Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #49 Wed. 5/4/22

 Hey, JudyB,  hope you are keeping warm with the throws on the chairs on the patio tonight. We have  hot herbal tea and some butter cookies for tonight's episode.  Hope you see me waving at you!   ; ) 

1. A crying Regina tells Chente how lucky Ben is to have a father like him and not one like Adrián but what she really wants to know is if he loves her mother. He says he adores her. She says if that is the case, she wants him to swear to her that he will not hurt her, get bored with her and throw her aside for somebody else. Chente sees being with her a privilege, a gift from God. After his wife died, he could never see himself falling in love with another woman but her mother showed him that life goes and love can come knocking at your door again. He seriously promises that he will not do anything to make her mother sad. He wants to dedicate every day of his life to making her happy. 

2. In Acapulco in the room in which he has her imprisoned, Félix is arguing with Vale.  He thinks that she is in love with Mario.   She insists she is not in love with Mario. He doesn't believe her. She wants to be let go and doesn't want Mario hurt either. He grabs her around the neck and tell her to get it straight in her head. She is going to be staying there to be his  alone and she needs to know that  he is the one she loves the most.  He throws her on the bed before he leaves. Vale picks up some junk from the floor and hurls it at the locked door. 

3. Tavo and Mario are still at the Ministerio Público waiting to talk to the police when Mario gets a phone call supposedly from Vale. It is really from Félix who warns him off being after his woman. He  says that Vale is fine but her continuing  to be fine all depends on him. If Mario reports her disappearance to the police, he will kill her. Félix tells Mario that now he has been warned and informs him that he has eyes everywhere.  Félix hangs up and Mario delivers the sobering news to Tavo. 

4. Claudio is still in bed while Tere is all dressed and ready to go to the hospital. Claudio is critical of both her and Natalia sacrificing themselves to help Granny Magos. She  has family of her own to care for her.  Tere had thought he could be a little more kind. He says he is politician. He cannot show his true feelings in public like they can. She asks if that is why he goes out partying and getting drunk who knows where. Is it because he is with "the secretary"? Is it what his "naming" to his position is all about? He gets up warning her not to disrespect him. She explains that he needs to own up the fact that he is an alcoholic. She was so embarrassed the night of Natalia's party because she knows he took those bottles of alcohol that belonged to Chente.  He feels insulted. She goes to leave  and he grabs her by the arm and spins her around and tells her he wants her to make his breakfast because he is her husband. Who is Magos to her anyway? Tere says she is her friend. Claudio explains that you can never be  friends with the people in this neighborhood. Thye are friends out of shared crises only. He tells her she is not leaving the house. (She needs to kick his pickled butt out!)

5. Granny Magos wakes up in her hospital room. Her coughing awakens Natalia up who has spent the night sleeping on a chair in the room.  Natalia has good news for her. Her surgery went very well. Granny Magos asks about her grandsons. Natalia tells her not to worry because they will be there soon. Granny Magos is so happy that Natalia and Chente are together. Granny Magos thinks it is so beautiful to be so in love. Natalia has to agree and kisses her on the forehead. She tells her that everything is good. 

6. Tere informs Claudio that he will not prohibit her from leaving this house. He warns her not to defy him. He tells her to pay attention to him because he doesn't want to get forceful. It looks like he is ready to hit her. Tere tells him she will be doing whatever she feels like and reaches into her purse and gets out her mace. If she has to spray him the face with the mace, that is exactly what she will do. He cannot believe a woman of her stature would threaten him physically and would be a friend of an indigenous Huastec woman  Granny Magos. Tere explains that they are very good friends and if he wants to know, she has a better time with her than with him. Tere says at least her daughter is with a hard working, responsible, exemplary  man and a great dad. Claudio nods but has to add that he is a NACO. (uneducated ignorant poor guy).  Tere warns Claudio that one  day she is going to get tired of putting up with him. She picks up her mace and warns him to get out of her way. He asks if she is really going to leave without making his breakfast. She tells him he isn't "manco"  (a person with one hand) so he can make it for himself. Claudio goes back to bed and takes a bottle of whisky out from under his pillow for his liquid breakfast. Feeling sorry for himself he mutters:  "then they ask him why I drink?" 

