Thursday, May 26, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #64 Wed. 5/25/22 "Too Much Conversation and Not Enough Action"

 Hey, JudyB, so happy to hear that you are back home!  It will be quicker trip to the patio  The heat lamps will be out tonight. We have savory and sweet tamales to snack on to celebrate your return!

1. As they are working in the kitchen, JuanGa is informing Natalia that the secret to his sauce is that he uses dried chipotles not canned ones. Natalia  could really tell in the flavor. A call from Adrián interrupts their conversation. As Adrián tells Natalia that he is taking  Andrea to the hospital, Andrea is screaming in pain from the back seat of his car.  Natalia will contact Fernanda so they are seen in emergency the emergency room upon arrival. Natalia is on her way.

2. In her room, Granny Magos is saying her rosary when Olga arrives  trying to get on GrannyMagos' good side by bringing her a vase full of fresh flowers to liven up her bedroom. In their conversation, GrannyMagos says the doctors recommend that she get out and walk. Olga suggests that she take her out walking and they could take care of each other. It would be a good chance for them to smooth things over. GrannyMagos is not convinced. Olga continues saying  if GrannyMagos would allow her to take care of her and give her some company, it would be her way of showing her gratitude for staying at her home. Maybe she would realize that she is not as bad as she thinks. GrannyMagos finally gives in asking for a few minutes to get ready. Olga assures her that she will not be sorry and she has a feeling they will end up being be very good friends. 

3. Natalia arrives at the hospital where Adrián tells her that Andrea is being seen. He says he got home, found her crying and then she started to bleed. They hope the baby is okay. Natalia lights into him saying that none of this would have happened if Andrea were living with her because she would be taking care of her not like him. Adrián thinks it is just good that Andrea knows that her family is there. Natalia asks where Omar is. Adrián has no idea what happened. Natalia can't believe that. He agrees to call him.

4. Omar is at Chente's shop getting acclimated to his new job and the other guys. Chente tells him that he will be taking care of the business when Chente is at the fonda and 2XJosé is at school. A two truckload shipment of parts will be coming in a couple of days. He will  need Omar to work with his other two employees to unload it first  before he checks it into the inventory. Omar makes it clear he is all in. He gets a call from Adrián. He decides to not answer and goes back to working with Chente. 

5. Adrián tells Natalia that he had to leave a message for Omar. As Natalia is voicing her concern for Natalia, the doctor comes out and tells them that they are stabilizing Andrea but she is still at risk for a miscarriage.  Adrián takes advantage of the situation to put his arms around Natalia as she cries. 

6. Connie is at home unkempt, in tears, propped up against a wall with a glass of wine in her hand asking  Delia the  maid if she knew why it never mattered to her signing the divorce papers knowing that  Tavo would go running off to marry that hairdresser. Delia  admits that she knows not. Andrea explains that she did it so her fortune would be saved for her son. She was going to be the mother of a beautiful son who she would raise as her prince and spoil. They took him away from her. Now all she wants is for Andrea is to suffer like she is suffering. She hopes  that she loses the baby and that it rots in her womb. Delia looks horrified. 

7. Adrián tells a tearful Natalia that it is all going to be okay.  Adrián tries to take her in his arms again but she pushes his hands away. She wants to be left alone. Adrián starts in with how they are treating HIS daughter and how the baby is also HIS grandchild. He is dying from the anguish just like her. She understands that and says they will calm down and have faith that everything will turn out well. Andrián grabs her hands and starts talking about how they are stronger together and how no matter what, Andrea will need them more than ever. Natalia pulls her hands away and asks him to call Omar again.  He does.

8. Connie asks Delia to come closer. She has a something to tell her. She never wanted a baby with Tavo. She prayed to God to prevent any little worm of a baby,  from that disgusting mediocre man, from attaching itself to her womb. God heard her. Babies have to be beautiful. Delia thinks that all babies are. Connie becomes agitated as she disagrees wondering what a little monster from Tavo's genes would look like. It would be like giving birth to a rat.  On the other hand,  Andrea's baby was going to be gorgeous.   It is in her and Omar's genes. The baby was going to be hers, her son. She finishes the wine and throws the wine glass across the room startling Delia. Connie continues saying that she is now resigned that she will not have a son to keep her company.  She is all alone. Delia reaches out to console Connie but  she bats her hand away screaming  at her to clean up the mess. 

