Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #34 Wed. 4/13/22

Hey, JudyB, it is windy and rainy on the patio tonight. Keep warm and comfy. Sending good thoughts your way.  


1.Chente appears on the road in Valle de Bravo. Natalia is so happy see him that she runs into his arms. Chente looks like he knows this is who he belongs with. Chente assures her it is all going to  be fine and he is there to help her. She pulls away and says how embarrassed she is to have brought him all the way out there. He smiles and says she would have done the same for him. He goes for his toolbox as she tells him how the car was running fine until she heard a little noise and suddenly there was smoke coming out from under the hood.  Later she found out that her cellphone was dead. He confidently says he is sure it will be something very easy to fix and investigates under the hood.

2. Ben continues to flee in terror still hearing the gunshots as Regina and 2XJosé decide to look for him one last time before calling the police.  

3. Connie asks her lawyer why is it that she cannot throw Chole off of her property. He explains it isn't so easy evict of a renter when there are valid leases. In spite of the fact that Connie wants her and all of Tavo's friends out on the street now, her lawyer tells her that Chole isn't behind on her rent and the law protects her.  Connie says she still has seven months left on her lease and she will not put up with her being there for all of that time. He warns Connie if she were to throw Chole out now, she could end up in a tedious court case that could last years and would end up costing a lot of money. 

4. Claudio arrives at Tavo's shop and is surprised to see him working on cars. Tavo explains it is part of the new rules that Connie put in place. Claudio asks why he is allowing himself to be mistreated this way. Tavo says it is the only way he can make sure that his shop is being taken care of properly. Tavo says at first he was angry but now doing oil changes and fixing motors,  he remembers what is was like working shoulder to shoulder with his dad. Tavo adds if Connie thought she was humiliating him, she instead  made him reconnect with who he really is. Claudio tells him now that he has had his fun, it is time to get out of his filthy mechanic suit and get to work on his divorce. They need to plan their strategy before Connie gains ground on them in the battle. Tavo agrees but asks if it has to be right now. Claudio reminds him how bloodthirsty Connie is in her business dealings. Claudio invites him to the cantina where they can have a little to drink and make a list of Tavo and Connie's  property and bank accounts. They need to make a very thorough inventory. 

5. Chente tells Natalia that the problem is more serious than he thought. A stone from the road evidently hit the radiator and made a hole in it. The car cannot be run without ruining the motor.  He suggests that he take her to the cabin and from there he can call for a tow truck to come from town. He think it is best that her friend's vehicle be taken to Tavo's shop knowing that they will find anything  that might be wrong. Natalia feels so bad about this all. Chente says there is nothing to feel bad about. She came to rest and she is going to rest. He will take her to the country house and when she wants to come back, he will  send a car to pick her up. Natalia notes is it getting to be very late and she doses't know how he is going to manage to get all of this done. He tells her not to worry.  If it gets too late, he'll find hotel and tomorrow he will solve the problem. She is concerned about how much that will cost him.  He says he will do what is needed. He notices a huge storm cloud in the distance and predicts they are in for a downpour. They get in the truck.

6. Ben,  still sobbing, has made it back to his house and his father's room where he sits holding a photo of his mother. He thinks back on the good times he had with her.  He goes into Chente's closet and takes out his mother's handbag.

7. At the same time, an hysterical 2xJosé, still with Regina, is reporting to two police officers that his nephew is missing. One of the officers says that they can activate an Amber Alert and explains what that is. Nevertheless, before that can happen, one of the boy's parents needs to make a report at the Ministerio Público. Regina is just as upset as 2XJosé saying if Ben has been kidnapped, she doesn't know what she will do. An officer tells them both he will give them the address where the missing boy's parents can make the report.  He adds that 2XJosé and Regina  shouldn't have taken the boy out  if they couldn't take care of him. It is a great responsibility being in charge of a child because things like this can happen. 

