Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #54 Wed. 5/11/22

 Hey, JudyB, it is hot and muggy on the patio tonight. We went from winter to summer in three days. We have some fresh lemonade  to keep us cool and hydrated.  

1. Chole is at the hospital to visit Olga who keeps turned away so her cousin can't see what she looks like. She doesn't want anyone to touch her. As Chole asks what happened, Olga turns to show her battered face and says she was with Chente at an out of the way place far from there. He started to fight with her because of Natalia. Then he left her there all alone. She asked him not to leave but he didn't pay any attention to her.  She started to walk hoping somebody would pick her up or maybe get a taxi. A cargo truck stopped and offered to take her to the city. It was early morning. She was cold. It turned out to be her worst nightmare. 

2. Knowing what he knows, Chente doesn't know what he is going to do about Natalia. She is in his blood. He is at the point of tears but doesn't want Ben to see him like he is. Tavo is feeling the same way about his Chole. Chente advises him to tell Chole the truth. She is understanding and Chente is sure they will find happiness with or without a child. Tavo doesn't want to ruin her life like he did to Connie. 

3. Olga says she tried to defend herself. She shouted and shouted but nobody heard her. She begged the driver  not to touch her. He started to hit her to shut her up while he was doing what he did to her.  Before he threw her out onto the highway, he stabbed her.  Chole, in tears,  tries to comfort Olga and  pledges that nobody will hurt Olga again. She will take care of her. As Chole turns her back on Olga, Olga silently laughs. 

4. Vale runs into Simba outside of the shop. He asks how she is doing. She says she is worried. He asks if she is worried about Olga. She says no. Why did he ask about her?  He says she isn't out and around which is weird. Vale agrees. She is concerned because Chole isn't around and  Tavo is sleeping in the shop. Simba says that is nothing new. Vale hopes it will all work out because he and Chole  make a cute couple. 

5. Olga asks why did Chente leave her out there all by herself? She knows he doesn't love her but how could he just leave her out there like that. She couldn't call anyone because her battery was dead. Chente took her purse and threw it out of the truck window. He wasn't the Chente that Chole knows. He didn't care if he left her there or if anything bad happened to her. She wants to die. What is going to happen to her? Olga keeps smiling anytime her face is out of Chole's sight.

6. Chente tells his brothers that Natalia went back to her husband. JuanGa can understand because Natalia and her daughters are used to a lot of money. 2XJosé thinks that something is weird about the whole thing and tells his bro to get off of Chente's case. He needs to support Chente like he supported him when he was bawling over Olga. A troubled Chente asks if somebody has seen Olga. He explains that he didn't treat her very nicely last night. He will go find her. 

7. Chole wants Olga to file charges against the guy that did this to her. Olga refuses. She only wants this nightmare to be over. She probably couldn't remember what he looked like. It was dark. She could only see his eyes. Chole can't talk her into going to the police. Olga is afraid if the perp found out she went to the police, he could kill her.

8. Vale thanks Simba for  coming to help rescue her in Acapulco. She will talk to Tavo about getting his job back. Simba isn't interested. Vale says this is the moment he could turn his life around.Tavo has a fatalistic view of his own life and thinks guys like him cannot be fixed.  In the end, Vale gets him to come to the garage with her.

9. Olga doesn't want to hear about Chente. After all she did for him:  always being on his side and taking care of Ben as if he was her own child. She thinks about how he defended Vale who he hardly knew but not her.  She will never forgive him. Chole is going to give him a piece of her mind. Olga knows he is the reason she is in this condition. She is broken inside and out. Nobody will want her the way she is. She only wants to die. 

10. Vale brings Simba to talk to Tavo reminding him how quickly he came to her rescue. Tavo cannot forget his dishonesty with the auto parts so quickly. Simba goes to leave but Vale talks to a reluctant Tavo into rehiring him using the "everyone makes a mistake" reasoning. He gets one chance. Vale will vouch for him! Vale warns Simba not to mess up this chance. 

11. It is the evening when Andrea finally gets home. Connie is eager to find out what happened with Adrián. Andrea is sure that her father will be able to win her mother's heart again. 