9. Tere comes in surprised to see GrannyMagos in the living  room. Granny Magos says she is going out walking with Olga. Smiling she explains that Olga came up with that idea so they could be friends. Imagine that! Tere  is not convinced but since they are all living in the same house, maybe it would be a good idea to get along better with Olga.  GrannyMagos is no fool and tells Tere how Olga treated Natalia who made all of this food for her and how Olga threw it on the floor.  A smiling GrannyMagos is planning on paying  Olga back for everything she has done. Tere has to admit that it would do her well to see Olga get a taste of her own medicine. GrannyMagos is planning on Olga getting so fed up with being there, she will run screaming from the house. Tere laughs out loud. Olga comes bouncing down the stairs holding her wound and asking if Granny Magos is ready. Yes, she is! First, GrannyMagos makes Olga pull her out of her chair which takes some effort with GrannyMagos resisting all the way. Olga tells her she has to be careful, too, with her wound healing. Olga suggests going to the park. GrannyMagos has decided she wants to go to  the market! She asks if they needs anything. Tere says no as GrannyMagos starts to remember what Natalia needs from the market: five kilos of potatoes,  three of tomatoes, two of onions and four of squash. Tere adds that they also need a really big fat watermelon for breakfast. GrannyMagos with a smile says that will be no problem and asks Olga if she agrees. Olga puts on a smile and says she  wants to cooperate. As they leave, GrannyMagos "winces" from "her" surgical wound.

12.Omar asks Chente if he has ever  thought of installing a computerized inventory tracking system. Chente sounds interested and then 2XJosé appears. Chente wants to hear about the entrance exam. 2XJosé tells him that the exam results will be out in a couple of days but he is not confident that he passed. 

13. Regina comes home and JuanGa in the kitchen  has  good news for her and bad news. He asks  what she wants first. She chooses the good.  The good news is that her mother gave him a job. The bad news is that her mother went running off to the hospital because her sister is ill. Regina is aggravated saying that he should have told her that first. He reminds her that she chose the good news first. She tells him to grow up and leaves.

14. Natalia talks to Chente on the phone. He wants to come to the hospital. She tells him that isn't necessarily the wise thing to do. Adrián is all upset and she doesn't want them to have a fight. Chente starts  saying if Adrián didn't go pushing his buttons .  . . Natalia makes it clear that the important thing now is her daughter and she will call him as soon as she has some news. Chente asks if Omar shouldn't be notified. She says they have tries but his phone is turned off. Chente informs her that Omar has been there with him. He will give Omar the news and send him over to the hospital in a taxi. 

15. GrannyMagos has Olga going from stall to stall with her at the market and Olga already has quite a few bags. GrannyMagos keeps adding two kilos of this and two kilos of that until Olga says she cannot carry anymore.  GrannyMagos checks the weight of the bags and decides that Olga can still carry more. She assures Olga the she would help her if she could but she can't with her condition as it is. It would be dangerous and could cause adhesions. She hangs the bags on Olga's arms strategically as she continues her purchases and  Olga tries to look pleasant. 

16. Regina meets up with her mother in the waiting room. Natalia says they have no news. Adrián insists that Andrea is going to be fine. Omar comes running in telling Natalia he wants to see Andrea. He needs to know that she didn't lose the baby. Natalia has to tell him that they do not know anything yet. Finally,  a doctor coms out saying that Andrea has been stabilized and that the baby is out of danger. Adrián tries to hug both Natalia and Regina but they manage to extricate  themselves. 

17. Finally,  GrannyMagos and Olga make it home and Olga helps Granny Magos get back in her bed. GrannyMagos' feet hurt after so much walking. Olga take off her shoes for her. GrannyMagos mentions how LUCÍA was one of those people who was really good at giving massages. Not to be bested by a dead woman, Olga says she has never felt her hands. Olga offers to massage her legs with her magic hands. GrannyMagos tells her where the cream is and just keeps smiling. Olga tells her to relax as she starts teh massage. 

18. The doctor explains that Andrea almost had a miscarriage and her condition is serious. She emphasizes that Andrea needs a peaceful environment and to avoid any stress so her pregnancy goes full term. Omar wants to go see her but the doctor says that she she been asking for her mother. Natalia is surprised. The doctor says Andrea sounded like she is eight years old asking for her. Omar agrees that Natalia goes first. 