8. Ben has found his mother's phonon her handbag as Granny Magos walks into the room. She asks him what he is doing all alone at the house and notices how sad he is. She asks him what is wrong and what happened. He plays a video message from his mother telling him how much she will always be with him  and how she will always take care of him because he is most important thing in her life. She adds to never forget that and that she loves his so much she would be willing to die for him. Granny Magos comforts Ben saying she is going to take away all of the sadness that he has. Magically the iridescent blue hummingbird appears at the window. Granny Magos points it out to Ben who goes to the window to see it.  It visits a few seconds and Ben waves goodbye as it leaves. Granny Magos tells him it is the same hummingbird that greeted her when she took flowers to his mothers's grave the first time. She goes on to tell him about a Guaraní legend that says that the appearance of the hummingbird means that the spirit of his mommy came to visit him so that he knows that she is well,  that he knows he is not alone and to console him.  She adds that the same hummingbird approached  Natalia, too, because it wants Natalia to be with them. She asks him if his father were to fall in love again, would Ben like it to be with Natalia so she would stay with them. As she finishes the question, she notices that the hummingbird has reappeared. Ben turns to look at it.  

9. Connie's lawyer tells her that that the  problem she has is that she and Tavo got married with the stipulation of "accumulated marital assets" (community property?)  Connie insists that is the most unfair of all of the injustices. She will not give that "gusano" (worm) one half of her fortune. The lawyer says his hands are tied because Tavo is accorded that right by law. Connie insists that all she has is a result of the inheritance SHE got from HER father. Tavo only brought his poverty to their marriage. The lawyer explains that she  received her inheritance when they were married; so half belongs to Tavo. She goes on about how she saved his shop, bought him cars and  clothing.  Even the socks he is wearing were bought with her money. The lawyer says he has heard that same old story a thousand times.  It may seem to be unfair but it is the law. Well, she wants him to help her break the law.  She is paying him enough and doesn't want to see that worm get one red cent. 

10. At the cantina and over some whiskey and beer, Tavo tells Claudio that he wants his shop and "if possible"  the boarding house property where Chole has her shop in the divorce settlement. Claudio asks him why he is willing to settle for so little. Tavo explains that he isn't getting a divorce out of ambition but out of love.  Tavo wants the divorce to be as civilized as possible. Claudio warns him he has to be the opposite of that. You cannot have pity on the enemy. What Connie doesn't want is a scandal and she will do everything to keep that video  out of the public eye. He asks Tavo if he still has the video. Tavo says that he does still have it on his phone but thinks sometimes that he should erase it.  Claudio advises him to wise up. The time has come for him  to stop being so good and so stupid. They will hit Connie where it hurts the most and get every last cent from her.  Claudio drinks to freeing themselves from their money problems for the rest of their  lives and justice. 

11. The lawyer tells Connie that there are ways of keeping Tavo from getting what is his but they are not ethical and could bring her problems. Connie is willing to risk what it takes. What to do? He tells her to go to a notary and to sign over all of her possessions to somebody  that she trusts. She asks if it is as simple as that. He says it is and also as dishonest because that is exactly Mario did. He signed everything over to his sister. She betrayed him,  disappeared with everything leaving him on he street.  Her lawyer tells her to look for another lawyer because he refuses to be involved in such underhanded business. She asks if he is gong straight to Tavo to tell him about her plans. He says no because the difference between her and him is that he has professional ethics. Connie is furious and tells him to get out of her house. She ddn't call him to come and insult her. He agrees and leaves asking her not to call him again.

12. Natalia and Chente make their way to the house in Valle de  Bravo which is impressive and is located on a lake. Natalia says the most important thing about the place is that it is peaceful. Chente can see she will be able to relax and return in a better mood. Chente stops at the door but Natalia encourages him to come in. He sees it is more beautiful on the inside can on the outside. Chente says he is going to go and get the tow truck to pick up her friend's vehicle and take it back to the city.  Natalia asks if it isn't a bit late for him to drive back. Chente says not at all and when she wants to come back either JuanGa or he will come and get her. Natalia smiles and doesn't know how to thank him for everything he is doing for her. Chente says that the pleasure is really all his. He asks if she needs something else. He suggests that he bring back some tasty roasted chicken for her to snack on from town. She laughs turning him down saying she will cook something there. He reminds her to charge her phone so if she needs something she can call him immediately. He finally leaves saying they will see each other soon. She tells him to be careful. 

13. Regina and 2XJosé come home. He  is dreading calling Chente not knowing what to say about Ben. Regina turns and sees Ben and Granny Magos in the living room. They are overjoyed to see Ben. Granny Magos scolds them telling them they have to be more careful when they take a child out with them. Granny Magos cannot even imagine if something had happened to Ben. She also tells Ben he can never let go of the hand of the person who is with him. Regina asks where did she find him. Granny Magos says believe it or not, Ben came home on his own. She found him in Chente's room crying over a photo of his mother. Regina and 2XJosé hug Ben as Granny thanks God it all turned out okay. 

