Friday, March 04, 2022

My Fortuna Es Amarte #7 We live here now

 Hi all, below is a quick recap of last night's action:

  • First, how cute were the outfits the women wore last night? I loved Natalia's baby blue dress, I have to own Chelo's dress and even Tania's dress was to die for.
  • Speaking of Tania, she and Mario go to a notary so that he can transfer his properties to her in order to avoid them being taken by the government, he was also going to transfer what little money he had left to her but he waited too long to do so and his assets were frozen. 
  • Tania frets that the government will think she was in on the fraud, oh gosh, why would the government think that dear Tania? Could it be because to everyone it will look like you and your brother were trying to hide assets? As the kids would say, that's suspicious, that's weird.
  • Tania tells Mario to run but he refuses to, he is not a criminal and he did nothing wrong. Also, Natalia has his passport.
  • Natalia and her daughters leave Mario's home and jump into a taxi but Natalia has no idea where they will go, she makes it clear to her daughters and later to Chente that everyone they know has turned their backs on them, no one will help them.
  • Andrea's BIG idea to get out of living in "poverty" is to get her boyfriend to marry her. Yes, teenage marriage is the solution to everything.
  • Eventually Natalia makes her way to Chente's home, she explains to him that she and her daughters need a place to stay, legally the home belongs to her and she's a mother willing to do anything for her daughters, she hopes he understands.
  • Chente does not understand, he and his wife worked hard for their home and although he understands her position and hates that her husband put her and their kids in peril this is not his problem, she can not have the house. Natalia asks to speak with his wife, she's sure she would understand what she's going through.
  • Jose (also known as Pepepepe) shows up with Benjamin, Natalia introduces herself to the boy, God, Susana was so good in this scene. Chente leaves and tells her that when he returns he wants her and the girls gone.
  • Natalia speaks to her attorney, he tells her the house belongs to her BUT with Chente living there the only way to take possession of the house is to take it to court, Natalia realizes that she can't do this because she does not have the funds to pay for legal fees.
  • Lol, I just realized now that the brother's are named Chente, Jose Jose and Juan Gabriel.
  • Chente tells the brothers that Natalia wants the house, Jose Jose thinks that he should work with her to find a solution, it's better for her to owe him a favor than it would be for her to be his enemy. Juan Gabriel wants to use force to get them out but Chente tells him that's not what men do, he's not going to bully three defenseless women.
  • The brother's return to the home (this is where I realized the name thing) and Juan Gabriel tries to kick the women out, Chente stops him and Natalia tells him she and her daughters will leave, she understands that he's living through his own tragedy and does not want to make this worse or to stress Benjamin out, Chente offers to find her a room to stay at with Chelo but Jose Jose reminds him that Valentina took the last room. Natalia and the girls start to leave but Benjamin goes to her, takes her hand and leads her back to the living room.
  • Also in tonight's episode: Constanza finds out that Valentina is working at the shop, she shows up and demands she be fired, her husband follows her directions and let's her go.
  • Jose Jose finds this out and is outraged, he tells Gustavo that his store will no longer be selling him supplies and then get Juan Gabriel to resign. 
  • Chelo fionds out that both Juan Gabriel and Valentina have been let go and she shows up at the shop, Gustavo and Chelo have a heart to heart, he tells her that Constanza owns the shop too and Chelo tells him to man up. They declare their love for each other, Gustavo basically tells her he can't leave his wife because she would take the shop from him. His father worked hard for that shop and he can't bear the thought of loosing everything his dad worked for to Constanza.
  • Chelo tells him she does not want a ring or the title of wife, she just wants to love him. They make a date.
  • Valentina and Juan Gabriel get their jobs back, but Valentina is to hide if Constanza ever shows up.
  • Valentina tries to make friends with Olga, Olga tells her it's been a while since she's had a friend, and that should be a giant red flag for Valentina.
  • It looks like Valentina has a stalker, I'm gonna name him Scar.
  • Olga tells Chelo that she's upset that Chente has not apologized to her for the way he treated her, she was *this close* to moving in with him. Chelos tells her about Gustavo and I don't like it, Olga is not someone you should trust in.
  • Constanza is at home with her mom who is doing a card reading, mom tells her that hard time lie ahead for Natalia, Constanza is like "too bad, so sad". Mom also tells her to value her husband or she risks loosing him, Conztanza is all like "please he's never going to leave me", has anyone ever told her the divorce rate?
Thjat's all for today Patio!


Princess, Juju, thanks, for the excellent recap. It also took me to last night to realize that the brothers were named for Vicente Fernández (Chente) ( should have realized that sooner with the recent news of 2 biographical series in the works), JoséJosé and, of course, Juan Gabriel. SCAR is perfect for the stalker. Nope, you cannot trust Olga.

I also like the idea of a very average looking old guy (Gustavo) is seen as a “love” interest. That was one big garbage can that Mario had in his kitchen to throw away that bouquet of yellow roses so easily. That looked like an outdoor garbage can. LOL I loved seeing Teresa do that tarot card reading for Connie. That could be a fun twist because her readings were so “accurate” at the present time. Hey, nobody can turn down little Benjamín.





MI Fortuna

Princess Juju, thank you for a great account of all the action .

