina complains about having cramps.  Andrea asks if her period has arrived yet as she looks at the calendar on her phone. Regina says it has. What about Andrea? They always have their periods at the same time. No, Andrea hasn't gotten her period yet but blames it on the stress from everything that has been going on. 

6. Mario is having a good time talking to Vale telling her about Natalia throwing rocks through the window's of  the house. He thinks Natalia is an example of what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Vale is trying to tell him her own story about learning to defend herself tooth and nail when Mario interrupts that thought asking her to come see him when she can. Vale smiles. He then asks how Natalia is doing and telling Vale how bad he feels being locked up and unable to defend her or protect her. Vale tells him not to worry from what she has seen, Natalia can take on the world all by herself. He looks deflated as he says that is how Natalia is. Vale looks disappointed to be talking about Natalia. 

7. Over lunch in the kitchen, Granny Magos thanks Natalia for covering for her with Chente. Natalia thinks she should at least tell Chente about what is going on with her.  Granny Magos doesn't want to to upset him reminding her how emotional he was with the argument they just had. How can she give him that kind news while he is still getting over his wife's death? She thinks he will be devastated. 

8. Mario has noticed that Vale has gotten serious and wonders why. She explains that she left some work undone and needs to get back to finish it up. Mario says that their visiting time is almost up and thanks her for coming to visit him. He asks if she will be back to visit him again. She asks if he really wants her to come back. He says he does and what a difference her visit made in that depressing place. She teases him about taking her out to get a taco as she did on their car outing. They both laugh and shake on it. He will be waiting for her right there since there is no where else to go. 

9. 2XJosé asks Regina where she is  going. She is going to the drugstore to buy "girl things." He will walk with her and wait outside. 

10. That evening, Juanga visits Chole to show her the new swim shorts he bought and describe how good he is going to look in them as he circles his hips. Chole has no reaction and he asks her why she hasn't packed her bag yet. She explains that she doesn't feel like going any longer. She tells him to enjoy time with his family. She would not  be good company. He tries his best to get her to come with them and forget about Tavo who is only playing her. Life is to enjoy, not merely suffer through.  She finally tells Juanga she has changed her mind. Why should she be all sad at home when Tavo is so happy with his wife? Juanga is so happy he has to hug her! She isn't smiling. 

11. At home, Connie has been watching for Tavo and quickly runs to have a seat and look busy when he comes in the door. He greets her and starts to go upstairs. She asks if he is going to go to bed  so early. Doesn't she even deserve a little kiss? He apologizes, tells her he had a real hard day at the shop and kisses her on the head. She tells him how very happy she is they all are  going to the country  house. Isn't he excited, too? Tavo has to agree but thinks Claudio is such a freeloader. Connie has to agree but will be happy that her nieces and mother are coming.  She admits that more than anything else,  this time away is for the two of them.  She wants to save their marriage. This could be a fresh start and if it works, they can take the long trip she was talking about. Tavo agrees to give it a try.

12. Much to Claudio's horror, Tere is planning on giving Andrea a ring that the girls's father gave her .  He sees it as  their emergency fund. She sees it as a special wedding gift for Andrea. In an attempt to change her mind, Claudio says he sees it as a sign of bad luck and the reason that the man never married Tere. Tere remembers the love that came with the ring  and that is what counts. Claudio starts to talk about being consul in Martinique again. She tells him to not count on what he does not have. He takes the ring off her finger and puts it in the box. She takes the box and puts in a larger jewelry box next to the bed.  She tells him to pack while she helps out Natalia in the kitchen. Suddenly he has an attack of sciatica. 

13. Félix is doing push ups in the cell while Mario tells him about the girl who came to see him. He met her by accident and talked to her maybe two times before her visit today. Félix finds it hard to believe that she doesn't want anything from him. Mario says that she and Natalia are proof that good people still exist in the world. 

14. Chole stops by to see Vale who is bummed out in bed. Chole has brought coffee for both  of them. Vale tells Chole that the man of her dreams is in love with another. Chole thinks her situations worse. The man of her dreams has an owner. They toast to each other with their coffee cups. 

15. Regina comes back home with the news for Andrea that Samia is downstairs with their mother but that their mother is dealing with her.  Regina also bought Andrea a pregnancy test. When Andrea complains, Regina says she can thank her or she will give it to their mother. Andrea agrees to take it only to stop Regina from bugging her because she is not pregnant!!!