14. Back in the Valle de Bravo,  it is pouring outside and Natalia is wandering around the living room. She finally pours herself a glass or wine and takes it and the bottle to the couch. 

15. Chente turns over Fernanda's vehicle to the tow truck driver and gives him instructions on where to deliver it. He calls home to update Granny Magos. She tells him that they are all fine and Ben is playing lotería with 2XJosé and Regina. She asks about Natalia. He says she is fine but the radiator went on the vehicle she was driving so he is having it towed to Tavo's garage. Chente is ready to come home. Granny Magos isn't sure about him leaving Natalia out there all alone and without a vehicle. She wants him to check with her to make sure she doesn't need something. She  hears the thunder.  Chente says there is a big storm coming. Granny Magos asks him, for her own peace of mind,  not to drive in the rain. She reminds him that is how his parents died: driving on the highway on a rainy day. He says it sin't raining yet so he is going to get going. She blesses him.

16. Tere comes to visit a sullen Andrea. She advises her to try to smile while she is pregnant. Babies don't only nourish themselves from food but also from the mother's spirit, energy and love she will give it from the very start. Andrea thanks her but makes it clear she doesn't want any of her advice. Regina tries to make things happier by asking Tere is she realizes she is going to have her first great grandchild. Tere does  and it makes her very happy she will get to see it. She feels like she loves it already as she pats Andrea's tummy. Andrea removes her hand and tells her not to exaggerate. As Connie continues telling her about  the joys  of motherhood like the baby growing, kicking, the ultrasounds . . . and when she hears the baby's heart beating . . . Andrea asks if everything will change then. Tere says it will and that she speaks from experience. She found out what true love was the day she held her mother and aunt in her arms. The love a parent has for their children is pure and the greatest  love one can experience in life. Regina and Tere hug a sad looking Andrea. 

17. On her way out, Tere asks Connie if they can talk for a minute. With a chip on her shoulder, Connie asks if she is really worried about how she is feeling.  Tere says of course she is with the divorce going on.  She notes that the icy expression that Connie wears hides what she is real feeling. Connie can confide in her and trust her. Connie admits that she needs her because Tavo is a wretched person who wants half of her possessions when he hasn't contributed a peso in all these years. Tere's expression hardens as she tells her daughter that is something to discuss with a lawyer not her. Connie says that the only way that she can prevent Tavo getting what is hers is with Tere's help. If she signs over everything she owns to Tere, there is nothing that Tavo can take from her. Connie can only trust her mother to do that for her. It is important that Claudio doesn't find out because that would work to her disadvantage. Can she count on her mother??? 

18. Back in the Valle de Bravo, it is storming. Natalia's peace  is disturbed by a sudden knocking at the door. It is Chente. He is soaked.  His truck got stuck in the mud and he cannot get it out. He says his cell phone is dead and he has to call home to let them know he is going to stay overnight here. She asks "here?"  He says not "here", he is going to find a hotel. Natalia says he can't be out in a storm like this. He asks himself out loud what he should do over and over. Natalia says he can stay at the house with her. They can spend the night together. Chente looks like he cannot believe what he just heard. 

19. Tere refuses to help Connie get revenge on Tavo. It isn't there right thing to do. Connie says that family comes first. Tere says she should have thought about that when she refused to have her sister and nieces stay with her when they needed it the most. Connie says she is only asking her to do this to protect what is hers. Connie offers to buy her an apartment in return. She can take Natalia to go live with her. Tere tells her she is grateful for her "generosity" but she doesn't need it. Connie reminds  her that Claudio has squandered everything that she had. She has no where to spend her old age. Does she prefer to have to scrounge for everything the rest of her life?  Tere says that suits her just fine if it means that she can go to sleep with a clear conscience.  Tere reminds Connie that money isn't happiness and advises her to leave her marriage in an honest and dignified way. She cannot destroy somebody who was her partner all of those years. She tells her not to become any more bitter than she is and not to harden her heart any more than it is. Tere leaves.

20. Natalia brings Chente a towel so he can dry off but then has a better idea. He can go upstairs and take a hot bath and get off all of his wet clothes. In the guest room, there is a robe in the closet that he can wear. She will put his wet clothes in the dryer. Chente doesn't want to cause her any extra work and wants to go back out and try to get his truck out of the mud as soon as he is dry. It thunders and Natalia tells him it looks like the storm will be going on for a long time. Natalia tells him to calm down and go get out of his wet things. She points where he should go. 

