Saturday, May 28, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte#65, 5/27/22: Downtown Versus Uptown Down

 ⦁ Andrea tells everyone as she's ready to leave the hospital that she's going to join Omar.  Yup, she's moving downtown to the barrio boarding house that Omi now is renting from Chole.  Although Papi Adrian tries to find various excuses to make her change her mind and join him back at the new manse, Natalia has responses to counter every single one and the barrio it is.

Adi drives Nata back to his manse for Andi's things; he is still trying to convince her he was right to suggest one night at the manse.  "--Oh, so you can manipulate her like you did Regina to get all three of us living with you again?  --No.  Just drive.  I'm not in the mood to argue with you."  Ok.  He tries flirting with her again.  She responds NEGatively! It's over and get it through your thick head!

Valentina greets them both with gifts and wishes them well.  Wow!  We'll all be rooming besties!  After everybody leaves, Omi shows her where the crib will be.  FF>>FF>>

At the same time, Olga calls Adi while he waits on Nata, to gritch at him for not stopping Claudio from telling Vicente that he saw her go off with him the night before.  Adi says he's an old drunk nobody will pay any attention to him, and all he really wants is some cash to buy him off.  Nata comes down and he signs off pretending she's some client.  She learns, incredibly, that Mario and Adi are now business partners again.  Why can't she believe in him again?

Mario and Fernanda are spooning on the couch at her place.  They have another discussion about social class and his not feeling comfortable seeing Nata "slumming" like she is right now.  He chooses not to; again Fern suggests that's why he's ignoring his true feelings for Tina. Natalia may have handled the barrio life well, but he never was comfortable there.  He wants to get back to the life he had before.  (Viewerville certainly can comprehend. Different strokes for different folks.)   He asks her how she'd feel if overnight she'd lost her job, reputation, and finances, and that all doors would be closed to her?  She doesn't feel comfortable at all thinking about that.  He explains that's exactly what happened to him and he won't let it happen again!  He denies needing or wanting anything from Valentina or anybody in that milieu; He was happy to help Tavo and Chole out when he could.  So, what he really likes about Fern, he finishes, is that she and he are two peas in a pod.  They share a bit more than just sparks after that..

Adi and Nata spar over Mario's intentions and hers, and Adi's till Chente rings the bell; he's there to take her back to the boarding house. First, Chente says, he wants her and Adrian to know that Olga confessed everything to him.  Ruh-Roh!!! Does he have the courage to tell Nata to her face what this is all about?  

Speaking of La Vulga esa, she is once again mentally torturing Benji.  She climbs into bed with him and wakes him up to demand that from now on he will smile at her, act lovingly, and tell everybody what a wonderful person she is.  If not, she will cut his tongue out!    Lovely.....

Adi tries to stall while at the same time, Chente tries tricking him into giving them both what Olga really never divulged.  Nata asks what the two of them were doing together."  He tells a whopper: Vulga was Chente's lover for years; he promised he'd get divorced, but never did; once Lucia kicked the bucket, Vulga was free to marry Chente, and then Natalia arrives and mucks it up.  Of course, hearing all this b.s. he calls it what it is.  

Meanwhile, Kimberly visits Juanga at Chente's to inform him that she got the job at Chole's shop.  Now she's got a decent job and is grateful.  Juanga tells her that he got a job cooking with Nata for the new fonda.  Happy, happy.  Joy, joy!  She opens his dim mind to considering other women who would appreciate him and who'd like to start a family and settle down--like her.  They get close and she breaks "it" off.  He tells her to wait and he'll walk her home.  

Adrian is furious and calls Vulga to tell her what just happened and the whopper he told them.  She says Chente was leading him on, and that she's not that stupid to mention a word about their sleeping together.  They agree that the topic is verboten (as in prohibido) no matter what...Now as to how to get their stories straight.

Outside, Nata tricks Chente into thinking she really believed Adi's tall tale.  Not a chance!  Chente says Olga told him something totally different.  She told him that Adrian paid her bunches of billetes to keep him informed of everything going on in his house with Nata and the two girls, and to cause chaos and bad blood so Nata would go back to him.

Clod shows up at Adrian's manse.  "--I was expecting you.  Feel right at home.  A drink?"  Clod immediately relaxes and then talks bidnez.  His silence carries a price.  He doesn't want cash.  He wants Adi to use his and Elias's influence to get him an ambassadorship in the Caribbean or wherever it might be.  Adi slugs him and throws his drink in his face, and then gives him the bum's rush (ique` apropiado!) out the door.  Don't even think about coming there again!

So, after having a big laugh at Chente's expense. Nata and he decide to go on vacation, barrio style.  FF>>FF>>  Time passes and the backyard tavern gets ready for business while Mario and Adrian set up their classy new auto parts showroom and warehouse.  