7. Tere runs into Chente and Ben in the kitchen on her way out. Chente is going to get bathed and dressed in a jiffy  so they can go to the hospital together.   He asks if Regina could look after Ben while they are out. Tere says that won't be problem and takes Ben to find Regina.

8. Andrea and  Connie are having breakfast as Andrea says that her father nearly had a heart attack when he found out about Chente "Natalia's Mexican curiosity." (it irks me that Andrea refers to her mother by her first name. anyone else?) Connie wants to hear all about it. It hurt her dad feeling like he  was responsible for it all.  According to her mom, Andrea thinks that Chente is the best thing that has happened to her in her ridiculous life. Connie thinks that Chente could be deceiving Natalia in some way. in addition to being lined by love.  Men are men no matter what. Look at what happened with Omar. Andrea hopes her mother is over her "Naco fever" soon but she knows the her father will not sit back and do nothing. Connie thinks  it will all be over very soon.  

9. Mario is at Chole's with Tavo talking about Chole's situation. Mario explains that he didn't go through with talking to the police because of the threat that Félix issued. He just had to deal with sister's ashes and he doesn't want to lose anyone else. Chole is upset because poor Vale shouldn't have to go through so much pain. Mario promises her that he will find Vale and bring her back. He wants to know about anything at all that might help locate Vale.  All she knows is that Félix has his brothel in Acapulco and that is where Vale escaped from. Mario decides he is leaving for there right now. Tavo insists he will accompany him because Vale is a friend to all of them. 

10. As Tere prepares to leave, Claudio comes downstairs saying that the only reason she is leaving is to show she is against him. Tere has to explain again that she is going because of Granny Magos who is her friend. Why is that so strange? He thinks it is the worst decision ever. It is enough that they have to put up with Natalia having them deal with that gorilla Chente. Tere warns him not to disrespect her daughter and not judge her. She isn't going  to have somebody like him talking about morality. On his way out, he says that Tere  is going to remember his words: when you are involved with people who "aren't like you" things always turn out badly. Tere is embarrassed that Chente has come downstairs and has heard the last bit of her fight with Claudio.

11. After talking to Donovan (the other mechanic) Simba agrees to go with Tavo, Mario and him. He finally agrees  that Vale  is one of them so they have to have her back. 

12. Félix visits Vale with a little gift. He tells her to open it. She doesn't move from the corner of the bed. He orders her to open it and put it on. It is a garish metallic pink colored dress trimmed in black lace. He wants her looking good tonight so she can show herself off for the customers. Vale is upset telling him that she will not prostitute herself. He asks where did her smarts go? He cannot support her in this palace for free. She has to work for her keep. She tries to choke him telling him she hates him but that goes nowhere, he tells her that he used her phone last night to let her contacts know that she was fine and very happy to be with him. Vale is desperate hearing that. He grabs her by the hair and neck and tells her not to force him to do something to that lady at the boarding house and the others. 

13. As JuanGa and 2XJosé leave for the hospital, Olga asks how Granny Magos is doing. She says she is pleased  to hear that Granny Magos is doing better. JuanGa tells Olga that his heart is never going to recuperate after what Olga did with her vile contempt for him. Olga smiles and says time heals all wounds. He next asks if she was going to leave him, why did she kiss him so much. . . and he goes on and on until 2XJosé finally gets him to leave. Chole comes in and asks Olga if she told the guys what was going on with Vale. Olga says of course not. They have enough going on in their lives with Granny Magos being ill. Chole looks worried. 

14. Chente and Tere arrive at the hospital. As they wait to be allowed to visit Granny Magos,  Chente tells Tere that he heard what Claudio said about him. Tere tells him that Claudio was only"braying"(yup, like the jackass he is) and he doesn't have to take to heart what he said.  Chente asks what does she think. She  smiles and tells him that seeing her daughter happy is more than enough. She says her "fortune telling angels"  are with them. She has known for a while. Chente says that they love each other. Tere has to tell him that just because they are in love doesn't mean it will all work out. There are bad people out there. Chente tells her the person who could run him off hasn't been born. She warns him that bad people can use the  dirtiest tricks to spoil things they do not agree with. He asks if she is taking about Adrián. She makes it clear it isn't just him. There are others, too. When people do envy what somebody has,  the real jerks can come out of anywhere. Chente supposes it is better to be forewarned. 