19. Samia is asking Pati at the club what she can do so her Chuchú forgives her. Pati tells her that it is easy. All she needs to do is to help him so he can be happy with  Natalia's daughter. She goes on that they do not need money. All Omar needs is the  understanding and support of his mother. She needs to accept the woman that he loves and not to oppose them getting  married. Suddenly it all makes sense to Samia.  She will plan the wedding and choose Andrea's dress so nobody notices she is pregnant and she can approach the altar like a virgin!  It will all have to be hidden from Elías until the last second. Samia is happy again!

20. Natalia goes to visit Andrea in her room.  Andrea is in tears apologizing for not being the good daughter she should have been and retying her like she did for all that time. Natalia tries to get her to calm down for her own good and for that the of the baby. Andrea confesses that today she realized that she loves her baby like she has never loved anyone before. She now sees her mother in a whole new light and how she always tries to do marvelous things for them. She was so afraid she would lose her baby and never see its dear little face and it would never get to know her,  its father, Natalia . . . Natalia says they can thank God that things turned out like they did and she is not planning on moving from her side. Andrea feels so bad that she had once planned to get rid of it. Andrea now cannot wait until her baby is there to hold it in her arms, sing to it, etc.

21. Adrián  asks Regina for a hug. She lets him hug her as he says if anything ever happened to her  or her sister, he would die.  She hears that and breaks away. He asks how the entrance exam went. She says it went well for her but 2XJosé wasn't sure  about his performance. Adrián offers to talk to the school principal so he can have another chance. Regina says no. If he doesn't pass, they will both enroll in the public prep school because she promised him that they would do their prep studies together. Adrián is not sure that would be the best decision for her but he has to respect it. He tells her how much he loves her just as he loves her sister and mother. They are the most valuable thing for him. She wishes she could believe that.  He asks if she still doubts him. She nods. He asks why things have always been  harder with her,  her whole life. Regina informs him  that he disappointed her once and she isn't going there again.  He says he is not going to ask her to believe in him but he she will see how he has changed though his actions and his wish to be a better person.

22. Natalia explains that Andrea is feeling the love of a mother. Andrea wants to talk care of and protect her baby always. Natalia explains that the child will change her life because it will become her priority.  Andrea asks if that is how she felt about her when she was in her womb. Natalia says yes, that is how she felt and that is how she still feels every single day about her and her sister. Andrea asks if she thinks she can be a good mother like her. Natalia answers: of course and she will be there to help her along the way. They hug.

23. Adrián asks what happened to Omar. Regina has no idea. Adrián has brought Regina some hot chocolate. Adrián thinks  that Omar should feel responsible. He was arguing with Andrea and then she started feeling poorly. Reina reminds him that he had just found out that Andrea was going to sell his baby. Adrián tries to make light of it saying the Connie knew how to manipulate Andrea.  He then asks Regina not to fight with Andrea since she heard what the doctor said. Regina nods. He goes on about how happy Andrea is living in the house that he  bought for them. She is all alone now since Omar decided to go live at the . . . boarding house.  Regina says Andrea would never live there even if she were crazy. Regina is willing to come and live at the house to be with Andrea  but Adrián thinks it would even be better if she could get her mother to come to live there. Regina is not too sure about that.  He says that her mother will not listen to him but would listen to her.  He emphasizes how important it is for Andrea to have her family with her. It would be better for her and her little baby. He asks her to promise him she will convince her mother. She ends up promising she will.

24. Andrea is feeling so sorry for ever having accepted her aunt's proposal but it all happened so fas.; Omar went away. She found out she was pregnant. Omar's parents made her believe  that Omar didn't love her. Natalia explains that having a baby is a huge responsibility. She and Omar have decided to be adults and the baby now will be counting on them. Andrea says she gets it now.  When she thought she was losing the baby she started to pray begging God not to punish her in this way. She promised Him that she would be s super mother if he allowed the baby to live.  She promises that she will always fight for her child. Natalia knowingly nods as Andrea sobs on. Natalia tells Andrea that Omar won't give her a castle but he will give her her own home. Andrea smiles. Natalia tells her that Omar is waiting to see her. Andra is not too sure with him having left her alone again and rented a room . . . Natalia  says she thought that Omar asked her to go with him. Andrea says he did but she would rather he come back to live with her at her dad's house.  Natalia could see Omar giving in but she hopes that he remains firm in his decision. Andrea is visibly disappointed  because that is what works best for her. Natalia tells her if she is at  the boarding house, she will be closer to her and she can help care for her better. 

