Saturday, May 21, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #61, 05/20/22: Pass Out The Blow-up Cigars

Adrian tries to convince Elias to consider the great familial empire that could be theirs once Omar and Andrea get married but it's all futile--even the threats.  There's a ring at the doorbell "--Just in time."

Vicente and Natalia finally decide on a name for their tavern/bakery.

Elias has his captive son courtesy of his rent-a-cop mobsters--but it turns out to have been a switch.  Mauricio has been bagged instead of Omi.  Elias is not a happy camper and beats up on  Mau till he learns who was behind the switch and how it happened.

Meanwhile, Omi coos to the bump.  Andi sobs over how he left her so alone the past few months.  He explains he wants to be there with her but as he committed a crime that he and his papi tried covering up --killing a woman who he spent the night with somehow--he may have to go away for a long, long time.

Mario arrives at Chente's to add cash to the business.   Fernanda arrives and kisses Mario rather intimately on the mouth.  Nata realizes there is more "there" there and invites Fer to coffee.  Chente says no to Mario's partnership.  Olga, there isn't what it seems.  Chente and Nata love each other and Mario really needs to step aside.  Mario finally agrees.

Omi explains he's been going through Hell the past few months because he cannot remember the incident or how it could have happened.  Suddenly Adi comes over to tell him that he has a visitor that Mau helped locate.  It's the girl he supposedly murdered.  Surprise!!!

Nata is thrilled to learn that Mario and Fer have gone out together, and that "one thing led to another" and Fer's been smiling all day since.  Magos walks into the kitchen to inform Nata that La Vulga de Olga is demanding her breakfast.  Fer doesn't understand why the woman/girl? is living there suddenly.  Long story!  

The formerly "dead" girl apologizes to Omi and Andi for the ruse his father concocted.  Andi slaps her for nearly ruining her fiance's and her baby's lives.  Adi rushes her out of the area so that the girl can speak to Omi sensibly.  Seems Elias paid the girl more money than she'd ever seen or imagined she would in a lifetime.  On the other hand, she accepted nothing from Adrian to confess to Omi what she did for the cash.  At least she will be able to sleep at night which Omi says he was unable to do since the whole thing began.  She drugged him and he was so soundly asleep that nothing happened.  She just pretended to be dead when he woke up.  

Andi is screaming at her father that this whole nightmare was something out of a horror film--totally evil....Ok.  So that's all that can be expected of a man like Elias, Adi explains.  Andi then admits to her agreement with Tia Constanza.  He tells her that she's not to blame; Conz is great at manipulation to get what she wants. He will take care of ol' Conz.

Speaking of which, Connie and Gustavo finally sign the divorce decree.  

Kim and Juanga apply for the same opening at Chole's shop.  We can guess who's going to win that one.

Nata is kind enough to bring up a nice lunch tray.  As soon as she turns her back Vulga makes a barfing sound and complains about the taste.  Everyone else likes it a lot and that's all there is to eat.  Nata turns to go and Vulga knocks the tray onto the floor, then pretends it was an accident.  Nata is wise to that but cleans up the mess anyway.  She meets up with Chente returning and tells him about it.  He goes for a mop and will go up to get the floor cleaned up.  As they leave to find the mop and bucket, Simba sneaks in and goes upstairs to give Vulga grief cuz she's not paid him the rest of what she owes him.  Not to mention, he's feeling a bit frisky and wants a bit of afternoon delights...otherwise, Chente may learn what really happened that night he left her on the side of the road...Just then, speaking of the devil, Chente comes in with a mop and bucket.  "--What are you doing here, Simba?"  "--Should you tell him or will I?"  

Elias arrives at Andi and Adi's new digs.  Omi refuses to leave with him.  Andi tells Elias off for making his son think he was a murderer.  "--How could you, Pops?  Your only son?"  Omar fights his father's attempt to drag him off.  He's not going anywhere.  Omi yells at him for all the sleepless nights he had thinking he had killed someone.  Elias says that's what he gets for being such a milquetoast and such a laughingstock.  How else to make a man of him?  