12. Regina meets up with 2XJosé. The are happy to see each other. She says it was strange  but lovely being with her father again. He thought she hated him. She still doesn't trust him but he seemed changed as if he missed them being a family. For the first time she herself missed the family that they once were as they all talked. 2X says that if she is happy, he is happy. She also tells him that she talked to her father about him and about them being novios and them going to prep school together. Her father  wants to meet 2XJ. 2XJ looks wary. She explains that she only wants to help him by getting him a scholarship to a private prep school.   He insists he wants to get the scholarship on  his own.They almost kiss but hug instead. 

13. Chente puts Ben to bed. He looks out the window only to see Adrián dropping off Natalia. He kisses her on the cheek which just infuriates Chente. Simmering, he waits for Natalia in the living room. She sees him and says they need to talk. Chente says she doesn't have to explain anything to him. He  doesn't have to return this money to her husband to her husband anymore. He slaps an envelope of money down on the table. Now she can do it since she spent the night with him. Natalia is SHOCKED and slaps him hard across the face but is in tears as soon as she has done it.

14. Natalia makes it clear that he will never speak to her like that again in his life. Well, he is tired of her laughing in his face. She doesn't know what he is taking about. She is clearly confused. He says last night he caught her all mysterious and nervous about leaving the house. Then she made up the story about that Vero rather than having the decency to tell him that she was going to spend the night with her husband in a hotel. She accuses him of making a story up in his head. She asks if he really wants to know what went on between Adrián and her? He says he has no need to know!!!!He isn't the idiot she thinks he is. She is so disappointed and sad to know that the man she loves doesn't trust her. Chente says she is with the man she deserves. Natalia looks at him with great sadness.

15. Chole gets Olga situated at home. Her arm is in a sling, too. Olga doesn't want food or drink. She only wants Chente to apologize. Chole doesn't want to hear Chente's name.What the did to her is beyond the pale. Olga smiles to herself as she leaves.

16. Chente is raving on saying that he is in hell from his jealousy while she  was out reliving her great love with her husband. Natalia screams how wrong he is but if that is what he believes, she is happy they can end it all right then and there. He answers there is no doubt about that and she can go back to her life of appearances and luxury.  No matter how humble he appears,  he is more of a man than than her husband  who can swim in money and can lavish her with luxury.  Her husband doesn't have a heart as true or pure as his. Natalia says what really hurts her is that he thinks that luxury is all that matters to her. She hopes he won't be sorry for saying that. He screams that the one who isn't sorry for having played with his feeling has been HER! HER! HER! She tells him to stop shouting. She doesn't want to argue. She feels so disappointed. He says that he does, too. He explains and starts to get revved again telling her while she was laughing at him, he was crazy with fear that something had happened to her and that she could be in danger because he had swallowed her lies. She insists she told no lies. It is such a pity he couldn't trust her and wait to clarify things with her. He asks her if it isn't true that she went to close herself up with her husband in some hotel. Is she going to deny that? He dares her to. Natalia says no matter what she did with Adrián or anyone else is no reason for him to be shouting at her like this.  He should not be condemning her with the love she feels for him. She thought that his love for her was honest but it isn't; he doubts her and her principles. She tells him how much he has hurt her. He is frustrated and demands that she give him an explanation right now or it is over. She says he has already come to his own conclusions so she doesn't have to give him any other explanation. What they had is over. She goes to her room and Chente is left in tears in the living room. He goes to follow her upstairs when there is a knock at the door. 

17. It is Chole who slaps Chente first and then accuses him of leaving Olga all alone far from their neighborhood. He admits he did. He was sick of her tantrums and her games. She has no idea what Olga did to ruin his relationship with Natalia. She says nothing can compare with what happened to her. Chente says he lost it and then he felt bad for leaving her there. Chole blames him for Olga getting beaten and raped by a truck driver. Chole explains that Olga had to find her way home and ended up going with a truck driver on the highway. She was freezing from the cold and frightened. The driver held a knife to her  throat and raped her. It was a miracle she wasn't killed. 

18. Natalia is in tears wondering how Chente could have lied to her by telling her that the proof of his love for her would be in everything he did. 