25. Omar overhears Regina and Adrián's conversation and tells him that he will be returning  to his house but he will be taking care of his family's expenses. He now has a job. Adrián makes it clear that his baby is his responsibility but nobody can take care of Andrea like her mother. 

26. Natalia tells Andrea to think of Omar the love of her life who she wants to marry. He is  the father of her child. Her place is with him. Andrea starts moaning about how things would be better at her father's house. Natalia begs her not to make the same mistake again putting money over love.  Natalia says she prays for her and her baby everyday asking that Andrea comes to her senses,  learns from her mistakes and realizes what is really important in life. Andra whines that Omar has nothing and they have all of these expenses coming. Natalia reminds her that he has two hands and can work.  He has an enormous heart and has made the decision to support his family. Maybe he cannot give her a castle but he can give her a home., her OWN home.  Andrea smiles. 

27. Olga brings GrannyMagos some chicken broth for supper. As soon as she takes a spoonful, she tells Olga it is cold. Olga says she said it was too hot before so she threw in an ice cube. GrannyMagos insists that now it is too cold.  At first, Olga says she has to rest, too, but is just happy to wait on Granny Magos.  GrannyMagos asks if she is being so good with her only to gain some points. Olga says yes but that isn't a bad thing because they never did get along before. She wants to make their relationship better.  Olga says that Granny Magos cannot deny that she is enjoying being pampered. Granny Magos tells her that she is going to have to work a lot harder at it because she is not a person who inspires trust.  Suddenly,  Olga's smile returns and she  decides her wound isn't bothering her at all. She will take the broth and heat it up again downstairs. GrannyMagos can only laugh when she is gone saying her name is not Margarita Domínguez if she can't manage to run Olga out of the house. 

28. Regina asks her mother how Andrea and the baby are doing. Natalie says they are doing better but Andrea is going to need a lot of rest. Regina thinks  that they need to be with her and proposes that they all stay at their dad's house where they could watch over her. After seeing Adrián pacing up and down the hall, Natalia asks Regina if her father put her up to this. She explains to Regina that she is not going to fall for it. She will not be manipulated by this situation. Regina finally admits that her father wanted her to try to convince her to come and stay at the house. She feels stupid. Natalia tells Regina that she isn't stupid but she has a big heart. She needs to be careful around her father who is very cunning.  

28. Back at the house, Claudio, with his omni-present flask, tells Olga that for her information, Adrián never called him. On her way to the kitchen to heat up the broth, she tells him if he wants to talk to him, call him  himself. Claudio says for such a sensitive negotiation, Adrián is the one who has  to show he is interested first. She makes it clear she has NOTHING to hide as Chente comes in.  Claudio doesn't miss a beat and tells Chente that last night he saw Olga get into Adrián's car to go who knows where. Chente doesn't look pleased. A cool as a cucumber Olga says it is no big deal because Chente knows it isn't the first time that Adrián has come by to ask her things. She invites Chente  into the kitchen so she can explain while heating up the broth for Granny Magos. On his way into the kitchen, Claudio tells Chente the situation  looked very suspicious to him so that is why he mentioned it. He thanks Claudio and tells him that he is planning on taking care of it from here on. 

29. Olga tells Chente that Adrián was very strange asking her all sort of questions. She had a bad feeling about him. Chente asks what kind of questions did he ask. . She explains that he wants to know how things were going with him and Natalia, if they were arguing about anything  in particular. Chente asks what did she answer. Olga insists she said nothing but Adrián wanted information about everything  on between him and Natalia. He even offered her money. He asks if she took it. She is insulted! Why would she be telling him all this if she were being paid???  She grabs his hand and says she could never do anything that would hurt him. Chente is not too sure about that. He only hopes that she is telling him the truth. She asks if she would risk being thrown out into the street like an old dog for helping Adrián. She needs Chente  and would never do him wrong. Chente says he would like to believe that but when it comes to her, things are never clear. She isn't happy to hear a comment against her. She clarifies that Adrián is desperate to get back with his wife and is capable of doing anything. Chente informs her the next time that Adrián wants to play that game,  send him straight to him and he will respond. Olga agrees to pass his message on. 