16. Samia is making it clear to Natalia that there are no secrets between her and Elías. She knows that Natalia wants to steal her husband. She never thought she would be capable of that. Natalia explains that her husband lied to her.  Elías is out to slander her. He came to her house and made her a proposal so disgusting that  she prefers not to repeat it. Samia calls her a hypocrite and says she now knows why Natalia's sister turned her back on her and why her husband left with her best friend. Andrea must have learned her  skills as a hustler from her. Natalia surprises Samia with a slap in the face. Samia tries to slap her back but misses because of the wall. Samia says she would rather be dead than see her little Chuchú married to that slut of a daughter of hers. Natalia orders Samia out of her house. She leaves.

17. Connie tells Tavo that she stopped by his friend Soledad's beauty shop. He asks why. She says  because she wanted to look good for this weekend. Tavo says Soledad is very good at what she does but he doesn't understand why she wouldn't use the beauty services at the club. She wanted to give her a chance but admits she ended up regretting going to Soledad's. She got the feeling that Soledad had feelings for Tavo. When she mentioned  their romantic trip, Soledad got this face on her. . . If she  finds out that Soledad is throwing herself at him, she will make sure that she loses her business and  ends up on the street. Tavo reminds her that Soledad has been an excellent renter all of this time and has done well running the rooming house. She then threatens her "Gusito" that if she ever discovers he is interested in Soledad or has been unfaithful to her, that is the day he will wish he had never been born.  Tavo tells her that she said she wanted to make things better between them but there she is again with her threats. Connie says it isn't a threat. It is a promise. 

18. Regina and Natalia are waiting for the pregnancy test result and discussing her wedding. Andrea is clearly disappointed it is going to be at a government office and celebrated here at the house. The time is up. Regina hands the test to Andrea to view. Andrea cannot do it and tells Regina to do it for her. Regina looks and tells her she is going to have a baby. 

19. Omar's friend, Mau cannot believe he is marrying the daughter of a swindler. Omar says he is in love with her. He is going to take her to London with him.  Mau can't see it with his father and no job. It is worse than he thought. Omar is going to prove to his parents that he doesn't need  their damn money. Mau says he has no idea what he is talking about. Elías calls Mau wanting to know if Omar is staying with him. Mau lies and says no. Mau agrees to let him know as soon as he finds out something about Omar. Elías tells him to mind his own business and hangs up on him. Omar asks Mau if he is going to mind his own business or is he going to be his godfather for his wedding. Of course, Mau will. Omar assures him that his not making a mistake. He and Andrea are going to be very happy. 

20. Andrea cannot believe it. She refuses to accept it. She re-reads the instructions. This cannot be  happening to her. She collapses in tears as Regina admits to this being terrible but reminds her that she is getting married next week. An hysterical Andrea makes Regina "PINKY PROMSE" that  she will not tell anyone. 

21. Omar thanks Mau for not telling his father that he was staying with him. Mau tells him about the millions his mother lost because of Andrea's father so he won't be telling her about Omar's wedding with Andrea. He suggests again that Omar really reconsider marrying Andrea the daughter of a criminal. Omar refuses because Andrea didn't do anything.  Mau asks if he got her pregnant. Omar says no. They are getting married because they love each other. 

22. Regina says she will keep her secret but it is obvious that she needs to tell Omar. Andrea says she can't do that because she doesn't want him to think that she got pregnant on purpose. Andrea says she will tell him after they are married. Regina says she cannot deceive Omar. Andrea also doesn't want more hate from his parents with them thinking she got pregnant to entrap their Chuchú. Andrea repeats that she doesn't want him to know yet. She is afraid he will get scared, run off and leave her.  Regina believes that if Omar truly loves her, he will marry her pregnant or not. 

23. Natalia prays  to God for strength in guiding her daughters. She also prays for Chente. She has found in him an exemplary man. She smiles and goes to bed. She dreams of Chente and her being in love. 

24. The next morning, Chente finds Natalia working with  Ben as he helps her in the kitchen with her pastries. He watches smiling. He then tells Ben it is tine  to get any toys he wants for the trip packed up. Natalia wishes Chente a really good weekend away with his family. Chente says that he and his son will both miss her.  Clearly flustered, she changes the topic to Andrea's wedding next week and wanting to have a small reception there at the house. He is willing to help her out with the food but she says she will be doing the cooking. That being said, she makes it very clear that he and his family are invited. Chente looks pleased.