Time has passed and the results of the prep school entrance exams are posted.  Regi is accepted but Jose Jose isn't even listed as not admitted.  They question the officials.  The lady administrator and the head of the school advise his was kept back because it was a special exam needing a 95% or better.  She looks and shocks the old fart head of the school with the resultant 98% J2P2 got.  He cannot turn the kid away or refuse admittance so he accuses him of cheating.  They take him back to give him an oral exam of the same questions.

Meanwhile, Teresa and Nata have been called by Constanza's worried maid.  Connie has locked herself in her room and is refusing to eat.  Nata goes up to speak with her.  Connie confesses all but is bitter that Andi tricked her.  Nata reminds Conz that the baby isn't her but is Nata's grandkid and Andi and Omi's child.  Nata says she's there to protect her from manipulative people like her, sister or not!

Back at the beauty shop, the gossip is all about the new tavern in Chente's backyard.  Kim notes that Chole's not doing well.  Chole tells her she's been dizzy and nauseous.  Earth to Chole!  Kim says seems she is preggers!  If so, Chole wants to tell Gustavo on her own time and choosing.

Connie suggests that Nata is the last person in the world to be handing out morality points, considering she's a married woman living in sin with a barrio joe sixpack!  (Can't fault Connie that one...)  On the other hand, Connie knew how to win the kid over and convince her to "sell" her kid.  What kind of a mother would Constanza be for that child with an attitude like that?  (Good point....)  Well, Connie offered her the best medical assistance, and a clean and healthy environment; but Nata couldn't do better than a filthy maid's closet!  (Of course, that was because Conz refused to help any of them at the time, lest we forget, dear Sis?)  They agree to disagree....Nata reminds her that she's sorry Connie couldn't ever have her own children, but that doesn't belie the fact that children are not snatched out of another's arms nor are they purchased!  Conz grinches that Nata never missed the chance to rub her nose in it.  She always was the queen of the May.  So, Connie is now embittered and alone.  Despite what Connie thinks of her, says Nata, it hurts her to see her sister like this.  They agree to disagree.  Connie screams at her to get the hell out, NOW!  

Omar talks business management with Chente and Chente says he has lots of competition in the barrio.  They need to figure out a way to deal with it.  The new computer system should help.

Nata tells Connie to consider insemination.  Connie says she hated Tavo horribly.  Why didn't she divorce him sooner?  She says he hadn't suffered enough, once she discovered....she doesn't continue with any further explanation.  She goes ballistic and screams at the top of her lungs for Nata to get the hell out.. Nata leaves.   


Jardinera, superb as always.

At least Natalia and Chente seem to trust each other despite everything the dastardly duo of Olga and Adrian are throwing at them.

Mario is trying to convince himself that he and Fernanda’s background, social class, etc. deem that they be together. Fernanda, being the very shrewd woman, is not.

Andrea is clearly struggling with her new residence. I realize her place is with her baby’s father, to go whither he go, blah, blah, blah. But to be fair, considering Adrian’s luxurious lair, the rooming house isn’t even a close second. No privacy at all with the other residents none of whom she is close to being steps away. I wish there was another alternative.

“Adi slugs him and throws his drink in his face, and then gives him the bum's rush (ique` apropiado!)” was my favorite scene of the night.

So J2 did more than well on the exam. In fact, extraordinarily well! It should follow he will ace the orals as well. Take that Adrian!

Now Benji will not tell Dona Magos about Olga’s threats. He was sleeping so peacefully with a sweet smile. Someone is going to need to catch her – I hope it’s Chente.

“Connie says she hated Tavo horribly... She says he hadn't suffered enough, once she discovered....she doesn't continue with any further explanation”. Is there more we don’t know?

Judy, hope you are having a good day with your family and are resting comfortably. We miss you so much!

Jardinera, always a pleasure – thank you.


Thanks, Jardinera. Very entertaining. Loved your using “bum’s rush.” I hadn’t heard that one in a while.

So, now Olga is the big bad wolf who bites. I bet the actors had a lot of fun shooting those scenes.

Fernanda is a straight shooter. Too bad Mario is so messed up.

Loved the vacay segment.

Looks like Connie might have a deep dark secret.

Diana, yes! Adrián and Olga are a “dastardly duo.” Too bad they cannot permanently sail into the sunset together. You have more sympathy for Andrea than I. : )


Jardinera, thank you for another fabulous recap with all the details.

Yay, J2 . So great to see a nice guy not finish last but first instead. Haha Adrian , you smarmy, conceited weasel .However , I did cheer Adrian when he hit Clod with harsh reality. Next.

Olga gets worse and worse , so I hope that the writers were creative in fashioning an appropriate anvil for her . Wily coyote????

It seems that Omer has good business sense and will be an asset to Chente. Yay

OT ...Hi, dear Judy. Sending you love, hugs, besos, and good vibrations))))). P.s. We all know that caray is not just about the Spanish . It is also about friendship . We miss your wise, wonderful comments .

Jardinera, thank you very much for this fun recap.