15. As they wait, Adrián is visiting with Granny Magos asking where she was born. She tells him in Veracruz. Natalia comes in and is surprised to see Adrián there. Granny Magos thinks it was so kind that Adrián stopped by to see how she was doing. He says that she gave them all good scare. She tells him she is  very grateful for what he did for her. He acknowledges that her family has gone through a lot of pain. He just found out that Chente's wife died a short time ago. He wants to know what happened. Natalia tries to explain to him that this isn't the time. He goes on offering his condolences and talking about how he didn't see much Lucía  but from what he saw,  he  could not ignore how in love she and Chente were. They had  a great marriage just like he and Natalia had at some point. He asks if she remembers or not. Natalia asks him please to stop. With the biggest grin ever, he declares that he cannot erase 20 years of good memories, smiles, trips and all of the marvelous things they shared with their daughters like areal family. He asks Granny Magos if she doesn't agree that a totally repentant man has to right to reclaim his wife and family especially because he knows that family comes before everything else???  All Granny Magos can answer is that she has heard it said that fall comes before everything else.   Adrián flashes a big grin at an utterly horrified Natalia. He asks what she thinks. Natalia asks to talk to him out in the hall. Granny Magos looks like she has a headache.

16. An exasperated Natalia asks Adrián what  he is trying to do. He tells her that she owes him an explanation about what she is doing. Andrea is desperate and living in a sea of tears that Natalia  has caused by her actions. Natalia tells him that he has no right to complain to her about anything. He explains that the only reason he is there is to ask her not to make the same mistake that he made. He tells her to look at him. His mistake destroyed him.  He will never stop paying for it. He tells her never to put herself before her daughters or family. As for the fling she is having with with Chente, he begs her to not allow it to soil the great love they had for 20 years like he did. He grabs her by the shoulders and tries  to force himself on her. She tells him to let her go and strongly pushes him away. Chente and Tere see it all as they are coming down the hall. 

17. Regina is with Ben when Andrea calls asking for advice. Regina doens't know why she ever asks her for her opinion when she ends up doing what she wants to do anyway. She wants Regina to come over. Regina says she can't because she is watching Ben. Regina doesn't care. 

18. Seeing Natalia push Adrián away, Chente runs to her aid. She tells him that everything is okay. She announces to Adrián that she is prohibiting him from getting that  close again. Chente asks if he heard that. Adrián announces that Natalia is still his wife and they need to talk in private. Natalia makes it clear she is no longer his "wife" and whatever he has to say to her, he can say in front of Chente. Chente adds that Natalia and he have no secrets between them. Tere comes to the  rescue suggesting that Natalia go with Chente to see Granny Magos while she escorts Adrián to the exit. 

19. As soon as they are out of view, Chente asks if Natalia really is okay. She insists she is. Chente makes it clear that if Adrián hadn't have saved his granny, he would have punched him in the face.  Natalia says that violence would not have solved anything. He understands but that guy has to know that she now has a man who will defend her. She asks if he doesn't think she can take care of herself. He smiles agreeing saying he has learned that from his own experience with her.  She says she is a woman who has learned how to fight for and  protect what she loves. She explains that, unfortunately, Adrián  is the father of her children and for that reason she will have to see him the rest of her life. She tells him that the best thing he could do now is kiss her and he does. 