25. Olga tells Chole she is more than ready for the weekend. Chole is worried about Olga doing something crazy. She needs to take  things step by step, slowly and not try to force anything with Chente. Olga insists she knows what she is doing. Chole reminds her this is  a family outing so she needs to be careful not to do anything that could be embarrassing or that she could be sorry for later. 

26. Chente tells Natalia that his gift will be the music. He knows of a great band that will get everyone dancing. Natalia says thank you but no.  This isn't going to be a big party. This is going to be very simple. Chente invites Natalia and her daughters to come along for the family weekend. She thanks him but says no. She tells him to have a great time with his family, to spoil his granny, and have a great time with Ben. He says he is doing this outing for Ben's sake hoping it can take away his sadness. Chente leaves.

27. JuanGa has the SUV. Everyone is getting ready to leave. Finally, everyone is packed in and they are off!

28. Connie is moaning to Tavo about having to pick everyone up and drive them to the country house. She says she will meet him on the terrace for breakfast. She goes downstairs to get Delia to make breakfast only to run into William sitting in her living room. She demands to know what he is doing there. He says she is behaving very badly with him. He calls her cell and she doesn't answer the calls or his messages. She says she lost her phone and changed the number for security reasons. He laughs telling her how beautiful she is when she lies but her little tricks won't work on him. She threatens to bring charges against him. He tells her to go ahead. She has more to lose than him.

29. Natalia explains to Regina how when she is alone cooking, it gives her a chance to do a lot of thinking about things that are important to her. The peace is shattered when Tere comes in saying that the ring Natalia's father gave her is missing. Claudio insists that one of the the Ramírez must have stolen it. Natalia won't listen to Claudio's foolishness and says it has to be  somewhere.  Claudio raves on how he is sure it was Chente or that old lady doña Magos but the women refuse to listen to him. 

30. William explains to Connie that he used the money as a down payment for an apartment very close to her house but now he needs to decorate it.  He especially needs a bed to where he can make a debut there with her. She makes it clear she won't be doing that as Tavo shouts for her from upstairs. She shouts back telling him to come down. William tells her she has lots of guts and threatens her with all three of them talking and him showing Tavo the video. She changes her mind and tells Tavo  to stay upstairs since she seems to have left her cellphone there. Can he find it? It seems that this was only a threat because William leaves telling her that he wants his money and that she doesn't have very long. Tavo yells saying he cannot find her phone  . . . that she has in her hand. She shouts back that if she cannot find it, what is she supposed to do? 

31. Natalia tells Claudio off. She will not tolerate that he is accusing Granny Magos or Chente. Claudio cannot understand how she could defend Chente. She says she is defending him because he is an excellent person. Claudio wonders what qualities he could have that are so good. Natalia says that Chente has been able to face misfortune alone, when his parents died he helped his grandma raise his brothers, he worked hard enough to start his own business and saved enough to buy half of this house to give a roof to his wife and son. Claudio notices that her eyes sparkle when she talks about him. He really must have impressed her. Natalia adds that Chente has just faced the death of his wife and has to support a son who has witnessed an irreparable loss. Given all that, he opened the door of his house to all of them especially she and her daughters when they needed it most. She asks Claudio if that isn't admirable enough compared to him.  Claudio says she can't compare them because there are certain levels and she is talking to the future consul of Fort de France, Martinique. Tere tells Claudio that she also considers Chente a good person. Natalia says they will search the house for the ring. Claudio declares that as the man of the family he has the  authority to be in charge of the search. To everyone's surprise, Natalia  tells him that is a NO GO. She is warning him. 

32. At the outing, Olga is helping out putting sunblock on Ben trying to make a good impression on Granny Magos and Chente. Olga warns Ben that he better behave with her. Olga brings Chente a mezcal but he turns it down saying that it is a better choice for later at night, not now. Chente has a rubber raft inflated and is ready for some pool fun with Ben. Granny Magos drinks Chente's the mezcal. Chente and Ben have fun in the pool.

33. Connie goes up to see Tavo and takes advantage of the fact that he is busy to plant her phone and then pretend that he didn't find it for her when it was in plain sight.  Tavo doesn't get it. He looked for it three times in that exact same place. Connie complains that they have lost all of the morning already due to  his ineptitude. They need to get going already!  She stalks out. Tavo is left wondering. 