19. Olga gets a phone call. She is disappointed to see it is from Vero. All Vero wants to know is if Natalia is dead. Olga says she isn't and the plans changed. Vero reminds her that she sent her the money she requested and wants to know what happened. Olga says what happened is that the old lady never got to the place she was supposed to because Adrián beat them to the punch. He took her to a hotel for a reconciliation. Vero is fuming. Olga is okay with that because her Chente found out and will tell Natalia  to go to hell. She hates to cut Vero short, but she is waiting for Chente right now. 

20. Chente doesn't believe what Chole is telling her. It sounds like more of Olga's lies. Chole says she would never lie about something like this. Chole tells him to go over and see how she is with his own eyes. Olga was almost unrecognizable when she saw her at the hospital. Her face is all swollen from the beating. At the hospital, they told her she is going to need psychological help and a lot of support from her family to get over the trauma. They also stabbed her when she tried to defend herself. Chente is all emotional and starts to leave to go see her. Chole tells him no and pushes him back. She tells him it is better to let her rest right now and for her to want to see him. Chente refuses to listen and goes running down the block to see Olga with Chole after him. Regina and 2XJ are outside and wonder what is going on. 

21. Tavo tells JuanGa about how Vale pushed to get Simba back working with them in return for him going to rescue her. JuanGa is not happy. Tavo says Vale will keep her eye on Simba so he doesn't get out of line.   Tavo explains that he is sleeping in his office because he and Chole broke up and there is no going back. 

22. Chente is knocking on Olga's door. She finally tells him to come in. Chole enters with him asking Olga if Olga is sure she wants to talk to him. Chole leaves.

23. The first thing Chente does is admit what happened to her was  his fault and asks her to forgive him. 

24. Tavo wants to talk to JuanGa. He asks if he still likes Chole. Juanga says no that was some time ago. His heart still belongs to Olga. Juanga asks why he and Chole broke up. Tavo explains that it wasn't because of a lack of love. The fact is that they do not share the same dreams. She wants to have a child and form a proper home. That is something he will never be able to provide for her. JuanGa asks why not. Tavo says the reason doesn't matter. He wants to be sure that she is free to fulfill her dream of being a mother and find the man who deserves and loves her. She needs to find a man like JuanGa. Somebody who can be a father.

25. Playing the martyr, Olga says the Chente didn't have to bother to come and see her. He grabs her hand. She says when she was at the hospital, she didn't want anybody to touch her but his touch calms her down even though she should be hating him. She tells him that he is to blame what happened to her. He says he is hating himself for what he did. He calls himself a real rat bastard  for not coming back for her. Olga agrees and adds that you don't even treat an old dog like that. She asks if he really despises her that much? He wonders how she could ask him that. He says he is so sorry as he rests his head on her knees. (Really? That is WAAY TOO CLOSE) Chente explains that his anger blinded him. He lost his head with  his jealousy and the pain he was experiencing at the moment. He wasn't thinking clearly. He kisses her hands. (YUKKKK!) He apologizes again. Olga tells him that she cannot forgive him. 

26. Natalia is talking to Tere telling her how offended she feels. Tere says and she has every right to. She cannot believe that Chente would be taking that kind of attitude. She thought that Chente knew her and trusted her. She asks why it takes so much work to be in love. Why is it so difficult to trust our partner? She decided to give herself another chance at love and found out that it is very hard to do. Tere tells her she cannot talk like that;  she is only defeating herself. Natalia has decided it is better that she just keep herself focused on the well-being of her daughters. That is all the love she needs to be happy. Tere asks if  there isn't some way for her and Chente to fix the situation. Natalia says no. She is done with it all. He refused to listen to her. Tere asks about Adrián. Natalia says nothing is going to happen with him. She doesn't trust him but does feel that he is trying to get closer to his daughters. Natalia doesn't want to think anymore. Tere takes her in her arms. 

27. Mauro is visiting with Adrián who is very pleased that he managed to get Omar's phone number in London. Adrián knows his daughter will be so very happy knowing that the man she loves is coming back to be with her in Mexico. Adrián thinks she will see him as her  hero. Mauro doesn't think that Omar's parents will allow him to return. Adrián plans on helping that along and Natalia is going to know that it is all due to him and he is doing whatever he can for his family.  Mauro sends him the number and they toast to heaven with some whiskey with Adrián saying that  even miserable men like he and Mauro deserve to be forgiven. 