When Chente asks what's going on, Simba shucks and jive-talks about how Olga says it was mischief.  She fills in weakly and says she admits she threw the tray onto the floor on purpose.  Chente says he's had it up to here with her theatrics and to respect Nata or else.  He leaves her with the mop to clean it up.

Elias is disgusted by this whole situation.  Omi instead of crying and whining about it  "should have faced the situation like a man." Omi renounces his family and his father, he says.  He never wants to see him ever!!  Omi and Andi leave the two dads alone together.  Adi tells Eli that he's doing him a favor and will fix things for him with Omar after he calms down.  Eli says to watch out cuz he's got more than enough proof to show that Adrian's grand repentance is nothing but a trick to steal that idiot Natalia's inheritance.  Adrian isn't scared a whit.  "--And don't you forget the 30% I'm supposed to give you!  So!  We are both accomplices in this!"  Elias leaves in a huff.  

Downstairs, Omi goes after Mau for helping his dad with the deception.  Mau just tells him to forget about his father and to make a life for himself on his own.  

Simba warns Vulga to come up with some more cash but she tells him since they never completed the job the first time she's got no way to get any more money.  Well, that's her problem, he says.  "--Imagine what Chente with think of you once he learns the trick you played on him.  He'll hate you forever...So, I'll leave you with your housework."  

Outside the salon, Kim tries to hit on Juanga again, but he admits he's still stuck on Olga.  

At the garage, Simba and Darwin (?) tease Valentina over her crush on Mario.  

Chente tells Nata that he's broken off their partnership with Mario.  Besides, Fer told him that he's got something else going because he's bought himself a brand new fancy car.  

Adi lets Omi know that he can stay with them as long as he wants.  As a grandpa-to-be, he wants to take his daughter to the altar when they marry.

Tina comes to Chente's to ask why La Vulga sold her out to Felix.  Vulga lies that she doesn't know what Tina's talking about and that never happened.  Suddenly out comes the aches and pains.  Tina tells Vulga that won't work with her.  Nata comes in and wants to take her to the hospital but Vulga is adamant that she won't go.  Tina leaves.  Nata tells Olga that the least she could do is apologize to Tina for the horrid thing she did to her with Felix.  Olga hatefully tells her she won't apologize for it because she never did it!  Nata isn't so sure...Olga turns up the volume on her screams of pain and Nata leaves.  

Chole gives Kim the hairdresser/manicurist job.  Tavo asks her to take a walk with him and they stop to sit by a lake at the nearby park.  He presents her with an engagement ring and says he's now free, divorced from Conz, and hopes she'll marry him.  She still wants to just try for a kid and if it doesn't happen well then fine, they can adopt.  But she wants a real family.  

Meanwhile, Adrian goes to Connie's and tells her to steer clear of her daughter and his grandchild.  "--A child she never wanted! One she was ready to get rid of till I convinced her not to!   We had an agreement!"  "--Are you mentally ill?"   "--I gave her a new car and apartment and clothes and credit cards!!"  Adi's actually shocked to learn this.  Connie gives him the lowdown:  "--Your daughter is immature and shallowly self-absorbed. She only cares about living a life of luxury and has no business becoming a mother! She is totally incapable of raising a child, not to mention raising it alone!"   Adi insists Andi isn't alone.  She has her mother, him, and her sister!  "--Hah!  Don't make me laugh!!  Her mother's too involved living her love affair with that barrio trash and you are only around till the next skirt comes along!  You're a filthy bum who leaves his family at the drop of a hat!  You left her pregnant and in a dirt pile in the poorest part of the city till she came to me."  "--Spit all the venom you want but it so happens that I came back to take responsibility for my family!"  "--Only till another pair of legs like Veronica's surrounds your ass!"  They throw a few more insults at each other till he tells her Omar has come back from London, was a victim of his father's, and knew nothing about the baby.  In fact, they are definitely getting married.  She is upset at the injustice of it all.  "--Didn't you ever suppose that there is a reason Fate chose not to give you children? A woman as rotten and mentally ill as you doesn't deserve to be a mother!"  