21. 2XJosé is surprised to see JuanGa in his room watching tv and not out with Olga. JuanGa says he is out of a job and out of money so where can he take her??? 2XJosé warns him off of Olga again. JuanGa spouts his usual nonsense. 2XJosé tells his brother he isn't in love (enamorado) as much as he is just a flighty person  (atolondrado). 

22. Connie tells her nieces that she has a commitment to go to. They can call her cell if they need her. After agreeing with how weird Connie sounded with Regina, Andrea tells her how grateful she is that she came to stay with her.  She doesn't know what she would do without her. She is so sad. Regina starts to do Andrea's hair saying if you look better you will feel better. She suggests that Andrea contact some of her  old school friends.  Andrea says nobody is talking to her. Regina has to admit she didn't like any of them anyway. Regina reminds her that they have new friends they could invite over. Andrea tells her no way.  Regina says that 2XJosé is a lovely person and JuanGa will make her smile. Andrea cannot be convinced.

23. Tere comes in and asks Granny Magos what she is doing down in the dining room by herself. Granny Magos says she put Ben to bed and since everyone is  gone,  she got herself a little mezcal and a good book. Tere asks if Claudio has gotten back. Granny Magos says her husband is  only good for partying and drinking. Tere nods in agreement. Granny Magos wants talk to her and invites he to sit with her. Granny Magos tells the that Chente isn't coming home. He got stuck because of the rain  and is going to spend the night with Natalia. Tere wants to know what THAT means? Granny Magos clarifies it and says they are both at the house the country. Granny Magos is hoping that God gives them a miracle. Granny Magos knows that Chente is in love. She is giving him a little push to take the situation by the horns. No, Tere has to admit she hasn't spoken to Natalia as  they agreed because she doesn't think that falling in love is one of Natalia's priorities right now. Granny Magos thought they were in agreement on this issue and reminds her what her own angels told her through the cards. Granny Magos wants her to do another reading on Natalia and Chente. 

24. Chente comes out in the  white robe saying that he feels like he should be in a  karate competition. Natalia laughs. She is happy that now he is nice and warm. It thunders and Chente literally jumps. She asks why and he explains that his parents died in a car accident on the highway in the middle of a thunderstorm. Also when his wife died, it started to rain. Natalia is sorry hear that. He tells her not to worry about it. She asks him not to think of sad things and asks him if he will join her in a glass of wine. He isn't much for wine but some tequila could help calm his nerves. She gets him some.  Natalia thanks him for staying with her, coming all the way out here to help her with the vehicle. Chente has to admit that coming out here to help her and in spite of his truck getting stuck, this been the best thing that happened to him this week. They smile at each other and toast. 

25. 2XJosé, Vale, JuanGa and Olga are all going over to Connie's to watch movies and visit with Regina and Andrea. Olga seems be along only for the ride. JuanGa sees no need to bring anything because there will be all kinds of stuff at the mansion. Mario can't make it. He has an appointment but will catch up with them later if he can.

26. Regina's arranging a buffet for 2XJosé and company coming over. Andrea is critical of her putting out such gourmet food for them. They would have been happy with tortilla chips and beans.  Regina reminds her that their mother always told them to treat their guests very well and stops her from putting the food away. 

27. Tere has her cards out and Granny Magos wants to know if Chente and Natalia are on a good path to love. A serious Tere turns to her and asks Granny Magos how her health is. Granny Magos makes it clear she doesn't want to talk about that. Tere thinks that she should because the cards show her health is very fragile. Granny Magos admits that she is very ill and that she is going to die.  Tere shows Granny Magos  the death card. Granny Magos asks Tere to have a mezcal with her.  Tere says she will. 

28. Mario has gone to meet with Connie. He was surprised that she called. She heard from her lawyer that he was found innocent so she is supposing that he is looking for an opportunity to get back to work.  He admits that he is although he hasn't been successful yet. He plans on waiting it  out until he finds a position at his level. She knows what happened with his sister; how he put everything he owned in her name how she robbed it all from him.. He says that's life.  She says that Adrián is in jail and it won't be long until Tania and Vero fall. He notices that she is up to date on it all. Connie says that Natalia told her all about Adrián and went to see him. Mario is confident hat Natalia will never forgive him. Connie informs him that women will do all kinds of stupid things for love. Look at her, for example. She married an insect like Gustavo. She is worried that if Adrián is sorry enough that Natalia will believe in his lies again. 