28. Olga is recounting the details of her attack to Chente. In tears, she tells him that the guy told her she was very pretty. He started to touch her.  She told him to stop and that is when they began to fight. She shouted a lot but . . . Chente has a hard time listening to her saying that he should have been there to defend her and paces as she recounts the attack. She says he started beating her but there was nobody to hear her screaming. That was not enough for him so he raped her. Afterwards, he stabbed her before throwing her out of the truck. He tried to kill her and maybe that would have been better if she had ended up dead. Chente says he cannot look her is the eye because he is the one at fault. She says the attack took away her will to live, her tranquility. It took away her happiness for the rest of her life.  Nobody will want her like she is now: filthy. Chente pushes her hair back from her forehead. (Bad Move) Chente  pledges to be by her side from now on and through her rehabilitation so she won't be alone. He wants to do right by her for all of the hurt she is going through because of him. She says it sounds beautiful but now nothing can be done. She is broken.  She wants to hurt herself. She feels dirty. In tears, she tells him to leave over and over again. 

29. JuanGa comes into the boarding house and sees Chole in tears. He asks what is going on. She says nothing. He says he just found out that she and Tavo broke up. He wants her to know that he is there for her. She thanks him but her problems with Tavo are nothing compared to other problems that a woman never gets over. JuanGa doesn't get what she is saying. Chole says that Olga went through a frightening tragedy. Her cousin is going to need her more than  ever. Juanga asks what happened to Olga. Chole says nothing as Chente comes out of Olga's room, pauses and leaves. JuanGa asks about the dirty look she just gave Chente. Chole explains that Olga and Chente got into an argument on a highway somewhere.  He left her all alone on the highway and she ended  up getting raped. JuanGa is horrified and bursts into Olga's room. He goes to hug her and she whispers for him not to touch her. He demands to know if his brother really abandoned her. She nods. JuanGa leaves in a hurry. Olga looks pleased with herself.

30. Regina and 2XJ are out eating some street food when JuanGa confronts Chente on the way home. He tells him that he is an animal.  He destroyed Olga's life. Simba is sitting on a curb listening to it all. Their dead parents would die from the shame that he has brought upon the family with his dirty deed. Chente agrees saying that he deserves everything he is saying to him and more. A crowd starts to gather. JuanGa doesn't get how he could let Olga out there all by herself in the middle of the night. He grabs Chente by his shirt. JuanGa continues saying that Olga  got beat up because of him. Chente tells him that he has no idea of the pain he is carrying. He cannot defend himself because it is true. He is responsible for this disgrace. Simba plays innocent very well as he watches on in amazement and horror. 

31. Tere puts Natalia to bed. Natalia gets a call from unknown. It turns out to be Adrián who cannot stop thinking  of her even though they just were together a few hours ago.  She reminds him they agreed to only talk when it had something to do with their daughters. Well, Adrián just couldn't help himself wanting to hear her voice. He asks about how she clarified things with Chente. She isn't talking. he guesses from the way she sounds that things didn't go well. He tells her if she needs something to just let him know. She has a friend in him. (Sure . . . this isn't "Toy Story" yes, that was a bad joke but it is late. )  He is serious. Hee will get her whatever she needs. She  doesn't want the money that Andrea brought to the house.  She makes it clear that he is responsible only for his daughters because they are separated. He suggests that they go out for supper tomorrow. He will stop by for her. He hangs up before she can answer. 

32. As JuanGa gets more worked up, he starts pushing Chente around on the street. He asks where are the values that he always emphasized with him; to be a gentleman. He punches Chente in the gut telling Chente that if he thought nobody would stand up for Olga, he has another thing coming. He punches Chente again. When he gets up, JuanGa punches him in the face. Chente takes the punishment. Juanga goes on saying that Olga doesn't deserve what happened to her. She was almost killed. Chente finally starts to fight back as the crowd tries to separate them. Chole comes out and helps break it all up. 

33. Tere comes in with some tea for Natalia who says she just needs to rest and sleep. Natalie hopes that tomorrow is a better day. Tere wants to read her little angel cards. Natalia says now is not the time. Tere says when she read the cards for Granny Magos before it looked like she and Chente were made for each other. Natalie says they were wrong then.  Natalia  trusts in God and his plans. She will never understand why he let her fall in love again. Tere assures her it will all work out. 