31. Ben goes to visit with GrannyMagos in her room.  He helps her with her yarn. She tells him they have to invite his friend Chucho over to the house. He says that Chucho is his best friend in the whole wide world. GrannyMagos wants to meet him. She is going to make them "arroz con leche" ( rice pudding) to celebrate. When Ben hears Olga coming, he hides under the bed. Olga thinks she has the broth at the right temperature now. GrannyMagos tells her it took so long she no longer has the appetite for it. She will come down to get something to eat. Olga says no worries because it is a pleasure to attend to her! As soon as Olga leaves, Granny Magos tells Ben he can come out. She asks him why he is so afraid of that woman Olga. Ben says nothing at first. 

32. Omar finally sees Andrea. Neither he or she want to be separated any more. She makes it clear that she and the baby need him. He promises that he will never be apart from her and the baby. He will treat her like the super queen sees so nothing like that happens to her again. They kiss. He bought little gym shoes for the baby. She is so pleased. She tells him that he shouldn't have spent money on them. He makes it clear it is the first thing he is buying  for their baby. One day,  the baby will find out about how hard they both worked to make a home. They both admit they were so afraid. He also has found out  that her pregnancy is a delicate matter so she needs to be in a calm place. For that reason, he will be moving back in with her at her father's house. Andrea says that will not be happening.She will join him at the boarding house.  Omar is overjoyed. She adds she will also be near her mother. He asks if she is sure. Yes, she is because she found out that all of the money the world couldn't help her bring her baby back if she lost it. Also, money isn't worth a thing if he isn't by her side.  Omar says that he loves her and kisses her and the baby. 

33. GrannyMagos asks Ben why he hid from Olga. She makes it clear that she doesn't like Olga at all. Ben tells her that Olga is not good. He doesn't want her living in the house. GrannyMagos agrees that she doesn't want there there either so she is trying to do what she can to get rid of her. She asks him if he has anything else to tell her.  It is very important that he tell her everything. As he starts, Olga walks in. Chente left her a message. He had to go out for a bit and would see her when he got back. She wants to take Ben downstairs to play. He shakes his head. Granny Magos wants him to stay with her to watch her telenovela. Olga decides she will watch with them, too, and pulls Ben over to sit on her lap. GrannyMagos is aware that Ben is terrified. 

34. Andrea is discharged from the hospital. Adrián is ready to take her home to his house but Andrea informs him and everyone that she is going to live with Omar at the  boarding house. Adrián doesn't understand why she would want to put up the inconveniences of living there. Regina remarks that Andrea will have her and  her mother super close. She asks her father if that isn't what he wanted all along??? Adrián turns around to a smirking Regina.



Best Part of Episode: GrannyMagos finding out something is amiss with Ben and Olga.

Worst Part of Episode: GrannyMagos Allowing Olga to Stay and Watch TV knowing something is wrong between Ben and Olga.

Funniest Part of Episode: GrannyMagos putting Olga through her paces.

Most Boring Part of Episode: any scene with Andrea.

Lingering Questions:

Knowing that Regina will not attended the private prep school without 2XJosé, will Adrián make sure he suddenly passes?

How long until Granny Magos gets the truth from Ben about Olga is discovered?

How long until Andrea’s materialism raises its ugly head again? Everything was all about her until Natalia coaxed her into thinking about Omar’s role in all of this.

Thanks, Jarifa, this was mostly a fun episode that also had some things being exposed. I loved Granny Magos having Olga do her bidding and glad she’s aware that Ben is terrified of Olga. Hope he tells all soon but I think Olga was hurting him with her fingernails.

I don’t really care about Andrea and find her huge turnaround hard to believe. Part of me hopes she loves living in the rooming house but I also see her running back to her precious daddy.

Sami was also fun in this episode. Can’t wait to see her plan the wedding and find a dress for Andrea!

I wish Claudio had mentioned that Olga was out all night with Adrian. Wouldn’t that resolve everything! Guess it will be a while before that happens!



Jarifa, you have outdone yourself once again! Just marvelous.

"Natalia knowingly nods as Andrea sobs on" and "Claudio, with his omni-present flask" were among many favorites.

I loved Dona Magos leading Olga around by the nose, doing her bidding, ladening her down like a pack mule!