20. Tere gives Adrián a piece of her mind telling him that Natalia is still recuperating from what he did to her. She tells him not to aggravate her anymore. Adrián reminds her that Natalia is still his wife. Tere slaps him good and hard calling him a selfish man. She tells him to leave. He has  no reason to be there. She makes it clear that as long as God gives her the strength,  she will not allow him to hurt her daughter. He confesses to Tere that he loves Natalia. She tells him that he should have thought of that before  cheating on her with her best friend and running away with her. He admits that he made the worst mistake but he is there facing up to it and trying to repair the damage that he did. He is begging her for a second chance. Tere tells him not to waste his time because she will never forgive him. Adrián makes it clear that he is not giving up. He tries to turn it back on Tere by asking how many mistakes has she forgiven her husband for. Tere admits that Claudio has his flaws and Chente is not as distinguished as he is but neither of them is so bad that they would have ever been able to humiliate and debase Natalia like he did. Adrián is angry and tells her to quit telling him the same old same old. Tere adds that she thanks God that Natalia  found a human being like Chente because when compared to him, Adrián isn't really much of anything at all.

21. Natalia and Chente have a happy visit with Granny Magos. Chente tells her they cannot wait until she gets home. Granny Magos asks if Natalia is okay. She says she didn't want to say anything in front of her husband. Natalia says everything is fine and he has left. Chente says she should have seen how Natalia put him in his place.  He is so proud of Natalia. She tells him that is how she is going to be from now on with everybody.  She is also so proud to be able to share her life with him because he is themas she loves. They kiss. Granny Magos smiles. 

22. Adrián doesn't know how Tere could be in favor of her daughter's madness  being involved with Chente. Tere says that she  respects her decisions just like he should. She gave him her daughter at the altar and he made fun of her. Adrián admits to all of his faults. He hurt Natalia and ruined her self esteem. That is how she ended up with an auto parts merchant, a real loser. He is going to get her back even if he dies doing it because it is only in his arms that she will remember how much she is worth as a woman. Tere hopes that never happens because in going back to him, Natalia  would only be letting herself down. As she goes to leave, Adrián tells her to be a good mother and get Natalia out of that damn neighborhood. He doesn't know why she doesn't use that money he returned to buy out Chente. Tere asks him what money he is talking about. He explains the money that he lost at the finance company. He returned every single peso to Claudio. She tells him that cannot be true.He says it is. He made good on all the money he lost to clear his name and get his life back. He has no reason to lie. Tere is not a happy camper hearing that. 

23. Tere comes in to visit Granny Magos. She volunteers to stay with her so Chente and Natalia can leave. They will be back later.

24. Back at the house, Claudio is still drinking and talking to his tailor to see when his suits will be done. He wants them  impeccable since he will be the consul at Fort de France in Martinique. He needs it done by the agreed upon date or she could lose the job. 

25. Mario, Simba, another mechanic and Tavo are on the road. Chole is talking to Tavo and telling them to be careful. Tavo says he will let them know when they reach Acapulco. Mario says they plan on rescuing Vale and coming back safe and sound. She asks if he has the address of Felix's brothel.  Mario says they don't have a real plan but will be asking as they go along. They will visit all of them they need to. She is going to light a candle to the Virgin so she accompanies them on their journey. She asks them to let her know what is going on. 

26. In Acapulco at his brothel, Félix gets all of the prostitutes together so he can introduce them to somebody very special. A woman named Maco drags Vale down the stairs. Vale appears in a yellow dress looking strung out. As he man handles her, Félix says the famous Vale, the one who ripped his face,  has returned to work with all of them. Maco tells the girls to take a good look at Vale because those who leave end up coming back and they are ready to welcome them back with open arms.   Félix grabs Vale's face and tells her they are going to live there very happily. He kisses her. The girls wonder what is going on.

27. Chole prays for the guys driving to Vale's rescue. When Olga hears that Simba went with them, she is interested. Chole says he was worried about Vale. He might not be as  much of a jerk that they thought he was. At least he cares about his people. Olga only wishes she could have done more to help. Chole suggests that she call Félix. She has his number. Olga wonders why. Chole says they need the address of his brothel. Olga could make up any kind of excuse to get the info like she is looking for a job.   Olga suggests that Chole call herself. Chole says that Félix would never believe her. To be honest, Olga would come off better as a slut. Olga finally gives in. 

28.  Chole leaves and Olga calls to warn Félix that a group of guys from the neighborhood is coming down to find Vale. He asks if the police were called. She thinks not.  He gives Olga the address.  He will be ready for them. Chole is left to believe that Olga was asking for a job and that is why she got the address. 