34. The crowd is still trying to control JuanGa. Chente tells him that he doesn't have to blame him for anything. He hates himself for what he did. He knows how Olga will suffer the rest of her life. JuanGa adds that every woman who loves Chente ends up badly because of him. JuanGa doesn't know where to stop and says Olga got raped and Lucía got shot. The crowd has to restrain Chente when he hears Lucía's name. JuanGa has to add one more comment. Lucía is dead because Chente left her alone. Chente says he knows his name should have been on that bullet.  The fight goes out of Chente as he tells his brother that he is right. Chente starts to cry. JuanGa tells Regina to be careful about what could happen to her mother by going out with that rat bastard. Chente says he didn't know that Lucía wasn't going to return.  He didn't know what would happen to Olga. He would have given his life so they would not have been hurt. 



This was such a good episode tonight. Poor Chente getting slapped twice and then punched in the fave by his bro.

Seriously, Chente has very low self-esteem which was so clear with his tantrum over Natalia and Adrián. He never allowed her to tell him what really had happened. That being said, she should have called him herself from the hotel or wherever the night before to explain where she had gone. He did go to get his truck to take her to the meeting with Vero. He did have the right to be angry over that, She had inconvenienced him for no good reason.

How much can Olga get out of Chente using guilt? Could she possibly finagle a wedding ring 💍 out of the situation?🤔

Jarifa, thanks for another of your great recaps!

A quite depressing episode, I feel, especially regarding Chente. I didn't pay that much attention last episode, where exactly were he and Olga, how remote? A large passenger plane behind them, that's all I remember. And he did toss her purse out the window. So if he did abandon her there alone, he really was wrong, though any harm that actually came to her Olga orchestrated herself. But something could have happened to her.

Then, before he hears anything about Olga, he goes ballistic about Natalia and Adrián. Way too quick to judge and won't listen to her. Disappointing in the extreme. Chente has, at least temporarily, moved into the category of "Bad Guy".

Olga is a Bad Bad Bad Naughty Mean Girl... who doesn't want to play bit parts anymore.

Tavo is an idiot, and Valentina is a cute little chipmunk who is too bubbly and talks too fast for me to follow.

Well, we live in hope or we wouldn't watch telenovelas, and I hope the next episode is more fun, less drama. But that's just me.


Andy, your comments gave me a few good smiles which I needed after last night’s drama.

I also had a problem figuring out exactly where Chente and Olga ended up and how far it was. Maybe somebody else caught that. ITA that Chente was wrong in leaving her there and as I said before, he NEVER should have agreed to take her along in the first place. I thought the episode was really well done in reference to the writing, plot, editing and acting. There are no saints in this one. Chente came across as a mean-spirited scared little man. I was not expecting that but, hey, it is a novela so there has to be a happy ending!

Jarifa, thank you for all the details of this grim episode I am glad that I couldnt watch it. I didn't want to see Olga's battered face ..which she got thanks to Simba fulfilling her ordsrs. Girl is a nasty nut job . ugh

OT...Judy , you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks, Jarifa, for the great recap. I found this to be a very frustrating episode with everyone just believing what they’re told without questioning anything.

When Olga said she felt dirty and no one would want her I felt she was setting up a plan to get Chente to marry her. I couldn’t stand watching her play the victim and then smile as they would turn away.

I am hanging onto the happily ever after ending but it was hard last night!

Gracias, ,Jarifa. This was a grim episode. My favorite line: Olga doesn't want to hear about Chente. After all she did for him: always being on his side and taking care of Ben as if he was her own child.

That Buttaface would kill her own child if she could benefit in any way. She is a monster.

Natalia should have called Chente from a hotel phone to explain what happened. That she was intercepted by Andrea and shanghaied out of the city with Adrian having planned this.

We now have a quadrangle of the Relentless. Adrian, Andrea, Veronica, and Vulga. Since the latter two are willing to kill, they are the most dangerous of this group.

Elias paid Veronica off before, so how much longer will she be able to prevent Omar from going back to Mexico?