Yes, FINALLY, someone tunes into Benja's fear!! And just when he was going to tell Dona Magos...I sadly feel that terrible secret will stay hidden a while longer because as soon as it is uttered Olga will be banished forever, right?

"Not to be bested by a dead woman" had me laughing out loud.

I thought all along Andrea would come around and so she has. I don't care how improbable or unrealistic it is, I'm just happy she has, especially for Natalia's sake. "She was so afraid she would lose her baby and never see its dear little face". I will take this not so minor miracle.

"Adrián tries to hug both Natalia and Regina but they manage to extricate themselves". I can't recall anyone so relentless, so determined. Thwarted for the moment and I am thrilled.

Liz, you make a great point in that Clod never told Chente Olga and Adrian were out all night. I guess he thought their being together was enough to stir the pot.

Connie was frightening as she stewed in her own evil juices.

"She will plan the wedding and choose Andrea's dress so nobody notices she is pregnant and she can approach the altar like a virgin!" So...OK...welcome to crazy town Sami! Now THIS I have to see I say smilingly.

Jarifa, just wonderful. I enjoyed every single word. Thank you!

Judy sending you virtual bouquets of brightly colored gerbera daisies and baby's breath. Wishing you sunshine and warmth...


Great work, Jarifa. I agree with all your points.

This 180 of Andrea's is so hard to believe, so I'm not buying it. I believe that she was creeped out by Constanza (anyone would be) but she had had no qualms about selling her baby to her.

As for Constanza, did anyone else think that she took The Pill to not get pregnant by Tavo? I don't think we have any evidence that he was ever tested.

I was worried for a while that Regina was going to flip, but she didn't.

It would be so cool if 2xJuan passed that exam.

Jarifa, thank you for this gem of a recap, another enjoyable read. For someone in the doldrums you do good work   :-)

Wow! Constanza is a really bitter, bitter woman. Married to Tavo 20 years? No wonder neither smiles much.

One of the many reasons I love Sammie is that she is so grounded in reality   :-)
I have often heard that actors especially enjoy playing evil characters. How do they feel about playing nut jobs?

As compared to, just say, apropos of nothing in particular, doing schmaltzy mother/daughter(expectant mother) scenes?

UA, "It would be so cool if 2xJuan passed that exam." Agreed, especially as we know that the Director concocted an exam that PepePepe could never pass.

I think we are preempted for fútbol tonight. A snow day in late May, and a chance to get over the doldrums and crankiness   :-)



Andy, thanks for letting me know about the show and the fútbol tonight. I had fallen asleep last night during the show and FFwd through all of the anuncios when I recapped it today. Nothing like a snow day . . . especially when you are teaching!

Liz, it sure wouldn’t surprise me if Olga was digging her claws into Ben. She is despicable.

Diana, I thought you would like my description of Olga “Not to be bested by a dead woman”. I am glad you enjoyed it. ITA that Adrián is absolutely relentless in his pursuit of Natalia and the family. Here is hoping that Andrea and Omar elope!

Urban, You and me both doubting Andrea’s “conversion.” It seemed through most of this she considered Omar the sperm donor she had to put up with, not a future husband with needs of his own.

Andy, Tavo sure has gained more respect from me thinking of him having to deal with that nasty crazy Connie for all those years. As for Samia, ITA that she is based in reality as long as it has something to do with her spending money like on the wedding.

Thanks, Jarifa. Fine job. I'm nodding in agreement with all your commentary.

I'm guessing Andrea will manage to annoy everybody living in the boarding house. Omar, good luck with that.

Whoa, Connie is full of bile. How awful to say she didn't want Tavo's baby because it would be ugly. The poor maid deserves overtime pay for listening to that crap.

You go, Dona Magos. But beware. Olga ain't above arranging an "accident" for you.

Judy, Judy, Judy......I hope that being home is going to speed up your recovery. Please know how much you are loved and missed . besos ,mi amiga.

Regarding the miraculous pregnancy hiding wedding dress , is Samia thinking of a huge hoop skirt Gone with the Wind type of gown?


OT...hello, Judy,overcast and chilly here whee I am today . I am sending out those healing vibes ))))))))))

Susanlynn, the old hoop skirt is a great idea. LOL Samia could be a pain. What bride would want her future mother-in -aw running her wedding. Oh, yeah, she has $$$$.

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