Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #63, //:Andrea's Spite Night Or Just Blame It On The Hormones

Claudio witnesses Olga and Adrian leaving Gustavo and Chole's engagement party together.; it's quite obvious the two know each other... 

Inside the boarding house kitchen, Natalia scolds Andrea for trying to embarrass her in front of Vicente by bringing her father there to stir the pot.  Andi insists Papi's only intention was to say hello to all.  Nata says don't treat me like a child; "-- I am not and you know it."v Andi insists naively that her father is totally repentant, loves only Nata, and never robbed a centavo from anybody.  "-This is not the time for expressing sorrow and resentments. ! spoke to Veronica and know the level of his betrayal.  I am never going to trust Adrian again."  Andi insists Vero is to blame for everything. "--He left us all starving and in street.  He should be in jail for the rest of his life!"  "--Mom!  He didn't steal anything!  Understand that!"  "--For crying out loud!  We're both women now!  Respect what I'm saying!  Is it my fault your father left me for another woman?  Oh, he says I ignored him and so he went to somebody else after twenty years?  Don't be naive, Andrea!  Your father plans everything to the nth degree.  He's a businessman who always plans for the future in any deal he makes.   He leaves nothing to chance; he knows all the possibilities and doesn't make a move unless.  He knew exactly what he was doing and therefore is totally responsible for the Hell he left us in!!  So, do not get mad at me if I offend him or do not act tolerant around him!  Because it isn't right; it isn't fair for either me or my family!  Respect my position!."

Teresa sneaks up on Clod and knocks the hip flask he's tippling from onto the ground.  "--Either learn to live without getting drunk or go sleep it off at home!"  He tries diverting.  "--How could your two daughters mar such a beautiful celebration? (Yeah--like one with the vain hope of becoming the ambassador to Martinique someday.)    Tere asks how did Constanza so conveniently learn about the part to begin with?  He says maybe she has a well-paid spy around the neighborhood. Connie, he praises for her style in telling off Chole, Tavo, and Andi.  Nata, though had to kick up such a public fuss over her and Adrian's petty differences in front of all the riffraff!  Tere fights back and asks how dare he should defend Adi in her presence after what he did to everyone supposedly so near and dear to him --which Viewerville knows was anything but a petty difference!  Tere tells him she's tiring more and more of the man she married who is drunk, a gigolo, and veritable bore.

Chole isn't bothered by any of the scene Tavo's ex-wife made earlier.  Mario comes over to explain that now that he's got a job in another part of the city he'll be vacating his room the next morning.  

Omar greets Nata who asks him to keep an eye on Andi and her doings for her.  He agrees and then joins Andi and Regina in the kitchen.  Chente comes over and gives her a shoulder to cry on....

in the kitchen, Regi tries uselessly to convince her sister to see their side of things.  Papi left the three of them to starve, homeless in the streets!  Andi screams back that "--excuse me, but I believe in love forever!"  (When does that excuse abandoning supposed forever-loved ones to starve, homeless, exposed to the dangers of the worst of the barrio???)  "And Papi has the means of getting us all out of this fleabag of a barrio forever!"  Regi and Mom don't care to leave, she insists.  Andi yells at her that because of going out with the slummy younger brother, she's been brainwashed also.  "--You call all of us here trash!  But you're the one acting like trash!  You only think of yourself, and you're just as bad as our Papa!!"    Andi insists that nothing should be ruled out provided they can crawl out of this hole.  "--Oh?  Like selling a baby?"  Andi starts to slap her when Omar finally prevents it.

Back at Chente's, Magos is putting him to bed.  Jose Jose tells her about the scandalous fight at the party.  (Aren't most family gatherings like this???) He leaves and says he'll get more of the scoop tomorrow after he sees Regi.