So, we are headed for the formation of a new household . The scenes with Nata and Benjy were sweet. Susana is an excellent actress. That little boy needs her love and kindness . I hope that petulant, spoiled , little Andrea doesnt harsh everyone's mellow . Regina and the one brother seemed to exchange interested looks.

I don't get the significance of the brothers' names.


The brothers are all named after Mexican music icons: Vicente Fernandez, Jose Jose and Juan Gabriel, I just realized that last night.

Andrea is a butt.

Susanlynn, all three of the names are of famous (now deceased) Mexican singers.

Princess, perfect title. The recap was excellent.

Loved "Valentina tries to make friends with Olga, Olga tells her it's been a while since she's had a friend, and that should be a giant red flag for Valentina". :)

I only get to watch bits and pieces most nights but I did see the scene where Benji took Natalia's hand and I was just about in tears. "Hey, nobody can turn down little Benjamín" was spot on Jarifa!

"God, Susana was so good in this scene" - yes, yes Princess but she is fabulous in every scene isn't she?? She illuminates the screen and her look of utter kindness toward Benji would have melted the coldest heart.

I'm still confused on all the brothers but at least now understand the origin of their names.

I'm also looking to bonding of the "new household" Susanlynn.

I can't comment on most of the other action I didn't see so will again thank you Princess for this afternoon treat.


PrincessJuju, a “bratty butt!” ; )

Yasss, a bratty butt! You know what really bothers me about her? She believes that her way out of this situation is a man, how can she have this attitude when she's seeing first hand what happens when you place your financial life in the hands of someone else?

Thanks Princess Juju, for filling in the details in your recap! People are trusting the untrustworthy, which will not turn out well.

Loved Benjamin with Natalia. This relationship will be a good one! And there’ll be a couple of romances too. Looking forward to tonight!

It took a bunch of tries to get “published”. So my comment got shorter and shorter! But loved Olga saying she was “this close” to moving in with Chente! In her dreams!

The stalker is someone Valentina seemed to recognize. I wonder if she was fleeing him. Happy she got her job back but worried she’ll be caught by Connie. She has appeared twice when not expected already.

Princess Juju! Thank you very much for this fine and fun recap.

Breakfast at Constanza's: the upper crust eat their mixed fruit, Gus gets his hearty whatever it was (chilaquiles?). I'm with Tavo.

Tania was making a sacrifice accepting Mario's properties? Barf!

Chole and Gustavo work right next door, and have been in love for years without the other realizing? Telenovelandia is an interesting place to visit. But Tavo is pretty dumb to have not checked with Chole before this to see if there was any interest. OTOH, this is just one of thousands of oddball things in this telenovela, and, just to make sure we're not having too much fun, they now bring in Scarface. Oy, Caray!

Funny about Benjamín. I thought it was just a guy thing, work on the kid to interest the woman. So it can work the other way around too? And without really trying!



Liz- Yes! Olga is out of her mind, did she forget that Chente told her it was unhealthy for Benjamin to see her in their house so often? I fear for Benja's safety.

Andy- yes! At first I thought they had met after Gustavo was married but that's not the case, also why would Gustavo marry the polar opposite of Chelo?

Thanks so much PRINCESS JUJU...especially for alerting us to the humor of the brother's names. Since they were all going by nicknames anyway, I would never have picked up on it.

Just wanted to smack Andrea when she rolled her eyes, hearing about Chente's wife's death. That was just the limit for me. She's been vile up till now, but THAT was beyond the pale. Guess we just have to figure she takes after Auntie Constanza rather than mama Natalia or even her own putrid padre.

Definitely the winning scene for me was Natalia kneeling down to Benjy's level and introducing herself so warmly. And his eyes locking onto hers until you could just feel the connection deepening each second. Well played by both.

Sorry to see that more drama is going to be stoked with Valentina having a stalker. Oh well, let's just keep piling on the disasters as long as we can watch Natalia and little Benjy light up the screen some more.

With this show, one definitely has to work to keep the lighter moments in the foreground, because sometimes the darkness and despair seem overwhelming.

Hope the Chole-Tavo romance works out tonight! A bit of a stretch to think it took them this long, but I'm ready to kick back and enjoy some nice gooey golly gee lovin' after being subjected to night after night of Veronica and Adrian.

Thanks PRINCESS, quite a treat.

Princess Juju: Susana Gonzales is amazing in this Telenovela.

Steve Boudreaux

Great work!

Obviously there is a connexion between Natalia and Benjamin and Chente notices this. This will make Natalia more attractive to him and drive Vulga to more insane acts. This strengthens my prediction that Benjamin's life will be at risk.

Andrea should have been born in the 40's if she thinks a man is the solution to their problems. If Omar does as his parents want him to do he will meet young women who aren't such bitches and realize that Andrea would be an albatross around his neck. BTW, I think his mother is way off the beam ranting about Andrea's family; Andrea is the only one you can't take anywhere.

So Chente and his brothers were named for their mum's favorite singers... probably not unusual. Do they have a cousin named Elvis? A friend of mine named her son for her favorite rock musician.

Who is Teresa's husband fooling around with? When did I miss that piece of info?

UA: I agree with you on the connection between Natalia & Benjamin.

Steve Boudreaux

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