29. As they are sitting on the floor and drinking, Natalia tells Chente that it has been months since she had five minutes to enjoy a moment like this. Chente thinks that he is in her way. She grabs his hand and tells him no way. On the contrary,  she enjoys his company a lot. She tells him to relax and to enjoy his tequila as he jumps from the thunder again. Suddenly the power goes out. Natalia cannot believe it and can only laugh. She has learned to  look for the good out of all of the bad. Chente agrees that is the way to think. She grabs his arms and tells him how happy she is that the vehicle broke down. She is happy that neither Tavo or Fernanda came to help her but is happy that he did. He is also happy his truck got stuck and that they had some time to talk. As he gets closer as if he is thinking about kissing her,  the thunder makes him jump back. He asks if they have to be grateful for the thunder. She says yes because it brought them there and he suggests they toast to it. She toasts to everything bad that turns into something marvelous. He toasts to a new beginning. She adds because in spite of going through this whole night, tomorrow the sun will shine again for everybody. They each take a drink. 

30. Granny Magos now has Tere drinking mezcal telling her to take a good drink and then suck on the orange to cut the flavor. Tere notes how badly it burns going down. Granny Magos says the first one is the worst but with the second,  it will go down much more smoothly.Tere tells Granny Magos not to give up. Medicine has  advanced so much. Granny Magos says Natalia told her the same thing. Natalia knows that she is just about done. Tere reminds her that everyone who loves her will insist that she seek medical help and will join her in her fight. Granny Magos is grateful

31. Mario knows that Tere didn't want to meet with him to just talk about Natalia. So why is he there? She says if he doesn't know it, she is getting a divorce from Tavo. She needs him for the same thing that he tried to do with his sister; save her fortune from Tavo's claws. Mario explains  that Tavo is his friend.  Connie insists that money is the only true friend. He has just  gotten out of jail. Nobody trusts him. He needs work and to live better.  She needs somebody she can trust and who will not betray him like Tania betrayed him. Mario says she is putting him in a very uncomfortable situation. Connie wants him to listen before he takes sides with his  friend. She explains that Tavo has only been a parasite all of these years. If it weren't for her with her inheritance, he would have  nothing. She needs to hide all of her property before Tavo takes it all from her. She asks if he will help her. 

32. Chente tells Natalia he doesn't want to be disrespectful but she looks so very pretty when she is happy and relaxed like now.  She wants to confess something to him. She went see Adrián in jail. He tried to involve her in his lies but she had  to go and look him in the eye to make sure he was out of  her heart. Chente sees that as a good sign that she is feeling better. She is a much stronger woman than she thinks. Natalia smiles and asks how his heart is doing. She imagines that he must miss his wife everyday. He says that a day doesn't go by that he doesn't think of her and he will always love her but as his grandmother says sooner or later . . . . Natalia finishes his sentence: he has to rebuild his life. Chente asks Natalia: What about her? Is she ready to try something new?  



What a satisfying episode!

Can’t wait to see how the rest of the night plays out for Natalia and Chente.

Loved the kids with their cat makeup and the PSA about the amount of attention watching little kids takes.

Of course, my favorite was the appearance of the iridescent blue hummingbird and all the lore it brought with it.

Gotta remember: mezcal and a good book does the trick. LOL

Jarifa, your excellent recap was a sharp, crystalline reflection of tonight’s events. I enjoyed every single word. Thank you for “… he is just a flighty person (atolondrado)” which is new vocabulary for me.

The Natalia and Chente romance seems so believable as it has progressed naturally and honestly. The elements have conspired to provide an opportunity to them to enjoy each other’s company – alone. I am looking forward to what transpires and sense whatever that will be will strengthen their bond.

Connie trying to manipulate her lawyer, Tere and finally Mario had me shaking my head. She seems to be running out of options. Well, Chloe seems safe. At least for the moment.

Of course it is not Tavo who is a “gusano", it is Claudio. “They will hit Connie where it hurts the most and get every last cent from her. Claudio drinks to freeing themselves from their money problems for the rest of their lives”. “They”???? Claudio is without any morals whatsoever, and utterly shameless.

It seems unlikely that Ben’s mother’s phone would have been left in her handbag, but I’m glad that was the case. Her message to him was touching and I’m sure it was of comfort, even though it must make him miss her terribly.