Omi gets after Andi for being so hateful towards everyone tonight.  (Ehh!  Blame it on hormones...)  She whines that everybody blames her for their family disgrace.  Andi turns against him now.  He throws it back at her:  "--You tried selling our child!"  "--Because you left me alone!  We were living in the maid's closet!  Is that what you want for our child?  Sure, you and I want the best for him--and my father wants us out of this squalor and I am going to help him!"  Omi says it doesn't make sense.  She continues screaming that he even bought the house for them to live in!  And their Mama should never have fallen in love with that barrio trash (as in 'of the plebian servant class'), Chente.  He walks into the room just then and faces her.  "--With who?"  "--A coarse, vulgar type like YOU!  Take a look, Regi!  This specimen here is the reason our mother chooses to stay in a garbage dump like this!"

Valentina follows Mario upstairs.  He gives her the "we can still be friends" speech although he admitted to Fernanda that in other circumstances he could fall in love with Tina.  Well, she won't become another Olga for him, she assures him.  However, he should remember when he's Mr. Money Pockets again, that it's all just a disguise.  He knows who he really is inside and what he needs to be truly happy.  

Speaking of La Vulga, she is seducing Adrian with her...ahem...pretty in pink charms...such as they are.  (Viewerville dares to say that they make strange-looking and very unlikely bedfellows....)

Chente tries speaking sense to an insensed pregnant woman.  That's bad enough, but this one is Andrea Cantu!  "--My mother will never be fine again while she's seeing a guy like you!"  He asks her to stop with the insults.  She's crossed the line here.  Andi comes back with ohhhh! Now the gentleman feels he's my papi so he can scold me now!  Omi are you going to allow this servile cretan wgo is nothing to me to speak to me like this?  Omi says she's acting mean and should just calm down.  Chente says maybe she should try to get to know him first.  Andi insists there's no reason to.  She's known all about him from the first time they ran across him.  His plebian music and truckdriver's manners, and then to be the opportunist who gets close to my mother.  Regi asks her to stop but Andi's on a roll, a state of high pique:  "--Ohh!  So when you complain about my father you can say anything you want but I cannot speak my piece about this...gentleman here?"  

Chente breaks in and insists what he feels for her mother is deep and sincere.  All he wants is to see her mama smile.   So, if that means taking your insults, then keep 'em comin'!  But when it comes to your mother, you should respect her! (Yep--and this is only in the first fifteen minutes!)  Chente then asks why it's so hard to accept him.  Andi replies that it's so obvious how he took advantage of her emotional fragility to get involved with her.  Not to mention that she's got way more class than him, and is levels above a crass, course jerk like him. 

Omar tries to shut her up, but Chente says don't bother.  Her insults don't offend him.  Tonight you're all about defending your mother; loving her so much, but that's not what I saw when you ran off and left her in tears. "--Sure I was wrong to leave her   I would never have left her alone-I and would have taken her with me if I'd known you would get her so romantically involved with you."  "--But you didn't which shows that all you really are interested in is your luxuries and comforts.  Here it's blood (family)  that counts, not money.  So, you better ditch the attitude, because otherwise, you're going to regret it."  He leaves and she turns on Omi for not defending her.  He says he didn't because everything was true.  She's the same as his darned parents, valuing nothing but cold, hard, cash.  He leaves.

Nata and Chente walk up to him on the corner on their way back home.  After the deed, La Vulga mentions Vero and he asks how she knows Vero.  Oh, everyone knows about Vero.  They argue about whether Chente and Nata are both worth their weight in gold or not.  FF>>FF>>

Nata and Chente invite Omi in for coffee and a chat.  Yes, the girl loves him but she's just not strong enough to overcome the change in life like Regi and Nata did.  Omi won't be able to give her anything she wants or needs to be happy.  Well, he's got a job with Chente as a manager of his little auto parts store.  As for Andi, she's going to have to choose love over luxury.....

The next morning, Clod is waiting up for La Vulga in her bedroom.  She's taken totally by surprise.  "--Six in the morning!  My!  

When Andi wakes up Omi is packing and ready to move into the barrio to begin his new life.  She can either follow or forget him.  Downstairs, Samia comes in to beg forgiveness with another pile o' pesos that he refuses and throws up in the air like confetti as he walks out the door.