29. JuanGa is in bed hugging his granny (who just had abdominal surgery??? don't think so) acting like the goof he is. 2XJosé finally drags him out of the bed and they visit. They also give her a drawing from Ben and pile back on her bed. (Sorry, but I cannot stand JuanGa. The writers made him TOO stupid) 

30. Regina meets with Andrea at Connie's garden.  Andrea tells Regina that their father found out that their mother is going out with try oldest naco brother. Regina asks if she told him. Andrea avoids the question and says how worried their father is for them and how he sought her out. Regina is not impressed. Andrea insists their father is worried about them. Andrea tells her "stupid sister" that they need him. Their father is the only one who can stop their mom from going out with that  . .. . guy.  Regina isn't interested. Her mother is doing well and is really happy with Chente. Maybe she just doesn't love their father anymore. Andrea sees their mother as "confused."  What she really needs is money. Regina asks if she is talking about their mother or herself???  Andrea tells her to shut up and talks about how their mother  is now in a world that isn't her own. Regina explains  that world has given their mother  affection and a belief in herself. She feels safe and protected. Andrea gives her an envelope with cash to give to theirr mother. Regina asks where that came from. Andrea says it is from their father. 

31. One of the sex workers at the brothel talks with Vale at a table before they open. She warns Vale against disobeying Félix. He has a line on all of their loved ones. She really cannot risk it. Vale makes it clear that Félix isn't going to do what he wants with her. Vale adds that she  didn't let it happen before and she won't let it happen now.  Her co-worker tells her it is just better to go along and get along. She is a part of their  family. Vale appears edgy looking for an out. 

32. Regina doesn't want to take the money because her mother will never accept it. Andrea doesn't see what the big deal is. Her mother needs the money.  She asks if Andrea thinks is is okay for their father to send their mother money like that. Andrea says their father is doing  the best  he can. Regina sees the money as a trap making him look like the GREAT  HERO. Andrea tells Regina that their father didn't know what Vero had in store for him to leave them with nothing. Their father wasn't at fault. Regina isn't buying it and leaves Andrea with the money.  She calls Andrea gullible. Their father is trying BUY forgiveness. She  takes Ben up the stairs  to Connie's house.

33. Regina enters Connie's with Ben. Connie is on the phone chatting with somebody about how everyone is talking about Natalia and her proletarian tastes. She is so worried she is going to have a special mass so they can pray for Natalia to regain  her common sense. Regina cannot keep quiet anymore. She shouts that she cannot believe that Connie would want to organize a mass when she couldn't even allow them to stay with her when they needed it the most. Connie is forced to hang up. Regina says no, it is better she asks for a mass for herself so that she Regina forgives her one day. Ben nods in agreement. Connie asks how dare she talk to her that way. Regina asks how dare she talk behind her mother's back. Ben continues nodding in solidarity. 

34. After finding a place to buy ham at a lower price, Chente tells Natalia about the good discussion he had with Regina. She does accept him. He now needs to work on winning Andrea over. Natalia says he will have to be VERY patient with her.  As Adrián spies on them from a car across the street,  Chente fills Natalia in on the rest of hte conversation. He told Regina  he would never hurt her like Adrián did and that he was going to dedicate himself to making her happy every single day.  Adrián keep watching land aughing. Regina is sure that Regina is going to have a lot of affection for him. He says he told Regina that she could count on him. They hugged. Regina was crying. Natalia is sad that Regina is still so upset by what her father did to them all. She has always been the strong one but she knows that she hides a lot of her pain. They kiss and decide to leave. 

35. Félix comes in and tells all of the girls to get dressed for the evening. Vale doesn't move and Félix grabs her and tells her to remember the first days when they were in love. That isn't working for Vale. He isn't the same man who she thought he was and who deserved her love. He asks if  Mario is. He grabs her face and tells her that she is wrong. He is that man who loves her. She asks him if that is why he tricked her into doing this filthy work?? He says this is his work and she is very special to him. She can be one of his exclusive girls reserved for special occasions. She wants to go. She wants to die.  He grabs her by her hair and tells her that is a no go because she doesn't have a choice. Tonight her new life of misery is starting. He goes to punch her but stops himself. 