It's interesting that we have Chole, who is so insistent they should have a child and Fernanda, who says she is fine with being on her own. But Chole almost sounds like Constanza to me. I'm very uncomfortable with this sort of behaviour and it not being addressed. I have a question. Adrian came back to steal Nat's money, but I don't remember what he said about Pedro using Vero and then making a deal with Adrian. Does it say if Pedro was planning to do this all along or if this just occurred to him later. If I remember correctly, Vero was the one who suggested to run away after robbing Adrian. So I'm not sure why she changed her mind as the initial plan was for her to seduce Pedro and for her and A to run away with Pedro's money. So I guess my question is who was going to do what because it's funny to hear Vero talk about how she and A are such a good pair after she ran off with what they stole.Also, how did it come to light that not all Nat's money was stolen?

Great recap! Thanks,Jardinera.

Just thinking about what Andy said yesterday about Andrea’s makeup, I have my own gripe. They have used too much black eyeliner on Adrián, eyes. He looks like he is made up to act on a stage and not on tv.

Sorry, STUPID plot to have JuanGa wanting to work at Olga’s. YAWN!

It did me good to see Simba torment Olga followed by Vale confronting her. Loved when Vale told Olga to stop her theatrics because she wasn’t buying a ticket.

FINALLY, Tavo told Chole the truth!!! It was about time.

CORRECTION: I should have said “at Olga’s old job”

Anonymous: we are all confused at who is telling the truth about who was going to scam whom. I thought maybe Adrian is as much of a scumbag as Vero, but he's playing a man's game and Vero wasn't. She only thought she was in the big leagues. Adrian and Pedro hit it off and it takes a one to know one, so Adi was miles ahead of Vero in this money scheme part deux. IMNSHO.

Jarifa: Yeah, I thought the scene between Tina and Olga was cute also, but Tina let it all slide. I don't think I would have at that point. ITA that Juanga trying to do ladies' hair and makeup was dumb and really out of character. It made no sense whatsoever and came out of nowhere.


Fantastic Jardinera.

"Omi coos to the bump" and "Simba shucks and jive-talks" were among my favorite lines.

I have to agree with Anon in being uncomfortable with the Chloe and Constanza similarity she expressed so well.

Jarifa, JuanGa is desperate but he needs to start acting with a bit of dignity rather than the sweet but loveable fool.

So Adrian now knows what his adorable daughter is like. The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. I like Omar and at least everything is out in the open.

Adrian is still several steps of Elias, a heartless thug.



Thanks, Jardinera, I enjoyed the recap. It’s good to see people turning on Olga. Too bad the main characters are clueless about her. But I think Natalia will catch on before Chente.

I’m one that’s totally clueless about Elias and Adrian. Not sure if they’re working together, since Elias will get 30% of Natalia’s money, or if Elias is really trying to trap Adrian. Maybe they’re setting Mario up! Guess we’ll learn as we watch!

Olga is now planning to work with Adrian again, I’m guessing she’ll ask him for the money for Simba. So much deception! But at least Tavo and Chole seem to be working their lives out.

I did think it would be Mario and Valentina. If he ends up with Fernanda maybe she can end up with JuanGa! Anything can happen, as we have seen so far!

Jardinera, thank you for an excellent recap that cleared up some things for me!

Liz, "It’s good to see people turning on Olga.... But I think Natalia will catch on before Chente."

I think the dog will catch on before Chente, and they don't have a dog. Chente can be a little slow. But I think he is beginning to get the idea, he just needs to get over his guilt about leaving "poor Olga" out there in the boonies all alone.