34. Fun is had by all on the water slides and in the pools. Granny Magos is still on her first mezcal and can't believe that Olga has downed at least a half a bottle so far. Granny Magos proclaims a united family provides true happiness.  

35. Natalia is happily working in the kitchen when  she get a call from Adrián. She is so shocked she cannot talk at first. He asks if she is there. She asks if it is Adrián.  He says it is him. She tells him he is the most shameless person that she knows. How dare he call her? He tells her not to hang up. He has some serious problems. . . and he needs her. Natalia is overwhelmed. 


Very good recap. Jeez Claudio grift much? I dunno if the is possible but someone somewhere check the females in this family for the "dumbass" gene. There had Claudio, Nate has Adrian and Connie has William.

Now then Sami..I swear she is straight outta star trek next generation with her outfits and hair. She is like one of those alien middle age babes who tries to get in Jon Luc's uniform. Ahh. Jon Luc.


Jarifa, many thanks for a really great recap with lots of fun details.

Valentina looked really good in this episode. I don't get her infatuation with Mario, but love is blind and poor Mario can use any morale boosting help he can get.

I'm tired of William and his blackmail. And how is it that he can walk into Constanza's house whenever he wants? He has done this several times now.

I am confused about Teresa's ring. Didn't she just have it a little while back and put it in a box? And then Claudio had an attack of sciatica. He is mostly a harmless blowhard, I hope he's not into stealing jewelry.

Adrián really is shameless to call Natalia for help.


Another fun episode last night with so much going on. Loved Natalia’s dream sequence and defense of Chente against that worm Claudio.

Fevered, yes! Samia Next Generation! That was a good one.

Andy, alas! I have less faith in Claudio than you because IMHO I think he will do anything not to be inconvenienced by something so mundane as earning a living. I also think that is why he wanted to take control of the search and was so quick to blame Chente and company. I will be surprised if he isn’t the ring thief. ITA about William at Connie’s house. Any locks on the doors? An alarm system? You think that installing an alarm system would be the first thing she would have done after Will kept being a threat. Yes, this novela has been a fun watch so far.

Great work, Jarifa. You caught it all.

I am concerned about the risk that Connie will find out during the country house weekend that Andrea is pregnant. One more thing for her to torture Natalia over. She deserves every bit of the terror that William is putting into her.

As you described the path the ring has taken I believe Claudio stole it. He needs to be caught red-handed although I think it should be Teresa's emergency fund... for a divorce. That pompous ass has already caused them enough trouble.

Since Elias had the connexions to find Adrian he will definitely find Omar, most likely before he and Andrea can leave the country. He will definitely accuse Andrea of pregnancy entrapment. We knew even before the test that pregnancy is the last thing Andrea wants, so why didn't she use contraception? That is not only available in Mexico; I heard it is even free.

Olga will probably try to get Chente drunk so she can crawl into bed with him. Here's hoping that Magos can stop that.


UA: We all know Olga will sleep with drunk Chente so that she can taunt Natalia.

Jarifa: Awesome job on the recap of last night's episode!

Steve Boudreaux

Thanks, Jarifa, for a fun recap! What surprises me is how Andrea is judged just because of what her father did. I don’t like Andrea and would expect Omar’s parents to use that against her but not his friend.

Claudio definitely took the ring, but did he take it for the money or because he didn’t want Teresa giving it to Andrea. I am ready for Teresa to realize what a snake in the grass he is! But I think that will be a long time coming.

Never occurred to me that Olga might try to seduce Chente! Let’s hope he’s sharing a room with his brothers and Ben!

I’m ready for William to reveal the video! Let Tavo and Chole get on with their lives. Hoping Tavo will grow a spine one of these days!

"The sins of the fathers she be visited upon the sons to the third or fourth generation" etc.

Some people still buy into this toxic nonsense. I wonder whether this notion got worse over time when mass media revealed the existence of criminal families. However, there is no evidence that Andrea is criminally inclined in the legal sense. Samia called her a slut, which we also have no evidence for. More likely Omar was her first and she is just absurdly naive about contraception (which also makes him irresponsible to not have it covered). She is a bitch and a brat, which we have all witnessed, but I guess that an unwilling suegra would find these two sins to be equal.