36. Adrián has followed Natalia and Chente home and spies on them some more. Chente tells Natalia he loves her one more time. Natalia tells Chente how lucky she feels to be living in this  neighborhood, having found him and having fallen in love with him. They hug and kiss on the street. She feels that everything she went through was worth it since she has ended up here and in his arms. They kiss some more. Adrián predicts to himself that Natalia's "barrio romance" will not last much longer. 

37. As soon as they enter the house, Natalia decides to go take a bath. Chente offers to make her something for supper. She tells him that isn't necessary. He wants to wait on her and spoil her. She goes upstairs and there  is a knock on the door. Chente goes to answer it. It is Adrián smiling as always.



Lots happened tonight. Adrián reminds me of one of those inflated clown toys. No matter how many times you punch them down, they pop back up with the same painted on smile. I absolutely loved Tere with her handy dandy mace at the ready to use on anybody. I like Tere more each day. I cannot wait until she confronts Claudio about all of the money that Adrián returned to him. I also laughed at Chole telling Olga she would be more believable as the wannabe lady of the night than her.

Jarifa, I soaked up every single wry and wonderful word of your amazing recap.

“Adrián reminds me of one of those inflated clown toys. No matter how many times you punch them down, they pop back up with the same painted on smile” was perfect! As Mario has taken far too long to wipe that self satisfied smirk from Adrián’s face, this challenge is now tasked to Chente. Just as it seems Adrián’s egotistical and entitled sense of self can’t possibly get worse , “it is only in his arms that she will remember how much she is worth as a woman” proves it can!

I’m glad Natalia and Chente are staying strong together and there is no mistrust or jealousy.

If Claudio weren’t so pathetic, his angry posturing might have seemed a bit intimidating. Tere’s can of whup-a**, errr, mace, certainly came in handy. “Tere tells him that Claudio was only "braying"(yup, like the jackass he is)” was my other favorite line of the night. I can't wait for her to confront Claudud about the money!

Vale’s situation is grave and I’d feel far more encouraged if her potential rescuers had brains to match their brawn.

Andrea is totally obnoxious and I don’t like her calling her mother “Natalia” either. It just shows her lack of respect for herself and for everyone else. “Naco fever” indeed.

JuanGa needs to get a grip, stand up straight and stop his mewling.

I wish whoever is doing Chloe’s makeup would lighten up. Her makeup is far too heavy and making her look so much older than she is. At least she seems to have ditched the crocs for prettier sandals.

So much happened tonight, the scripts have been great and the cast, sensational. I’m really enjoying this.

Judy, despite Jarifa’s warm throws, it is cold here in New England and the heat is on. Forget anything ice cold, hot tea is the order for tonight!

Jarifa, you are the best – truly. Thank you!


Thanks, Diana. I am glad you enjoyed the recap. Good advice for Judy. It is a cold night here in the midwest, too! I am still wearing wool.

“Claudud” is perfect as was Tere with her can of “whup-***” as you so aptly put it. I share your lack of confidence in the “posse” going out to rescue Vale. I hadn’t noticed Chole’s makeup or footwear. I will have to watch more closely.

Here is hoping that Vale is freed sooner rather than later without too much blood shed.

If Chente is smart, he won’t invite Adrián in but will talk to him outside.

Can’t wait for next episode!


Jarifa, thank you very much for this fun recap!

Claudio has really taken a turn for the worse. He used to be a worthless blowhard, but offered a little comic relief at times. Then he appeared to have some legal skills and I thought maybe he could be helpful. But now he's turned into a total jerk which I really don't understand. He is intelligent enough to know he has a treasure in Teresa, who puts up with all his nonsense, yet he goes out of his way to offend her. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, don't trash the woman who keeps you from having to sleep in alleys.

So Adrián paid back Claudio the money he stole from them. I should stop asking silly questions, but why would Pedro(?) be banking all this? None of this has made any sense since Adrián's turnaround in prison. He went from being someone Elías could have beaten up periodically to Lord of the Prison with money to buy off guards, Félix, whoever.