Tere is an interesting character asking Magos straight out about her health. I applauded her telling Connie “…not to become any more bitter than she is and not to harden her heart any more than it is”. And while she has a kind heart like Natalia, she is a bit brittle on the outside, like Connie. She isn’t sold on Chente and while honest, isn’t unkind about her reservations.

I was grateful for what we saw and even more so, relieved at who we didn’t see this episode.

I loved the hummingbird as well Jarifa. Always a sign of promise and hope.

A note to Judy: I wish you your own hummingbird amiga! Sending support and encouragement to you tonight.

Jarifa, thank you, thank you!


Jarifa, thank you for another great recap. I don't know how you keep doing it.

Bitter, bitter Constanza is just setting herself up for disaster. To begin with, I don't understand how she would ever have an ethical lawyer, but she should follow his original advice, and the law, and divide her and Tavo's joint assets. Especially as when they married she had no money and she was the one who insisted on community property. I suppose she thought that Tavo might make something of his business.

Her mother is telling her the same thing. Thursday night we should learn what Mario has to say. I'm hoping for the best, whatever that might be.

Diana, you are probably spot on about Claudio. I suppose this "We" business might be what he can get for Tavo, plus a professional fee for himself, based on the amount of the settlement. Maybe.

But I guess the big thing in this episode is Natalia and Chente together by themselves, in a comfy house in the middle of a storm, having a nightcap together. I have a feeling they may touch, or even rub, noses tonight.

I'm hoping.


Good morning, Diana and Andy! Claudio definitely was referring to himself talking about Tavo and him being set for life after Tavo’s divorce. Continuing in the scene, he quickly tries to backtrack the comment saying of course he was referring more to Tavo than him. Tavo better keep an eye on him.

Another thing that has piqued my curiosity is that Connie and Tavo had married under community property rights as if they had a choice??? Well, after doing a little bit of research, they did. When you get married in Mexico you can choose to be married under community property rights or separate property rights. Who would have known? These novelas teach me something every day!

Diana, good analysis of Tere. I like her and wasn’t surprised that she just shrugged her shoulders when Granny Magos told her exactly who Claudio was. I enjoyed the mezcal scene.

Andy, Chente and Natalia better make good use of the romantic setting.

Jarifa: Andrea is likely getting an abortion I'm afraid.

Steve Boudreaux

Jarifa, I had no idea about the choice of community property vs. separate property rights either. I always feel a bit vindicated for immersing myself in these TNS when I learn something new. Of course for me that happens just about every day thanks to marvelous recappers and astute commenters.

Andy, if that lovely romantic setting, being all by themselves doesn't give Natalia and Chente a push I'll really be disappointed. I'd be happy if they "rubbed noses". You have to start somewhere!

Good morning Judy! Hope you enjoy some bright skies today. Sending you prayers for healing, early Easter vibes and all the best, today and every day...




Great news!! Judy is still progressing and has been transfered to the rehab facility at Ohio State University. According to family, she ate an entire plate of hospital food! If you would like specifics as to how to reach Judy, please email me at

Jarifa, thanks so much for the recap of a more relaxing episode. Ben made it home and Natalia and Chente are relaxing.

Looks like Claudio sees a way to make some money. And Tavo doesn’t seem to realize how Claudio is. And I wonder if Mario will take Connie up on her offer. I think he will.

Tonight should be interesting, with the barrio arriving at Connie’s. What could go wrong! But Natalia and Chente will hopefully have a good evening.

OT - Judy

Rgv Chick, thank you for the update on Judy's progress, it's great news and it's uplifting to know she is making progress.



you are making progress and that is great! You are braver than I am for eating hospital food.

Fortuna #34

great work. You got it all.

What has been bothering me is shouldn't 2xJose know how Lucia was killed and that Ben was there? He should have known this and not done any target shooting in front of the child. That's one more thing that will cause a setback.

Lucky for everyone that the fair was so close to home and Ben found his way back.

I am becoming concerned that Mario will be roped by Constanza into her plot. Mario is an ethical guy and he should know that he should probably now change his field of work.



RGV Chick: Thank you very much for keeping us informed on Judy's progress. Judy & her family are in my prayers & thoughts.


RgvChick, thanks for the update in Judy.

Liz, should be an interesting shindig at Connie’s for sure. I hope she comes home soon enough to see who is at her home.

Urban, I hope that Mario being such a good guy doesn’t fall to being a bad guy.

Thanks, all, for dropping by the patio. Only one hour to showtime!

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