This looks like there is no turning back in terms of any civil discourse between Samia and Natalia.

If Claudio really stole the ring to prevent Teresa giving it to Andrea, I could possibly cut him some slack over it. Andrea has no real sense of responsibility and would either lose the ring, not get enough for it if she sold it, or squander the money from the sale.

Andrea is going to try to keep her pregnancy a secret until after the wedding ceremony, but I doubt that will succeed. She should have an abortion for every reason she doesn't have to disclose, but knowing how novela writers are afraid to do this we know there will be major family drama for both her and Omar.

Another sensational Jarifa recap to brighten even the sunniest of days.

You write so well Jarifa, I drank in every word. I only saw a few brief moments so can't wait to watch this in its entirety.

"Tavo is disappointed thinking that she doesn't trust him". Really?? While he does have many good attributes, he is spineless (agree with you completely Liz!). Staying with a wretch like Connie when he has a chance for happiness with Chloe makes even less sense than Chole being attracted to him in the first place.

Claudio continues to hurt the family with each egregious strike. He is sinking deeper into villain territory.

No surprise Andrea is pregnant. It's just a matter of how long word gets out. I agree Urban, Connie will somehow find out and share the "joyous" news with Natalia and Sammi.

When Adrian called Natalia, her face mirrored such grief, it was as though her heart was ripped from her chest a second time.

Chente on a trip with Olga ready to strike. What can possibly go wrong?? :)

Jarifa, thank you, thank you!


Jarifa, thank you for another excellent recap of this spinning top of men and women behaving badly and innocents paying just because they are in their dark orbits.

Fever...yes, Samia is channeling Star Trek. She needs to be beamed up. You are right that the ladies each have their own personal albatross . And then we see Con intimidating Tavo while Will intimidates her . Con is a joyless creature. She is walking talking unhappiness.

Andy,I am not surprised that the weasel formerly known as Adrian has the avocados to reach out to Nat . He is a disgusting waste of oxygen .

Well, pool time was fun.

OT...I need an intervention. The reruns of Amor Eterno are racing to the finale I started watching the beginning and then the very very beginning since instilled watching this show when it was originally on Uni. The acting is superb . The storyline is traumatic . Let's do the time warp again . Infinity.


Urban, after starting with the mezcalitos before noon, it wouldn’t surprise me if Olga would find her way to slither into Chente’s bed. She is so creepy. ITA that Andrea should get an abortion but alas! I agree that the writers will never see that as even an option.

Steve, glad you enjoyed the recap.

Liz, I sure hope that Ben is sleeping with Chente. ITA that William needs to publish the video. That story line needs something.

Diana, no, it is no surprise that Andrea got pregnant. Guess she needed it to be proven to her that it only takes once. You would think that Chuchú would have used protection but he does seem as dumb as Andrea when it comes to real life. I wonder if the wedding will ever take place because as you noted the news will some how get out. They better throw the test and wrapping out outside of the house. It could be easily seen in the garbage.

Susanlynn, “Con is a joyless creature.” So well put. I hope there is more fun-filled pool time. anyone watching "SOS " on Uni at 3? I watched today. There are so many familiar faces,....mi old telenovio Marcelo Cordoba ( now salt and pepper hair), Daniel Arenas ( also salt and pepper) , Jorge Salinas, Cesar Evora, and many more !

Susanlynn, do you know when SOS started here? Recently?



Thanks, Susanlynn, for the info. I was hoping they were saving SOS for an early evening slot.

OT..Hi, Jarifa and Andy. I was so surprised to see SOS today . Uni has been showing " Amor Real " reruns from 2 to 4 . Yesterday I noticed that it was only on until 3. Today I kept the tv on when Amor ended at 3 and saw SOS. It either started yesterday or today . A lot happened today , and there are so many familiar old faces, including Iran Castillo whom I first saw in Alborado about 14 years ago as Lucero's step sister . Also a little boy who was in a past novela I watched . I can't remember the title , but Jorge Salinas was his evil adopted father .


O/T Susanlynn, the child actor was in “Te doy la vida.” I am watching the first episode OnDemand right now. It looks decent. If I only I had more time. : (

All I can say is “Don’t do it, Natalia!”

Thanks, Jarifa!!


Susanlynn, thank you for the info! I may take a look.


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