Chente does have self-esteem issues and this is what Vulga is playing on. How long will it take for him to see her true self? I'd love for Teresa to catch her evil treatment of Benjamin. Nobody could restrain her from giving Vulga a serious beating.

Coulnd't post this last week, but Sergio Sendel has been a galan at least a few times in the past. Two examples:

Amarte es mi Pecado in 2004, opposite Yadhira Carillo.
La Esposa Virgen in 2005, opposite Adele Noriega.

Interestingly, both characters were men in uniform (airline pilot and military officer, espectively). He wore them both well.

Good news: Both of these are available on Univision/Televisa's free streaming service,

Jarifa, the sorrow I felt watching this was compounded tenfold for you having to recap it.

Truly, a beyond depraved and depressing episode.

As always, despite the dire content, you detailed this perfectly, as written the events were an exact mirror image of what occurred. You are such a gifted writer.

Olga's putrid lies about the attack and rape were not even the worst thing she has done! Her abuse of Benja holds that dubious distinction. The disastrous fallout has already begun, swift in its repercussions.

"Chente came across as a mean-spirited scared little man" was so true Jarifa. Chente's refusal to listen to Natalia, drowning in his own pity was hard to watch. Natalia is a grown woman. Stop making excuses and learn how to pick up a phone and extricate herself for the next time Adrian tries to drag her somewhere against her will. There will be a next time.

"Her father wants to meet 2XJ. 2XJ looks wary". As well he should!

"Quadrangle of the Relentless" was excellent Urban.

"Valentina is a cute little chipmunk who is too bubbly and talks too fast for me to follow". Thanks Andy, I have a feeling your words will reverberate in my head the next time I see her!

I never say things can't get any worse because of course they can...

Judy, unlike Jarifa's warm weather, it is cold and rainy! Spring has definitely not sprung Hope your weather is warm and sunny.

Thank you so much Jarifa!


OT..warm and sunny here. Finally feels like spring.

Urban, thanks for the note about I'm interested in watching both those novelas (or re-watching, actually.)

OT..Hi, Paloma !

Thanks, all, for stopping by the patio.

Susanlynn, perfect description of Olga: “nasty nut job.”

Liz, ITA with Olga setting a trap for Chente. Will she end up pregnant from the rape?

Urban, loved the “Buttaface.”. ITA that Natalia should have called Chente herself from the hotel. She dismissed him and his offer to take her to meet with Vero far too casually. He is supposed to be her novio.Thanks for all the other info. VIX is a real treasure trove.

Diana, your comments are too kind. Thanks. It was an intersting episode to recap with the long conversations. I agree that Olga’s abuse of Ben has been the worst thing she has done so far. Everything else pales in comparison. If Natalia thought that the family outing would allow her to extricate herself from Adrián’s pursuit boy was she wrong. She is a grown woman and needs to take control of her own life and maybe without any men (friends or lovers ) for a while.

Michelle Gonzales is what the French call jolie-laide meaning beautiful despite being ugly.

While her features are mostly symmetrical, her nose and mouth are too wide for her chin. Her lips are also too full, which doesn't show if she smiles. There are some good angles for still photos, but obviously it would be impossible to only show those in video.

She has an excellent figure, which must make it easy to create her TN wardrobes.

The unnatural hair dyes aren't doing her any favors here. If she wears a multi-colored dress with any of the colors of the dyes it looks like her hair has thinned out.

Thanks, Jarifa. I feel like you took one for the team last night. Olga's vile plan. Chente's and Natalia's stupidity.

Even the doctor said Olga was raped. Are we to believe he took or word for it, or that Simba actually did the deed? Even Simba looked unnerved by Olga last night.

No way should Chente have left Olga out there (wherever that airplane was).

The only upbeat thing I'm seeing right now is Valentina and Mario.


Embajador is not airing on my local UniMas station tonight. It normally runs at 7 EDT, but they're running Amar a Muerte. Fingers crossed that this is one-time only and UniMas hasn't changed it's lineup.

I am recording the series and just sat down to watch it and it never recorded. I hope it was a one time thing.

OT - Embajador

According to Univision's Guide to Programs,

Embajador was/is not on the schedule Thursday and Friday, returns Monday at 7 PM ET.


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