Fernanda and Mario. Ay, Chihuahua! Fern, are you familiar with "Toy Story"? No, not the movie, the fun toy store. Buy yourself some toys and dump Mario.

Actually, I like them both, just not together.
Fern: "I make big bucks and I've got POWER! Fear me."
Mario: "Oooh, big bucks and POWER. I'm in love!"

I have no idea where Adrián's money has been coming from; all my earlier theories now don't seem plausible, so I give up trying to understand it, I just accept it because the telenovela demi-goddesses, who have the POWER, say so.


Andy...your comments gave me some giggles . Fernando is evidently the PSA for being an independent mujere. Whatever. Mario is wishywashy. I wouldn't want him.

Jarifa, I like Omer, who seems clueless and spoiled but sweet despite his smothering mother and awful father. I think that he and Andrea will raise the bebe after Andrea looks into her bebe's eyes and has a epiphany and is redeemed.

There aren't many folks to admire in this show.

No more traditional galans in Mexican telenovelas which is why I now prefer the Turkish dizis which still have heroes. I believe in heroes because I have known some in real life ...not perfect, but good souls who try their best to love and help others.

Liz: yup, the two protagonistas always get it last. Forgot that Adrian is once again Mr. Deep Pockets and Olga can mooch off him this time.

Andy, Adrian did a deal with Pedro behind Vero's back and got big bucks from him. They both dumped on Vero.

Diana: ITA!! Both Elias and Adrian are "heartless thugs" a match made in Hell. And they both give one another as good as they get. I do love their characters' interaction.

I don't see Tina and Mario together, myself. It's always at least one poor person who goes rags to riches and then marries. This is just a reversal of fortune one might say. I've never been partial to this actor anyway, but he does play a decent guy always. The silk p.j.'s really did a negative number on me in this tn, though. UGGGGGGHHHHH!

Susanlynn: I do miss the morality plays of old. And, I love the morality of old --or the intended pretense of it, je-je. Dizi are terrific, for sure! :?)


Susanlynn, can you recommend some telenovelas with traditional galanes? I don't remember ever seeing one as a teenager so I'm wondering what I missed as back then they seem to show most of the new tns on the main channels in my country.

Hi Waterlily, my first novela was " Alborado" followed by " Amor Real"and then "Passion" ... all are historical fiction starring Fernando Colunga. He is a great galan.

Gracias, Jardinera.

The number of selfish/abusive parents in this story is mind-blowing. Omar needs to walk away from his and not look back. Andrea got the creep vibe about Constanza two episodes ago but Constanza was right about Adrian running off after the next booty that calls him.

I am still unclear as to how Adrian got the money back from Veronica but knowing the misogyny in most of this story's male characters I think Pedro did double-cross Veronica. What I am not clear about is whether Adrian knows that Veronica killed Tania.

I really wish Natalia would get tough with Vulga and kick her out. However, with 31 episodes left I think there will be a point where Natalia discovers Vulga abusing Benjamin and knocks her into next week.

Urban: Ringside seating for that video option!

Waterlily: welcome to my weekend recap page's patio. The three tn's that Susanlynn mentioned are indeed some of the best. My first tn was Amarte Es Mi Pecado. You'll see a much younger Sergio Sendehl. It is one of the few times he played a good guy. VIX has a great number of oldies. Maybe YouTube has all these by now. Dunno.

VIX has the best video quality for those novelas, since Televisa and Univision own it.

Wow, I wasn't that up on VIX. Thanks for the info, Urban! No wonder it's so slick!
O/T: Opera. Netflix has a movie called quartet that was an unexpected pleasure. BBC productions usually are for me, though... I usually don't care for Opera, but I do love strings and the instrumentals and acting are top-notch. The pieces sung in this one were also. The plot deals with Verdi as the patron saint of this ritzy musicians' old folks home. I won't say more, except that you came to mind immediately.



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