Again, Vulga tries to lie her way out of any blame or wrongdoing, but Clod knows.  He tells her he saw her getting into Adrian's car and driving off with him   Then, she comes home wearing the same outfit as the night before.  All they did was cry in their beer together and commiserate over being dumped by their romantic others, she claims.  Clod says nope.  Well, then, have Adrian call me over this unless he wants his Natalia finding out about this little friendship of yours.  I will leave you now because I am sure you've come home very worn out.

When Mario packs up to leave, Tina tells him to remember us little people....FF>>FF>>

Regi and J2P2 arrive at the school to take the entry tests.  They greet Adrian and the Director before going in.  Once they're gone, the director thanks Adi for the huge donation.  Adi reminds him that J2P2 is not to get even a hint of any scholarship.  The director says not to worry, he's devised a test he couldn't pass in a million years.

The kids take their test and it's obvious that Jojo is upset at how he performed.

Vulga calls Adi to warn him that Clod saw them together and knows what's going on between them.  Adi says he knows how to keep the drunk in line.  

Chente and Juanga convince Nata that her menu ideas are not in line with the neighborhood's ability to pay or their tastes.  She agrees to changes.

Samia tries making Andi see sense.  She's not interested in being friends with her baby's paternal grandmother.  Samia stops her from leaving the room and says she's ready to cede.  Samia cannot deal with her son's rejection of her.  Andrea says she has not forgotten the miserable way they treated her early on.  She tells Samia just get the hell out of her house!  Before leaving, Samia tells Andi to pick up the money and keep it, for the child if not for herself because eventually, she'll need it.

A while later, Adi returns home and finds Andi crying.  Omi left to live in a rooming house in the barrio, she explains.  He wants her to live in that tiny room with him!  Adi thinks the kid's gone nuts.  He tells her she's never going back to the barrio.  But, she needs to convince him to come to his senses over all this.  

''--Omar won't last three days in the barrio,"  Andi asks but if he doesn't come back?  She just cannot live without him.  "--Well, if he doesn't come back, then he's not the man for you!"  She suddenly starts bleeding and crying that she doesn't want anything to happen to her baby!! 


Thanks, Jardinera. It was a fun recap of a very annoying episode. Sorry, but I refuse to blame it on the hormones. I said it once and I will say it again: too bad that Andrea is pregnant. I would love to see her mother or sister punch her out.

I didn’t like Mario telling Vale that Fernanda was a “linda casualidad” like he owed Vale an explanation in the first place.

Omar was the standout in this episode. Loved that he is movin’ on out and his screamin’ mimi of a girlfriend Andrea can come or not.

Looks Iike I get to recap if Andrea losing her baby??? Wow!!!
Luck of the draw! ; )

Yep! You got the good one!


Thanks but I was being sarcastic. I am in my telenovela doldrums! Wah!

Glad also to finally learn that JudyB is now back home. We have all missed her and recuperating is best done in a comfortable familiar place like one’s own home. —Jardinera654

Thanks, Jardinera, great recap.
Omar deserves much better than Andrea. I don’t know how far along she is but if she does lose the baby Omar can be free of her. I think he’s now seeing what she’s really like.

Adrian was busy, showing up where no one likes him, a night with Olga and a meeting with the school to bribe them to insure that 2xJose doesn’t get in. I wonder if he’ll ever find out how Olga and Veronica know each other.

As Omar has shown us what a mature, fair man he is Andrea showed him her true self. Now to see what happens tonight.


Jardinera, another sensational recap. Loved the title. You are such a clever writer.

I smiled at "Chente tries speaking sense to an incensed pregnant woman". Andrea was on a roll and nothing or no one was going to silence her. Chente found out how futile his attempt is.

Andrea is a shrewish, unfeeling, unempathetic, self-serving girl. And yet, I'm not a hater. She has behaved badly but I'm hoping she will have an epiphany, try and change and make amends, particularly to Natalia to whom she has been ghastly.