"Olga calls Adi while he waits on Nata, to gritch at him for not stopping Claudio from telling Vicente..."

One of the nice things about watching telenovelas and reading recaps is building vocabulary. Mostly Spanish, but occasionally some English, too!

Quite a bit of "interesting couples" stuff in this episode.

Natalia has the patience of a saint, and Chente is as dumb as a box of rocks. How she hasn't knocked his head against the wall a few times already, I can't imagine.

I still can't get excited about Mario and Fernanda, especially when I see them together. Fernanda seems such a nice and good person, except when she is with Mario. Whatever.
But what of our little chipmunk Valentina?

Kimberly has a thing for Juanga, could he get over Olga? If he does, then Olga is doomed, no redemption for her with Juanga's love and help. It was unlikely anyway; mess with little kids in a telenovela and you get an extra heavy anvil.

The Mexican Tourism Board has a few things to show us.

Chole, nauseated, "todo me da asco". Hmmm, I'm stumped, whatever could this mean?   :-)

So Constanza finally lets it slip that she could not conceive, not Tavo's fault, though she certainly ragged him for years. I'm not sure Natalia picked up on this, but we in the audience have been waiting for this shoe to drop.
In a way I have to feel sorry for Constanza, such a bitter life she has led. Her own fault, but still.

Thanks again, Jardinera!



JudyB, Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy! We are doing OK here, but it would be a lot more fun if you were with us.


Hmmm. I don't think that I have ever heard the word " gritch, " but it made me think of the PA Dutch ( German) word that I heard my MIL say " gretzy" which means cranky\grouchy\irritable . As in " The baby is gretzy and needs a nap."

Thanks, Jardinera, I enjoyed the recap. I expected to see some of the characters in Soltero when the young men were diving off the cliff. I can’t watch that, afraid they’ll end up hitting the cliff.

It hurts me to see Olga with Benja, wish she’d just get caught soon!

Mario and Fernanda do not go together and he comes across as unlikable in those scenes.

I’m hoping Andrea will fit into the neighborhood and make friends. But she won’t give up the luxurious lifestyle easily.

So great that 2xJose did so well on the exam. The director and Adrian deserve to be outdone on that! I’m sure Adrian was going to tell Regina he could get him in after he failed the exam. Then Regina would owe her dad a favor.

I’d have rather seen Teresa smack Claudio and call him a drunk, but maybe now Claudio will set out to catch Olga with Adrian. He needs to bring a camera!


Jardinera: Howdy from the Alamo City! Good Job on the recap of last night's episode.

Andrea is still damn annoying. When are those Karma anvils coming for this uppity brat ?

Steve Boudreaux

Jardinera654, thank you for this recap! I hope that PrincessJuJu is alright....

If Chole definitely IS pregnant, I fear for her, her baby, AND Gustavo once Constanza finds out. Constanza is definitely unhinged- she should have gotten psychiatric help years ago once she found out about her inability to carry a child. Instead, she chose to project that out onto others, emasculating her husband for so many years and loathing and despising her kind-hearted sister. I shudder to think what she may be capable of when she faced with both her and her soon-to-be ex-husband's virility as opposed to her own sterility.

I am consoled somewhat by the fact that Constanza seems to be a secondary antagonist, so I can't see her resorting to murder (like Olga tried to, or Veronica... speaking of which, where IS she????), but still...

Olga's torture of Benjamin warrants her a place in the deepest recesses of hell. The producer seems to enjoy torturing children- does anybody else here remember "Alma Rebelde" from way, way back??? That was the one where the evil Rita (the late Karla Alvarez, who I believe died from complications due to anorexia, did she not?) picked up poor little Angelita from school and then threw her into a crocodile laden swamp.
Good times. :-/

Best wishes from Santa Fe, everyone.



Oh my God, I FOUND it!!!

Let's hope Olga doesn't get THIS bad. Her psychological torture is bad enough!!


Thanks, Jardinera.

Yay! I was hoping 2XJose managed to ace that inflated test.

Oh no, Olga is heating up her torture of Benja. Dona Magos, get busy taking on Vulga.

JudyB, wishing you a wonderful day. I ditto Andy's comment to you above.

Happy Memorial Day, all! Much appreciation to everyone who sacrificed for the nation and to the family and friends who supported them.

Great work, Jardinera.

I knew 2xJose wasn't going to let us down. He's smart, he's motivated, and Adrian deserves to be shown up. I hope this provokes a huge fight between him and the corrupt uni bigwig that the female prof will overhear.

Adrian's repeated attempts to prevent Natalia leaving his house were really getting on my last nerve. I was getting seriously concerned that she would not get out that door. Now, what will happen to that house at the end of the story?

Vulga has only just begun. It's good that Granny Magos is there.


Welcome, Eliete! I don't remember that tn, but I do remember Karla Alvarez and her untimely death from that horrible mental disease that causes women to starve themselves.

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