Now he's paying back money he stole, even though Verónica had left him penniless. Why would anyone bankroll him to do such things?

But silly me, worried that something in a telenovela doesn't make much sense.

Tavo, Mario, Simba and whats-his-name in a car on the way to Acapulco to rescue Valentina. What could possibly go wrong?   :-)



Susanlynn, thanks for your suggestion. I did casually watch La Hija del Embajador 3. It was... different. The burial was interesting.

If I ever decide to commit suicide I will watch an hour of this and then an hour of Madre, and then I'll be ready, nay, anxious to go.

And where was the promised eye candy? The prettiest girl on the show was some little girl, the women would only interest guys who had been in prison for a few years.

OK, just kidding, but not for me   :-)



Judy! I hope all is going well and we will see you back here soon.


Jarifa, thank you for every detail. I saw it all in my mind's eye.

Diana and Andy, your comments were another boost to my morning .I am way up north right now , and it us,also chilly and rainy here. Spring hasn't sprung yet but the forsythia,are finally blooming here . I am wearing layers .

Andy, hang in there with Embajador . There will be some beautiful people , and Dondi's recaps are amazing . That little girl you saw ( Melek) resembles one of our granddaughters ...same age, complexion, eyes, and long strawberry blonde hair . I almost stopped watching the first season because I couldn't stand watching her sad situation .
I think this season will be an interesting ride. I also love the peek into Turkish culture and life. I am watching a historical Turkish drama called "Calikuso" (Lovebird) based on a 1922 novel on YouTube . Another gorgeous couple .

OT...hello, my dear Judy ....I am sending you love and prayers ))))))))

OT...p.s. Andy , Dondi's recap of Embajador are posted under the Primetime Univision heading . Love Dondi's style .

Jarifa, all I keep thinking of is Adrian is the epitome of unmitigated gaul. He is relentless! Nothing threatens or intimidates him. I hope Vale's rescue is quick and not long and drawn out.

Andy, your advice to Claudio was well stated and he would be wise to take heed. But "If I ever decide to commit suicide I will watch an hour of this and then an hour of Madre, and then I'll be ready, nay, anxious to go" had me laughing out loud.

Susanlynn, I am so happy you and others are enjoying Embajador, but it is just too sad for me.

Judy, the sun is out and it is supposedly going to 60 today!! The heat is off and despite the sunshine, still cool. Light jacket weather for sure...Hope your day is a good one!



Thanks, Jarifa, loved the recap and it was very helpful. I thought Olga had given them a fake address. But apparently not. I guess she’d rather warn Felix and put the four would be rescuers in danger. Hope she gets what she deserves.

I thought Adrian was offering Teresa her money back. So when I saw her face I thought she was actually contemplating joining his “team”. So I’m relieved to hear Claudio has withheld the money he got. Hopefully she’ll confront him tonight. And as you can see, I really need these recaps!

I loved Regina and Chente’s talk. He would be a good father for her. Also glad that Teresa warned Chente that there are others that want to end his romance. Hoping Valentina gets rescued tonight.

Jarifa, thank you so much for the recap, I missed some scenes because I had to stop my cats from fighing, our new kitten Charlie is a terrorist.

I found Claudio to be really scary last night, he might be a punk but I'd never mess with a angry drunk and I honestly thought he was going to hit Tere, I'm so glad she had her mace and that she was able to tell him what a jerk he is. Claudio does not value her, it's been made clear that he was with her because of her money and because of her social stature not because he loves her, Regina told us how much od a mooch he is when she told him to stop living off of her grandmother and get a job.

Adrian has a pair on him, he deserved that smack and man was it a good one, I fear for Claudio should Tere ever unleash her anger on him- he does not stand a chance.

OT: I did not follow Madre but saw the episodes this week and I wanted a bus to hit me.

OT...Princess...I watched a few episodes because....well, it was like I just couldn't help myself , so sporadically I would watch a bit and that poor little girl's situation just got worse and worse . Haven't seen it for weeks . When does it end ? I hope we get a better Show at 10.