Jarifa and Liz, I totally agree that Omar was the man of the hour. Andrea didn't give him a mere glimpse of her selfish self, she held a full on open house, showcasing exactly who she is. And it wasn't pretty. Omar recognized Andrea is not the loving woman he remembered. Learning she was willing to "sell" their child was the only wake up call he needed. He kept his dignity and will keep his distance. For now.

I didn't like Adrian sabotaging Jose. I never like Clod or Olga for that matter.

When Andrea started bleeding, her immediate pleas indicated to me that she does want her baby. I only wish someone other than Adrian with her. I'm sure the baby will be fine and he will take full credit.

I did kind of enjoy Barney, err, Samia throwing her pesos around! I didn't think she had it in her to defy Elias...

Wonderful Jardinera, thank you.


Jardinera , thank you for every detsil.

I just saw the actor playing Claudio on " Amores con Trampa"on Unimas Big Ed Yanez is also in that one .


Susanlynn,there are recaps for “Amores com trampa” I worked on that one way back when. It was a fun novela.

Diana, loved your description of Andrea giving Omar the “the full open house” treatment. Omar can never say he was never warned.

Jardinera, thank you for another great recap, I very much enjoyed reading it.

Jarifa, hang in there! I never before heard the phrase "telenovela doldrums" but I think I understand completely.

I am another one who agrees that Omar came through and really was "the man of the hour." But I thought he could have taken at least one of those bank notes so he could pay for the room at the pensión. Oh, well.

I have to give credit to Sammia, too; not for defying Elías, but for being willing to go out in public looking like that. Maternal love at its best.

"Boo" to Adrián for rigging the exam given to JoséJosé, not nice. But now to see the outcome.

I can't quite believe that two women are interested in Mario. And I have no idea who to root for, I like both women and wouldn't want to see either stuck with him. But maybe Valentina, she's been there for him since forever, so maybe it would work for her.

Andrea better not lose the baby, it would be a real bummer for Natalia, Omar, and a gaggle of other folks. Maybe even Andrea.


Hi all!! Nice of you to stop in and chitchat. Have had mandatory o/ time so slow getting it up. Happy happy, joy, joy JudyB!!


Andy, it happens in nearly all novelas for me when the novela is about 2/3 over, the “doldrums” set in and the repetitive attributes that make a telenovela a telenovela start getting on my nerves. The doldrums last until the protagonists finally get a brain in their heads and we are clearly out of the world of the malentendido and on the road to the gran final.

You mentioned yesterday about getting “cranky” at a certain point in most novelas. Is it something similar or not?

Thanks, Jardinera.

Way too much Andrea last night, but nice to see everyone stand up to her tiny self.

Poor 2XJose. His test was thicker than the rest. Too much to ask that they uncover this and the school administrator gets fired?

Sorry I'm late, but thanks for this.

If you complain about someone not being "of my class" then you have none. That's all I have to say about Andrea at this point. She is just as evil as Vulga and just as delusional.

Jarifa, I think your "doldrums" and my "crankiness" are much the same thing. But I think I am crankier than you are... if you get cranky.

The phrases "the repetitive attributes" and "world of the malentendido" really ring true.

Telenovelas are entirely too predictable. Someone on the patio recently commented how upset she was with Olga, but since this is a telenovela the commenter was consoled that Olga would eventually get her very heavy anvil.

We can't predict every little detail, but in general it is quite predictable.

I still watch, and enjoy somewhat, telenovelas; but not for the stories so much. It really is the Spanish, a bit of Mexican culture, and, of course, the good-looking women.


Ha....Jarifa and Andy, i, too, am in the cranky doldrums .

Jardinera: I enjoyed the recap of the episode!

Let me guess: More nagging from spoiled brat Andrea AGAIN ? OMG!

Steve Boudreaux

Andy: Big question is when will Olga & Co., eventually get their Karma anvils in this Telenovela ?

Steve Boudreaux

28 episodes left. That's when.

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