Thanks, Jarifa. You always provide the deets I need. Simply awesome.

So Adrian returned money to Claudio. I'm wondering where Claudio got the money from in the first place. Inheritance? I don't believe he's every worked a day in his life.

Connie puts down Natalia for falling in love with a barrio guy. But Connie married a barrio guy and wants to hang onto him. I would love a flashback to the young Connie and Gustavo romance.

Ay, Valentina is in the red-light district of Acapulco that they don't show in those travel brochures on Soltero. Yes, may her rescue be quick. I hate hate hate that Simba came along. Is calling the police so out of the question?

JudyB, thinking of you and wishing you a good day. I know your wit would make mincemeat of these characters.

Susanlynn- OT: I have no clue but I think the main characters were kidnapped for like a century and then one gets hit by a truck and dies. I really hope we do get something better at ten, I'm guessing that spot will go to the new Vicente Fernandez soap.

Finally caught up. Loved Claudio was only "braying" yup, like the jackass he is) . He's worse.

Glad to see that Natalia didn't fall for Adrian trying to look heroic. I would have lost all respect for her if that had been the case and Dona Magos is smart enough to question the situation.

I think less and less of Andrea every time. She is really despicable in her attitudes. Based on what happened in this episode though, I think that the cat will be out of the bag about Omar not knowing about Andrea's pregnancy. Don't know yet how long she will not believe this based on her tendency to believe the worst all the time.

Loved when Constanza threatened to stop the gravy train.

I am also thinking that Vulga's Karmageddon could be ending up as a prostitute.

OT..princess...yikes. Sounds like we may be going from the frying pan into the fire.

Susanlynn-OT: Yep, I'm going to skip it, maybe I'll catch up on Netflix.

UA, where you been?

"I am also thinking that Vulga's Karmageddon could be ending up as a prostitute."

Maybe Venenosa from La Desalmada could take her under her wing.



It has been a very busy day. Just got in but have been reading the very interesting and insightful comments along the way today. Thanks for stopping on by, everyone.

Andy, I don’t get the whole Adrián transformation either. They have some how tried to make him into a bigger than life villain but he still looks likes a pudgy middle aged man past his prime.

Susanlynn, I had on wool and flannel today. It has been pouring most of the day. The trees are turning a bright beautiful green with their new foliage but some of the flowers and flowering trees are way behind schedule.

Liz, you and me both wanting Vale rescued tonight. That whole trafficking storyline is hard to watch.

PrincessJuju, I, too, thought that Claudio was going to haul off and hit Tere. I hope she does unleash her anger on him as long as she doesn’t end up in jail for assault.

Niecie, Félix warned Mario that if he got the police involved he would kill Vale. One of the first questions he asked Olga was if the police had been notified and she said no. So, I am thinking he hasn’t forgotten about his threat but who knows?

Urban, glad you are all caught up! Your karmageddon for Olga world be fitting.



I have watched bits of "Madre" here and there when I haven't changed the channel fast enough and have to agree with both Andy "If I ever decide to commit suicide I will watch an hour of this and then an hour of Madre, and then I'll be ready, nay, anxious to go." and PrincessJuju "I did not follow Madre but saw the episodes this week and I wanted a bus to hit me." So very dark and depressing and it is always that way no matter when I see a bit of it. Thanks for the laughs PrincessJuju and Andy.

PrincessJuju, loved "Charlie the terrorist."


Charlie is a terrorist, I need to figure out how to add a picture of him to my account.

I've left the channel on Univision while I did chores after the show is over and ended up watching bits of Madre and sweet baby Jesus I could have done without it, I know through real life experince how crappy parents can be to their babies, I don't need a novela to remind me.

PrincessJuju, here is hoping you can add Charlie’s photo! We would love to see him.

I was told by someone that met Charlie yesterday that he was the most beautiful cat they had seen in a long time :)

I want to see Charlie, too. I love cats!

Andy, my previous computer died and I had to get this one out of the closet and updated. I can watch novelas on it when they air through my cable company's website. However, Univision needs to fix their problem because none of the novelas have been available On Demand for almost two weeks.

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